How to make the design of a summer cottage yourself: photos "before" and "after" Landscape design of a summer cottage: beautiful design ideas Beautiful landscapes in the country

It is not difficult to make your own landscaping of a summer cottage. By following a few rules, you can even turn an ordinary cottage into a wonderful garden with your own hands.

How to get started

More recently, some 15-20 years ago, a summer cottage was only a place for planting vegetables and berries. They came there to weed, water and harvest a generous harvest, which was certainly canned, salted or pickled. A rare piece of land was not planted with "useful" plants. There were few flowers and ornamental plants, they were planted only in front of the house or along the path, there was no talk of landscape design.

But not all summer residents sought to collect only a large harvest. There have always been gardeners who designed original flower beds, which involuntarily attracted the eyes of passers-by and aroused the admiration of neighbors. Apparently, it was these people who began to actively “introduce” new design ideas for landscaping the dacha into our minds. Gradually, the craving for beauty began to wake up in every summer resident.

Today, almost every owner of the site wants to have at least a small recreation area in his garden, decorated with original plants, flowers, a picturesque pond or an alpine slide.

Looking at a photo of some landscape design, the layman will decide that it is unrealistic to do it yourself. But if you follow the saying “the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing”, then you can gradually arrange your site quite decently.

Main stages of work:

  • think about what we want and where we will place it all
  • sow the lawn;
  • pick plants.

You can arrange a gazebo, a barbecue area, a pond or an alpine slide. In some areas there is a place for all this, and someone will have to limit themselves to a couple of elements.

IMPORTANT! The lawn is an indispensable part of landscape design, simple weed grass looks sloppy, it will break the harmony of the entire exposition.

Do-it-yourself landscape design from coniferous trees

For the improvement of our cottage without fail need to take a few evergreen trees. Thuja, yew, juniper and cypress have already become favorite companions (it is only suitable for a warm climate). They don't grow too high, so they won't create much shade, and they can be shaped into any shape with scissors. Having landed them around the perimeter, we will get an excellent hedge. These trees fit perfectly into any flower garden, decorate an alpine hill. If there is a wide path on the site, thuja or juniper bushes can be placed along it.

Rules for planting and caring for conifers:

  • These trees can be planted in autumn or early spring.
  • The soil should consist of peat, sand and sod.
  • Seedlings need to be well watered.
  • When planting several trees, leave at least 1.5 m between them.
  • Young plants require feeding with mineral fertilizers.
  • For the winter, coniferous trees up to 5 years old need to be covered.

It happens that the thuja begins to turn yellow after disembarkation. This happens with poor soil, damage to the roots or rare watering.

Designing with waste materials

It looks very nice in the country figurines made from improvised means or unnecessary things. Also old furniture decorated as a flower bookcase looks original.

What seems like rubbish at first glance can be easily turned into a wonderful interior detail by connecting a little imagination. It is difficult for a homegrown designer to come up with something right away or to realize his ideas. Then the tips of experienced craftsmen and photos of their work can help.

What will we use?

We will need:

  • plastic bottles, large and small;
  • old dishes (kettles, pots);
  • boxes, etc.

For crafts, you need to stock up on multi-colored paint and glue. And, of course, you need to be patient!

We make flower beds

What is the secret of a beautiful flower bed? How to plant flowers correctly so that from spring to autumn the appearance of the site is bright?

Landscape designers came up with several ways to design flower beds:

  • discount;
  • border;
  • mixborder.

Rabatka called the strip of flowers that borders the lawn. Often it is planted in parks where there are large lawns. Rabatka can be made in one, two or more colors, flowers of different heights can be used, forming a "ladder".

Border- This is the usual planting of plants along the path. For this, annual or perennial flowers are taken. But creeping, densely growing varieties look best. When considering how to effectively arrange flowers in the country, it is better to choose plants of various shades for the border and the main composition.

Mixborder- This is a flower bed consisting of a wide variety of flowers planted in groups. The essence of its creation is to combine not only bright contrasting colors, but also plants that bloom at different times. Mixborder should always bloom!

This is not easy to achieve. To create such a miracle, you need to work more than one season.

We arrange the flowers in the order of seasonal flowering. We divide the flower bed into three main parts. Each of them should consist of plants that bloom in spring, summer and closer to autumn.

Video about creating a flower bed with your own hands

To create such a mixborder, you need to work hard! But then you can enjoy continuous flowering all season.

How to plant a lawn with your own hands

As we have already said, the lawn is the basis from which we will build. There are several types of lawns. For beginners, it is better to make a universal one, it does not require serious maintenance and is quite suitable for any purpose. And the main goal is beauty, accuracy and convenience for relaxation.

If the land where the lawn is planned is clean, it will need to be dug up, leveled, tamped, and then sown with seeds. From above they need to be covered with dry earth so that the birds do not peck.

Very often, the desire to equip the lawn appears even when the cottage has been built for a long time, and you want to finally highlight and decorate a corner for relaxation. Usually there is a place where the company constantly gathers, barbecue is fried and there are sun loungers. The grass grows there in patches, no one has touched it for many years, and the ground is already heavily rammed.

This is a "hard" case for a novice landscape designer.

First of all, we get rid of weeds once and for all!

Now, chemicals are used for this, which are watered with weeds, and then dug up. The substance penetrates to the very roots, and the plant dies. After this procedure, the soil should rest for at least 2 weeks.

Those who deny any gross intervention in the affairs of nature can simply uproot the grass from the ground and wait until it begins to sprout again. After 3-4 weeks, the sprouts that have appeared are again removed and carefully dug up. The soil should be loose, without lumps. Before digging it is desirable to add mineral fertilizers. They will help the new young grass grow quickly and gain strength.

Then we sow the area with lawn grass. We choose a universal lawn mixture. Why is it suitable for us?


  • unpretentious in care;
  • normally withstands shade and lack of moisture;
  • frost-resistant.

Note! Get a good lawn immediately is unlikely to succeed. It will take a couple of seasons.

Until the cultivated grass has grown, it will be necessary to constantly remove the weeds, otherwise they will "clog" the young. You may have to sow the areas where the seeds were pecked by the birds, or for some reason it did not rise.

But having gone through all the difficulties, it will be possible to walk barefoot on a dense lawn every year.

Care rules:

  • We mow in dry weather (wet grass is difficult to mow evenly).
  • We do not give much to grow (it will be difficult to align).
  • Water during drought (but do not flood!).

How to equip the entire garden plot

We know that there are many ways to transform a boring garden or empty lot. You can add a flower garden or an alpine slide to the free space in front of the house, or you can completely redraw the entire plan and arrange everything beautifully. Here the house and the bath are in their places, there are beds, greenhouses, but I want something else. After all, we saw how interesting and picturesque some craftsmen equip their weave.

First, let's decide what we would like and what we can afford.

There is a place for a decorative pond - great! Is there a place for a barbecue? Even better! Well, let's not forget about the design of the site with plants, they will be the soloist throughout the season.

In a store for a garden and a vegetable garden, we purchase a container that will serve as an artificial reservoir. Dig a hole under it in the chosen place. Be sure to plant low-growing ground cover plants and flowers around the pond. You can put a toy frog, duck or swan in the water. You can make them yourself or buy them.

It would be nice to have a gazebo and a place for barbecue next to the pond. If you don’t want to make a stationary gazebo, you can pull up an awning, place a table and chairs under it, and put a barbecue nearby.

All areas for recreation, playgrounds are sown with lawn grass.

Be sure to decorate the path with a border of flowers and allocate a place for a mixborder, albeit a small one. Next to it, as well as throughout the site, we will place coniferous trees of various shapes and sizes. They still give some special style to landscape design! Without them, it seems incomplete.

Well, of course, you can’t plant trees and shrubs near the barbecue, they will turn yellow and dry.

If there is a fence, it can be wrapped around with wild grapes or beans.

On a spacious plot it is easy to find a place for the famous alpine slide, the blue dream of every summer resident.

Design Key Points:

  • lawn;
  • mixborder;
  • coniferous plants;
  • small architectural forms (decorative ponds, gazebos, various figures).

Design of plots of various sizes

Landscaping for 5 acres

Yes! Although he is small, he is his! And on five acres you want comfort!

Just want to point out what can not be done in small areas.

  • No need to put up a high fence
  • Refrain from planting pine or spruce
  • Don't try to cram in everything you like.

The fenced area seems even smaller. It will look more like a cage.

Any hedge can be planted with climbing plants, they will smooth the borders and serve as an additional decoration.

A pine or spruce will sooner or later grow and create a large shadow. And in general, it will take up a lot of valuable space.

With only 5 acres of land, it is best to make a large lawn and plant small shrubs and islands of various colors.

Landscaping for 10 acres

This area allows you to place more useful objects.

In addition to a house, a bathhouse, a parking space for a car, this will include a children's pool and a cozy gazebo. You can leave room for fruit trees and shrubs, as well as a greenhouse and garden beds.

But even on such a site, you still have to prioritize and focus either on the garden or on the recreation area.

Having bought a new site, you should always think over in advance not only the development plan, but also the design. Decide where you will gather with friends, where you will organize a playground, how much space the plantings will take up.

12 acres is not 10, and on additional meters you can put a swing and even a trampoline. If there are no children, then a tennis table or a couple of alpine slides will not interfere.

Someone likes free space, a clean lawn and beautiful shrubs around the perimeter. At any time, you can put something there or plant it.

On the one hand, such a site is good, because almost everything your heart desires can fit on it. But, on the other hand, it is very important to correctly distribute all functional areas so that there is no feeling of desolation or chaos.

Acquiring such a quantity of land, it is unlikely that we plan to plant it all with potatoes. Therefore, a clear development plan is needed. We need to understand how we will occupy each piece of free space.

The area allows you to divide the plot with a hedge (thuja, juniper). Fruit trees and shrubs can be planted along the fence.

In the middle of the site, you can equip a large stationary pool, and place everything else around it.

Any free space should be well-groomed. Let it be an ordinary lawn, but without rubbish and weeds.

Particular attention should be paid to the paths. They can be laid out with paving stones, stone or wood. Along it you can place small lamps that will effectively burn at night.

When creating the design of your site, calculate your strength. Let the care of the cottage bring only pleasure.

Every person who has a dacha sooner or later thinks about decorating it. To do this, you can buy various elements by installing them at your summer cottage. But for people who want to do everything with their own hands, it will be much more interesting to create various crafts on their own, inventing something interesting and original or copying from finished products. By decorating the cottage with homemade crafts, you can create a very comfortable and cozy atmosphere that brings a lot of pleasure and attracts the attention of others. And the warmth of hand-made products cannot be compared with anything!

In addition, independent design of the cottage allows you to develop and realize your creative potential. And it’s also useful to use a number of old things that are a pity to throw away and are no longer in demand on the farm.

We have collected the latest DIY ideas for summer cottages in one place. And for your convenience, we have issued them in the form of a catalog with a detailed description and vivid images.

We choose ideas for giving with our own hands - a photo.

Each summer resident, if desired, can find a wide variety of ideas for giving do-it-yourself photos that are on the Internet. For the manufacture of small architectural forms, you can use improvised items that are in almost every household. At any cottage you can find some unnecessary furniture, building materials and many other items that may be useful in the design of the site.

The choice of an idea ultimately depends on personal preferences, skills, availability of the necessary tools and materials. As well as readiness for additional financial investments.

Try to find yourself an inspirer and a reliable assistant, then the work will go much faster and more fun. Yes, and a “side view” is certainly useful, especially for enthusiastic natures who find it difficult to stop in time. And remember that your dacha is primarily a natural landscape, and nature loves harmony.

Crafts for giving with your own hands from improvised materials with a photo.

Various kinds of crafts (figurines, houses for birds and pets) are the most popular and affordable objects for self-construction. As a rule, they are made from what is "at hand" and require a minimum investment of time. Thus, this is the most affordable and fastest way to transform the garden area. Next, we will take a closer look at specific ideas for giving.

We create funny figurines.

Even simple bottles from various drinks can be used to make figurines that will look beautiful in a summer cottage. For the manufacture of figures, you can use a wide variety of bottles and containers, pre-collecting it in the required quantity. From plastic bottles and other various containers, you can make animals decorating the site. It can be horses, piglets, cows and much more. By making various figures from bottles, you can reveal your talents and create more and more perfect crafts each time.

We make a birdhouse.

From a simple log house you can make a beautiful bird feeder. To do this, you need to pick up a saw cut of a tree of suitable thickness and cut a recess in it in the inner part, and then fix it on a tree or any other place convenient on the site. Putting food in the feeder, the birds will be able to peck it during flights and thus decorate your cottage. You can make a feeder of the simplest type from a variety of items, the same plastic bottles, similar ideas for giving your own hands, photos can always be found on the Internet and try to repeat.

We make a scarecrow.

Decorate the vegetable beds of your garden with an unusual scarecrow to scare away birds. As a result, you will get a double effect - you will save the crop and bring zest to your garden. A garden scarecrow is a benefit and a great mood for a summer resident.

There are a lot of options for decorating a summer cottage with your own hands, the main thing is to have desire and imagination. On the Internet you can always find a variety of photo examples.

Including imagination, a variety of objects can be used to decorate a summer cottage. Old tires are suitable for creating flower beds that can be painted and distributed throughout the site.

To make crafts with your own hands at your summer cottage, you can use the most common corks from plastic bottles. You will need a lot of traffic jams, but if you wish, you can find them. From bottle caps, you can make very beautiful patterns that decorate walls, fences and many other elements in a summer cottage or animal drawings. Bottle cap figurines and patterns can be painted in different colors, making the display even more interesting. With their help, you can create whole works of art.

Dacha outside the city often bought in the expectation that there would be a good rest from the bustle of the city for adults and children. When buying a cottage, everyone plans to create a unique design on their site, decorating it with products that will be made by themselves. Often there are summer cottages with well-groomed beds, on which there is a small house. Even a child will get bored in such a country house. Any even the smallest plot with a nondescript house will be transformed if you are not too lazy and embody the most unusual ideas for giving your own hands. Photos presented in this article. Use your imagination, put in a little effort, and passers-by will admire your garden.

Consider the land you bought as a space for the creativity of the whole family. Creative ideas for giving with your own hands can be made from improvised material. The entrance will go to everything you were going to throw away. Baskets, old earthenware jugs, barrels, car tires, even an uprooted old tree, with good processing, turn into a beautiful table and chairs. Find out even more items for creativity by reading the article about .

Ideas for giving with your own hands - landscaping.

We lay a pond.

From a natural stone on the territory of a summer cottage, you can lay out a beautiful pond of the most diverse forms. To do this, you need to determine its size, dig a recess, seal it, fill it with water and overlay it with a stone at your discretion.

Thinking over the play area.

Having thrown all their efforts into the improvement of a site or house, adults often forget about the arrangement of a children's corner. The design of the summer cottage should begin with the construction of a playground, this will help create a play area for children, and they will not interfere during work.

For construction you will need:

  • large saw cut of a log (swing base);
  • car tire cut in half (limiter);
  • wooden beams and boards.

And here is another selection of unique ideas for giving with your own hands, photos of which will help you decide on the architecture on the playground for children. Create a simple swing for a child, all kinds of slides with houses and rope ropes, a sandbox with seats on the sides and a heating element overhead from the sun. If your lot is too small to allocate space for a play area, create one off the lot. Connect the neighbors who have children and build a children's town using the material from the dismantled barns.

We make a fence.

An unusual fence will give your summer cottage originality and distinguish it favorably from the rest. Even the most ordinary at first glance fences can be transformed with the help of our ideas for giving with your own hands (photos prove this).

  • A regular chain-link mesh or garden trellis can be decorated with a stencil and paint. Looks very original.

  • Paint round timber with a sharp end in different colors, and your fence will turn into a huge set of pencils. Fun and pleasing to the eye.
  • Even an ordinary tyn will look harmonious in the overall ensemble of your garden.

Do-it-yourself fence to the dacha - a photo to the envy of the neighbors.

Laying garden paths.

Garden paths can transform any area. Even if you do not pay enough attention to the arrangement of flower beds and the construction of small architectural forms. The path in the country, paved with stone, wood or ceramics, will give you not only practicality and ease of movement around the site, but also lay the foundation for its further design. Wooden path.

The path, paved with tree rings, looks environmentally friendly and fits well into the natural landscape. Give it a more winding trajectory, plant coniferous trees along it and enjoy a leisurely walk "through the forest." - A great idea for a summer cottage with your own hands.

You can choose the diameter of the tree rings at your discretion, just like the order in which they are laid. The photos below perfectly illustrate the possibilities of using this material. And once again prove the boundlessness of the imagination of the creators.

Despite all the obvious advantages, wood is more susceptible to moisture and various pests. Therefore, be sure to take care of its primary processing. For processing saw cuts, mining or drying oil is suitable.

Substrate preparation is equally important. Work begins with marking and deepening the soil. The use of geotextiles extends the life of such a track. Wooden rings are laid on a sandy substrate, the gaps between them are covered with the same sand.

Stone path.

The material can be gravel, river pebbles, bricks, paving slabs, ceramics.

There are also a lot of variations on the theme of patterns. In order for the track to last as long as possible, take the time and effort to properly prepare the base.

The main stages include:

  • trench excavation;
  • Formation of gravel substrate;
  • Sand layer;
  • Laying the border and reducing the pattern;
  • Filling vertical voids with sand.

We break the flower garden.

There are many ideas for giving to create flower beds and flower beds with your own hands. This is a favorite place of work and rest for all women. Each hostess can create an original flower bed on her site.

  • Pyramidal flower beds with ampelous plants from old tires of different diameters or unnecessary containers will delight your guests and save space on the site.
  • You can organize an original flower garden using any item that is not needed in the household, such as a cart, an old chair, a basket or a clay tub.

We fantasize about a place to relax.

Connect the resting place and the play area with a wooden bridge towering over an artificial reservoir. Creating a small reservoir in a summer cottage is not a difficult task and everyone can do it. A beautifully designed small lake will become the central focus of the entire design of your dacha.

Create your own paradise! After reading the article "", you will learn how to create beautiful decor elements for home and garden from improvised materials.

Country sofa.

A well-maintained dacha with your own hands gives a lot more positive emotions from being on it. We invite you to discuss another object that has a beneficial effect on the dacha environment. This patio is a recreation area, usually paved with stone or wood. It can be adjacent to the house or be at a distance from it, but preferably in the open. Although the choice of the final version of the performance of the patio will be based on the prevailing climatic conditions.

Summer residents have already appreciated the patio as a place for friendly and family gatherings for barbecue or aromatic tea. And the main criterion for gathering a large company is the convenience of each of those present.

The central element of the patio, in addition to the table, can be a spacious sofa made from pallets. “That doesn’t sound good,” you might think. However, take a look at the magnificent versions of his performance! And you will not notice how you are already mentally scrolling through the construction and design of the country sofa in your head.

And so, let's get down to business! To begin with, we thoroughly clean the surface of the pallets and eliminate all traumatic elements (chips, nails, etc.) using woodworking tools (jigsaw, hammer, saw, planer, hacksaw, etc.). The specific list depends on the quality of the source material.

Since the sofa will mainly be outdoors, consider impregnating the pallets with protective agents. This will increase the service life, protect against mold and decay. And to assemble the structure together, you will need nails, corners, foam rubber and upholstery fabric.

The main stages of the implementation of this idea for a summer house with your own hands are as follows:

  • drawing creation;
  • assembly of a structure from pallets;
  • sheathing of the facade and sides with plywood for the aesthetics of the structure;
  • production of soft covers and pillows.

By the way, a similar sofa can also be placed in a gazebo or on the veranda of a country house.

Do-it-yourself dacha photo - exterior decoration of the house.

And so, if you ennobled the territory, and the soul and hands require continuation - take a look at the garden house itself. Perhaps its facade should be updated or made more attractive and cheerful.

Such creativity, otherwise this activity cannot be called, is also attractive because it allows you to escape from the routine realities of gardening (digging, weeding and watering). In addition, it does not require relentless work, because it can be performed in free time and with breaks. There are no time frames at all. Will you decorate the dacha facade for a week, a month, or finish only the next year - it depends on the level of complexity of the plan, the availability of improvised material and your irrepressible desire to create.

Of course, it will not be possible to tell about all the techniques for transforming the facade, but we will consider the most popular right now.

Mosaic facade.

A mosaic is a picture made of small elements of various shapes and colors. The material can be glass, ceramics, small pebbles, as well as corks from plastic bottles. On the last option, we will dwell in more detail. The advantages of a cork facade are its cheapness. And the difficulties lie in collecting the required number of traffic jams.

“What surface of the house should be exposed to this type of decor? - you ask. Absolutely any: from the ornament around the window or doorway to the integral design of the walls. Photos of the works of real craftsmen testify to the boundlessness of their imagination and inexhaustible patience.

When decorating a large area, focus on the symmetry of the ornament. Preliminary markup will help you with this. And in the process of mounting the covers, periodically move away and evaluate the harmony of your work.

Evening garland.

Glowing garlands are a unique way to create a romantic atmosphere in the country. Yes, it is romantic! It would seem, what kind of romance can be among the beds and greenhouses? If everything is organized correctly, then it is quite possible to allocate a corner for a pleasant pastime.

Such an idea for giving can be easily embodied with your own hands and be used as part of a friendly outdoor party, as well as a festive attribute for lovers or newlyweds.

The color scheme of the garland is chosen according to the occasion. It can be an extravaganza of colorful lights or a monochromatic range. In the dark, large white light bulbs look spectacular and somewhat mysterious. And to prefer a warm or cold shade of white - decide for yourself!

Floral motifs.

Facade decoration with decorative plants and flowers has been used for a long time. Everyone met the walls of houses filled with greenery of liana-like plants (loach, wild grapes, etc.). But how many of you have heard of a vertical garden bed or useful gardening at home?

The most practical gardeners live in a constant need to make the most of the available fertile resources, especially in a situation with a small plot of land. And this, believe me, is not uncommon. Therefore, they decided that a number of fruit and vegetable crops could be grown in a somewhat non-standard way.

An example of this is the vertical bed - an interesting and useful way to decorate the facade of the house. There is, however, some limitation - a southern or southeast / western wall is suitable for such a bed.

The basis of the whole structure is a frame made of picket fence, nails and wire. It is on it that our fruitful shoots will crawl up. The stems are fixed (as they grow) with textile ropes or cellophane tapes.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and zucchini can now grow very close and delight the eye with natural colors.

By changing the frame structure, you can create different patterns on the wall, controlling the direction and density of plant growth. And such landscaping keeps cool inside the house on a hot day.

There are also more affordable landscaping options. These are flowerpots at the entrance and on the windowsill. Flowers in the morning will wake you up with their fragrance and cheer you up. And during the day they will bloom to the delight of guests and neighbors.

I never thought that a summer cottage or a garden plot is only a garden and a kitchen garden, that is, only a place for fruit trees, berry bushes and vegetables. But it is very interesting - to create a garden plot design with your own hands. A photo gallery of pictures of fellow gardeners, which you will see below, was collected gradually. First, I saved my favorite design ideas on my computer. And then the idea came to arrange all this as a separate page on the site - suddenly it will be useful to others. Look at the examples of landscape design of summer cottages in the photo.

But, nevertheless, so far, little has been thought about the design of her dacha. The design of the garden plot all the time put off "for later." I planted potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, there were few flowers ...

But then I saw this photo (below) in one of the albums of our group in Odnoklassniki and gasped - how beautiful! I realized that do-it-yourself garden design is an achievable task. Moreover, garden design or country design for the poor can be simple, but very beautiful, even sophisticated.

With the advent of her granddaughter, she realized that the dacha should also be a place for joint recreation. The first steps towards this were refreshing the appearance of the country house, laying a new concrete garden path and installing a mini sports complex -. But while it is “not ripe” to submit to your court a photo of your summer cottage. There is no system - after all, there was no design plan as such either ... But the dream of having a beautiful garden plot remained ... Photos of more experienced gardeners are a great help on the way to the dream ...

Successful layout of the garden plot (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory):

What can be done when there are no special skills of a landscape designer? Special literature suggests that the design of a garden plot, any, should begin with a plan. First, it matures in the head, and then begins to materialize.

This, of course, is ideal. But, if you already have a finished plot, this is not a reason to abandon the design of the garden plot.

In general, of course, a garden, a vegetable garden, their design should be associated with something pleasant. I always wanted to have my own house, so that there would be a patio around the house, so that during the rest I could admire flowers, plants, that is, to have an aesthetically designed area next to the house. And already in the back of the yard, let there be dill, parsley and other garden delights.

But ... I don’t have a house, I only have a dacha. It is located 10-15 minutes walk from my house, so I go there almost daily. Dacha for me is an outlet, a place where I relax, even working in the garden. I think that any summer resident acquires a plot not only for the implementation of the family food program, but also for recreation.

Home area in early spring

I am sure that not only I want to have a place in the country house or in the courtyard of my own house, cottage, where I would like to sit comfortably, relax, and experience the pleasure of what I saw. So that you can say - "the eye is resting."

A house, a vegetable garden, a garden… Everyone is free to place everything that will help them enjoy themselves on their acres. Here, everyone is his own master, choosing the design, style of decorating his dacha, a plot near the house. Everything that you place, plant, one way or another will reflect your inner world, whether you like it or not.

Successful design of an artificial reservoir

For example, I really liked the ideas of my Internet acquaintances fellow countrymen on the design of the garden part of the plot and the flower garden. Now let me introduce you to what they came up with! Perhaps you will take something in your piggy bank ...

One of them came to the Kuban relatively recently. But I love her garden design.

Photo by Anna Pasechnik from Art. Settlements of the Krasnodar Territory)

And how do you like this option of high beds?

Everything is ready - planting soon!

In the Kuban, the indigenous people did not make high beds before. At least not during my childhood and youth. And in the middle lane, the northern regions - this is a common practice. Sometimes this is due to poor soil or a cold climate, when a raised bed helps to keep good, nutritious soil in one place, accumulate and save heat. Physically, it is easier to process, plant, sow, since you don’t have to bend so low to such a bed, planting seedlings, pulling out weeds.

By the way, a high bed is easier to keep without weeds. If it is done according to all the rules, there will be few or even none at all.

I can’t definitely advise everyone who lives in the Kuban to make raised beds, because, firstly, I don’t have such experience myself, and, secondly, something tells me that in the Kuban it was not in vain that they didn’t make raised beds before .

Our land is fertile - there is no need to import soil from afar. And then, it's hot here. The land in high beds, if it is not regularly watered, will dry faster and it will be easier to gain heat from the sun, that is, we have high beds, if they are in open areas, we need to shade something. It should be a shade from an artificial "shade" (curtains, canopies, awnings, fences) or a natural one - a shadow from trees, a shadow from several rows of tall corn or sunflowers.

Here, for example, as in the picture below. A canopy will be stretched over a bed with tomatoes. And although there are no raised beds in this photo, the need now to shelter plants from the scorching sun arises among all Kuban gardeners.

The beauty of garden beds

But this is my opinion - the opinion of a person who has not experienced in practice what high beds are, and my theoretical conclusions "can't be sewn into the case." If you have experience, please share it in the comments.

In any case, high beds in the Kuban are no longer a rarity. You can’t dismiss this experience, on the contrary, you need to take a closer look - what if there is a rational grain in all this.

Under certain conditions, high beds can exist and make life easier for gardeners in the Kuban. And what these conditions are, I think, we will decide everything collectively - by trial and error. Time will show!…

I spied on such an idea - to plant raspberries in a bed isolated with slate, it is also raised.

A high bed for raspberries (photo by Elena Polovnikova from the village of Pavlovskaya, Krasnodar Territory)

Well, that might be a good idea! Raspberries have such a feature that owners of small plots may not like - it grows in all directions, where it is necessary and not necessary. And such a fence will not allow her to arbitrarily!

The fact that high beds can decorate, streamline the garden, bring their own touch to the design of the garden or vegetable garden, I think no one doubts.

And this is what traditional beds look like! I think it's beautiful too! This is also a design - each has its own personality.

Tomato Paradise
Beautiful pea beds
Garden classics - carrots and onions
Elegant bed of lettuce lettuce geometry

And the flower beds! There is generally room for imagination! This is not only a place for flowers - it is a state of mind, this is perhaps the main decoration of the house, plot.

DIY garden flower beds - there is nothing complicated about it. Look at what a successful flower garden layout my other online friend has!

Beauty is in the clarity of the lines of the flower garden - good at any time of the year (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory)

But, really, nothing complicated! But that's the beauty of it! The flower garden pleases the eye in different seasons! Have you noticed that I have only exclamation marks? ... Admire! But "wind on the mustache" - also do not forget!

The magnificent beginning of summer (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory)
"Young" alpine slide - it will be beautiful!
Successful design of the Alpine slide
A shady corner of the garden (photo by Valery))) - KUBAN RUSSIA)
Yucca in the center of an alpine hill And the fence doesn't seem so boring anymore...
triangular flower bed
Making a path in the garden
"Carnation" stream (photo by Elena Nadtochy from the city of Yeysk, Krasnodar Territory)
A flower bed in the center of a shady courtyard (photo by Lidia Martynova from Belorechensk, Krasnodar Territory) Hosts and geyhers decorate the area behind the house, where the sun rarely hits (photo by Nadezhda Abramovich, Krasnodar Territory)
Roses are the main decoration of the fence (photo by Olga Shestakova from Temryuk, Krasnodar Territory)

Good luck to you! We are waiting for new gardeners and gardeners in our groups VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Google+! We are waiting for new photos! Your garden design ideas are interesting not only for you! The photo gallery needs to be updated!

Six acres used everywhere for a summer resident have long become not just a garden, but also a wonderful place to relax. Every owner has a natural desire to ennoble his land, because the mood with which we go to our beloved dacha depends on a well-built landscape. You should not immediately run to landscape designers, you can provide a garden design with your own hands, without extra expenses.

Everyone can create an atmosphere of comfort in the country

There can be many ideas, but before you paint a picture, you should evaluate the canvases and paints you have. It is necessary to evaluate the relief of the site, its shape, type of soil, the location of the allotment relative to the cardinal points, the presence of special places that can be interesting to beat. Put together your future landscape like a puzzle from separate pieces to get a beautiful picture. Consider your taste preferences, and then you will get a canvas close to your heart.

Where should you start?

The right strategy leading to a good end result is having an idea, a plan, and a project. Whether you plan to work from scratch or are ready to make changes to an existing design, living and inanimate nature will become your main tools.

The task of landscape design is to achieve beauty and harmony on a particular piece of land. You have to assemble all the details of the picture into one whole so that none of them hurt your eyes.

When creating a garden plot design with your own hands, do not try to fill it with colorful flower beds, start from the wise sophistication of simplicity. Taking an example from a neighbor or trying to outdo him, being proud that my garden is lush and intricate, is not worth it. Do everything for yourself, putting your soul into your own creation, so that you and your loved ones can have a good and comfortable rest in the country. It is much more competent to give the landscape a unique personality and realize your ideas than mindlessly copying what has already been created.

What are the styles of landscape design?

The regular style has a strict geometry of plantings and other objects on the site

Information about the styles of landscape design will help the owners of a summer cottage to more accurately determine the artistic idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecoration. Each of them is subject to certain rules, which indicate the main details of the decor, the principles for constructing a general pattern and methods of implementation. Following the idea of ​​a certain style, it is much easier to achieve an impressive result. A brief description of the existing styles will give you an idea of ​​them.


The regular style is a classic of geometry, the essence of which is symmetry and order. For landscaping the site, bushes and trees are used, which have a small crown and are easy to cut. Garden paths in the design of the regular style are straightforward, without sharp curls and bends, flower beds and parterres are arranged in the form of squares, rectangles, triangles, strict lines and laconic design are everywhere.

Country or Forest

The woodland style uses only natural materials to enhance the connection with nature.

Forest style implies an organic merger of the garden plot with the forest, if it is present. The decoration of the territory is carried out to a minimum, with the use of wild plant species, man-made reservoirs and streams, forest grass serves as a lawn. For the arrangement of the site, natural materials are used: stone paths, benches made of wood. Often this style makes it interesting to beat the forest trees growing on the site. Summer kitchens are built around birch or pine trees, benches are equipped.

Moorish motifs

A rare, but very beautiful Moorish style will appeal to admirers of oriental tales. The Moorish garden begins with a fountain or pond located in the center of the picturesque canvas. Flowers for this oriental style are chosen with lush buds, in green spaces they strive for a variety of shades. Moisture-loving plants are planted around the water body. Flowerbeds, paths, the bottom of the fountain are decorated with mosaics of colored tiles or stones, keeping the style of oriental patterns.

Moorish style is the most striking and colorful among other design options.

French Provence in the landscape of the plot

The theme of Provence is lightness, sophistication, a delicate palette of colors. You will need a lot of decor, but it should have small shapes. Sculptures, streams, flowerbeds, located throughout the site, make up a single picture. They are echoed by paths made of artificial wood chips. For planting, aromatic herbs and flowers are used: lavender, thyme, rosemary. Such plants in Provence are assigned the leading role, they give the garden airiness and rural romance.

English plot style

The British are rightfully considered the founders of the landscape style. Colorful photographs of English gardens show perfectly trimmed grass, clusters of flowering daffodils and crocuses, islands of roses and trees and shrubs arranged in a free manner. The shape of the reservoir is as close as possible to the natural one, the paths wind intricately between green spaces and flower beds decorated with daisies, dahlias, nasturtiums and asters. A single lawn or several lawns is an indispensable attribute of the English style.

The English style of the site necessarily includes a neat lawn

Chinese symbols of the garden

The Chinese garden is characterized by a change of picture, from whatever point you look at the site, a separate interior will appear to your eyes. No symmetry and perfect smoothness of lawns. There is a micro-grove of bamboo, a barn stylized as a pagoda, dragon figurines carved with mysterious hieroglyphs. Stones surrounding the bamboo grove or representing a separate art object are required.

Japanese garden

Having decided to design a garden in the Japanese style, you should rely on the following defining elements: stone, moss, pebbles, flowers, sand. A miniature waterfall, beautifully flowering deciduous trees, skillfully trimmed conifers, decorative objects in the form of sculptures, lanterns, benches. The Japanese garden loves moisture, it always feels the proximity of water. The natural "mossiness" of the landscape is welcomed. However, it is difficult to fit a native garden into a Japanese garden; this style is more for relaxation than for work.

Rural style landscape

Rustic style is a traditional solution for many gardeners that does not require a well-planned layout. Rural life appears in it in all its touching simplicity, emphasized by beds with greens and vegetables, chaotic plantings of wildflowers, fruit trees and berry bushes. To decorate a rural garden, stylizations are used for household equipment, a well, and irregular flower beds. Sometimes you don’t have to work hard on the design, it itself lines up in a cute rural pastoral.

Mediterranean charm

The Mediterranean garden is technically complicated; many architectural objects are used in its design. Multi-level fountains, garden furniture, sculpted columns, rows of cypress trees form the basis of the design. Look at the photos of rural landscapes of Italy, Spain, France, and you will be imbued with the charm of Mediterranean exoticism. Having decorated the garden in a similar style, you will involuntarily look for the seashore behind the fence. Maybe paint him on the fence?

Colonial style at their summer cottage

The colonial pattern of the landscape gravitates toward a formal atmosphere, when philistine pretentiousness and English austerity are impossible. If the house is not equipped with a terrace, the site is decorated with a small patio with a pergola. For a pleasant stay, a comfortable hanging sofa swing is installed. When choosing vegetation, they prefer climbing species: wild grapes, ivy, some varieties of roses. Suitable for fans of poor, laconic landscapes.

Modern style on your site

Garden Art Nouveau is minimalism, made up of numerous asymmetrical patterns and structural labyrinths. The landscape implies an intelligent layout with fragments of natural stone, metal and concrete included in the drawing of the site. The color scheme of vegetation is filled with green, but multicolor is also allowed. Contrast is given with the help of lilies, irises, delphinium and rhododendrons. Suitable for lighting LED lights.

The landscape design of the site in modern style implies a strict and simple arrangement of space

Hot Africa

African style is an original style in the spirit of ethno, which implies an organic merger with nature. An important point is to transfer the hot breath of Africa to temperate latitudes. The task is solved with the help of fiery flower beds, made up of flowers of the brightest shades of yellow, orange, red. The decor is made up of natural materials, wood becomes prevalent. Garden paths are made of wood, laid with a “deck”, which allows you to walk barefoot on them.

aged garden

Decorating a suburban area with your own hands in antique style, you need to skillfully create vintage accents. The direction is included in the popular aspirations of today's landscape design. The following techniques will help enhance the visual impression of an elderly garden:

  • a pergola arch installed in the garden, assembled from untreated untreated wood;
  • to decorate the arch and the fence, they use a wild rose and ivy wrapping around the buildings;
  • old brick is used to decorate flower beds, covering it with moss.

For artificial aging of stone and wooden objects, you can make a special cocktail by preparing it from moss and low-fat cream. Take a piece of green moss about the size of a fist in the field or in the forest, put it in a blender and pour 1-2 cups of buttermilk, stir. Use the mixture to paint walls, rocks, water barrels, and other objects. When the mixture dries, greenish stains will remain on the surface.

What plants to use in landscape design?

Even garden beds can be turned into decoration

When modeling space, dilute the landscape with green lawns. Lawns, if you look at the photo, are well suited for children's playgrounds and family entertainment, but they are quickly trampled and require a lot of attention. Include them in the design to a minimum. If beds are important to you, you can make them in the form of a flower bed. Designers offer to arrange bosquet beds, which are divided into sectors for low-growing crops. Frame such beds with low shrubs.

Carefully calculate the distance between the trees and the garden. If you miscalculate a little, the voids can be filled with shrubs. Flower beds can be of different types:

  • discount;
  • mixborders;
  • alpine slides;
  • flowerpots;
  • front gardens;
  • rockeries;
  • rose gardens;
  • borders;
  • arabesques;
  • water flower beds;
  • edges;
  • tapeworms.

How to decorate the area?

Decorating elements create a mood and give the site a personality. The arsenal of art objects is great, the main thing is to figure out what one or another of them will bring to your garden. In addition, for a small country allotment, the scale of the future decorative object is important. It is not so easy for owners of 6 acres to allocate space for the same artificial pond or create a voluminous alpine slide.

water bodies

The pond is small and distant

Whatever body of water you choose, try to make it in harmony with the overall concept of your site design. For 10 acres, you can choose a fountain, a man-made waterfall or a pond. You can build a country pond with your own hands, the principles of its construction are described in detail in one of our materials. In summer, a man-made stream looks great on the site, if its presence does not contradict the general direction. Recently, floating flower beds have appeared on the plots, giving the reservoir a special charm.

Decorative and living fences

Fencing from bushes and lilies of the valley

Country fences allow you to emphasize the aesthetics of space and isolate yourself from prying eyes. A hedge of trees or shrubs can be a great addition to the fence. Borders allow you to mark the inner borders of decorative objects. There are several types of fences:

  • single or multi-level;
  • perennial or seasonal;
  • figured, decorated in a geometric or arbitrary shape;
  • deciduous or coniferous.

Garden paths and paths

Walkways have an important decorative and practical value.

Paths are necessary for the dacha functionally in order to move around without problems and have access to the beds, recreation areas, summer cottages. In addition, they play an important role in the decoration of the garden. The material for laying paths and paths is stone or wood. The option is determined by the terrain, the proximity of groundwater, the expected load, and the design style. Larch timber or natural stone tiles are perfect. If you want to avoid financial costs, use large pebbles.

How do country houses fit into the interior of the site?

Garden buildings can become a decoration of the site

With skillful and competent planning, each object in a summer cottage becomes a design element. Country buildings should be placed so that they support the style of the site and are combined with each other. A bathhouse and a gazebo, a barbecue area or a swimming pool, a playground or a garage, a barbecue and a utility block should be located optimally conveniently for the owners.

Crowding and close proximity of buildings should be avoided, it is imperative to tie their appearance to the appearance of the main building. It is important to remember about the fire hazard, to create conditions for a free approach to each building.

The role of lighting in site design

Lanterns in the pond will give the site a special charm

Illumination of the site allows you to comfortably relax in the evening. Garden lamps also help in creating an artistic image. The evening illumination of paths, flower beds, verandas, front gardens looks spectacular. Fashionable LED lamps beautifully highlight the contours of buildings, giving the garden a fabulous look. Lanterns located along the perimeter of the territory carry an aesthetic and functional load.

Creating your own garden on the site, ennobling the local area is a completely feasible dream for many amateur gardeners. But how to do it correctly, taking into account the norms of landscape design - this is already a question that needs to be sorted out. The main criterion for garden design is its style. It is difficult to imagine the design of a garden without a clear understanding of the ultimate goal, as well as a single line, technically correct deployed at all stages of its creation.

Style is harmony, the right combination of individual elements used to create the integrity of the picture. Therefore, it is important to understand what the owner of the plot wants to see in the end, at the end of the work. There are many styles of different directions, sometimes they are intertwined into a single whole, thereby creating a unique coloristic ensemble. Each style has its own requirements for the materials and forms used. Each of the styles is beautiful in its own way, reflecting the inner world and preferences of the owner of the garden. This article presents the most common trends in landscape design, their features, distinguishing features.

Country (rustic) style

Naturalness, it is this feature that characterizes the rustic country style. Its diversity, priceless charm, warm simplicity are reflected in the traditions of different peoples. Country style is suitable for those who love simplicity, comfort, soft home calmness, practicality. To create a rural atmosphere in a garden plot, you will not need large financial investments, all the materials used can be made from improvised means.

Distinctive features of country style

A distinctive feature of the Country style is that here you can apply the full breadth of your imagination. For the arrangement of the garden plot, things that have already served their useful life will fit. It can be: wicker baskets, planters, clay pots hung on a wattle fence. Vine, dry branches of trees are well suited to create fences and flower beds. For the arrangement of paths, natural stone, cobblestones, pebbles, ceramic tiles are used. A wooden wheel from a cart, a functioning or decorative well will only emphasize the beauty of the design. Bright wooden benches, as well as small stools painted with paint, will be appropriate next to an artificial pond overgrown with reeds.

The landscaping part of the design of the garden in a rustic style does not require any special efforts, mainly trees are planted on the backyard territory, the cultures of the region where the owners of the site actually live. Among the fruit trees are popular: apple trees, pears, plums, cherries, sweet cherries. You can plant various shrubs, such as: wild rose, viburnum, sea buckthorn, lilac. Flowers are also preferably planted from the region in which they grow. For example, Russia is characterized by: asters, chamomile, marigolds, mint, various climbing plants that can perfectly decorate hedges or a gazebo.

IMPORTANT! When arranging a courtyard garden in a rustic style, one should adhere to a certain binding to a particular region. You should not mix ethnicity and the life of different nationalities, it is better to competently maintain a single line.

English style

The design of the garden plot in the English style does not imply clearly defined lines. All paths, flower beds and lawns have smooth outlines; there are no strict geometric shapes here. The English garden is shady alleys, tall trees and fences entwined with green growth. The presence of a reservoir in the natural area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe English garden will add a certain charm to the design of the backyard plot, the ideas for its creation may be different.

Features of the English style

When designing a garden plot in the English style, certain elements and techniques of landscape design are used that contribute to the creation of a natural landscape on the ground. To achieve the best result, particularly eye-catching decorative elements are masked with plant hedges or hidden behind green spaces. The above diversionary move is necessary to create a unified concept, as well as to achieve some kind of balance. All paths, flowerbeds, arches, arbors, along with green spaces, create a single integrity of the picture, with pleasant soft outlines and shapes.

It is not difficult to carry out the English design of the site. First you need to decide where the formal and natural zone will be located. The formal area is designed for relaxation, with benches, statues and fountains, and winding cobbled paths to complete the overall picture. Part of the natural landscape does not imply the installation of large decorative elements. There may be objects that do not stand out from the general plan. A small bridge thrown over an artificial pond made of stone will look especially good.


Beating the pristine nature, creating your own eco-system on the site - this direction in design has been especially successful over the past few years. Fashion trends for everything natural and as natural as possible have affected the sphere of landscape design. The success of the existence of this style is achieved through minimal human intervention in nature. The task of the designer when creating an eco-style is to emphasize the existing landscape as best as possible and beat its features.

Ecodesign Variations

Ecological design is, first of all, stylized natural landscapes. A certain neglect of the garden will not be appropriate here, and an overgrown thicket of plants on the territory will not make the site unique. The formation of a full-fledged eco-system is carried out using natural materials. Flora and fauna are selected solely on the basis of the characteristics of the region. A full-fledged eco-garden reproduces unity with wildlife. The meaning of its creation lies in the unique landscape with clean ecology, the singing of birds, the chirping of grasshoppers. In such a garden, it is pleasant to recharge your spirits and breathe in clean natural air.

The features of creating an eco-style garden differ from all other existing design areas in that they are recreated on an existing territory. Whereas other types of styles involve landscaping from scratch. This includes earthworks and complete clearing of the territory from growing plants and shrubs. The ecological style, on the contrary, allows you to beat every hillock on the ground, while preserving the natural outlines of the relief. The presence of a reservoir will favorably complement the overall picture of the garden, a small artificial swamp with duckweed, mud, reeds, ducks and frogs will look especially beautiful.

Classic style

The classic landscape design of the site is strict symmetry in everything. Clearly defined forms of garden paths, flowerbeds and shrubs are combined into a single concept that interprets order, a certain dominance over chaos. Thanks to the impeccability of the lines, some artificiality of geometric forms is recreated, where the center of the universe is a large composition, a house, a fountain or a huge flower bed of natural flowers. The classic style is suitable for plots with a large area, the relief is pre-levelled, and a garden of stunning beauty is laid out on the opened plane.

Features of the classic style

The classicism of style in garden design is manifested in the correct planning of all paths, lawns, flower beds, and other elements of landscape gardening. The clarity of geometric forms dominates here, correctly placed accents are masterfully intertwined with the Baroque style. If you remember the history, you can clarify the origin of the classical style. He owes his appearance to the royal gardener of the French King Louis. The Sun King dreamed of magnificent gardens and his servants created truly amazing masterpieces of architecture.

In the modern world, the classic style is the most expensive; only natural and expensive materials are used to create it. Granite fountains, magnificent sculptures, garden furniture made of expensive woods - all this is a classic, or as it is also called, regular style. The area is planted mainly with shrubs and trees that lend themselves well to shearing. Preference is given to topiary, juniper plants, pyramidal poplars. Trees are planted in the form of alleys, flower beds have strict forms. Flowers for planting choose remontant varieties, which ensures lush flowering in the garden throughout the year.

Japanese style

Asymmetric shapes are the essence of Japanese style. Each element used in the creation of this style is not repeated twice for any reason. In the Japanese garden, each pebble or piece of decor has a special meaning, and a whole science is subordinated to the creation of an ennobled territory. A calm atmosphere and tranquility reign here, and the miniature and minimalism of objects bring subtle conciseness to the design. The philosophy of the Land of the Rising Sun is manifested in a subtle understanding of the basics, it is a beautiful religion of creativity with an emphasis on the smallest nuances and sacred meaning.

Basics of Japanese style

All items used to create a Japanese-style garden have asymmetrical lines. The paths and flower beds are irregular in shape, but they keep the balance in the overall picture. Smooth transitions without clearly defined lines intertwine beautifully and create a single ensemble. In this case, the area of ​​​​the site does not play a role; the Japanese garden can be laid out in a small area. Green spaces are planted along the water arteries of artificial ponds, mainly bamboo thickets, pine, juniper, ornamental apple trees and, of course, bonsai. They decorate the garden with alpine slides, rockeries, rock gardens and bells ringing in the wind.

The main materials for creating a Japanese garden are stone, plants and water. In the Japanese garden, winding paved paths harmoniously coexist with various reservoirs, streams, waterfalls, bowls of water. A gazebo in the form of a tea house will become a real decoration of the garden plot. Ceramic figurines of the Buddha, stones folded in a special way, garden screens, national lanterns - all these are the features of the Japanese garden. It is nice to relax in silence after a hard week of work, do yoga and meditation. A Japanese-style garden is a cozy space that closes its owner from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

Alpine style

Alpine style is created preferably on elevated terrain. The main material is stone. The concept of the style is a mountain landscape, to reproduce it, an imitation of alpine slides is used. Despite the laboriousness of the process, the style allows you to create a truly exclusive garden, which is basically impossible on the plain. Along with stone, various types of plants are used, together they create a magnificent picturesque corner of unique nature.

Key style elements

Naturally stone, and also contrasts - a paved sidewalk of different shades from each other, a motley color scheme of plants, multi-colored gravel. It is very convenient if the site is located on a slope, this will allow you to beat the existing landscape without additional work. Alpine style implies the presence of winding paths, retaining walls, all kinds of stone structures and gravel mounds. A complete picture of the site forms a single landscape complex.

Plants planted on the site are mostly evergreen, for example, coniferous trees recreate and repeat the nature of the alpine terrain. Suitable for landscaping - pyramidal juniper, thuja, pine, dwarf tree species, moss, heather. All kinds of reservoirs look great: cascading waterfalls, small streams, artificial ponds. For flower beds, it is better to use perennials, plants characteristic of the highlands. Landscaping smooths out sharp transitions on an elevated site, and also plays a big role in zoning the territory.

High tech

High-tech style involves the embodiment of the most daring ideas that are unusual for other areas in landscape design. Complete freedom of creativity along with the use of modern materials and designs contribute to the creation of a unique atmosphere in the garden. Here you can create optical illusions using decorative lighting, any unusual shapes. Abstract solutions best characterize this direction of style. Catchy accents on a light background will advantageously transform the site, giving it originality and expressiveness.

Style Features

High-tech style is suitable for sites with any area. The materials used are: plastic, metal, glass, as well as concrete and gravel. The shape of the design elements can be different, both symmetry and asymmetry are allowed. Expressive lines of geometric and zigzag shapes create a single whole. All the constituent elements of the garden resemble a futuristic future.

The architectural elements of the hi-tech style are concise, these are original flowerpots for plants of strict geometric or non-standard bizarre shapes, all kinds of supports for vertical gardening. Several types of plants are planted in flowerbeds at once, they look especially expressive: boxwood, thuja, pyramidal cypresses. The design of flower beds is always sustained in the same style, with the absence of variegation and too violent dominance of vegetation. For general landscaping of the area, a landscape gardening or parterre lawn is used.

Reservoirs play an important role in the design of a high-tech garden, they smooth out modern accents, as if breathing life into the resulting system. Small artificial ponds can be of various sizes and shapes with concrete outlines, they often form entire groups. The general color scheme mainly consists of light shades, with bright accents, it is important here not to overload the territory with too colorful tones.

Let's move on to practice

To create a unique and beautiful space near the house, it is not necessary to involve landscape design specialists. You can create an atmosphere of harmony and comfort in your backyard on your own. Do-it-yourself garden design is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. A beautiful well-groomed garden is the dream of every owner of a country house or summer cottage. To achieve the desired effect, you first need to understand the sequence of all ongoing work.

Do-it-yourself landscape design of the site

The first step is to decide on the style and create a project for the future garden. The project will help to avoid many mistakes in the arrangement. All four cardinal points are marked on paper, the contours of the future site, all buildings, future buildings are drawn. The next step is to draw the location of the landscaping levels. The first level is trees, followed by shrubs, flower beds and lawns. The final part of drawing up a future plan is to work out the location of the irrigation system and lighting.

IMPORTANT: the southwestern side of the local area is suitable for landscaping the site, since it is this part of the area that receives more light and heat, which are so necessary for the full development of plants.

Then proceed to clearing the territory, land work. The movement of soil masses is appropriate if the project involves changing the terrain. They artificially create slopes, ravines, form slopes to drain storm water, construct drains, erect supports.
After completion of earthworks, they proceed to the arrangement of the landscaping part of the project. This stage is final.

Zoning of the site is an important part of the landscape work. This is necessary for the full functioning of each of the separate standard zones provided for by the project. The standard plan defines three main areas, these include:

  • front area;
  • outbuildings zone;
  • rest zone.

Depending on the project, there may be more such zones in the garden, fantasy plays a role here, as well as the preferences of the owner of the site.

front area

It carries an important functional load. This is the entrance to the site, and the first thing that opens the eyes of the guests. Therefore, it is initially necessary to equip a convenient paved path and an entrance for a car, if necessary. The parade zone does not take up much space, the percentage of the total area of ​​this site in the territory is up to 10%.

Further, the possibilities of the territory for the introduction of decorative elements and the implementation of the landscaping part of landscape work are determined. Quite often, the front area is decorated with climbing plant species, various varieties of roses.

Outbuildings zone

The economic zone is usually located in the backyard of the house, it is hidden from prying eyes. Various buildings are erected here for storing inventory, gazebos, greenhouses. In the area of ​​outbuildings, a bath is often installed. Practicality, this is the component goal that is pursued in the arrangement of this section of the adjacent space.

Just like in the arrangement of other zones, comfortable paths made of bricks or paving slabs are laid here. Green spaces are planted to mask objects: vineyards, any climbing plants. Typically, the economic zone is located next to the territory allocated for horticultural plantings.

Rest zone

The recreation area is located away from the main entrance. In this cozy corner, benches, hammocks, tents, a pool, gazebos, ponds of various shapes and sizes can be located. Here you can arrange a beautiful terrace for gatherings with friends. Green spaces in this area are no less relevant, preference is given to tall shrubs, climbing plants, hedges of fresh flowers.

The recreation area can be combined with a playground for children. In this case, you need to take care of security measures by making some kind of separation of potentially dangerous places, for example, a water zone, a pool, etc.

IMPORTANT! The pool parapet must have a reliable fence and non-slippery paved paths. The recreation area is hidden from prying eyes; for this, tall shrubs and trees are planted along its perimeter.

Ponds and pools

You can turn a country house into a real paradise with the help of various reservoirs. There are many ways to equip garden design through artificially created streams, ponds, and other water arteries. Reservoirs are relevant even in small areas, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is only 6 acres.

There are several main types of reservoirs of large and small forms:

  • formal - have a strict predetermined shape, especially suitable for arranging a classic design on the site;
  • landscape - with an irregular coastline and natural natural outlines;
  • cascading - reservoirs located above ground level.

The layout, location of reservoirs is influenced by such parameters as: the size of the site, its topography, soil composition, groundwater level, as well as an organic combination with other buildings and the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe style.

The art of disguise is especially relevant for creating a complete and well-groomed garden design. On the site there will always be places and buildings that it is desirable to hide from prying eyes, or even just distract attention. These can be unsightly objects that spoil the overall look and feel of the style, or heavy structures that need to be given softness and life forms. In each of the cases, all sorts of camouflage options are selected in order to beat one or another landscape design object or building.

decorative fence

Shrubs, vines and perennials are planted around the perimeter to decorate fences. To do this, special gratings and supports are attached to the fences. The fence can be decorated with artistic painting or zoned with the help of items suitable for each style individually. For example, accents in the form of peculiar inserts in the form of wheels from a cart or clay pots put on a wattle fence are perfect for a rustic style.

The fence can be decorated with hanging planters with fresh flowers, or it can be made multi-layered. The latter option implies several stepped levels at once, on which hedges are located, forming a single composition, it looks great.

Decoration of buildings

Gazebos, sheds and other outbuildings completely buried in flowers and greenery look beautiful on the site. The original solution will be small houses decorated with multi-colored broken glass mosaics. Additionally, buildings can be decorated with hanging planters with flowers, artistic painting.

Concrete walls of outbuildings can be decorated with overhead panels, wicker elements, screens from improvised materials - for example, from reeds.

IMPORTANT! Do not forget about belonging to the style, if the garden is decorated in the Japanese style, then all items in the garden design must be strictly subordinate to it.

Landscaping innovations

Landscape design is a constant value, but every year it pleases with new design delights. Modern ideas and bold solutions allow you to create comfort in any corner of the garden. Any styles and directions are subject to transformation, but the essence always remains the same - the correct design of the garden, fidelity to the existing concept. So what pleased the designers this time? Let's try to figure this out.

abandoned garden design

Naturalness is what is now in fashion. Modern technologies have firmly entered human life, and the use of natural materials is due to the need to feel balance, some kind of harmony, direct unity with nature. The riot of thickets on the garden plot recreates the uniqueness of wild flora and fauna in the best possible way. Dense vegetation creates the effect of an abandoned garden in which rare things organically exist. Tall grass and winding paths complete the overall picture, while large stone accents recreate the natural landscape. Forged arbors, benches, wicker furniture, antique vases - all this resembles a mysterious garden from a long-forgotten fairy tale.

Zen gardens

When arranging the territory in the oriental style, nothing is done just like that. Each element carries a certain meaning. This truth is visible in everything, from the correct arrangement of stones to water islands, next to which you can meditate or just relax from the bustle of the outside world.

Gravel, sand, crushed stone are used as materials used for arranging Zen gardens. The color of the plants is mostly green, but there are red and white color shades. Laconic restraint reigns on an oriental-style site, the creation of such a garden is a whole philosophy, often it takes more than one year to create it.


Recently, in landscape design, there has been a desire for minimalism. It consists in a minimum of decorative elements and regular geometric shapes. Orderliness in everything, an abundance of open space - all this is inherent in this style. Minimalism is not characterized by hedges and various colors. Flowerbeds are created from several types of plants, which also do not differ in variegation and brightness.

Materials used are stone. A minimum of decorative elements and architectural delights on the site is compensated by green spaces of regular shapes. Everything is interconnected and perfectly harmonizes with each other, making this style unlike any other. The presence of a reservoir is welcome, but there are also certain requirements - the pond and pool must be of the correct geometric shape.


Now, in the age of modern technology, the tendency to return to the origins of Russian culture is increasingly taking root. Functionality is the main component of the idea that prevails in retro style. Here everything that is connected with a rarity and remembers the breath of the past will be used: old grandmother's chests, a gazebo with a samovar, benches.

Plants are selected based on the area where they grow. It is advisable to plant birches, lindens, apple trees, lilacs on the site. Inhaling the aroma of flowering gardens familiar from childhood, you can travel back in time for a moment, feel the unforgettable, long-forgotten feeling of a carefree and naive childhood. Retro style is also beautiful because it does not require any special research. The arrangement of such a garden does not require the investment of large sums of money.

And finally, the final word

There is nothing difficult in doing the landscape design of the garden plot with your own hands. The main thing is to correctly understand the future concept of the garden and try to adhere to certain norms and rules. All efforts to create a piece of paradise on earth will be uniquely rewarded. It is so nice to relax on your own site, especially if the owner of the estate himself was directly involved in its creation.

Man cannot exist without a comfortable environment. A cozy atmosphere is conducive to the rest of the soul and body. In a country furnished house with a beautiful and well-groomed territory, you want to return again and again. When working on creating a design for a garden and a garden plot, first of all, it is necessary to include logic, only in this case it will be possible to avoid many problems.

To achieve the best result, it is important to provide plants, trees and water bodies with the necessary complete care. There is no need to be afraid to experiment, a creative approach is never superfluous, the main thing is that it is the residents of a country house who feel comfortable in it.