Sad sculpture aist with his own hands. How to make a big garden figure of a stork with your own hands

Bright garden crafts made of plastic bottles - a simple and affordable way to decorate your favorite site. The original sculpture of the stork from durable material will update the usual landscape and create a joyful mood. The figure of the bird made with your own hands will make the garden in unique and will become a family symbol of good and happiness.

How to make a stork from plastic capacities

To make such a crawler, you need to stockday time and show a creative approach.

My courtyard is decorated with a figure of a stork, the basis of which is a plastic 5-liter bottle, covered with mounting foam and painted with acrylic facade dyes.

Such a wonderful stork is obtained from a plastic bottle and mounting foam

What materials and tools will be needed

Creating your own bird design, you can collect it completely from plastic capacities, covering them with the help of glue or brackets. And you can make a sculpture more expressive, adding a plastic design with details from a tree.

Frame of this bird - wooden covered with plastic bottles

Or perform individual elements of foam.

You can create such an exotic collection using conventional plastic bottles and a piece of foam

For our craft of impressive sizes, you will need:

  • Canister plastic 5-liter - the base of the body.

    5 l canister make up the body

  • Dairy plastic bottles of 1 l and 1.5 liters, from which a white plumage is cut. You can do and transparent taire, only before it should be painted with white paint for outdoor work.
  • Dark plastic bottles of different capacity: 3 half-liter will be needed for the manufacture of paws and beak, one and a half-liter - for dark feathers.

    Plastic container dark color will need for feathers, paws and beak

  • Polyfoam is a thickness of 10 cm, from which the stork head is cut with the beak.

    From the piece of foams make the bird's head

  • Sandpaper.
  • Scissors.
  • Corrugated tube for neck.

    From the corrugated tube make a long bird neck

  • Metal grid as a base for wings.
  • Furniture stapler.
  • Metal rod with a thickness of 6-10 mm for foot.
  • Wire thin to fix wings.

    With the help of wire wings firmly attached to the body layout

  • Saws.
  • Adhesive pistol or universal glue.

    Glue universal quickly glues plastic and other materials

  • Acrylic facade paints, tassels.

Stages of manufacturing a stork

By purchasing instruments and materials, first the birds are harvested first, then the assembly is made.


From the foam plastic, the head with a beak is cut with a sharp knife.

From a piece of foam cutting the head of the bird

Then grind the rough surface with sandpaper. You can cover the preparation of white front paint.

The workpiece is grinding sandpaper to make the surface smooth

To strengthen the beak, 2 triangular plates are used, which make 0.5 liters from a dark bottle. Circling the neck and bottom, cut along the obtained cylinder and cut triangles. The plates bend in half and attach to the beak with self-draws.

The beak is made in plastic, strengthened it on the self-tapping screw


They are mastered from the top of the brown bottles of 0.5 liters. Capacity with cut bottom is cut to the neck along the 4 parts, sharpen on the ends and bend outward.

Forests with fingers cut out of dark bottles


The most time-consuming and long-term stage of preparatory work - prefabricants of feathers. They will need a large amount, of different lengths, shapes and colors: for the design of wings and tail - long, dark and white, for the body - bright smaller size.

For crafts use light and dark feathers

The bottle is cut off the neck and the bottom, the remaining middle part is cut along and from the resulting rectangle, strips are cut. One edge of the strips is made round. From the liter bottle, 6 large feathers are made.

White bottle with a volume of 1 liter is divided into 6 parts

For the plumage of the neck, small pedeshes are cut out and the ends are decorated in the form of teeth or fringe. You can decorate the long neck with large plates of halves of dairy bottles, which are finely cut across the edges.

Frame Figure

The body is made of canisters with a cut handle.

Canister with a cut handle - this is the body of our bird

As the basis of the wings, a fine metal mesh is used, which is fixed on the canister with wire or brackets. The grid across the edges is cut into the shape of a wing and bend down.

A fine mesh is fixed on the canister - the basis of the wings

In the neck, the canisters are covered with wire and bend it, forming a frame of a long neck. Fix the wire for the metal rod feet and put on her corrugated tube or hose from the vacuum cleaner.

Strengthen wire for the neck and put on her hose

At the bottom of the tank, the hole is done and the bent rods are taught in it - it will be legs.

Legs make out of the wire, bent it and traveled to the hole at the bottom of the canister

Or plunge the canister from below and insert curved rods, on the ends of which they put the legs with a neck up.

Build details

After training, all parts produce a construction assembly.

  1. The head is planted on a wire and additionally attach to the corrugated pipe with glue.
  2. Cover the torso with a plumage from the bottom. On the canister brackets fix light feathers.

    Begin to screw the feathers from the bottom of the body.

  3. Form the tail of feathers, having their rows and fixing the body with a stapler.
  4. Cover wire feathers to the edge of the mesh wing. To make the plumage of a stork with a black edging along the edges of the white wings, the first two rows are made of dark-colored feathers.

    Wings begin to draw up feathers from the edge using dark color blanks

  5. Subsequent rows are formed from white troughs, overlapping their colors.

    The third and subsequent ranks on the wing make from white feathers

  6. A row of feathers are screwed at the bottom of the neck with self-draws.

    It is not difficult to make a stork with swallow wings

    In this case, the feathers are screwed to the entire canister, and the mesh base of the wing is covered with a plumage from both sides.

    On the painted wings of feathers fasten on both sides

    Decorating garden sculpture

    With the help of decoration, the plastic craft can be made brighter, especially if only transparent bottles were used in its manufacture. For this, acrylic dyes are suitable for outdoor work. Pre-plastic container is wiped with alcohol-based solution and painted with white or black paint before cutting the feathers.

    Acrylic facade paint moisture resistant and not flexible under the sun

    The beak and paws are painted in red or wind with red scotch.

    Beak and legs are painted in red

    Eyes make from beads, decorative blanks for toys or small butchers, which plant on glue. You can simply draw their black paint.

    Acrylic paints after the coating of varnish become brighter.

    Master class for making a stork

    There are many options for manufacturing a stork from plastic capacities using elements from wood, mounting foam, foam.

    Such an original composition of the Family Aist in the nest is also made of plastic

    Even a beginner will be able to make such a garden sculpture, guided by the video with step-by-step instructions of the workflow.

    Video: how to make a stork from plastic bottles

    Storks from plastic bottles - original decorative decoration of the nursery and the subject of universal admiration. After all, they are made from ordinary garbage, transformed by skillful hands in works of art. Made of durable plastic, they are not afraid of rain and snow. Over the years, the figures do not swell, the paint will not hang out and will not fit.

Well-groomed and refined cottage contributes to the creation of resting peace and peace. Aist with his own hands for the garden is an excellent supplement for flower beds, flower beds and lawns. This bird is a symbol of happiness, wealth and well-being. The garden sculpture of Aist looks good anywhere. It is possible to install it on Earth, Roof, Post or Tree. To give a realistic product, this technique is used as the construction of an artificial nest.

Figures of storks for cottages bring happiness and benefits, are also a good jury of lawns and flower.

Sculpture of plastic bottles and plywood

For work it will take several plastic bottles of black and white. The basis of the design will be a leaf of waterproof plywood.

To work requires such tools and devices:

  • electrolovik;
  • scissors;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • a hammer;
  • steel brackets;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • glue pistol;
  • red nail polish;
  • thick wire.

A stork can be made of plywood and plastic white bottles of milk, which are cut by a fringe for a plumage.

After the tools and materials are prepared, you can start work.

It is carried out in such a sequence:

  1. A paper body pattern and bird wings is manufactured. The size of the sculpture is chosen on the basis of the size of the site and the tastes of its hosts.
  2. Marking is applied on the fane. Preparation of blanks is carried out.
  3. The edges of the blanks are grouped. The primer of plywood is carried out.
  4. Wings with self-tapping screws are attached to the body of a stork. As a rule, the wings are made in the folded position.
  5. Feet are made. For this, the steel rod with a diameter of 6-10 mm is suitable. With the help of brackets steel parts are nailed to plywood. The bottom edge of the rod can be sharpened for the convenience of fastening the product in the ground or socket.
  6. White bottles of milk cuts off the bottom. What remains is cut into 2 parts vertically. Strips are cut by scissors. They will imitate feathers.
  7. Similarly prepares plastic fringe from bottles of black.
  8. Sliced \u200b\u200bfragments are attached to a plywood basis. It is done from the tail. First attach black stripes. They are separated by the lower part of the body, tail and wings.
  9. White plastic stripes spawn the rest of the bird.
  10. The beak is covered with a red nail polish.
  11. Eyes are drawn black paint. You can use large buttons or eyes from one of the old toys.

Figure Aist is ready. It can be easily fixed on any surface. With the onset of rainarian weather, the product is better to remove and store in the warm room before the onset of spring.

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Manufacturing a stork from foam

As a rule, after conducting the external warming of the walls there are quite a few trimming of foam. They are not necessarily disposed of. From this material you can make a lot of interesting and beautiful crafts. Polyfoam is light and easy to process. Make a stork from the foam can be quickly, without the use of complex tools.

The following materials and tools will be required for work:

  • glue;
  • acute knife;
  • steel rod;
  • saw on a tree;
  • pliers;
  • sandpaper;
  • black paint;
  • paint brush.

Making a sculpture of a stork for the garden is carried out in such a sequence:

  1. Wire blanks are made, which will mimic the birds of the bird. Their lower ends are sharpened. The top ends of the rod are bent at a right angle for fastening in the foam.
  2. The contours of the body parts of the bird are applied to the foam. The largest fragment should be the central part of the body. The remaining fragments will be needed to give a figure of volume, creating wings, neck and head.
  3. Billets cut out. It is better to do with a saw.
  4. Steel rods are fixed on the central part of the torso. In order for subsequent fragments to lay on the basis tightly, the grooves for the rod are made in it. To avoid lateral oscillations, the rod is fixed to the basis of additional brackets.
  5. The central part of the body is pasted strips of foams that give volume. Wings are glued on top of them.
  6. The neck and head of sculptures are satisfied with the pin.
  7. With the help of a knife and emery paper, the Figure Aist is given the final form. Additional finishes are not needed, as it can create a relief imitation of feathers on the foam.
  8. Black paint paint tail and bird wings. The beak can be wrapped with a red insulating tape or paint.

The final stage of the needlework is the eyes. They are made from steel bearings or glass balls.

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Use of mounting foam

Unused to the end, the foam cylinder can be successfully used to make a surround figure of the stork. With the help of a foam, you can quickly make a bulk blank from which to cut the desired figure.

To work, you will need:

  • plastic bottle with a capacity of 5 l;
  • scotch;
  • styrofoam;
  • steel rod;
  • primer;
  • painting brush;
  • acrylic paints;
  • acute knife;
  • rasp.

There is a similar set in the storage room of each house. Additional costs will not need.

A garden decoration is made in the form of a stork sculpture in such a sequence:

  1. Collect steel frame. For strength, it can be fixed with welding.
  2. A plastic bottle is put on the frame.
  3. The foam strip is primed up to the neck for the neck. You can turn them in advance in shape and glue.
  4. The thighs are embraced on the pins, are embroidered from the foam.
  5. The finished frame is wetted with water. Foam applies. It covers the entire surface of the workpiece, except wire, imitating legs.
  6. After the foam is frozen, everything is excessive. The relief is attached to a knife and rashpil. After decoration, the sculpture is cleared of sawdust and dust.
  7. The dried product is covered with primer. Next, birds need to paint acrylic paints. Varnish is applied on top of the paint.

To impart a sculpture of realistic, natural black and white feathers can be used, which are inserted into the tips of the wings and tail.

For reliability, they need to be planted on polyurethane glue.

The finished shape can be installed in the garden for a long time. Stork, decorated with acrylic paints, perfectly transfers the effects of ultraviolet, cold and moisture.

And your bird can be a pillar of a bird family at the cottage. For example, to open the bird gallery can stork, but will continue its homemade flamingo, Peacock, Heron ... Fantasy is limitless! Some craftsmen simply paint the plywood blank, covered with her lacquer. It turns out such a peculiar painting on a tree, where fantasy images are combined with your creative abilities.

Your garden is really a place of miracles.

What else can I make a stork

We will list only the most popular options:

  • car tires (perhaps the most popular version);
  • forged details;
  • plastic covers (but this is jewelry);
  • wood;
  • shells;
  • disks.

The easiest option is a stork from plywood. You just make it yourself a template for which you cut the future sculpture. I paint your bird of happiness on both sides with acrylic paints. Or those that you have, covering the pattern with a construction varnish.

Decor for giving with your own hands (video)

Stork in the country can only be the beginning of your creative experiments. As practice shows, the appetite comes during the meal: even the distant of artistic labor, people are tastefully, and other interesting characters appear on the plot over time. And it's great, they please not only the owners, but also guests who are becoming more and more in connection with such dacual art.

Reviews and comments

Oksana Vladimirovna 20.12.2015

Interesting idea. Is it just enough of the talent? And even worried that the design will not be stable. If you do a torso from a plastic bottle, then it will probably need to take something. So that the wind did not blow.

Artem 03.03.2016

With the help of a plastic bottle, I made a pig with a plastic bottle, though they are mostly made of bottles, cutting out the form necessary, but I remained a mounting foam and I covered the bottle it. The pig came out fat and look like natural. Only for smoothing foam in the form of leather, I used gloves and lubricated with oil, so the foam almost did not stick. Top painted and ready.

Sergey 06/12/2016

I also make garden sculptures with plastic bottles, but I prefer to fly away with plaster and give any necessary form. Pretty easily and the cost of meager. Then just paint any paint and the figure is ready.

Igor 01.02.2017

I also want to make a pair of aestty :) (I have two adults, only the price is excellent) there are pieces of solid foam, only cutting scarcely - not the artist I am an electrician :) 😮. But I think, I'll decide still .. I will try to provide the result. By the way, the wheel TV is already out of foam flaps ..

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A stork is very easily made of plastic bottles with your own hands, the master class will allow you to perform this product in a short time. In this case, it is necessary to accurately comply with all instructions to get a really good result. The product can be placed on the homeland, which will give the opportunity to decorate the territory.

Make a stork independently allows a master class for which you need to use plastic bottles and other technician materials. In order for the drawing to look most realistic, it is necessary to make blanks from plywood. Wings and torso draw on them. Prepared templates must be carefully cut.

The following materials will be needed for work:

  • plastic bottles;
  • insulating tape;
  • saws.

Bottles are better to take opaque (white) and dark, and then compose them, but only red is suited.

Prepared Templates need to be connected. This will require self-tapping screws. To make feathers, use white bottles, in which dairy products are usually sold. They need to be cut so that there are strips of the same width. On the edges you need to make a lot of shallow cuts to get a fringe.

The resulting wings are fixed on the body torso. To mount the maximum durable, use the adhesive gun. It needs to be gently applied, not leaving traces from glue on the torso. To make the tail and the rest of the body, which will be located at the bottom, you need to use plastic bottles of dark color. This container is sold, for example, beer.

The beak can be obtained from the blank of the plastic bottle, since the stork has a red beak, the base is wrapped with a red tape. Neista and legs are needed. For their manufacture, you can use a thick wire. For the eyes take a large bead, which is attached to the head with glue. On this stork for the garden can be completed. It can be put near the flower beds with flowers or some stand.

The details of the manufacture of the second option

To perform a bird-talisman for the garden with your own hands, materials and tools should be prepared:

  • empty plastic bottles;
  • 2 wooden bars: fat and wide (will serve as a base);
  • aluminum thick wire (can rod) to make the lower limbs;
  • polyfoam (thickness 10 cm);
  • corrugated hose;
  • plastic canister (2 pcs., Capacity 5 l);
  • metal grid (under the wings);
  • stapler.

How to make a stork with your own hands? The procedure will take a little time, but the algorithm of work is simple. A stork will appear on the trails of the household site or in the garden after several hours of execution.

First you need to proceed to the manufacture of the head and the beak of the bird. These parts are cut out of foam. On the surface you can either draw the eyes of black paint or glue 2 black buttons (you can use beads).

The beak itself must be cut out of a plastic bottle of dark color. It will consist of 2 parts, sticks to the head. To make a body torso, you need to cut off the knob from the canister.

Overseas tightly contour canister, bend the metal grid. Excess material to remove. Perform the lower limbs if you bend the rod, the ends of which should be fixed in a wooden bar. Plastic feathers are cut out of bottles. They are fixed to the base of the canister. Fasten the tail first.

You can put the neck AISThe using the fastener of the wire to the valve. The next step: put on a wire harvested hose. Since the necks should be small, they are attached to scotch. Feathers on the torso are fixed on a metal grid.

Since the bird in the garden will be located in a vertical position, the wings will be folded. They must be fixed by the stapler. Feathers should be located so that the details of each subsequent row on 1/3 overlap the previous row. This will give the craft of naturalness and naturalness.

The master class is completed by fastening individual elements. To give a product of maximum attractiveness, you can perform a decorative tint of beak, eye, legs. The cauldron can stand on the street throughout the summer, she is not afraid of bad weather.

Alternative product

The original stork for the garden can be supplemented with a baby in the nest. Performing this option will help make a housing happy and bring wealth to the house, well-being. For the manufacture of a stork sitting in the nest, the poultry patterns are used as the basis. This is quite modern and fashionable to date a homemade toy made of fabric matter. Patterns for her uncomplicated.

From dense and durable fabric, separate elements of the crafts are cut out. Details stitched with a thread. To give the body to the volume, it needs to be fill it with any filler, so it is not necessary to separate the bird at once. As a filler, skumps, sawdust, straw, feathers, unnecessary flaps, etc. can perform. After performing the filling stage, the hole is completely sewn.

Beak do separately. To create it, you will need a durable cardboard of red. The finished detail is attached to the already made head. You can sew clothes. To do this, you need to remove the measurements from the finished bird. At the final stage, the eyes are glued, the baby wrap in a light fabric and placed next to mom.

If you set the craft on the branches of trees in the garden, during the rain it needs to be removed from there so that the appearance of the product does not deteriorate. Another bird is placed on the windowsill, it will be perfectly harmonized with indoor flowers.

Taking the base of the stork from the fabric, feathers are obtained from plastic bottles of white, in which milk or other dairy products are sold. They are bonded among themselves. In the end, the wings are out.

Unusual option

The master class on the manufacture of a stork, which is based on a large plastic bottle of 6 liters. To make your head, you need to use a foam that needs to be carefully cut. No need to forget about the form of beak and eyes. Black pebbles, which fix glue, can act as an eye.

The beak can be made from a conventional plastic bottle. It also glues her head. A big plastic bottle will act as a torso. It needs to cut the neck. Special metal grid - wings. If the bird's wings are bent, it is necessary to make the appropriate bends on the grid.

Legs are made of wire, which is folded into several layers. Feathers will be made of plastic bottles of a light shade. They are cut so that individual feathers looked realistic. Fixation is performed using wire to the wings themselves.

So that the neck looked at volume, the bottles need to chop finely, it turns out the fringe. They are located rows. Small bottles are put on the paws, which are also cut at the base. If the fixation of parts seems weak, then the fastening process can be carried out using screws.

Production of a stork is not a very long and difficult event. To embody an idea of \u200b\u200blife, you can use the recommendations given. However, it is necessary to introduce into ideas and certain adjustments that will create a unique and original product.

We all have long known a song from the childhood "Stork on the roof - the world on earth." And we have already familiar to Alena Zinoviev from the village of Freedy Dubrava decided to settle in his garden a couple of lovers of white storks that symbolize the world in her friendly family. These beautiful birds are made, also from sound material: foam plastic, metal mesh, plastic bottles and plastic canister.

For the manufacture of storks we will need:

1. Two cans of 5 liters
2. Metal grid for wings
3. Durable wire
4. Plastic Tubes for Foot and Neck
5. Polyfoam for the head
6. White dairy bottles
7. Dark beer 1.5l
8. Hose from the vacuum cleaner (can be replaced by corrugation)

1. For head I use construction foam width 10 cm

2. I cut out the workpiece, select the socket, make a flat beak.

3. Grinding to smoothness sandpaper, insert your eyes (or beads)

4. I stick the eyelids, strengthen the beak part of the plastic bottle, sticking to the "Titan". The second stork beak is disclosed.

5. For the body take 5 liters. canister.

6. I cut off the handle.

7. Bend the mesh in the form of the canister-from this stork will be folded wings.

8. I spin the "wings".

9. Flexing the wire for the legs.

10. The liter dairy bottle cuts into 6 feathers.

11. Cutting feathers.

12. I begin to screw the feathers from the bottom of the body.

13. Strengthen wire for the neck and put on her hose.

14. A row of feathers screw to the hose with self-draws.

15. Side view.

16. Halves of dairy bottles cut with fringe and strengthen on the neck with a tape.

17. I start with flying feathers on the edge of the wing.

18. The second row overlaps the first one-third.

19. Third and subsequent ranks of white bottles.

20. Paws out of 0.5 l bottles.

21. I make a torso for the second stork.

22. As in the first cut from above, the part of the canister is needed to screw the feathers.

23. I closes the body with feathers, but, unlike the first, feathers screw to the entire canister.

24. This stork has a little wings open. The first series of feathers from 1.5 l bottles (6 pieces of one)

25. The second row is screwed only on the wing rounding.

26. Third-on all wing.

27. I do the tail-he short, the feathers are slightly divorced.

28. I turn the wings to fasten feathers to the bottom side.

29. The last row, which closes the edge of the wing, make feathers frightened from both sides bent.

30. Approximately it looks like this.

31. Each of the subsequent feathers closes the place of connection of the previous one.

And soon we will meet again with Alena and its new works.

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