How to make a good compost pit. Compost Human Hands - Options for Devices, Rules, Useful Tips

Every experienced gardener knows to improve the crop need to fertilize the soil with a compost. Save funds to purchase fertilizer will be much easier if the site will be a compost person with their own hands, which is not difficult to do. In a private house accumulates a sufficient amount of organic waste suitable for the formation of compost. Thanks to the fertilizer, the sand of a sandy type will better hold moisture, and clay - it will become much crumbly. The following are the basic recommendations on the construction of the pit, and also that we need to put into the structure for the formation of high-quality.

How to choose a place

Before deciding with the location of the structure, it is important to consider all the nuances. Do not forget about the level of groundwater, as the fertilizer should not touch them. Eat the ditch in the level lower than that of the well. Between the well, reservoir and prepared ditch should be a distance of at least 25-30 m.

The design should be in the shade, and not under the groaning rays of the sun. In the second case, the rotting will suspend, and humus will begin just to dry out. To equip a compost yam is relevant near the fence in the shade or near the house. There should be a building away from a nearby house so that sometimes emerging flavors do not come to them.

Simple pit

In the process of arranging the most ordinary compost pits, a 60-100 cm wide and a depth of 50 cm will be removed in the ground, a length of 200 cm. On the bottom of the ditches, leaves, weeds and other remains of plants from the garden are laid. Then, the remnants of food waste are suited to the deepening and again covered with various weeds. A similar procedure is repeated in the formation of each layer, since with such technology flies and malfunction will appear. A much more careful compost yam will look if the perimeter is to protect the deepening with a wooden side.

It will be much easier to count on high-quality fertilizer if organic residue periodically water. Do not forget also mix the compost forks, top covering it with polyethylene.

Compost pit with your hands closed type

Before you choose your choice on one of the types of facilities, you need to figure out more detailed, what are the compost pits. In addition to the open dials, you can choose a closed formation. The manufacture of the design will require more time, but is considered more practical. The pit consists of two compartments, where one department is intended for new raw materials, and the second is for the old compost.

It is very important before to make a closed type compost pit on the site, think over the design scheme and do not forget about the lid. The process of preparing the structure implies these steps:

  1. Align the platform where the design will be, removing the upper layer of the Earth.
  2. Prepare ditches in the form of a rectangle. Width - 1.5-2 m, depth - 70 cm, length - up to 3 m.
  3. Wall make up when using concrete, they should turn out a thickness of 10 cm. When arranging the compost pits with their own hands, make sure that the walls in height were above the level of the pits by 30 cm;
  4. Back up design or metal cover. It will be possible to supplement the construction also with a wooden lid. In the latter case, drill a few holes for ventilation.


This version of the design is considered very convenient. Slate is a fairly durable material in which it is convenient to store humus. When making a box from a slate, pre-make all measurements and consider where it will be located, and also consider the number of sections.

Before making a compost yam from slate, you need to dug a small rectangle in the form of a rectangle in the ground. After that, in the corners of the ditches, make support using boards or metal pipes. According to the circuits of the ditch, lay slate sheets to form a symmetrical rectangle. If necessary, use slate to split the structure into two or three compartments.

Regardless of the option of manufacturing a compost pit, you need to remember several rules for the rapid formation of fertilizer. Do not forget to moisturize organic residues with water and add composting preparations with alive bacteria.

Wooden box for compost

Prepare a convenient compost pit with your own hands will be easier if you pay attention to this design. The wooden box implies the presence of three sections: the first - for waste generation, the second is to turn over the humus, the third is to store the ripe fertilizer. During the manufacture of the device, wooden boards will be required.

The process of making a box implies such steps:

  1. Prepare 8 wooden bars. Treat the bottom of the engine oil or tar to prevent tree rot.
  2. Zarrow columns to the ground. If you wish, attach 4 bars to the fence so as not to dig in addition to the pit for them and do not make the back of the box.
  3. Make a partition in the box, connecting to the spicks of the board. Between the boards there should be small gaps for free air access.
  4. When placing the two first compartments, cut the pegs with boards up to the middle, as then from above it will be more convenient to the design to attach the doors.
  5. In the process of registration of the third compartment, we bring one small board, this department will be the largest with one massive door.
  6. Install the crossbars for the formation of partitions, rear and end part.
  7. Attach the doors, they will perform the function of the lid. Install two small and one big door on the front of the box.

Wooden box will not decelerate, becoming part of the compost, if you pre-process the boards. Choose in the store non-toxic impregnation, which will protect wood from moisture and insects.

No matter how much a compost pit should stand and for what time humus will be formed, do not forget to paint the wooden boards.

Cover the surface of paint in two layers. Choose the color in your own preference, the main thing that it fits perfectly into the landscape. At the final stage, install spivelights and handles.

If you are lost in guess, is it necessary for the bottom of the compost box, but you want to install a construction for several years, then think over a concrete bottom or make it out of plastic. From above, unail the concrete drainage so that the process of the formation of humus passed as high quality.


Budget and at the same time this option is considered simple in the manufacture. If you have old tires in the house, then feel free to make the facilitation. When preparing a design, use 4-6 tires. Before making a compost pit, do it yourself cut the inner diameter of tires to increase the size of the future design.

Install the tires on each other and in the middle of the design, pour already prepared waste, then put the reinforcement in the center (2-3 units) with its help sometimes move the layers so that oxygen flows to the lower layers of humus. To the autumn onset, the whole design will be filled. Leave the compost to spring in a tire cylinder. In the spring, the contents will fall, and you can remove the tires, removing the ready humus. After that, repeat the procedure for the construction of a compost pit.

Compost with your own hands: manufacturer options

It will be much easier to count on high-quality humus, if not only prepare the right design, but also learn to sort waste. Get a high-class fertilizer will succeed in such organic waste as:

  • fractured fruits and vegetables;
  • needles, straw, leaves, branches and roots of trees and plants;
  • coffee mood and welding;
  • manure;
  • small pieces of paper and newspapers.

It is important to deal not only in the fact that you can throw into a compost pit, but and what waste is not suitable for the formation of humus. This category includes such products:

  • tomatoes and potatoes;
  • bones;
  • trees treated with chemicals;
  • domestic animals, dangerous insects (beetles);
  • synthetic waste;
  • coal ash.

Thanks to the arrangement of the compost pit, you can count on free and fully natural fertilizer. Pick the type of construction, given your budget and capabilities.

Wooden Pedones Composette - Video

If you got a bad land on the site, on which nothing wants to grow, take it in enrichment. Bring the black soil is the easiest way, but it is not always possible to get it, especially in the city trait. To make plenty of chemistry is also unprofitable: ultimately you will consume it yourself. One thing remains: make the nutrient soil themselves. Or rather - learn how to prepare a useful compost. These only do not know people are afraid of compost pits, as they think that they are publishing a stench, which spoil the air on the whole site. In fact, the compost does not smell, if it is competently lay and maintain the activity of bacteria. How to deal with more details.

So, the first thing is picking up on the site a convenient place for the compost pits. As a rule, it is removed by the territory on the backyards of the garden, behind the nozzles, where the appearance of the heap of waste will not spoil the common landscape. The only nuance: look during abundant rains where water flows. It should not run towards the well (if any), otherwise there may be products of waste rotting, which will affect the quality and taste of water.

Options for arrangement Two: You can dig a deep hole and put the raw materials for compost into it, or knock off a wide drawer with a removable wall for ease of use.

Yama creation technology

The deep pit is more convenient that all vegetable raw materials hide in the ground and will not cut the eye, but the compost in it is preparing longer, and it is more complicated to mix it. If you still suit you only such an option, arrange a hole correctly, because for normal decomposition, the organic is needed oxygen and ventilation. And the dense earth walls and the bottom of any air will miss. Therefore, the pit is digging as follows:

  • Remove the soil no more than meters deep, the meter is three in length and one and a half in width.
  • From the walls of the pits, 20 cm are retreating on each side and knock down a wooden box, in the corners of 4 columns and navigating a plate.
  • There is about 5 cm between the planks, so that all the compost layers are ventilated.
  • Make a pit into two equal parts with a wooden shield to fill only one half.
  • The bottom is thrown by thick branches of trees, bark, sweetheart and straw (you will find). It will be a drainage, removing excess moisture and helping the compost to be ventilated from below. The height of the drainage layer is 10-15 cm.

Vegetable waste is stored in one part of the compost pocket, but for the season they reck out several times from one half to another to saturate a bunch of oxygen.

A pit can be half in the ground, and not completely plug in full, then it will be easier for you to turn the contents and air access improves

The second option of bookmarking the compost is in a box of an unpainted tree (or factory from plastic). In appearance, it is absolutely identical to conventional boxes, only more several times. When creating a frame, do not forget to leave the slots between the planks and one side to make a removable to make it easier to lay and mix the raw materials. Alternatively, you can hang the door.

The plastic composter has below the perforated doors on each side, through which the content is carried out, but the waste will have to be moisturized

Since usually such structures are made for a long year, the floor can be concreted, and the drainage (such as in the pit) can be used. Some owners put on the bottom of wooden or plastic shields. True, over time, the tree will be unusable, but there is nothing eternal.

Now it remains to fill the prepared place in the right raw material, which overloads to high-quality compost.

Two rooms located nearby boxes are convenient because you can transfer waste to air from one to another without clogging the nearby territory

Features of the proper layout laying

So that your bunch successfully overtakes and for the new season turned into a nutrient soil, it is necessary to throw in compost only vegetable waste: leaves, beveled grass, remnants of root and fruits, turf, weeds, finely chopped branches of trees and shrubs.

Laying in a compost waste from your own garden, you thus solve the problem of the export of vegetable garbage and get fresh, high-quality soil

To make the composition of the compost even more nutritious, lay everything in it that did not eat: the remains of soups, coffee thick, chasing, yesterday's salad, etc. In a word, put in the house next to the garbage bucket another container for vegetable waste, and You will be surprised how quickly it will be filled. It is suitable for compost old cardboard boxes, newspapers (black and white), worn out products from natural materials (cotton, wool).

Unwanted ingredients

Now let's stop at harmful, from the point of view of experienced gardens, waste. It is categorically imposed in compost residual products of animal products: dead birds and animals, old fat, fats, intestines, spoiled milk, sour cream, etc. All this is starting to exhibit an unpleasant smell and attracted a bunch of harmful insects, neighboring dogs, cats and raven . In addition, putrid processes in animal remains leak slower than in plant, and your compost will not have time to mature for the next season.

But with the sea inhabitants, summer residents did not decide. Some do not add them to not attract to the pile of animals, but others are happy to throw everything that remains when cleaning the fish (head, scales, inside), motivating this in the way they contain a valuable phosphorus for plants. Only it is necessary to burst into a bunch of such waste so that the smell does not teach cats.

Indeed, fish feeders are useful. Therefore, everyone who sorry to throw out a valuable product, we advise: do not lay them out into compost, but buried right under the trees, in the nearvatricular circles. Just plucked the hole. Thus, you and the garden adopt, and stray animals do not attract.

If you choose a compost box with a revealing roof, then feel free to lay inside the fish waste, because the animals will not climb into such a container

It is impossible to lay plastic, glass, metal objects, rubber, water from styricas, etc. They are harmful for soil. Do not bring benefits and all paper products on laminated or with color drawings. Too many paints and chemicals are present in it.

An undesirable ingredient in the compost is the tops of tomatoes and potatoes. Under the fall, she is all amazed by the phytoofluoro, and the disputes of this disease are transferred to a compost to healthy plants.

Do not lay in compost and weed plants with the flowering and completed flowering period. For example, if the dandelion managed to form a flower, the seeds would still divert, even if it is torn and placed in a bunch. So try to raise weeds before the appearance of floral kidney.

If there is nowhere to do the Bottva of Pacinal and major weeds who have managed to develop, - spread them on a solid basis (concrete, linoleum) near the compost pits and let dry. Then threw all the vegetation into the iron barrel and adjust. All burns, together with diseases and seeds. The useful ash will remain. Her and enter your compost bunch.

How to lay waste into compost?

So that waste decompose quickly, the moisture is needed, oxygen and accelerators of rotary processes. We provide moisture yourself, watered a lot of bunch in those periods when the heat is standing on the street. Oxygen will penetrate the inside of the compost actively if you spread the layers of raw materials correctly. So, dry waste (potato cleaning, straw, hay, fallen leaves, husk, etc.) It is necessary to alternate with green (tops, fresh grass, rotting vegetables and fruits), soft with solid to avoid unnecessary seals. It is very important that compost is preparing from brown and green components made in equal shares. Fresh waste is the main source of nitrogen necessary to all plants. Brown (i.e. dry) perform the role of a layer that does not give a compost. They are considered a kind of fiber, which makes the soil of air and easier.

Try to put green and brown waste in equal proportions, as an excess of greenery will lead to a seal, and excess of dry raw materials will squint from a nitrogen compost

If you need compost for next spring - add accelerators of decomposition processes into it. This can be bought in the garden store concentrates that need to dissolve warm water and activate the work of the beneficial bacteria contained in the preparation.

An excellent accelerator performs fresh manure (horse or cow). A couple of cakes are found on the field, bred them in a bucket with water and give a day two stand. Then the finished solution is poured into the compost and stirred the contents of the heap. If this good near your cottage is not - finely cut the leaves of dandelion, nettle, leguminous crops, pour the bucket of warm water and put in the sun. Through the day 4, the mixture will begin to wander. That's how to pour it into compost.

To avoid the weathered of nitrogen, the compost pile is covered with a nonwoven material or a film of black. In the closed form, rotting is faster, and the sign of this will be active heat release. Inside the compost, the temperature should be at least 60 degrees.

Capture the Wooden Box with the bottom to the back extremely undesirable, after all, thereby you block the way oxygen, and the quality of the finished compost will be much worse

Over the season, the bunch is shuffled 3-4 times to ensure the uniformity of rotting all the layers. By the spring, plant waste will turn into a rich loose soil with the smell of the Earth, which can be made under the trees, mulch with strawberries or stirred from garden earth to improve its composition.

The compost pit is a place where organic waste is disposed of. All garden garbage here decomposes under the influence of microorganisms. Later it becomes the basis for organic fertilizers. how make a compost pit with your hands Considered in this article.

Such heaps are in some way there is on each preservation site. These are ordinary heaps in which the garbage is dropped. But such a garbage can be turned into a valuable fertilizer. To do this, you need to construct the pits correctly or make special boxes. In this case, you can increase the amount of valuable fertilizer and the speed of its creation.

Make a compost hole correctly enough, using braid tools and building materials that will be found. in the country and any household plot.

Principles of the device of the compost pit

Why do these pits and which benefit from them? In such wells, optimal conditions are created for the vital activity of microorganisms, bacteria and worms, which contribute to the speedy formation of compost and increase its formation. These organisms live in the presence of certain conditions:

  • sufficient humidity;
  • elevated temperature;
  • sufficient amount of oxygen.

What you need that all the above conditions are respected.

  • The required volume of compost structures should be at least 1 cubic meters. This will allow to maintain a high temperature stable.
  • The gaps on the sides of the design are made for the regular flow of oxygen into the internal layers of the compost heap.
  • From above, the lid should be removable, so that the moisture can come in sufficient quantity.
  • The bottom of the facility should stand on the ground so that worms and bacteria can be made inside.
  • The front wall should be removable or discarded that the prepared compost can be removed.

Watch the video! Production of a compotener

For the manufacture of a compost pits, you can use those materials that are found on the country area: slate residues, professional flooring, boards, mesh or car tires. It is possible to build a pit with more durable materials, for example, to drive out of the brick. Special plastic or metal structures are also sold, they are easier to install and transport.

Important! The compost yam must be set at least 20 meters from drinking water sources. It is not permissible that water from the pit flows towards the well or pool.

Choosing a place for a compost pit

The compost yam should not be a source of groundwater infection. No need to make a pit in places where water is stared.

What you need to remember, choosing a place for the pit:

  • 20 meters to the places where drinking water accumulates. These are wells, wells, ponds. It is necessary to trace the rainwater in their direction from the compost pocket.
  • 10 meters to residential buildings. We must take into account the construction of neighbors. Be sure to keep track of the direction of the wind so that the unpleasant smell does not doubt the rest. An excellent location option will be the far corner of the garden, so that the pit does not interfere with and not rushing into the eyes.
  • Observe the distance from trees and shrubs so that they do not eat the products of rotting, which will fall into groundwater. It can damage the landings themselves, and fruits.
  • A good place will be the half. The bright sun will be too overwhelming the contents, it will have to constantly moisturize.
  • To not spoil the external impression, the pit is installed in an inconspicuous place. It would be nice to pave a path to her so that you can bring filling in the pit on a wheelbarrow.

Tip!A compost hole, if you wish, you can decorate. Plant curly flowers or put a fence.

Making a compost pit with your own hands

For the manufacture of the compost pits with their own hands, sweeters and materials that will be found in most courtyards are used. A good design will last long, helping to turn garbage and waste into fertilizers that will be useful to plants. There are several types of facilities, consider the design of each of them and the manufacturer's options.

Compost yam in soil

To create a compost yam in the ground it is necessary:

  1. Clean the right place.
  2. Remove the top layer of the soil of arbitrary length, 1.5 m wide.
  3. To deepen 0.5m.
  4. Pouring a sand pillow so that excess water is given off the bottom.
  • Cropped branches (for drainage and aeration heaps);
  • Grass;
  • Dry leaves;
  • Sawdust;
  • Food waste;
  • Manure;
  • Weeds.

Between the layers it is necessary to sprinkle the earth or peat and shed water. If you need to speed up the process, before you put all the contents, it can be chopped by a shovel.

A bunch should rise to a maximum of meter from the ground, its total height will succeed in 1.5m. From above you need to cover with something, can be slate. When the street is very high, it is necessary to water water.

In just two seasons, all the heap turns into fertilizer in the most common conditions. This method is the most economical and simple.
Additionally, it is possible to apply EM drugs. In order to recycle waste from microorganisms in the pit, the temperature is +4 degrees.

Compost pit

The board makes a compost box for ease of operation and accelerate the disposal process. Size 1 * 1.5m is the most convenient and suitable for these purposes.

Phased design of the construction of boards:

  • Definition of place.
  • Marking.
  • Removing the upper layer of narrow 10 cm thick.
  • In the corners it is necessary to wear copper pipes, insert bars that will serve as supports. If necessary, they must be left.
  • Wood materials that will be used are recommended to be treated with protective equipment. During rotation, substances that damage the boards are distinguished.
  • You need to choose boards at stronger and fix them with self-draws. Between the boards leave the distance to 5cm, so that the air was able to pass in a bunch.
  • Below leaves a distance of approximately 30cm, so that you can choose ready-made fertilizers, and new ones will be reported.
  • As an alternative to boards, building pallets use. They can be combined with each other or disassembled separate boards, from which the box is built.
  • It must be taken care of that the pit was covered from abundant precipitation and bright sun. To do this, you can make a comfortable lid on which to adjust the handle. Fasten it will be comfortable on the back wall.

Laying the contents are necessary through the top, and the finished fertilizer is already available below. The order remains the same as when booking pit in Earth.


One of the positive properties of slate is its strength. The material will not suffer from the rotation of the content. You can choose as convenient or in stock.

It can be even, and sheet option.
How to make a composter:

  • Make marking and deepen the sheets prepared in advance. From the outside, they are fixed with a tree or metal crate.
  • A more durable option will be used in the corners of in-depth metal pipes to which the frames from bars are fixed and weathered with slate.

If there are wooden parts, they are covered with special means, so that they are not rotten under the influence of content. The lid can be made of plywood or boards. In such a device, the front wall is given lower than the remaining 2 times. You can also use a film or shelter material, because they are very convenient to fix on solid bases.

Space Pit from Profile

There is one plus to use professional flooring for making a compost box - you can choose a material that is not afraid of corrosion.

How to do the design:

  • Select locations and make the basis. You can use metal or wood.
  • In size, the sheets can be adjusted and the size of the box. In it, if desired, you can build several sections.
  • The base is made according to the same principle as in a wooden box.
  • Professional flooring fixed from the outside, used for this self-tapping screw with gaps of 3-5 cm.
  • The top is made of boards or plywood. You can cover the frame of the protective composition to extend its service life.

Tip! In the warm season, the metal is very hot, so it is necessary to monitor the moisture level in the content.

Metal Mesh Computer Basket

Capacity for waste can also be made of metal mesh. Then it is necessary to make it in the form of a cylinder. The undoubted advantages of such a design that air is well falling into it, the contents are ventilated, and does not rot. These designs are simple in the manufacture, light, can be transported and gathering.


  • The grid must be the necessary length and with a reserve of 20 cm for the right.
  • Film or garden textile must be the same size.
  • Cropped mesh can be wire, inside put textiles or film.
  • So that the design has been more stable, it is strengthened with bars from the outside. Sometimes they are cheered.
  • The edges of the material that lies at the bottom, from the outside by the simple stationery clamps.

To simplify the task, you can use garbage huge packages. You can use special bags that are sold in stores for gardeners. Fill over the same general principle, starting from the branches.


Such a pit has a number of advantages:

  • its walls will support the required temperature for a long time;
  • no environmental impacts are terrible;
  • it is not afraid of excessive moisture or sun.

If you make such a pit with several departments, then use will be much more convenient and practical. For example, in one compost compost from one season, in another from the next, and in the third - the finished fertilizer.


  • The pit must have a ratio of 1.5 m * 3.5m already in the finished form. The depth of 70cm will be comfortable.
  • It is necessary to make a formwork, setting up the distance to the edges of the pit about 15 cm. You can use a paneur or boards.
  • Walls of the finished design should be higher than the level of the ground by 40 cm.
  • The iron mesh is installed inside and poured concrete.
  • To make concrete requires cement, screening and crushed stone in the proportion of 1 * 3 * 3.
  • You can catch a shovel or reinforcement, so that there are no emptiness in the walls.
  • Clean the formwork when concrete hardens to the end, approximately 14 days later.
  • A special material for coating or wood can be used as a cover.

It is worth remembering that when using pit from concrete, the process is not very fast. To speed it up, you can purchase special means and manually add raindrops.


There are no special tricks in the design of the compost pit. Materials that are used are on any garden or dacha.
The benefits of compost pits are that household and home waste will be disposed of in it.
When the compost pit is arranged correctly, a fertilizer is formed in it, which does not contain any harmful substances, it is environmentally friendly. Its use will increase yield. Rational use and economic approach will help reduce material costs and improve environmental situation.
To achieve a better result in the manufacture of a compost pit or box, you can use tips from the article, get acquainted with the photo and video of the manufacture.

Watch the video! How to make a compost yam with your own hands

5 minutes will take reading

Compost is a faithful assistant gardener in the care of plants and improving the properties of the soil. It is used to improve the quality of the soil, and both fertilizer, and for mulching. Prepare compost with your own hands on your dacha does not require special efforts and large material costs. To do this, just need to choose and equip a suitable place where you can compost herbs and other organic waste. Consider how to make a compost bunch and correctly use it.

Rules for the location of the compost

Before making a compost yam, it is necessary to choose the right area in the country where your organic fertilizer will be angry. For this, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • so that the composting waste does not fall into drinking water, the bunch is arranged no closer than 30 meters from the sources - wells, wells, streams and other water bodies;
  • if there is a bias on the household plot, the pit is placed below the level of water sources;

  • a bunch is arranged away from residential buildings, while the prevailing winds are taken into account, so that the smell of composting grass does not bring inconvenience to you nor neighbors in the country;
  • fertilizer is undesirable to leave under the open sun - in such conditions, the processes of the decomposition of organic substances slow down either stop at all, so the pit is better to arrange in the shade.

Important! It is necessary to provide free access to the pit so that nothing bother to lay waste and export a compost on the wheelbarrow.

Device of compost yama

Universal dimensions for compost heap are:

  • width - 1.5 m;
  • length - 2 m;
  • height above the level of soil - 1.5 m;
  • depth - 0.5 m.

The design is made both open and closed type.

1. For the most ordinary compost pile of open type, a small depth of a pit is digging. Walls are folded by slate. The bottom of the Poam is not necessary, through it to the compost there should be free access to worms and microorganisms that contribute to fermentation. On the bottom are laid by foliage, herbs and other organic waste. To prevent the spread of the smell, is covered with tarpaulo.

Open construction

2. The closed pit involves a more complex design. On the perimeter, the pit is arranged wooden or concrete frame. The tree is pre-treated with the compositions that will prevent the rotation of the material. The frame is trimmed with a timber, boards, or a brick. It is more convenient to make a facility with a scope lid, which is attached to the loop to one of the sides.

Closed option

Filling a compost yama

The compost pit can be filling out gradually, as organic residues accumulate. But if your goal is the most rapid fertilization of the site, then it is better to fill it immediately. For this, not only herbs are suitable, but also other waste, which often appear in the country.
The optimal is the following compost layout scheme:

  1. the lowest layer is formed from spoken branches or large sawdust, roots and bark of trees, there can also be fond of foliage and needles;
  2. the next layer is filled with vegetable residues - unsuitable with raw vegetables and berries, grass, straw, you can also put chopped paper and cardboard;
  3. the third layer forms a reworked manure of herbal animals or bird litter. You can add an ammonia nitrate.

Reference. When filling the compost pit, the composition of the soil of your site is taken into account. If the soil is acidic, wood ash adds there.

The second and third layer alternate until the pit fill in full.

Scheme of the device of a compost heap

As the residues decompose, all contents periodically shock.
Not all plant residues are allowed to let into compost.

  1. It is unacceptable to go there wear grass with seeds or infected with phytoofluorois and other fungal diseases of vegetables. Together with the compost, they will move to the site and will continue their destructive impact among healthy crops.
  2. Cannot be thrown into compost and meat waste, insects, polyethylene and other synthetics, as well as plants treated with chemicals.

Watering a compost pile

Compost fertilizer must be water. The level of humidity should be sufficient to effectively function by microorganisms that contribute to the formation of useful organic elements.
Watering is carried out with warm water. After moisturizing, a bunch is covered with a film for the formation of a greenhouse effect. For a quick decomposition, a glass of sugar is added to the fertilizer, diluted in warm water with yeast. This will increase the ripening speed of the compost several times.

Balance of components

The ripening process is accompanied by heat release. It is easy to check when the owner mans compost. In the center the temperature reaches + 60 ... + 70 ° C. If the content is cold to the touch, add more nitrous components - grain, bread products, rotting fruits and vegetables, reworked manure.

Another scheme of a compost heap device

Ideally, the compost should prepare from an equal number of nitrogenous and carbon materials. The latter contribute to greater breathability. These include: straw, grass, sawdust, paper, chopped cardboard.

The better the quality of the soil is, the richer will be a crop grown on this earth. But it happens that the initial data is not too good, and it has to fertilize the soil. To do this, you can use various fertilizers, but it is best to make a compost pit that will become a source of ecologically clean material. Consider how the compost yam should be made with your own hands: the manufacturer's options and suitable materials for this purpose.

In order to understand how to make a compost yam correctly, first of all it is necessary to deal with what is used for which it. Typically, the compost yam is used to dispose of organic waste, which as a result of the rotation process turn into an organic fertilizer. There are plenty of design options and each owner can only choose the most suitable option.

The compost pile with the utilization of bevelled grass and fallen leaves is perfect. Under the influence of time, moisture and microorganisms, all this turns into fertilizer, which can be used to grow any types of cultures both in the gardens and in the garden.

Make a compost bunch of organic fertilizers with your own hands is quite simple, especially since there are many ideas for self-implementing that can be used as a basis. You can independently make a pit for compost using pallets that are usually used for the transportation and storage of building materials. They can be bought at a fairly low price, or it is possible, just to find on your own site.

How to make a compost yam in the country: the choice of location

Speaking about the arrangement of the compost heap, it is impossible not to say about the importance of its correct location. First of all, the design should be sufficiently removed from residential buildings. In addition, the place of its installation should be well blown in the wind to avoid air stagnation and the concentration of an unpleasant odor emanating from it. In addition, it is necessary to access the compost that the process of adding raw materials or seizures of the finished fertilizer should be as comfortable as possible.

Helpful advice! In order for the rotation process to flow faster, it is recommended to carry out periodic stirring of the layers inside the heap. Therefore, at the stage of layout and arrangement, it is worth consider how it can be carried out.

In addition, the following selection criteria should be taken into account, suitable for the site compost pit:

  • the selected place should be located at a fairly large distance from any sources of drinking water, such as well or well. The distance between these objects should be at least 25 m;
  • if the site is not exactly, but under a slope, then the compost yam is needed below the water level (preferably at all at the lowest point of the site). This will prevent rotting and clean water from entering;
  • in advance, you should ask the most frequent direction of the wind, as the pit often becomes a source of quite strong and unpleasant odor, and can cause discomfort both to you and your neighbors;
  • it is worth careful in order to the pit to be not only a free approach, but also a sufficient place to be able to bring waste or remove the prepared compost with a wheelbarrow.

Helpful advice! For the compost pits it is desirable to choose a shaded place, since the sun's rays negatively affect the rotation process, significantly slowing the composting process.

What can and what can not be put in the compost

In order for the fertilizer obtained as a result of rotation, it was high-quality and brought plants to benefit, and not harm, each dacket must be familiar with the list of those products that may or cannot be added to the compost. So, for composting is perfectly suitable:

  • grass, weeds, leaves, hay, straw, etc
  • berries, fruits and any purification from them (in raw form);
  • waste from wood products that were not painted;
  • paper products (napkins, bags, cardboard) in crushed form;
  • waste as a result of cooking tea, coffee or cereals;
  • branches and roots of trees after grinding;
  • needles;
  • manure of herbal animals (only two-year);
  • wood ash.

Important! The percentage of content in the cleaning compost from products such as potatoes and tomatoes should not exceed 15-20%.

  • any plants that were amazed by pests;
  • plants that were subjected to diseases by type of mildew, phytoofluorosis, etc.;
  • domestic excrement, as they can be infected with helminth eggs;
  • bones and residues from meat products. They provoke an extremely unpleasant smell, as well as become food for rats;
  • inorganic waste - plastic, rubber, synthetic fabrics and metal;
  • plants that have been treated with herbicides;
  • cabbage residues, the rotting of which provokes an extremely strong and unpleasant smell.

As for the composting of weeds, the specialists recommend to put them in a separate bunch, which is covered with a film from above. Thus, the risk that plants will come up again, is excluded and it is possible to count on their death with one hundred percent probability.

If we add weeds into a common bunch, then often faced with the fact that perennial plants are coming up, especially if the humidity is high enough as a result of regular irrigation or rains.

Important! To accelerate the waste rotation process, it is recommended to pre-expose them. This is especially true of elements such as branches, roots and paper products.

Having understood that it is possible to put into the compost yam, and what can not, it remains only to familiarize himself with the rules of waste management to provide them as efficiently efficient. Moreover, the duration of the period, during which the compost will be formed, directly depends on the correctness of the departing:

  • humidity is the most important indicator that affects rotting waste and compost formation. In order to maintain the desired level, it is recommended to periodically water a bunch of watering. It is important that in the end it turned out wet, but not wet, since the abundance of water will adversely affect the viability and activity of bacteria;
  • once a month you need to thoroughly turn a bunch, thus providing oxygen access. This allows waste not so much to rot as to abandon. At the same time, if there is no possibility of all overhaul, you can use the forks and pierce a bunch in as many places as possible;
  • to speed up the compost ripening process, the addition of nitrogen is required, which in large quantities is contained in the green parts of plants, as well as in the dung.

The formation of high-quality compost usually takes 1-1.5 years. During this time, almost any waste and residues are fully decomposed. On the availability of compost, you can find visually and smell. The finished mixture is the crumbly mass of brown and has the smell of forest land.

Compost pit: what it is and for what it needs

The issue of applying compost is one of the most popular. After all, not every dachnik knows how and why use the mixture obtained, and how large its benefits. In fact, it is possible to fertilize the soil with a compost for any plants. It is best to react to a similar feeder cucumbers, pepper, zucchini and pumpkin. The result can be seen already in the nearest harvest season - fruits grow large sizes, have bright and rich color, taste and fragrance are well expressed.

But there are plants that compost is not as useful. For example, roots, tomatoes, melons and watermelons should not be abused in such a way, as this leads to the fact that the crop decreases, and the amount of green mass on the contrary increases.

It reacts well to the compost strawberries, especially if it is pre-cutting it down "under the root" and put the semi-folding composition. Then everyone needs to be poured, and will only wait for the new fresh foliage, as well as a rich harvest next season.

Compost Human Hands: Manufacturing and Design Requirements

In order to correctly build a compost pit, it is necessary to understand how the compost bunch should be arranged. Making options with your own hands, but first of all it is worth paying attention to what it should be from three parts. In this case, you need to install 8 support columns, each of which is necessarily processed by a protective agent.

Helpful advice! Machine oil, fuel oil, or even dispatch can be used as a protective composition for columns.

As a fence of one of the parties, you can use a fencecloth, and the boards are better suitable for the rest. Of these, partitions are constructed, in which the ventilation holes are left. This contributes to the flow of rotting. Also, the door is also installed, which allows access to the compost.

The device of the compost pits in the country has its own hands to ensure the proper ventilation level and at the same time sewn content from precipitation. So, the compost bunch did not turn into a swamp, for the time of precipitation it is necessary to cover with a special lid suitable size. And if the weather conditions are not too severe, it is quite acceptable to use for this purpose and polyethylene film.

Another option is the use of building pallets that are previously dealt. Using a circular machine, boards can be divided into separate items, and then collect the appropriate design of them. At the same time, the attachment of the boards is better to produce vertically. Front board can be fixed with adhesive composition. To give such a design stability, it is necessary to use the construction level and firing the bottom planks.

It is also important that the height of the walls of the homemade composter would be such to add, lean and remove the compost was convenient for a person of any growth.

Interesting! You can pay attention to the designs of the compost pits made through Finnish technology. In this case, interest are some structural features, for example, when you extract the humus from one compartment, it is automatically filled with the raw material from the neighboring.

Compost Human Hands: Production Options, Photo Examples

The type of compost pits is determined on the basis of several factors. One of them is the installation method. Consider all existing options:

  • aid of a certain place to organize a compost pit. In this case, it is initially prepared by a pitual, which is very similar to the well, but it has a smaller depth. The walls of the pita are additionally strengthened to prevent the soil sanding and be squeezed with an indent of 20-25 cm from the bottom. This distance is necessary in order to provide a microorganism free access to waste;
  • another option is to install on the garden plot of a special container intended for collecting waste and their processing into compost. This method allows you to get a finished product at any time. The basis of such a structure is based on a formwork, as well as a special box made of boards. When implementing this option, it is extremely important to pay due attention to the organization of ventilation;
  • a compost pile with your own hands is the easiest way to solve the problem. To do this, it is enough to make a substrate consisting of sand, gravel and dry grass. Top simply laid waste, which over time will begin to chant.

Article on the topic:

Detailed construction of structures: soil preparation, framework, installation and filling.

You can make a compost drawer with your own hands using a variety of different technologies and instructions. The proposed structures may distinguish materials that are required for work, dimensions, properties and convenience of operation.

Helpful advice! Regardless of the type of the selected design, before starting laying the raw material inside the design, it is necessary to carry out a thorough breakage of the bottom and the installation of the ventilation holes.

Computer box with your own hands: manufacturers and instructions

Before making a compost yam with your own hands, it is desirable to consider as many options as possible and designs that can be used for this purpose. Let us examine in detail the instructions for the manufacture of the most popular boxes made from various materials.

Garden compost box: Mounting and operation features

A garden composter may well be represented as a large drawer divided into several sections. Typically, two or three compartments are made, but the specialists strongly recommend to stop at three sections, as each of them has its own purpose: the first serves to lay the waste, the second is designed to ripe the waste, and in the third it is stored ready compost.

Depending on the individual wishes of the owner, the composter can be stationary or mobile (moving on the wheels). In this case, the recommended height of the box should not exceed 1 meter, and the size of each section should be about 1-1.5 meters.

Important! All wooden elements must be treated with a special protective composition designed to provide material to reliable protection against malicious insects, as well as moisture effects.

To make a compost box with your own hands, you need to follow the following procedure:

  1. 8 wooden bars are laid in the ground;
  2. With the help of boards, also pre-opened by the protective composition, partitions are constructed. To do this, they are attached to the supports at some distance from each other.
  3. In front of the front, two compartments must be trimmed only until the middle, and only one bottom board is nourished to the third. For the first two tops are mounted doors.
  4. The rear and end parts are completely trimmed.
  5. The whole design is covered with two layers of moisture-resistant paint.
  6. At the end, pens, spivenets and so on.

At the bottom of this box, a drainage must be laid, which can consist, for example, from dry trees. Immediately after that, you can move directly to the Waste tab inside the design.

How to make a compost yam in the country using wooden boards

The compost pit is an excellent solution, if necessary, do not spoil the appearance of the site with a type of heaps with waste. Forming fertilizer in such a design proceeds noticeably longer, and in order for the process to be as correct and effectively, it is important to take care of the right arrangement and access the desired amount of oxygen.

Procedure for conducting work:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to drain the compost yam, the width of which will be 1.5 m, length is 2 m, and the depth of about 1 meter.
  2. In the corners you need to wear wooden bars, observing the indentation from the walls of 20 cm on each side.
  3. With a step of 5 cm, boards are attached to these columns.
  4. The resulting drawer is divided into two parts using a wooden panel.

The bottom of the compost jama is filled with a decade-cated layer of wood bark, branches and straw. Such a mixture will take on the role of drainage, which will allow you to remove the extra moisture and additionally ventilate the raw materials.

Initially, the waste should be filled only one of the offices. Then, when one is filled with half, the compost must be shifted into the second compartment. This procedure will make it possible to maximize it with oxygen.

Important! The bottom and sides of the composter do not need to cover with nothing that the earthen worms can enter inside, which take an active part in the process of waste recycling.

How to make a slate compost box

Slate is a durable material that is excellent for creating a design intended for collecting and processing organic waste into compost. The procedure for creating a suitable design consists of several stages:

  • choosing a suitable place and measuring measurements to identify the appropriate size of the pit;
  • according to the marks, it is not too much deepening, in the corners of which supports are installed, as boards or metal pipes can be used;
  • on the perimeter of the pit, slate sheets are installed;
  • using the same sheets, the resulting container is divided into several parts (two or three).

The use of such a design is carried out according to all the same recommendations that are also provided for compost pits made of wood.

How to make a compost pit from concrete

If you pay the process of arranging the compost hole a little more time and attention, then as a result, it can listen to several decades without any problems. To do this, it is enough to conclude it. This can be done as follows:

  • it is necessary to escape a hole with a depth of about 80 cm, 2 m wide and a length of 3 m;
  • make a formwork inside the pit;
  • then you need to prepare a solution consisting of sand, gravel and cement. To do this, it is necessary to pour 5 liters of water in the bucket and add 5 kg of sand and cement to it in such a way that the ratio of dry components was 3: 1;
  • the resulting solution is poured into the formwork;
  • using wooden boards and chain grid (metallic frame is suitable), the lid is constructed for the pit.

It is very important that in case of using boards for mounting the cover, the distance required for normal ventilation remains between the elements.

Compost Pit on Finnish Technology: Construction Mounting Secrets

The main requirement for designs made on Finnish technology is compliance with certain sizes. The height and width of the box must necessarily be the same and draw up 1 m. It is extremely important because the raw material will simply dry into the raw material, turning into a compost, but in the duch. Large sizes are not allowed for another reason - in this case, there is a risk of combustion of content from too high temperature.

For the manufacture of such a design it is best to use wood. Slate in this case is not too appropriate, because for the designs made of it, a longer period of waste decomposition is characterized. Again, cheap and at the same time quite convenient option - Finnish compost pit from pallets.

Algorithm for assembling a compost pit on Finnish technology:

  1. From pre-treated with antiseptic wood, a frame of the box of the desired size is collected.
  2. Then the finished frame is coated with boards. The boards are tightly placed only on only partitions separating compartments. On the side walls of the board should be arranged with an indent of 1 cm.
  3. The rear wall of the structure is also sewn by boards at a distance of 1 cm.
  4. The bottom of the box is covered using a porch. It is also important to maintain some distance between the elements so that the excess fluid can effectively take place.
  5. At the bottom of the front wall, the design is equipped with a small door, the height of which is usually 30 cm. Fasten it with ordinary door loops.
  6. The roof of the design is made of double, while one of the slopes are attached to the loop so that it simultaneously perform the role of the door, providing the opportunity to fall asleep inward waste.

Interesting! In one box, the size of which 1 × 1 m can be prepared by the amount of compost sufficient to fertilize the land plot of 5-7 acres.

Computer pita-beytaleuette: what is it?

Another special type of compost pit is a dry-looking, which is able to turn into compost and human activity products. It is a design consisting of two containers, the volume of each of which is 80 liters.

The use of this type of dry loose looks as follows: visiting the toilet, you need to turn a special handle that is responsible for supplying a portion of a special mixture consisting of peat and wood sawdust. Thanks to this mechanism, the mixture is distributed evenly and falls asleep the waste inward.

Such a composter is quite possible to use it for recycling not too much a large amount of food waste, just throwing inside and falling asleep with a dry mixture. When the first container is completely filled, it must be pulled off and install in place the second that you can start using the same scheme. At this time, a compute mixture will be fully ready for use in the first container.

Important! Compost obtained in such a composter will be very concentrated. It is necessary to take into account, and before making it in the ground, you need to make a mixture with soil, sand or peat.

Criteria for selecting a finished composter for giving

At the same time, an increasing number of country area owners seek to move away from the use of homemade structures, giving preference to purchased models. Consider what advantages and disadvantages have ready-made designs, and some parameters need to pay special attention before making a purchase.

In most cases, preference is given to simple and convenient composters that can be easily assembled and operated. But since the number of proposals in the modern market is extremely large, it is really difficult to determine the most suitable option. As a guideline, experts recommend using certain criteria, since models can be:

  • collapsible or solid;
  • with temperature sensor;
  • with a special device that allows you to explode content;
  • with a grid instead of the bottom, which provides protection against rodents;
  • various shapes and sizes.

Composters also differ in the material that was used for manufacture. So, the greatest popularity today is plastic, since it has a low weight, which allows you to move it to the site without any problems, and its operation is extremely great. If the design is planned as stationary, then the option of acquiring a metal composter can also be considered. Wooden models can be found on sale, but they are not too common due to a small service life and exposure to external factors.

How to choose and buy a compost yam: Overview of the most popular brands and models

As examples, several composters can be considered, which enjoy the greatest popularity and received many positive feedback from users.

Composter L & T Globe: Features & Characteristics

This model is highly appreciated by the permanent residents of country houses, since it can be used throughout the year, and not every product can boast. The development of L & T Globe was engaged in Finnish specialists who took into account the harsh weather conditions of the local climate. This allows the computer without problems to function even in the most severe winters.

Another advantage of this model is the absence of small and heavy parts, so it is quite simple to operate the device. The working capacity of the capacity is 310 liters, and durable polyethylene was used as material for the manufacture. In order for the system to function and during the cold season, a 15-millimeter layer of thermal insulation was provided, which allows you to maintain an optimal temperature.

Due to the low height of this composter, a person will be able to fill and empty it. Moreover, for even more comfort, the design provides a removable upper part.

Thus, all these structural features allow you to create the most favorable environment for effective waste composting. The microclimate, which is maintained inside the tank, promotes the growth and development of microorganisms that can process waste. The developers did not forget about the ventilation system, which is presented in the form of drainage holes in the bottom of the composter.

Important! The ventilation system of this model can use in two modes: summer / winter. It is important to switch in a timely manner using the shutter specifically provided for this.

Composter Bulbeo: Features and Benefits

This model is the development of Italian specialists, which exists in domestic markets in two modifications differing in size (700 and 900 liters). Initially, this model was intended solely for the processing of plant waste, but, as practice shows, it fully copes with the composting of other organic waste.

This composter refers to collapsible models and consists of separate parts that are elementary are collected and, if necessary, disassemble again. This allows you to rearrange the container from one place to another and even to carry it. Moreover, in a disassembled form, this design takes very little space and will easily fit in the trunk of an ordinary passenger car.

Among the main advantages of this choice note:

  • the ability to get free access to the design from six sides;
  • removing the prepared compost conveniently due to the swing doors;
  • at the site, this model looks quite aesthetically, because the form resembles a blooming bud;
  • a nonsense dark green color allows you to organically enter the design in any landscape design.

As a material for this model, durable plastic is used, which ensures reliable protection of the contents of wind and strong temperature differences. According to developers, the rounded shape of the wall contributes to the aging of the compost.

Of course, there are also ventilation holes that ensure the access of the required amount of oxygen. Each can accumulate this model can easily, because there are no tools or additional fasteners for this. Weigh the finished design of only 19 kg, and its height is 885 mm.

Means for compost pits: Features and advantages

Having understood how to make a compost bunch, many are waiting for that soon they will be able to use a nutritional fertilizer made in it. But the reality is such that the natural aging compost can last up to 2 years. Of course, you can simply gain patience and wait. But you can go and other by purchasing a special means to promote compost maturation and accelerating this process.

Interesting! The issue of using auxiliary substances for those regions of the country, where the warm period is short, is particularly relevant. If the warm weather holds only 2-3 months, then the maturation of the compost has to be reduced by artificially.

So, there are several drugs that are well suited for this purpose and are recommended not only by experts, but also with real users. All of them have different names, but, in general, the principle of their action is the same. As an example, consider the Tamir tool.

Tamir is an extremely complex drug, which includes a whole range of microorganisms, which in the natural environment are responsible for ensuring the decomposition of organic garbage and waste. Due to the large concentration of these bacteria, the composting process occurs at times faster, and after 2-3 weeks there is full maturation.

It is worth noting that the compost obtained in this way is not fully decomposed waste and is somewhat different from the usual consistency. But its final decomposition will occur directly in the ground, which will bring plants even more benefit.

Important! It is believed that the compost obtained as a result of the effects of auxiliary drugs, as a fertilizer, is many times more useful than the one that has been obtained naturally. Therefore, answering a common question if you can use the means for compost pits, the answer is unambiguous - not only possible, but even need.

All means of this type are used according to the following technology:

  • if a bunch is not yet formed, the drug is added on top of each new layer, after which it is all watered with water;
  • in the ready-made heap, it is necessary to make a deepening of all the height in which the drug and water is added.

Other ways to accelerate the ripening of the compost heap

In addition to complex drugs, you can use other ways to stimulate the processing of organic waste and the maturation of the compost in the pit. Consider each of them Read more:

  • use of overwhelmed manure, which is quite capable of replacing biochemical preparations for composting. At the same time, it is forbidden to use fresh manure, as it can become a source of not only eggs of helminths, but also seeds of weeds, causative agents of diseases, etc.;
  • the solution made from ordinary yeast. It will take 1 liter of water and approximately 1 tablespoon of dry yeast. This is added 200 grams of sugar (1 cup). Such a solution is poured into the recesses made in the compost pile;
  • herbal infusion. To improve the effect, it is mixed with chicken litter or dung alive in a ratio of 5: 2. It is important to know that the amount of nitrogen, which is contained in the fresh bird, is much greater than in the manure, and therefore the ratio should be different.

Helpful advice! In order to in the compost bunch of naturally a bird with a regular litter, you can set the feeder over it. This will greatly facilitate and speed up the process.

The methods of acceleration of maturation also include artificial moistening of raw materials, its sporing and other measures designed to create the most comfortable to composting the microclimate.

How to arrange a compost yam in the country with your own hands

Whatever the design is chosen for the manufacture of compost, it is unlikely that its appearance will ultimately be quite attractive. Most likely, looking at the compost pit does not want anyone, so it will be useful to think about how you can use the original design to improve its appearance.

The problem of masking of the compost pit is particularly relevant for small areas, since almost the entire territory is in plain form. Although it happens that even for spacious sections of the hosts use various design strategies to give the compost a more attractive appearance. So, in order to hide such an object, you can use:

  • disguise with plants and alive hedges;
  • artificial decoration equipment and stationary fences.

Works related to the manufacture of artificial fences are necessarily carried out on an open area located at some distance from the location of the compost pits. It is necessary in order to work more convenient and it was possible to move freely, without being discomfort from the smell of a bunch.

The main requirement for such a fence is to hide from the eye of the guests and the owners of the entire platform. That is, the compost pile must be completely hidden behind it, and the appearance of the fence must be as attractive as possible and harmonize with the environment.

Much longer and to some extent it is more difficult for this purpose alive hedges. But they look much more natural and elegant. The main thing is to pay attention to the choice of a suitable plant so that in the end the hedge is not too cumbersome and lush, and did not break the general structure of the site.

Helpful advice! Can be used as a fencing light translucent shirms, seized by lianami. They coped perfectly with the task, and at the same time do not occupy a lot of space, so it is quite suitable for large and for small sites in the area.

The best ideas for decorating the silage pit

As a masking of a place where the compost pile is located, other elements, such as special screens or shirms, can be used. Bamboo fences have proven perfectly. It looks well and plants, if carefully plan them in a row.

At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to shut down a compost yam directly under the fruit trees, as this can lead to their death. Between the compost and plants you need to withstand some distance.

The following methods of design are most popular:

  • located in a row fruit trees and berry shrubs;
  • potionic gardens placed on several levels to hide the entire design of the whole;
  • installing an object of small architecture: a gazebo or fenced barbecue (of course, in this case it is worth taking care that there is no unpleasant extinguishing waste from the extent);
  • flower beds with high plants;
  • support wall.

Separately, it is worth noting the campaign of the compost pouch in the event that a plastic container was used for them. In this case, it is not necessary to fully mask it. You can use it as a decoration of the site, stuck in a bright color and putting around beautiful flowers. You can draw any drawing on such a container, thus giving it originality.

The easiest way to work with small compost pits, which can be hidden by abundance of colors or even shrubs. By the way, the compost courtyard is an excellent place for experiments related to the cultivation of new varieties of annual plants.

You can clearly see how the composters are made and draw up for giving with their own hands, while looking at the training lessons and detailed instructions. It is enough to determine which design is best suited in a particular case, as well as take into account your own individual requirements and wishes. And in the rest, no problems will arise, since the options of the compost holes do their own hands as much as already ready models.

How to make a compost yam with your own hands: video instructions