How to make a garden sculpture from artificial grass with your own hands. Frame garden figures Bush figurines

Every city dweller dreams of breaking out to his personal plot, resting there and relaxing, feeling harmony with nature. Recently, it has become a topical tendency to install various garden figures there. They will help to give your dacha individuality.


Various decorative figures will help make your summer home not only bright and attractive, but will also cheer you up every day. Let's consider their main features:

  • You can create beauty in your personal plot by purchasing ready-made models. Polystone or gypsum figures can be very different. However, the best option would be to create your own piece of art. You can definitely be sure that no one else will have such a decoration.
  • Before putting on a particular sculpture, it is worth considering the entire composition that you want to create. Based on this, you will need to choose the shapes. Also decide on their location. This could be the center of the garden or, for example, a model peeking out from around a corner.
  • If you are thinking what is the best product to place in your country house, then you should take a closer look at the general decor of the house or garden. Usually, many people choose classic products, such as sculptures from mythology. If you want to create a more romantic setting, then you should choose the appropriate options, for example, the sculpture of Cupid and Psyche. For open areas, you can use a fountain or a sundial.

  • Look at the area of ​​your territory. All figures must be in proportion. For a small garden, it is worth choosing small models. If you choose too cumbersome options, then just make the composition heavier. Conversely, small decorations in a spacious garden will simply get lost and will not produce the desired effect.
  • Pay special attention to cost. Focus on your family budget and capabilities. You can create attractive options with your own hands without spending fabulous sums.
  • There should always be a sense of proportion. Try to emphasize natural details with household figurines: stumps, tree roots, flower beds, flower beds, streams. If there is a children's area, then it can be successfully decorated with fairy-tale characters.

Style and design

All decorative decorations should echo or echo the general style concept of the house. This is the only way you can create an attractive composition that will delight the eye and give you only pleasure.

It is worth noting that design styles can be very different, respectively, it is worth choosing garden figures suitable for them. For example, if your garden is made in country style, then you can "settle" gnomes in a small grass.

For the village direction, animals, birds, as well as a variety of fairy-tale characters will be appropriate. They will create a special charm on your backyard lawn.

How to do it?

It is very easy to create garden figurines with your own hands. There will be enough desire, as well as a little skill, practice and, of course, the necessary materials. You can focus on a master class, where the process of making figures is explained step by step. By strictly following the instructions, you yourself can create beautiful options for the design of your summer cottage.

Let's consider several options. From the "garbage" that you probably have in your garage, you can create interesting animals. For example, elephants. They are done as follows:

  • You should take two old tires, stock up on self-tapping screws, paint.
  • It is worth bury one tire in the ground for a third part, and cut the second one and turn it inside out.
  • The entire width will become the head, and cut the workpiece symmetrically on all sides as a trunk.
  • Attach the head to the body with self-tapping screws. Cut the ears out of a thin slope. Color in the entire composition.

Similarly, you can create a swan. The tire is cut into three parts - lateral and central. The details will hold their shape if they are stitched with metal wire. Anchor the shape to the ground and paint.

Using small bottles, you can create attractive bees, paint them with colored stripes. The antennae are made of wire with a bottle cap at the end.

You can also create a palm tree from plastic bottles. Cut them off and insert one bottle into the other, creating the trunk of a palm tree. At the top, you can attach lush leaves that are cut from green blanks.

You can make crafts using cement mortars. This will require special forms where the mixture will be poured. Subsequently, you can get a ready-made sculpture. A special drying chamber is also used when it comes to a large-scale figure.

You can create a doggy figure that is relevant this year from improvised means. It is worth forming the body of the animal from foam rubber. Then the structure is covered with fabric, the ears and tail are sewn. From the bags cut into strips, you need to make terry that would resemble a fringe. Start at the back, working your way up to the head of the piece. Take your time to sew the doggie's foam frame with this fringe. Then you should pay attention to details - sew on the nose, eyes, decorate the dog with bows and a collar.


It is worth noting that the figures can be of various types. There are excellent hollow landscape options that will appeal to avid summer residents. It will be just as easy and simple to create them; it is enough to strictly follow the selected instructions. Also, garden figures are subdivided into those that are installed for a while and those that are constantly standing. For example, they can become part of some decor during a holiday.

Products also differ in the raw materials that are used in their manufacture. It can be gypsum, ceramics, artificial stone, concrete, etc. You just have to decide exactly on your own preferences in order to decorate your site in a profitable and stylish way.

Materials (edit)

You are surrounded by many materials at hand, from which you can independently make interesting and original products for the garden. Options made of wood are relevant. It is better to use raw material to embody such shapes. These can be ordinary logs, twigs, driftwood. They will help you create creative wooden crafts, just show your imagination.

Let's say a stone can resemble a sleeping cat or a funny turtle. In this case, it will be enough just to paint the material to get a stylish piece of furniture for the garden. You can use the stones that you brought from the south to lay out interesting compositions.

Plaster products are also widespread. Such material is especially popular, as it helps to give shapes to any shape. But it also has its drawbacks. The plaster figure is very fragile. You should be especially careful when you are near such a decor.... You can mold a figurine yourself or use special shapes.

Attractive options can be created using cement. The solution can be poured into the finished form or covered with a specially prepared frame. In the second case, you should also add PVA glue to the gypsum for plasticity.

You can also use a variety of materials at hand. Among such popular things are a basin, options from tires, wire, plastic bottles, silicone models, figurines made of metal, concrete, artificial grass, lawn. All of them will organically complement your garden.


Before you install any figure on your personal plot, you should decide in advance which shape will suit you best. You can use special molds - molds for filling volumetric objects. This way you can quickly and efficiently create an attractive arrangement in your garden. These can be different options, for example, in the form of a dog, a gnome, a turtle, etc. To produce attractive figures, you will also need a set of brushes, spatulas, varnish, acrylic paints. Only after you have prepared all the necessary tools should you start the creative process.

Before starting to create an individual figure, you should decide on the general concept of space. All products must be of optimal dimensions. This rule should be followed first. Do not clutter up a small space with impressive figures.... They will only make the whole composition heavier. The same advice applies in the opposite case. Small figures are not suitable for a large space. They will simply get lost in the grass and will not create the desired effect.

It's good if the composition echoes the style of the house. So you can create a real fairy garden filled with interesting figures.

You should also carefully approach the choice of the location of objects. If you cannot decide exactly where your masterpiece should be placed, then you can attach a model to this place and visually see whether the product fits here or not. Do not overload the garden plot with numerous items. In everything, one should observe the measure. Using the materials at hand, do not forget to prepare at once all the tools that you will need to create models. It is worth considering all the options for making figures and choosing the one that is acceptable to you.

Also, do not forget to clearly follow the instructions that you find for yourself. Stage by stage, carefully performing all the work, it will be possible to create a real masterpiece. Many experienced gardeners are advised to start making figurines with simpler models, gradually moving on to complex options. So you can practice.

Successful examples and options

For a summer residence, those options that appeal to you will be the most optimal. It is worth choosing those figures that are pleasant to you, because you will see them every day. It will be doubly pleasant to see handmade products. Great options come from Styrofoam. This material is quite lightweight, it lends itself well to processing. At the same time, in order to place the figurine on the ground, it is worth fixing it with cement mortar.

Styrofoam pieces can be stapled together. Thus, you can create an attractive starfish and place it near the pool at their summer cottage or a bright bird that will sit on a tree.

You can also create mushroom figurines. They will look beautiful at their summer cottage. Products can be large or small, bulky or flat. The hat can be made separately and fixed to the leg using a putty solution and self-tapping screws. It is worth painting the mushrooms with acrylic paint.

What is topiary?

Topiary (from Lat. Topiarius - gardener) is the creation of masterpieces from plants by giving them various forms. Topiary includes both figuratively trimmed trees and shrubs, and figures created with the help of soil and stunted vegetation planted on it and constantly trimmed.

On the streets of cities, green figures are being created more and more often, they are becoming more popular and are already merging into a large-scale flow of Green art.

And many are already thinking about creating such beauty in their summer cottage. Yes, it’s not easy. Topiary is a fairly new, not yet so widespread trend in our country, and there is not so much information about it in the Russian-language literature (with the exception of proposals for making figures to order). However, if you want to, anything is possible. Even create topiary with your own hands.

And to learn more about this art, you should turn to the 17th - 18th centuries. Then Topiary in Europe was a real boom.

From the history.

England, France, Italy 17 - 18 centuries literally drowned in gardens, strewn with masterpieces of topiary. One of the most striking examples is the French Versailles.

And the British gardeners even raised topiary into a cult. Remember the famous English gardens with labyrinths of clipped bushes.

But this art appeared much earlier. There is information about the distribution of "geometric" gardens (with trees and shrubs of various geometric shapes) even in Ancient Egypt and Persia.

Topiary appeared in Russia thanks to Peter I.

With the advent of the era of classicism, topiary was a little forgotten.


Classic topiary

Curly haircut of trees and shrubs by eye or according to a template, using a frame. The frame is installed on the plant and as the branches grow, they are tucked into the frame or cut along the contour.

New (or American) topiary

Cutting the plant on a metal frame. The frame is initially installed in the crown and as the crown grows, it is trimmed along the outline of the frame. Or the frame is filled with soil and undersized plants are planted on it, which are trimmed as they grow. The invention of the Americans greatly facilitated the process of creating complex sculptures.

With your own hands.

If you want to create topiary by cutting the crown, limit yourself to simple shapes: a ball, a cube, a cone. You can try creating a hedge or trimming the bushes along the paths nicely and evenly. For cutting, choose coniferous or small-leaved plants, their crown is denser, denser. It is better to train on annual plants.

A little later, you can move on to a more difficult stage - cutting the crown along the frame. Again, it's better for a beginner to limit yourself to small and not very complex shapes. The frame is installed on a very young plant, the shearing begins when the branches of the plant begin to knock out of the form.

But to create complex shapes, the best solution would be to buy a metal frame, followed by filling it with soil and planting plants, flowers, lawn grass on it.

If you are confident in your abilities, the frame can be made independently from wire, but this is not so easy as it seems at first glance.

Feel free to try to combine various herbs and flowers, preferably annuals, in order to try something else next year. Do not be discouraged if you do not get a good result right away, practice is needed in any business.

Green shapes from frame, soil and vegetation require standard, but very careful maintenance. Regular watering from a watering can with a strainer, feeding with liquid mineral fertilizers. With a good selection of plants, weeding will be required only at the very beginning, after planting. Most soil-covering plants and lawn plants, grasses and flowers - by growing themselves clog the weed.

Good luck in your new business !!!

And read about how to make a garden figure with your own hands.

The company "7 Elephants of Happiness" offers to buy garden figures at a bargain price. Since we ourselves are a direct manufacturer of green sculptures, ordering from us will allow you to become the owner of really durable and very well-designed topiary figures without intermediaries.

We take care of all the moments - from the development of a three-dimensional design layout to decorating the resulting sculpture with artificial grass with the study of the smallest details. You can buy ready-made garden figures from us by choosing the models you like from our catalog, or arrange the production of a sculpture of the desired shape and size to order. Do not be afraid to fantasize - our craftsmen will be able to bring your ideas and ideas to life, creating for you a handmade fairy tale.

Assortment of topiary figures from artificial turf

Here you can find in stock and buy custom-made topiary figures made of artificial grass, as well as glowing figures for festive and everyday decoration of the area in front of the house. All shapes can be classified by size and degree of difficulty. The height of a large sculpture can reach three to five meters, small figures can have compact dimensions, no more than 50-60 cm high and light in weight.

  • According to their shape and theme, artificial grass figures can be divided into:
  • Realistic figures of large animals such as elephant, rhino, dinosaur, bear, etc.
  • Realistic figures of animals of medium and small size: figures of a donkey, dogs of various breeds, bunny, deer, squirrel, cat, etc.
  • Figures in the form of funny cartoon characters and heroes of folklore - Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Leprechaun, etc.
  • Figures in the form of people, composed in compositions - for example, like figures of lovers in the background of a heart.
  • Cars and other technical figurines.

Where can artificial grass figures be installed?

Topiary figures will become the center of attraction for guests in city parks and country holiday homes. They look great near the entrance to the cottage on private lots or playgrounds. Lovingly made garden sculptures will last for many years, retaining their attractive appearance in winter and summer. Figures can be installed not only outdoors, but also indoors, used as an original design for presentation sites, city squares, etc.

How the production of garden figures is carried out

Making topiary figures includes several stages:

  1. Development of the project of the future model of the sculpture. Our craftsmen keep the natural proportions of animals or fictional characters. The smallest detail is important for us, because it is from this that the general impression of the future sculpture is formed.
  2. Creation of a metal frame of a topiary figure that can withstand loads up to 150 kg and does not corrode.
  3. Creation of a three-dimensional sculpture on a frame. It is produced using modern materials such as plastic, polyurethane foam, fiberglass. These materials are resistant to decay, have a high margin of safety and durability.
  4. Decorating a 3D sculpture with high quality artificial turf. Artificial grass is applied to the figure with careful internal control to ensure a neat and secure fit. Artificial grass is not afraid of cold and bad weather, it does not need to be painstakingly looked after. The pasting with grass is carried out using modern technologies without visible seams on the figure. The lawn does not give unnatural reflections, so it is almost indistinguishable from a natural grassy carpet.

To create a unique design on your sites, in parks, recreation centers, playgrounds, to create amazing entrance groups, you can use landscape figures - topiary. Using decorative figures, depending on your wishes and fantasies, you can create fabulous corners for children using the figures of fabulous characters; picturesque corners with animals, creating whole compositions: for example, by purchasing a family of bears, rabbits or roe deer in our company, you get an exceptional view of your site, which will delight you and your guests throughout the whole season; cozy corners with benches, etc.

Topiary landscape figures from artificial grass are made with maximum realism and closeness to the originals. At the beginning of the creation of the shape, a sketch is drawn with the drawing of small details. A strong frame is created from metal or fiberglass. On top of the finished structure, artificial grass is carefully glued by hand. For the manufacture of a decorative figure, high-quality artificial grass is used, imitating natural, with high wear resistance with the addition of UV stabilizers. Thanks to this, landscape figures are realistic, high-quality, resistant to external environmental factors, and do not fade in the sun.

Our company presents a large selection of topiary of various topics (pets, wild animals, fairy-tale characters, human figures, benches, creative figures, etc.) and sizes:

  • large figures: bull, camels, elephants, horses, cows, giraffes, human figures, dinosaur figures, houses, deer, etc.
  • medium figures: rhinos, lions, monkey, angel, squirrel, small elephant, small bear, foal, roe deer, benches, dog, etc.
  • small figures: rabbits, rabbits, mushrooms, gnome, rooster, hippos in the water, swans, etc.

By purchasing topiary from LLC "Firm" Zeleny Gorod "you have a number of advantages:

  • All figures are made of quality certified materials.
  • Large selection of landscape figures by size and theme. You will be able to implement unusual and amazing ideas on your sites, create a unique design.
  • Artificial grass figures are easy to clean. The herb does not fade in the sun and retains a natural and decorative look. It is enough to wash off the dust with water.
  • Topiary can be used both outdoors and indoors and will decorate the space throughout the year.
  • All figures are equipped with pins for fastening.

We make figures to order. You just need to visualize your idea and indicate the parameters of the figure, and we will bring it to life.

Sometimes it is difficult to decide: what would you like to see on your site. Perhaps it will be a rabbit on the lawn in front of the house or a duck near a pond, or perhaps a simple geometric figure that complements the composition of the flower bed.

For a start, you can practice: take an easily bendable thin wire and make a ball model. In order to clearly imagine the future frame, it is better to sketch the drawing, because the frame of the ball can also be made in different ways. For example, from 5 metal rings of different diameters or from 2 rings and 4 arcs. And so on the drawing all the details and their attachment points are worked out.

You also need to provide a hole through which you will need to fill the inside of the conceived figure. Having figured out how a simple frame is made, you can move on to a more complex shape.

The frame can be used:

To create a neat haircut for the crown of the bush;

For climbing plants;

For planting plants (flower crops, lawn grass) in it;

For filling with moss, polyurethane foam;

For filling with stones (gabions) or other bulk materials;

As a base for concrete sculpture.

Moss and metal squirrel

This master class is dedicated to the creation of a simple sculpture, which is done quickly and does not require high costs. It's about moss sculpture. It is advantageous to use such material in the autumn period, since it is not afraid of the coming frosts and, with the right content, the moss will retain its green color until spring.

Here are the green moss sculptures of a goose and a bear.

Through trial and error, I had to figure out my own way of creating sculptures. To avoid them and speed up the creation process, it is better to carefully read this master class, using a proven and correct execution technique.

A squirrel sculpture with a height of about 75 cm will require:

  • Steel wire, with a cross section of 6-8 mm, about 7 meters;
  • Knitting wire, with a cross section of 1-1.5 mm, about 3 meters;
  • Welding machine (spot);
  • Circular saw for metal;
  • Gloves;
  • Pliers;
  • Nippers;
  • Warm water;
  • Soil, 5 l;
  • Straw, 10 L;

It is very good if there is a forest near your site where you can find moss, and if there is no such place nearby, it doesn’t matter. Moss can be purchased at a flower shop. Different types of moss can be used, but sphagnum is the most suitable.

Collect moss with a margin, because, firstly, you will need to choose suitable "bundles" in color and texture to different details, and secondly, it must be laid by pressing a little. When picking it up in the forest, it is better to use a 2x2 film instead of bags and carefully fold the collected moss layers onto it for subsequent transportation. Moss should be chosen low, densely growing, rich green. The most valuable moss is the one that turns out to be collected with a solid canvas, about 60x80 cm.

Removing moss is very simple: you must definitely wear gloves and put your hand under the selected area of ​​moss. In order not to disturb the ecology, it is impossible to collect moss in only one place. Be sure to sprinkle the bald spots with earth and nearby foliage so that the cover quickly regains its integrity.


1. For a better idea of ​​where and how to bend the wire, I advise you to sketch the squirrel in profile, preferably in full size. This can be done on a Whatman paper, wallpaper, or cardboard. Please note that when filling the sculpture, its size will increase by about 1-2 cm. So calculate the size of the frame in advance, so that later the flexible and thin squirrel does not turn into a well-fed hamster.

2. We prepare 5-6 cm pieces of flexible knitting wire, about 15 pieces - they will be useful for temporary fastening of the frame parts before welding. You can immediately prepare 4 pieces of thick wire, each about 2 m.

First, we start forming the base, and then, according to the drawing, we bend the central vertical arc - these will be the main supporting parts. We fasten them, leaving the "tails" so that you can correct the length, and then cut off unnecessary parts.

Next, we select horizontal details in the form of ovals, which will create volume (thickness) of the sculpture. And so, gradually, we continue to add vertical arcs, bending them along the kennel of the squirrel's figure. I advise you to bend the wire with tight gloves, using pliers.

In the upper part of the frame, be sure to leave a place so that it is convenient to fill the interior with moss and soil.

3. Having completed the supporting parts of the frame and observing the proportions, we form and attach the ears, upper and hind legs and a tail. Take your time to use welding right away.

4. Unfortunately, metal wires have the unpleasant property of rusting. To protect the frame from corrosion, it is coated with a double layer of epoxy resin or any other anti-corrosion agent available in any hardware store. This procedure will have to be repeated as needed (once every 2 years). You can simply paint the frame by spraying it with green or brown paint.

When performing figures more than a meter along the inner perimeter, drip irrigation is provided. In our case, this can be omitted. But if in the future you plan to plant flowers (violet, saxifrage, sedum, bryozoan, etc.) instead of moss in the frame, then it is better to install an irrigation system at this stage.

5. We begin to fill the finished frame from the inside with small parts: legs, head, tail. In this case, the moss must be moist. Dry moss is soaked in warm water for 3 minutes, and excess moisture is squeezed out a little. Very soon, the moss will straighten out and become elastic.

The main purpose of the moss is to hide the frame and create an even green color for the sculpture. It is necessary to immediately check whether brown spots have formed, combing the surface with your hand and immediately correcting the imperfections. In case the cells seem large to you, you need to use a knitting wire, weaving it with an additional mesh between the existing cells. You can also wrap it over the part to be filled so that the moss does not protrude and accurately repeats the outline of the sculpture.

6. To save moss, to give the desired shape and weight to the sculpture, we use a mixture of earth and chopped straw. The mixed mass must be moistened, formed into small lumps, then placed in the center of the frame structure and tamped.

I filled the small details of the frame with tamped moss, but the body was different. We start filling it by laying the moss on the sides. At the bottom of the body, in the center, we put a “nest” of straw, after which we tamp the remaining internal cavity with the prepared plastic earthen mixture. And so, gradually, dressing the squirrel in the "green skin", we complete the topiary. Despite the fact that you tamped the inner soil part, a slight shrinkage is possible, so you can then add a little moss to the upper part of the body to hide the details of the frame.

7. The sculpture can be supplemented with such elements as: eyes, nose, mustache. Attach a bump or a solar-powered garden lamp to the paws. The main thing is not to overdo it with details.

So, it took about 6 hours to implement my idea - sculpture of a squirrel made of moss.

Recommendations: It is advisable to install such a topiary sculpture somewhere in a cool shaded place, for example, under a tree, on a veranda, on a balcony. In the bright daytime sun, the moss will gradually fade. Try to prevent this from happening.

To help the sculpture retain its rich green color for longer, moisten the surface of the sculpture with a sprayer from time to time. Moss, most likely, will not be able to take root, it needs a special microclimate and a certain acidity of the soil.

For those who are lazy, I will suggest an even more simplified process for creating a green sculpture. You can make a small frame by wrapping some large children's toy with wire, then cutting the resulting frame into two component parts and filling it with moss, tamping it. You can also purchase a ready-made frame from landscape firms or flower shops. Instead of moss, you can use a lot of other materials, for example: artificial turf, birch branches, polyurethane foam, etc.

Don't be afraid to experiment, I'm sure you will succeed!

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