Yard improvement options. Beautiful courtyard of a private house with your own hands

Depending on what the house itself is, whether it is individual or guest, huge or small, built in the village, cottage village, the historical part of the city or in the vast expanses of land, measured in tens of hectares, the design of the courtyard of a private house is changing. Based on the location of the hacienda, based on the possible use of the land and taking into account your own preferences, you can start planning the landscape areas of the courtyard and choosing the objects that decorate them.

Ways to implement the plan:

  • on one's own;
  • by the masters of a company specializing in landscape work;
  • by hired workers who are organized and controlled by the owner of the house.

Each owner has his own house

Bench among a luxurious flower garden

The location of the household dictates the appropriate requirements for the design of the surrounding area.

buildingsHouse in a cottage villageHouse in the villageHouse in the historical centerEstateCountry house in gardening
Features affecting the design projectClosed area

Buildings of the same type

Regulated height, transparency and material of the fence (or its absence)

Strict requirements for the appearance of secondary buildings on the site

You can choose the style according to your desires, but build, be sure to comply with technical standards

If the appointment land plot LPH, then utility buildings in the yard are allowed

It is forbidden to violate urban planning norms, urban development plan

Its appearance should correspond to the existing image of the city

Fulfillment of any fantasy, limited only by available meansPlot of a small area, intended for recreation and gardening. Due to the minimum space, planning of mini-zones of the landscape of the yard is envisaged

In addition to the above features, each type of private house has characteristics that affect the main design solutions when developing a zonal landscape project for a courtyard area.

Layout of private areas

The styles most often used in the design of the yard of any private house are the English landscape, the Japanese garden, the French regular, the Mediterranean, the style of the Russian estate, as well as the "domestic" style, free from all signs of time, i.e. eclecticism, a combination of the most different elements. When implementing the landscape design of your property, there is no need to maintain the style completely, you can limit yourself to just a few tricks, “throw” a stylistic veil over the object.

No matter how you arrange the house (it is recommended to plan the construction of the main building so as not to obscure the garden area), it is still the center of the courtyard. Walking paths, an access alley tend to it, the rest of the buildings of the estate are tied. Each of the elements should correspond to the main building on the site, emphasize it, present the author's design of the courtyard of a private house in the best way to the guest's eyes.

All private property can be divided into three large areas, according to their purpose. These include: a place of rest, an area bordering the main house, a green area with outbuildings.

More about landscape design zones

The recreation area can be divided into a place of pastime for the active part of the family, a "summer kitchen" sector and a corner of relaxation, a quiet rest. The first includes a gazebo, children's Corner(sandbox, swing, ladder), tree house, playground. The second is a barbecue, barbecue, oven complex. The third unites a pond, a bath complex, shady corners of the garden: an openwork bench for book lovers under a tall tree, summer house creative retreat. They should be decorated with flowerpots that support the overall garden color scheme. The combination of color, peace and aroma - this is the rest in a country house.

The "green" zone includes a vegetable garden, orchard, hedges from berry bushes. It should be located away from the entrance to the site to minimize roadside dust and exhaust smoke on the plants. Outbuildings can be designed in rural or fairy-tale styles. A fad that has become fashionable among absolutely urban residents is a chicken coop for layers, made according to original project, decorate the site. And the cellar is Bilbo's hobbit house with earthen grass roof- allows you to show creative fantasy.

Sometimes it is recommended to do green roof"Pseudo-herbaceous", replace freezing grasses that require a significant earthen layer, fertilizing, regular watering, with drought-resistant creeping succulents, undersized stonecrops. These plants create a spectacular voluminous carpet that does not require special care.

Adjoining territory, consisting of a front entrance zone ( entry group, parking, garage, gate) and the area adjacent to the house on the reverse side is business card owners. It is very important not only what is behind the fence, but also what others see when approaching the house. paved driveway, attractive fencing, beautiful mailbox on a gate or stone fence post, blooming bindweed - everything creates an atmosphere of a benevolent, hospitable home, pleases the eyes of neighbors, arouses admiration for people passing by.

The private side implies an exit from the house to the garden, the presence of a patio where groups of forged or wicker furniture are placed, an alpine slide or a man-made fountain. Plan the design of the yard so that the living room window, the central room in the house, has a beautiful view. Looking at the garden changing from season to season - snow-covered, blooming, bright autumn - every time you will admire the creation of your own hands.

Special objects of a large-scale estate

When designing a large space, the priorities of the owners, the direction of their activities, and hobbies are taken into account. On the estate special zones stables, alleys for riding and walking, a garden, a park with wood massifs connected by lawns. For the owners, their adult children, service personnel, several buildings are provided far from each other. Other buildings - a garage that houses a collection of vintage cars, a pseudo-barn as a place for an art gallery, a gazebo on a hill that allows you to view the surroundings, an indoor pool, winter greenhouse- reflect the hobbies of the owners. A tennis court, a football field, a mini-golf course, a boat pier, extensive reservoirs looped with canals, with and transitions connecting individual corners of the estate can also be planned.

In addition to large objects, a large space must be saturated with "highlights", corners where it is interesting to look, and once there, you will not want to leave. A gazebo entwined with grapes, a white statue in a thicket of blooming jasmine, a deck chair behind a vegetable curtain where you can hide from your family, feel the taste of solitude, merging with nature.

As a special decorating technique on the territory of a large estate, it is interesting to use signs with the names of routes, designed based on the style of the overall design. This is organizationally correct, and in addition, it will allow you to play Find Me with guests.

garden fun

Let's pay a little more attention to the design of the "green" zone of a private house. A favorite in garden design recent years there was a regular kitchen garden, a replica of the French royal gardens. In addition to the aesthetic impression, this option for arranging a garden area is convenient when caring for and working in it. Paved paths, high borders bordering the beds, symmetry, clear lines, proportions make it almost perfect. Plant objects planted as if on a ruler, necessarily ranked by growth, the configuration of bushes supported by annual formative pruning, fruit trees on trellises - all this makes the garden mathematically harmonious, visible in different planes with a pronounced amount of detail. And the lush colors of garden vegetation smooth out the impression of a soulless standard, introducing the seething of life.

Regular planning well organizes a garden of minimum dimensions. Accurately calculated space required for each plant, high or stepped beds, flat branches fruit trees occupying less space, tight fit vegetable crops make it possible to realize all desires, to show an unlimited flight of fancy in a limited area.

The complete opposite of the regular one is a free-style garden, where different plants, and their presence is determined only by desire. Following the principle “dear to my heart”, rose bushes, ornamental cabbage, marigolds, and potatoes are placed nearby. The garden-garden is separated from other space and the barbarity of domestic animals. And the figure of a funny little man in a wide-brimmed hat can become a guard in front of the gate. An interesting trick is planting succulents in the fields of a hat in a thin layer of substrate, which do not require a lot of land and moisture.

Site lighting - a spectacular design technique

landscape design the yard is not represented without lighting in dark time days. At night, the garden and houses take on a different shape, accentuated by the rays of lamps, matched in style and material to the overall design. adjoining territory.

You can organize the illumination of the tracks by laying a network electrical cables, supplying them from the main source of electricity, or provide for the use of a completely free solar energy. When using the latter option, enchantingly bright lighting will not work, but storage batteries will perform their main function - to ensure the safe movement of people along private paths in the evening.

Light can beat a special object of the house adjoining space. Well-thought-out light groups will limit the recreation area that goes around the path, highlight a pond with shining lights on the water surface - a charming sight that attracts like a magnet. To sit on the shore of an illuminated pond, looking at the stars - for the sake of this pleasure, Vacation home, the design of his yard is being thought out.

Landscape design studio "Vysota" offers services for the improvement of the territory of a private house in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our difference from competitors is democratic prices, high professionalism of employees and individual creative approach to each client!

Full landscaping of the territory of a private house is a matter comparable in terms of labor intensity to building a house. But the result with the right approach justifies the investment of time and money. On such a site, the owners feel comfortable and safe no less than in the house itself.

Well-landscaped house territory requires

  • Breakdowns into thoughtful functional areas. This will allow you to use the land in the best way for the owners.
  • Freeing the territory from everything superfluous, including uprooting unnecessary trees.
  • Delivery of fertile soil - for the arrangement of flower beds, flower beds, beds, etc., possibly - fertilizers, sand.
  • Laying the communications necessary for the improvement, lighting the territory, watering, and sometimes drainage.
  • The construction of a permanent fence - if it has not been arranged before.
  • Creation of elements of vertical gardening - arches, pergolas, hedges, trellises, as well as arbors.
  • Lawn devices, laying out flower beds and flower beds, erection of decorative elements such as alpine slides, stone gardens.
  • Planting bushes and trees.
  • Fountain, pool, pond devices.
  • Landscaping of the facade of the building.
  • Creation of a recreation area, a playground, a breakdown of paths.

Some of these stages of landscaping a private home can be skipped, for example, if the owner does not want any decorative filling for the territory, or there is no place for trees and shrubs. But some other points can be added, for example, decoration with small architectural forms, the device of the access control system (surveillance cameras, intercom on the gate with the possibility of opening and closing from the house).

Professionalism and accessibility

And if you want to learn as much as possible about the possibilities of such improvement, choose the best and most relevant for yourself and, as a result, get a really beautiful and safe area where you can also feel at home, it would be best to contact a professionally engaged in this company, such as "Height".

This will provide

  • A minimum of hassle and problems - we will provide skilled workers and the necessary equipment for clearing the land and removing garbage.
  • Assistance of an experienced landscape designer to create a project of the territory, taking into account the area and shape of the site, the location of the house and the entrance, the parameters of the fence and, most importantly, the wishes of the customer.
  • Speed ​​and excellent results - we know where to start, how to save time without sacrificing quality, what can be prepared in advance to speed up the work. Our employees are experienced and conscientious, and Vysota is responsible for the results of the work.

Good to know

  • Tracks and so-called decorative elements for an experienced and capable designer, they are also an additional, very effective tool for zoning the territory. With their help, the site is marked into segments for various purposes, and the space acquires the necessary visual characteristics. That is, you can give the appearance of space or hide some objects from prying eyes.
  • Paths can be "ceremonial" and technical, and the former are distinguished by elegance, and sometimes intricacy of forms. The second ones usually look simpler, are laid along the most convenient route and lead to a garage, a toilet or summer soul, outbuildings and gardens.
  • It is very useful for a plot attached to a residential building to have a back, non-front entrance or entrance - to bring in fertilizers, building materials, take out garbage, etc.
  • Decorating the site is easier to do in the same style, combined with the appearance of the house. So there will be no risk of creating visual dissonance.
  • But a good designer will help you choose a style for each zone and neatly delineate them. For example, the entrance part can be made in a modern style, and the seating area hidden behind the trees can be in the spirit of rural England and Japanese antiquity.
  • It looks spectacular when the path, meandering and bending around trees, flower beds, hills, bypassing benches and playgrounds, leads through a large part of the territory. This gives sophistication, originality, its own, inherent only to this site comfort and charm.
  • The irrigation system is best made branched and hidden from view as much as possible - dragged hoses and protruding pipes do not decorate any landscape, and can even cause an accident.

We will carry out a complete landscaping of the territory of your private house, create an ideal environment in accordance with the relief and size of the territory according to your desires and taste, without forgetting about practicality. After our work, there will be a beautiful courtyard, a garden, a small park - depending on what you want to see. We will be happy to provide various options for current types of design and introduce you to the latest developments in this field that are suitable for the occasion.

Anyone who has a house or cottage should think about the design of the territory in front of the dwelling. Working with this part of the site is very important, since in fact it is the adjacent territory that is a kind of "face". How best to do it and what specific things can be added to the exterior, we look in a new review.

1. Partition

You can use partitions not only inside the house, but also in the garden. For example, a homemade partition made of branches will help separate the recreation area from the garden and allow you to create a sense of privacy.

2. Vertical garden

Wooden bars with a dense mesh stretched between them are perfect for creating a vertical garden. This design can be used for zoning the local area and as an original decoration of the site.

3. Curtain

Decorate and make a porch, open veranda or a gazebo will help more comfortably long curtains from patches of colored fabric attached to an ordinary clothesline.

4. Gazebo

You can create a secluded place to relax without erecting capital buildings with the help of several columns and thick curtains. Such an impromptu gazebo will become a cozy and romantic place to relax in warm time years, and the process of its construction will not require much effort and cost.

5. Hedge decor

A mesh fence is one of the most common options for fencing a suburban area. However, such a fence will not allow you to hide from the views of passers-by, and its appearance leaves much to be desired. To solve both problems, a grid stylized as needles or ivy will help.

6. Decorative wall

The open walls of a veranda or gazebo can be decorated with ordinary glass bottles. Such decorative wall help to hide from the prying eyes of neighbors and become spectacular decoration home territory.

7. Monogram

From wooden planks you can make a beautiful flowering monogram that will become an exquisite decoration of the porch or any of the walls of the house.

8. Hanging bed

From a few pallets, a mattress and strong ropes, you can make an amazing hanging bed. You can place such a bed in the garden on the branches of any solid wood or on specially erected columns.

9. Boardwalk

People with building skills can safely take on the construction of a stylish recreation area from wooden beams and boards.

10. Lighting

Garlands of light bulbs will help to create a feeling of comfort and fill the garden with soft light. Hang them along the paths, on the porch or at the entrance to the gazebo to illuminate the area in the evening.

11. Patio

In the modern sense, a dacha is a place where you can take a break from the bustle of the city, have a friendly party, fry a barbecue and sit by the fire. That's why Special attention it is worth paying attention to creating a beautiful and comfortable platform for such a holiday. the best finishing material for the summer patio will be natural stone. In the center of the site, you should place a built-in or mobile barbecue and, of course, take care of seating for yourself and friends.

12. Garden decor

The wheel of a bicycle or a broken cart can be used to create a beautiful garden decoration. You just need to fix it next to the young bush climbing rose or any other climbing plant.

13. Flower rack

A section of an old louvered door or old trellis shutters are great for hanging flower pots vertically. Such an original rack will become original decoration summer patio, porch or gazebo.

14. Flower pot

Large and small logs can be turned into original flower pots. Such pots will become an original decoration of the garden and adjacent territory, and the process of their creation will not require special efforts and material costs.

15. Table

Table from unnecessary car tires, painted in bright cheerful colors, and a round tabletop, a vase made of a holey soccer ball are excellent examples of the competent use of unnecessary things that often end up in the back rooms of our suburban areas.

16. Stools

Behind garden furniture it is not at all necessary to go to the store, leaving impressive amounts there. Sometimes you just have to look around and look at natural materials. For example, massive stumps and logs make wonderful stools that fit perfectly into the design of a gazebo or summer patio.

17. Decorative pond

awesome decorative pond, equipped in a large aluminum basin, will become luxurious decoration suburban area.

In continuation of the topic to the attention of dear readers, having made some efforts and spending a little of my time.

zone around high-rise building decorating is easier than decorating the territory of a private house. Every owner dreams that his yard looks beautiful and luxurious. A landscape designer will help you quickly and efficiently prepare a project for the improvement of the territory of a private house. But hiring a professional is expensive and not everyone can afford it. If you want to make your dreams come true, then you can ennoble the area around the house yourself. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of experts.

Basic rules for improvement

There are basic rules for landscape gardening of the site, which must be followed:

  • When landscaping private territory take into account the climatic features of the region, the composition of the soil and the illumination of the site. According to these indications, select suitable look plants and trees.
  • Sometimes when planting trees and flowers, the appearance of the garden deteriorates and takes on a sloppy look. To prevent this from happening, you can not plant plants in a chaotic and stupid order. If planted incorrectly, the plants will block each other. Because of this, they will not be able to develop and bloom normally.
  • Trees and shrubs grow over time, so they are planted according to a pre-planned plan. The size of adult plants is marked in the drawing with dotted lines.
  • Landscaping is carried out not only in a horizontal, but also in a vertical position.
  • You can not experiment with styles in small areas. The adjoining area will be very colorful if you install too much decor.
  • It is possible to divide the site into zones and create corners of various thematic areas only on a site with a large area.

Landscaping design

To achieve a stunning effect, you need to spend a lot of time creating detailed plan. The project indicates the exact location of all landscape design objects, which includes:

  • Structures: verandas and gazebos, playground, outdoor shower.
  • Fencing around the house.
  • Illumination locations.
  • Reservoirs and alpine slides.
  • Laying water and drainage systems.
  • Garden paths.
  • Places of green spaces, flower beds and flower beds.
  • Decoration elements.

Be sure to create sunny and shady places on the site, so the rest will be more comfortable.

Creating garden paths

An essential element of landscape design is garden paths. They perfectly divide the territory into parts and are its decoration. Depending on the size of the site and its arrangement, the paths are made continuous or interrupted. Paths are made from:

  • tree.
  • Concrete or brick.
  • Stone: pebbles, paving stones, etc.
  • Household and construction waste: plastic lids, glass, etc.

If you properly position the paths, then the movement around the site will become easy and fast.

Track requirements:

  1. They should reduce the distance between buildings. Therefore, when laying paths, it is often necessary to shorten the path and violate the beauty of the landscape.
  2. The width of the main paths is made from 1 to 1.5 meters and 0.5 meters for narrow paths that go to secondary decorative elements.
  3. They must be suitable and in harmony with the main material used in the arrangement of the site. For example, if there are a lot of stone structures on the site, then garden paths are laid from natural material.

Stone and grass. The most common are paths made of stone and grass. Thanks to this combination, patterns are obtained various shapes and sizes.

Stone and gravel. First, stone tiles are laid, then gravel is poured between them. In the end it will unusual design paving stones. If you use colored gravel instead of simple gravel, then the appearance of the track will become more original.

Pebble. The cheapest and most accessible material is pebbles. Multi-colored pebbles of various sizes can be collected on the river and laid out interesting patterns from them. Such a path is very reliable and will last for many years.

Mosaic. You can replace natural stone with any material: the remains of tiles or bricks, colored glass. It will turn out a beautiful bright path, on which funds will be spent at a minimum.

Saw cuts from a tree. An interesting idea is to use hardwood patches (acacia, oak, beech) for the path. Saw cuts are made of various diameters and treated with protective substances (linseed oil). This will help protect them from rotting, and the track will last longer. Be sure to lay drainage under the cuts. The drainage cushion is made from sand.

Tile. If you do not know what material to choose, then the easiest way is to lay paving slabs. original design tracks are created by selecting multi-colored fragments.

The overall interior of the site will look stylish and harmonious if the area near the house and the path are made of the same material.

flower beds

Any landscaping of a private area includes the creation of flower beds. There is a wide variety of flower beds that differ in shape and size. Therefore, even for the smallest areas, you can choose suitable option. Types of flower beds:

Site fencing

Landscaping includes site fencing. Usually, the same material is used for the manufacture of the fence as for the facade of the house. Its color should also match the main building. Fencing material and original ideas:

  • Greens. Green hedges will help to carefully hide your site from prying eyes. From plants choose grapes, lemongrass and various climbing perennials. A simple mesh stretched around the perimeter serves as a support for the plants.
  • Wood. The most popular fence material is wood. It is used if the main structure (house) is built of wood. Zoning of plots with small wooden fences will help to add beauty. They are being painted bright colors and varnished. Lacquer will help to preserve and emphasize the structure of wood.
  • Professional sheet. To make the fence from the profiled sheet look unusual, it is decorated with an openwork metal ornament and decorated natural stone. A fence made from this material will last a long time.
  • Brick. The fence laid out looks original and beautiful decorative brick with mosaic pattern. Additionally, it is decorated with wood or natural stone.

All the beauty and all the created effect will be spoiled by a gray slate fence. Therefore, you should not use it in the improvement of the territory of the house.

artificial reservoirs

Customers often order fountains, ponds and ponds from landscape designers. Water, stones and plants are used in their design. Before installing a structure from water, you need to determine for what needs it will be used. Basically, reservoirs are built as an element of decoration, but sometimes water from it is used to water plants and gardens.

Site lighting

Installed on site garden lighting gives the landscape a special harmony and unusual charm. Lighting can be security, functional, decorative or festive. Installation locations:

  • For safe movement around the yard, it is recommended to install functional lighting. It is mounted on the paths, porch and steps.
  • Decorative lighting will help highlight the most important objects in the garden. They are installed in reservoirs, inside fountains, near sculptures.
  • High lanterns installed along the perimeter of the site are classified as security lighting. They are also located near the entrance and in the parking lot. Experts recommend installing LED spotlights with a motion sensor. In the event of movement, the lights will automatically turn on.
  • Trees and fences are decorated with festive lanterns and garlands. This decoration is used during various holidays.

It is important that all lighting is economical and waterproof.

decorative elements

Decorative elements help to transform the site and emphasize its style. Decor can be purchased at the store or made with your own hands from improvised materials.

  • Sculptures and fountains are installed in open areas.
  • Often the territory is decorated with figures of animals or fairy-tale characters. But you need to install such decor to a minimum, otherwise overall design will look like a playground.
  • Original bird feeders and squirrel houses are a beautiful and useful decoration.
  • If simple pots are pasted over with river or sea pebbles, you get an original garden decor. Liquid nails are used as glue.
  • Old shoes, pots, buckets or pots are placed on the site and flowers are planted in them.

If you follow all the rules and think over the landscape design with high quality, then it is not difficult to make your site beautiful and original.