Landscaping in a flower pot. The material we need for a mini potted garden

In shops for gardeners, there are a lot of all kinds of objects for sale that can decorate the garden, complementing what was created by nature. But what if you don't like banal gnome figurines and other "sculptures"? Do you want to show excellent European taste?

Pay attention to the large pots and pots, ranging in height from 60-80 cm. Did you know that these impressive objects are not only for planting flowers? They can play many roles, the main one of which is to create a spectacular and non-trivial corner in your garden.

Where to place such large and even huge pots? Which ones to choose so that it does not look trite? What to add to enhance the effect? How can large planters fix “problem areas” in and around your garden? What secrets are known to landscape designers if it comes about the patio?

The Answers to All These Questions, Top 25 design techniques and 50 photos of large pots with examples of harmonious landscaping in our new guide. Discover another amazing garden trick!


First, let's talk about what you probably care about the most - where to place large pots and planters ... We found 10 interesting tricks.

1. Front entrance.

As old as the world, but still effective: place two identical containers with plants on either side of the entrance to the lot. And admire how your yard has been transformed! By the way, you can grow capricious plants in such containers - as soon as the temperature drops, just bring them into the house.

2. Punctuation marks.

How does this relate to our topic? And so that plants in large containers are able to make the garden more structured, as do periods and commas in the text. They can indicate a turn in a walkway or point to a bench in the shade.

3. Like a sculpture.

Another "punctuation mark", but in the role of the central element of some of the sections of the garden. Adds orderliness and European elegance, especially if you choose a large, antique-style pot.

4. Point of attraction.

And a third way to indicate the structure of the garden is to place a large planter at the end of the path or where it bifurcates.

5. Mediterranean notes.

When decorating a garden or patio in Mediterranean style- with characteristic circular areas like waves, think about how to fit into them large vessels or pots made of unglazed ceramics in a natural tone. Add a round mini-flower bed (the pot in the center) or surround it with small pebbles.

6. Attention to the corners.

Vegetation in the corners small area always appropriate, helping to give it smooth shapes. Add a large pot to one of these areas - with or without plants. This focal point is sure to catch the eye and showcase your uncommon taste.

7. Change the aspect ratio.

Around the house, as a rule, there is little land, and all vegetation is either under your feet or above your head. Balance this picture by adding a "middle element" - at eye level or just below (a large pot of flowers or plants). You will be surprised how much more harmonious it looks now.

8. Among the foliage.

Agree, it is quite unexpected to meet a huge vessel in the far corner of a wild garden. Towering above the low foliage, it looks as if it was conjured by a wizard, and treasures await inside.

Tip: Choose pots in dim colors for these areas. natural nature(gray, beige, green), this will enhance the charm of "magic".

9. Unconventional vegetable garden.

We have already talked in detail about. And here we propose to supplement it with a large pot-vessel. Such a tall element adds decorativeness to trivial beds.

10. Creative (imp) order.

Instead of accentuating the space, huge pots and planters can create it themselves, breaking the order and introducing new lines.


And now - some ideas on how choose a large pot or decorative vessel to make the impression as effective as possible.

11. With a touch of time.

A large vessel can be a great focal point if it stands out from the crowd. The larger the pot, the better. The vessels look especially luxurious, on which the imprint of time (patina) is clearly felt.

12. Play of contrasts.

If you have a lawn or a flower bed, feel free to put large planters and pots there. Right among the greenery. This will certainly attract attention and give your eyes a break from the solid green canvas. Containers can be very diverse, but they must have something to unite - color, shape or material.

13. At the behest of nature.

Take a closer look at the landscape - perhaps there is already an answer to the question of what containers should be. For example, as here: a heavy rounded vessel resembles stones in shape, and an exotic, unusual dark color plants suggested the shade of the pot - black.

14. A piece of exoticism.

Among the great variety of leaf colors, blue shades are very rare. Especially in our latitudes. That is why take a closer look at the bright blue containers or fashionable color teal - against the backdrop of greenery, they will look incredibly exotic. Want to enhance your experience? Install artificial leaves or feathers in a similar tone inside.

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Did you know that with the help of decorative planters and pots you can solve problems of the site or garden ? Find out several ways to do this.

15. Harmony abhors emptiness.

Every designer knows: there should be no empty corners. If you do have them, put a large container with plants there (or an empty one as a decoration). A group of such containers will help disguise unaesthetic utilitarian items: an air conditioner module, a generator, or communication hatches.

16. From scratch.

You may be wondering what to do with a boring white fence. Or with a barn wall, which, with its screaming emptiness, offends your aesthetic senses.

Just imagine this surface as a canvas and yourself as an artist. And create! Place several identical, but certainly spectacular, containers with herbs along the wall. Now enjoy your creation with a trendy touch. modern trends decor!

17. Interim measure.

If there are still few plantings on the site, large pots with flowers and plants will perfectly save the situation and relieve you of the impression of an uncomfortable emptiness.


Now let's talk about what to add to large pots and pots or what to plant in them, if you like original solutions.

18. An interesting specimen.

Large forms for outstanding content. Try growing a tree with interesting branches or even fruits in a huge container. This is not at all the same as planting it in the ground - a huge pot will highlight the plant, declare to everyone about its uniqueness. And you will only have to admire this excellent specimen.

Tip: Before planting a tree in a pot, think about its future needs. After all, the root system and crown will grow, and the container may simply not withstand the pressure. Therefore, carefully study everything regarding the development of this plant.

19. Mexican landscape.

Have you dreamed of some exotic landscape for a long time? Take large planters, place succulent pots in them and cover them with gravel. Place on a site with the same coating, and for the winter, remove containers in the house or conservatory.

20. Add water.

How about getting a garden fountain made from a huge ceramic vessel? You can, of course, look for ready-made models. But it's realistic to do it yourself - from a large pot and a special set for arranging small garden fountains.


And in conclusion, we offer spectacular patio decorating ideas - also with the help of large pots and decorative vessels.

21. The magic bush.

Are you sorry that shrubs with beautiful flowers located far from your favorite vacation spot? Plant young plants in large pots and rearrange them wherever you want.

22. Berries at hand.

In large containers, not only flowers or greens can grow, but also berry bushes. Find out from gardening companies which varieties are better to choose and get such a "tasty" decor.

23. Blooming staircase.

This technique adds a sense of celebration by making the daily climb up the stairs an exhilarating and eye-catching experience. Use the same pots with the same content - this will reflect your impeccable taste and professional approach to the design.

24. In a harmonious framework.

Extra large plant pots can perfectly zone out individual patio elements. For example, limit the barbecue area or become an interesting alternative to a garden fence. But, unlike the fence, it is pleasant to admire them.

25. Southern European chic.

And if you have special places for a meal or rest, limited stone walls, mark the entrance with a pair of unglazed terracotta pots. Plant inside beautifully flowering plants or bushes with picturesque small leaves like boxwood.

Hopefully this detailed manual on how to use large pots, planters and decorative vessels in landscape design, will inspire you to create original garden and patio elements. We wish you success and admiration of your guests in this!

Plants have always served and are one of the most better ways decorate the interior and enliven the atmosphere in the house and on garden plot... For decoration, you can not only use individual flowers, but also compose a whole composition of them, creating your own mini-garden.

Mini potted garden: features and uses in garden and home decor

Before you start creating such a garden, you need to be inspired by some initial idea. Perhaps the garden will be arranged in tiers and lined with beautiful pebbles. Perhaps, in addition to plants, interior items (a model of a house or a castle) will participate in the decoration. Or the decor with the help of multi-colored stones will highlight small trees. Here you need to use your wildest fantasies - even broken pots will be an excellent tool for design development.

It is possible to highlight the following features:
  • in comparison with the plants on the window, the garden must have its own floral and plant composition based on a certain plot, as well as improvised means, decorative figures, special materials;
  • also, the garden looks much more diverse and interesting than single-standing plants; it can be transformed, changed decorations and even transplanted individual plants;
  • compared to an ordinary garden plot, the mini-garden is mobile and can all year round to stand at home and please the eye.

How to make a mini potted garden with your own hands

This work is created mainly at the expense of improvised means, and it is not as difficult to make it as it seems. Important have a good mood, thanks to which the imagination will quickly tell you how to turn unnecessary things into real ones home masterpiece.

Determining the general idea and style of composition

As already mentioned, before creating a garden, you need to decide what concept the future composition will have. You need to proceed from the available means and the characteristics of the plants. It is better to decide in advance exactly where the miniature garden will be located. Then it is easier to choose which flowers will be included in the composition - shade-loving or vice versa, needing light, high or low, etc. When it comes to home use future work, you need to take into account the interior of the room - what tones prevail, what kind of illumination, features of the space of the room, furniture, etc.

DIY mini-garden in a pot (video)

The number of ideas is endless, and here are just a few of them:
  • an island in the tropics;
  • mini-zoo (if there are animal figurines);
  • a thematic garden dedicated to some kind of celebration (birthday, wedding anniversary, etc.);
  • alpine slides;
  • Japanese garden;
  • Amazonian jungle;
  • scene on famous history, song, fairy tale (it will be especially interesting for children);
  • miniature of own country garden;
  • Chinese kindergarten;
  • a medieval castle with fields around;
  • garden with tiers (like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon);
  • seasonal themes (spring, summer garden);
  • country style garden and many others.

The easiest way to get inspired is to see the garden live at exhibitions, in a store or at a party. Photos of finished compositions are no less effective. You can take everything best examples as a basis and create your own masterpiece. Also good source inspiration and ideas - a master class by professional florists. Of course, you can come up with your own unique version - it will be even more interesting to work this way.

Choosing a planting container for a mini-garden

To get started, it is important to choose the basis of the garden - the container in which it will be placed. For these purposes, almost any pot, bathtub, old sink, and many other tools at hand will do. Important, so that the vessel is high enough - preferably from 20-30 cm and as wide as required. Gardens are usually laid out on a wide horizontal surface, so the width of the container is of great importance.

The shape of the container can be any - round, oval, square, curved, etc. In appearance, ceramic products of warm colors will organically fit into the design (like the usual flower pots). but the choice of color and material is more a matter of taste. The only main requirement is the presence of holes for draining excess water.

It is better to arrange the bottom of the container with pebbles and small gravel or other stones. to ensure drainage. Outside, the container can be beautifully decorated with colored stones, shells - here fantasy comes into play again. First, a solution is made from equal proportions of sand and cement, to which water is added to obtain a pasty mass. Gently spread the freshly prepared mixture on the edges of the container, then stick the decoration elements and leave them to dry.

An interesting option is when a porous stone is used as a container. capable of permeating moisture - for example, limestone, tuff, shell rock. Usually they are used in summer cottages. Flower arrangements in stones look more natural and interesting.

And perhaps the most original version- kindergarten in a bowl (small capacity). This variety will appeal to lovers of minimalism. You can plant the smallest plants, and make up the decor elements from small parts(for example, a small house with a birdhouse).

Design options for a mini-garden in a pot (video)

Plants and mini flowers for a miniature garden

Perhaps the main criterion in the selection of plants for the future composition is not too rapid growth of flowers. The fact is that it is better not to transplant plants, cut off excess greens too often, otherwise it is harmful and appearance garden, and its inhabitants themselves. It is also worth considering that if you decorate the composition with stones, then the roots of the plants should be unpretentious and strong enough to break through them.

Of course, an important factor is the decorative value of the plant, that is, how beautiful it will look in a pot. Here are some good tips to know:

  • gelksina grows very well and gives a lot of greenery, which will decorate the garden;
  • miniature roses, saintpaulias, streptocarpus will help to make the garden bright and original - as if we have a miniature flower bed in front of us;
  • fittonia has small flowers of different shades - white, red, pink, green: this will give a beautiful color range in the garden;
  • a dwarf spruce serves as an excellent prototype for a tree - it is better to plant it in a central place;
  • thick pachyphytum leaves will emphasize exotic themes;
  • ivy will give the composition an original cover and graceful forms;
  • different types cacti, due to their diversity, will perfectly fit into almost any floral arrangement - in the form of a mini-palm tree, a tree or a cactus itself, if the garden, for example, has Mexican motives.

Rules for the composition, placement and planting of plants

Compilation rules flower arrangement associated with the design features of the kindergarten. the main objective- it is beneficial to combine flowers and emphasize the dignity of each of them. Florists recommend proceeding from such general principles:

  • if the main view of the garden is on one side, then it is better to plant large plants in the background, and smaller ones in the first;
  • if it is assumed that access to the container will be from all sides. then chicken trees need to be defined in the center, and small flowers - along the edges;
  • in order to create dynamics, it is better to plant the plants not one after another, but in cascades and not in a straight line, but in zigzags; perhaps you should come up with your own patterns;
  • very the right decision will arrange a beautiful background and lighting for the garden so that it looks as attractive as possible.

Making a mini-garden with decorative elements

Decorative elements gardens can be very diverse. They should not only harmoniously fit into the composition, but also emphasize the advantages of plants, as well as create a pleasant mood for contemplators. A variety of means can be used:

  • decoration materials (sand, colored stones, shells, pebbles);
  • figurines of animals, people;
  • models of houses, castles, fences, arches;
  • details for creating natural landscapes (for example, rocky terrain, prairie, waterfall, and more);
  • subjects home comfort(benches, chairs);
  • thematic figures (heroes of fairy tales, cartoons).

A lot of ideas can arise. When you have chosen the necessary decorations, it is important to correctly fit them into the design, and in the case of figures, to strengthen them in the ground. You can just dug in, or you can pre-attach them to a site (for example, a house), which you can fix in the ground.

Mini-kindergarten placement and follow-up care

It is better to place the composition in the big room in the House. As for the garden plot, it is more correct to place the mini-garden in a ceremonial place - it is often located on the main road on the way to the house. If there are several garden pots, they can be placed right around the perimeter, or put in a row so that everyone is clearly visible from the main road. It is also important to consider which plants will grow - light or shade-loving.

Nursing a garden requires more attention than a regular potted plant. If mostly planted unpretentious plants(cacti, succulents), then care special recommendations no. If there are more demanding ( decorative roses), then you need to carefully monitor the watering regime. When they fade, you need to remove the fallen petals, dig out withered plants and watch out if neighboring bushes do not interfere with each other. Perhaps some of them are better planted.

How to assemble a mini-garden in a pot (video)

It is very important to monitor the container - it can get wet due to watering, be subject to wear and tear. It is better to replace it in time when it becomes necessary.

Growing plants in mini-gardens has become one of the most massive trends in home floristry. This is not only a great option for creating designs in the home and garden area, but also a great hobby that uplifts the mood and allows you to enjoy your own creativity.

Good day everyone!

To get a good idea, make a sketch first. To do this, you need plain paper and a pencil. If you spot a mini garden pot, trace its shapes on the sheet. Imagine what you would like to see in your composition. These can be small buildings, little people and even a whole civilization. The artificial beach looks quite interesting.

If you don't want to waste a lot of time, just drop off suitable plants, put a small bench and an animal figurine. After imagining the desired kindergarten, put your thoughts on paper. If you do not have artistic ability, you can draw it in the form of a diagram.

Choice of materials

Take the next step responsibly, you have to choose suitable materials for a vegetable corner.

There will be no problems with soil and stones, but it will be more difficult to pick up a small inventory, figurines and furniture. I found ideas on the internet and made a mill, bench and well. It took glue, paint, popsicle sticks and a little imagination. So go for it!

If you have no desire to do needlework, you can order products in an online store (for example, aliexpress) or conduct a home inventory of children's toys. Visit garden and designer shops.

The idea of ​​a water source is very difficult to implement and maintain. Blue glass or pebbles purchased from the pet store are a good alternative. There you can also buy beautiful sand of various colors.

If your garden implies the presence of bricks or tiles, use materials at hand to create them:

  • clay for modeling;
  • pebbles;
  • papier mache;
  • gypsum;
  • salty dough.

These are easy to sculpt and paint.

Plant selection

This stage will take the most time, since the outcome of future work depends on it.

When choosing vegetation, keep in mind that flowers do not need to grow and proliferate. There are several types of plants in the composition, so none of them should dominate and shade others.

I will tell you about the most popular colors used for a mini garden:

Moss can be found in forests, trees, or purchased rare species through the Internet. If present on it, it is enough to put it on the soil and periodically moisten it.

Formation of composition

Lay out in front of you all the purchased, made and found material. Backfill with a layer first, followed by a suitable potting mix.

  • When starting to plant plants, keep in mind that flowers with a long root system should be placed first, and only then all the others. Remember to look at the original outline and follow it.
  • After placing all the vegetation, cover the surface with a layer of earth and carefully level.
  • If there are rivers or gullies in your idea, immediately make depressions. Then spread the grass and sand if available. Most of the work has been done.
  • Now let's get to the creative point. Follow your scheme, place paths, paths, buildings, miniature animals. Everything here is limited only by your imagination. At this stage, there should be no difficulties if you plan everything in advance and prepare the necessary equipment.

If you are fired up by the very idea of ​​a mini garden, but cannot come up with anything, I want to suggest a few interesting options... I hope you will like at least one of them or will become the basis for another idea.

To create a mini garden, you do not need to have any special skills. A little patience, imagination and desire are all you need. Such an activity will help you to relax, and the result will be delightful. long time and will become the envy of your guests. If you devote a little more time to the lesson, then fascinating hobby may become additional source income.

On this positive note, I have to say goodbye to you. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog, follow the news and share ideas with your friends.

One of the most interesting gardening hobbies is making miniature potted home gardens. With due diligence, you can implement any idea and create a real man-made miracle on a tiny area.

It's nice to find new approaches original elements and create a real work of art from literally nothing. Only fantasy can limit creativity - how skillfully you handle it, the result of your work will be so amazing.

At home, such a miniature garden is placed in a special, prominent place. It is best to keep the pot warm and quiet. But there are also mini-gardens (based on succulents, for example) that will do well on the balcony.

Taking inspiration from photographs and choosing an idea!

It usually starts with an insane desire to do something as interesting as miniature gardening. You have seen enough beautiful pictures, and now ideas are coming into your head on how you could make the garden in the picture even more interesting and fun.

When choosing an idea, do not forget to think about what you can realistically implement. Most often, in such compositions, half are used plants from their own garden, and half are purchased decorative. So you save money and add variety to the already familiar colors.

You can create a mini rock garden or a Mexican desert - all the ideas of the world that you can find are at your service. And, of course, your own creative ideas.

Ideas for a miniature potted garden

You can recreate in miniature:
  • Japanese rock garden;
  • Provence style garden with elegant white wrought-iron furniture;
  • the Mexican desert;
  • alpine slide, rock garden;
  • tropical island;
  • a garden with flowers of the same color (for example, only yellow);
  • mini-zoo with animal figurines;
  • garden as a birthday present for a granddaughter or grandson;
  • a garden like a Dutch tulip field, always with a traditional mill;
  • inverted garden, where everything is upside down;
  • garden of mirrors;
  • a masquerade garden with candy wrappers;
  • multi-colored glass garden;
  • a garden with decorative Arabic mosaics;
  • garden at the church, mosque;
  • a copy of the famous place ( Eiffel tower, Big Ben, Gaudi's gingerbread houses in Barcelona);
  • garden in the style of Australian minimalism;
  • a scene from a fairy tale, book;
  • futuristic garden with unusual shapes or backlit;
  • a garden for Christmas celebrations;
  • a garden illustrating a scene from a favorite movie;
  • a garden in the style of a medieval castle;
  • garden with dugouts;
  • kinder garden - using figures from kinder surprise;
  • a cascading garden with many levels;
  • a copy of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon;
  • a garden of clay pots;
  • garden of a Soviet peasant woman;
  • bonsai garden;
  • a Chinese garden with a decorative bridge;
  • a garden with a theme for a particular season (for example, winter or autumn);
  • a caramel garden with a lot of fake pastries;
  • garden of cats;
  • Amazonian jungle with a monkey;
  • garden at your dacha, only in miniature.

Remember: you can use to create a garden not only plants, but also any materials at hand... The ground can be sprinkled with gravel, crushed stone, clay, sand to create the desired surroundings. Even shards from broken dishes or pieces of glass, you can adapt to translate your idea.

So, a miniature pond can be easily made using a cap from a 5-liter bottle, buried in such a way that the sides are not visible. Or you can use a small saucer from the children's toy set.

Look very nice gardens with outbuildings- matchstick houses or commercial decorative structures, which are easiest to find in a store that sells items for decorating aquariums.

By the way, a decorative mini-garden can be part of the landscape composition of your summer cottage and live at your home only in winter. The mini-garden looks very nice front door on the veranda, on a separate table in the garden, in any conspicuous place. Do not forget that you can also hang it with a planter.

Where to place the mini-garden

Thinking over the composition, you should also think about where the pot will stand. How will the sun shine on him? How will you water it? Will rain help you with this? ..

It is best, of course, to place such a miracle in a ceremonial place - maybe even so that it can be seen from the road to passing neighbors. By your example, you will surely infect them, and the whole summer cottage village will soon participate in the mini-garden competition.

On a veranda or terrace, choose a place for your composition where there are no drafts and wind, but there is enough light. On the street, you cannot do without wind at all, so you just need to choose a place that is lighter. It's good if the mini-garden meets you in the morning, before you start your daily chores - so it will cheer you up for the whole day ahead.

Do not forget that one of best properties pot gardening - its mobility, so as soon as you get tired of one place, feel free to rearrange your mini-garden.

If you have planted perennials in a pot that already grow on your site, for the winter you can not bring the mini-garden into the house, but cover non-woven fabric or a layer of snow.

How to embody your ideas

You will need any container - not necessarily a clay pot. The main thing is that its height is more than 10 centimeters. For some plants, you may need a container with a height of 15 and 20 cm - here you will already make a start from especially capricious or large specimens. And for succulents, the minimum is enough.

In addition to pots, pallets, any containers, parts plastic bottle 5 liters, an old sink, a basin, even a deep plate! It all depends on what exactly you want to plant in the garden, because many plants need special conditions.

By the way, broken pots when arranging a mini-garden are even more interesting than new ones. Just look at the presented photos and you will understand why.

The only prerequisite for all tanks is drainage. And do not take this rule too lightly, because it is the drainage that ensures the flow of water and does not allow the roots to rot during excessive watering or heavy rains.

By the way, if you use one of budget options for a mini garden - for example, half a 5 liter plastic bottle - you can paint it or just decorate it in any way.

The clay pot can also be decorated. With the help of a special solution, it is easy to revet it with pebbles, pebbles, beads, glass, mosaics, tiles, shells - whatever. The mixture for the mortar with which you will coat the pot should consist of crushed peat, cement and sand (sifted!) In a 1: 1: 1 ratio. All these elements should be diluted with water to the consistency of fresh honey.

And next time we will talk about what plants to choose for a mini-garden, what soil to take for planting, how to plant plants and how to arrange everything so that it looks just wonderful.

Miniature gardens that don't need any country cottage area, no special conditions, no laborious care, loved by many. Such gardens recreate a real garden or its portions, only very reduced. Their creation, selection of plants, accessories is a very exciting experience, because in miniature gardens everything is like real - there are benches, fences, paths, ponds and even houses. Children like these kindergartens very much. The prototypes of gardens in miniature have long been known - these are Japanese bonsai and suiseki, English gardens for fairies. There are many varieties of miniature gardens - horizontal, vertical; open and closed florariums.

Miniature garden- a reduced copy of the corner in the park

Kindergarten in a bowl

Usually planted in a miniature garden in a bowl various forms plants with similar requirements for environmental conditions, then the garden will last a long time. Plants are selected unpretentious, usually such a garden does not need to be watered more often than once a week. Succulents are well suited for this purpose. It is good to use plants that are amenable to forming, ideally - varieties of the same species with colorful flowers and leaves different sizes and colors such as fuchsia.

Mini garden in a bowl - how to do it yourself: photo

It is very simple to make such a garden - suitable plants are transplanted into a bowl or into a specially prepared basin, paths are laid out of pebbles, the free space is covered with river sand or various decorative materials... Sometimes these gardens are planted in boxes and even made mobile. A pond in a mini garden is made by digging in a glass container, sometimes the water is tinted. It must be remembered that the water in such a container quickly stagnates and needs to be changed periodically. Sometimes decorative beads are used to imitate water.

Miniature garden in a box - live plants and accessories

Miniature garden - house in the village

Miniature garden with paths, fences and garden furniture
Miniature garden - an imitation of a corner of a real garden
Miniature garden with a pond in a bowl Miniature garden with tangerine tree with fruits

Mini Garden in Florariums

A miniature garden in a glass vessel - a florarium - is somewhat more difficult to arrange. The selection of plants for such a garden is very difficult, and if in open gardens a plant that has lost its appearance or does not fit the composition can be replaced, then it is very difficult to do this inside a vessel. When choosing plants in this case, it is important to take into account not only their exactingness for watering, but also required composition soil, because plants preferring acidic soils cannot grow on alkaline plants, the nitrogen needed by some plants can poison others. It is important to choose for the florarium appropriate place so that it is light enough, not cold and not hot, and so that it is convenient to admire them - after all, florariums are created for this.

Miniature garden - open florarium
Vertical florarium in a plafond - miniature gardens in the interior

A properly arranged florarium can exist for a very long time without losing its attractiveness, and caring for it is simple.

Miniature garden - florarium in a teapot

Closed florariums are even more difficult to manufacture, but there is no need to take care of them - in this system, everything necessary is circulating.

Miniature garden - indoor florarium

Miniature Japanese Gardens

The traditional Japanese art of creating miniature trees - bonsai - has not gone out of fashion for a long time. Often such trees are separate element miniature Japanese garden, as in landscaped garden, there are stones, reservoirs, bridges. The cultivation and formation of bonsai requires many years of painstaking work.

Miniature Garden - Bonsai

Japanese suiseki garden is a tabletop rock garden. Admiring the natural beauty of rough stone, meditation and enjoying nature is the purpose of creating such a garden. It is advisable to arrange it yourself, because a Japanese garden is a special philosophy where there are no random elements - everything matters. River sand is poured onto a small tray, stones are laid out so that they can be admired from all sides. In a real rock garden, one rock is always hidden from the observer, but in a miniature garden this is not always possible. Sometimes the garden is supplemented with live plants, houses, benches. An integral element of such a garden is a miniature rake, with which waves, circles are drawn on the sand, which express the attitude of a gardener.

Miniature gardens are a great way to spice things up with your imagination and creativity. Of course, to create such a garden with your own hands, you need certain knowledge, but by recreating your favorite corner of nature or a place you want to get to, you can make your life more interesting and get great pleasure.

Miniature garden - an imitation of a real garden Did you like the article? Share on social networks!