High-quality landscaping of the territory of a private house at a reasonable cost. How to do the landscaping of a private house with your own hands: principles and basic elements Necessity and charm of lighting and lighting

Landscaping, created by a professional or by the owner himself, turns an ordinary house in the village into a real country estate.

Each owner of the site (regardless of the number of acres) is aware that it will be much more difficult to create a landscape design for a private house than to make repairs, for example, in a standard apartment. And yet, the efforts spent will be more than rewarded with the beauty that will delight you every day.

By far the easiest way to create a beautiful backyard is to hire a professional landscape designer. However, this service is not cheap, and there are no guarantees that a stranger will correctly understand your preferences and create a dream plot for you.

Given the abundance of information on this topic in the public domain, plan and create paradise in your yard you can do it yourself. How to equip a plot near a private house, you can look at the photo in our photo gallery.

Such a well-maintained yard will become not only a beautiful area near the house, but also a favorite place for meeting friends, for family gatherings, for relaxing in the bosom of nature.

Preliminary preparation

The landscape design of the courtyard of a private house is a very complex and responsible enterprise, therefore, when starting this on your own, you should whole line preparatory work, including theoretical training.

Each owner understands that landscape design near the house has two main goals:

  • make the local area as comfortable and practical as possible;
  • ennoble the site, give it gloss and emphasize beauty.

In order for both of these tasks to be successfully completed, in your work you need to take into account many factors that affect the overall result. So, where do you start and what must be taken into account?

building codes

Over the long years of building country houses and arranging the area around them, certain standards have been developed that allow you to properly organize work and avoid planning errors.

The main building regulations relate to maintaining the distance between objects:

  • the residential building is at least 3 m behind the regular road and 6 m behind the motorway;
  • a residential building and an outbuilding should be located no closer than 7 m from each other;
  • the dog enclosure is 4 m from the house;
  • outdoor toilet, compost pit and even a well must be placed at a distance of 15 m from the main buildings;
  • the distance from the fence to the nearest building is 1-1.5 m, but large trees and shrubs should be planted no closer than 1-3 m from the border of the territory.

Strict rules apply to the laying of all communications. The depth of the ditches, the distance from buildings, as well as cables from each other, the possibility of planting certain plants near communications - all this must be taken into account even before the actual arrangement of the site. It is safe to bring light to the gazebo, lay water to the pool or organize a drain from it.

Thanks to the observance of these norms, in the future it will be pleasant to enjoy the beauty and peace, it is convenient to spend repair work, drive up to the house and move around the territory, in general, it will be comfortable to live.

Individual features and preferences

With independent work on the design of a plot of a private house, you will be able to fully realize all your dreams, make the surrounding area unique and unrepeatable.

At the same time, it is important to take into account not only your personal preferences, but listen to the wishes of all household members. Agree, in a house where children live, there cannot be a playground, and avid lovers of gatherings around the fire cannot do without a gazebo and barbecue. The professional design of the courtyard of a private house and photos of modern courtyards confirm this.

Lifestyle, family composition, the presence or absence of pets - all this significantly affects the design of a personal plot. And if you take into account all the nuances at the planning stage, in the future you will not have to rebuild, redo and regret.

Climatic features of the region

Having made a general idea of ​​what exactly will be placed on the site, where and how the main objects will be located and, having chosen your favorite plants, be sure to take into account the peculiarities of the climate.

The landscape design of the courtyard of a private house in the photos that you will find on our website proves that outdoor outdoor pools, for example, or huge fountains are difficult to design where winter lasts 9 months a year. And a closed windproof gazebo with a huge stove would be completely out of place somewhere in the tropics.

Of course, the plants that you can plant in the garden of your dreams depend directly on the weather conditions.

Thus, the weather and temperature background during the year largely determine not only the flora on your site, but also dictate the possibility and features of the placement of certain objects.


Many are sure that good site- This is a flat area. Therefore, often the owners try, at the cost of incredible efforts and financial costs, to cut off all the elevations and fill up all the depressions at all costs. And yet, it is most advisable to think over the landscape design of the yard, taking into account the features of the relief.

If the area near your house is initially more or less flat, you can do anything on it: plant a garden, plant a lawn, build a gazebo, or dig a pool.

The uneven area allows you to equip different functional areas in different planes, separating them with decorative steps or terraces. On a hilly area, an alpine slide would be appropriate, and the depressions are perfect for arranging a pond. Huge elevation changes also open up scope for creativity - vertical layout holds a lot of surprises.

So, the whole yard will play, gain complexity and originality. It will be your individual creation, which no one can reproduce.

Combination with buildings and structures

Very often, planning the landscape of the courtyard comes at a time when the main buildings (including a residential building) have already been built. In this regard, it is important to think over the design in such a way that the house fits organically into environment, did not stand out from the overall composition and was combined in style with the surrounding area.

Given the scale, the cottage will play a dominant role throughout the site, so all other elements should emphasize its merits. At the same time, outbuildings can be hidden behind greenery.

Proper consideration of all the features of the site, construction norms and rules, laying communications, as well as your own taste will help create the picture on the site that will delight you and your loved ones for many years.


From general ideas and reasoning, it's time to move on to more specific planning of your own site.

admiring beautiful landscapes private houses in the photo, many owners strive to embody everything that they saw. But you need to be able to control yourself and, with all the variety, choose exactly what is really needed and appropriate in each specific case.

At the planning stage, it is necessary not only to draw a scaled sketch of the site and all the objects on it, but also to place those that will appear in the future there. There are a number of "mandatory" attributes of any suburban economy (not counting a residential building):

  • garden house(for inventory);
  • garage and parking place;
  • terrace or courtyard;
  • gazebo for relaxation (with hearth);
  • tracks;
  • street lighting;
  • green spaces;
  • decorative elements.

Among the frequently encountered objects in suburban areas are:

  • bath;
  • dog enclosure;
  • playground;
  • pool, pond or fountain, etc.

All this must be properly placed so that the yard is not only beautiful, but also functional. Only after sketches and drawings on paper (or in special programs where the design of personal plots of private houses looks like in the photo), when the layout is optimal, you can start marking on the ground.


Even at the planning stage, the owners are determined with the functional load that their site will subsequently bear. In accordance with this, the entire yard is divided into certain zones.

Among the main zones that are found in almost every suburban area, the following can be distinguished:

  • entrance (front door);
  • household;
  • gardening;
  • recreation area (quiet or active);
  • children's area (if there are children).

If the territory is small, then often the functional zones are combined and not separated from each other. The main emphasis in this case is on the design of a recreation area in a private house.

When the size of the site allows, it is convenient to isolate each of the selected areas so that when sunbathing, for example, by the pond, you do not have to breathe in the exhaust gases of an approaching car.

To distinguish between each element of the site, the following methods are used:

  • green spaces (hedges);
  • decorative fences;
  • tracks;
  • arches, pergolas;
  • tapestries, screens, screens, etc.

When planning the location of each of the zones, it is important to consider how they will look from above, for example, from a balcony or from the windows of the second floor of the house. Look at the projects of courtyards of private houses, the photos that we have selected for you, and you will understand that it is not very romantic to admire the parking from the bedroom, but playgrounds, on the contrary, should be in sight.

Style selection

The landscape design of the courtyard of a private house looks solid and complete only when it is designed in a common style with the house and other capital buildings.

There are a lot of styles. However, at the first stage of species gradation, there are:

  • regular (classic) style;
  • landscape (natural) style.

A regular park appeared in France during the reign of Louis XIV, so this concept of site design is often called French. It is enough to recall Versailles to understand the main features of the regular style:

  • large area of ​​the site;
  • strict geometricity in everything (paths, flower beds, cutting shrubs and trees);
  • order and regularity.

It is very difficult to take care of such a park, so usually the regular style is found only in large estates, where its beauty is maintained by a whole team of professionals.

It is quite natural that the landscape design of a private house is often created in a natural (landscape) style. Here, care does not require such colossal efforts and it is quite up to the owner himself.

Basically, natural design is classified according to the place of origin of one or another design model for the area around the house:

  • English (as close as possible to the natural landscape, characterized by smooth lines, winding paths, cascades, artificial reservoirs);
  • Slavic ( natural materials, an abundance of wood, stone, rural decor, an abundance of perennials and the absence of flower beds with regular outlines) Even the design of a private house garden will be important here;
  • European country (slightly more orderly than Slavic, but in general the same “sloppy”, slightly neglected in appearance);
  • Japanese (restrained, strict, with artificial reservoirs and obligatory rock garden, evergreens, mostly low);
  • Mediterranean (ideal for outdoor recreation: patios, gazebos, fountains, shady corners, bright plants in clay pots);
  • Moorish (in the center there is always a small artificial reservoir surrounded by lush vegetation) and many others.

The choice of style depends on personal tastes, on climatic features, however Starting point there is always a house, which sets the tone for the whole composition.

Landscaping and walkways

On the plan of a personal plot, not only capital buildings are designated, future functional zones are distinguished, but they also connect all objects with a network of paths, paths and paved areas.

For maximum convenience of movement, the tracks are laid along the shortest path. And at the same time, if you want to create something original and unique in your yard, you can make the paths winding, and the areas (for example, under a car or for a patio) uneven and asymmetrical.

Of course, paving paths and playgrounds on adjoining territory depends on the chosen style of decoration of the entire garden.

Judging by the photo of the landscape design of the adjoining territories of private houses, designers often try to choose a more restrained option closer to the house, but in thematic corners and various zones they allow themselves to play with the form and choice of materials.

Today, there are many tools for laying tracks:

  • concrete tiles;
  • paving stones;
  • hewn stone;
  • wood cuts;
  • crushed stone and gravel;
  • decking, etc.

Whichever option you choose for your site, the main thing is to plan the road and path network correctly so that you do not have to subsequently shorten the path along the lawns; and also follow all the laying rules so that the tracks for a long time performed their function.


Although landscaping the yard of a private house (photo below) does not look that difficult, in fact it is the most problematic step in designing a yard landscape on your own. And all because serious theoretical preparation is required here (botanical knowledge allows you to choose the right plant depending on the conditions of their growth, flowering periods, combination with each other, etc.).

And at the same time, looking at the landscape design of the adjacent territories of private houses in the photo in our photo gallery, you just want to create something like this outside your window. We will give basic advice on landscaping the site.


The fundamental element of landscaping the area around the house is the lawn. Areas sown with special cereal grasses serve as a backdrop for all other plants, and frame the entire green composition.

Lawns are different.

  • The main type, which is immediately presented at the word "lawn", is the so-called lawns for recreation. These are the areas around residential cottages that are planted, because they grow well and are able to withstand moderate loads (animal running, children playing, and even a picnic on a blanket);
  • Ornamental lawns are usually arranged in huge parks, where they create an even, dense surface;
  • Flowering lawns (Moorish) are more like not an herbalist, but a summer meadow, full of all colors;
  • Sports (for tennis courts and football fields).

The process of arranging a lawn and subsequent care for it is quite troublesome, despite its apparent simplicity. Prepare the soil, sow, water, loosen, sow, mow regularly - these are just the main types of work. To simplify the initial stage, you can use a rolled lawn, but here you can hardly do without the help of professionals.

The modern design of the territory of a private house in the photo does not happen without green lawns that allow you to fully enjoy the surrounding beauty.

flower beds

Leafing through photos with the design of backyard plots of private houses on our website, you first of all pay attention to flowers, without them it is impossible to imagine any yard. When large-sized plants (trees and shrubs) have already been planted, you can start organizing bright eye-catching corners.

Flowers and ornamental plants can be planted in different forms:

  • a flower bed (a regular-shaped flower garden, consisting mainly of annuals);
  • mixborder (composition of their perennials complex shape);
  • border (flower framing of paths);
  • rockery, rock garden (compositions of stones and mountain plants), etc.


The design of the adjacent territory of a private house (photo from our article), in addition to lawns and flower beds, also implies artificial reservoirs. They enhance the feeling of closeness to nature, and the sound of water relaxes and soothes.

Basically, on personal plots you can find the following types of reservoirs:

  • pond;
  • Creek;
  • waterfall;
  • fountain;
  • pool.

Artificial ponds are created not for swimming, but for admiring nature. There you can land special aquatic plants and breed fish.

The stream can be as an independent element water structure garden, and complement, for example, a pond. Here the water must be flowing and not stagnate. That is why the equipment of the stream requires pumps and pipes.

Waterfalls and fountains are also often additional objects and require significant effort and expense for their arrangement.

But the outdoor pool is a real luxury. After all, it must be carefully thought out and properly built, so that later it can be planted with cool water on a hot day.

The murmur of water, light refreshing splashes and the mirror-like surface of the pond are the best antidepressant in the world, relieve stress and allow you to relax. The design of the plot of a private house with ponds, even in the photo, looks soothing. And because the reservoir in the recreation area - best solution for homeowners.


To date, the lighting of the courtyard of a private house can be divided into two categories:

  1. functional light (i.e. one that allows you to safely and comfortably move around the site in dark time days);
  2. decorative light (designed to highlight the most interesting areas and objects in the territory and allow everyone to enjoy this aesthetic view).

Without fail, light is carried out:

The second stage of lighting is aesthetic light. Sculptures, large trees, original flower beds will sparkle with new shades at night in the rays of spotlights, and the pond and pool will enchant with the reflections of lanterns on the water surface.

It is necessary to think over the location of all lighting fixtures even before landscaping work, because each lamp and lamp requires wiring. Fortunately, there are now a variety of lamps on solar panels which greatly facilitate the work.


The finishing touch in creating a dream garden are decorative elements that not only emphasize the stylistic solution of the local area, but also add variety to the surrounding picture. You will find the best options for decorating the courtyard of a private house in the photo on our website.

The decor includes small architectural forms(arches, fountains, sculptures, garden furniture). With their help, they delimit the functional areas on the site, create dynamics and make the necessary accents.

Small decorative elements (such as figurines of animals and fairy-tale characters) give the yard a touching and unique charm. Only here you need to know the measure, so as not to turn your site into a playground.

In modern landscape design, the combination of decorative and utilitarian functions is warmly welcomed. For example, a waste box decorated with trellises, decorated flower arrangements a hatch or a fun and unusual bird feeder, in addition to its original purpose, will also serve as a decoration for your garden. Such a design near the house photo can be found in our gallery.

Our home is our castle. This is where we spend most of our time. But, we are created in such a way that the place in which we live should be beautiful. A person loves comfort, warmth, beauty and originality. Such moments are important not only for interior decoration, but also for the site from the outside.

Agree that an abandoned house that is overgrown with weeds, cluttered with unnecessary things and looks untidy is not as pleasant to look at as a well-groomed, clean and tidy house. We can say that the building itself and the site represent the owner.

In order for your home to be worthy, beautiful and speak only good things about you, you need to seriously think about the design of the site. Here you need an individual approach, professional advice and some rules to help you correct design courtyard of a private house. Let's find out how to make a quality landscape design and transform your home. And visual photos will help you to have an idea of ​​the work.

The main thing is the layout of the site

Yard a private house ov is the territory that is adjacent to your house. She meets not only you, but also other guests and neighbors. The overall impression of the house will depend on its appearance from the outside. That's why it's so important to tackle the exterior as quickly as possible. And to make it qualitatively, you need to plan your landscape.

But, before doing this, it is important to note that a beautiful design can be different for everyone, since, as they say, there are no comrades for taste and color. You must understand for yourself what, in your opinion, beauty is expressed. There are many factors that influence choice and preference:

  1. Some people prefer the convenience and practicality of the site, while others design the house in such a way as to impress the neighbors.
  2. Lifestyle also plays a big role. Are you often at home? Or do you come there to spend the night?
  3. Do you have children? Then the design of the house and the layout will be done so that they have playground, and stay on the site was not traumatic.
  4. Much the same can be said about pets. If they are, then the layout of the yard will be slightly different.
  5. How often do you invite guests to barbecues or barbecues? Do you like to relax outdoors in the gazebo in the yard?

All these factors play important role when decorating a courtyard in a private house. If you take into account these nuances, you can speed up the process of work and save money.

It should be noted that the landscape design of the yard directly depends on the size of the plot near the house. The larger it is, the more diverse, practical, beautiful and richer you can decorate a house. Here your imagination is not limited. But what you will need to say goodbye to is finances. After all, the more you want to do in the yard, the more everything will cost.

As for the design of a small courtyard, then in this matter you need to prioritize correctly, because everything that you might want to do on the territory may simply not fit. Here you can no longer make a large playground with a place for barbecues, relaxation and flower beds. In the photo you can see an approximate plan, from which you can build on when decorating a plot in the yard.

Based on the plan, you need to make markings on the ground where all the objects will be located. Among them are a gazebo, a flower bed, a path, a pond, a patio, rock gardens and other desired buildings. As professionals advise, the entire site can be divided into squares. In each of them, place one of the key figures (decorative element or structural building). So everything will look beautiful, organic, not sticky and even. This balance in the interior of the site is very important. The photo shows how beautifully and correctly you can place everything on the site near the house.

Note! Before you start construction works in the yard, check the condition of the site. In the event that you find an accumulation of water, it is important to make drainage. The same applies to the wiring of communications, especially when placed on the site of a fountain, irrigation system or artificial reservoir.

Arrangement of paths, steps and flower beds of the yard

Despite their nondescript nature, garden paths play a very important role in the landscape design of the yard. Not only do they perform a practical function, which is to move comfortably and safely around the site, but the paths are also able to zone and decorate the area in front of the house. What can yard paths be made of? Here are a few options for you to think about:

  • from wood;
  • from flat and large stones;

The borders themselves can also be different. Here everything depends on your desire and imagination. Some even make them from glass bottles, which looks quite nice. And if you combine the material for the paths on the site, you can get both a functional and practical coating that will decorate the yard.

You may be surprised, but the geometry in landscape design is very important. Someone, for example, sees harmony and balance in the smooth lines of the yard, oval flower beds, round structures and winding paths. And someone prefers a strict and clear design, expressed in straight garden paths, bushes with a line of shape and in a flat lawn, cut to a ruler. What is your ideal backyard landscape design? Think about it and bring it all to life.

What private house will do without a flower bed? She brings sophistication to the design, dilutes it, decorates and transforms the site. If you need to beautifully decorate your yard, then you can not do without a flower bed. At the same time, it is important to plant flowers of not one type, but various ones, so that they succeed each other in flowering, differ in coloring and appearance.

It would be useful to plant perennials in the yard that will bloom all year round. You can plant flowers not only in the ground. Pots, planters, boxes near the house, etc. are suitable for this purpose. A flower bed can be made in a variety of ways. Here is one in the photo original idea creating a flower bed on the site.

In the event that the terrain on the site is hilly, do not rush to take up tools and level it. Such a struggle with nature may be superfluous, it is better to use this feature to your advantage. For example, you can create beautiful steps in high ground or low ground. Such a decorative design in the yard will serve as a focal point and will be able to attract the attention of others.

Fountains, cascades and artificial reservoirs in the yard

If finances allow you, and the territory is quite large, then you can decorate the yard in a special way by placing a fountain or an artificial reservoir on it. Such designs can often be seen in the landscape design of expensive estates or cottages. This trend is inherent oriental style, which is not complete without natural stones, plants and water. No wonder the Japanese believe that water is the source of life and a symbol of harmony.

We want to say right away that organizing a reservoir on a site is not an easy task, but it's worth it. You can not do without the help of professionals in this matter. It is important to choose the right place, carry out the wiring of communications and design everything technologically correct. Look at the photo how beautifully a small pond fits into the design of the site.

Let there be light

Equally important for the site and lighting. This is your guarantee of safety. Yes, and with the company to relax in the yard will be longer. Lights can make a big difference in the overall perception of a site. Look at the photo to make sure beautiful house You can't go wrong with quality lighting.

Note! Thanks to spot lighting yard, you can highlight significant decor items in landscape design on the site.

First, consider the functionality of lighting. What is it about? This is the illumination of the facade of the building, the illumination of the terrace, gazebos, trains to the garage, baths and the main entrance. And then you can decorate other elements. As landscape design professionals advise, lighting should be placed so that at night the outline of the perimeter of the yard, as well as ways to move around it, can be clearly seen. That's why some people light up steps and garden paths.

And where else can you install lights in the yard? flowerbed, garden sculpture, pond, rock garden, trees or shrubs - all this can be distinguished. Lanterns, lamps, garlands are used as lighting devices, decorative lamps etc. What exactly to use and where - decide for yourself.

Beautiful do-it-yourself courtyard of a private house photo.


As you can see, making your house and its yard beautiful is not so difficult. It is important to stick to the rules, decide on the layout of the yard and make all your dreams come true. In addition, you can create on the site dining area, a recreation area, an area for children, install a barbecue or barbecue, a gazebo, etc. All this decorates the yard near the house and makes it functional. Start from the free space in the territory and from your financial capabilities. Then you will get a beautiful house with a yard, in which it will be even more pleasant to live.

Your own home requires more attention than ordinary apartment(even 2- or 3-room). A large part of the concerns is related to the area around the structure. In the old days, all owners of their own residential real estate with adjacent plots of land carried out the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house with their own hands (the photo below shows the trends of previous years). But what is today?

General information

Previously, do-it-yourself arranging the courtyard of a private house in a village (the photos presented in the article illustrate this) was quite simple. Most of the territory was allocated for vegetable crops, barns for animals. A small area was planted with flowers. Today, country preferences are almost completely forgotten, and the solutions that were used before are unpopular today. A solid cottage or a cozy small mansion, surrounded by a picturesque landscape, flower beds, and small architectural forms, is in fashion today. Next, we will figure out what the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house should be like. Photos of some solutions will also be presented in the article.

Territory as a whole

Each owner of his own cottage carries out the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house in accordance with his personal preferences. Many turn to professionals for help. Professional landscape designers draw up projects, taking into account not only the wishes of customers, but also the characteristics of the area itself. Many owners carry out the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house with their own hands (photos illustrate several design options for the territory). Before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a plan, in accordance with which certain structures will be erected on the ground.

Territory planning

Do-it-yourself arranging the courtyard of a private house begins with drawing up a diagram. There is a complex of objects that are present on the territory almost always. These include:

  • Courtyard (terrace).
  • Garage with parking.
  • Summer shower. This element, as a rule, is used when arranging the courtyard of a private house in the village (the photo shows how organically this detail can be entered into the landscape).
  • Playground.
  • Outbuildings.
  • Decorative elements, small architectural forms. These include garden lanterns, stone compositions, sculptures, alpine slides, and so on.
  • Green spaces: flower beds, trees, lawn, shrubs, etc.
  • An integral element, without which the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house with your own hands is not complete, is the path. They not only create ease of movement, but also perfectly complement the landscape.

Of course, this list is not mandatory. When arranging the courtyard of a private house, one should be guided by common sense and understand exactly what is useful on the territory and what is not. In addition, there are a number of requirements that must be followed.

Location of objects

When arranging the courtyard of a private house (in a village or suburb of a metropolis), it is necessary to place the elements at a certain distance relative to each other. For example, if there is an aviary for a dog, then it must be removed from a residential building by at least 4 meters, a garage and outbuildings should be installed at a distance of 7 meters from each other. wells, a separate toilet should be built at least 15 meters away from housing. The fence is located from any buildings at a distance of 1-1.5 m, tall plants- up to 3 m.


You can proceed to their marking after the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house is fully planned. When designing paths, you also need to follow certain standards. The width of the paths should not be less than 75 cm. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory allows, you can make a circular path near the residential building. Thanks to this, it will be easy to get to different parts of the house. In addition, it can be a great bike track for children.

taking into account the characteristics of the territory

Of course, the easiest way to arrange the courtyard of a private house is when the terrain is flat: there are no hills, hillocks on it, and the surface itself is located horizontally, without a slope. In such a territory, a wide scope opens up for the realization of the most different ideas. Of great importance are the composition of the soil, climatic features of the area. When arranging the territory, you need to know not only the nuances of landscape design, but also have "botanical" skills. They consist in the ability to competently arrange plants on the ground.

Environmental factors

They are of particular importance in the distribution of plantings. The following factors influence the development of plants:

  • Quantity, in this case we are talking about its general distribution on the ground and specifically on the plot. Some plants like shady places, and some plantings feel better in an open lighted clearing.
  • Air temperature. When planning planting, the average indicators of the winter and summer periods are taken into account.
  • Humidity of the earth and air. In this case, it takes into account average value atmospheric precipitation throughout the year and proximity to the soil surface of groundwater.
  • Terrain relief.
  • Features of the composition of air, water (acidity / alkalinity) and soil.

Given all these indicators, you can easily pick up plants that will decorate the site and at the same time feel comfortable.

Territory styles

How exactly to equip a personal plot is up to each owner to decide independently. There are several fairly common styles of landscape design:

  • Classical.
  • English.
  • French.
  • Japanese.
  • Slavic.
  • Country.
  • Modern.

Japanese style is very attractive in terms of compactness. You can arrange even a small area. Slavic style is perfect for a wooden structure. With it, you can completely implement the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house with your own hands from improvised materials. European country in some way echoes the Slavic style, but it is more streamlined. The English design of the site is considered strict, but natural. The last word in landscape design is modern. With skillful use, you can create unique design terrain. It is considered traditional classic style. Let's consider it in more detail.

Landscaping in a classic style

It is also called "regular". In the classical style, everything is designed in strict symmetry. Lines of paths and buildings should be clear. Are used geometric shapes. It is generally accepted that the classical style in the landscape can to some extent soften the storm of emotions that arise in urban residents plunging into nature. It should be noted that such a design of the site requires special and regular maintenance. Otherwise, the plantings will grow, and all clarity and rigor will be lost.

What materials can be used in the arrangement of the territory?

When designing the area, you can use various designs and elements. In this case, a variety of materials can be used. For example, plastic is popular. It can be used for the manufacture of Plastic delimit beds, flower beds, paths. This material is resistant to moisture and temperature extremes. In addition, plastic is flexible. It can be used to make arched structures and others. Brick is considered a universal material. They carry out the decoration of residential buildings, Looks great on the site brick gazebo. The material can also be used to create flower garden fences. Successfully combined brick with tiles, metal, wood. Often used and improvised material in the design of the site. For example, borders made of plastic or glass bottles look original. When arranging paths, trimming boards, shavings, and wood chips are often used. In landscape design, metal is almost universally used. It can be ordinary rods covered with paint, along which ornamental plants will curl. Often installed on sites forged elements. They give lightness to the surrounding landscape. Metal is in perfect harmony with other materials.


When arranging the site, a place for recreation is of particular importance. The gazebo effectively complements the design, gives more comfort to the territory. The building may be open or closed. Barbecue ovens are often built in the gazebo or a portable or built-in barbecue is installed. Often this building becomes a favorite place throughout the site.


This is an integral element of many personal plots. When arranging a playground, it is necessary to choose materials that are safe for kids. Today, the range of children's sports complexes on the market is very wide. They come in different sizes, collapsible or stationary. A playground can be a wonderful continuation of a gazebo or located in an open meadow not far from a residential building.


If there is a car, then a parking place must be arranged for it. As a rule, the garage is attached to the house. Parking can also be a simple canopy of profile pipes. Polycarbonate can be used as a roof. It is better, of course, to make a closed garage. In this case, the car will be protected from bad weather. The room must be large enough to carry out repairs or wash the vehicle.

architectural forms

These elements are quite often used in the arrangement of a personal plot. Near the gazebo, you can install a small fountain or draw a stream. Original compositions are created from natural stone. They can also use a combination of different materials. Small sculptures in flower beds look very attractive. It can be heroes of fairy tales or cartoons. The original garden lights look spectacular. They can be placed along the paths, around the flower beds, near the gazebo.

Tidying up a private house is much more difficult than city ​​apartment. This is due to the presence household territory, which needs constant care of a caring owner. Yes, and how else? After all, being in the country or in country house, most of the time we spend not indoors, but in the yard.

A beautiful courtyard of a private house is the dream of many owners. But not everyone can afford to hire landscape designers who could develop a suitable project for its arrangement. So what? Let's try to implement it on our own, having overcome several stages to build a comfortable and beautiful house adjoining space.

To begin with, you should think about what functionality you expect from the yard. Do you want to grow here flower beds, relax in a sun lounger or maybe breed fish in artificial pond? For all these activities, a place should be allocated, that is, the space should be divided into functional areas.

Cozy garden furniture and a hearth form a seating area against the back wall of the house

Think about which areas are necessary for you (for example, a playground - if you have children), which are desirable, and which are easy to refuse. If the yard is small, then optimal solution will combine some zones. For example, put folding chairs on the lawn that are easy to remove and turn the recreation area into ... a golf course.

Stage #2. We separate the zones with screens, fences, arches

For visual differentiation, it is optimal to use the possibilities of landscaping. In this case, hedges, dense bushes, tall perennials will become garden boundaries.

The shade from the deren thickets allows you to relax on the garden bench on hot summer days

A squat picket fence can surround a recreation area or a football field. The main thing is not to overload the fence. It should look "airy", not dominant in the space of the garden.

As a natural addition to such a fence, an arch or pergola often acts above the path leading to the functional area. Such structures are especially decorative, overgrown with climbing roses, clematis, morning glory and other flowering vines.

If you need to create a small shady corner, closed from neighbors, try using the simplest designs - trellises or garden trellises. entwined climbing plants, they give the impression of a solid green wall.

To protect the dining garden area from wind and sun, fencing trellises and a traditional pergola were used.

In outdoor areas, garden screens and screens are often used to create a restricted area. Additionally, they serve to create shade and protection from the wind. The most popular such designs are frames with stuffed slats, wooden shields with carved perforations. Partitions made of bamboo, rattan or wicker look very beautiful and stylish.

A light screen made of reed mats enhances the oriental flavor small garden

Stage #3. Thinking over the paving of platforms and paths

In the front area of ​​the courtyard, paving of paving stones, concrete slabs, hewn stone (sandstone, limestone, granite, basalt) is appropriate. A popular solution is when soil space is left between the plates and filled with pebbles, sand, glass granules. Or unpretentious low-growing plants are planted in "pockets": young, rock carnations, saxifrage, thyme, etc.

An area paved with irregularly shaped granite slabs, especially suitable for a patio

For paving the paths of an informal yard, you can use wood cuts. The space between them is covered with sawdust and crushed bark. Such solutions, close to nature, will look especially advantageous in shady corners of the yard, among shrubs and trees.

The path of round cuts looks natural and original

The gaps between saw cuts can also be filled with fine gravel, gravel or sand. Then the paths will become more elegant and restrained. In this form, they can be placed in front flower beds, mixborders, and even near front door Houses.

In recent years, designers have begun to use narrow boards tightly fitted to each other as paving paths. The wooden sidewalk is painted or varnished. Instead of ordinary boards it is more convenient to use sections of ready-made garden parquet - decking.

The decking track is quickly mounted and does not need to be repaired for many years

When choosing a material for paving, you should sketch out on paper a plan for future paths and sites. The closer they are to home, the more restrained they should be. Paving stones, brick, decking, slabs are more appropriate here. In various “thematic” areas: near an impromptu pond, a bridge, in rock gardens or in stylized mixborders, paving is supposed to be more informal. It's better if it's messy irregular shapes made from gravel, sand, crushed stone, wood mulch and other natural materials.

Stage #4. We plant greenery in the yard

To create a beautiful yard with your own hands, sometimes it is enough just to choose and arrange plantings correctly.

Start with trees and shrubs. They add variety to the geometry of the garden, create natural shady areas, and protect from the wind. In addition, they help to focus on meaningful details garden. For example, a free-standing chestnut helps to “notice” and garden bench located in its shadow. The rose bush on the lawn brings bright notes to the monotony of the green lawn. And juniper bushes, densely planted along garden path, emphasize its outlines and create a natural border.

A mixborder of various conifers can be a substitute for a parterre flower garden near the house

To add bright notes to the design of the yard, one cannot do without planting brightly flowering plants. With their help, you can create beautiful multi-color or monochrome landscapes. When thinking about a flower bed in a small house area, give preference to a set of plants whose flowering periods go continuously one after another. Such a flower bed will delight you all season with bright colors.

Flower plantings can make even the most boring yard with heavy buildings interesting and bright.

Yards immersed in flowers always attract the eye. But no less original, although more restrained, look areas with a predominance of ornamental leafy plants. Among them, species with sculpturally outlined, large leaves of unusual tones are especially valued. In ferns, they are openwork and long, in hostas they are large corrugated, in geyher they are painted in multi-colored tones.

The yard with ornamental foliage plants looks noble

Lawn has become very popular in recent years. Sometimes the entire free territory of the yard is planted with cereal grasses. However, do not think that there will be little hassle with this landscaping option. The inevitable trampling of grasses, the need for overseeding, regular walks with a lawn mower - these are just a small list of what you will have to face.

A dense, evenly cut lawn does not lose its position as one of the most decorative elements of the yard.

Increasingly common beautiful courtyards in dachas, the sites of which are completely paved with stone or paving stones. This is done to maintain the necessary style or for convenience - such a yard is easy to keep clean. To plant greenery in this area, plants are used in flowerpots, which are put outside in the summer, and stored indoors in the winter. Thus, you can settle any heat-loving exotic in your yard: cypress, azalea, yucca, lemon, pomegranate, etc.

Exotic, heat-loving plants in containers accentuate the Mediterranean style of the garden.

Another way to decorate the yard is associated with vertical gardening. Planting climbing vines on supports allows you to plant many plants in a small area and create a relief volume of the garden. As supports, you can use the buildings and structures available in the yard: fences, poles, tree trunks, gazebos. Special supports - tapestries, trellises, pergolas, arches - simultaneously with the supporting function play the role of delimiters of the garden space.

Abundant flowering climbing roses on garden arches

Stage #5. We use decorative elements

Beautifully decorate the yard, as professional designers do, it will be easier if you use special decorative elements.

Large garden decorations give the garden a stylistic direction, make the necessary accents, and create dynamics. Various sculptures, fountains, obelisks are placed in open areas, during patios, in flower beds.

Small decorations are also relevant - they give the design of the yard a special charm. Particularly loved by the people garden figurines in the form of animals or fairy-tale characters. The main thing is not to overdo it with their number, so as not to turn the yard into a playground. Although for families with children it's not so bad!

Wooden figurines of gophers, placed in plantings, diversify the interior of the yard

In modern landscape design, the combination of a decorative role with a functional one is welcome. Various birdhouses, bird feeders, squirrel cages are traditionally a manifestation of concern for the animal world. But, in an unusual, original design, they will adequately decorate the courtyard interior. Art objects with useful properties can be stylized vine fences, decorative flower vases, wicker garden screens.

Funny multi-colored containers from metal barrels- an original idea for a decorative garden

Stage #6. Making artificial reservoirs

Owning a pool is the dream of many homeowners. Suitable for large areas concrete structures, the bottom and walls of which are decorated with PVC film or mosaic. The second popular option is the use of ready-made rigid forms made of PVC or composites. For small plots or seasonal cottages, it is preferable to use inflatable pools.

The pool in landscape design combines the beauty of an artificial reservoir and functionality

If the pool is more of a functional element, then another artificial reservoir - a pond - is designed to admire it. The easiest way to build it is by laying the bottom of the dug pit with PVC film.

When creating a pond "a la naturel", its banks are decorated with pebbles, natural stones. Planted around moisture-loving plants: cane, sedge, marsh iris, water mint. You can also engage in aquatic crop production by planting water lilies, lotuses, egg capsules, pemphigus, and urut on the bottom of the pond. Some green inhabitants of reservoirs are in free swimming and do not need landing, as such. Among them, one can single out the hornwort, duckweed, salvinia.

You can’t swim in such a pond, but you can breed aquatic plants and fish

The pond can be supplemented with an artificial waterfall. The sound of water flowing from the stone cliffs will help you to immerse yourself in a state of relaxation and will be especially relevant next to the recreation area. Falling water is also characteristic of the fountain, which, in modern performance takes on the most unexpected forms. Jets of water can be knocked out from under the surface of the pond, fall from an impromptu millstone, flow out of a jug.

The movement of water in a pond is easy to create with a simple fountain

Stage #7. Creating functional lighting

You can decorate your yard as beautifully as in the photo below if you use garden lighting elements: electric or solar powered. In addition to their main purpose - highlighting the territory, they are able to add a special charm to the garden interior.

With proper placement garden lights, lamps and fixtures, the yard at night will look magical

Garden paths, sculptures, plants, pools and ponds are usually illuminated. With the help of small LED lamps built into the paving of the site, at night you can achieve the effect of a starry sky under your feet. Floating water lily lamps create an incredible feeling of a blooming oasis on the water. And the lanterns on the poles along the sides of the garden path will illuminate your path from the gate to the house.

Solar-powered floating lights provide a different view of the pond at night

Thoughtful and well-designed lighting can become the most beautiful element of a landscape interior. If you apply all the above principles of arrangement in practice, then you can easily create a courtyard design that best meets your ideas of beauty and comfort.

Speaking about the plot of a private house, many people imagine a garden or vegetable garden. But that doesn't have to be the case. Today, the arrangement of the exterior of a private house for a recreation area is gaining new momentum. We are already tired at work, so when we return home, we should allow ourselves to relax, and not run to chop the beds or clean the weeds. How to choose suitable design courtyard of a private house and do it yourself - Dekorin will tell you in this article, and you will also clearly see photos of real courtyards.

The original design of the courtyard of a private house (9 photos): a recreation area or a garden

Of course, vegetables from the garden are tasty, healthy and always fresh, and you don’t even need to run to the store. But it is not always worth planting them with all free hundred square meters. You can set aside a small area for a garden, and use the rest of the space for another purpose.

Why don't you spruce up your yard? To make it so attractive and comfortable that those passing by also want to look at the light? We offer you a few ideas in the photo on how to make the design of the courtyard of a private house sparkle with new colors and have a good rest.

How to create an attractive design of the courtyard of a private house with your own hands - 10 photos

Handmade beauty inspires admiration and makes us proud of the work done. Of course, you can trust the designers, but it will be more expensive and more formulaic. Therefore, we suggest you use the following interesting ideas:

  1. Plant the yard with your own hands, making a lawn, planting bushes or arranging flower beds;
  2. Decorate the design of the courtyard of a private house with interesting decorative elements, such as: garden statues, flowerpots, old furniture, crafts from improvised materials;
  3. Create an original recreation area for yourself and the kids, inspired by the photo from this article.

Also read: How to do alpine slide do it yourself

Design of a small courtyard of a private house - 7 photos with simple ideas

A small courtyard of a private house is not yet a sentence for creating a functional and beautiful design. Since the size of the plot does not always allow you to equip a terrace for relaxing or large gazebo, then you can create a small nook with a table and chairs under a tree or near tall bushes that provide shade. Hang garlands, homemade bottle lamps and flower pots on the branches to bring even more coziness.

Features of the design of the courtyard of a private house in the village (selection of 8 photos)

The design of the courtyard of a private house in the village is quite simple to do with your own hands, because to create rustic style old garden tools, wheelbarrows, flower pots and almost any old things that can be turned into decor.