What do you need to install a roof window. Installation of skylights: installation technology

many owners country houses They are trying to make a full-fledged living space out of the attic. One of the requirements for such premises is access fresh air, as well as the proper level of illumination. Installing a window in the roof can solve both problems at once. Such a solution is quite popular today, and most often, for this task, the owners prefer to hire third-party performers, although you can do it yourself. So, how to install a roof window?

Roof window installation

The scope of delivery usually includes the following components:

  • marquisette or roller shutters for external blackout;
  • salary for protection from negative atmospheric influences;
  • the window itself is a closed hermetic system;
  • waterproofing seal;
  • internal slopes.
The standard set of a roof window includes a double-glazed window, salary, frame, slopes, fittings

Of course, more modest sets can be found on sale, but it is recommended to choose the option with built-in curtains. Due to the fact that the structure itself will be located at an angle, the classic dimming means may not be effective.

Planning and calculations

Installing a skylight in a finished roof should start from the planning stage. First of all, you need to calculate the required dimensions. The formula for calculating is quite simple: 1 square meter of glazing for every 10 square meters premises.

You also need to choose the right height at which the installation of windows will be carried out. Location skylights should be selected in such a way that the lower part of the frame rises 1-1.5 meters above the floor level.

The lower part of the frame should be 1-1.5 m above the floor level

The choice of the installation location of the roof window in a metal tile or soft roof and dimensions should be done in such a way that, if possible, the truss system is not affected during installation. The dimensions should allow you to mount the window frame between the rafters and leave a margin of about 10 cm.

Work plan and tool

Whether it is installing a roof window in a soft roof or a metal tile, for any option, the installation instructions here are as follows:

  • opening preparation;
  • frame installation;
  • heat and waterproofing;
  • preparation of the drainage system;
  • installation of salary details;
  • installation of a double-glazed window;
  • interior finishing, including installation of slopes and vapor barrier.

Do-it-yourself installation of skylights is a quite feasible task, but the master will not be able to do without a suitable tool:

  • screwdriver and screws;
  • slats and beams made of wood;
  • level;
  • nails;
  • materials for thermal and waterproofing.

Window installation

After the place for the installation of skylights has been selected, the planned site for work should be marked in advance. Following the outline, several holes are made in the material to unload the materials of the roofing pie - this will help to avoid damage in the process. Cut the opening using a circulation or band saw. It is important to cut diagonally, and not along the contour, after that the vertices are cut off from the resulting triangles and only after that an opening is formed.

The opening in the roof is formed using a circular saw

Of particular note is the work with roofing material. Installation of roof windows in metal tiles is carried out in the same way, as well as in the case of corrugated board or sheet metal. If we are talking about dormers in a seam roof or similar materials, then the sheathing will first need to be disassembled.

Frame installation and adjustment

Important: for safety reasons, the frames are mounted without glass. It can only be established in the final stages.

It is recommended to install the frame without glass

When installing the frame for skylights, you should immediately carefully fix the lower brackets, but you should not tighten the fastening of the upper brackets to the end - this will help then to adjust the sash more easily. This is done with a level. If any deviations of the inserted window are found, they should be eliminated with the help of plastic corners - these spare parts are often included in the delivery. It is also recommended to briefly insert the glass into the frame to check the quality of the installation. Once the adjustment is completed, tighten the screws.

Insulation and drainage

After the fasteners are securely wrapped, heat and waterproofing material will need to be laid around the frame for greater tightness. The waterproofing apron is fixed with a stapler.

Waterproofing is fixed with a stapler

A drainage gutter is made at the top of the frame. In the crate right above the opening, two pieces are cut to fit the size of the drainage gutter. Similar sizes are prepared and cut waterproofing material. The gutter is brought under the trimmings of the waterproofing and attached to the crate. It must be installed at an angle, otherwise the sealing will suffer - rainwater can go to the window.

Today, two main types of salary are used for different folds. The first is used to work with flat roofing material, the second - with wavy. Companies engaged in the manufacture of skylights, in production, apply a salary to the delivery set. At the same time, the principle of working with both types is identical.

The window frame is included in the delivery of the structure, and the installation rules are described in the manufacturer's instructions.

First of all, attach lower part roof window cover. It should be installed in such a way that the waterproofing apron extends beyond the frame itself and the roof sheets. After you should go to the side components. The edges of these elements must be laid on the frame itself.

The window casing is attached to the crate and frame.

The seal is laid on the outside of the frame. Most often, it, mounts and all other components are included in the delivery, but in some cases they will have to be purchased later. In any case, after these steps, you should carefully check everything for accuracy and strength, because. replacement or repair of skylights, if necessary, will cause a lot of trouble.

Installation of double-glazed windows and interior decoration

At the next stage of installing skylights, you will need to return the double-glazed window back to the frame. This is done quite simply, but the technology depends on the manufacturer, so the process itself is exhaustively described in the manual.

A double-glazed window is mounted at the very last stage, the finish is chosen for the interior

Also, the interior decoration of skylights should not cause problems - it all depends on personal preferences. In addition, many manufacturers also add to the set of skylights special solutions for facing. Most often, the kit includes a sealant, a miter box and a template. Such templates are equally well placed and, if necessary, removed.

As an alternative, you can use ordinary drywall, but from mechanical mounting structures in this case, you should refuse.

Features of roof window insulation

About work with insulation on the roof should be said separately. Very often, improper insulation of roof windows turns into a lot of problems with its operation. Many inexperienced builders prefer to use ordinary polyurethane foam for insulation. Do not do this: expanding the material can lead to distortions and problems with insulation. The right technology installation recommends the use of materials in the form of stone wool mats with a long service life.

For thermal insulation of a roof window, it is best to use stone wool

As additional measure it is highly recommended to install heating devices under the attic window. The flow of warm air with equal success and window slopes warms up and protects against condensation. Metal elements for mounting insulation should not be used - they can form cold bridges.

That's all you need to know about installing a roof window in soft roofing or shingles. Despite the apparent difficulties, the process itself is quite simple and requires not so much skills as time.

  • The attic has reached its peak of popularity today and, of course, for good reason. The once dark and cold attic space, after alteration and insulation, turns into a full-fledged room. Light enters it not only through the gable windows, but also located on the slopes. And no matter what roof and depth in question- you can install a roof window on almost any.

    It must be admitted that the installation of skylights is not so simple. That is why do-it-yourself installation can only be accepted if you have certain building skills and a set of necessary tools.

    If you do not have experience in this kind of work, it is better to trust the experts. The best solution there will be an order for the installation of skylights in the manufacturing company. The cost of installation will depend on the stage of implementation - whether they are completed, whether Finishing work. If the roof has not yet been laid, and to interior decoration have not yet started the price of skylights with installation will be less.

    Comparing the installation of a roof window with a conventional one, certain differences will be found. This must be taken into account, otherwise you can make mistakes that will affect the quality of their operation in the future. Among them it is worth noting:

    • poor-quality insulation and waterproofing of slopes;
    • application polyurethane foam.

    Which roof window to buy

    The range of window designs on the market today is quite diverse. Skylights differ in price, size, mechanisms of action, which are located at the points of application of effort, namely rotary axes and handles. The installation height depends on the latter:

    • if it is located too high, then additional efforts must be made to open the sash;
    • Too low a handle is dangerous for children.

    The window structure must also match the material of the roof. In particular, this concerns the ratio of the heights of the relief and the outer salary. They are directly proportional, that is, the greater the first value, the greater the second. Many well-known manufacturers use special markings. For example, during installation, you need to specifically choose models for, a metal profile or a smooth roll roof.

    Manufacturers, as a rule, complete their products with the following devices that are needed for installation:

    • fasteners;
    • mounting corners;
    • waterproofing apron with a steam-removing effect;
    • special sealants and adhesive tape.

    Installation of skylights of various brands is not very different, although the technology for each of them may have its own nuances, and they must be taken into account. For example, Fakro roof windows are installed in almost the same way, while installation has some differences.

    Differences in the nuances of installation

    • Velux is mounted exclusively on the crate, while Fakro and Roto products can also be installed on rafters.
    • According to the attic installation instructions Fakro windows, before fixing the mounting brackets to the box, the double-glazed window must be dismantled. And here, doing the installation Velux windows, first screw the mounting corners, fix the box in the opening and only after that remove the double-glazed window.
    • Fakro frames have marked grooves (respectively V, J or N) indicating the seating depth. It can be used to determine for which roofing material and salary they are intended.
    • The products of the leading manufacturing companies differ in size, double-glazed windows and in the mechanism of opening the sashes. The smallest models in size relative to standard ones are produced by Roto, the largest by Fakro.

    The price of installing roof windows of different brands is very different. It fluctuates between 3.5 - 8 thousand rubles.

    DIY installation technology

    Design and calculation of window construction

    • To calculate the glass area take into account the floor area, they must be proportional to each other in a ratio of 1 to 10, whatever the size of the double-glazed window.
    • Counting the height of the window structure from the floor lead from the lower edge of the frame. A height of 80–130 cm is considered acceptable. It depends on the height of the handle. For example, for the one located at the top, the installation is performed at a height of about 1 m, with the lower location - 120–130 cm. The height also depends on the type of roofing. For example, sheet or soft material is easily cut, so the installation site is chosen taking into account other requirements, but ceramic tiles cannot be cut, so the opening can only be placed above the finished row of tiles.

    On a note

    When installing a roof window into a finished roof made of ceramic tiles, disassemble the whole row, and after the installation is completed, shaped or cut parts are laid on top of the salary.

    • Another significant parameter is the pitch of the rafters. The best option is when the integrity of the truss structure is not violated during the installation process. Therefore, it is better to buy models that can be freely placed between adjacent rafter legs with a small margin of 70-100 cm. The latter will be needed for laying a heat-insulating layer. If the pitch of the rafters is too small for large window structures, experts recommend replacing it with two or three smaller ones, placing them side by side.

    If, nevertheless, it is necessary to remove parts of the rafter during the installation of the window structure, then it is necessary to additionally install a horizontal bar in the opening, which will strengthen.

    opening device

    • Along the entire perimeter of the opening between it and the frame there should be a gap of 20–50 mm, intended for laying thermal insulation.
    • A technological gap must be provided between the lower edge of the frame and the roofing material. Its value is determined based on the type of roofing. For example, for tiles, the gap is 90 mm.
    • Another gap, 10–100 mm wide, separates the top beam and the roofing material. In the absence of such, as a result of shrinkage of the wood from which it is made rafter system, the frame may warp.
    • The frame is fixed either to the rafters or to the slats from the same timber as the crate timber, which are fixed strictly horizontally.
    • FROM inside attic spaces along the waterproofing layer or according to the existing finish, draw the outline of the opening.
    • The waterproofing is cut in a special way, in the form of a kind of envelope, leaving 100–250 mm for overlap. "Excess" is turned out to be fixed on a frame or crate. All excess is then cut off. A waterproofing apron is subsequently laid on top of the insulation, thereby ensuring complete tightness.

    The following sections of the roof are not suitable for opening openings:

    Experts, in general, advise avoiding the installation of windows near any node of the roof structure.

    The finished roof covering is either cut out to the required area, or removed. In the case of certain roof coverings, it is recommended to carry out work at the construction stage, as, for example, when installing skylights in.

    Box installation

    • Mounting brackets are attached to the frame, and only the lower ones are firmly fixed so that the position of the frame can be adjusted. Horizontal and vertical alignment is adjusted to the level and adjusted if deviations are detected.
    • This stage, as noted above, has its own characteristics in different manufacturers related to double-glazed windows, so read the instructions carefully.
    • Before "baiting" the frame into the opening, on both mounting beams, lower and upper, the insulation is laid and fixed.
    • It is advisable at the same time to check how clearly the sash is adjacent to the frame, so it is temporarily returned to its place. It should be noted that, having fixed the salary at the next stage, it will be too late to fix anything.
    • Equal distances are left between the sides of the box and the opening on the sides. After completing the adjustment, the fasteners are tightly tightened.
    • A waterproofing apron is laid around the frame.

They play an important role in the construction of a new building or the repair of an old one. The roof is the main structural element, and when building it, you should not use quality materials. Its arrangement also requires special attention. This process includes the installation of skylights.

Roof purpose

As mentioned earlier, this is an obligatory part of the building, which protects the building from various influences, for example, from precipitation or wind. Properly equipped design will reliably protect not only property, but also life in some cases.

In addition, the roof should have a pleasant appearance and match the design of the building. It is assembled from various materials, which differ in performance, cost, etc.

The use of metal tiles in the construction of the roof

It can be built from various materials. It is this moment that causes difficulties for people at the initial stage of construction. There are many types of roofing materials on the market today. The simplest and most popular of them is slate. More complex structure and the cost of metal products. They must protect the building from dirt coming from environment and also prevent the ingress of precipitation. The most popular option is metal tile.

This one is made of galvanized steel, coated on top with a special substance, which includes polymers. They can have different overall dimensions, each of which performs certain tasks.

It is best to purchase small sheets of metal tiles. They greatly simplify the installation process, and also make it safe.

The metal tile should not only provide protection for the structure, but also have a pleasant appearance. Properly installed sheets will complete the artistic intent of the architect. Therefore, such sheets are produced in various colors.

The attic can also be useful on the farm. From it you can make a rest room or a workshop. However, first you need to perform the correct redevelopment, that is, to spend in the attic. The only drawback is the lack of sunny daylight. This problem is easily solved with skylights. It is best to install several pieces. Depending on personal preferences, they can be placed on one or both sides of the ramp. Installation of skylights ensures not only the flow required amount daylight, but also fresh air, which will be felt much better than on other floors of the house.

This will have sloping walls, since most of the room is occupied by the slopes of the roof. If necessary, you can make a restructuring and then the walls will become even. Small pantries are made from the remaining indents. In any case, to create comfortable conditions skylights should be installed. Next, we will consider what tools are needed for this.

Required Tools

Mounting and installation of roof windows are carried out using the following components:

  • metal tile;
  • metal scissors;
  • level;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • heat and waterproofing;
  • wooden beams and slats;
  • nails;
  • construction stapler and staples.

Installation instructions for skylights

As mentioned earlier, skylights are a useful and ingenious idea.

Roof windows can be installed in two ways: vertical and pitched. In the first case, it is necessary to install the window in an already prepared frame. The second method is characterized by installing windows directly on

Before starting work, install good sound insulation so that all sounds coming from the environment are not heard in the room. Many experts recommend using composite tiles as a roofing material. It represents small steel sheets coated with special polymers. Such material has a long service life and fire resistance. Thanks to the small sheets, shingles are easy to install on the roof even in adverse windy weather.

Installation of roof windows in metal tiles is carried out using wooden beams. They are of considerable thickness. Therefore, the location of the window will be slightly lower than with other types of roofing. In order to correctly install Velux roof windows, a section calculation is performed wooden lath. Its thickness depends on the dimensions of the window that is installed on the roof. In any case, it should not be too big. If the height of the roof window is more than 140 cm, then additional side rails must be used. They will securely hold a heavy window.

When installing, you should pay attention to the material of the window, while taking into account the specifics of the design.

If it is not reinforced, then natural wood windows are used. By installing PVC windows with two double-glazed windows, there is a possibility that the frame will not withstand.

Installation of roof windows is carried out after the rafters have been installed and roofing material has been laid on them. To determine the size of the window, measure the distance between the rafters. You should not adjust the distance between them to the size of the frame of the roof window. This may affect the reliability of the entire structure. It is also necessary to install a drainage film that prevents atmospheric precipitation from entering the frame.

So, before installing the window, preparatory work is carried out. First of all, a double-glazed window gets out of the frame. It's running with my own hands. If there are no such skills, then when ordering a roof window, the pickers are warned so that the double-glazed window has already been removed from the frame. Next, you only need a window frame, so the glass is retracted into safe place by placing it on its edge and leaning against a wall or other object. The window is installed on rails. As an auxiliary material, a salary is used, which is fastened with self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.


An empty frame is installed on a pre-prepared place. To begin with, it is attached to the rails and only after that the salary is set. It is selected depending on the roofing material. There are two types of salary. The first is for corrugated roofing material, and the second is for flat. After fixing the box, the lower part of the salary is fixed. Before installation, waterproofing is laid between the salary and slats.

Additional Information

The lower part of the salary is set in such a way that the corrugated apron goes beyond window frame and sheet metal.

After fixing the lower part, they move on to the side elements. Their edges should lie on the frame. The last step is the installation of the upper salary. Sealing material is laid on the outer part of the frame. Nails and screws are supplied with the ordered window. With the help of them, the frame is fastened to the crate.

Installation of a roof window can also occur by another method. In this case, the roof is completely covered with metal tiles. Installing a window using this method is more complicated. There are situations when it is necessary to dismantle desired area roofing material.

Installation of skylights - price

First of all, you should purchase a roof window. Its cost depends on overall size, type and profile and is in the range from 2000 to 4000 rubles. The cost of installing a roof window is about 10,000 rubles. Some companies ask for much more.

but this process can be done independently with the tools and certain skills.

Additional features

IN winter time glass must be prevented from icing, it is necessary to provide for the installation of heat-insulating material. As additional equipment you can take the heater and put it under the window. This will prevent not only icing, but also the accumulation of condensate.

In addition, you can choose how the roof windows open. It depends on personal wishes and preferences. The main condition is the convenient opening and closing of windows. Special attention pay a salary. There are many manufacturers that produce such windows.

They have different shape And color scheme. The selected option will fully complement the architecture of the attic. To complete the interior of the room, additional accessories (for example, curtains) are used. To obtain the full effect, seek advice from a company representative.

At present, the construction of attic floors. This allows you to effectively use the attic space, adding usable space to the building. Arranged in the attics living rooms, bedrooms, offices and even rooms for children, so these rooms need access to natural light. The attic, which occupies large area, often poorly lit by a gable window. In this case, it is necessary in the finished roof of the building. According to experts, a roof window, due to its inclined design, provides 30-40% more illumination than a conventional, vertical one. . Installation is a very important issue. After all, no one wants leaks or cracks in their house blown by cold air. Keep tightness - the first task in the device window openings in the roof. The best option is to use the services of specialists. But if there is a desire to do everything on your own, then try to follow the recommendations and strictly follow the technology.

A constructive decision on the installation of translucent structures should be taken at the stage of creating a project and building a building. If you do not take into account, which, rather, serve for ventilation, roof windows can be divided into:

The material from which translucent structures are made can be different. It can be wood, aluminum, as well as plastic (PVC). Wooden ones are recommended for offices, living rooms, bedrooms. And plastic better fit for rooms with high humidity- bathrooms and toilets.

There is also a classification according to the shape and design features of skylights:

Advice! When choosing the design of skylights, it is necessary to build on design features roofing, ease of use and the size of the attic. So installation height window system depends on the slope of the roof and the height of the attic.

Installation of skylights in a metal tile has its own characteristics.

window design

The standard design of a roof window is a set of elements consisting of a frame, one or two wings, including double-glazed windows and fittings. It is the hardware that ensures the opening and closing of the window, as well as its fixation in the desired position. In addition, the package must include:

  • apron hydro- and vapor barrier;
  • gutter for water drainage;
  • salary protecting the frame;
  • thermal insulation;
  • slopes installed indoors.

Basic principles of installation

Installation of translucent structures in the attic should be carried out strictly according to the instructions in compliance with quality at each stage. Otherwise, you can get leaks and cracks. As a rule, windows are installed in roofs with a slope of at least 15 degrees and not more than 90. Withstanding building codes and taking into account the need to illuminate the attic, the lower edge is mounted at a height of at least 170 cm from the floor. The height of the installation is affected by the slope of the roof slopes, as well as the size of the window opening.

  • First important rule- it is impossible to fasten the roof window structure to the roof lathing. The place of fixation should be exclusively rafters.
  • The lower part of the frame should be supported by a transverse beam;
  • A gap of three centimeters should be maintained on all sides between window frame and roof rafters. This will align the window frame after installation.
  • The window frame is installed above the tiles, and in cases with roofing having a high profile, the recommended distance between the roof and the lower end of the window structure is maintained.
  • To prevent condensation from forming, icing and fogging of the windows, it is recommended to install a heater under it.
  • If you want to achieve complete tightness, do not use mounting foam, only sealants specially designed for this will help achieve the desired result.

Mounting sequence

The scope of delivery of skylights must necessarily include installation instructions. this product. This manual must be strictly observed, as translucent structures differ. Differences can be in the mounting brackets, their shape, and the place of attachment. For example, the installation of window structures from such companies as Velux, Fakro, Roto has a general similarity, but at the same time it has fundamental differences in details and elements. So the company "Fakro" produces window systems with marks applied to the frame, by which you can determine the recommended installation depth of the structure. Fakro roof window installation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bF2g30u8Gu0 Velux roof window installation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZkylA7ejfc

Advice! Before installation, the window sashes must be removed. The technology is described in the installation instructions supplied with the kit. In the case of delivery of a translucent structure with a fixed salary, it must also be dismantled.

Frame installation

The installation of skylights begins with the installation of a salary from the bottom edge of the opening to the top. First of all, the finished corrugated apron is installed in the lower part, after which the side elements of the salary and the upper part. The last to install the lining on the window structure.

We strictly maintain the gaps between the window frame and the roofing. This will make it possible to align all finished structure after installation. Recommended gaps:

  1. At the bottom of the window frame:
  • non-profile roofing 1-4 centimeters;
  • low profile - 10 cm;
  • high profile - 12 cm;
  1. Side gaps - 4-6 cm.
  2. Upper gap 7-15 cm.

Next, by aligning the lower edge of the frame horizontally with a level, fix the mounting brackets with screws. We do not tighten the self-tapping screws all the way to be able to align the frame according to the dimensions indicated above. We produce waterproofing - the material should be laid so that it has an overlap on the side of the frame. We start from the bottom and adjust the waterproofing to the frame with an overlap. All overlapping joints of the insulator are fixed with screws.

We set the salary

The installation of the salary should also begin from the bottom, it is fixed on the roof with a window lining and self-tapping screws in the holes made. The side elements are fixed in the lower salary and attached to the window frame with nails. The upper flashing is fixed from the side with screws and fixed with clamps on the roof sheathing. On a soft or non-profile roof, the side parts of the salary are laid using bituminous materials. The roof profile cover should be brought onto the sidewalls of the salary, stepping back 5-10 cm. The joints of the salary with the roof must be sealed with sealants or a special tape. Salary installation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HG0XvblS16Y

Warming and insulation

If it does not have an opening function, then after fixing the box, a double-glazed window should be installed. If we are dealing with an opening window, then we hang the sash. Next, attention should be paid to insulation and thorough hydro and vapor barrier. We isolate the window from the inside, tucking insulating material along the entire length of the frame. FROM outside cover with foil or similar material to avoid condensation. The slopes are also laid with insulation.

on top insulation material a moisture-proof vapor barrier is laid; this design is fastened directly to the window with latches. If the insulating apron does not fit snugly, additionally reinforce it with screws or glue. If the window design provides for the presence of a hydro-barrier, a drainage gutter must be installed so that the water drains in the right place under the window.

The final stage

Once again, we check the tight fit of all the elements of the salary and, if necessary, additionally fasten it to the frame and crate. In conclusion, special elements are attached on top of the salary, the roofing material is tightly laid, the joints are checked. In general, the installation of the window system in the attic is completed, you can hang the sashes, check the opening-closing mechanism (if the window is not deaf) and remove protective film. In conclusion, we recall the practical recommendation of experts - the installation of internal slopes. The upper horizontal and lower vertical slopes will help better circulation of warm air from the heaters, which will protect the glass from fogging.

In the attic, as in any living space, natural lighting should be organized. For this, roof windows are used, built into the roof slope. Due to the special operating conditions, they are superior in complexity to conventional facade counterparts and impose higher requirements on the quality of installation.

Features of skylights

Differences of the attic window from the usual are as follows:

The roof window at one angle or another is turned upwards, which means that:

  • it is necessary to have a gutter, through which water flowing from the roof will be directed around the window;
  • requires the use of special types of glass that are resistant to impact or at least do not pose a threat when cracking. Armored glass is a very expensive look. Triplex glass consists of several layers with a polymer film located between them, which, when cracked, holds the fragments in place. Tempered glass with a strong impact does not break into large fragments, but crumbles into small ones without sharp edges;
  • very reliable sealing of both the window structure itself (the gap between the frame and the opening sash) and the place where it adjoins the roof is required. In view of this, it is recommended to purchase aprons and other elements for sealing complete with a window, making sure that they are designed specifically for this model. Parts from another model may look very similar in appearance, but due to minor deviations in size, they will not be able to provide proper tightness, which will lead to leaks.

When choosing a roof window, you need to consider the type of roofing. If it is profiled, the height of the profile matters: the larger it is, the higher the outer window frame should be. Usually, manufacturers indicate with a separate index in the marking what roofing material this model is designed for - for ondulin, tiles, corrugated board or soft roofing.

Choosing a place for a skylight

Before proceeding with the installation of the window, you should determine the optimal height of its location. It depends on the following factors:

It is advisable to place the window away from all kinds of roofing units, especially valleys (there is always a lot of water in bad weather, and snow lasts the longest), chimneys and ventilation outlets(moisture will condense on the window), places where the roof adjoins the walls (shading).

Also, when choosing a place, you need to remember about the need to install under the roof window heater otherwise the glass will fog up.

Installation technology

Installation of a roof window is carried out in the following order:

  1. From the inside, on the waterproofing film, the boundaries of the opening are marked with a marker, then two crossing cuts are made in it from corner to corner. The resulting triangular valves must be bent inside the room and temporarily fixed, for example, with adhesive tape, so that they do not interfere with further work.
  2. Next, the crate is cut out according to the size of the opening. From side surface rafter leg The cut line should be 2 cm apart.
  3. If the installation is made in the finished roof, an opening is cut out in the roofing. In width, it should exceed the window frame by 3–6 cm on each side, the upper edge of the opening should be 6–15 cm away from the frame (depending on the window design).
  4. The rafters are connected by two horizontal mounting bars that limit the opening from below and above. They are needed to support the roof window. As bars, you should use the same board from which the rafters are made. They should be 8-10 cm from the crate. Horizontalness must be checked with a level. With a large steepness of the slope, only the lower mounting beam is installed, while the window is attached to the crate from above.
  5. The lower and upper waterproofing valves are nailed with a stapler to the mounting bars (in the absence of the upper film, it is nailed to the crate). Cut off the excess film. Side flaps open out.

    Side flaps of waterproofing are released to the outside

  6. Fragments of a mineral wool mat (thermal insulation) are shot to the mounting bars with a stapler. If there is no upper mounting bar, the corresponding piece of insulation will need to be shot to the window frame before it is installed.
  7. Proceed to the installation of the frame, from which you need to remove the sash and salary. The procedure for dismantling the sash depends on the design of the window - you need to follow the instructions. The sash should be removed very carefully and in full accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, otherwise the hinges can be damaged with a high probability.
  8. The brackets supplied (mounting brackets) are screwed to the frame.
  9. The frame is put in place by screwing the brackets with self-tapping screws to the mounting bars. It is not necessary to completely tighten the screws right away - at first they are only baited. Mounting holes have an oval shape, which allows you to move the structure a little, achieving a perfectly even position. Having set the frame so that it is exactly in the middle between the rafters (the distance to the right and left should be the same and constant along the entire length), and checking the horizontal position with a level, the sash is put in place. Check whether the sash fits snugly, if there are distortions, correct the frame (to correct the position, you can use plastic corners), after which it is finally screwed.

    When installing the frame, the brackets are not completely screwed to the mounting bars with self-tapping screws, so that it is possible to move the structure

  10. The valves of the waterproofing film released outside are shot to the frame on the sides, the excess is cut off.
  11. Stripes are laid to the right and left of the frame mineral wool by shooting them at the frame or rafters.
  12. A crate is cut out above the window, so that an opening is obtained for installing a drainage gutter. If this part was not included in the kit, it can be made from a strip of waterproofing material by simply folding it in half lengthwise.
  13. The gutter is installed in place, leading it under the waterproofing film and screwing it to the crate. If performed correctly, the water flowing from the side of the ridge will flow around the window along the gutter.

    If the roof window is placed under the ridge, gutters can be omitted

  14. A trough for condensate drainage is fixed. It is important that it is located with a certain slope, which ensures the flow of condensate into the ventilated under-roof gap.
  15. Next, a waterproofing apron framing the frame is laid, leading its upper edge under the drainage gutter. With one side, the apron is shot with a stapler to the frame, the other is threaded under the window and shot at the mounting bars, rafters and crate (if there is no upper bar).
  16. Restore the roof covering below the roof window.

    Roof covering around the window is restored after full completion installation work

  17. Roofing material is laid around the window.
  18. Start setting the salary. The procedure depends on the design of the window, so universal instruction does not exist. You need to carefully study the one supplied by the manufacturer. Usually, the installation of the salary begins with the bottom lining, while all its components must be brought under the elastic seal. The installation is completed by fixing the salary to the window frame and the crate.
  19. All gaps between the window and the borders of the opening are filled with sealant for outdoor use.
  20. Next, go to internal work, which begin with the installation of slopes. Slopes perform not only a decorative function, but also direct the flow of warm air, so it is very important to install them correctly: the lower one is mounted vertically, the upper one horizontally. If this rule is not met, there will be no full blown glass warm air which will cause condensation to form on it.

    If the sequence of installation of structural elements is violated, it will be impossible to operate the roof window

Finally, the slopes are insulated with strips of mineral wool, on top of which a vapor barrier apron is attached.

Video: installation of a roof window using the Fakro design as an example

Features of installing a roof window on roofs with different roofing

The installation technology of skylights depends on the type of roofing.

Soft roof

The value of the technological gap that is left between the lower edge of the window and the roofing made of soft materials should not exceed 4 cm.

After installing the window, soft roofing material is laid around it as follows:

Video: installing a window in a soft roof

Roofing with metal tiles

The technological gap between the lower edge of the window and the metal tile, as well as other profiled materials, is:

  • with a low profile height - 10 cm;
  • at a high height - 12 cm.

To install a window on a roof with a profiled coating, manufacturers supply a corrugated waterproofing apron that will tightly fit the corrugated sheets.

  1. The apron is laid after the frame is installed, but before the salary is installed.
  2. To fasten the apron under the window, 10 cm from the frame, a rail is nailed, the ends of which should protrude 30 cm beyond the boundaries of the opening on each side.
  3. First, the bottom of the apron is laid, then the top, and only then the side ones.
  4. Then, roofing material is laid around the window, which must be cut so that a whole wave lies on the frame.

Corrugated waterproofing apron will fit snugly corrugated sheets of metal

Do not forget that different salaries are issued for profiled and flat roofs. A profile with a height of more than 4.5 cm under the window must be cut or riveted, otherwise it will damage the lead apron. Similarly, a window is installed in the roof with a coating of ordinary tiles, corrugated board, etc.

Video: installation of a roof window on a metal roof

slate roof

Installing a roof window on slate is done in the same way as on any other profiled coating. But there is a nuance: the manufacturer's instructions prescribe to dismantle the slate sheets in the opening area before installation, and this makes the whole process very time consuming. There is a way to do it with less hassle.

  1. First of all, you need to choose a salary that the best way corresponds to the profile of the slate. For example, in the Fakro line (one of the most well-known manufacturers skylights) such is the salary type S.
  2. The opening must be cut so that the top sheet of slate remains intact, that is, the edge of this sheet will represent the border of the opening. From the inside, the slate is not visible behind the waterproofing film, so you need to act like this: knowing the height of the slate sheet, approximately determine the position of the opening and then cut out the hole, but with smaller dimensions than necessary. Looking outside, it will be easy to understand how the sheets lie, in which direction and how much the opening should be expanded. Having made the first cut in the slate sheet, the cut-out fragment must be attached with wire so that it does not accidentally fall from the roof (it can damage something or injure people). The final dimensions of the opening should be approximately 2 cm larger than the dimensions of the window on each side.

    Two pieces of wire will prevent the cut piece of slate from falling into the room

  3. The cut slate sheet located under the opening must be removed and a galvanized steel liner bent like a slate should be fixed in its place. The insert is inserted under the slate and fixed with self-tapping screws. Usually there is enough space under the slate to get a window salary under it.

    The distance between the rafters and the slate allows you to set the flashing without removing the roofing material

  4. To get this opportunity, the nails holding the slate need to be slightly loosened. This must be done very carefully, since slate is a fragile material and can be easily pushed through. It is best to use a nail puller with a swivel mechanism that allows you to adjust the angle of the "foot".

    Adjustable nail puller is the ideal tool for working with fragile slate

  5. Moving from the bottom up, we mount the salary (its elements are stacked with an overlap). It turns out that the window is installed in the reverse order: first - the salary, then - the frame with the sash. Frame is installed traditional way- on mounting bars.

Do not think that the roof window will look ridiculous on a simple slate floor. It can be painted, so that the roof will hardly differ from the "branded" metal tile.

Painted slate takes on a presentable look

The roof should be painted with a special enamel for slate. The coating is preliminarily cleaned of moss and lichens, then treated with an antiseptic, a water repellent and a primer.

Typical mistakes when installing skylights

Sometimes it happens that when installing roof windows, unscrupulous installers want to save their time or material. This can lead to disastrous consequences.

Poor quality insulation

One of the miscalculations that inexperienced installers make is insufficient insulation of slopes. Instead of a thick layer of mineral wool, some people use a material like Penofol, which, due to its small thickness, has a much less heat-insulating effect. The consequence of this approach is the condensation of moisture on the slopes.

Penofol of small thickness has a high thermal conductivity. Its use will lead to condensation on the slopes.

Equally effective should be the insulation of the gaps between the window frame and the rafters. If you do not pay due attention to this, again you will have to face an excess of condensate.

Another common mistake is to use aprons and other waterproofing elements from a different window model. At first glance, it seems that the part is ideally suited to this window structure, but in fact, due to a slight mismatch in size, leaks may appear during the first rain. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to purchase a window and all related parts in one set.


We must not forget that the roof window is allowed to be installed with a ramp slope of 15 0. In a flatter roof, the window structure, even with absolutely correct installation will leak very soon. On the flat roofs skylights should be used.

It is very important to correctly adjust the gap between the sash and the frame. Sometimes installers who do not have enough practice neglect this, as a result of which closed window becomes leaky.

Particular attention is required to the device adjoining the window to the roof. Many problems arise due to the fact that the installers, instead of following the technology provided by the manufacturer, preferred to take a simpler path and perform the connection at their discretion. Here, for example, is how the roof window was installed on the roof.

The roof should not be brought close to the window, but leave a gap for water to drain

The decision to use construction nails and cleats is not the best either.

Do not use construction nails or clamps to fasten the frame.

Here the frame and the coating were connected with clamps. Not only are they located outside (the clamps must be protected with an apron or roofing material), they also used ordinary nails for fastening, and not self-tapping screws with elastic washers. Obviously, the clamps will quickly rust, and water will flow under the nails.

Roof installation errors

Not only the window, but the entire roof must be installed correctly. Sometimes you can observe the following picture: due to errors in the installation of vapor barrier (sometimes they simply forget to put it), waterproofing (used the usual polyethylene film) and coverages in roofing cake water accumulates, which flows into the attic room in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window slopes.

A roof without vapor and waterproofing leads to leakage of skylights

Seeing leaks in this place, the user associates them with improper installation of the window, while in fact, a reconstruction or at least a major overhaul of the roof is required.

Using mounting foam

Another trap for a beginner is associated with the use of mounting foam. Everyone knows that this sealant adds a lot of volume during the polymerization process, but not everyone realizes that in doing so it creates quite a significant force. If the cracks are blown too generously with foam, it will cause the structure to skew with subsequent leaks or even destruction of the frame.

Excess mounting foam can destroy the frame structure

To prevent this, the mounting foam must be applied in layers in small portions, each time waiting for the complete drying of the previous layer.

There are varieties of mounting foam that, during polymerization, do not create high pressure. Example: Macroflex 65 foam.

Uneven window installation

When installing, make sure that the window is level. Here are some examples of what happens when you install a skewed window:

Installing a roof window is by no means an easy task. For lack of experience, it is better to turn to professional installers. But you need to understand the technology - this will help control the actions of the master, who may well turn out to be dishonest.