Is it possible to grow balsamin to grown at home. Balzamin breeding cuttings

Among the crop and in our country, some types of pot plants are extremely popular with extremely popular, which differ as a very decorative appearance and unpretentiousness. These include balsamin, whose flowers are decorated with window sills hardly every second apartment.

Name history

It is known for a very long time. What are the difference between these indoor flowers, whose names are so unique? In Russia, the plant is known under the name "Wet Vanka", and in England - "Diligent Lisa". This flower is very decorative, care for it does not cause absolutely no hassle, but it blooms round year. Actually, from the British and called him the name of a zealous girl. In our country, he was called "wet" due to the fact that during watering on the edges of his leaves, miniature droplets of the sweet secret appear.

However, the types of balsamine are more than four hundred. In some countries, it can be called "light", as the plant is traditionally different with bright and lush flowers. The name of the "notching", also quite common among domestic gardeners, has happened because when touched to a box with irrevocated seeds, the latter quietly chlours and reveals.

On therapeutic properties of Balzamine

As a rule, this plant is associated exclusively with the decorative role that it performs in people's homes. But! This flower can be used in medicinal purposes. It is only important to remember that he has yet found recognition only on the field folk Medicinein which Balzamin is often used in the treatment of severe colds.

Official Pharmacology says that with "Vanka wet" you need to be careful: yes, during the flowering period there is a lot of ascorbic acid in it, but there are also sufficiently strong alkaloids. Their irremiate can lead to very big trouble. So why can it be used?

Practical use

Important! We remind you that the exact composition of Balzamine has not yet been explicitly studied, and therefore it is not recommended to use it for self-medication!

Infusions of Balzine and his own decoctions for a long time are used by healers with kidney stones and bladder. Ulcers, heavy wounds and hemorrhoids are also amenable to therapy, if used grilled fresh flower leaves.

We will not bring complex recipes here, but we will tell about creating one tool, which perfectly helps with not too strong attacks of rheumatism. This infusion is prepared according to the following scheme: a teaspoon of well-dried leaves and the colors of "Lady" is taken, boiling water is poured and left for 20 minutes. You can take on one tablespoon per day. Important! In no case increase the dose, since otherwise you are waiting for long and painful attacks of vomiting.

However, we will take away from medical themes. Suppose you started a Balzamin flower. How to care for him right? Now you will learn about it!

Basic information about varieties

Note that these plants are both annual and perennial. Most often you can meet Balzam Valler (Waller), but the Sultansky variety is not less common. All of them are perfectly multiplied with seeds and cuttings, and difficulties do not even occur at novice flower flowers. As a rule, the stems of these varieties grow up to a height of about 50 centimeters. As for the leaves, in their case there is no such unity, as they can drastically differ as once depending on the variety.

It is important to know that Balzam Waller is not one plant. Because of the easy crossing and purposeful selection in the world, there are no one dozen of its varieties. We will list only the most basic:

. Accent F1. Small plants whose height rarely exceeds 20-23 centimeters. Different with large flowers with a wide variety of colors.
. TEMPO F1. As in the past case, the size of the colors does not exceed 25 centimeters. There are two varieties in the series: peach butterfly with a beautiful apricot coloring petals, as well as peach butterfly, whose colors are tender pink petals.
. Stardust Mixed. Height is also medium (from 15 to 25 cm). It is distinguished by the fact that the center of petals would seem to be powdered, and on the edge there is a roll of dark red, yellow or brown.
. Bruno F1. This time the plant can grow up to 0.3 m. Flowers lush, their diameter can exceed six centimeters. As a rule, they have purple color, but there are exceptions when the inflorescences are painted hardly in all the colors of the rainbow.
. Fiesta F1. It has very small terry flowers, which are very similar to miniature roses for squeezing. The height of the bush does not exceed 25 centimeters.
. Firefly F1. This series includes ten varieties at once, a distinctive feature which are amazingly bright and lush flowering. Flowers are very bright, coloring can be absolutely different.
. Stardust and Frosty. The data of the series is extremely easy to distinguish from competitors, since inside the flower in these plants there is an expressive white "blossom".
. Symphony. It has the rapid beginning of flowering, plants are particularly suitable for decorating various present places. Flowers are large and expressive, distinguished by a variety of colors.
. Fanciful Tropical. The main feature is the magnificent flowers standing out by their terrace (Balzam Mahrome is just the same in this series). Somewhat similar to individual species tropical orchidsTherefore, the name is Tropical.

Basic information about watering

As we said, care for balm is simple, but still some points need to be remembered. This is especially true: Balzamin, whose flowers are so good, refers to the category of "Votokhlebov", and therefore it should be poured often in sufficient quantities.

The flower is painfully reacting to a lack of water in the soil: the stalks begin to be faded, and the flowers are massively falling. Important! When watering, it is necessary to ensure that the moisture does not fall on the root neck. So that this does not happen, you should use a thin neck can, with which you can distribute the liquid on the edge of the pot with a thin flowing. Despite the love of water, Flower Balzamine (how to care for him, we are discussing now) I don't like the convergence very much, and therefore after irrigation, we definitely dry the pallet.

What water should be taken?

Unlike other plants common in our edges, Balzamin is rather demanding to the composition of water. More precisely, its constant stiffness. Water must be soft and well accustomed. If you have noticed that your balsam, whose colors, until then, pleased the gaze of all the households, suddenly began to christmas, and the soil in the pot was covered with a whitish rode, then the watering fluid was clearly unnecessary. In this case, it is necessary to urgently replace the upper layer of the soil in the pot, and further water the plant only in the pallet.

By the way, the upper layer of the soil is very useful from time to time to change fresh and regularly loose. This is due to the fact that due to frequent irrigations, the natural structure of the soil may be disturbed, which often leads to poor gas exchange in it. If you do not carry out regular loosenings, the roots can start rot. In general, the cultivation of balzamine can be difficult only to two circumstances: the need proper watering and more or less regular soil loosenings. In the rest of the rest, this plant is a reference sample of ascetic, which some "household" trivia do not harm perfectly.

Recall once again that Balzamin, although he loves moisture, does not tolerate the caution of water in the pallet, so it should be able to dry as regularly! Keep in mind that in winter time The frequency of irrigation must be reduced. From time to time you can also spray the leaves, but it is important to carefully ensure that the water does not fall on the flowers, which the latter do not like.

Desirable substrate characteristics

Speaking about watering, we completely forgot to tell about what kind of soil should be for growing this interesting and beautiful flower. And she can understand any experienced flowerflower, It should be sufficiently light and loose, since otherwise such a quantity of water is simply not normal to absorb. However, almost all the room flowers are distinguished. Balzamine in this case is no exception.

It is not necessary to abuse nutrients, and there are two reasons at once. Firstly, the risk of developing mold and fungus, which not too favorably affect the health of your balsamines, is unrealistic in highly humidified nutritious soil. Secondly, in such a "fatty" soil, the flowers will not be too decorative, but the leaves will begin to grow with incredible intensity. Of course, we are not for this we bring Balzamin's flower, whose photo is incredibly beautiful.

As for the looseness, in this case it is desirable to adhere to the Golden Middle. We recommend that you use a substrate with a moderately acidic reaction of pH, to compose which you need to take an equal part of the humus, as well as perlite, turf and good sheet compost. In principle, a pair of weight fractions of the leaf land takes equal success, to which one equal part of peat and sand (large, river) is added.

In this case, the room flowers, the photos of which are in the article will be happy to please you with their magnificent appearance.

Temperature and light mode

As for the light, the plant loves him, but still does not tolerate the constant impact of direct sunlight. But it is only true for the spring-summer period: if you want to see the abundant blossom of Balzamine and in winter, it is necessary to provide enough long-lasting insolation to ensure it. Only on the bright natural light in the "notching" are formed beautiful room flowers. Balsamin, which is different from other cultivated plants, beautifully blooms even in January-February, continuing to rejuvenate your eyes.

As for the temperature regime, it is necessary to maintain the temperature within +16 degrees on the Celsius scale, and in the summer to increase it to + 18-20 degrees. Of course, in the urban apartment is much hotter. In this case, the plant must be regularly sprayed, as a lot of moisture goes through the pores of gentle leaves.

About feeding Balzine

It does not have to be surprised that Balzamin, whose flowers can be seen from early spring and to late autumn, needs frequent and abundant feeding, to perform which you need every two weeks. What fertilizers should be used? There is no special demands from the flower: in the spring period, nitrogen feeders are needed, and in the summer it needs phosphorus. From time to time, you can "pamper" by Balsamin complex fertilizers to which he reacts perfectly.

Finally, for better well-being of Balzamine, it should be replaced regularly. It is necessary to do it every year, but a couple of years is allowed. In fairness it should be noted that the flower that grows in a frankly close pot is much more beautiful and richly flowers, but at the same time it must be watered as regularly and feed. This rule affects all the room flowers, which are in the article.

Balzine reproduction

Alas, but this wonderful plant has its drawbacks. The most critical of them is a tendency to loss of decorativeness already at the age of three (concerns perennial grades, of course). Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the replacement and seed material in advance. As we said above, the Balzamine breeding is not only seeds, but also the most ordinary cuttings.

Important! Balzamin, whose seeds you expect to use for breeding, you need to provide high-quality and regular feeders, among which phosphoric and potassium fertilizers must prevail.


If you decide to use cuttings, you need to cut young and healthy processes, after which they should be placed in water or highly moistened soil. As for soil mixtures, they should be made of one part of sand and peat. If the room is light enough and warm, then the shoots begin to give roots very quickly.

If you're rooting the cuttings in the spring, then by the autumn you will have a blooming balm. Flowers of young plants are especially lush and beautiful, so we advise you to plant them at this time. In principle, with the autumn rooting, they also appear quickly, but in this case the shoots need to ensure additional heat and light, since otherwise their rotting is not excluded.

Important! If immediately after cutting the cutlets to handle any humic fertilizer, the likelihood of a speedy root increases sharply, you will quickly see flowers. Balzamin, care for which is so simple, can be reproduced and seeds!

Balzamine breeding seeds

As a rule, the seed falling starts in March. However, if you wish to see May flowering, then you need to do this back in February. Before planting seeds, you need to put in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, withsting them in it at least ten minutes. They plan them to a depth, similar to their diameter. Box (or other capacity) need to cover polyethylene film, and after placing in a warm and bright place. That's how to get balsam from seeds.

If you are all done correctly, shoots will appear very quickly. Shortly after that, the most tall and healthy sprouts can already be divened to individual pots or peat cups. Late spring Flowers can be planted even into open soil (if the possibilities of the variety are allowed). As a rule, indoor Balzamin blooms for months seven months after landing.

By the way! The peculiarity of Balzina is that his varieties are simply embellished with each other, and therefore do not miss the chance to create their own. Experimenting with various varieties, you can get a really chic balsamin, a plant that no one else will be!

How to trim Balsamin?

As soon as young shoots grow to the size that suits you, they need to be quenched. As a result of this procedure, many young side shoots appear, and the plant acquires the appearance of a beautiful squat bush. However, if Balzamin is too smashed, it can be cut almost always, regardless of the time of year and its age.

In the spring, you can remove extra and ugly shoots. It is extremely desirable to regularly cut patients, weak and drying shoots, as they have an unpleasant way to pull the nutrients needed by healthy parts of the plant.


Like all other indoor flowers, Balzamin has some specific problems associated with diseases and pests.

So, we have already mentioned that during the winter it is impossible to water himself. This is due to the fact that the flower life processes at this time slow down significantly, and therefore it is more susceptible to rotten, fungus or mol. If you notice at least some signs, testifying to the presence of these problems, urgently proceed to the salvation of your flower! Rescue operation consists in transshipment of plants, cleaning the roots from the old soil mixture and disembarking Balzamine in new pot With a lot of drainage.

If the rotor was started on the surface of the soil, it is necessary to remove the soil layer and replaced with a new one. Alas, in the case of a launched situation of this kind of saving the flower you will not succeed. He loves to settle on the balsamine also a web tick. It is especially characteristic of this plant, since it loves high humidity of air and soil, which is also a melting. Get rid of it you need using chemicals From horticultural shops.

It should be done quickly: if you run the process, the voracious pests will fully eate your balsam. Diseases of this plant are such that reacting should be as soon as possible!

In the event that in the room for a long time it was cold, and on the leaves after that black spots appeared, we can talk about the damage to the plant with bacteriosis. We recommend using the "Alin" tool for its treatment, which helps almost always.

What could leave the leaves and not blooming flowers?

However, falling leaves with the same success may be due to irregular watering, cutting temperature change or shortage nutrients. If they are wither, but there are no traces of pests, this circumstance unequivocally speaks of bad irrigation. His absence of Balzamin at home does not endure never!

Weak flowering also talks about bad feeding. But! It must be remembered that excessive passion for nitrogen fertilizers in summer period May lead to exactly the same result. In the case when the plant lacks the light, its shoots begin to stretch much, becoming noticeably pale in appearance. If you put a balsamin in an overlooking pot, it will also be intensely stretch and blossom well. As we have already spoken, the appeal of flowers indicates insufficient feeding.

As you can see, Balzamin is a plant that will decorate almost any home or apartment!

According to experts, Balzamin is well suited for growing at home and for growing in the open soil. The flower is valued for abundant and long bloom, variety of shades. If the care of the balsamine room at home is carried out correctly (regular watering, feeding, proper lighting and transplant), then the plant pleases its owner of the dark green color of the leaves, their elasticity and annually lays a large number of buds. So, Flowers Balzine at home and in the garden, landing and care, selection of varieties, optimal conditions Growing, photos.

Care for the popular Balsamine Waller

At home, you can most often meet Balzam Waller. He is unpretentious in leaving, and therefore it can even get a healthy flower plant.

What care should get indoor flowers Balzam Waller - Practical Tips:

Lighting. Balsamin - a tropical plant is lightless, but it is contraindicated in direct scoring sunlight. In this case, its juicy leaves and stems threaten burns. If there is no other place for a pot with a flower in the apartment, then in hot summer days it must be shaded. The best place for Balzine is the eastern or western side, where there are scattered lighting. Balzamine can grow in the shade, but due to lack of light it will not bloom.

Watering. Balsam Waller is also called Wet Wet, and therefore it's not difficult to guess that the plant loves a wet soil. The soil in the pot must be moderately wet, but not wet. In springtime, when the plant is intensively developing, it is required more water. The lack of moisture Balzamin recesses the leaves and buds, slugg. It is necessary to ensure that the water is not stood in the pot, which can cause the root rotting, as well as the appearance small midges. Therefore, it is necessary to drain the soil mixture.
In winter, watering is reduced. At this time, they watered only when the earthen comes slightly. The cooler in the room, the less you need to water.

Temperature. The room where there are pots with the Waller Balzamin, it is sometimes necessary to ventilate. This has a beneficial effect on the development of plants. However, measures should be taken to protect them from drafts. Balzamin is painfully reacting to cold air flows. To grow a beautiful flower, the temperature regime should lie within +16 ... + 24 degrees.

Humidity. It is mistaken to assume that Balzam Waller at home must be sprayed. This is an incorrect statement, since Balzamin, in this case, resets flowers and even buds. Experts do not recommend spraying the flower.

The soil. The plant prefers a light soil composition: 1 part of humidiation, turf and leaf land, peat and sand. It is important that the soil for Balzamina was slightly acidified. Suppose a pH from 6.0 to 7.5, the optimal soil with a pH from 6.0 to 6.5.

Transfer. Recommend to apply not too large pots for growing plants. The more spacious the container will be, the more power the plant will spend on the formation of the growth of roots and green mass. Colors in this case will not be a long time. Balzine transplant is usually engaged in spring. Availability good drainage - necessarily.

Subordinate. Feed flowers twice a month with complex fertilizers. Do not be takenlated by applying nitrogen-containing feeding, since when a nitrogen is re-published, the plant will begin to live, and the flowering will be very scarce. Balzamin, which is held at home, reacts well to fertilizers with high potassium content. It stimulates his bloom. Such feeders are brought during the bootonization period.

Common Issues on Home Flower Balzamine Care

A little about the intricacies of growing and care of Waller's Balzamin at home. Frequently asked Questions:

1. How to watered Balzamin? Watering should be abundant when the plant blooms. Otherwise, it will reset the buds. Many moisture flower need when in the house or apartment is hot. It can be noted that Balzamin drinks a lot of water by how quickly dries in its pot between irrigation. It is impossible to dry out the soil in a pot with a balsamine. Otherwise, it will wake.

In winter, on the contrary, watered Balzamin less often, as the plant goes on peace. Optimal mode Watering in winter - abundant irrigation (water should fully moisten the earthen com and go into the pallet pot) after a significant soil drying. Excess moisture from the pallet is definitely removed.

2. Balzam Waller - annual or perennial? If we grow balsamine, like a grassy plant for open soil, then it will be an annual plant, as Balzamin does not experience winter even if it is covered with leaves or humus. The flower is often transferred for winter to the house, an apartment or heated loggia, where the temperature should lie within +15 ... + 18 degrees. In such conditions, Balzamin, having received proper care at home, will not die. In the spring he will give new shoots. That is, Balsam Waller, which is grown in the open soil, if you transfer it to the winter to the house, survives and can be considered a perennial plant.

The only note: Balzamin, who survived the winter, does not bloom so abundantly, as the young plant does, and therefore it is rejuvenated, that is, cut. In this case, it turns out beautiful planting material, because Balzamin perfectly multiplies with top cuttings. A plantation plant after trimming gives new shoots and begins to bloom abundantly.

3. How multiplies indoor balm? Balzine Waller, like other species, is perfectly multiplied with cuttings and seeds. In the first case, the top cuttings are trimmed from putyat plant. The cuttings are put in a pot with wet soil or in open ground, when the danger of freezing is passed, covered with a regular jar or organize any other greenhouse. The rooting occurs very quickly. Already on 3-4 days, the cuttings will acquire its root system. With moderate lighting and regular dressings, the cuttings have laid buds after 2 weeks after landing.

Balzamine's reproduction seeds is carried out both in the open ground and at home. The houses of the Seeds of Balzamine Waller will rise by 2-3 days after landing (but the germination depends on freshness sowing material). If you take the Novogvinsky Balzamin, then its seeds take up to 1 month. Saplings are developing very quickly. At home, they laid buds after 3 weeks after shooting. Picking shoots is required.

More details about the reproduction of Balzamine Seeds can be found in or find out on the forum about balsamine.

Balsamam as a herbaceous plant for open soil can be grown from house seeds with subsequent pickup seedlings in open ground. You can land seeds into open ground, but only after the danger of freezing passes. Minus temperatures The plant is not worried. Even in the open ground, the plant needs a pickup.

4. Why does Balzamin do not bloom?

In most cases, Balzamin is not color if his shoots of their seeds or rooted cuttings were planted in a pot too much for them. The plant begins to "live", that is, intensively increase the root system and the green mass. The pot for Balzamina should be small. The lack of nutrients and soil is compensated by regular feeding. However, and with feeders need to be neat. If the fertilizer keeps too much nitrogen percentage, then Balzamin will also begin to "live" and will not bloom. The layout of buds contributes to potassium in feeding.

5. When to plant balm in open ground?

Balzamin can be planted in open soil when the probability of freezing and the average temperature at night does not fall below +10 ... + 12 degrees. Otherwise gentle plant He will die because it does not tolerate low temperatures. Waller's Balzamine and Novogwinean as herbaceous plants for open soil is necessary before falling down, that is, gradually teach to the drops of temperatures during the day and night. For this pots with flowers or shoots, take out the street from the room with the arrival of spring and essential warming. Return the plant back to the room in the evening, when the temperature begins to fall below +10 ... + 12 degrees.

Diseases of Balzamine and their treatment. Photo

At home, Balzamin is subject to the following diseases: cobed tick, torment Cherver. Ribbed rain less often on the plant, but it is observed in garden culture.

Why yellow balsamine leaves? This speaks of insufficient watering or a plant is under direct sunlight.

Balsamine cries the leaves if the root system or the plant is broken, is systematically exposed to direct, sunlight. Leaves are twisted at Balsamin, if the web tick settled on it. For the same reason, Balzamin dumps the leaves.

Foliage, as a rule, is rich in green, there is also a coloring with a reddish or bronze sweat.

Balzamine flowers are located in the sinuses.There are various coloring depending on the variety: there are gentle pink or dairy color, and there are a motley, in the spear or striped. Breeding varieties with terry flowers.

Flower Balzine is small in size and usually possesses a bright color, which gave the soil for the name "Spark". "Evernice" Balzamine is also not in vain, "blossoms blooming almost all year round. Due to its beautiful small bushes, Balzamine or, as in the people, it is often called "Wet Vanka" often grown as an ampel plant.

It can be grown in two qualities: both one-year and perennial plant.

How to water?

Balzamin prefers water in large quantities. To begin with, we will analyze how often it is necessary to water the soil substrate in spring-summer period. If the plant is in the room, then watering should be done every other day. It is desirable that the pallet in which the pot stands is deep. For Balzamina, excess water does not happen.

If the plant is on the open soil, then watering is produced daily and with the same periodicity - spraying. Such procedures make it possible to significantly increase the percentage of air humidity, as well as prevent the appearance of pests, for example, a paouth tick.

Winter watering takes place once every three days or twice a week. The plant grows in winter, so it is necessary to control the amount of water remaining after watering in the pallet. Land comes to be written moisture, the drying is weakened by the plant itself. If the soil is very moistened, then there will be a stagnation of water in the ground, and this is a favorable medium for breeding small midges - speciars.

NOTE! Significant soil drying can lead to the death of Balzamine.

Fertilizers when growing at home

The correctly composed program of feeding your plant will allow you to achieve the desired effects, for example, bright and magnificent flowering or on the contrary, the set of mass leaves so that Balzamin accepted an even more majestic look.

What and how to fertilize?

In the spring, when Balzamin is actively growing, additional feeding fertilizer is desirable In the soil, which he gratefully responds to the abundance of green juicy greens, shoots and leaves.

Once every 10 days need to be filled with a full balsam mineral fertilizer. The feeder is made in cloudy weather or in the morning or in the evening to avoid burning roots. Before the feeding is watered with ordinary water, and then with fertilizer.

From March to September, Balzamin is fettered by fertilizer for indoor decorative flowering plants every two weeks. Good fit fertilizers "Ferkit-suite", "Uniflor-bud", "Agrikola for blooming", "cheerful flowerman" for geranium and balcony flowers, or "cheerful flowers" for violets and begonia (blooming).

However, if all the same you made a mistake when you choose the finished fertilizer or not followed in the proportion instructions, you should not despair. But before we proceed to the analysis of further procedures, we will make one remark.

Balzine does not tolerate organic fertilizers, such as manure. You will see how the fragrance of the flower is replaced by omnounced leaves and shrinking of buds.

Namely, it becomes in mind of our inexperience and inattention, you must immediately stop feeding any means. Give the plant to "come to yourself" within a month and then continue to feed in usual mode, only with a more thorough choice of food.


The correct choice of fertilizer and its frequency will not remain unnoticed for Balsamin. In conclusion, we propose to recall several basic rules:

  1. The soil in a pot with a balsamine needs to be maintained constantly wet.
  2. In the spring until the flowering period is made mineral fertilizers.
  3. During the flowering period for its extension and an increase in the intensity of Balzamin is fed by phosphorus-potash additives.
  4. Fertilizing Balsamin can also be through the irrigation of the leaves.
  5. No need to use the organicity, Balzamin does not tolerate it.

We hope that our simple tips will help you achieve. abundant flowering Balzamine. And your "notching" will continue to delight you with its beauty and health.

Balzamin has long been rooted in the position of the houseplant common at the gardeners, about whom we will tell you in this article. This plant is famous for its beautiful bloom, and numerous species of a variety of paints.

The flower has many items associated with its special properties. So, for example, because of the formation of a drop of sahaphic dew, it is called "Wet Vanka". And its very name impatiens is translated as "nothing", which is explained by the fact that after pollination of the Flower of Balsamin is extremely fragile, and scattered from the slightest touches.

note That Balzamin is demanding of location, temperature, lighting and humidity, so we take a serious place to choose a place for this plant. With an unsuccessful location, Balzamin may not bloide, and even die.

Balzine Growing - Features

Different subspecies of balzamine differ from each other of the form of flowers, leaves and even the structure of the plant. In nature there are about 600 different species Balsamines, but they all have common characteristic features.

  1. Firstly, The need for moisture. Balsamines are better to overgrowl than to forget to pour. For that they received a funny nickname "Wet Vanka". However, stagnation of water in the roots is undesirable even for Balzamine.
  2. Secondly, These plants are better blooming in small pots. If you plant Balzamin in a big vase, he will spend all the forces on growth and agencies, and you will have to wait for the flowering for a long time, and after all, you purchased Balzamin for the sake of colors.
  3. Thirdly, Balsamines are easily multiplied with both stalling and seeds. Although room species, as a rule, it's easier and faster from cuttings.
  4. Well fourthly Balsamines are very susceptible to various diseases and require particularly close attention to the leaves, otherwise because of one damaged escape, which you did not see, all the plant will die very quickly. And even if you are able to save Balzamine, he may forever lose its decorativeness.

Room Balzamine Care

Indoor balsamines are very undemanding and noncains. They can grow in the shaded places, although bright love, of course, more. Novogvinsky balsamines do not need to be shared from direct sunlight, the rest are needed from the bright sun to protect.

Choosing a place

All representatives of the balsamine family belong to light-affiliated herbaceous plants. If the house has a window overlooking the south, this is their place. But when placing a pot on the windowsill, it is worth considering that the straight sun rays, luminous through the glass, can fall the juicy and bright leaves.

To ensure correct care to the room balsamine in the period summer heatIt is necessary to put protection or choose a plot on the windowsill on which the sun's rays are lingering for a while. With the arrival of cold weather, protection must be removed and put the pot to the most illuminated place.

Balmes also:

  • love fresh air;
  • do not tolerate strong drafts;
  • do not like frost and cold - in the winter it is better to make a pot with a plant from glass, closer to the edge of the window sill, where it feels warm from the battery;
  • during the air ventilation in the winter, the plant is best retarded from the window.

With incorrect placement, the pot color loses its crown shape - pulls up, the stem is broken, bottom leaves fall, bloom is rare. The plant throws the buds on the top of the stem.

As a rule, this plant is not particularly welcomed to lighting and can successfully grow and blossom on the windowsill with any orientation of windows. True, this does not mean that it can be placed under the scorching sunny rays or plug in the darker corner. As practice shows, the best place for it, light half. For example, it is not possible to put it on the windowsill, but in the simpleness between the two windows, it has been perfectly growing on the stand in a meter from the southeast window.

At the same time, it is still noticed that the flowers of such a plant have a brighter color than the plants standing on brightly illuminated places. For the summer, Balsamin can be reached on fresh air (balcony, for example), but at the same time keep in mind that the plant is very easy and even a light breeze can have a decent thing. But despite this, it is often used in potted compositions together with Petunia, Lobelia, Begonia, Geranus, etc. to decorate the same balconies, terraces, etc.


Balzamin is a lover of bright light, but at the same time in his condition very badly affecting Direct sunny lightingTherefore, at home, the plant is recommended to shade from bright sunlight.

In winter, the room balsamine must be provided A sufficient amount of light, because it is precisely because of this and may bloom Balzamine all year round.

So that the Balzamina bush had a uniform beautiful krona, the vase with the plant must be periodically rotated, substituting the flower of the sun with of different side. The lack of light can lead to the fact that the plant will completely stop producing buds and loses its attractiveness. The flower loves fresh air, but suffers from drafts.


In the warm period, balsamine is suitable for any temperature for growth and flowering. Sharp drops can be pretty damaged a plant. Winter Must go through at a temperature not lower than + 12-16 degrees.

  • The plant will be comfortable where heat. The subtropical plant in our conditions has already adapted, but still suffer the cold with great difficulty. Therefore, in the winter in the room there should be no less than 13-16 0 s, and in summer - 20-24 0 S.
  • Balsamine love moisture, therefore, if the thermometer arrow rose above 22 0 s, it is worth the humidity in the room. Otherwise, the colors will seek. It is recommended to put a water container next to the pot.
  • In the warm season, the plant has no special requirements for the ambient temperature, except that sharp differences can affect it. In winter, the temperature prefers slightly reduced within + 12-16 degrees.

In the spring and summer, Balzine perfectly tolerates the temperature of +25 degrees and above, but provided fresh air and wet substrate. In winter, the temperature should not be descended below +10 +15 degrees.
Room Balzamin prefers Moderate humidity, but only as long as the thermometer readings are not digested for the +22 degree mark.
Increasing the temperature above this value can lead to a rapid evaporation of moisture, resulting in balzamin fades. Save the position will help spraying, which is neat, trying not to get on the flowers and buds.

Watering and humidity

Balsamines are moisture. If Balzamin is to cut, his leaves "hang as rags", but rather quickly come to themselves, having received the desired moisture. In the summer, these plants watered abundantly, in winter less, especially if the room is cool. During this period, the temperatures of about 15 degrees are most comfortable for balsamines. However, balsamines are nicely winter and in the conditions of an urban apartment.

  • After watering, especially warm water, on the leaves, at the ends, the water droplets are formed, as if tears, for which, Balzamin was called "Vanka Wet". These "tears" are sweet, on hot days they dry out and "sugar".
  • Balzamin prefers water in large quantities. If the plant is in the room, then watering is produced every other day. It is desirable that the pallet in which the pot stands is deep. For Balzamina, excess water does not happen.
  • If the plant is on open space, I watering is done every day, as well as everyday spraying. With the help of such procedures, the percentage humidity of the air will increase, as well as pause the appearance of a paustic tick.

Winter watering takes place once every three days or twice a week. The plant grows in winter, so it is necessary to control the amount of water remaining after watering in the pallet. Land comes to be written moisture, the drying is weakened by the plant itself. If the soil is very moistened, then there will be a stagnation of water in the ground, and this is a favorable medium for breeding small midges - speciars.

Do not spare water!

Watering is the most important from agrotechnical requirements for the care of balsamines. I first watered my first flower, like other plants - as the substrate drying. But my balsamin somehow quickly smoke, leaflets faded, and flowers and buds tremeted. Fortunately, I quickly understood what the reason was, and it became more intense. In the summer, I water the room Balsam in the day, in winter, once every 3 days or 2 times a week. In addition, I began to water it so beyond that part of the water is poured into the pallet. From the pallet I did not pour water, and the next day it did not turn out there! Eternally, the thirsty Balzamin drank overnight and what he could not drink in the afternoon.

In my experience, Balzamin's flower is best to plant a pot, having a fairly deep pallet. It is necessary to water it abundantly, so that part of the water is in the pallet. And unlike other plants, I do not merge this water completely. Balzine on the second day already absorbs it from below.
If you allowed the flower fading, try to rolish it. It happens that in a few hours the flower comes to life, and nevertheless such tests are very weakened by the plant. No need to allow the substrate to dry, the earthen comes should be wet. But also the stagnation of excess water is dangerous in the way they will start a sciarida - tiny flying midges.

In summer, he needs a normal regular watering, in winter - rare. Purify leaves with a dry cloth. When spraying with water, avoid it from falling on the flowers - shield them with paper.

Moderately but abundantly

Perennial and annual plant will give bright flowers only if the soil or the soil in which they live will be maintained in a wet state. In the summer of moisture, the flower gives more, and in winter the amount of water is reduced by 1/3. At the same time, it is necessary to water with soft water without impurities. It is recommended to defend water from under the tap for at least 2-3 days.

Need a frequent and moderately abundant watering. Cannot flood a plant. In this case, the roots will start rotting and colors will disappear. To avoid this, it is better to make a good drainage.

If the balsamine is careful at home correctly, then after each watering on the leaves of the plant will be small droplets of moisture. After a few hours, they sugar. This feature of the flower manifests itself in the summer.

The plant is very moisture. Therefore, in warm time, it is necessary to water regularly, when the outdoor content is in the summer, it is almost daily. Just daily and spray it, it will not only increase the humidity of the air, but also shines from a pawless tick, for which Balzamin favorite delicacy. As for winter irrigation, again, I keep in mind - in winter, Balzamin continues to grow, and, despite the reduced content temperature, it needs to be irrigated, of course, more rarely, but regular (depending on temperature).

Water treatments

Balzamin is watered In the summer months, abundantly, as soon as the upper layer of soil gets off. During irrigation, it is necessary to ensure that the water does not fall on the root neck, for which watering is produced by the edge of the pot. After the procedure, excess water from the pallet must be merged.

  • Watering the plant is better in spontaneous with soft water. Using hard water, you can detect over time on the soil surface white raids indicating the latching of the soil. In this case, it is recommended to replace the upper layer of the Earth in the pot.
  • Disadvantaged watering It can trigger the lag of balzamine in growth, while its flowers dry and fall out.
    From time to time balzamin needs In the rupture of the upper layer of the soil (not deeper 1 cm), which provides air access to roots.
  • Also, the flower requires a feeding, which is made in the spring and summer period every two weeks. Fertilizers better use complex, half dosage. After transplant The feeder is produced no earlier than three weeks.

Since Balsamin's rest period not so pronounced, and even in winter, the flower releases buds, it is desirable after their appearance to feed the plant with a weak mineral solution. Fertilizers contribute to wet soil after watering the plant.


Another folk name of the plant is a loft. After pollination of the flowers, boxes with balsamine seeds are formed, which burst with the slightest touch.

The name "Balsamina" (Impatiencs Balsamina) is translated as "nothing", "not carrying touch". This is due to the fact that the boxes with balsamine seeds are bursting even from a slight push.

And the plant Balzamin is called "lights" for bright flowers. They are red, pink, purple and white.

Flowering, as a rule, falls at the beginning of the summer and continues until no left of autumn, but with the corresponding light and temperature regimes Flowers can appear all winter.

Fertilizer and subordinate

For better growth And blossoms are desirable to fertilize during flowering period every two weeks. Balzine is growing rapidly, so it is transplanted annually in fresh soil for flowering plants. The resulting plants are rejuvenated by conducting severe trimming. Cut shoots are used as cuttings for rooting.

  • For abundant flowering and good growth, the plant requires feeding at any time of the year. Beginning with spring period And before autumn, when the growth of the plant is suspended, the feeding is made once every ten days fertilizer for flowers. Well showed himself feeding with alternating nitrogen and phosphoric fertilizers.
  • The number of winter feeding decreases, but not excluded at all. With a one-time feeding month, the plant will look great. Formula and Potassium enter the ground in the winter in winter.
  • For consumer growth and flowering, it is sure to feed it. But, as in everything, it should be observed to be a reasonable measure, the reconnected plant will also be blossoming, as not be fed at all!

With the beginning of active growth in spring and before its suspension in the fall, turn it out in 10 days in conventional fertilizer for flowering plants, this is in principle enough. Just good results can be achieved with separate feeding, alternating nitrogen fertilizers and phosphoric. In winter, cut down, but do not exclude completely. To maintain in the form, it is enough to feed it one one, maximum twice a month. Fertilizers for winter feeding should contain increased maintenance of potassium and phosphorus.


Balzine willingly multiply with cuttings that quickly give roots in water. Also balsamines breed and seeds. Seeds can be planted all year round. After planting the plant bloom after 3-4 months. Thus, you can constantly have at home flowering balsamines of all sorts of paint.

Balzamin can be multiplied by seeds and cuttings. Seeds reproduction is more laborious. They are falling asleep in wet land, create a greenhouse effect, but not the fact that the expected type of flower will be obtained. It is best to multiply Balzamin with the help of cuttings. Cuts up the top in a plant 6-7 centimeters long with two interstices. The lower leaves are removed on it. The cutlets deeply plunges into the water, otherwise he dries off.

Two weeks later, the cutlets will let the root. You can land in the ground. The cuttings in the sand in the land mixture are also rooted. Its composition can be done by himself. To do this, we take one part of the peat, one part of the substrate for mulching (vermiculite) and two parts of the perlite. You can land in plastic dishes. Balzamin will start growing, gaining strength. Over time, it will be possible to transplant to the intended place.

Use the tops of the top of the stem, obtained by the spring pruning of the plant. You can first put them in the water until they are allowed root, or immediately put them in the soil, after processing the hormones of rooting.


If you love home balsamines, then you probably want to multiply them. I replaced balsamines in the way of shifting. The most healthy and beautiful shoots cut and put into the water, and the cutting should be deeply immersed in the liquid, otherwise it dries.

  • I usually cut several cuttings - just in case, at least one cares, but, as a rule, they are all well rooted, and then I then distribute seedlings to know.
  • Once I enriched with several instances of Balzamine, gently cutting a cutlery from plants on the local agrobiostania and rooting them.
  • Balzamin can be multiplied by the seeds that need to be sowing into a wet land and cover with a transparent film for creating a greenhouse effect and maintain moisture required by these colors.

Garden balsamines are usually grown out of seeds, rather, they themselves wonderfully multiply by self-sash

My regular readers know that I rarely when I recommend seminal reproduction. Balzamin room is no exception.

No, of course, you can collect seeds and try this method, but first it is more time-consuming, and secondly, in this case, you can not get quite a plant that expected maternal signs with seed reproduction are practically not saved, and expecting a plant with terry flowerYou will most likely get an ordinary "spacet."

Therefore, it is best to multiply indoor Balzamin cuttings. Especially since it is quite simple. To do this cut up the top parent plant, Long approximately 6-7 centimeters (there should be at least 2 interstices on the cutting line), the lower sheets are removed, and put the cutting into the glass with water. Everything!

After a couple of weeks, the roots will appear and then the stalks can be planted into land. You can also roigate the cuttings in the sand, perlite, and it is also right in the lesmest. But for a novice flower, I recommend still in the water - visual. The mixture for seedlings make a slight: peat, vermiculitis and perlite (1: 1: 2), for landing perfectly suitable plastic cups. When the plant is strengthened and grow up, it can be planted in a constant mix.


Balzamin is a perennial flowering plant. Some color lovers transplant it every two years, as shoots are pulled out, fall leaves, plants are affected by diseases and pests, which affects appearance. First of all, this refers to plants that make up a composition with other colors. The transplanted plant blooms brighter and more abundant, has a more attractive view. When transplanting, you must remember several rules that will help grow a beautiful plant. The root system should fit into the pot. It must be medium sized, with a small amount of land.

  • Balzamin will bloom when the root system starts up to such sizes, which will fully fill the pot of the pot, penetrating the entire earth com. In the same way you need to replant and violets.
  • If you put a balsamin in a big vase, he will spend his strength, filling the entire volume with roots, and there is not enough forces on flowering. You can grow a bouquet of balsamines of different colors in one pot.
  • For this, the cuttings of different color are taken and put on a much greater pot of the pot. They dear in one pot, complementing each other.
  • Balsamines are recommended to transplant once a year - in the spring. After transplanting a plant rejuvenates, gives new shoots, it is better blooming.
  • But I transplant Balzamin 2 times a year: in spring and autumn. At the end of summer, balsamines are often shooting, losing the leaves. And after hot days, they are easily affected by diseases.

Balzamine's transplantation after purchase in a permanent pot.

Replacement of flower pots produce in spring; Choose small vessels, it favors blossom.

Change place

Room Balzamin, a perennial plant, which is mainly and distinguishes him from gardening, and as a result, there needs transplants. Justice, I want to note that many flower products do not contain one plant for more than two years, but prefer to grow young (especially since it is elementary, but about it below ...), since over time it is growing and becoming unavailable.

This is especially true of plants that planted in compositions with others, for these purposes it is better to have a young plant. But be that as it may, the transplant is still needed. First of all, when transplanting (or landing) Balzamine should be remembered that the pot must correspond to the size of the plant, or rather, the size of the root system. The fact is that bloom comes only when the roots fill the pot of the pot and cover the entire earthen com (according to the example of violet).

Therefore, it is necessary to start with a slight pot, gradually increasing its size. You can plant several plants in one pot, they coexist perfectly, and in this case can be taken more. As for the soil ... the nutritious mixture is not recommended, which stimulates an intense set of green mass and brands bloom. Most often such a composition of the landlines are recommended:

  • Leaf Earth - Two parts
  • Cherry Earth - Two parts
  • Humus - two parts
  • Peat - one piece
  • Sand - Two parts

At the same time I want to note that even the usual mixture of leaf land and sand (2: 1), too, may well come up. Just do not take the earth from the oak (such a land for most plants is unsuitable), better from under maple, linden, garden trees ...

Regular procedure

Pereparing indoor Balzaminin the spring and, as needed, in the summer, while young plants need an annual transplantation. An adult blossomamine flower is either transplanted, either in 2-3 years updated by rooting the top cuttings, since over time, Balzamin is growing up, becoming unavailable.

Choosing pot BalzineIt should be remembered that its size must correspond to the size of the root system of the plant. It is noted that more magnificent bloom is achieved if the plant is slightly closely in the vase. To give the plant of a lush look, you can land 2-3 copies in one pot.

Soil for transplant It should not be too nutritious, as it will stimulate the intensive increase in the green mass, which will slow down blossom. To ensure the ease and breathability of the substrate, it is necessary to add sand and peat to leaf land, or prepare a mixture of humus, compost, turf and perlite in equal parts. One of the important transplant conditions is the provision of a qualitative drainage balsamine.

The soil

Balzamin fits light soil, usually a lightweight substrate for year-round flowering plants. If the soil is oversaturated with minerals, ammonia nitrate, ammonium sulfate, then it will lead to a rapid growth of bright greenery and a small number of colors. And as a result, the flowers may not appear at all. You can cook yourself a mixture for landing Balzine:

  • earth mixed with leaves - two parts
  • earth mixture (nerd land) - two parts
  • compost (humus) - two parts
  • peat - one part
  • sand - Two parts

A mixture of deciduous humus and sand is suitable for transplanting (2: 1). Takes from under maple, linden, trees in the garden.

Use loose soil made up of equal parts of humus and peat, with a small sand additive. In the period of growth, every two weeks make a liquid fertilizer.


It will be suitable for the usual light substrate for flowering plants. Heavy soil rich in minerals and nitrogen compounds will result in a lot of leaves, and there is little flowers, the plant can not bloom at all.

As for the flow rate of the vase, then the soil should not be much, otherwise the plant is late with blossom, "mastering the territory." Too big pot with land will make young home balsamin grow into a bush, and he will not be up to flowers. For full blossom, the balsamine needs a small pot and a moderate amount of soil. His roots must fill the vase. If I want to get a beautiful bouquet on the windowsill, then we plant in one wide vase 2 of the balsamine cutlets with flowers of different colors. They get along perfectly.


Package is done for intensive flowering (it does not fall under this action dwarf varieties Balzamine). After such a process, a neat branchy Balzamine bush with lots of colors is obtained. Maintain aesthetic look need constantly. Cleaning flowers and leaves are removed, which allows the plant to throw out a new color, as well as warn from the attack of pests and various diseases.

If the plant drops foliage, yellowing or begins to fade, then this is the first sign that it has received stress. There was a sharp fluctuation of temperature, the lighting changed, a strong draft or flower was closely in a pot. You must immediately correct errors.

The procedure is mandatory if you want to achieve abundant flowering (the exception can be calculated by dwarf varieties). At the same time you get not only more flowers, but also more compact, branchy bush. Also, do not forget to remove the stunned flowers on time and the die away leaves in time, this not only stimulates flowering, but also will fight from different misfortunes in the form of diseases and pests.

In the spring for stimulation of bloom, pinch the tops of young stems.


Usually in spring, during transplantation, produce pruning branches plants. If the Balzamin smashes too much, his stems are shortened by half. If the shoots reached the desired length, their tops are plugged, stimulating, thus, the appearance and growth of new side shoots and thick bloom.

Trimming helps rejuvenate a plant, and cut-off top shoots are used for breeding. Also, to improve the decorative properties of Balzamine, remove old barbed twigs, die leaves and flowers.


An important component of the care of indoor balsamine is a plants transplant in the correctly selected soil and feeding. Locking a cutlery in a pot (blissing balsamine at home through shilling) or a plant transplantation is performed in early spring Before flowering or autumn after flowering. We take soil:

  • 1 part of the Earth and Houring,
  • ½ part of the peat and 1 part of the sand.

Plant Balzamin in a small pot. He does not like volumetric tanks, since its roots must completely label the lump of the soil. The faster it will do it, the faster it will begin to grow and give flowers. In a large pot, growth slows down.

If there is no small container, then in one pot you can land 2-3 cuttings at a distance of about 5-6 cm. Plants coexist perfectly with each other.

Balzamin feeds immediately how the plant will come out of the "winter hibernation". A potassium-phosphorus mixture is perfectly suitable as a fertilizer. It is added to the pot of 1 time every 2 weeks of flowering. In winter, you can give nitrogen feeding. They will increase the amount of greenery on the stem, only to make fertilizers worth small portions and not often.

Balzamin can be multiplied by seeds. They are swayed at the end of February in the box. The plant will independently provide the owner of the necessary amount of seeds. Only with their assembly need to be neat. "Lady" with the slightest touch (wind blowing) to a ripe box throws them.

Diseases and pests

Balsamines rarely suffer from pests, but they may be affected by a paouth tick and a soot.

  • Balzamin is subject to the same diseases as most indoor plants. But it is especially afraid of a pawless tick, which appears due to too dry air. Conclusion: Moisturize the air and carry out complex treatment of the plant.
  • Due to excessive humidity in the ground can be made by sciarids. In this case, the plant is better to transplant and pingantically observe watering regime.
  • Often, balsamines at home are starting to dry, twisted and fall leaves. This can occur due to lack of light or heat, as well as if the flower becomes closely in the old pot. Then you need to eliminate the shortcomings of the care of homemade balsamine or transplant it into more vase.

  • No flowering, lower leaves yellow and fall: Not enough light, put the plant in a well-lit place.
  • Leaves fall in winter time: Low temperatures, rearrange the plant in a warmer place.
  • Root neck covered with black spots: Holding due to water stagnation, dry the soil and reduce watering.
  • A lot of leaves and little flowers are formed at the plant: The pot is too large, wait until the pot is filled with roots, and avoid fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen.
  • White web on the stems and the bottom of the leaves Indicates the presence of a web tir. Clean the plant from insects with a soap solution and increase the humidity of the air.

The plant can also face aphid. If Balzamin is strongly infected, remove the insects and spray with soap solution.

Frequent problems

Like any home plant, Balsam is not insured against various diseases and problems.

  • Too high temperatures with reduced humidity the best way reflected in the state of the plant - leaves go down, flowering slows down. The plant needs to recreate the optimal conditions for growth, and the flower will restore its original appearance.
  • Excessive watering greatly harms a balsamine, as it causes appearance fungus and mold development. When the first signs appear fungal disease It is necessary to take urgent measures - the flower is removed from the pot and, thoroughly blocking the rhizome from the proximated land, transplanted into the vase with a new, more loose soil and a good drainage system.
  • Finding rot on the surface of the soil, It is necessary to replace its top layer. If you run a disease, the chances of saving the plant are minimal.
  • If in Balzine feed flowersIt is worth considering the conditions of its content. The reason for the appeal can be dry air in combination with insufficient irrigation, there is not enough high temperature in the room, poor illumination and oversupply of feeding.
  • Lack of lighting maybe reflect on the color of the leaves Peppercut varieties, which, in the event of a shortage of light, becomes pale and inexpressive. At the same time, the shoots are significantly drawn out, which adversely affects the decorative properties of Balzamine.
  • Weak flowering Or its complete absence occurs when the plant lacks nutrients or there is a skew toward nitrogenous fertilizers that stimulate the growth of foliage. Also, it may be a pot of unjustifiably large sizes or irregular watering.
  • Often, the plant is amazed by a spider tick, which contributes to low air humidity. You can get rid of attacks using insecticidal solutions.
  • The wave and whiteberry are another pest, the presence of which ruins the plant. You need to fight insects as well with special preparations.

As you can see, Balzamin - unpretentious plant But it is worth considering that representatives of balsamine with a dark and bright coloring colors are more rustier than their fellows with blond flowers.

Balzamine flowers is often called "lights", or even at all "Vanka wet". But in reality, its name is translated differently: "Lady". Such a name was given to him due to the fact that at the time of the ripening of seeds, the boxes with them burst from the blow of the wind.

There are more than 500 types of Balsamin, among them there are annual and perennial varieties.

Annuals decorate flower beds white, pink, red and orange flowers. Flower Balzamin Garden is very popular.

Perennials grown at home, and they can have blossoms throughout the year. Coloring is the most different - perhaps, there are no blue, yellow and black balsamines.

Most often, the following varieties are divorced at home:

Balsam Valler - pretty high plant, Stems can reach 60 cm. Small leaves have a bright color, flowers are collected in inflorescences.

Balsam Peters - It is characterized by leaves with a bronze sweat. Flowers bright red.

Zheleznosynian balm - Near the base of the sheet there are dense compounds. Annual grade, you can grow both in the garden and at home. Reaches 1.5-2 m in height. Flowers pink and scarlet.

Novogvinsky Balzamin - High strong plant. Hybrid flowers white, red, purple.

The principles of care for all varieties are common.

Features of cultivation

Balzamin rightfully can be called a sideline. If you have purchased this indoor plant, and you want it regularly pleased you beautiful flowersThere will have to follow a number of conditions.

Balzine loves the sun. Therefore, put the pot of preferably near the window coming to the south. But in the summer, when the sun's rays can be laid gentle leaves - Balzamin is protected from bright light.

Cold flower can not tolerate. In winter, it is necessary to ensure that the leaves do not touch the cold glass, and during the ventilation to remove Balsamin away.

Potted flower is required small. Otherwise, Balzamin will go into growth, and there will be no bloom.

Watering is needed abundant. It is not by chance that the plant was called "Vanka wet." Soil should always be wet.

Should look closely - did the flower fell ill? Even if only a few leaves are damaged, in the absence of the necessary measures - the disease will immediately reinstate the remaining leaves and stems, and the plant will perish.

When something is wrong - the flower immediately signals it. The stem is pulled out, the leaves are falling, flowering stops. Think - which is deprived of Balzamine and correct the position.

Home care

To admire as long as possible beautiful flowerIt is required to comply with a number of conditions.

Requirements for soil

Balsam is desirable to plant a light nutrient soil. You can buy it in a specialized store. It is suitable for any designed for flowering plants.

If you filled the pot, let's say, the earth, taken from its site, and it turned out to be severe and clay, then the colors will be a bit, unlike the leaves.

The requirements for the number of soil are presented. Often, novice flower products buy the biggest pots so that the plant is "spacious." But Balzamin will not be grateful for it. He will begin to build up the root system to "master" the whole space, and it will stop blossoming. Therefore, pick a compact pot.

Another option is to plant a few ballsamine cuttings of different colors in a large pot. Then, at the time of flowering, you will stand a beautiful bouquet on the windowsill.

Feed the plant twice a month.

Optimal conditions of detention

The subtropical plant loves heat, so in the room it is desirable to maintain a temperature of + 20-25 C. Even in winter it should not fall below +16 C.

Also, balsamine is needed wet air. It concerns as a summer time when the room is hot and winter when batteries are working. central heating. Well, if there is a water vessel next to the pot. Moist will evaporate, and maintain the desired microclimate.

As for the choice of place - the balsamine will suit any window, except Northern. The flower is very lightweight.

Watering flower

Balzamin loves water very much, and the biggest test for the flower is drought. From this conclusion - at the ready should be a bottle of saturated water room temperature.

At the very bottom of the pot it is advisable to put drainage. Do it so that the moisture is not stuffed, and the roots did not hesitate. Also necessary deep pallet. When irrigated, it is monitored that the earthen comes are impregnated completely, and excess moisture turned out to be in the pallet. It is not necessary to merge it. Balzamin will "drink" this water as needed.

In the summer, the plant watered more often - every other day, in winter, watering is reduced by a third.

Normally, after each watering, the leaves are small droplets of water, which then dry out, and remains "sugar".

If the leaflets of Balzine are faded, you can try to half the plant. In some cases, it helps, and the type of flower is improving.

Fertilizing and fertilizer

In winter, Balzamin is almost not feeding. It is transferred to the "enhanced nutrition" in the spring. It is recommended to use fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. They contribute 1 time in 2 weeks, especially during the period of active flowering.

In the cold season of the year you can make a little nitrogen feeding. They will not stimulate the process of formation of buds, but Balzam will give a thick foliage and will look beautiful.


Balzamin is trimming throughout his life. If the flower is grown out of the seed, then the seventeral leaves will appear - the top of the central escape is pinched. Then start developing side shootsAnd Balzamin will be formed in such a way that it will look beautiful in a suspension pot.

If you want to form a "church", you should wait until the stem young Plant Do not hide. Then you can neatly crop all the lower leaves, and the main escape is segged. Separations are desirable to sprinkle with anger coal. Over time, side shoots are formed.

The plant underwent trimmed fertilizer. You can use urea, biohumus.

How to transplant?

Balsamin is transplanted in spring. After that, it seems to come to life: new shoots are formed, flowering begins. If in the summer the plant is too pulled out, and the leaves remained a bit, you can rehaust the second time in the fall. It is necessary to do it when the flowering has already been completed.

If the primer you make yourself independently, you need to mix in equal parts: garden land, peat and river sand. Before boarding the soil, water is watered with a weak solution of manganese, to disinfect. If the finished primer is purchased in a specialized store - this is not necessary to do this.

A pot is chosen small, or a few plants are put into the volumetric venouncement at once. It is important that for a short-lifting time the roots are completely nearing an earthen room - only then can expect blossomin blossoms.

Balzine reproduction

Split Balsamin Room Labor will not be. There will be even novice flowerflowers with this.

Plant can be raised from seeds. General rules apply to the balsamine: the seeds are planted in a box with any finished soil intended for indoor flowers, water and covered with a film. After the appearance of germs, the film is removed, young plants are planted into separate pots.

But this method is more often used for annual balsamines, which will have to grow on the flower beds. Indoor plants usually determine with stalling.

From a healthy bush cut up the top. The length of a cutlery with several interstices should be about 10 cm. The cuttings are placed in a jar with water (it is desirable that the leaves do not get there to avoid posting). About 2 weeks, and even earlier, roots will begin to appear.

After that, the cuttings are transplanted into a small pot. Water as needed to be placed water temperature. If there appeared on the surface of the earth - it means that the water is too tough.

Another variant of reproduction - gag. Choose a strong branch, climb on it the lowest leaves. Then ground by 1/3 part. The soil must be light, loose - it is impossible to allow the surface to pull the crust.

Soil must be maintained in a wet state, periodically loose. You can cover with a film with a film.

Multiply balzamin better spring, then in the summer he will delight you blossom.

Fighting diseases and pests

Balzamin can easily get sick. The web tick is especially terrible for him. This pest is a drought satellite, so the best measure of prevention is to moisten the air indoors and water a good flower.

But excess moisturizing is harmful - speciars appear in the ground. In this case, the plant is transplanted, watering reduce.

If the type of leaves is alarming - the color of the color or leaves dries, they begin to fall - it is necessary to think about what the plant lacks. Maybe light? Or indoors too cold? Potted pot? The attentive owner will come to the right conclusion and eliminate the problem.

Balzamin is an unusually beautiful plant, and subject to simple rules Care will be regularly delight you with abundant bloom.