Entrance to the production building staircase snip. Requirements for metal stairs according to GOST and SNP

According to technical standards and SNiP, stairs must comply with the conditions in which they are installed. On average, building code standards are the same, but may vary by type of construction. As you know, there are stair structures in completely different buildings, in particular, hospitals, restaurants, factories, as well as in shopping centers and similar institutions.

Today there are new rules for portable ladders, which are used mainly in construction and finishing works. According to SNiP, the requirements and habits of behavior must be observed unconditionally so as not to encounter an accident.


  1. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the load weight specified by the manufacturer.
  2. In operation, the legs should be on the same rung and the body should be positioned between the side tops of the ladder. Climbing and descending only need to face the steps.
  3. It is undesirable to use prefabricated structures outdoors in bad weather.
  4. When installing a sliding ladder near an opening door or window opening, you must first take care of your safety.
  5. When working with ladders, you need to use special shoes, as well as climb one step, stepping on the bottom one first, and not several, in order to eliminate a sharp pressure drop on the structure.
  6. Such ladders should be used exclusively by one person, and the same products should not be installed nearby no closer than 1 m.
  7. If the ladder is located at a height of more than 4 m, then in order to prevent slipping and falling, there must be a second person below for insurance.

It is undesirable to stand on the upper edge of the ladder in order to maintain balance.

How to make and properly operate a ladder is described in the article:. Design and arrangement of different types of ladders.

SNiP stairs

There is a certain instruction according to which the equipment of stairs is made, regardless of where the stairs are installed.

For example, in production, in a public building or in an apartment building.

For any design assignment, the instruction is as follows:

  • As coatings for anti-slip, you can use rubber mats, non-slip strips, punching strips along the edges of the steps;
  • Regardless of the stairs, whether metal, glass, wood or concrete, they must be equipped according to all SNiP standards;
  • The stairs should be gentle;
  • If the staircase is installed in a general-purpose residential building, in particular, if children will walk on it, then it is necessary to equip it with a riser;
  • If the ladder is intended for a regular and heavy load, for example, it is installed in a children's camp or a theater, then the height of the steps should not exceed 15 centimeters;

The basic rule for all structures is that they must be motionless.

requirements for stairs

In addition to the rules of use, construction requirements are imposed on stairs, according to which it is necessary to choose a design for a particular structure.

For example by:

  • type;
  • Mind;
  • height;
  • Width.

Occupational safety organizations and similar institutions check ladders for the requirements placed on them. It is worth noting that when designing architectural objects, a lot of attention is paid to stairs, which, basically, should be an integral part of the structure, not only for normal operation, but also for emergencies, and they must be smoke-free, which is required by fire protection standards. security.

They are issued by the executive authority, which regulates urban planning activities. The main articles on SNiP 4-14-84, SNiP 21-01-97, SNiP 31-02-2001, GOST 23120-78, GOST 25772-83, which should be followed, even if you need to fill the ramps.

SNiP conditions for stairs in public buildings

The nuances of manufacturing and rules for using stairs

It is worth noting that the choice of the place where the emergency ladder will be installed depends on the geographical location of the building and the climatic zone. If we are talking about a region with a cold climate, then it is permissible to install stairs outside the room. However, such stairs should not exceed the level of the second floor, and it is strictly forbidden to use them for children's institutions.

When installing a ladder outside, you need to constantly monitor the absence of ice and debris on the steps, which can cause an emergency during an evacuation. This requirement is mandatory, since in a panic a person does not control his actions and, in particular, can stumble, slip and endanger his life in every possible way.

The material for such stairs should be wear-resistant and anti-corrosion metal, in particular, stainless steel or any other durable metal frame, but coated with an anti-corrosion compound.

If the staircase is located indoors, then it can be made of metal and concrete, but always fire resistant.

Characteristics and GOST stairs (video)

It is worth noting the fact that the structures must comply with the norms and standards of GOST when arranging stairs, since this can not only cause injuries and other problems, but also lead to the imposition of serious fines from special authorities that strictly monitor compliance with the requirements.

For the manufacture of critical structures in construction, it is customary to use GOST standards. Metal stairs and railings belong to this type of construction, therefore certain standards are applied in the design and manufacture of these products.

The regulatory documentation and drawings must indicate the requirements for the material used in the manufacture of stairs, for the allowable dimensions and method of placing products in the building plan.

To describe the conditions for the manufacture and installation of metal stairs and railings, GOST was developed:

  • GOST R 53254 - 2009. It accumulates standards for the production and installation of metal fire escapes and railings for these products at industrial and civil construction facilities;
  • GOST 23120-78. Reflects the standards for the production of steel stairs;
  • GOST 25772 83. Provides standards and design characteristics for railings used in the construction of flights of stairs and for organizing safety barriers on roofs and balconies;
  • GOST 26887-86. The regulatory document allows you to determine the characteristics of attached metal stairs, platforms, stationary vertical products. In addition, it describes standards for portable ladders made of aluminum used in construction work.

Norms GOST 23120 78

This regulatory document provides for the arrangement of platforms, fences and metal stairs. GOST 23120 78 is mandatory when installing products at outdoor temperatures up to -65 С o.

In construction, when installing these elements, the following rules are used:

  • elements of products must provide resistance to loads within 200-400 s;
  • the angle of the flight of stairs to the opposite wall varies between 45-60 degrees;
  • the width of the steps varies from 500 to 900 mm with a slope of 45 degrees;
  • the width of the steps, with a slope of 60 degrees, should be from 500 to 700 mm;
  • the maximum march height varies from 4.2 m for a slope of 45 degrees and up to 6.0 m for a slope of 60 degrees;
  • the height of the fence varies from 1000 to 1200 mm;
  • structural elements manufactured in the workshop are processed in such a way as not to cause injury to persons using this product;
  • to prevent slipping of the human foot on the surface of the steps, their inclination should not exceed one degree.
The angles of inclination of the flight stairs.

Norms GOST R 53254–2009

This standard regulates the production and placement of metal stairs in places of installation for organizing evacuation and emergency descents in industrial and civil buildings, as well as for arranging portable structures.

In the manufacture of metal stairs Gosstandart provides for the following requirements:

  • tread depth should not exceed 250 mm;
  • the width of each step must be at least 900 mm;
  • fence height - not less than 1200 mm;
  • if the height of the flight of stairs exceeds 20 m, it is required to use only marching products;
  • with a lifting height of less than 20 m, it is possible to use vertical products;
  • if two flights of stairs are located in close proximity, an opening of 750 mm must be observed between them;
  • fire escapes must be protected with anti-corrosion paints or varnishes.

Step sizes.

GOST for vertical metal stairs prescribes the following standards:

  • to ensure safety, the lower flight of a stationary staircase must be retractable;
  • in the places of installation of embedded parts for the installation of a vertical ladder there should be no cracks and chips that violate the integrity of the surface;
  • fastening fire escapes must ensure the safe descent of an adult;
  • each stage must withstand a vertical load of 180 kgf applied to the central point of the structural element;
  • the degree of load for the fencing of the structure must be 54 kgf or more;
  • the vertical distance between the extreme points of the steps is limited to 350 mm;
  • indent from the supporting surface to the edge of the structure - from 300 mm;
  • the distance from the lowest point of the extreme step to the ground is limited to 1500 mm;
  • the size of the steps in width is allowed from 600 mm for structures without a fence, and not less than 800 mm for products with a fence;
  • maintenance of stationary stairs according to building codes is carried out at least once every 5 years.

Dimensions of vertical stairs.

Norms GOST 26887-86

Requirements for metal stairs of inclined and vertical type are established by this standard. The standard takes into account the manufacture and use of various types of aluminum ladders.

The state standard contains the following rules for the production and installation of stairs:

  • the width of the flight of stairs is set from 0.9 m;
  • for one flight of stairs, the maximum number of steps is set - 18 pieces;
  • the minimum step height is up to 160 mm, and the maximum one does not exceed 200 mm;
  • the depth of the step (tread) for a vertical staircase should be 0.3 m;
  • the tread depth for a spiral flight of stairs varies from 100 mm at the point of internal attachment, to 400 mm at the extreme point against the wall;
  • with a flight of stairs more than 110 cm wide, it is necessary to provide for the installation of double-sided fences;
  • the height of the fence for indoor spaces varies from 90 cm to 120 cm, with a handrail device with a width of 55-85 mm;
  • if the ladder is installed in residential buildings where small children live, the fence is equipped with an additional handrail at a height of 450 mm;
  • the gap between the vertical posts of the fence is allowed within 150 mm;
  • when designing a flight of stairs in production, it should be taken into account that the fence must hold a resistance of more than 100 kg per rm.

Handrail height.

Requirements for fences in accordance with GOST 25772 83

This standard establishes standards for the arrangement of stair railings for marches equipped with more than three steps. It applies to balcony stairs and roof railings.

When installing iron fences of this type, the following rules should be followed:

  • The resistance of the fence to loads must be at least 40 kgf with the application of efforts in any direction;
  • The deflection of the rolled metal used under the specified load should not exceed 50 mm;
  • The outer supports of the product are treated with special compounds that exclude the possibility of slipping;
  • When organizing paired staircase railings, the span between the right and left bowstrings should not be less than 400 mm and more than 800 mm;
  • Misdemeanor is recommended to be performed within 300-340 mm;
  • The span from the site from which the ascent is carried out to the extreme step is provided for up to 0.4 m;
  • When organizing vertical stairs with a height of more than 5 m, it is necessary to arrange a semicircular rear fence or provide for fastening a cable to attach a safety belt;
  • The distance between the arcs of the semicircular fence is possible up to 800 mm. To strengthen this design, the use of three vertical ties is required. The distance from the extreme point of the arc to the inner surface of the march varies from 700 to 800 mm;
  • Maintenance of steel fences is carried out once a year. When tested under load, the rigidity of the structure must be 20% higher than the standard.

Variants of execution of a surface of steps.

Compliance of fences and stairs with SNIP and GOST allows you to achieve a safe infrastructure in residential and industrial premises.

In order for the ladder structure to be safe and easy to use, it is necessary, when designing it, to adhere to the requirements of regulatory documents. Calculations are made according to SNiP - stairs in residential buildings, steps and railings must have the appropriate dimensions. It is necessary to take into account all the factors affecting the ladder structure, its functionality, as well as reliability. An important point is its appearance, the definition of style and constructive load. In addition, it is worth considering the age of the people who will live in the house and pay attention to the safety of the movement of children.

Primary requirements

Planning a ladder structure begins at the design and documentation stage. To do this, determine its location, the height of the room, the available area, the maximum loads, then select possible designs and materials, then make the necessary calculations. All this is done before the start of work on the construction of the house - on the drawings and in explanatory notes, called technical documentation. Installation of structures, including staircases, is carried out only after the final approval of the project by the customer.

Stair calculations should be made in such a way as to exclude the possibility of:

  • destruction and damage that may lead to the termination of operation;
  • the appearance of cracks and deformations affecting safety;
  • non-compliance with the standard dimensions of structural elements.

According to the requirements of the relevant SNiP, stairs in residential buildings located between floors of two-level apartments cannot have a march width of less than 0.9 meters, and a slope of less than 1: 1.25. The same standards are provided for basement and basement floors. Marches installed on the stairwells of sectional buildings have slightly different parameters. Their width should be at least 1.05 meters, and the slope should not exceed 1:1.5 for two-story buildings or 1:1.75 for three- or more-story buildings. The SNiP states that the minimum width of the march of the corridor stairs should be 1.2 meters or more with a slope of 1: 1.75. It is worth noting that the width of the march is the distance between the railing, or the enclosing structure and the wall.

The norms also establish that when there is a difference in the levels of the base of the floor, the staircase can have at least three steps, and the interfloor march, with the exception of spiral staircases, can have no more than 18 lifts. With a larger number of treads, it is necessary to install intermediate platforms.

A very important indicator, which is also determined by regulatory documents, is the minimum height from the step to the ceiling. It should be at least 1.90-2.00 meters. A shorter distance will cause inconvenience when moving people who are taller than average.

Dimensions of steps and features of fences

The requirements for stairs are set out in two main documents:

  • SNiP 2.08.01-89* "Residential buildings";
  • SNiP 2.08.02-89* "Public buildings and structures".

The regulations stipulate that the dimensions of the steps within the same march should not differ from each other. This is a necessary requirement for the safety of the movement of people. Going down or going up, a person involuntarily puts his foot at the distance that preceded his next step. Therefore, with a different height or width of the step, he can stumble and get injured.

Designers consider the most optimal riser height for interior stairs to be 150 mm with a tread width of -300 mm. According to the norms, it is allowed to increase the riser up to 200 mm, but you cannot make it lower than 120 mm. The width of the treads can be reduced to 250 mm, although for attic and basement stairs it is allowed to make a step depth of 200 mm. Wedge-shaped, or running, treads on the narrow side must have a width of at least 100 mm, and in the middle - at least 250 mm. All these dimensions are provided in the current regulatory documentation.


In order to properly design a staircase, it is necessary not only to choose its location correctly, but also to know what are the standards for designing stairs. Building codes and standards, the basics of designing and manufacturing stairs are set out in the 2nd part of the special set of technical regulations "Building Codes and Rules" (the part devoted to the design of stairs in SNiP). They are designed to prevent fundamental errors in the design of spiral staircases, the design of mid-flight stairs, the design of stairs made of wood, the design of stairs made of other materials, which can lead to unsafe operation, violation of fire and sanitary and hygienic conditions for a person to stay in them and to violation of the rules for evacuating people in case of fire and other natural disasters.

If you decide to build a staircase in your house yourself, you cannot do without knowing the rules for designing stairs.

The following are the main standards for the design of stairs, and the rules that should be observed in the construction and design of stairs, the requirements for stairs, as well as for the design of mid-flight stairs, the design of spiral staircases and other structures:

  • In buildings with more than two floors, the main stairs connecting the floors must have one common span.
  • The use of transformable stairs as the main connecting floors is not allowed. They are used only for access to the attic or basement.
  • The useful width of the march of the main interfloor staircase for the passage of one person according to the standards for designing stairs should be at least 0.8 m, for the simultaneous passage of two people - at least 1.0 m and in any case not less than the width of the emergency exit (i.e. doors , through which the entrance to the stairs is provided). The useful width of the march of the turning staircase and the stairs connecting more than two floors (when designing stairs according to SNiP) should be designed for the simultaneous passage of at least two people, i.e., be at least 1.0 m. A smaller march width of such stairs is not recommended from -for the fact that people who are going to enter the turning stairs can do it at the same time at its opposite ends. At the same time, if they do not see each other, it will be difficult for them to miss each other when they meet. The transfer of bulky things on turning stairs with a march width of less than 1.0 m is very problematic. The useful width of the flight of stairs, on which special lifts for the disabled are provided, must be at least 1.5 m. This value is also regulated by the standards for designing stairs.
  • The width of the flights of two-flight and multi-flight stairs should be the same along the entire length of the stairs when designing stairs according to SNiP.
  • Between flights of stairs located in the opposite direction to each other, according to the standards for designing stairs, there must be a gap of at least 50 mm.
  • The march must have at least 3 and no more than 18 steps; the number of steps in the march, according to the standards for designing stairs according to SNiP, it is desirable to provide an odd number, since it is more convenient for a person to start and finish moving up the stairs with the same foot - right or left.
  • The slope of the stairs should be no more than 1:1 (lift angle 45 °) and not less than 1:2 (lift angle 26 ° 40 "). The limit slopes for stairs intended for walking are 1: 0.85 ( 50 °), and along the bottom 1: 2.75 (20 °). To climb a slope over 1: 0.85, ladders are used, and for climbing a slope less than 5 - ramps, i.e. paths with a flat surface 12 .The recommended slope of stairs is within 1:2 1:1.75 (26°7"30°).
  • The height of the steps within one march should not differ by more than 5 mm, which ensures a uniform slope throughout the march, and should be no more than 200 and no less than 120 mm. The width of the steps of the main stairs according to the requirements for stairs must be at least 250 mm. For stairs leading to non-residential premises, the height and width of the steps should be 200 mm.

Rice. 12. Chart of elevation angles

  • With a step width of up to 260 mm, the value of its protrusion (Fig. 9, value C) should not exceed 30 mm.
  • Winder (wedge-shaped) steps on the inner border of the useful width, according to the standards for designing stairs, must have a tread width of at least 100 mm, and on the middle line of the march - at least 260 mm.
  • The radius of curvature of the middle line of the march with winders when designing march stairs must be at least 30 cm.
  • The useful width of landings must be no less than the useful width of the marches adjacent to it. The length of the landings located between the marches must be at least 2 times the length of the average step of an adult, i.e. not less than 1.3-1.4 m. The length of the landings at the entrance doors must be at least 1.0 m, including if the door is sliding or opens on the opposite side from the stairs. The length and width of the landings in front of the doors opening towards the stairs, when designing mid-flight stairs, is calculated taking into account the width of the door leaf and the safe position of the person at the door at the time of its opening.
  • The height of the railing (railing) of interfloor stairs should be at least 0.9 m, the clear distance between their uprights should not exceed 0.15 m. For stairs used by children, these values ​​should be 1.5 and 0.1 m, respectively. The height of the fence of external entrance stairs when climbing 3 or more steps must be at least 0.8 m.
  • Lighting requirements for stairs are also regulated. Stairs should be well lit, especially the first and last steps of marches. Window openings located at the level of the flight of stairs in the wall adjacent to it must be fenced.

The listed construction standards (standards for designing stairs according to SNiP) must be observed when designing spiral staircases, designing mid-flight stairs and stairs of any other types from various types of materials.

The topic of our article is the regulatory documents governing the size, location and other characteristics of stairs. We will analyze several GOST and SNiP for types of stairs for various purposes and from different materials. So let's get started.

Regulatory document

The study of regulatory documents will lead us to an interesting conclusion: there are no SNiPs for fire escapes that regulate their placement, dimensions and other characteristics. But there is GOST R 53254-2009, which describes stationary outdoor fire escapes and roof railings.

It is worth clarifying: a significant part of the SNiP clauses is advisory in nature. GOST in the field of production and placement of fire escapes must be strictly observed.

Basic provisions

Let's quickly study the text of the standard and highlight the main points.

  • Fire ladders can be vertical and marching. For marching, the presence of a fence is mandatory; for vertical, it is necessary at a height of more than 6 meters. It is worth mentioning that in old houses the vertical stairs leading to the roof were mounted without a fence at any height.
  • If the height of the building or the difference between the roof sections is more than 20 meters (which corresponds to six floors), only mid-flight stairs are used.

  • Material - metal. No options. Wooden portable ladders were once used in case of a fire, but are now replaced by lightweight, durable and non-flammable aluminum ones. Stationary structures are made only of steel.
  • Steps must withstand a vertical load of at least 180 kgf. Fencing - horizontal load of at least 54 kgf.
  • Scale, rust, cracks and burrs are unacceptable.
  • Strength tests are carried out at least once every five years. Inspection (visual inspection) - at least once a year. The instruction is quite understandable: corrosion and other adverse effects should not make evacuation in case of fire dangerous.
  • The width of a vertical staircase with a railing should not be less than 80 cm, without a railing - 60, march - the same 60 cm.
  • The height of the fire escape railing is 100 cm, the roof is 60 cm.

steel stairs

Regulatory document

SNiP for metal stairs was approved back in 1981 and bears the number II-23-81. To be precise, this is not only SNiP for stairs: the document is called “Steel Structures”; however, a significant part of its points is applicable in our case.

Its general provisions indicate the need for savings through the use of effective profiles of metal structures (a typical example is the use of an I-beam instead of a square beam), unification and standardization of structures through the use of typical structural elements.

Basic provisions

  • The regulatory document regulates the methods of connecting structural elements: manual arc welding and bolts. Actually, there are no other options.
  • The supporting elements of the structures are made of carbon steels or gray cast iron.

Nuance: the use of cast iron is permissible only where there are no shock loads. However, in the construction of stairs, it is practically not used.

  • All steel elements must be protected against corrosion by zinc or paint coating.

In addition, SNiP describes methods for calculating the strength of structures; there you can also find recommendations on the use of steel and cast iron grades in various climatic conditions.

Marches and cages


Are there any SNiP for flights of stairs?

  1. We will find some of the requirements in SNiP 21-01-97, which regulates the fire safety of buildings for various purposes. The document extends part of the points of the same SNiP to stairwells.
  2. In more detail, the production, installation and dismantling of reinforced concrete is described by GOST 9818.

Basic provisions

SNIP 21-01-97

  • The width of the march in public buildings is at least 1.35 meters, in buildings with the number of people on the floor (except, of course, the first) 200 and above - 1.2 m, in the case of stairs leading to a separate workplace - 0.7 m . In all other cases, the minimum march width is 90 centimeters.
  • The maximum slope of the march is 1:1 (45 degrees). The march leading to a single workplace can have a slope of up to 1:2 (60 degrees).
  • The width of the tread should not be less than 25 cm, the height of the step - no more than 22 centimeters.

However: if the staircase leads to a room with no more than 15 workplaces, in case of urgent need, the width of the tread can be reduced to 12 centimeters.

  • Venues should not be already marches. At the same time, the minimum length of the intermediate platform that breaks the straight march is 1 meter.
  • Doors leading to the landing in the open position should not reduce the width of the escape route. Hence the practical consequence: it is illegal and dangerous to fence off a staircase with a wooden or metal partition.
  • Pipelines with combustible gases and liquids on staircases should not be.

Author's Note: This requirement is violated all the time. In many houses (including relatively new buildings), the gas pipeline is connected to apartments through an internal staircase. In the midst of the theft of non-ferrous metals in the 90s, the author happened to observe a partially disassembled plug valve on the gas pipeline in the entrance (fortunately, without fatal consequences for the residents).

  • Only communication cabinets and fire hydrants are allowed on stairwells. There should not be any drawers and cabinets for household purposes.
  • Open laying of electrical cables is prohibited. The exception is low-current devices (lighting is not included in their number).
  • Heating of staircases according to SNiP is allowed if the layout of the staircase prevents it from being smoked. However, there is a contradiction here: at a height of up to 2.2 meters from the floor level, no equipment should protrude beyond the walls. A compromise will be the placement of a radiator or register in a wall niche.

GOST 9818

Most of the text of the standard is devoted to technology, sizes and tolerances in the production of reinforced concrete marches, landings and overhead treads.

Let's highlight the most important.

  • The length of the march is limited to 18 steps.
  • The standard tread width is 30 cm. It varies from 13 to 15 cm.
  • The width of typical marches and platforms is from 1050 to 1500 mm.

It is worth clarifying: when building a house with your own hands, according to fire safety rules, at least one interfloor staircase must have a width of at least 900 mm. It is clear that the price of increasing the dimensions of the stairs is a decrease in the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room; however, safety should still come first.

  • The minimum design load for marches and platforms used in public buildings and industrial facilities is 480 kgf / m2, in residential buildings - 360 kgf / m2.

There is no separate SNiP for the installation of flights of stairs and landings, although the procedure for working with precast concrete structures is covered in SNiP 3.03.01-87. The maximum allowable deviations from the horizon, vertical and specified dimensions are also indicated there.



Are there any SNiP for stair and roof railings?

  1. Requirements for fencing in residential multi-apartment buildings are set out in SNiP 31-01-2003.
  2. Private houses are subject to SNiP 31-02-2001.
  3. For industrial buildings, SNiP 31-03-2001 is relevant.
  4. The norms for the construction of public buildings are described by SNiP 31-05-2003.

Basic provisions

  • In apartment buildings, the height of railings in dangerous places must be equal to or greater than 1200 mm. Both marches and platforms are fenced with railings with handrails. The design of the fences is continuous, designed for a horizontal load of at least 30 kgf/linear meter.
  • In single-apartment residential buildings, the requirements for the strength and design of the railing are the same, but the height may be somewhat less - 0.9 meters.

However: with a ladder height of more than 6 meters, the minimum height of the fence is taken equal to 1000 mm.

  • For industrial buildings, the regulatory document indicates only the minimum height of the roof railings - 0.6 meters. If the roof is surrounded by a parapet, 60 cm is the minimum total height of the parapet and the fence installed on it.
  • The requirements for fencing in public buildings are the same as in single-apartment buildings - 0.9 meters with a design horizontal load of at least 0.3 kN / linear meter. At the same time, on the issue of requirements for the design of fences, the document refers us to GOST 25772, which contains a description of steel enclosing structures for stairs, balconies and roofs.

wooden stairs


There are two SNiPs on. More precisely, two regulatory documents that regulate their construction: the phrase “wooden staircase” does not appear in the names.

  1. SNiP II-25-80 regulates the construction of wooden structures.
  2. Sanitary norms and rules number 2.08.01-89 cover many aspects of the construction of residential buildings in general.

Basic provisions

We offer the reader a compilation of the key points of both documents.

Since the priority area for the construction of wooden stairs is private houses, we will limit ourselves to them.

  • Landings should have natural light.
  • The number of steps in the march is from 3 to 18.
  • Handrails are required. We have already touched on the requirements for fences.
  • For two- and three-story houses, the minimum width of the stairs is 1.05 meters; however, for intra-apartment stairs it is 0.9 m.
  • The slope of the internal staircase should not exceed 1:1.25 (which corresponds to an angle of 40 degrees to the horizon).
  • For any wooden structures, the use of coniferous wood is recommended; however, hard hardwoods should be used for dowels, steps and other items subjected to severe stress.

  • Wood should not have knots and slant. Humidity - no more than 12 percent. For rocks that are not resistant to decay, treatment with an antiseptic is mandatory.

Useful: a relatively inexpensive larch does not rot even in a humid environment in the absence of antiseptic or paint protection. However, its wood is very resinous (in fact, therefore it does not rot) and gives very painful splinters.

Requirements for people with reduced mobility

Regulatory document

SNiP 35-01-2001 for stairs and ramps sets out the requirements for their design in terms of accessibility for the disabled and the elderly.

The goals pursued by the norms introduced in it are:

  1. Make buildings accessible to people with reduced mobility.
  2. Make travel and evacuation safe.

Basic provisions

  • The width of stairs and ramps for sedentary people should not be less than 1.35 meters. With a width of 2.5 meters or more, additional separation rails are required.
  • All steps within the same march are made of the same geometry and dimensions.
  • The maximum step height is 15 centimeters. The minimum width of the tread is 30 cm.
  • Step edges should be rounded. The side of the tread farthest from the wall is supplied with a two-centimeter rim.
  • The maximum height of the ramp is 0.8 meters, the maximum slope is 8 degrees.

Clarification: at a height of less than 0.2 meters, a slope of up to 10 degrees is acceptable.

  • The minimum width of the ramp for one-way traffic is 1 meter.
  • Handrails are required on both sides of the stairs or ramp. For the ramp, they are made double, at a height of 0.7 and 0.9 meters (for wheelchair users and for pedestrians).

In the photo - a ramp with a double handrail.
  • Along the edge of the ramp, a side is made with a height of at least 5 centimeters.


Within the framework of the article, we have outlined only the main points of the listed regulatory documents. In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Successes in construction!