Lilies in landscape design: the secrets of proper composition. How to plant roses and lilies in one flower bed How to make a beautiful flower bed of lilies

What can be more majestic than a luxurious lily in the landscape design of the garden. The shape and appearance of the flower, as well as the amazing delicate aroma, make this plant truly royal. Today, there are several dozen varieties of lilies. And each of them experienced gardeners find a place in their gardens. Do not be upset if you are not knowledgeable people who understand the types and varieties of flora. Lilies are so decorative and spectacular that they can be used in any landscape design. This flower will allow you to beautifully decorate any flower bed and decorate the local area in an original way.

We equip lily beds

Creating a unique landscape design, it is necessary to ensure that the result is a harmonious picture, subject to aesthetic perception. In order for the lily flower bed in the photo to turn out great, planting these flowers, you should clearly imagine how each seedling will be located. Moreover, you need to know how lilies will feel surrounded by other flowers, shrubs and trees. Important is the combination of decorative elements with a flower garden.

Even if you visit what this plant variety looks like in its adult form, try to find out all possible information. The fact is that each variety of lilies has individual botanical and decorative features. They must be taken into account in the process of creating a flower garden. The most striking indicators of each plant are:

  • stem height,
  • inflorescence color,
  • flowering time and characteristic features of care.

Lily beds can include different varieties of the same plant that form groups. The group may include single and multicolor lilies, tall and short, differing in flowering time. Moreover, seedlings can be planted in tiers. For example, the foreground is planted with undersized lilies, the flowering time of which will fall in mid-spring. Next, we have medium-sized samples that begin to bloom immediately after the first tier, and finish the composition with tall flowers.

We combine flowers

A flower garden of lilies and peonies will look great in the garden. Peonies bloom much earlier than lilies. Moreover, they have decorative lush foliage, against which the lilies look even more delightful. An excellent combination is such a tandem: in the foreground are phloxes that bloom in May, then peonies that bloom in early summer and the composition should be completed by lilies that bloom in the hottest summer month. You can supplement such a flower garden with varieties that bloom in August - hybrid types of lilies.

It is not necessary to combine irises and lilies in landscape design. The first type of plants after the flowering period dries up and loses its attractiveness. At this time, irises do not need watering. While lilies are only gaining strength and need abundant watering.

Also, not the best combination - roses and lilies. Individually, these flowers look great. But to combine them in one flower bed is not worth it. Royal flowers require a special approach and attention. Therefore, it is better to use them in landscape design in different parts of the garden.

A good background for the majestic lily is the creeping phlox in the photo. The light lilac or blue shade of delicate flowers blooming in spring will perfectly emphasize the first shoots of lilies. In the summer, when both plants are filled with strength, phloxes will create an original border around the lilies, and in winter, phloxes will protect delicate daylilies from the cold.

Lilies in the garden

A larger selection of varieties and types of lily, allows you to use them quite widely in landscape design. For example, tall varieties can play a designating role on the site. Low-growing varieties, can be used to decorate flower beds and paths in the garden. Against the background of a green lawn, lilies can focus on the original design of the site. At the same time, daylilies are planted, both singly and in groups. If the second option is preferable, it is more expedient to select several varieties that differ in color and shades.

When creating mixborders, it is recommended to select such varieties of lilies, the flowering period of which takes time from the first summer month to mid-autumn. Such a composition will allow you to admire excellent flowering for four months in a row. When combining lilies with shrubs, choose those varieties that bloom with bright, picturesque inflorescences.

In conclusion, we note that, despite the excellent appearance and royal origin, the lily is not demanding in care. She perfectly takes root in a new place, remarkably coexists with other representatives of the flora. Experienced gardeners recommend only covering the bulbs left in the ground for the winter to avoid the death of the plant.

DIY foil flowers. Step by step instructions with photo

Vlasova Irina Timofeevna, educator of the highest qualification category, teacher of additional education
GBOU Gymnasium No. 1409 in Moscow

The master class is addressed educators and teachers of educational institutions, teachers of the system of preschool education, teachers of the system of professional training and advanced training of teaching staff for preschool education and a wide range of students (for example, interested parents).

Relevance. artistic experimentation- this is a free independent activity of children, during which a discovery occurs; this is a way of material or mental influence of a person on a real or material object with the aim of examining it, knowing its properties, connections. The essence of experimentation is trial and error. At the same time, a mistake is not a reason for grief, it is an argument for finding a new one, overcoming difficulties.

The purpose of the master class- teach how to create a flower arrangement from foil (a bouquet of lilies).

Tasks: learn to make amazing silvery flowers from foil - lilies, which even children can do; develop memory, imagination, attention, speech, design and creativity; to cultivate perseverance, accuracy, hard work, the ability to bring the work begun to the end, to receive aesthetic pleasure from the work done.

For work you will need materials: a roll of food packaging aluminum foil, a ruler, a pencil, scissors. There is no special foil for weaving. The usual "Sayan" foil in a roll of the "standard" brand will do. It is not necessary to take “heat-resistant” or “especially strong” foil for weaving, they are too hard, and calluses can form on delicate fingers from working with them. Roll length doesn't matter. Usually the width of the foil in a roll is 30 or 45 cm.

Stages of work:

1. The foil itself is beautiful, shiny, but not very durable. Therefore, for weaving, we will use wires twisted from it. So we will start work with the manufacture of aluminum "straws". When we work with children, we tell them that we need to make a template out of cardboard, draw the foil into strips 3 cm wide with a blunt pencil, and then carefully cut along the lines. Adults do not need a template.

2. We take a roll of food grade aluminum foil. To make a lily flower, we need narrow rectangular strips of foil. To “tear off” even strips, we will use a ruler.

3. Holding the foil with a ruler, tear off narrow strips 3-4 cm wide from the roll. Try to avoid burrs and cuts on the edge of the strip. Because of them, the strip can tear when twisting. Also, do not try to fold the foil before cutting into several layers, otherwise you will not be able to separate the cut strips from each other without tearing.

4. Each long strip can be split in half. To make one flower petal, you will need 5 small rectangles: 3-4 cm wide, 14-15 cm long.

5. We fold each rectangular strip in half along the length, then in half again, tightly compress the foil with grasping movements until a wire is formed. Continue to crease the strip with your fingertips until it turns into an uneven "sausage" 2-3 mm thick.

6. Lily flower. Separate 5 strips for the petal. Hold the "wire" between the thumb and forefinger of both hands, and with a little pressure roll back and forth, slowly moving from beginning to end. If there are irregularities, then walk over them again. Do not press too hard and do not roll the wire with your palms on the table, it should not become stiff. You should end up with a flexible, rough wire 2 mm thick and about 15 cm long.

7. Twist the wires together at one end.

8. Twist the wires together from the other end, leaving the twisted edge longer (2-3 cm).

9. Similarly, make 5 petals.

10. Make flower stamens. Wires (in the amount of 3-5 pieces) wind on a pencil.

11. Get a pencil. It turned out "wavy" stamens.

12. For strength, fasten the stamens together with a thread.

13. Collect Lily flower. Take 5 petals and 3-5 stamens. Secure with a thread or a strip of transparent tape.

14. Flower stem. Wrap a pencil (or any other stick for stability of the stem) with a wide strip of foil.

15. Twist the stem tightly.

16. Using a strip of foil, we connect the flower to the stem.

17. The flower is ready!

18. Similarly, make a few lilies. That's what a beautiful silver bouquet will turn out!

19. Such a bouquet will serve as a good gift for loved ones. You can also decorate the New Year's winter exhibition with them! Decoration and decoration of premises is an indispensable attribute of the Christmas and New Year holidays.

20. Lilies can decorate a picture or flower arrangement.

21. Others can also be made from foil. christmas toys, for example, Christmas beads on the Christmas tree.

How beautiful the spruce cone woven from foil looks!

Silvery shiny foil snowflakes are simply mesmerizing!

A basket woven from foil can serve as a good gift decoration!

The royal classic lily is unique and recognizable. Landscape compositions in which this beautiful flower is involved look elegant, royal.

The vegetation period of the plant begins in the spring, slender stems are quite decorative in themselves, at the time of flowering, many varieties of lilies spread a refined aroma. Perennial bulbs have a wide variety of colors: pink, white, yellow, red, orange, there are many variegated varieties. If you use the plant correctly, in the garden or on the site you can create very original, and flower beds, spectacular flower beds that bloom from the very beginning of summer until the end of August.

Lily flowers, depending on the variety, have turban-shaped, cup-shaped, tubular, funnel-shaped or bell-shaped flowers. Plant height - up to two meters. Low-growing varieties, up to half a meter, can be planted as a border, high ones are good in tapeworms. Lilies combine well with other annuals and perennials, look good isolated islands.

Pink lilies form an interesting tandem with large-leaved plants. A good background for yellow flowers is euonymus, mahonia,. Lilies are good against the background of evergreen conifers: cypress. The flower is harmonious in combination with delphiniums and, ferns, alyssum and. Tall lilies are a good idea for background planting and for decorating a fence, they will well outline the boundaries of the site. Solitaire lilies benefit from being placed on a hillock in the middle of a lawn. Deciduous trees can serve as a background for the plant, undersized species will emphasize the beauty of flower beds and paths, it is better to select varieties so that they bloom all summer. Lilies are often placed in the form of curtains, taking into account their color and shade, compatibility with other plants in terms of tone, texture and leaf shape.

Lilies on borders and in discounts

Trumpet lily and its Garrisi variety are great for forming low borders and planting along paths. Inflorescences are pure white. For the same purposes, the Formosan lily is good, the buds are narrow, tubular, the height of the plant is 60-90 cm. . "Lily drooping" with pink-lilac flowers is able to decorate the lower tier of the flower bed.

Varieties of lilies for single plantings

For single landings and small groups are best suited:

  • lily "Regale", purple and white;
  • lily "Golden", color - white, speckled;
  • lily "Candidum", white;
  • lily "turban", yellow, red or purple;
  • lily "Tiger", orange-red, speckled.

All listed varieties bloom from June to July or August, plant height - up to 120-150 cm.

Lily "Regale".

Lily beds

It is important that the landings look harmonious, blend well with other plants. The variety of lilies, their height, the shade of flowers, the duration of flowering, the subtleties of care - all this must be taken into account when drawing up landscape compositions.

Lilies in groups

A multi-tiered flower garden looks very impressive, created from lilies of different varieties of this group or different groups. The foreground is planted with "Asian" varieties or early-flowering hybrids. It is desirable that the lower tier bloom first, tall oriental lilies or their hybrids will form the second and third "floors". If lilies are planted in groups, then it is better to separate them with undersized conifers, which will gradually grow and cover the ground.

Peonies and lilies

Species and varieties

Based on the design idea, it is necessary to decide which plants will be required to create compositions. It is necessary to choose the appropriate variety for height, color, bud size.

Asian hybrids

They bloom in June, they winter well in the open field, they are unpretentious in care. The height, on average, is 80 - 100 cm, the diameter of the flowers is up to 15 cm. The group differs in the breadth of shades, the size of the buds.

  • White: Costa, Navonna, Crossover, Annarmie Dream.
  • Reds: Red Sensation, Black Jack, Black Out, Cocktail Twins, Hiawatha, Linda, Olina, Landini.
  • Pink: Iowa Rose, Wali Nappa, Lollipop, Delilah, Arosa Jewel, Chianti.
  • Yellow: Fata Morgana, Top Line, Black Spider, Vento, Vali Sun, Grand Cru, Golden Stone, Graffiti.
  • Orange: "Corrida", "Apricot Pixel", "Orange Art", "Loreta", "Orange Electric".
  • Purple: Night Flyer, Puple Eye, Double Sensation, Purple Life, Natties Pride.

Lily "Navonna".

Long-flowered hybrids

Winter hardiness is reduced, shelter is needed, buds are small, delicate aroma. Culture is predominantly greenhouse.

  • Purple: Devine, Cyrano, Miyarbi.
  • Yellow: "Deliana".
  • White: Prime Ice, White Elegance, Elegant Lady.

Hybrids of tubular and Asiatic lilies

The stems are strong, erect, beautiful foliage, flowers are large, velvety, directed upwards. The varieties are frost-resistant, suitable for growing in open ground, resistant to diseases.

  • White: Oakland, Litovin, Ice Crystal, Donatello, Bright Diamond.
  • Pink: Nora, Cavalese, Arbatax, Turandot, Little Kiss, Indian Summerset, Rodeo, Moselle.
  • Reds: Red Planet, Fangio, Tomar, Constable, Royal Grace.
  • Yellow: Royal Fantasy, Freya, Prominent, Yellow Kokot.
  • Orange: Fiamma, Bestseller, Kentucky, Eremo, Super Crossing, Orange Kokot.
  • Purple: Cecil, Noranda, Samur, Sabatini.

Lily "Red Planet".

Oriental hybrids

Beautiful and powerful greenery, tall bush, large, exotic flowers. They do not hibernate, it is better to dig up the bulbs and store them in the basement. One of the most spectacular and sought after varieties among gardeners.

  • White: Casablanca, Innocent Lady, Triumphant, Rialto, Annika, Muscadet, Marco Polo, Legend.
  • Reds: Tigerwoods, Distant Drum, Stargazer, Pico, Sumatra.
  • Pink: Belonica, Isabella, Josephine, Bernini, Bergamo, Acapulco.
  • Purple: Entertainer, Dizzy, Starfighter.
  • Yellow: Anais Anais, Royal Fantasy, Brekdance, Freya.

Lily "Casablanca".

Hybrids of Asian and Oriental lilies

The flowers are directed upwards. The group is new, there are not very many varieties yet.

  • Rose red: Red Power, Elegant Crown, Kokopa, Fest Crown.
  • Yellow: Kaveri, Yellow Power, Nanjing, Sunny Crown.

Hybrids of oriental and tubular varieties

The buds are huge, up to 30 cm in diameter, fragrant, easy to care for, winter well.

  • White: "Jura", "Boogie Woogie", "Coconut", "Eastern Moon", "Ovation", "Mr. Cass".
  • Reds: Satisfaction, Moussassi, Sophie, Red Heart.
  • Pink: Myth, Bowmore, Gluwein, Baywatch, Donato, Judy Fowlis.
  • Yellow: Fifty Fifty, Gold Class, Katina, Yellowween, Pontiac, Lesotho, Solange.
  • Orange: Saltarello, Orange Spice, Morini.
  • Purple: Miss Fairy, Dalian, Lifestyle, Judith Saffinha.

Lily "Donato".

Hybrids of tubular and Orleans

The most viable varieties, resistant to viral and fungal diseases, need shelter for the winter.

  • White: "Lady Alice", "Upface White", "Regale".
  • Pink: Upface Pink.
  • Orange: "African Queen", "Upfaced Orange".
  • Yellow: "Golden Splendor", "Upface Yellow".
  • Purple: "Pink Perfection".

Martagon hybrids

Chalmoid, medium-sized flowers, frost-resistant, durable, resistant to diseases.

  • White: Chameleon, Martagon Album.
  • Reds: Claude Schride.
  • Yellow: Slate Morning.
  • Purple: "Maruun King", "Martagon Purple".
  • Pink: Hydebird, Russian Morning.

In mid-latitudes, gardeners offer to grow lilies of the Crystal Star, Regale, Narbona, Merostar, Grand Gru varieties. To introduce bright strokes into the site design, you can use rare varieties: Black Beauty, African Lady, Gold Bend, Spetsiosum Album, Virginele, Lancon, drooping lily, Henry lily, David lily, lily leopard, dwarf, Canadian.

New varieties and hybrids of lilies appear every year, they have gained a strong position in the landscapes of gardens and plots, decorating curtains, borders, flower beds.

Photos of different varieties of lilies

Lily "Devine".


Lilies are cut in the phase of loose buds or when 1-2 buds have opened, if long-term transportation is ahead.

A bouquet can be made up of one or more varieties, as well as with the addition of other flowers and plants that are in harmony with each other in color and shape.
Lilies of red, orange and yellow tones go well with white jasmine flowers, an openwork cloud of gypsophila, daisies, and are also beautiful with blue and blue irises, delphiniums, bluebells.

In lilies, their leaves are not highly decorative. Therefore, when compiling compositions, leaves of other plants are widely used - asparagus, peony, fern, irises.
When composing a bouquet of lilies, you should not use a large number of flowers. Sometimes, just one beautiful inflorescence with the right design of cut leaves will look more attractive than a huge bouquet.

Flowers in a bouquet will last longer if placed in a clean vase of water and a disinfectant aspirin or pieces of charcoal are added.
Leaves that are in the water, it is better to cut. They can cause rotting and damage to flowers.
As they fade, cut off the lower flowers. And so that the bouquet does not look sloppy, cut the stem.
A bouquet standing in a vase should not be kept in the sun, draft, or near a running fan.
At night, it is better to clean the bouquet in a cool place - this will prolong the life of the flowers.

First you need to think about what exactly you would like to see your flower bed. Romantics can make it not round, but in the shape of a heart, flower or the first letter of the name of a loved one.

If there are children in the family, then the columbarium can be shaped like a butterfly, a toy. Practical people prefer ordinary ones - round, oval.

The shape is selected, now you need to decide on the color. If you want the oasis to be pristine, then place roses and white lilies in a blooming corner. You can plant yellow in the middle, and along the edges -. These two colors also go well together.

Another important issue to be resolved before roses and lilies together is the size of the plants. In the middle of the site, you need to place higher representatives, and at the edges - lower flowers.

A good solution would be in the center of high varieties of lilies, and along the edges - floribunda roses, miniature or ground cover. The latter will spread along the ground and eventually close the space between the lily bushes. It will consist of greenery and rose flowers.

You can do the opposite - plant park and hybrid tea roses in the center, and low varieties of lilies along the edges. That's just a rose in a flower bed is not worth it. With good care, it grows to a height of several meters and requires strong supports.

If you plant one standard rose in a flower bed and surround it with lilies, then the tree and flowers will look spectacular together.

Landing technology

After all the previous questions are resolved, it's time to proceed to the practical part. Using a shovel, outline the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe desired shape, on which there will be a flower bed. Now the earth needs to be dug up, carefully select all the roots.

This must be done, since both plants are perennials and the next serious digging will be only in a few years. Both of these flowers are afraid of dampness. So that they do not warm up during the winter thaws and during spring floods, the earth is formed in the form of a ridge 30 cm high.

Roses and lilies love to grow in fertile soil, so be sure to add well-rotted manure and some complex fertilizer for the flowers. After that, the soil is leveled with a rake.

These charming creatures of nature need to be planted at a sufficient distance from each other, as they grow large. Plants should not shade each other, they need a sufficient feeding area. Depending on the variety, the distance should be from 50x50 to 30x30 cm.

After the plants are planted, they need to be properly looked after: watered with warm water, fed, weeded and covered for the winter. Then they will thank for the care with lush and long flowering.