Hanger in the hallway: creative placement options in the interior (86 photos). At what height to hang a hanger in the hallway Installing a hanger in the hallway

Ecology of consumption. After reading this article, you will draw your own ideal closet with your own hands. And when ordering, you will communicate with the seller in the same language

After reading this article, you will draw your own ideal closet with your own hands. And when ordering, you will communicate with the seller in the same language

The work of planning the interior space of a cabinet is often compared to ordering a kitchen set. Yes, the surveyor will help you with an engineering solution and offer design options. But he will not be able to decide for you whether it is more convenient for you to have two hangers and shelves or to prefer one rod and baskets.

In order for a built-in wardrobe to cause you not sighs, but delights, you need to think carefully about the internal layout: distribute departments and sections, plan shelves and hangers, drawers and organizers. At the same time we will find out how many hats, trousers and boots we have.

What size can you make a closet?

Of course, when making calculations, you will proceed, first of all, from the size of the room or part of the space (say, a corridor or hallway) that you decided to allocate for a built-in closet. However, there are several significant aspects that need to be taken into account.

The standard depth of a wardrobe with hinged doors is 60 cm. This is how much is needed for hangers with clothes to fit freely on a regular longitudinal rod: for a convenient arrangement of outerwear, at least 55 cm is required, for light clothing - 5 cm less. If it is a closet with sliding doors, it is better to add another 10 cm - this is how much the “compartment” design will “eat”.

The minimum width of the closet is not regulated, but there is no point in making it less than 40 cm - otherwise boxes with shoes will not fit. In a cabinet with a depth of less than 50 cm, you will have to replace the longitudinal rod with end rods. Calculate their number correctly: on average, 8 hangers are placed on a 40-centimeter end rod.

Theoretically, the height of the built-in wardrobe can be any. But there are nuances. If you order the most popular wardrobe with a chipboard frame, you will be limited to the maximum slab height - 278 cm. For typical apartments this is usually enough. If you need a higher cabinet, you can simply build a mezzanine above it. The main section of the cabinet and the mezzanine are separated by a horizontal ceiling partition, which serves as a connecting element.

The maximum height of sliding doors is 4 m: this is the length of the profiles in popular designs. But if you want chipboard doors higher than 278 cm, you will have to use decorative partitions. Or choose another, more expensive material.

The length of the cabinet can be any. If it has a planned floor or ceiling, then you need to take into account the limited length (height) of the slab - the same 278 cm for chipboard. This obstacle is easily overcome: the master places a vertical wall and attaches the next slab to it - and so on ad infinitum. In addition, most often a closet can make do with the floor and ceiling of the apartment: in this case, its own structural elements are not used.

The maximum length of the guide for sliding doors is 4-5 m. It is not recommended to join them, since the rollers wear out the most at the joints. The alternative is the same wall-column, which actually splits your closet into two. It will still look like a monolith - what's the difference?

In the case of sliding doors, there are restrictions on the minimum length of the cabinet - 1 m. Doors (and there must be at least two of them) are not made less than 50 cm wide, otherwise they will fall out of the guides.

Door width
But what if, on the contrary, you want a wider door? However, experts do not advise making sliding doors wider than 120 cm - otherwise they will begin to destroy the roller system. The optimal width is considered to be 60-80 cm.

The most harmonious proportions of the height and width of the door are 1:5. Facades of this size are most convenient to use and do not warp.

Another important rule: the width of the door should be matched to the width of the section. No matter how wide you open the doors, “dead zones” still form in the closet that are never open. If there is a drawer in such an area, it simply will not pull out. An exception is a four-door cabinet: you can plan the doors in it so that two sections open at once in the center.

Hinged doors are usually made 60 cm wide. A wider door will be too heavy and the hinges may not support it.

How to plan the interior space of a closet?

Decide what will go on the shelf or in baskets (knitwear) and what will hang (pants, jackets). And how many things do you have in each category?

Decide on the price: the internal filling of the cabinet can vary greatly in cost. Therefore, limit the budget you plan to meet in advance. An amount not exceeding 10% of the cost of the cabinet itself is considered rational. But ultimately, it's up to you to decide.

Longitudinal and end rods
Clothes hanging on hangers will take up the largest compartments. For women's clothing, we plan a box with a height of 150-160 cm. If long men's coats or raincoats will hang in the closet, set a height of 175 cm.

If you have a narrow closet with end rods, allow 60 cm of the width of the compartment on each hanger. They usually make only a few end hangers - 2-3 pieces.

Sometimes it’s worth making separate boxes with a bar for short items: skirts, trousers, shirts and blouses. They require a smaller height - 80-100 cm, which means they save space.
If men's trousers are hung without bending, allow 120 cm in height for them.

If you require a longitudinal rod length of more than 120 cm, provide a vertical support rod in the middle. It is positioned between the upper and lower partitions and is connected to the horizontal rod with a special coupling. This is necessary so that the longitudinal rod does not bend under the weight of things. If heavy things - fur coats, coats - will hang on hangers, the length of the bar without support should not exceed 100 cm.

Another important point: if the wardrobe is not built into a niche, but has side walls, do not plan a compartment with a rod immediately behind the outer wall. Make better ordinary horizontal shelves there. Sliding doors, rolling back and forth, push the side wall, creating an impact load. Horizontal shelves located close to the side plate will connect it with the rest of the supporting structures of the cabinet. One barbell will not provide such a strong connection.

Barbell with lift
A lift is a special device that allows you to lower and raise a barbell (as in the photo). Such designs are quite expensive, but are indispensable in tall cabinets when you have to use space right under the ceiling. The elevator will lower jackets and skirts directly into your hands, and then again remove the bar with things to an unattainable height.

Built-in wardrobes are ordered not only for clothes. On open shelves you can store almost everything (except for what needs to be hung): bed linen and knitwear, books and dishes. For clothes, you can use long shelves (80-120 cm), and for heavy books and dishes, the length of the shelf should not exceed 80 cm. A convenient distance between shelves is at least 40 cm.
If you are making a shelf longer than 80 cm, provide a vertical partition underneath it as additional support. Otherwise, the shelf may bend during use.

On the shelves they mainly store a variety of knitwear - it can stretch out on hangers. In addition, the shelves are suitable for storing neatly folded jeans, bags, jewelry boxes, and hats. So make more shelves - they will all come in handy.

Special shelves
Wide shelves are designed at the top of the closet for blankets, rugs and bed linen. In addition, it would be nice to provide compartments for sports equipment. Think about what exactly you will store there. Four pairs of roller skates? Tennis rocket? Yoga mat? It is better to measure especially large devices in advance. At this moment you understand the advantage of a chess player over a bodybuilder.
In addition, at the very top there is usually a large long shelf for suitcases, bags and travel equipment. Height - 45-50 cm.

How to keep your shelves tidy

Clothes can slide off shallow shelves, but on long shelves they quickly turn into a shapeless heap. To prevent this from happening, make small shelves with a side or divide a long rack into separate square cells: this way, each stack of clothes will have its own cell. Maintaining order will become much easier.
Another way to organize the contents of open shelves is to put everything in boxes.

Roll-out shelves
Roll-out shelves are more convenient than fixed ones - they make it easy to find and get what you need. And the distance between them may be less than between ordinary ones. True, convenience does not come cheap. Roll-out shelves make sense only in a strict space-saving mode.

Drawers are also much more convenient than their stationary counterparts - they allow you to easily view the contents. And besides, they save cabinet space: the height of a standard drawer is 20-25 cm, the shelves are 35-40 cm. The drawers better protect the contents from dust. They have one downside - they are expensive, so it makes sense to use them locally: for all sorts of small things that are inconvenient or impractical to store on shelves: hats, gloves, scarves and other accessories. For stockings, socks and underwear, shallow drawers are used - about 12 cm high.

The most convenient drawer models are those with a transparent front wall. They allow you to see the contents of the drawer without pulling it out.

When designing a drawer and calculating its width, be sure to take into account the width of hinges on swing doors and door joints in wardrobes. If the drawer is made to the full width to the maximum, it may simply not slide out.

Handles inside
Handles for drawers in a cramped wardrobe are a frivolous waste of space. Even the most modest hinge will eat 1-2 cm of the closet that you fought so hard to win from the room. Therefore, it is better to choose drawers with recesses in the front panel.

Drawer dividers and organizers help prevent chaos. They can be built into the box, or they can be sold separately from it. If you hate piled-up laundry, it’s better to invest in this additional option and enjoy putting your socks into bins. Like solitaire.

Wardrobe in a closet
Particularly valuable and delicate items are stored behind additional doors. This design allows you to further protect the contents from dust and other unfavorable factors. Doors, as a rule, are made of glass, but you can also make them solid - it’s even more economical.

How to store shoes?

Special inclined shoe shelves are a very convenient way to store shoes and boots. Alas, such shelves are not very spacious. It is more rational to divide shoes into two parts: the one that is worn now, and the one that needs to be stored - seasonal, elegant, for special occasions. Leave what you need on the shelves, and put the rest in boxes and put them in the far corners of the closet.
Shoe shelves are usually designed at the bottom of the closet. Their standard length is 80-100 cm.

If shoes and bags play an important role in your life, you can allocate each item a separate place in the closet. Of course, such an exhibition would be inappropriate in a living room or dining room, but in a dressing room or hallway it would be completely appropriate.

Fans of order can put their ties in a closet drawer. Beautiful, economical and convenient to choose. But are you sure that you will roll them up and put them in place every time?

How to store jewelry?

Special equipment exists in cabinets for storing jewelry. If your closet is also a dressing table, think about how much and what kind of jewelry you will store here. Boxes with tangled chains are a thing of the past - now jewelry is conveniently hung individually to make it easy to choose what you need. Small pull-out trays with organizers will help you organize rings, earrings and bracelets - conveniently and beautifully, just like on display.


The most popular way to place a mirror in a closet is to make mirrored doors. You can cover the closet with mirrors completely or partially. It is ergonomic: the mirror does not take up additional space, and reflective surfaces add shine, light and volume to the interior.

If you are not a fan of large mirror surfaces in the interior (indeed, they do not add coziness) - mirror the inner surfaces of the doors. True, this method is only suitable for swing structures. Two open doors with mirrors inside will provide the effect of a dressing table: you can see yourself both in front and behind.

The original solution is a retractable mirror. It allows you to see yourself in a different light than what is on the door. Such a mirror is convenient when the closet is in a narrow passage, and there is simply no room to look at yourself in the door.
Another advantage of a retractable mirror is that you won’t have to constantly wipe off fingerprints (especially small ones).


This element of the built-in wardrobe is useful if you have an uneven floor - which means there may be problems with doors mounted to the very bottom. Coupe doors will slide downhill, and you won’t be able to install a guide on bumps. Swinging doors can also warp, in addition, there will be unsightly gaps between the door and the floor. The plinth allows you to level the lower level of the cabinet, eliminating these problems.


Additional lighting of the closet is effective, practical, but not at all necessary. Using lighting, you can make open shelves more interesting and the space behind glass doors more mysterious. After all, illuminated shelves make it easier to find what you need.

Mounting lighting inside sections makes sense if you have open shelves and want a beautiful decorative effect. Lighting hidden inside one shelf will not reach another compartment. If you want to illuminate the contents of the closet so as not to rummage through things in the dark, install lamps in the canopy. Don't forget to leave a gap between the canopy and the top border of the swing doors so they don't get caught. The transformer for built-in lamps is usually installed on the roof of the cabinet.

It is not necessary to hide the contents of the sections behind large monolithic doors. Each section and block can have its own separate doors. In this case, the drawers will become part of the facade. You will get quick access to things, and the front will look more interesting - if, of course, you have planned the design aesthetically. Shelves and drawers hidden behind large doors can be arranged based solely on logic rather than aesthetics. Well, besides, solid facades will cost less.

Closet with a secret

You can arrange a whole secretory behind the doors of the built-in closet. Drawers for papers and letters, shelves for collections of coins and cigars, a pull-out table for a laptop. It’s difficult to find this in standard configurations, but it’s easy to make it to order.

If desired, the built-in wardrobe can have a built-in safe, or maybe a refrigerator for cosmetics or holders for watches with a charging function.

How can you reduce the cost of a built-in wardrobe?

Reducing the price of a cabinet is, of course, a way of compromises, but not all of them will be painful for you.
So what can you give up? If you are planning a wardrobe, replace the expensive aluminum system with a cheap steel one. It is, of course, less reliable, but if you do not look too far ahead, it will do just fine. The service life of an aluminum system is 20 years, for a steel system it is on average 5-7. Well, the steel one is noisier.

Another saving resource is the number and design of doors. If you replace narrow doors with fewer wide ones, it will be cheaper. In some places you can abandon doors altogether - make a combined façade with open shelves or install hinged doors instead of compartment doors.

You can reduce the cost of a cabinet by using the materials used. Instead of the expensive chipboard that goes on the facade, use a thinner white board inside. If you plan the shelves correctly, their load-bearing capacity will not deteriorate.

Full-extension drawers are convenient, but quite expensive. You can replace ball bearing guides with roller guides. Yes, the drawers will not slide as smoothly and they will not be able to be pulled out completely, but this is not always important. Or give up drawers in favor of regular shelves.

You can even save on shelf fastenings. Instead of invisible eccentrics that pull shelves and sides together, use regular corners. In essence, there are no inconveniences from them - on the contrary: if you want, you can rearrange the shelves differently.

The only case when it is impossible to refuse eccentrics is when the shelves serve as stiffening ribs that hold the cabinet structure, for example, in the outer section with an open, non-built-in side panel. published

It's not about people, but about the hallway. A comfortable apartment cannot have insignificant, inconspicuous rooms. This can be illustrated using the example of a hallway; it is also called an antechamber, a corridor, or even a foreign word - a hall.
Take off your outerwear, hang it up, put your hat on the shelf, change your shoes, comb your hair - these manipulations take minutes. However, despite its small size and short time spent in the hallway, its role is very significant. And those who consider the hallway as a place where there should be hooks for clothes, a mirror, and nothing more are mistaken.

THE IMPRESSION OF THE APARTMENT STARTS TO BE FOLDED from the first steps along the hallway. And if the statement is true that people are greeted by their clothes, then housing is judged by the appearance of the hallway. The hallway should be welcoming and tidy; its appearance should immediately make it clear whether a friendly family lives in the apartment and what its inhabitants are interested in. The hallway is the calling card of the apartment, which testifies to the culture, taste, and hobbies of the owners of the house.

However, from the above it does not at all follow that the main purpose of the hallway is to amaze guests. No and no again. The hallway should be convenient, first of all, for those living in the apartment. As a rule, it is located at the intersection of all apartment communications. When we move from one room to another, our path almost always runs through the hallway.

Having determined the role and significance of the hallway, we will begin to equip it. As in other rooms of the apartment, the decisive factor, the starting point from which to arrange its equipment and furniture arrangement, is the front door. First of all, we determine what we will hang our clothes on. There are countless types of hangers. We show some of them.

Experts calculated the height of the hooks: 80 cm from the floor for children under 5 years old, 120 for 12-year-olds, 160 - 180 for teenagers and adults. But the length of the hanger depends on the size of the family. Here are the guidelines. For a family of two people, this size is at least half a meter. For 3-4 people - at least a meter. For a larger family, hangers with a length of more than 120 cm will be required.

SOME THINK THAT AN OPEN HANGER gives the hallway a sloppy look; clothes gather more dust, so they prefer to place clothes in special lockable niches or built-in closets. Hats, bonnets, caps, caps, caps are stacked at the top. Below are shoes.

You can't say anything: it's convenient. But this is feasible if there is sufficient space. If the area is limited, then you will have to settle on the option of an ordinary hanger plus a shoe box.

It is better to hang brushes for cleaning clothes in a visible place.

In the hallway there should be a small surface on which you can sit - either a banquette, a stool, a chair, and if spatial possibilities allow, then an armchair in which it is pleasant to sink into immediately after arriving and relax for a few minutes.

IN ANY HALLWAY, EVEN TINY, there should still be a place for a mirror, preferably of a size so that you can see yourself in it at full height. Its upper edge should be at 180-200 cm, and the lower edge - 20-40. There is no possibility to install a large mirror; limit yourself to a medium or small one in a fancy frame. It can be made in the same way as for a painting.

Next to the mirror, it’s a good idea to strengthen a shelf for small items - combs, small handbags, gloves, keys. You can’t do in the hallway without shelves or hangers for umbrellas, scarves, and shawls. It is better to leave the shelves in the hallway open, this will preserve the depth of the room, and also give it lightness and relaxation. Because if in the hallway you only look at the doors of the built-in wardrobes, you get the impression of institutionality and isolation.

This is a telephone on a shelf that also houses a telephone directory, a notepad, and a pen.

A few words about telephone sets. Recently, they have become more diverse in shape, color, design, and installation method. It is worth noting that retro-style devices are more suitable for a common room. Push-button ones are convenient, but their quality leaves much to be desired. There are wall-mounted devices. Think about it. Maybe it will be quite suitable for a small hallway.

There are phone numbers that you have to dial quite often - cinemas, shops, consumer services. They can be clearly written on a piece of paper and posted on the wall.

Rules for designing cabinet functionality

Or you can glue a cube out of cardboard and write the necessary phone numbers on the sides. A cube covered with colored paper can also become an attractive piece of furniture.

Some people place bookshelves or shelving in the front room. This should only be done as a last resort. Books are a more suitable piece of furniture for a living room than for a hallway. Although if you like the spines of books at the front door, there are no objections.

The electric meter cannot be called elegant. Maybe because of this he annoyingly gets into your eyes. It is better to cover it with a special cabinet without a back wall. In this locker you can store bills for paying for an apartment, electricity, gas, telephone.
A painting or a vase of flowers will undoubtedly decorate the hallway. The wall calendar will not allow you to forget about the fast-flowing time.

Here’s an unexpected technique for decorating a hallway. On the wall are neatly framed photographs of friends at home. You can expect that they will be pleased to come to a home where they so respectfully demonstrate their kindness and attention. In this regard, I would like to refer to Goethe’s opinion. “A person depicted by a skillful artist in a small space will not require too much space for himself. This way you can gather all your friends around you..."

You should strive to place as many things as possible in the hallway in order to free the living rooms from them. To do this, you can arrange a mezzanine above the front door.

Along with the installation of built-in wardrobes for clothes and shoes, the hallway can have cabinets for storing various household supplies. You just need to remember that when arranging objects and furniture in the hallway, experts ask you to observe the following dimensions.

Don't forget to put a rug in the hallway, which will save you from dirt stains from the floor. Of course, it should not look like a doormat due to the fact that it is cleaned only on major holidays.

Altitude reminder. Part 2.

On what heighthangTV?

The basic rule is quite simple - the center of the screen should be at eye level of the viewer. On average, normal height location TV- 1 meter from the floor. However, as already mentioned, you need to adhere to the rule - the center of the screen is opposite the eyes. That is, you need to take into account height sofas and armchairs - the higher their seats, the higher the TV will hang.

Height placement depends on the furniture you will be viewing with. Typically the center of the screen is located at height about a meter plus or minus a couple of tens of centimeters. Can be adjusted by tilting the screen plane. The optimal distance is considered to be 3-4 screen diagonals TV, in terms of comfort and safety. If the screen TV is 82cm, then you need to watch it from a distance of about 2.5 - 3 meters.

In the right hallway, everything should be in its place, or a little about the reasonable arrangement of modules

This rule must be observed especially when it comes to a plasma TV. LCD TVs can be viewed from a distance of 2 diagonals, but it is still advisable to maintain a distance of 3-4 diagonals.

It is quite comfortable to watch from a lying position TV, which hangs near the ceiling.

If you want to install TV with a flat screen above the fireplace, then the location TV will depend on the size of the fireplace. Above fireplaces, the height of which is less than one meter, it is worth hanging TV at a distance of 10 to 30 cm. If the fireplace is higher than 1 meter, then the TV should not be hung higher than 15 cm above the fireplace.

On what height hang mirror?

The following principle must be observed here: a person must be able to clearly see what he wants to see in the mirror surface. For example, usually the top edge mirrors should be located at a distance of 170-180 cm from the floor level: so that the top of the person’s head is visible. And the width of the mirror product must be at least 50 cm: so that a person can see himself not only from the side.


Sincerely yours designer, Tatyana Minaeva.

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For home craftsmen

How to hang a frameless mirror on the wall

Recently, frameless mirrors have become increasingly popular among consumers. And this is not without reason, because this is how the minimalism that is so beloved by many is achieved and the creation of modern design in rooms of any type is guaranteed. However, the question of how to hang a mirror without a frame on the wall is an open one for many home craftsmen, which is why we consider it advisable to fill this gap.

Mirror mounting options

Given the high demand for frameless mirrors, many manufacturers of specialized equipment offer the consumer various options for fixing the material. We would like to consider the most popular of them.

Attaching the mirror with tape

You can often hear the opinion that fixing a mirror to a wall is best done using double-sided tape, for which it is enough to apply the material to the underside of the mirror and stick it in a given place. However, such an approach can only be applied if the base base has a smooth structure (MDF, laminated chipboard, PVC panels, tiles), and the weight of the decorative element does not exceed 1 kg.

Firstly, the surfaces to be glued must be absolutely dry, clean and free of easily peelable elements (wallpaper, whitewash, etc.).

Secondly, it is advisable to apply tape not only around the perimeter, but also in the central part of the mirror.

Thirdly, you should not resort to this method of fixation in places of high humidity, since the adhesive ability of the tape in this case will be minimal.

Fixing mirrors using glue

You can hang a mirror without a frame on the wall in an alternative way, using specialized adhesives (for example, “liquid nails”). Moreover, the operating algorithm in this case is that glue is applied to the back surface of the mirror using a mounting gun with a small roller (along the perimeter and in the central part), and after that the mirror is simply pressed to the base base in the required place. And at the end of the work, it is advisable to fix the mirror in a stationary state for a time sufficient for the adhesive to harden (you can support the mirror with spacers or fix it with tape).

Just as in the previous case, certain requirements are imposed on the quality of the base base, and although manufacturers of “liquid nails” guarantee high adhesion of the substance to almost any surface, it is still not justified to glue mirrors on top of wallpaper and other finishing elements (alternatively, under the location of the mirror the wallpaper can be removed, or sheet material can be installed over the existing finish and the mirror can be glued to it).

Arrangement of the hallway

In addition, for better adhesion, it is recommended to prime the base base, and carry out work only after the wall has completely dried. Well, of course, it is not advisable to fix mirrors using glue on uneven surfaces, because the contact area of ​​the elements in this case will be small, and accordingly the quality of the work will be in question.

Mechanical fixation of frameless mirror

Refers to the most reliable options for attaching a decorative element to the wall. Indeed, in this case, specialized fittings act as holding elements, by means of which the mirror is held in the required position. And although many users are skeptical about this mounting option due to their visual unattractiveness, today manufacturers of such equipment produce decorative fasteners that can fit perfectly into any room.

Installation of a frameless mirror in this case also does not cause any particular difficulties and consists in the fact that first the location of its installation is determined (and the corresponding markings are applied to the wall), and then, with a certain indentation along the entire perimeter, recesses are made in the wall and dowels are installed.

At the end of the work, the mirror is leaned against the wall, and screws with fittings are screwed into pre-mounted dowels, due to which the mirror sheet will be held in the required position.

It should be noted that mechanical fixation of a frameless mirror is justified not only for enclosing structures, but also for furniture elements. Moreover, there are no significant requirements for the quality of the base base, unlike the options described above.

How to glue PVC edges at home

How to hang a TV on the wall

How to make wardrobe doors with your own hands

Designing a wardrobe: the basis for creating furniture

The procedure for installing a large mirror on the wall can be found here.

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Once you have installed the mounting points on the wall, you can hang the mirror. If the mirror is heavy, you need 2 hooks. The fragments were used as a mirror. If the mirror is light, one hook will be enough.

According to archaeologists, people used mirrors back in the Stone Age, rubbing pieces of tin, gold or platinum until they shine. But the prototype of the modern glass mirror appeared only in 1240, when people learned to blow glass bottles. They learned to make a flat mirror only at the beginning of the 16th century in France.

How to fix a mirror on a brick wall

Aluminum is used to make budget mirrors, and silver is used to make expensive mirrors. Therefore, when attaching a mirror to the wall, you must work very carefully so as not to accidentally damage the delicate mirror coating and the glass itself. Today, when creating the interior of premises, mirrors are widely used, thanks to which you can change the space by visually expanding the walls of the room or raising the ceiling. I also decided to visually enlarge my hallway and hung a large mirror on a column protruding from the wall.

To prevent the mirror from moving on the plastic body of the lamps, shallow grooves were made in it with a width equal to the thickness of the mirror. Placing the lamps on the plane of the mirror made it possible to increase their efficiency, since the light from the back of the lampshades is reflected from the mirror and directed into the room.

Methods for mounting mirrors

The mirror is fixed to the wall using two hangers, one of which you see in the photo. The above methods of attaching a mirror did not present any difficulties, since the mirrors were small in size and therefore light.

We hang a mirror in the bathroom. Drilling

The mirror may fall off over time. You need to cover almost the entire surface of the mirror with tape. You need to be careful when choosing an adhesive, as the wrong adhesive can damage the mirror amalgam.

The only drawback of this method is the need to drill holes in the mirror. My choice fell on the method of attaching the mirror using self-tapping screws, especially since the mirror was made to order and four holes in the mirror in the corners were drilled in the workshop. All that remained was to drill four holes in the wall for the dowels and tighten the screws.

How to hang a mirror in the bathroom?

To determine the diameter of the mounting holes in the mirror, fittings for mounting were selected in the workshop. One set of fasteners included a brass bushing with a plastic gasket, a decorative nut, a self-tapping screw and a dowel. First, using a punch, a hole with a diameter of 5 mm was punched (this is the diameter of the end of the sleeve that fits into the mirror hole).

Choosing a method for mounting a mirror on the wall

Installing a homemade additional gasket will completely eliminate metal contact with the mirror. The mirror is removed, and using the device described on the website page Drilling holes in walls - a drill with a Pobedit drill - holes are drilled. Marking holes when installing a mirror on a plasterboard wall can be eliminated by drilling a hole in it with the mirror attached, using a thin-walled tube of suitable diameter.

Filling the closet: How to calculate so that all things fit

The mirror itself will serve as a conductor. To make the mirror easy to hold in your hands and without gloves, I did not remove the wrapping paper from it, but only tore it at the corners to gain access to the mounting holes. After receiving the first hole, you need to insert a dowel into it to prevent accidental displacement of the mirror when drilling subsequent holes.

As a retainer, instead of a dowel, you can use a wooden or plastic stick slightly smaller than the diameter of the hole in the mirror. When all the holes are drilled, the mirror is moved to the side and dowels are installed in the holes.

How to glue a mirror using tape or liquid nails?

Now all that remains is to squeeze the wings of the dowel with your fingers, insert it into the hole and hammer it in. Everything is ready to attach the mirror. The mirror is placed back on the stand and secured to the wall with self-tapping screws using previously prepared bushings. All that remains is to screw the decorative nuts onto the bushings, and the work of attaching the mirror to the wall can be considered complete.

Thanks to the facet, due to the refraction of the reflection in it, the mirror looks elegant. A quick glance at the mirror mounted on the wall revealed that it did not harmonize with the surroundings in the hallway. The mirror hung as a separate element and did not fit well into the interior. I had to do some modifications and figure out how to make a frame for the mirror. The corner was cut lengthwise into two strips, and sections of the required length were sawn off with end angles of 45°. This can be done using a miter box and a hacksaw.

After framing the mirror with a decorative frame, it harmoniously fits into the interior of the hallway. An evaluation of the result of the work after installing a large mirror in the hallway confirmed that the task of expanding the space and the ability to see oneself in full height was successfully solved.

It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without a mirror - or rather, without many mirrors: in the bathroom, bedroom, dressing room, hallway, office hallway, etc. Hanging mirrors are perceived naturally and as a matter of course until the need arises to hang the mirror yourself. This is where you have to think, because the walls are different everywhere, and the weight of the mirrors can vary significantly.

If there is tile on the wall in the bathroom, and it’s brand new, you don’t really want to drill into it. Doubts plague me: “What if it cracks or falls off along with the mirror?” It is best, of course, to prepare a place under the mirror in advance.

Technology for mounting a large mirror on the wall

If the wall in this place is concrete or brick, attaching a mirror will not be difficult. The first is suitable for those cases when the mirror is really heavy, and hanging it with glue seems impractical. First you need to choose a place for the mirror, using a level to make a line where the mirror will be attached. Holes must be made in this place. To hang something relatively heavy on a concrete, brick or drywall wall in a conservative and therefore reliable manner, you will need a drill and a hammer.

Since we are talking about the bathroom, it is worth saying that most mirrors designed specifically for this room are already sold with holes and fasteners. Thanks to the miter box, the mirror could not slide into the gap between the wall and the stand. Install the anchor and hang the mirror with screws. Attach the mirror.

It's not about people, but about the hallway. A comfortable apartment cannot have insignificant, inconspicuous rooms. This can be illustrated using the example of a hallway; it is also called an antechamber, a corridor, or even a foreign word - a hall.
Take off your outerwear, hang it up, put your hat on the shelf, change your shoes, comb your hair - these manipulations take minutes. However, despite its small size and short time spent in the hallway, its role is very significant. And those who consider the hallway as a place where there should be hooks for clothes, a mirror, and nothing more are mistaken.

THE IMPRESSION OF THE APARTMENT STARTS TO BE FOLDED from the first steps along the hallway. And if the statement is true that people are greeted by their clothes, then housing is judged by the appearance of the hallway.

Ergonomics of a small hallway: what to consider when planning the entrance area

The hallway should be welcoming and tidy; its appearance should immediately make it clear whether a friendly family lives in the apartment and what its inhabitants are interested in. The hallway is the calling card of the apartment, which testifies to the culture, taste, and hobbies of the owners of the house.

However, from the above it does not at all follow that the main purpose of the hallway is to amaze guests. No and no again. The hallway should be convenient, first of all, for those living in the apartment. As a rule, it is located at the intersection of all apartment communications. When we move from one room to another, our path almost always runs through the hallway.

Having determined the role and significance of the hallway, we will begin to equip it. As in other rooms of the apartment, the decisive factor, the starting point from which to arrange its equipment and furniture arrangement, is the front door. First of all, we determine what we will hang our clothes on. There are countless types of hangers. We show some of them.

Experts calculated the height of the hooks: 80 cm from the floor for children under 5 years old, 120 for 12-year-olds, 160 - 180 for teenagers and adults. But the length of the hanger depends on the size of the family. Here are the guidelines. For a family of two people, this size is at least half a meter. For 3-4 people - at least a meter. For a larger family, hangers with a length of more than 120 cm will be required.

SOME THINK THAT AN OPEN HANGER gives the hallway a sloppy look; clothes gather more dust, so they prefer to place clothes in special lockable niches or built-in closets. Hats, bonnets, caps, caps, caps are stacked at the top. Below are shoes.

You can't say anything: it's convenient. But this is feasible if there is sufficient space. If the area is limited, then you will have to settle on the option of an ordinary hanger plus a shoe box.

It is better to hang brushes for cleaning clothes in a visible place.

In the hallway there should be a small surface on which you can sit - either a banquette, a stool, a chair, and if spatial possibilities allow, then an armchair in which it is pleasant to sink into immediately after arriving and relax for a few minutes.

IN ANY HALLWAY, EVEN TINY, there should still be a place for a mirror, preferably of a size so that you can see yourself in it at full height. Its upper edge should be at 180-200 cm, and the lower edge - 20-40. There is no possibility to install a large mirror; limit yourself to a medium or small one in a fancy frame. It can be made in the same way as for a painting.

Next to the mirror, it’s a good idea to strengthen a shelf for small items - combs, small handbags, gloves, keys. You can’t do in the hallway without shelves or hangers for umbrellas, scarves, and shawls. It is better to leave the shelves in the hallway open, this will preserve the depth of the room, and also give it lightness and relaxation. Because if in the hallway you only look at the doors of the built-in wardrobes, you get the impression of institutionality and isolation.
BECAUSE OF ITS PROXIMITY TO THE REST OF THE ROOMS OF THE APARTMENT, THE HALLWAY IS A CONVENIENT place for installing a telephone exchange. This is a telephone on a shelf that also houses a telephone directory, a notepad, and a pen.

A few words about telephone sets. Recently, they have become more diverse in shape, color, design, and installation method. It is worth noting that retro-style devices are more suitable for a common room. Push-button ones are convenient, but their quality leaves much to be desired. There are wall-mounted devices. Think about it. Maybe it will be quite suitable for a small hallway.

There are phone numbers that you have to dial quite often - cinemas, shops, consumer services. They can be clearly written on a piece of paper and posted on the wall. Or you can glue a cube out of cardboard and write the necessary phone numbers on the sides. A cube covered with colored paper can also become an attractive piece of furniture.

Some people place bookshelves or shelving in the front room. This should only be done as a last resort. Books are a more suitable piece of furniture for a living room than for a hallway. Although if you like the spines of books at the front door, there are no objections.

The electric meter cannot be called elegant. Maybe because of this he annoyingly gets into your eyes. It is better to cover it with a special cabinet without a back wall. In this locker you can store bills for paying for an apartment, electricity, gas, telephone.
A painting or a vase of flowers will undoubtedly decorate the hallway. The wall calendar will not allow you to forget about the fast-flowing time.

Here’s an unexpected technique for decorating a hallway. On the wall are neatly framed photographs of friends at home. You can expect that they will be pleased to come to a home where they so respectfully demonstrate their kindness and attention. In this regard, I would like to refer to Goethe’s opinion. “A person depicted by a skillful artist in a small space will not require too much space for himself. This way you can gather all your friends around you..."

You should strive to place as many things as possible in the hallway in order to free the living rooms from them. To do this, you can arrange a mezzanine above the front door.

Along with the installation of built-in wardrobes for clothes and shoes, the hallway can have cabinets for storing various household supplies. You just need to remember that when arranging objects and furniture in the hallway, experts ask you to observe the following dimensions.

Don't forget to put a rug in the hallway, which will save you from dirt stains from the floor. Of course, it should not look like a doormat due to the fact that it is cleaned only on major holidays.

At what distance from the floor should a hanger be located in a hallway?

At all enterprises, separate dressing rooms are provided in the lobbies of administrative buildings for storing street clothes.

Arrangement of the hallway

The wardrobe is an organic part of the lobby, and its layout is inextricably linked with the compositional structure of the entire entrance group.

Wardrobes should be located near the entrances, but somewhat away from the flow of incoming visitors. At the same time, wardrobes should not be placed along the outer wall, as this will make it difficult to illuminate the lobby with natural light. It is very important to arrange the wardrobe so that there is no counter flow of incoming and already undressed visitors. In accordance with the general layout of the lobby, the location of the wardrobe can be one-sided or two-sided, island.

To store street clothes in industries with a large number of workers, as a rule, theater-type wardrobes are provided.
In large enterprises with more than 100 employees, dressing rooms should be provided for separate storage of street clothes (0.3 m per employee).
The number of places in dressing rooms is designed at a rate equal to the number of workers in the two largest shifts. For dressing rooms, it is also necessary to provide an area to accommodate on-duty personnel at the rate of 2 sq.m. for every 100 people in the largest shift.
Dressing rooms should be designed for no more than 400-500 people served. The distance between the axes of the rows of hangers with rods is determined: - 2 meters for service by staff on duty and 2.4 meters for self-service; hangers with hooks - 1.2 and 1.5 meters, respectively. Length hangers are designed at the rate of 6-8 hangers or 4-6 hooks per 1 meter of hanger. The distance between the rows of hangers and the wall is determined: for hangers with hangers - 1.2 m for service and 1.5 m for self-service, for hangers with hooks - 0.9 and 1.2 m, respectively.

The depth of the wardrobe room should not exceed 6 m.
The barrier for issuing clothes has a width of 0.6...0.7 m and is located at a distance of at least 1 m from the hangers. The length of the barrier is determined within 1 m per 50...60 seats in a building with a uniform flow of visitors and 1 m per 30 seats in buildings with large simultaneous visits.

In order to be able to put your outerwear in order, it is recommended to provide a separate fenced-off room for ironing clothes and
The width of the room in front of the wardrobe barrier must be at least 3 m, and the width of the passage between two barriers (if they are parallel) must be at least 4 m, which is necessary for the convenience of those handing over and receiving clothes.

The dressing rooms also provide cells for storing bags, briefcases, and small packages. The cells are located at a distance of no more than 1 m from the floor and are located in a barrier rack.

For artificial lighting, luminous panels or strips are usually used, which are mounted in the plane of the ceiling or have protruding light diffusers made of organic glass.
Natural wood or imitation veneer is mainly used to decorate the room and hangers. In some cases, walls are painted with oil paints with a selection of colors depending on the location of the dressing rooms and lighting. The barrier post at the entrance can be made of vinyl leather or trimmed with wood. For hygienic purposes and for ease of cleaning, the base part of the barrier stand is made of metal.
Taking into account the close location of the entrance doors and the flow of cold air and to maintain cleanliness, the floors in the dressing rooms are lined with marble tiles like the entire lobby or covered with insulated linoleum.

It is not always possible to install a full-fledged closet in a small hallway or corridor. But you need to leave your clothes somewhere. Then most often they use wall hangers for the hallway. You can pair them with a small shelf for shoes, a banquette and a bedside table. Inexpensive, compact, functional.

Materials and designs

Wall hangers for the hallway are made of three materials: wood, laminated chipboard, metal. Combinations are often found: the base is wooden or chipboard, and the hooks and strips are metal. Hooks may also be plastic, but they are usually found in the budget segment made of chipboard.

Furnishings in a small hallway

If we talk about structures, there are not very many of them. In the traditional version, this is a bar on which hooks are attached. The slats can be positioned vertically or horizontally. Vertical options allow you to visually increase the height of the ceiling, which is why they are most often purchased for hallways. But horizontal ones are compact and can be located even in a small corridor.


The body of the vertical wall hanger is made of either wood or chipboard. The length can be from 30-40 cm to 2 meters. The shape can be straight or curved, round.

Wall hangers for hallway vertical type

It may be made from narrow lamellas, or perhaps from a single piece of chipboard or several, intricately connected.

Wall hanger for the corridor made of chipboard

There are options with a built-in mirror. Pay attention to the width and location of the mirror. It can be either on the right or on the left.

With built-in mirror

Color matters

There are hangers upholstered in leather or leatherette. They look great in classic interiors.

Rarely found, but there are vertical models made of metal. Usually this is forging. They are, of course, very decorative - handmade, but they also cost a decent amount. But you can order from the master the option that suits you. Both in design and size.

If we talk about the functional part, and not just the external one, it wouldn’t hurt to have shelves in the upper part. They are convenient for storing hats. Also decide on the number of hooks. The more there are, the better, but if you really like a particular model and there aren’t enough hooks on it, you can install additional ones.

Before going to the store, carefully measure the available space, decide on the maximum and minimum width. It's also a good idea to have an idea of ​​how tall you want the case.


Horizontal hangers in the corridor or hallway are more compact. Visually, they “stretch” the wall in width and can be installed in a small partition or corner.

Their basis is a board of rectangular or more complex shape. Furniture laminated chipboard is also used, there are metal and forged options. Some are closer to the classic style (usually wood), some are also suitable for hallways in modern styles.

Unusual and designer hangers

An interesting option is with folding hooks. They are made either from metal frames or wooden planks. How many hooks are needed are bent, the rest form a single composition with the body. Interesting…

For stylish modern and minimalist hallways, there are exclusive wall hangers. They fit well into this design.

Designers create truly unusual things from ordinary materials. Moreover, the ideas are unusual. In one there are some echoes of some kind of graph, in the other it looks like a thorn or, perhaps, a snowflake.

Stylish, modern, unusual

They even make stylish hangers from water pipes. Is there anything left from the renovation? And this will go into action.

This is definitely unusual

You can present ordinary things in such a way that you will fall in love with them. For example, a hanger in the shape of a chair... Undress and you can sit down.

For the stylish and daring, there are other “hooks” in the form of hands.

For animal lovers - hangers with their images.

Don't know where to leave notes so they can be found right away? Hooks with clothespins are a great solution.

For music fans - a hanger in the shape of a piano. In principle, there are also folding hooks, but the design changes everything.