Reproduction of Zamioculcas at home. Reproduction of Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas is a popular ornamental plant for the home, prized by flower lovers for its elegance and dark green foliage. It cannot be called capricious, but the flower reproduces quite difficultly. Seeds of such a plant are very difficult to obtain, so many people use the vegetative propagation method (all parts of the flower are used for this).

Features of cultivation

Every year, an increasing number of plant varieties appear in Russian flower shops. Zamioculcas with attractive dark leaves on straight branches is no longer considered a rarity. The homeland of this plant is East Africa and the island of Madagascar.

Zamioculcas has the appearance of a rosette, from which long glossy dark green leaves with pointed ends originate. If you provide Zamioculcas with care and reproduction, then there is a chance that it will even bloom. The plant is more attractive as an ornamental foliage plant; it blooms very rarely with interesting flowers of an unusual shape: a combination of greenish stipule and cream bud.

In addition to its decorative qualities, the plant is attractive due to the sign associated with it: according to it, the flower brings prosperity to the house and increases the financial condition of the owner. Therefore, another name for Zamioculcas is dollar tree. But another sign is less attractive - she calls it a tree of celibacy and a muzhegon. It is believed that this sign is associated with the flower of the plant, which, according to many, has a phallic shape.

The plant can be propagated in several ways:

  • division;
  • dividing the tuber;
  • cuttings;
  • leaf.

Division of an adult flower

You can replant a plant by simply dividing it into separate parts with a growing point to get new specimens. It is recommended to propagate Zamioculcas in this way if you are planning to transplant the plant.

To plant a bush, you need to use a container filled with light soil, such as universal soil, with the addition of a small amount of vermiculite, which gives the substrate more looseness. For three days after planting, the plant must be kept dry, then you can start spraying it with settled water from a spray bottle.

Propagation by tubers

Zamioculcas propagation at home is also carried out using tubers. This method is suitable if the plant is already mature and has large tubers. The tuber should be carefully divided into parts so that each individual piece has at least one growth point. Before the planting process, the tubers are dried for several hours, and the cuts themselves are sprinkled with charcoal. The parts need to be planted in a special soil mixture, not too deep.

Among the available methods of reproduction Zamioculcas - cuttings. Shoots that are collected from an adult plant are taken as planting material. Propagation by cuttings using leaves does not allow preparing a large number of cuttings, since in this case a cutting with only one adult leaf from the mother flower is used.

The crop should not be propagated by cuttings with young leaves, since they have not yet developed a full-fledged leaf blade; the chances of success in this case are very low.

Cuttings occur as follows:

Leaf propagation

You can get new zamioculcas shrubs at home using individual leaves. Leaves collected for rooting should be placed in the open air for several hours so that the cut area can dry well. The lower area of ​​the leaf must be treated with special means that will stimulate the active formation of the root system, for example, Zircon, Heteroauxin or Kornevin, adding a little crushed activated or charcoal to them, which disinfects the cut.

For rooting, the lower part of the leaf must be placed in moist soil made from a mixture of peat and sand. Glass is placed on top of the container, which creates a greenhouse effect. The container with the plant must be ventilated periodically.

If the plant is propagated without a greenhouse, then you need to use universal soil or soil for succulents. 2-3 days after planting, the leaves and soil should be sprayed with a sprayer.

After a month, small tubers begin to appear on the cut leaf, they grow quickly, and white roots form from them.

The size of the propagation leaf affects how long it will take for the new plant's leaves to develop. Therefore, experts recommend using large specimens. A plant grown from small leaves forms its leaves only a year after planting.

Zamioculcas can also be propagated by leaves by rooting in water. The leaf cut is treated with root-forming preparations and growth stimulants, and the leaf is placed in water.

Of all the ways to get new copies Zamioculcas propagation by cuttings and division of an adult bush are the simplest, fastest and most successful methods. However, in any case, you will have to be patient, since this slow-growing plant will produce its first leaves in at least six months.

Problems in growing

Zamioculcas is a very hardy flower. Perhaps the only danger which can threaten young plants, is rotten. It usually appears due to overwatering. If the room is quite cold, then there is a high chance of developing a pathogenic fungus.

Young flowers need regular inspection. Alarming symptoms are black-brown, weeping and rapidly spreading spots on tubers, petioles and stems. The culture can be saved only at an early stage of the disease. If the damaged parts of the plant are easily separated, and the soil is covered with mold and has acquired an unpleasant and rotten smell, there is no longer a chance to save the plant. Such a zamioculcas can only be thrown away. However, if the disease has not yet affected the upper part of the plant, then you can try to restore it by cuttings or propagation by leaves.

Attention, TODAY only!

Zamioculcas is a stylish modern flower that has won the hearts of gardeners quite recently. The plant's natural habitats are considered to be the rocky mountain plateaus of East Africa and the island of Madagascar.

Complex, long, dark green, glossy leaves emerge from the ground. On both parts of the rachis (the central part of the leaf plate, which turns into the petiole) there are small fleshy leaves, one opposite the other with a pointed tip. The leaves of adult specimens grow to 1-1.5 m.

The plant will thank its owner by flowering if properly cared for. Although the flower is not as attractive as the leaves, many florists take great pride in the blooms of their plants. From the axils of the leaves touchingly peeks out a zamioculcas flower in the form of a complex inflorescence: a cream-colored spadix with a greenish stipule.

The decorative nature of an adult plant attracts and fascinates. Zamioculcas has earned close attention not only for the beauty of its succulent leaves; there is a belief that the plant brings prosperity and promotes monetary savings. Therefore, there is another name for the flower - “dollar tree”. You can often see Zamioculcas in all its glory in bank premises. Although many believe that the flower got its name because of its high price.

There is a desire to believe in a beautiful legend associated with the name of the flower. But it is obvious that Zamioculcas will decorate your home and cause very little trouble. Let's share the features of Zamioculcas reproduction at home.

Reproduction methods

Dividing an adult plant

During a planned transplant of zamioculcas, it is possible to divide it into separate pieces with a growth bud for rooting. Reproduction of Zamioculcas by tuber is not difficult. Mature plants are usually easy to divide into individual parts. This must be done carefully, without damaging the root tuber. Parts of the separated plants are air-dried for some time, and the sections are sprinkled with charcoal or activated carbon.

Plant in pots with light soil. You can use universal soil, adding a small amount of vermiculite as a loosening agent. Young plants can be watered after three days by spraying the soil with settled water from a sprayer.


To propagate by a branch, a leaf is cut off from an adult plant specimen, dried for several hours, and treated with charcoal or a root growth stimulator - Kornevin. The leaf is planted in ready-made universal soil; you can use a soil mixture for succulent plants.

Watering by spraying the soil and leaf surface is carried out 2-3 days after planting. After about 2-3 months, a well-developed tuber with white, juicy roots appears. Zamioculcas is a slow growing plant. The appearance of the next leaves should be expected after 6-7 months.


The most convenient and common way to propagate zamioculcas is to use cuttings taken from an adult leaf. You can get quite a lot of planting material by cutting off an adult leaf from the mother plant. Young leaves are not suitable for cuttings; they have not received full development and have not had time to form into a full-fledged leaf plate. Young leaves have not yet accumulated a sufficient amount of nutrients to facilitate the development of full-fledged plants from cuttings.

Select a mature leaf of middle age on an adult plant. Cut it into separate cuttings with two opposite leaves. The apical stalk may have three leaves. The cuttings should lie in the air for several hours until a weathered layer forms. If cuttings are immediately planted in the ground, they may rot.

To disinfect and prevent diseases, it is good to powder the tips of the cuttings (1 cm of the lower part) with activated carbon or any biostimulator of root growth - Kornevin, Zircon.

Plant the cuttings in universal light soil with the addition of vermiculite to better loosen the soil. For better rooting of cuttings, you can place them in a microgreenhouse, covering the top with glass or a plastic cap. Cuttings take root well, so many people use the practice of planting them directly in plastic cups without a greenhouse. Water the planting material no earlier than 2-3 days after planting, spraying the soil with a sprayer. After 1-2 months, large nodules with roots form in the ground. New leaves appear after 5-6 months.


Zamioculcas easily reproduces from individual small leaves of a large leaf of the plant. To do this, cut off the leaves intended for rooting from the leaf. Allow the cut area to dry for several hours. Sprinkle the lower part of the leaf (about 1 cm) with preparations that stimulate the formation of roots - Kornevin, Zircon or activated or charcoal. You can add coal to Kornevin or Zircon.

Now the leaves are ready to root. The lower part of the sheet is buried in moist soil consisting of sand and peat. Cover with glass, creating a microgreenhouse. It needs to be ventilated from time to time.

There is a practice of planting leaves without a greenhouse. The leaves are planted in universal soil or a bud intended for growing succulents. After 2-3 days, it is recommended to spray the leaves and soil with a spray bottle. After about a month, pea-sized nodules appear in place of the callus (leaf tissue formed at the cut site). Over time, they increase in size and white roots grow.

The smaller the size of the planting material for vegetative propagation, the longer it will take for the plant to appear new leaves. Sometimes you have to wait up to a year for the leaves to appear on rooted specimens.

Reproduction in water

There is another way to propagate zamioculcas - placing a cut leaf in water for the emergence of a root system. The tip of the leaf should be treated with root-forming stimulants: Kornevin, Zircon, Heteroauxin for faster rooting. Experienced gardeners still recommend rooting zamioculcas in the ground.

  1. To grow zamioculcas, use soil for succulents or universal soil with the addition of perlite or vermiculite as a leavening agent and source of nutrients.
  2. For good plant growth, a reliable drainage system is installed in the pot. For these purposes, expanded clay is used, filling the pot 1/4 full.
  3. Young plants are replanted once a year by transferring them to a larger diameter pot. After transshipment, do not water the flower for 2-3 days.
  4. Zamioculcas is a plant that does not like excess moisture. It is better not to water the plant too much than to overwater it and cause the tuber to rot. In summer, watering is carried out once every two weeks after the soil has completely dried.
  5. The plant responds well to diffused bright light. You should avoid keeping zamioculcas in a darkened area of ​​the apartment. Due to lack of sun, the decorative effect of the flower is lost.
  6. Zamioculcas is fertilized with universal fertilizer for indoor flowers once every two weeks. Spraying fertilizer on the leaves in lower concentrations transforms the flower beyond recognition. The plant grows, the density of the petiole and leaves increases. They acquire a more intense color and shine.
  7. To maintain the gloss and beauty of the leaves, “shower” procedures for the flower are carried out with warm water, having previously covered the soil with a film.

Since it is believed that zamioculcas brings wealth and prosperity to the home, it has become a good tradition to give this flower for significant events in people’s lives: weddings, housewarmings, births of children, receiving a new position. Use our tips for propagating this amazingly beautiful plant. Let Zamioculcas bring comfort, beauty and increased prosperity to every apartment. Let's believe in this beautiful legend about the flower.

This plant is unusual, very beautiful, has dark green leaves. It began to be grown in our country not so long ago, but this flower has already gained great popularity due to the fact that it is unpretentious and undemanding to care, and feels good in a dimly lit room. Zamioculcas is loved by both professional designers and many flower growers. Since the flower is beautiful and not capricious, many people ask: how to propagate zamioculcas at home? This can be done in different ways; this article will discuss the main ones.

Propagation by dividing rhizomes

The Zamioculcas flower can be propagated quite easily and quickly by tubers. How does Zamioculcas reproduce at home using tubers? The rhizome must be very carefully divided into 2-3 parts, more is possible, the main condition is that each part has its own growing point. The damaged area needs to be dried a little; to do this, just put the tuber in a shaded place in the air, you can sprinkle it with charcoal, and only after a couple of hours you need to plant the tubers in different containers.

Important! Under no circumstances should the tuber be cut into several parts with a knife, as the zamioculcas will die in this case.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by tubers- this is not the best way to propagate this flower, because you will need to wait a long time for the bush to grow.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by leaf

Reproduction of zamioculcas at home with leaves is a fairly simple and easy process. Leaves from the plant for propagation must be cut off with a disinfected, sharp instrument. It is advisable to cut off the leaves from the stem. How to grow Zamioculcas from a leaf? Some gardeners first place the leaves in water, while others immediately plant them in sterilized soil. Most often, propagation using a leaf takes approximately 2 to 6 months; you need to wait until a small tuber appears at the base of the leaf.
After cutting, the leaves should be left to air dry for a couple of hours, then the cut area should be sprinkled with a special preparation that will stimulate root growth; Zircon or Kornevin are perfect for this, and some gardeners use regular activated carbon. After planting the sheets, the container must be covered with either glass or cellophane film to create a greenhouse effect. The film should be removed once or twice a day to air the sheets. It is advisable to use large leaves as planting material, which take root much faster than young leaves.
Zamioculcas takes root much faster with a branch or stem with leaves. Propagation by leaf and stem is a fairly quick way to obtain an adult plant. With this method of propagation, the flower must be watered periodically, but it is advisable to do this not with a watering can, but with a spray bottle. A sprayer is needed for both soil and leaves; this method of watering will not allow you to flood the plant so that it does not die.
How to plant zamioculcas when it is grown from leaves? You need to take small containers, on the bottom of which you need to lay a layer of drainage; foam granules or expanded clay are suitable for this. A nutrient layer of substrate is poured on top of it, which must first be moistened, and the leaves and stems must be planted in this soil.

Propagation of Zamioculcas by cuttings

Cuttings are best carried out in spring and summer, when the flower is actively growing and developing. The cutting must be cut from a healthy, mature plant. It is better not to cut branches from a bush that was recently purchased in a store; such cuttings will take root very poorly when planted due to the fact that the flower in the store is often treated with all kinds of growth stimulants. After purchasing zamioculcas in a store, you can propagate it using cuttings only after one year.

It is best to take cuttings from a bush when the plant is dormant. Before planting branches in the ground, it is advisable to keep them in a container of water. Propagating zamioculcas with a branch in water is a very quick way to get a new plant. It is advisable to add one tablet of activated carbon to the water, thanks to which the water will be clear. It also doesn’t hurt to dissolve the drug in water to speed up root formation. When roots appear on a cutting or a cut stem in water, it can be planted in the ground.
Small pots with a layer of drainage at the bottom are suitable for planting cuttings. Some prefer to buy the substrate in the store, and some mix several components, namely: turf, leaf soil, river sand and peat. It is advisable to insert the cuttings deeper into the substrate. Zamioculcas reproduces using cuttings much faster in conditions of high humidity, especially at first, when the rooted stems have not yet taken root. It is advisable to place pots with cuttings on a shaded windowsill. Once every three to four weeks, you can feed young plants with mineral fertilizers.

Best conditions for rooting

In order for Zamioculcas to take root as quickly as possible when grown from leaves, tubers, stems or cuttings, it must be planted in special soil. A suitable substrate can be purchased at a flower shop; soil for cacti or violets would be a good option. Some gardeners mix the purchased substrate with river sand in equal quantities, or you can plant young zamioculcas in clean sand. River sand is good because it allows air and moisture to pass through perfectly. In order for cuttings, stems or leaves to take root faster, they must be treated with a root stimulator, for example, Kornevin.
It is very convenient to plant cuttings or leaves in ordinary disposable cups, which for quick propagation should be placed in a warm room where the air temperature is about 22 degrees. For rooting to be successful, diffused light must fall on the zamioculcas; direct rays of the sun should not be allowed. Disposable cups are good because the roots can be seen through them. When the first roots are visible, soil moisture must be increased.

In order for Zamioculcas to grow quickly and be healthy, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is better to use a substrate for a flower bought in a store; either universal soil or soil for succulents, which contains perlite and vermiculite, is suitable; these components loosen the soil and serve as a good source of nutrition;
  • without a drainage layer, the root system can rot, causing young plants to die;
  • It is advisable to replant young bushes once a year without disturbing the root system; replanting should be carried out by transferring the bush with a lump of earth into a large pot; after replanting, watering is carried out only after 3 days;
  • Both young and adult bushes do not like excessive watering; it is better to moisten the soil less than too much, so that the tubers do not rot. It is necessary to water only when the top layer of the substrate is dry;
  • zamioculcas does not tolerate direct rays of the sun, as well as a dark room; when exposed to sunlight, burns appear on the leaves, and in a dark room the plant loses its decorative properties;
  • You need to feed the flower with fertilizers twice a month; you can also spray the leaves with fertilizers, due to which they will acquire an intense green color;
  • the plant sometimes needs a shower with warm water, while the soil must be covered with film; thanks to water procedures, the leaves will be attractive and smooth.

Zamioculcas, or dollar tree, is an exotic indoor ornamental plant of the Araceae family. His homeland is Africa. In our country, zamioculcas has been known as a house flower for more than 30 years; it has not become widespread, but nevertheless is quite popular among connoisseurs of powerful, lush, beautiful foliage, and is used for decorating residential premises, offices, and institutions. Valued for its originality, as well as for its undemanding conditions of detention.

Zamioculcas: description of the plant

This is a tall - up to 1 m in height, bushy, spreading plant with glossy large embossed vertical dark green leaves. The leaves are complex - on the rachis (stem) of one leaf there are up to 20 small leaves. The root is a tuber.

Zamioculcas blooms rarely even in nature, and even less often at home. But its beauty lies in its excellent lush foliage and excellent decorative qualities. At the same time, the plant is unpretentious - it grows and develops well. Since zamioculcas reproduces well at home, you can try different methods of breeding it.

Important! Z Amyoculcas is placed indoors so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight (window sills are excluded) - the plant may die from sunburn. The best option for it is tables, shelves, floor stands, and shelves inside the room.

Methods of propagation of Zamioculcas

Regarding how the dollar tree reproduces - quickly or not very quickly, we can say that it depends on the method of reproduction. But on average, complete rooting of zamioculcas can take up to 3 months, and the first regrown leaves may appear only after six months. When growing a dollar tree, you need to know that its propagation can be carried out by cuttings, dividing the bush, or growing from a leaf.

Did you know? The best time for flower propagation is the growing season. This is spring and summer.

How to propagate Zamioculcas from cuttings

Cuttings of Zamioculcas are only older than 2 years, that is, an adult, overgrown plant. If propagation by cuttings is used, the top of the zamioculcas is cut off. It is cut to a length of 18-20 cm and all the lower leaves are removed, leaving the top 5-6. The cut is treated with any herbal growth preparation (Heteroauxin, Zircon, Kornevin) or charcoal, or pharmaceutical activated carbon (crushed), kept for some time in the open air to dry, then planted in the soil mixture. Water the seedling abundantly for the first 10-12 days until roots appear, then as needed.

Important! Watering zamioculcas should be very moderate. Even in the hot summer months, it is watered no more than 2-3 times a month, and in winter - no more than once. Also dFor Zamioculcas, good soil drainage is important - it does not tolerate stagnant water and may die.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Zamioculcas division is the longest method of propagation and is not used often, including due to the low survival rate. But you can still try how to use it to plant zamioculcas at home. You need to examine the nodule root and find growth points on it - buds; if there are two or more of them, then carefully separate the nodules with buds and plant them in different flowerpots. Before planting the separated tubers, they also need to be treated with drugs or coal and kept without soil for 2-3 hours - only then planted.

How to grow Zamioculcas from a leaf

Often, when growing zamioculcas, it is propagated by leaves. For example, when it is not possible to take cuttings from plants or, conversely, extra leaves have formed. There are two ways to grow zamioculcas from a leaf - directly in the soil or in water.

In the ground

A very simple way to grow a flower from a leaf in the ground. It is as unpretentious as propagating zamioculcas from cuttings, only instead of a stem with several leaves, they take individual leaves. Propagation of Zamioculcas by leaves is suitable if you took cuttings from the plant and cut off the lower leaves from the rachis. In order not to throw them away, they can be rooted. The cut leaf is sprinkled with coal or dipped in a growth solution and after some time planted in a small pot of soil. Water well for the first 1.5-2 weeks, then as needed.
In water

The method for rooting zamioculcas leaves in water is even simpler. To do this, place the cut leaf in a small container with water (try not to tilt it, but to position it vertically) and wait for the roots to appear. Then they are planted in the ground.

Did you know? Experts note that when rooted in water, the plant's bulbs will be smaller and stronger than when rooted in soil, so breeding zamioculcas in the ground is preferable.

Features of reproduction and cultivation of Zamioculcas

Whatever growing method you choose, special soil is needed for zamioculcas - for succulents; soil, for example, for violets or palm trees, is also suitable. Zamioculcas will also grow well in universal light soil. Periodically you need to “bathe” the plant by wiping the foliage with a soft damp cloth or spraying it. If you spray, be sure to cover the soil in the pot with polyethylene or oilcloth, avoiding excess moisture in the soil.

Zamioculcas is often called the "dollar tree". It is believed that this plant, which came to our homes from exotic Africa, brings material well-being to its owner. Another name for Zamioculcas is “female happiness.” There is a popular belief that its owner miraculously becomes desirable to the opposite sex and finds happiness in her personal life. Agree, this is a good reason to have your own green artifact at home! Of course, you can buy a talisman plant in a store, but it’s much more interesting to grow happiness with your own hands. Moreover, they say that in this case the effect of the acquisition will be greater.

General characteristics of the methods

There are four ways to propagate Zamioculcas: seeds, tubers, leaves or cuttings. Most often, the plant is propagated by dividing the mother tuber into parts, cuttings, rooting leaf blades or a whole branch with leaves.

Zamioculcas is poisonous! Wear gloves when seating it and do not involve children.

Propagation by seeds

Don’t expect to find seeds - there simply aren’t any, since this plant blooms extremely rarely even without them (maybe they exist in Africa, but it’s unlikely). If you're lucky:

  1. Sow the seeds in a container with soil for violets or cacti with a distance of 2–3 cm between them. The soil should be moist, not wet.
  2. Cover with film and open for ventilation once a day.
  3. Monitor the moisture content of the soil surface, do not allow a dry crust to appear, moisten with water from a spray bottle.
  4. Plant when the first 2 true leaves appear (they grow after the cotyledons).

You will have to wait a long time for germination, at least two months. First, the plant needs to form a tuber, from which a sprout will then hatch.

Reproduction by dividing the mother tuber

Zamioculcas is propagated by dividing the mother tuber in the spring, when it grows into a larger pot. The tuber is easily divided into parts. There is no need to cut, otherwise you could kill your pet.. You need to make sure that at least one growth point remains on each shoot.

Under no circumstances should you cut the roots of Zamioculcas.

The propagation process by dividing a tuber consists of the following steps:

  1. After dividing the tuber into the number of future plants you need, dry the damaged areas by sprinkling them with charcoal or crushed activated carbon.
  2. Leave them in the air for 2 hours.
  3. After this, plant it in a permanent pot. Choose a container that is at least 20 cm in diameter and 25 cm in height. Place expanded clay or small stones on the bottom. You can also use Styrofoam balls or eggshells as drainage. Do not be alarmed that it will alkalize the soil; increased acidity is harmful to zamioculcas. The drainage layer must be at least 1 cm. For soil, use a special soil mixture for cacti or any other light, poor soil.
  4. Cover the pot with a jar to create the necessary microclimate and place them on the windowsill. The plant does not need additional lighting.
  5. Monitor the humidity and periodically water with a sprayer so that not only the roots, but also the leaves receive moisture.
  6. Once new leaves appear, remove the jar.

You can admire a full-fledged adult plant in a year.


A cutting of Zamioculcas is nothing more than a complex full-fledged leaf. The central stem bears several simple leaf blades.

There are several leaves on the cutting of Zamioculcas

The cutting process is as follows:

  1. Cut off a whole leaf and remove the 4-5 bottom leaves.
  2. After this, dry the cuttings in a warm, dark place.
  3. Sprinkle the damaged parts with coal.
  4. You can put it in a container with settled water for germination. In this case, make sure that the water does not go rotten. You can add a hydrogel that will absorb water and then gradually release it to the plant.
  5. Plant in a permanent place after the appearance of the first roots 2–3 cm long with a tuber with a diameter of at least 0.5 cm.
  6. Cover with a jar until new leaves appear. Do not raise the hood so as not to disturb the microclimate; the plant will receive air from the soil.

When taking cuttings, you will have to wait several months for the results. Your new pet will need time to develop a root tuber, which stores moisture and nutrients, and only then will it begin to grow.

Video: propagation of Zamioculcas by cuttings

Propagation by leaf blades

The easiest way to get leaves is, but you will have to wait at least six months for the results. Stems and leaves take root faster - the result can be seen in just a month and a half. The rooting algorithm is the same for any parts of Zamioculcas:

  1. Pre-dry the sheet plates for several hours.
  2. Sprinkle the cut areas with charcoal.
  3. Bury the leaves into the soil at a slight angle, about a third of the way.

The cutting may dry out or wither, but do not rush to throw it away. It is quite possible that a tuber is forming in the ground, and then a new plant will hatch from it.

Further care for the grown zamioculcas consists of periodic watering and spraying. A young plant must be replanted into a larger pot every year, and an adult plant once every 2–4 years.