Home keeper of the hearth. Brownie is a kind spirit, the keeper of the hearth

 21.12.2010 19:37

Brownie is a kind Spirit, the keeper of the hearth. One of the ancestors, founders of this Clan or House.
Scientists call the Brownie the Energy Substance of a house or apartment.
There is a brownie wherever people live. He looks after the household and order in the house.
They portrayed the Brownie in the form of an Elder, wise by Experience. The figurines were made of wood, clay, and most often with a bowl in hand for Treba. The maximum size is an arshin in height. And the minimum is two inches.

They called the brownie in different ways: Dedushko, Boss or Khozyayushko, Neighbor (because he lives next door to people), Shishok (which means short). Yegor Kuzmich or simply Kuzmich - this is if the Domovoy pampers, loves to play, play pranks, "podkuzmit". Nafanik, from the word Nav. The brownie living in the house from generation to generation was called by name. Which we already knew, tk. communicated with him for several centuries.
He really did not like the Brownie when they called him the Devil, i.e. those who are beyond the line of perception.
Christian Priests (Ashes of the Betrayed Fathers) do not like Brownies very much. They go to houses and apartments and chase the Brownies with holy water, intimidating people, explaining to them that these are Demons.
Our ancestors were friends with the Brownies, took care of each other. There was mutual assistance and mutual support.
Such relations with the Brownie were normal even before the middle of the 20th century.

The Master's corner was the corner of the Brownie and the Master of the House, a bowl was put there for treating the Brownie.

A broom in the house was placed at the doorstep and so that it was convenient for the Domovoy to take hold of it (after all, he is small in stature) in order to sweep the evil spirits out of the house.
The brownie does not eat the food that is put in the bowl, like a person does. He takes from the products the Energy that he needs, because when caring for a house, it wastes energy.
The highest energy foods were milk, cream, sour cream. Butter. This is what the Brownie was treated to. For pancakes and pancakes, another bowl was placed. However, you can treat the Brownie to everything that you eat yourself.

The aromas of the food stewed in it attract him. Previously, curtains were hung on this place so as not to disturb the Brownie.
In apartments, Domovoy also likes to live in the kitchen, in a wardrobe or under the bed of a “pet”.
Previously, the bedspread was made up to the floor or a valance was hung up, so as not to disturb the Brownie.
We made sure that the Brownie did not flirt. Since he loves children, he can choose one and at night he confuses his hair (tries to braid his pigtails).
If the brownie falls in love with the girl, he will not let her get married. What did they do then? They sewed or knitted a hat, sweater, socks for the house. They made furniture. And in response to the care and guardianship, the satisfied Brownie made the wedding joyful. As the saying goes: "Debt payment is red."
The brownie loves to sit on the doorstep, so it's better not to stand in the doorway.
If the Brownie is brought to a "white heat", then he turns, as they say now, into a Barabashka or a Poltergeist. Because in response to care, he taught disrespect. The Brownie can also behave when there are scandals, fights, booze in the house. Since this is all unnatural, and the Brownie is a natural creature and is used to living in natural conditions. You cannot treat the Brownie to alcohol !!!
"The life of a Man is considered to be Years, and the life of a Brownie is considered to be Ages."
If you do not see something around you, this does not mean at all that it does not exist.
Our attitude to the Brownie is our attitude to the World around us.
"Wish others what you wish for yourself."
"Love your neighbor if he is worthy."

A source:
Based on the materials of the Lessons of the Asgardian Theological School of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers of the Inglings. Lecturer Pater Diy.

In the Slavic lower mythology, the spirit living in the house. In ancient times, among the Eastern Slavs, the brownie acted as the keeper of the hearth, family and was associated with the cult of ancestors. Legends and beliefs about the brownie have survived to this day in Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian villages. Western and southern Slavs also have an idea of ​​this creature. It is believed that a brownie lives in every house - the patron saint of the house, the invisible helper of the family, therefore he is respectfully called the owner, grandfather, neighbor. He likes to settle in secluded places - under the threshold or under the stove, in the attic or in the closet, in the chimney or in the corner behind the chest.

He helps hardworking owners, takes care of them tirelessly and takes care of them. The brownie notices every little thing, likes everything to be in order and ready; he is pleased with the offspring of domestic animals and birds; he does not tolerate unnecessary expenses and is angry because of them - in a word, the brownie is inclined to order, thrifty and prudent. If he likes housing, then he serves this family faithfully. But he hurts and interferes with the lazy and negligent, does them various dirty tricks: he scatters things, tears clothes or gets dirty, or even completely interferes with sleep at night, strangles people in their sleep and torments them. However, it is not difficult to make peace with an angry brownie: you just have to put things in order in the house and talk to him kindly - he is very much a great lover of kind words.

If the owners love their "neighbor", if they live in harmony with him, then they will never want to part with him. Earlier, when moving to a new home, people performed a certain ritual with the aim that the brownie would move with them and continue to help in a new place. The brownie was “carried” in a pot of coals, in a sack, lured with a pot of porridge, etc. For example, they would scrape under the threshold, collect garbage in a scoop - and sprinkle it in a new hut, not forgetting to say with all possible respect: “Grandpa brownie, come out home. Come live with us! " A rare person can boast that he has seen a brownie. It is much easier to hear the brownie: at night he knocks, rustles, creaks and commits various leprosy. The brownie can predict various events, both pleasant and unpleasant, give appropriate signs: his crying and muffled restrained moans seem to warn of danger, and his gentle and gentle voice, like a breeze quietly rustling with leaves, promises peace and joy. Sometimes at night he strokes the sleeping people with his soft paw, and then it is clear that this is for good.

This is what a Slavic brownie is - undoubtedly a kind spirit, a caring keeper of the hearth, an invisible helper and a cheerful mischievous person.

Do you believe in brownie? Perhaps things were missing in your apartment? Do you have someone “cleaning” your kitchen at night while making a lot of noise? Some are skeptical of such phenomena, but others may believe that a reel lives in their house. But does the brownie have a place to be, or is it just superstitions that came to us from the Slavs? To answer this question, first of all, you need to understand where such a concept as a brownie came from.

Legends about the brownie

There are a lot of legends in the world that tell us where the brownie came to our house from. The basis for all these stories and legends is the same. A long time ago, when God cast the devil and all his servants into hell, some, so to speak, who repented of their atrocities decided to stay on earth, in the form of all evil spirits. Others, who sacredly believed in God's forgiveness and sincerely repented, turned into good beings who settled in people's homes and began to protect them and the dwelling itself.
The ancient Slavs personified a bastard with a kind spirit and guardian of the family. Nevertheless, if this creature is pissed off, he can do a bunch of different dirty tricks. It was believed that the health of not only members of the whole family, but also all livestock would depend on the attitude of the brownie to the owner of the house. Therefore, in order to appease this creature, it was necessary to adhere to certain rituals.
According to legends, the brownie loves to live behind the stove, and in order for the brownie not to get offended and not leave the house, small rubbish was thrown behind the stove. Another place where the brownie liked to be was the pantry in the attic.

What does a brownie look like?

Today there are many different options for describing the appearance of a brownie. It can be a small old man with the face of the head of the house or, on the contrary, a large ball of wool. There is a sign among the people, they say, if at night, something heavy sits on the chest, then mentally it is necessary to ask: "For better or for better?". If, in response, a person hears laughter, then the brownie announces that great joy will come to the house in the form of unexpected money, or perhaps there will be a wedding soon. But if you can hear the cry of the brownie, then you need to prepare for the fact that trouble will peep into the house. In this way, the brownie warns the owners of what is about to happen.

Butter brownie

So that the good spirit does not get angry with the family, it is customary to put a saucer of milk with cookies and sweets behind the stove, do not forget to throw away small crumbs and be friendly with the keeper. In response, he will protect you from enemies, and if an unexpected and unkind guest suddenly comes to you, he will help in every possible way to drive him out. Well, just in case, it is certainly better to buy a good armored front door, as well as high-quality interior doors. Well, this is just in case, if the brownie suddenly fails.

Everything in this life is relative

Yes, of course, there are a lot of myths, legends, demons and other evil spirits in the mythology of different countries. But let's see this situation realistically? The Slavs who sacredly believed in this creation, most likely, found themselves at least someone who is able to protect their homes and themselves. But we live in the twenty-first century and a good-quality armored door, an intercom and a gas canister serve us as "brownies", in case we return home late. Therefore, you should not blame the "brownie" for the fact that dishes in your house broke or a chimney clogged, perhaps you just need to keep an eye on your home? But with nighttime suffocation, you should be more careful and, just in case, check with a cardiologist every six months. This is just one point of view and there is no point in following it blindly. In any case, take care of yourself and your home.

They say, brownie and still lives in every village hut, but not everyone knows about it. They call him grandfather, master, neighbor, householder, demon-monstrosity, but all this he is - the keeper of the hearth, the invisible helper of the owners. Of course, he can tickle in a dream, and rattle dishes at night, or knock behind the stove, but he does it more out of mischief. But his main business is the inspection of the household. Brownie sees every little thing, tirelessly cares and worries so that everything is in order and ready; help a hard worker, correct his mistake; he is pleased with the offspring of domestic animals and birds; he does not tolerate unnecessary expenses and is angry with them - in short, brownie inclined to work, thrifty and calculating. If he likes housing, then he serves this family, as if he went into bondage to her. For this loyalty, in other places he is called so: he lived home. On the other hand, he willingly helps the lazy and negligent to start the economy, tortures people to the point that he crushes almost to death at night or throws them out of bed.

However, making peace with an angry brownie is not difficult: you just have to put snuff under the stove, to which she is a great hunter, or make any present: a colorful rag, a gobushka of bread ... If the owners of their neighbor love, if they live in harmony with him, then at all they will want to part with it, even moving to a new house: they will scrape under the threshold, collect garbage in a scoop - and sprinkle it in a new hut, not noticing how the “owner” is moving with this garbage to a new place of residence. Just remember to bring him a pot of porridge for housewarming and say with all possible respect: “Grandpa brownie, come out home. Come live with us! "

Whom brownie seriously dislikes, these are drunkards and simple-haired women: according to his old views, every married woman must certainly wear a headscarf. And what a zealous hostess he likes, he worries about that day and night: in a dream he will plait uncountable small braids on her head. It is troublesome for her, go and comb it later, but his joy - embellished his favorite. That is why he is also called a slime.

A rare person can boast that he has seen a brownie. To do this, you need to put on a horse collar on yourself on Easter night, cover yourself with a harrow, teeth on yourself, and sit between the horses all night. If you're lucky, you will see an old man - small, like stumps, all covered with gray hair (even his palms are hairy), gray with antiquity and dust. Sometimes, in order to divert a curious gaze from himself, he will take on the appearance of the owner of the house - well, like a spitting image! Generally brownie loves to wear the master's clothes, but always manages to put them in place as soon as a person needs things.

At times brownie he does not tolerate being spied on that, at his command, the horses begin to beat the harrow with their backs and can beat the immodest and curious to death. It is much easier not to see the brownie, but to hear: his crying and muffled restrained moans, his soft and gentle, and sometimes deaf voice. Sometimes at night, in the form of a gray, smoky cat, he will fall on his chest and press: this is him. Anyone who, waking up, hastens to ask him: "For good or for worse?" - he will answer in a human voice, but quietly, like the wind rustle with leaves. Often he strokes sleepy ones with his soft paw, and then no questions are required - and it is so clear that this is for good. If you hear the crying of a brownie, even in the hut itself, be a dead man. When someone from the household dies, he howls at night, thereby expressing his unfeigned sadness. The death of the owner himself predicts brownie the fact that, sitting down to his work, covers his head with a hat.

Before the plague, fire and war, brownies leave the village and howl in the pastures. If there is a big unexpected disaster, grandfather notifies of its approach, ordering the dogs to dig holes in the yard and howl throughout the village ... If the chimney on the roof starts playing with a damper, there will be a trial because of some case and offense. Wet someone brownie at night - that person will get sick. Pulls a woman by the hair - beware of the wife, do not get into an argument with her husband, or she will beat her. Will thunder brownie in the set of dishes - be careful with the fire, do not drop the spark.

To joy, the neighbor jumps, purrs songs, laughs; sometimes, playing on a comb, he warns of an imminent wedding.

For some reason, chickens enjoy a special location for any brownie. Therefore, on November 1, 14, a chicken name day is arranged in his honor - pies with chicken are baked, and the crusts are thrown into the hearth, donating to its keeper - the brownie.

The Small Academic Dictionary of the Brownie - according to the superstitious ideas of the Slavic and some other peoples: a good or evil spirit living in the house. Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegov Brownie - in Slavic mythology: a fabulous creature that lives in a house, an evil or good spirit of the house. Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia of Domovoy among the Slavic peoples, a domestic spirit, a mythological master and patron of the house, ensuring a normal family life, health of people and animals, fertility. The lexical meaning of the word "brownie" Big Encyclopedic Dictionary Brownie - in the beliefs of the Slavs and other peoples, the spirit living in the house, the guardian of the house, sometimes punishing for violation of customs.

The brownie does not harm the owners if the tenants of the house are to his liking. He takes care of the house, can warn of misfortune by knocking or slamming doors. And in special cases it may even seem to someone from home. The brownie likes real, hardworking owners who love and take care of their home and family. The brownie loves to keep the house tidy and clean, and helps the owners to keep it clean.

Symbolism of amulets Cereals, legumes are a symbol of prosperity, well-fed life, material well-being. Poppy seeds, poppy seeds are a symbol of the fulfillment of desires. The pine cone is a symbol of hard work and success. Medicinal herbs, rose hips are a symbol of good health. Burlap abundance and prosperity. Coin success in business. The donut is a continuous ring, a symbol of a strong family. Nuts and acorns prolong youth. Sunflower - health and wellness.

Our ancestors believed that the house is a fortress, the main defensive line, first of all ... from evil spirits, evil spirits and undead. And it, according to the idea of ​​our ancestors, was simply teeming with nature. It was believed that the vampires sucking blood could deal with the victim only outside the house. Therefore, when building a dwelling, they always performed cleansing rituals and resorted to protective magic.

For example, on the cornices, windows, under the roof, they cut out security signs and tried to cover every hole in the house with some kind of mark against evil spirits. Inside the house, the family and the owner were guarded and supported by the brownie himself. Who is he?

The history of the appearance of a guardian spirit in the house is very old. Maybe she is 5 thousand years old, maybe more. Even in the Stone Age, the hearth was considered the most sacred place in the house. In the Bronze Age in the IV-III millennia BC, the cult of male patrons of the hearth began to spread widely. Perhaps then the image of the guardian spirit of the family and home was born. In the Caucasus, he was represented as a phallic symbol. In the ancient Romans, each member of the family had its own patron - Lara. Laras looked like dolls. They were put in a special box. Wasn't it called the casket?

Our Slavic brownie was closely associated with the power of fire. In the hut, he lived by the stove, could turn into a flickering light or coal.
The brownies were different: those who lived in the house were called houseboys, and those outside were called courtyard spirits. The brownie-housekeeper is the main owner of the estate and the hut. He is a good spirit, although undead. He was honored, fed, pampered with offerings and never swore by the name of a brownie. They called them affectionately: the owner, grandfather, but they often called them allegorically: He, Dobrozhil, Dobrokhot, Sused.


You cannot usually see the brownie, you can only feel his presence. Either he rattles pots out of boredom in the night, shuffles his feet, groans, sobs in the dark, then speaks in a soft, gentle voice or in a deaf, abrupt voice. Provides concise answers to the hosts' questions. The brownie loves warmth, he was also called - "wen" the prankster is not averse to licking tasty things, so they called him also "lizun". God forbid to spy on the brownie if he does not want this: a person will get sick or a horse will hit him with a hoof.

At night, the brownie sometimes gives a sign. Will fall on the sleeping man's chest and let's press. In the morning a person will wake up in anxiety. For better or worse, was that sign?
Few happened to see the owner. They say that he is furry, overgrown with wool. And his paw is warm, furry, affectionate. Kohl strokes a person with it in a dream, no need to guess - a good sign. Some claim that the brownie looks like a little shaggy old man. Able to transform into different animals, black cats, for example. Here I heard some kind of fuss in the entryway, like cats grappling, hissing, screaming, brawling. You know, it was your master who started a fight with someone else's lizun.

Do not go to my domain, - Says the adversary, there is nothing to do here alien undead.
The brownie is firmly tied to his hut. Even if it is dilapidated, thrown into the howling of blizzards and cold autumn rains, the brownie will live in a cold old oven all alone. Cries, groans on the ruins. But a family cannot live without a brownie-keeper. Who will protect her at night from all evil spirits? Therefore, a custom has been preserved since ancient times: when you change your home, they take a pot of coals from the old house and move it to a new hut. They put the pot in the oven, say: "House-brownie, come with me, lead the housewife mistress - as I can, I will reward!"
A brownie can have a family. His wife's name is "Domanya" or simply "Neighbor". The brownie's family is not very picky - they agree to settle not only at the stove, but also in the closet, on the threshold. According to various beliefs, there could be several brownies. One for each family member, with personal responsibility for the ward.

The brownie is a faithful assistant in the household. He especially loves a cheerful, friendly family. Then he tries his best to help her. And he will gladly help the negligent owners to start business even more, will “spoil the cattle. However, it is not difficult to change his attitude towards home. It is necessary to make a sacrifice to the housekeeper and get down to business properly. The brownie can also help the owner in business. Brownie's advice has always been appreciated when buying horses and cows. And the new bought cattle at the court does not take root, you know, it is not to the liking of the housekeeper.
The brownie often tries to warn the family about the misfortune. Crying behind the stove - to the deceased. Pulls a woman by the hair at night - do not squabble with her husband, the owner did not drink him, do not argue until he becomes hoarse, otherwise the husband will inflame in anger, and beat him with a log. If it rattles the house dishes - be careful with the fire, if you scammed it - a fire will flare up with an unextinguished firebrand.

Fear, unfaithful wife, the brownie! Twisted the hem at night, the brownie will fall on her legs with a terrible weight, grab her by the throat. And he can beat a lustful peasant in the dark and can bruise him. Protects family foundations. Well, if the brownie laughed in the night, the songs purr to know, joy will soon be in the house, or even a wedding.

Baked naughty woman

And there was also a ghost in the Russian house - a kikimora. The information about her is not very specific. It was believed that it is both useful and harmful creature. The name of the kikimora consists of: two parts. The first part of the word - kika - can be interpreted as a Slavic headdress with horns, or simply the horniness of the creature - an obvious sign of undead. The second part of the word - mora, means that this evil spirits are related to all sorts of Moroks, Maras, who fool a person or even promise him death.
According to legends, kikimors were found in houses, in a stable, a barn, in forests and thickets. Folk fantasy painted; a kikimoru in the guise of a small woman in a sarafan, now with a headdress-shishiga, now a simple-haired, tousled, with small horns. The kikimora's eyes are bulging, shining. Kikimora lives in the house behind the stove, loves mold, dampness, her favorite place is the corner of the hut where garbage is swept away. She is invisible, spirit.

The home kikimora was considered the friend of the forest brownie - the goblin. Kikimora was ambivalent about people. She sympathized with hardworking, hardworking women. At night, she could wash all the dishes with them, when she looked at the dough, so that it rose well, so that the pies turned out to be lush and tasty. She lulled children, but the kikimora simply could not stand careless girls and women, she harmed them little by little. Could sloths generally survive from the hut.

Kikimora is a great mischievous woman. She usually liked to dabble with yarn, for example, ruined the needlework started by a woman on a spinning wheel. Kikimora herself loved to spin, but no one had seen her wares. Often she took up needlework already begun and abandoned by the woman. The spins believed that if the kikimora had worked on the shirt, then it would not be finished in a week. A saying has survived: "Sleep, girl, the kikimora will spin for you, and the mother will weave." It was a formidable warning to the lazy spinners. If the kikimora has already begun to harm the hostess, then there is one sure way. We must go into the forest, find the bitter fern root, insist on water. Then wash all the dishes with this infusion. Kikimora is very fond of ferns and is ready to forgive everything for such delight. The kikimora leprosy was attributed to chicken ailments that happened in dysfunctional farms. If the chickens pluck out their own feathers, it is her fault. A witch will happen - a chicken disease, from which the birds spin on a pole, then fall down dead - also the kikimora put her hand. In such cases, an amulet was hung in the hen house - a stone with a hole, called a chicken god. She harmed the kikimora sheep and horses. It will pluck the wool of the sheep, then the horses will mix up the manes, at night they chase them so that in the morning they can hardly breathe. A funny creature of a kikimora, but a formidable one. If someone sees her in the house, it means that trouble is on the doorstep, a loved one may fall ill or die. No wonder this spirit is akin to Mara - Morena - the ancient goddess of death. The surest remedy for kikimora is the holy cross and prayer.

The spirits of the courtyard and the sacrament of the bath

The house-mate is all like his older "brother" from the hut, only the wool grows thicker on him. The courtyard is more vicious. Passion loves to torment the cattle. All - disagreements with pets, horses, cows, sheep and chickens were explained by the leprosy of the courtyard. He was only friends with goats and dogs.

To protect the animals from his leprosy, they hung the killed magpie in the barn. The courtyard does not like these birds. For the sake of the courtyard, they tried not to keep white cats, white dogs, white horses. Newborn calves and lambs were carried out of the barn into the house, because the bailiff could strangle them, And so the youngsters are calmer in the house. Just stay awake, master, take care of the cattle. The villagers tried to appease the courtyard. He is eager for gifts. He loved multi-colored scraps, shiny tinsel, bread and bread. All these offerings were carried to the barn and the spell was recited: "The owner of the brownie, neighbor-good-natured fellow, I give you, thank you: take the cattle, give it to drink, feed it." They hung a "witch's broom" in the stable - a pine or spruce branch with dense needles.
The brownie also had other assistants - colovers. They were like cats. Kolovershi - at night they dragged money and all sorts of supplies for their master from other houses.

In the courtyard of the barn, where the straw was dried, it was guarded by a special spirit - the barn. He was often portrayed as a black cat. It was he who was the main fire major in the household. He made sure that the over-dried straw in the barn did not flare up. However, the fire in the barn was often attributed to the pranks of someone else’s barn, who deliberately set fire to the master’s building. If they saw that two cats were fighting near the barn, they believed that it was their barn who was beating the villain. According to legend, the barnmen fought even with firebrands. However, the most mysterious building in the courtyard was the bathhouse.

Baths in Russia were heated in black. The bathhouse had a reputation for notoriety. The villagers, going to the bathhouse, took off their pectoral crosses. They were afraid of the spirits that lived in the bathhouse, they believed that it was better to be friends with them and not irritate them with Christian symbols. The main spirit of the bath was the bannik. The bannik could not stand wet steam, angrily left his property when they were steaming there. But on cooled stones or in a sauna stove, he could live for a long time. His worst leprosy is “container gas. According to ancient beliefs, the souls of deceased ancestors - navi - lived in the bathhouse. Navi treated the villager differently, they could help him, or they could kill him. A black chicken was always sacrificed to the bannik.

Even lonely wanderers who came in were afraid to spend the night in the baths. Bannik could suffocate. After the steam room, they left a broom in it, a piece of soap and water in a tub. At night we heard how some kind of fuss, splashing, cackling began in the bathhouse. It was believed that these were banniks whipping with brooms, frolicking. The most serious fortune-telling was associated with the bathhouse. Some tried to stick their bare back into the bathhouse, others, lifting their dress up, buttocks. Bunnik signaled by slapping his body with a cold or warm shaggy paw. A cold hand was unfortunate, and a warm hand was good luck.