Toilet fixing holes. Installing a toilet bowl on a tiled floor - step by step instructions (3 ways)

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 4 minutes

More and more people have recently been thinking about purchasing and installing devices for controlling the microclimate in their homes. In urban areas, especially if the apartment is entirely on the sunny side, air conditioning is the only option to create comfort during the hot summer months. The considerable cost of this useful device makes you want to save money by installing a split system with your own hands. Is this procedure as complicated as air conditioning installation companies assure? And how to install the air conditioner yourself according to all the rules to ensure its uninterrupted operation for the longest possible time?

Types of air conditioners

To create comfortable conditions in apartments, the following types of air conditioners are used:

Monoblock systems

All blocks of the conditioner are located in one case. This reduces the cost of the device, but also leads to certain inconveniences: the bulkiness of the system and the rather high noise from the compressor, not even at full power. They, in turn, are divided into two types:

  1. Window air conditioners. Pioneers among apartment systems. The main disadvantage: the device block occupies a significant part of the window opening. This prevents sunlight from entering the room, and it is extremely difficult to harmoniously fit its interior. Therefore, air conditioners of this type are becoming rarer.
  2. . Much more attractive in design than windowed ones. In addition to the tempting possibility of movement, they have one more indisputable advantage: the block practically does not require installation. It is enough just to equip with your own hands the hood from the room to the outside, to which the system is connected. But the cost of such air conditioners is quite high.

Two-block systems

In devices of this type, the refrigerant circulates between the outdoor and indoor units of the air conditioner. The main advantage of such systems is noiselessness. The main "troublemaker" - the compressor, is located behind the wall. Indoor units have different designs and can be placed in the most convenient place. They are divided into 3 varieties:

  1. Wall split systems. The most affordable and common at present, have a power of 2 to 7 kW. They are perfect for maintaining the desired microclimate: in summer they create coolness, but it is also possible to operate the air conditioner for heating in winter. It is for such systems that the most relevant question is: how to install an air conditioner without resorting to the help of professionals?
  2. Channel conditioners. They are installed under the false ceiling structure and have a high power - 12–25 kW. This is enough for a fairly spacious apartment. Complicating the task is the need to correctly calculate the air exchange in the room. When installing thermostats and special electric valves, you can set your own temperature for each room in the apartment. Naturally, this complicates the installation of system blocks and significantly increases its cost.
  3. Cassette air conditioners. The main system is also hidden by a suspended ceiling. Cassette split systems are made so as not to stand out. As a rule, the dimensions of the grille of a cassette air conditioner coincide with the dimensions of the ceiling tiles: 600 by 600 mm, and with a higher power - 600 by 1200 mm. The dimensions of the indoor unit make it possible to easily place it and all the necessary communications inside a standard metal profile grate used in the installation of suspended structures.

Preparing to install an air conditioner with your own hands: choosing a place

Since wall-mounted split systems are the most popular, we will describe how to install an air conditioner with our own hands in relation to them.

Choosing the location of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner in an apartment building can cause some difficulties:

  • The outdoor unit of the system cools the refrigerant, so it should be located so that, if possible, heat from the sun's rays is avoided. The north or east side of the house or balcony is well suited.
  • The massive outdoor unit of the air conditioner should be placed so as not to disturb the neighbors.
  • It is unacceptable for condensate from the drainage pipe to flow down the wall of the house. It must be taken out as far as possible.
  • Like any device, the outdoor unit of the air conditioner needs periodic maintenance. Therefore, it should be located so that it can be approached without much effort and risk.

When choosing a place for the internal part of the system, there are also a number of conditions:

  • It can not be placed near the elements of the heating system.
  • It is unacceptable that the inside of the split system is closed by curtains or other objects that prevent the free movement of air.
  • The processor of the air conditioner unit may be damaged if it is located in the area of ​​intense electrical noise generated by household appliances. Therefore, for example, it cannot be placed in the kitchen.


The selection of the necessary tool will also not be easy. For work you will need:

  • Pumps: vacuum and bicycle.
  • Pipe flaring kit. Better with a pipe cutter. Copper tubes cannot be cut with another tool - sawdust will surely get inside them, which will disable the vacuum pump.
  • Reamer for finishing expanded pipes.
  • Pressure gauge for measuring pressure in the air conditioning system.
  • Indicator screwdriver and tester for mounting the electrical wiring of the units.
  • Perforator.
  • Bay of copper pipe.

It is better to take a whole bay of tubes, with the ends rolled at the factory. You can never guess with what tool the tube was cut if you buy only a part of the coil. Copper pipes should not have dents, cracks or other defects.

Installation of the external unit of the air conditioner

It should immediately be noted that the outdoor unit of the air conditioner should be located below the indoor one.

  • After marking the mounting points of the brackets, a hole is drilled for communications. Of course, in this case, it is necessary to avoid getting the drill into other communications or fittings, so the place for the hole must be chosen carefully. In a brick wall, it is better to lay it along the masonry seam. If the concrete slab has frequent reinforcement, then the only way out is to drill a separate small hole for each wire or tube of the system.
  • Brackets are attached to the wall with anchor bolts. You can fix the outdoor unit of the air conditioner directly on the balcony by slightly changing the mounting scheme. But in any case, it is important to maintain the level: at the slightest distortion of the system, there will be problems with the condensate drain.
  • The most difficult stage of the operation is the direct installation of the external unit with your own hands. It weighs at least 60 kg, which is why this work must be done by at least two people. It may be necessary to use the help of industrial climbers or special equipment to securely fix the air conditioner to the brackets.

For normal operation of the system, it is necessary to leave a gap of at least 100 mm between the air conditioner case and the wall.

Installation of the indoor unit and necessary communications

Work progress:

  • The indoor unit is attached by hand to the mounting plate using a latch system. The plate is securely attached to the wall at a distance of at least 10 cm from the ceiling and at least 5 cm from the corner of the room. Having lifted the inner part together, it is fixed with latches.
  • The copper pipes of the air conditioner for the refrigerant supply are cut off with a margin of a meter for the expected bends. The minimum length of these communications is at least 1.5 meters. Carefully bending them, put on the nuts and flare the ends. The nuts are tightened tightly on the fittings, but without much effort.
  • The drain tube is attached to the block with a threaded flange or with a piece of heat-shrinkable hose.
  • The power supply of the air conditioner must be done through the machine. For a split system, its own wiring is laid with a cross section of at least 1.5 square meters. mm. A yellow wire with a green stripe is usually zero. This is where an indicator and a tester come in handy.
  • Both parts of the air conditioner are connected by stranded wires according to the scheme from the instructions. At the slightest doubt, it is better to consult a specialist, repairing the system in case of incorrect connection will cost more.

Leak test and system filling

It is performed in the following sequence:

  • A bicycle pump is attached to the nipple, and all joints and tubes are covered with soapy water. If bubbles appear during the air supply, then tighten the nuts on the fittings.
  • After checking the tightness, air is pumped out of the air conditioner. A vacuum pump is attached to the nipple and runs for at least an hour. This is necessary to completely remove moisture from the system.
  • By attaching a freon cylinder to the unit using an adapter with a pressure gauge, the system is filled until the pressure specified in the instructions is reached. Then turn on the power supply through the machine.

When choosing a place to install an air conditioner, the first thing to consider is that the coolest air will be at a distance of 2-3 meters from the device. Place it in such a way that this area does not include a bed, sofa or other place for sleeping or long rest. In addition, when choosing where to install the air conditioner, it is worth choosing a place remote from all heating appliances. Anything that emits heat or steam is a bad neighbor for an air conditioner, unless of course you want to arrange room tornadoes 🙂. It is also undesirable for pieces of furniture to stand in the way of the air flow, otherwise the operation of the device will not be effective enough.

When choosing how to properly install an air conditioner in a room, the location of the windows is also taken into account. If you have a sunny side, then the flow of cooled air should go perpendicular to the influx of heat from the windows, in which case the temperature will be distributed most evenly. It is also not recommended to place the split system opposite the door to the room so that the cooled air does not go to other rooms.

When installing the air conditioner under the ceiling, you must also take into account the necessary indentation - at least 15 cm from the ceiling, in order to provide space for air movement. Since most split systems do not provide air from the street, but only cool the existing one, for a healthy microclimate, it is better to put the air conditioner in the same room as it will supply fresh air, and the air conditioner will cool it to the desired temperature.

If you decide how to properly install the air conditioner in the bedroom, then the best solution is to place it above the bed - in this case, the coldest zone will be outside the bed, and the air during sleep will be at a pleasant temperature.

If we talk about how to properly install the air conditioner in the kitchen, then, in addition to moving away from heat sources, which include the stove, you need to take into account the fact that if the air flow enters other rooms, then the smells from the kitchen will go throughout the apartment . If you have a gas stove, then you should not place the air conditioner opposite it either, since the air from it will blow out the flame. In the kitchen, there is often not enough space to install a split system in accordance with all the rules, in which case you can choose a corner or compact installation, now such options are also available on the market.

In the hot summer, people begin to understand what they lack in home improvement.
Air conditioning allows:

  • get rid of problems such as heat and stuffiness;
  • maintain the desired level of temperature in the room, as comfortable as possible for humans and household appliances.

Unlike fans, causing drafts and leading to colds, modern air conditioners maintain a predetermined temperature regime in automatic mode without problematic movements of air flows.

According to their design, household appliances are divided into two main classes:

  • monoblock;
  • multiblock devices.

Monoblock plants consist of one working unit and are divided into the following main types:

  • Window. Such devices must be installed in a window opening. Modern systems are produced with a power of 1.5-6 kW, may have an additional air heating system, automatic temperature control and remote control. The price of this air conditioner from 12000 rubles and higher, depending on the configuration.

  • Monoblock air conditioner mobile type designed for floor installation and can move around the apartment. He does not require special installation; the only condition is that the air outlet hose must be brought out. The hose has a diameter of up to 15 cm and a length of up to 2 m, which limits movement in the distance to the window.

  • rooftop devices, which are rarely used as domestic installations.

Multi-block structures are represented by split systems of various installations with two or more blocks. They have an outdoor unit containing a compressor and are installed outside the room, and one or more indoor units for air distribution.

  • The most common type of split system is the wall-mounted version of the indoor unit. It connects electrically and hydraulically to the outdoor unit and is fixed to the wall anywhere in the room. Such devices are produced with a power of 2-7 kW and are able to cool a room ranging from 12 to 75 square meters. m. The distance between the elements (pipeline length) is selected up to 7 m.

  • Unlike a simple split, which provides for 1 indoor unit, the multi-split system is based on the installation of 2 to 5 indoor devices, which can have a different design and power (within 2-5 kW). Such a system allows you to distribute air conditioning throughout the apartment, without cluttering the outer surface of the wall with additional blocks.

Air conditioner power calculation

The choice of air conditioner power. This important parameter of the device depends on the volume of the room.

  • S- the area of ​​the room;
  • H- ceiling height;
  • q- the heat transfer coefficient of the walls (for the sunny side q=40, for the shady side - q=30) with the addition of 10% for the heat generated by people and household appliances (except for the kitchen).

For example, for a room with an area of ​​​​30 square meters, a height of 2.5 m, facing the sunny side of the house, the power should be 30 x 2.5 x 40 x 1.1 \u003d 3300 watts. Standard power range of split systems: 2; 2.6; 3.5; 5.3 and 7 kW. Hence, you will have to choose an air conditioner with a capacity of 3.5 kW.

How to choose the right air conditioner

With the onset of the summer season, many are wondering: which air conditioner to choose? When selecting, in addition to power, We recommend that you pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • electricity consumption, the length of the freon line;
  • weight;
  • drainage features, design;
  • important - the presence of automatic temperature control, remote control, the presence of fittings for fastening;
  • and, of course, the price of the device.

Watch our video on how to choose the right air conditioner:

The principle of operation of the air conditioner

All household split systems have a similar operating principle:

  • The air is cooled by coolant(freon) at the moment of transformation into gas in the evaporator chamber takes in a lot of heat.
  • Vacuum pump gaseous freon is pumped out of the chamber and enters the condensation chamber, where again turns into a liquid.
  • Then a new cycle begins, and so it repeats constantly. It should also be taken into account that in the evaporation chamber when freon evaporates, water condensate is formed, accumulating at the bottom of the chamber and requiring withdrawal (drainage).

A feature of the split system is remote separation of the location of the condensation chamber, compressor and vacuum pump, and the evaporation chamber.
Due to the fact that all elements that emit noise (compressor, pump) are located in the outdoor unit and taken out of the room, it is ensured silent operation.
Freon is distilled through annealed copper tubes through the indoor unit, where the evaporation chamber is located and the air is cooled.

The energy consumption of the system can be reduced by the following measures:

  • the minimum length of the freon line;
  • good drainage of the evaporation chamber;
  • exclusion of heating of the outdoor unit under the influence of direct sunlight.

Energy consumption is reduced when the outdoor unit is lower than the indoor unit, just as when heated, any liquid itself rushes up, which means that it does not have to be promoted artificially.

The tightness of the entire system is important - any microscopic defects can lead to freon volatilization.

Installing an air conditioner and a split system with your own hands

Installing a split air conditioner includes the following main steps:

  1. Preparatory work.
  2. Installation of outdoor and indoor units.
  3. Freon piping.
  4. Installation of a drainage system.
  5. Installation of the electrical circuit.
  6. Filling refrigerant and sealing the system.
  7. Test and launch.

For mounting do-it-yourself air conditioner, you must prepare the following tool in advance:

  • perforator, electric drill and screwdriver;
  • rolling set;
  • vacuum pump and gauge manifold;
  • pipe processing tool - pipe cutter, scraper, reamer, pipe bender;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • a set of socket and wrench keys;
  • Adjustable wrench;
  • tester;
  • level and plumb;
  • Bulgarian.

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How to choose and install it yourself? Let's figure it out.

How much does it cost the family budget to use an electric boiler to heat a private house? .

When installing the device with your own hands, you will need the following mounting material and equipment:

  • for freon route: copper tube (two sizes); return nuts for tubes (two sizes); material for thermal insulation of the route;
  • for electrical installation: cable, circuit breaker at least 25A, connecting (terminal) block, RCD, PVC electrical tape, corrugated pipe for cable;
  • for the drainage system: hose for outdoor and indoor units, fittings for connection to the sewer system and connection;
  • for fastening: brackets for the outdoor unit, mounting plate for the indoor unit, anchor bolts, dowels and screws, rope (cable) to hold the outdoor unit during installation;
  • for filling and sealing: freon bottle, silicone sealant;
  • auxiliary elements: plastic boxes for pipes and drainage (60-100 mm) and cable (20-30 mm), clamps, pipeline fasteners, screws, dowels.

Preparatory work

The preparatory phase includes a number activities without which you can not start work:

  1. preparation of the mounting kit;
  2. studying instructions;
  3. checking the availability of all details;
  4. determination of the place of attachment of blocks;
  5. route marking; clarification of the possibility of the power grid.

Installation work must begin by reading the instructions by use. Without instructions, where the specified parameters of the device are given, quality installation is not possible. If the instruction is lost, then you should find an air conditioner similar in model (company office, service centers, Internet).

The instructions specify the following parameters:

  • operating current;
  • permissible length and diameter of the pipeline;
  • drainage requirements specific installation requirements;
  • type of refrigerant and its working pressure;
  • mass of blocks.

Block placement

When determining the place where it is necessary to install an air conditioner in an apartment, certain rules must be followed.

  • The internal one is installed close to the ceiling, but not closer than 15 cm.
  • There must be a free gap of at least 10 cm around the block.
  • During installation, the unit should be hung obliquely at an angle of up to 5 degrees.
  • The location of the element should allow free supply of pipes and cables, and be away from heat sources.
  • The distance to the block from the window should not exceed the maximum dimensions set for the length of the freon route.
  • The outdoor unit is installed on the outer side of the wall below the indoor unit, but no more than 3 m.
  • Its location must be chosen so that the installation is easy to carry out from the window opening.
  • The length of the pipes from the block to the entrance to the room should not exceed 1 m.
  • During installation, the outer element is moved away from the wall by 10 cm. It is forbidden to install the unit near the gas pipeline.

Planned block installation sites are marked with chalk or a marker with mounting brackets. Then between them piping route is marked for freon and power cable. noted mounting location of electrical distribution box. Drainage systems are being marked s and diverting it into the sewer.

Wiring and laying a freon route

Installation of the system consists in fixing the blocks, laying and fixing the pipeline, electrical wiring and drainage system.

The pipeline and cable along the wall can be laid in three ways:

  • penalty;
  • plastic box;
  • corrugated hose.

Penalties allow you to make a hidden route, but require a lot of time and effort. For laying all highways in concrete, a standard channel size 40 x 60 mm.

Chasing is carried out using a grinder, puncher or wall chaser. The easiest and most high-quality way is to use a wall chaser, which allows you to make a channel in one pass, but the cost of such a power tool is high. More a common method is to cut 2 longitudinal slots with a grinder followed by sampling of concrete between the slots with a perforator.

An easier laying method is a plastic hose or box. They are attached to the wall with dowels, for which holes with a diameter of about 8 mm are drilled in the marked places. To draw a route through a wall, it breaks through hole with a diameter of 5-8 cm using a perforator.

Installation of the drainage system

Proper installation - draining the air conditioner into the sewer, but this is realized only with a close location of sewer pipes. Most often, the drainage hoses are simply brought out (the volume of condensate is small and is released in the form of drops). A feature of laying drainage is the need to ensure the self-flow of water, i.e. the hose should be lowered by 3 cm for every 1 m of gasket length.

Electrical connection

The cable for power supply of the units is placed in a corrugated hose or a stub pierced in the wall. It is pulled through the wall into the same hole as the tubes. Along the outer wall and in the wall hole wiring is located in the corrugation. The channel for laying inside the wall has dimensions of at least 10 x 10 mm.

The outlet of the electrical circuit of the air conditioner from the main electrical network is carried out in the nearest junction box, if the section of the supply wires allows. Most often, necessary into an existing channel extend additional cable(wire) of the desired section. A terminal block is installed in the junction box, in which the connection is made.

Introductory RCD is installed on the electrical panel with a circuit breaker for a current of at least 25 A.

The figure shows the electrical connection diagram of the air conditioner:

Split system installation

The outdoor unit is mounted on brackets, the dimensions of which must take into account the weight of the device, as well as weather factors (snow, icing, wind). The brackets are fastened with anchor bolts, and the holes in the wall for them are punched with a perforator. Usually brackets are included. It is recommended to install a canopy over the outdoor unit.

To install the indoor unit pre-on wall fixed with dowels mounting plate included with the air conditioner. Holes for dowels are drilled with an electric drill or punched with a puncher. The block itself, according to the installation technology, is installed with an inclination at an angle of 3 to 5 degrees to direct the cool air down.

When laying copper pipes, special attention should be paid to their bending. To avoid deformations, bending should be carried out using a special device - a pipe bender. The permissible bending diameter is 20 cm. The tube must be cut with a pipe cutter, and the cut end must be processed with a scraper.

A heat-insulating hose made of polyurethane foam is put on the pipes(flex). Threaded flanges (back nuts) are installed on the ends of the tubes, and the end is rolled with a reamer. The flanges are installed on the fittings of the blocks and tightened, but so as not to deform the soft copper base of the tube.

Special attention - the thread of the flanges must be directed towards the end, and when fastening the cold outlet of one unit must not be connected to the hot outlet of another.

Charging refrigerant and completing the installation

The final stage of installation of the air conditioner includes filling the system with refrigerant, sealing and testing.

After the installation is completed, the power supply is connected and the system is charged with freon.

  • air is pumped out using a vacuum pump;
  • then the system is filled with freon from a cylinder, where it is under pressure.

The tightness of the structure is controlled by a manometric manifold.

If the collector shows no pressure increase within 60 minutes, then the tightness is considered normal; otherwise, the sealing of the joints should be checked. The easiest way to check is soap suds. The broken joints are sealed by applying silicone sealant.

Testing is carried out when turned on in different modes. Switching on is done using an automatic switch, and the test mode is set on the air conditioner.

To learn how to install the air conditioner yourself, see the video:

Rules for the use of air conditioners

When using the air conditioner in everyday life you should follow some rules:

  • it is impossible to direct a strong stream directly at a person, so as not to cause a cold;
  • it is not recommended to allow a temperature difference between adjacent rooms of more than 10 degrees;
  • the optimum temperature is recommended - 20-22 degrees;
  • you should periodically turn off the device and ventilate the room to restore the ozone content;
  • it is recommended to apply;
  • it is necessary to carry out preventive measures - replacing filters, adding freon, cleaning the system.

It is forbidden to turn on a faulty air conditioner: sparking in places of electrical contact, clicking inside, cable heating, refrigerant leakage.

air conditioner installation cost

Installing an air conditioner with your own hands requires certain costs - the purchase of fasteners, refrigerant, auxiliary materials. In general, all costs should not exceed 1000 rubles.

Installing an air conditioner by a specialist can be produced without spending your own time and effort, but will require at the lowest prices from 6000 rubles. By time installation of a split system will take no more than 8 hours with the right tools and materials.

Issues discussed in the material:

  • Where is the best place to install air conditioning in the apartment
  • Where to install the outlet for the air conditioner in the apartment
  • Where is the best place to install the outdoor unit of the air conditioner
  • Where is it better to install air conditioning in the 1st apartment
  • Where to install the air conditioner so as not to get sick
  • Where to install air conditioning in the living room
  • Where to install the air conditioner in the nursery
  • Where to install the air conditioner in the office
  • Where not to install the air conditioner
  • Air conditioning installation diagrams

Have you bought a split system and are already looking forward to the pleasure of a pleasant microclimate in your home? This article will help avoid the disappointment that is likely to await a consumer who has not figured out where to install an air conditioner and where not. According to statistics, many buyers take a balanced approach to the choice of climate equipment. Before buying, they consult with professionals, carefully analyze the features of models from different manufacturers, select parameters for the characteristics of their apartment or house. But, unfortunately, not all buyers pay due attention to the qualified installation of climate equipment. At this stage, many seek to save money and order installation from private installers or do such work on their own. At the same time, no attention is paid to the issue where to install the air conditioner. This approach can not only reduce the efficiency of air conditioning, but also lead to a quick failure of expensive equipment.

After reading this article, you will be able to avoid unpleasant mistakes and choose the right place for climate control equipment, which will help create an excellent microclimate in your home, office or apartment.

Where is the best place to install air conditioning in the apartment

Before installing a split system, you must carefully select the installation site. The building structure on which you plan to install the indoor unit must be strong enough to support the weight of the unit. In addition, the installation point should be close to the location of the outdoor unit. Another criterion that should be taken into account in order to properly install the air conditioner is aesthetic considerations (you need to take into account the features of the room and interior design).

Risk zone. When installing the air conditioner, it must be taken into account that the air flow from the distribution grille of the unit will diverge by three meters. Cold streams will concentrate in this area before being dispersed throughout the entire volume of the room. When choosing where to install an air conditioner in an apartment, it is necessary to ensure that there are no objects intended for work or leisure of people in the zone of cold air concentration. To prevent diseases caused by cold air flow, care must be taken that people do not stay in the flow zone for a long time. Those. the installation of the air conditioner should not be carried out opposite the bed, sofa, desktop, etc. It is better to install the indoor unit of the split system above the place of work or rest, so that a direct stream of cooled air passes over the sofa or table. But, you should not install an air conditioner above cabinets and other dimensional items that will interfere with the normal distribution of cooled air masses throughout the entire volume of the room.

It should be taken into account that when people are under a direct stream of cold air for only about a quarter of an hour, they will experience a deterioration in well-being. This can cause colds. At the same time, the difference in temperature readings in the street and in the room should not be more than 12 ° C. Larger temperature fluctuations can be detrimental to health.

The distance between the ceiling and the block. In order to properly install the air conditioner, it should be noted that the distance from the top edge of the indoor unit and the ceiling should be no less than 15 cm. The fact is that the air intake module is located in the upper part of the device, and a smaller distance to the ceiling may prevent the normal passage of air masses .

Appliances. All types of equipment that radiate heat and may interfere with the normal operation of the air conditioner should be as far away from the indoor unit as possible. Do not install a split system near the boiler, heating radiators, oven, refrigeration equipment, etc.

Cut off the heat inflow from the window. This principle will be especially relevant if you plan to install an air conditioner in a room with windows that face the sunny side. For faster cooling of the room, the flow of cooled air from the air conditioner should be perpendicular to the direction of the rays of the sun that pass through the window panes.

Aesthetics. The indoor unit must be installed in such a way that it does not cover significant decorative elements and does not violate the overall style of the interior. Professional installation is planned in such a way that not only does not spoil the design of the room, but also emphasizes its features. One of the first rules that experts follow is that you should avoid placing the air conditioner directly opposite the entrance to the room.

Where to install the outlet for the air conditioner in the apartment

The most common version of household air conditioners are wall-mounted models that are connected to a 220V network. Non-inverter models whose performance does not exceed 4kW (seven, nine, etc.) can be plugged directly into an electrical outlet. In fact, low-power inverter air conditioners can also be connected through a socket, but only if a certain phase orientation is observed.

Few people think about placing a small air conditioner in a one-room apartment, where to install an outlet. It is usually connected to the nearest plug-in source or "spread" the wire. Such solutions are not very attractive from an aesthetic point of view. It is better to think about how to install an air conditioner at the repair stage. To do this, a separate wire is laid from the installation site to the electrical panel, where a separate automatic connection is installed.

If you still decide to install a socket for a split system, then you must consider the following requirements:

  • It is impossible to connect other powerful consumers to the same source together with the air conditioner.
  • Care must be taken to ground the outlet.
  • The supply wire must have a section suitable for the load.
  • The connection of the air conditioner must be protected by a separate circuit breaker.

The decision on how and where to install the outlet for the air conditioner depends on the power of the climate equipment. Devices with high performance create an increased load on the connection wire. If you need to connect models from the “seven” to the “twelfth air conditioner”, consuming up to 1.4 kW, then the serviceable wiring of the old house may well be enough. But if the task is to power powerful devices, then it is imperative to equip a separate connection through the electrical panel. The best option for placing an outlet for an air conditioner is 0.3 m from the ceiling surface.

Where is the best place to install the outdoor unit of the air conditioner

When placing the outdoor unit, it is necessary to pay attention to the cost-effectiveness of installation, as well as the convenience of further maintenance of the equipment (cleaning, repair, etc.). When choosing where to install the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, pay attention to the following points:

For the safety of the equipment, do not install it close to the ground. If it is not possible to install the outdoor unit in another way, take measures to prevent hooliganism and theft of the unit. To do this, you can use grilles, alarms, surveillance cameras, etc.

To prevent various objects from falling on the outdoor unit, protection can be installed.

Do not install the outdoor unit near heat sources.

It is necessary to install the outdoor unit of the air conditioner so that the distance to any objects and objects is at least 3 meters.

For mounting the outdoor unit, special brackets and anchor bolts are used to prevent vibration. If you install the outdoor unit of the air conditioner in violation of these requirements, it will be noisy and can quickly fail.

Where is it better to install air conditioning in the 1st apartment

For effective air conditioning, it is not enough to buy powerful equipment. It is necessary to provide where you can install the air conditioner in the apartment. From a unit located equidistant from other rooms (in the corridor), the flows of warm or cold air will not be fully supplied. At the same time, it will be very cold in the hallway.

Choosing a high performance air conditioner will not solve the problem, as it will constantly run in stop / start mode, which will eventually lead to compressor failure.

What criteria should be used to choose an air conditioning system for servicing a one-room apartment and where to install air conditioning in a room? There are several solutions:

  • install a split system for each room separately;
  • install a multi system with one outdoor and two indoor units;
  • install channel equipment (low-pressure equipment can be used in one-room housing).

The disadvantage of the option with a split system is the presence of 2 blocks in the design of each air conditioner. A more economical and efficient solution is to install a duct system. But its minus is the high cost and features of the installation. For its device, it is necessary to lay air ducts, which can only be realized at a certain height of the ceiling structures.

Another disadvantage that can be expected from a ducted air conditioning system is the spread of unpleasant odors throughout the premises, since air intake ducts are placed throughout the area and then distributed to the same premises. This option is attractive for housing with several rooms.

The most economical option is to install one wall-mounted split system so that the entire area is covered by air currents. However, you need to understand that in the room where the air conditioner is located, the air will be colder. The temperature difference between a room or hallway will be different.

If you decide to install a wall model in the kitchen, then you should not mount it near the stove, as this will interfere with the burning of the burners. This rule does not apply to houses with electric stoves.

Where is it better to install air conditioning in the 2nd apartmente

To install climate equipment in a 2-room apartment, you should choose the largest room. The air cooled in it with this placement is evenly distributed throughout other rooms. If you choose to install an air conditioner in a hallway or a room with a small area, then the distribution of cooled air will be uneven. At the same time, the cooled air will be concentrated in the hallway, and it will not reach the back rooms.

If you still do not know where to install the air conditioner in a two-room apartment, then you need to carefully study the layout of the rooms in the apartment. For planning a studio apartment, it is rational to place the air conditioning system in the largest room, but it is necessary to take into account the fact that air flows should be directed to the doors of adjacent rooms.

The strategic location for placing an air conditioner in a two-room apartment is the location that is most connected to the rest of the premises. If the central place in the apartment is the living room, from which there is access to the hallway and bedroom, then the air conditioner should be installed in this room. This option will create the most comfortable microclimate throughout the apartment.

not to get sick

There are several most convenient points where you can install air conditioning in the bedroom. Each option has its positive and negative sides:

  • Above the head of the bed

If we consider how the distribution of cold air occurs, it turns out that the most comfortable place in the room is under the air conditioner. The cold air flow is directed to the opposite wall, where the cooled air masses accumulate, and therefore the lowest temperature indicators are here. The place opposite the air conditioner, at a distance of 2.5 to 4 meters, is considered the most uncomfortable and dangerous to health, since the flow of cold air tends to go there.

  • Opposite the bed

If you are looking for a place to install air conditioning in the bedroom, then we can say that opposite the bed is not the best option. Installed opposite the bed, the air conditioner will direct the flow of cold air to the opposite wall, from which it repels and falls on the heads of sleeping people. As a result, it creates not only discomfort during sleep, but can also be harmful to health. When purchasing an air conditioner for the bedroom, many buyers still have no idea where to hang it. They cannot decide where to install the indoor unit - above the head of the bed, or, on the contrary. In this case, the best option would be to place the indoor unit above the head of the bed. In this case, you need to install the blinds of the air conditioner in a horizontal position. Thus, the outgoing flow of air masses will be directed horizontally and, starting from the opposite wall, will be evenly distributed throughout the room.

  • Above the door

Installing an air conditioner above the door is the most inconspicuous option. It will not be visible when entering the room. This arrangement of the split system does not spoil the interior of the room. The equipment will be noticeable only during rest or sleep. Another advantage of the decision to install the air conditioner above the door is that furniture and objects do not get in the way. They can be easily moved as needed.

The only drawback of the decision to install the indoor unit above the door is the laying of a long route. This affects not only the quality of the split system, but also the cost of its installation.

  • Across from the door

The installed split system should not violate the interior of the room. Designers always provide options for placing the device, in which it will be imperceptible or harmoniously fit into the design of the room. Therefore, the decision to install an air conditioner in front of the door is considered unaesthetic, since when entering the room, the eye will rest on the split system.

  • Near the window

Can't decide where to install the air conditioner in the bedroom? One of the most popular places is near the window. The main advantages of this arrangement are a short route and the proximity of the device to the windows. But with such an arrangement of the air conditioner, it will be impossible to hang curtains with lambrequins on the windows. As curtains, it will be possible to install fasteners for tulle or light curtains, which, when the air conditioner is turned on, must be constantly moved away.

Some options involve a choice - aesthetics or comfort. With any placement of the air conditioner, we wish you the pleasure of operating the climate device.

Where to install air conditioning in the living room

The living room is a room where the whole family gathers to spend leisure time and celebrate celebrations with friends and relatives. Therefore, first of all, it is in this room that you need to install a split system.

The choice of air conditioning system and the place for its installation is determined by the size of the room and its design. The split system will harmoniously fit into the interior of the living room, if it is invisible to the eye. Therefore, it is not worth installing an air conditioner opposite the entrance, the optimal places for installation are:

  • near a soft corner, armchairs or a sofa located near the device;
  • above the front door;
  • near the window, this option is considered ideal for hot sunny days;
  • on the wall, slightly to the right or left of upholstered furniture.

When choosing a model, it is desirable to take into account the design of the room. The color scheme of the air conditioner can be combined with other equipment - a TV, an acoustic system. Split system can be selected in accordance with the main color of the interior. Thus, the air conditioner will not stand out and harmoniously fit into any interior.

Where to install the air conditionerin the nursery

When choosing an air conditioner for a nursery, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to such factors as cleaning the air from dust, germs and unpleasant odors. The supply of fresh air, cooling or heating of the room are also important tasks that can be solved if the air conditioning system is installed correctly. For the installation of climate control equipment, parents should use the following recommendations:

  • do not install air conditioning above the desk or turn it off during class.
  • you can mount the device near the bed from the side of the window or from the opposite side.
  • it is not recommended to install the air conditioner above furniture or at a distance of 70 cm from it, as the constant blowing of dust contributes to air pollution.

Install the air conditioner in the room of a newborn or a small child in such a way that air masses do not pass over the crib. Cold air can cause a cold, while warm air can cause your baby to sweat all the time. Therefore, the choice of the best place to place the air conditioner must be carried out taking into account the recommendations provided by our experts. If the air conditioner was installed earlier, then you need to find another place for the baby's crib.

Where to install the air conditioner in the office

Everyone knows that in order to create a normal microclimate in the office, it is necessary to install an air conditioner. But in order for these air conditioning costs to bring the maximum effect, as well as to prevent employee diseases, it is necessary to properly position the climate equipment in the room. It is necessary to exclude hit of direct currents of cold air on people. To do this, the indoor unit must be installed so that the air flows from it are directed to the passages between the workplaces.

Air conditioners, which provide for the general control of the operation of several units, do not provide high-quality temperature conditions. For each person, the comfortable temperature may differ slightly, so the option of installing separate systems for each room looks more preferable. Thus, it becomes possible to set up an individual mode for each department, which will significantly reduce the number of complaints from employees.

Powerful computer equipment has long been an indispensable attribute of a modern office. Many companies provide separate premises for the placement of computer equipment - server rooms. There are usually no windows in these rooms, and the organization of high-quality air conditioning is required. In order to correctly install the air conditioner in the server room, it is necessary to take into account all the features of the room (fresh air intake, presence / absence of heating, humidity level, etc.). Based on such data, the calculation and selection of climatic equipment is carried out. It is necessary to install the air conditioner in the “server room” so that cold air does not get on the equipment and people working here. Another point to which attention should be paid is "landscaping". All plants should also be located away from the indoor unit, as they may not tolerate changes in temperature.

Radiators and mobile heaters should also not be located in the zone of cooled air intake, as this may affect the operation of the climate equipment.

Where not to install the air conditioner

When figuring out where to properly install an air conditioner in a room, you need to find out where such installation cannot be performed. The indoor unit of the split system is not installed:

  • On top of the heating equipment. If you install an air conditioner above the radiator, then in the off-season, when the central heating has not yet been turned off, the air conditioning system will work without shutting down “for wear”. This will lead to high energy costs and damage to the split system. In addition, even when the air conditioner is turned off, the plastic case of the indoor unit can be deformed from heat flows.
  • In rooms intended for the permanent operation of equipment that produces high frequency electromagnetic oscillations (drilling equipment, etc.). Such waves can lead to a violation of the settings of the air conditioner processor.
  • Opposite the bed, desk and other places where people can stay for a long time (this can cause illness).
  • In places where there are obstacles to the free circulation of air flows (behind a closet, behind thick curtains, etc.). Install the air conditioner so that the nearest obstacle is more than 3 meters. Otherwise, the cold air flow will be reflected from an object located too close and the temperature sensor will give a command to turn off the compressor, as if the room temperature has reached the set value.
  • On an uneven surface. The misalignment of the indoor unit will lead to a constant leakage of condensate, which, if properly installed, is discharged into a separate container through the exercise channel.

Where not to install the outdoor unit:

  • On a fragile, collapsing or uneven wall structure.
  • In places where the installation is associated with a kink in the tubes through which freon moves. It should be taken into account that when twisting such tubes into a ring with a radius of up to 10 cm, the compressor will spend more energy pumping freon.

Air conditioning installation diagrams

Scheme No. 1-2. The most popular installation schemes for indoor and outdoor units. The indoor unit is hung close to the window (to the right or left), and the outdoor unit is placed under the window.

Scheme No. 3. This scheme for installing an external unit is quite rare. Only possible with an opening balcony sash or on an unglazed balcony.

Scheme No. 4. Installation in this way of the external unit is possible when, firstly, space allows, and, secondly, the balcony consists of durable materials, be it brick or concrete.

Scheme No. 5. A common option for mounting an outdoor unit, if the inter-unit route runs along a balcony. It is important that there is access from the balcony window, and the balcony also consists of durable materials.

Scheme No. 6.
Direct mounting. The most convenient scheme for installing the indoor and outdoor unit. Let's do it when the outdoor unit is located no higher than the second floor.

Scheme No. 7. In this installation scheme, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the windows. Windows must open.

Scheme No. 8. Direct mounting. The most convenient scheme for installing the indoor and outdoor unit. Let's do it when the outdoor unit is located no higher than the second floor. Either the services of climbers or aerial platforms are used.

That's all. We hope that the material was useful to you.

P.S. You can get a free qualified consultation on how to install an air conditioner, as well as order a professional installation of climate equipment by contacting the specialists of the Formula Climate company.