All-season perennial flower bed. Creation of continuously flowering flower beds

Initially, flower beds were created not for aesthetic pleasure, but for medicine. In pharmacies and hospitals, flower beds with medicinal plants and vegetables were grown. And only in the 50s of the XX century carpet beds became fashionable, which required a lot of effort to maintain their own beauty.

Today, beautiful flower beds are made out not only from annual plants, but also from perennials. How to grow such a flower bed with your own hands so that it will delight you with its beauty for more than one year?


A flower garden of perennials is often called a flower bed of continuous flowering, because from early spring to the very snow, it pleases with its multicolor. And for professional gardeners, the flower bed blooms in winter. And this is a clear advantage over annual flowering plants.

There are other positive characteristics and features:

  • The main thing is durability. For several years, each plant grows in such a way that old bushes can be removed completely painlessly and a new shoot will grow in their place next year.
  • Ease of maintenance: before planting, the soil is well fertilized and baking powder (expanded clay, sand) is introduced, after planting the plants, they are watered in a timely manner and weeds are removed.
  • Financial costs - about 1 thousand rubles per one flower bed for several years in advance. While seeds or seedlings of annual plants have to be bought annually.
  • Perennials are considered sparing - they do not drain the land and do not require regular feeding.
  • Such plants are unpretentious - some of them will grow in the sun, others are suitable for partial shade, the third for shade, and the fourth will grow calmly with any amount of sun.
  • To create such a flower bed, there is no need to invite a landscape designer every year.

Even if the flower garden was originally created with its help, the next year the flower bed only needs to be slightly updated. And you can do it yourself.

How to do it?

To create a flower bed that will delight you for several years, you need to think about the idea of ​​a flower garden before the season starts. To bring it to life, do not hesitate to seek help from experts or neighbors. The next step in implementing the idea is to create a plan.

It can consist of several points:

  • Come up with a name according to the idea.
  • Find a place for a flower garden.
  • Think over its shape.
  • Present a figurative layout.
  • Create a planting scheme (it is better if it is colored, voluminous, very detailed, drawn from several angles, indicating the time of flowering of plants), taking into account light and shadow.

  • Choose plants in such a way that the flowerbed blooms continuously and includes low-growing plants and flowers with a long stem.
  • Pay attention to the soil: apply fertilizer and leavening agents.
  • Make a frame for a flower garden: live or artificial.
  • Carry out pre-planting work: loosening and watering.
  • Plant flowers, not forgetting that over time they will grow (which means that now they need to be planted at a considerable distance from each other).
  • Regularly photograph your flower garden in order to avoid mistakes when decorating other flower beds, as well as to preserve this beauty in memory.

When choosing plants, you need to remember that for one square meter they use:

  • about 10 ground cover flowers;
  • no more than 7 undersized;
  • plants of medium growth - 5;
  • plants on a high stalk - no more than 7.


According to the density of the planting of plants, several types of flower beds are distinguished:

  • Tapeworms- a lonely plant (flower or bush) with large flowers, large leaves; they should be clearly visible; more often it is roses, mallow, amorph.
  • Rabatki- narrow flower stripes stretching along the fence, house walls, paths; to add beauty, 2-3 species of plants of different heights and colors are planted.
  • Curbs- this is a kind of flower edging of the flower bed; curbs are always undersized and one-color, while the color is selected in contrast to the flower bed; in addition, you can pick up plants with a strong aroma that will savor the summer evenings in the garden.
  • Parterres- flower beds that need space, since they include several elements: lawn, rabatka, curb.

  • Mixborders popular with amateur gardeners, as plants of various flowering and color periods are planted in them; such a flower bed blooms from early spring to the very frost.
  • Arrays therefore they are called so because they occupy a large area; this includes plants that do not require close attention to themselves, and thus attract amateur gardeners.
  • Groups- flower beds of any, usually smooth shape; their main difference is bright spots in the middle of the lawn or site.
  • Arabesque are decorated with colored stones and pebbles, the arrangement is horizontal and inclined.
  • Flowerpots, for example, gabion - a mesh used as a metal frame-basket for stones.
  • Rockery or rock garden- imitation of mountainous relief.

Materials (edit)

As wonderful as the flowers themselves are, they need to be beautifully decorated. After all, flower beds can be very diverse. And if professionals use special devices and structures, then amateurs use the material at hand for this: pieces of bricks, tires, old basins and watering cans, old shoes, boxes, dishes, cobblestones, pieces of metal, canvas.

Roofing material, polyethylene, cement mortar may also be useful. The main thing is soil, sand, expanded clay.


Before choosing a place for a flower garden, you need to consider the following points:

  • whether he will interfere with the passage;
  • whether it will be clearly visible;
  • will there be enough sunlight for him;
  • what shape is most suitable for the selected plants;
  • what function the flower garden should perform;
  • when the peak of flowering will be observed.

Based on this, and also, depending on the available space, the following places for flower beds are chosen:

  • along the track or at the end of it;
  • along the fence;
  • in front of the house against the background of buildings;
  • on the border of two functional areas, for example, a recreation area and a vegetable garden;
  • on an artificial or natural slope;
  • on the stairs;
  • on lawns;
  • in the case of vertical or raised flower beds, the location can be very different.

Dimensions (edit)

A flower arrangement in its size should be strictly proportional to the area of ​​the plot: a small plot - a small flower bed, a large plot - a large flower garden or several flower beds.

The flower beds can be of completely different sizes: from 0.75 m (tapeworms) to 20 m in diameter for the massifs. But usually round flower beds have a diameter of 4-6 m. Work can be several hundred meters long. According to the technology, the soil is always made convex, the slope is 5-10 degrees. This is done to drain the water and get a better view of the flowers.

The highest plant height is considered to be 50-80 cm. But this is in the event that shrubs are not used. When using, for example, evergreen thuja, as the main plant of a flower garden, the height will be much higher. Border flowers rise 8-10 cm above the lawn.


At the idea stage, you need to think carefully about the color scheme that you would like to see on the flower bed. The color combination can be very diverse.

The principle of creation is as follows:

  • Monochrome flower bed - one shade, but different plant heights; The white flowerbed is especially chic - it looks very delicate, both vertical and tapeworm.
  • Contrasting allows for a color explosion.
  • From plants of similar shades - a smooth transition, for example, from red to yellow or from lilac to pink.
  • Neutral colors - calming eyes, such as green rose bushes with white flowers.

Flower beds are planted for visual relaxation or emotional outburst.

Psychologists, together with florists, offer advice on placing and combining flowers in a flower bed:

  • for peace of mind, you need to choose either warm or cold colors; for an emotional explosion - contrasting colors;
  • smooth plant leaves reflect color, dull ones absorb;
  • for a visual increase, flower beds minimize the number of flowers and their contrast;
  • to visually enlarge the flower garden located along the fence or building, tall blue flowers are planted in the background, undersized yellow flowers in the foreground;

  • bright colors in the foreground, which means that in the background - calm;
  • several flower beds, combined into one flower garden, should be formed as follows: the background is calm, bright colors - in small groups;
  • over a large area, it is allowed to create one flower bed with bright plants;
  • if there is a bright alpha plant in the flowerbed, then the rest of the flowers should be its pale shadow;
  • before planting, it is better to draw in color the area that this or that color will occupy: a small red spot among blue flowers is appropriate, a large one is annoying;
  • the villager prefers bright colors, the urban one prefers pastel shades: you need to take into account the location of the flower garden, not only its urbanization, but also the climatic zone.


Since perennials will grow in the same place for several years, it is necessary to carefully consider the shape of the flower garden. At the same time, it should be in harmony with nearby structures: a house, a gazebo, a path, a fence.

Modern design is increasingly moving away from the usual forms, nevertheless, everything is based on them:

  • a round or oval flower bed can accommodate a tree species or shrub in the center, and herbaceous plants - in a circle; flowers are planted in such a way as to create continuous flowering from the edge of the circle to the center;
  • a rectangular flower bed is decorated with patterns and ornaments from the plants themselves;
  • a square or rhombus is suitable for vivid portrait paintings, animal drawings, etc.;
  • the use of triangular flower beds requires certain skills: individual triangles look harmoniously on an area of ​​clear geometry, in other cases a triangular flower bed should become part of a polygonal flower garden;
  • long flower beds - the beds may or may not be symmetrical, but they are located along the paths or parallel to them.

Flower bed design

There are many options for design solutions for decorating flower beds. You can always come up with your own version. But first, we propose to get acquainted with the already existing flower bed designs.

So, according to the design idea of ​​a flower bed, it happens:

  • Regular- This is a flower garden, which is a clear geometric shape or ornament. Such a flower bed is very similar to a carpet one, but it is distinguished by a geometric pattern.

When creating such a flower garden, the following conditions must be taken into account:

  1. plants should not be in the shade at all;
  2. they need to be planted not singly, but rather tightly;
  3. for such a flower bed, not an orderly, but a group planting method is better;
  4. flowers should be of the same height, time and flowering period;
  5. after planting, a few plants should remain in case of replacing wilted flowers;
  6. such beds consist of perennials and annuals; if desired, they can be decorated with perennial roses, peonies, hostas, as well as bulbous tulips, crocuses, lilies, daffodils, gladioli;
  7. a regular flower bed is not the easiest to care for, it is better for beginners to use other types of flower beds.

  • Irregular- an easier-to-create flower garden consisting of annual and perennial plants, as well as ornamental shrubs, conifers and lianas. Perennial flowers or shrubs can be the main element. And every year you can plant annuals around them. With proper organization, you can create a continuous flowering flower bed when the plants bloom alternately.

For this, perennial peonies, delphinium, phlox, rose bushes, drought-resistant allium are suitable. You can supplement them with snapdragons, asters, balsams. A beautiful frame will turn out from marigolds.

  • Carpet is the most time consuming. In addition to significant material costs, it will require artistic taste and knowledge of floristry. Flowers for such a flower bed are selected with good bushiness, one-level height, but different colors. A carpet flower garden is a drawing, and not necessarily a familiar carpet: it can be a cartoon character, animalism, or a portrait. This is what makes it different from a regular flower bed.
  • Raised most common in cities. But amateur gardeners also arrange such flower beds from improvised material and even old carts and cars. The earth in such structures warms up faster, but it also needs to be watered more often. But alpines and dwarf trees look good here.

  • Vertical- this is a flower bed or several mini-flower beds located at a height from the ground. When creating such a flower garden, a drain for water should be provided.
  • Multidimensional- a more complex version of a vertical flower bed. This is a voluminous flower garden in the form of a specific animated image or piece of furniture. But it can also be a whole landscape composition with mountains, hills and reservoirs. The main thing is to think over watering such a "curvy" horse or gnome.

  • Annular a flower bed is created to frame a tree, a monument, a raised flower bed. The rule of planting plants in such a flower garden: from the high center to the low edge. In this case, you can create several multi-colored rings. If you plant an unpretentious purslane here, then it will withstand the hot sun, and partial shade, and light frost.
  • Ostrovnaya the composition may consist of a large stone and several perennial bushes. A distinctive feature is a small flower bed in a large colorless space. The main care consists in the timely mowing of the grass around the flower bed so that it does not fill the flower garden.

  • Flower beds-panels require a fairly large space and therefore are not suitable for every garden plot. In addition, it is a complex composition that requires floristic skills. But if it is possible to create such a panel from perennial (coupled with annual) flowers, then it will be a real decoration of the personal plot.

  • Modular a flowerbed is being built instead of several sidewalk slabs. This option can be foreseen before installing the coating. The flower garden is unusually beautiful and original. On a small plot of land, the "checkered" module will expand the space and correct its shape. If it is impossible to remove the tiles from the paving, they make a false module: several containers with soil and plants are installed in the right places and framed with stone or vibro-casting tiles.

  • Monoclumba- the simplest design solution, there can be two options:
  1. plants are different in appearance, but the same in color;
  2. plants of the same species, but of different colors and flowering times (a rose garden is a typical mono flower).

Required tools

Depending on the type of flower bed, you may need different tools to make it. The main ones will be:

  • hammer;
  • axe;
  • hacksaw;
  • Master OK;
  • construction scissors;
  • plastic curbs;
  • level.

To work on creating and caring for a flower bed, you should always have at hand:

  • shovel;
  • shovel (scoop) for planting;
  • rake;
  • rakes for cleaning garbage between perennials;
  • hoe or weeder;
  • watering can;
  • cultivator for soil preparation and loosening;
  • gloves.

For beginner florists, professional florists and experienced summer residents have prepared a few tips:

  • you should not start with complex design solutions, but you should not be afraid to invent your own forms for flower beds;
  • for a start, multilevel perennials are best placed in long rows;
  • the correct selection of plants will provide wave flowering for the entire season;
  • in addition to flowers, it is imperative to include plants with beautiful multicolored foliage;
  • low and medium-sized plants must be planted at least two, giving them the opportunity to grow;
  • if there are concerns about the wrong selection of plants, it is better to make 2-3 flower beds with different color options;
  • if you do not like the result, you can remove the plant and plant another one next year.

It would seem that it is easier - to plant flowers and rejoice, but to get a flower garden that gives real pleasure, it turns out, there are certain rules:

  1. When planting ornamental plants - the integrity of the picture. All flowers should look like a single whole, and not be scattered around the area in a chaotic manner. If it is not possible to do this throughout the entire site, you can first refine a small area.
  2. Plants are arranged according to the principle of tiers, that is, tall plants should not cover low ones.
  3. Think in advance about the composition (architecture) of the flower garden. To do this, it will be useful to pre-draw on paper a plan for the location of plants, taking into account the timing of flowering of each flower. It is best to use colored pencils when creating the plan, this will help to achieve the optimal combination of colors.

Usually, simple flower beds are not made large, as large flower beds are more difficult to care for.

Flower beds are often made from 3 to 6 meters in diameter. Make a small mound of soil, the flower bed should rise and be visible. A round or oval flower bed can be given with a rope, the sides of rectangles or polygons are measured with a ruler. In order to separate the flower beds from the lawn and protect them from overgrowing with grass from the garden, they are fenced with bumpers or decorative gravel poured onto a black film.

The simplest type of flower bed is a mono flower, when one type of flowers is planted in a flower garden. This is the most suitable option for beginner gardeners. You can plant different varieties of the same plant, differing in shape and color. The main thing is that the contrast is not too strong.

The most elementary type of island flower bed can be attributed to the type of a simple flower bed, to make it as easy as shelling pears:

  • Mark an area with a diameter of about 2.5 meters.
  • Place a boulder in the center.
  • Plant several bushes of peonies or low-growing irises of different shades around the boulder, or 10 zinnias.

The so-called irregular flower beds are ideal for beginner gardeners. Such flower beds do not have to be planted in a strictly defined shape or size, flowers can be planted in different heights, observing only the rules for the location and combination of colors. You can pick up plants that bloom at the same time or in turn.

Complex flower beds are whole multi-level compositions, for the creation of which they use plants of different heights, as well as natural stone and other decorative elements.

Flower Tips:

  • Plants in regular beds are planted strictly in a certain order, in accordance with a clear geometric shape. It is important to maintain symmetry and correctly distribute cultures into groups. All flowers should bloom at the same time, creating a complex pattern. For a summer cottage, such flower beds are not a very good choice, since at the end of flowering, the flower bed will need to be updated.
  • Tall plants (phloxes, delphiniums) are planted in the center of the composition, then medium-sized plants and low flower crops at the edges.
  • Arranging an alpine slide requires certain skills and time. When creating it, stones of different sizes, large crushed stone, sand and pebbles are used. The flowers are surrounded by decorative moss, which is the main element of the slide. To decorate an alpine slide, you can take shrubs and dwarf trees.
  • Another type of complex flower bed is cascading flower beds. Flowers are planted in open stands and plastic, stone, pipes of various diameters and other materials. The stands are placed near the walls of buildings or terraces.
  • One of the most difficult options is carpet beds. This type of flower garden requires a lot of space, so it will not work for small summer cottages. In addition, the gardener must have sufficient experience to correctly select the plants and patterns. To create patterns of carpet beds, dwarf crops are often used, the more there are, the more colorful the pattern will turn out. It is important to draw a pattern in advance and plant the plants in strict accordance with the plan, filling every centimeter of the site.
  • Vertical flower beds, unlike carpet beds, do not need a lot of space. Here, too, considerable experience will be required, since it is important to think over not only the floral arrangement, but also the frame on which it will be held. But in the design, you can realize any fantasies: create volumetric figures of any shape, make a partition from a flower arrangement or replace a part of the wall with it.
  • The most difficult option for professionals is arabesque. These flower beds are real pictures of flowers. It can be images of animals, insects, a large flower, a logo.

The highest degree of professionalism is the creation of volumetric paintings... When creating such flower beds, it is important to take into account absolutely all the rules for the formation of flower beds: the combination of flowers, shape, duration and beginning of flowering, the ability of plants to coexist with each other, proper care for each species and many others. (With)

A flower garden of 1.5 x 3 m, in which plants with different flowering periods are distributed in tiers, located in an open area between the lawn and the terrace, will always attract our eyes. The flower garden is especially beautiful between July and September.

Most flowering perennials prefer a sunny location. But there are also species, for example, astilba, badan, hosta, which feel great in the shade.

1. Meadow geranium (Geranium pratense) varieties "Summer Skies" with double blue flowers - 10 copies

2. Panicled phlox (Phlox paniculata), varieties "Landhochzeit" pale pink color - 4 specimens.

3. Beautiful small petal (Erigeron speciosus) "Rotes Meer" with pink flowers - 7 specimens.

4 Pozharsky's bell (Campanula poscharskyana) "Blauranke" with blue-violet flowers - 9 specimens.(With)

I wish you success in creating such beauty!

all photos from internet

Correctly selected plants for a flower garden of continuous flowering of perennials make it easy to decorate even the most ordinary-looking areas and give a unique charm all season. An attractive, constantly blooming small flower bed is incredibly popular, and in recent years it has been increasingly used in landscape decoration against the backdrop of lawns and large-sized trees.

Rules for creating flower beds of continuous flowering

There are several rules for creating a continuous flowering flower garden yourself:

  • at the first stage of planning, you need to make a sketch of the flower bed. For this purpose, a ready-made layout scheme with examples can be used, or you can create a sketch scheme yourself;
  • at the next stage, in accordance with the size of the proposed flower garden, the selection of a place on the personal plot is carried out. The place should correspond to the botanical needs of plants and take into account their shade and drought tolerance;
  • when planning the location, it is necessary to take into account not only the size of ornamental plants, but also their coloring, as well as compatibility in group plantings;
  • tall perennial flowers are always planted in the background of the composition, and low-growing plants are located in the foreground, which will allow you to get the most effective and harmonious composition;

  • when distributing the color spectrum, it is recommended to place the brightest blue and red flowers in the background, and plant plants with calm pink, blue and yellow tones in the foreground;
  • it is important to remember that primroses are planted in the autumn, and perennial crops must also be sown in advance;
  • the basic decoration of the flower garden is undersized conifers and decorative deciduous crops.

Caring for the formed flower bed is not difficult and consists in timely irrigation measures, weeding and systematic feeding. Periodically, you need to visually inspect the composition, remove dried and dead plants, replacing them with new ones.

Continuous flowering garden (video)

Flower beds of continuous flowering from perennials by seasons

In flower beds of continuous flowering, a wide variety of ornamental plants can be grown, the flowering period of which depends on the season.

Choosing flowers for a summer flower bed

The most popular types and varieties of summer flowering perennials:

  • Aquilegia from the buttercup family. A medium-sized plant with bluish-green leaves and multi-colored simple or double flowers of a drooping type. Belongs to the category of frost-resistant and relatively shade-tolerant crops;
  • Aconite from the buttercup family. It has straight stems no more than a meter in height and palm-shaped dissected leaves. The flowers are helmet-shaped, collected in loose racemose inflorescences, purple, blue or bluish. They belong to the category of frost-resistant and relatively shade-tolerant crops;
  • Begonia, belonging to the begonia family. It is a thermophilic plant with rounded oval, shiny leaves with finely toothed edges and red, pink or white flowers. Needs to be grown in sunny areas with loose and nutritious soil;

  • Hesperis from the cruciferous family. Forms double or simple flowers of purple, lilac or white color with a characteristic pronounced floral aroma. It is preferable to grow on moist and loose, sufficiently limed soils, in light shade;
  • Gypsophila from the carnation family. The plant has spherical, small white or pink inflorescences and densely intertwined thin shoots. Suitable for growing in areas with sufficiently fertile, permeable soils with good lighting;
  • Delphinium from the buttercup family. Differs in powerful, branched stems and palmate-lobed, large foliage. The flowers are collected in long and dense racemose inflorescences of blue-lilac, blue or white. Grows best on loamy and well-fertilized soils with adequate sunlight;

  • Diklitra from the dymyankov family. It has pinnately-divided and dissected-toothed leaves. Forms dark pink flowers, collected in hanging racemose inflorescences. Prefers moist, loose, fertile soils with good sunlight;
  • Irises from the iris family. The stemless plant has narrow xiphoid leaves and a thickened rhizome. The flowers are large in size, of different colors. Suitable for growing in shaded areas, but prefer soils with a sufficient amount of organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • Bells from the bellflower family. One of the most common design options for flower beds. Species are planted with crown, simple or double flowers, collected in drooping racemose inflorescences. Grow best in sunny areas.

No less popular in the design of summer flower beds are rhizome plants, lilies of the valley, which successfully combine decorative attractiveness and unpretentiousness.

Flower gardens: landscape tricks (video)

Plants for creating a spring flower bed

To the most popular relatively unpretentious plants for the spring decoration of a blooming flower bed, the following decorative perennials belong:

  • the undersized geranium is gorgeous with delicate and simple blue flowers;
  • undersized ground cover periwinkle with large blue flowers;
  • medium-sized brunner with dark green large foliage and small blue flowers;
  • or saxifrage with paniculate inflorescences of lilac color;
  • with bare stems and leaves on long petioles;
  • oriental hyacinth with double or simple flowers of various colors;
  • lilac-white crocus variety "Vangard" and purple crocus variety "Purpureus-grandiflorus";
  • daffodil from the Amaryllis family, represented by several dozen species, hundreds of varieties and hybrids.

Autumn perennials

There are not too many unpretentious perennials that bloom beautifully in the autumn, but most often when decorating flower beds are used:

  • tall aconite Arends, blooming from mid-summer to the onset of a noticeable cold snap with white, blue and two-colored flowers;
  • Japanese anemone with large, dark green leaves and attractive single or double flowers;
  • hybrid anemone, represented by unpretentious varieties "Honorin Jobert", "Profusion" and "Queen Charlotte";
  • autumn crocus or wintering, outwardly very similar to crocuses, but blooming for three weeks, from September to October;

  • shaggy vernonia with erect stems and very decorative large oval leaves;
  • sun-loving and unpretentious sedum, with small flowers, collected in fluffy attractive inflorescences;
  • bulbous cold-resistant perennial plant "Bowden" nerine with beautiful umbellate inflorescences;
  • nerine sinuous with white and pink coloration, collected in bell-shaped inflorescences;
  • tricyrtis or garden orchid, belonging to the perennial plants of the Liliaceae family with pink flowers collected in bunches.

The late-flowering perennial chrysanthemums of the Vreneli and Ordenstern varieties look especially impressive.

Winter flower bed

For winter beds, it is best to use lush winter-hardy varieties of chrysanthemums and dahlias, as well as frost-resistant tall gladioli and echinacea, hellebore and some aster hybrids. Such crops perfectly tolerate short-term frosts and retain their decorative effect until heavy snow falls.

All-season continuous flowering flower bed

To design an all-season flower bed, you need to select long-flowering plants, as well as crops, the flowering times of which follow each other. To independently create the most attractive and low-maintenance flower bed of continuous flowering, it is recommended to plant the following types and varieties:

  • roses are planted in the central part of the flower bed and are surrounded by other perennials, or they are made out in a separate pink flower garden;
  • undersized perennial carnations, most adapted to frost and represented by numerous varieties;
  • tricolor violet or pansies, planted along the edges of the flower bed and represented by very cute, bright undersized flowers;
  • early alpine aster, mid-flowering dumosus and late common aster;
  • sensitive to care, but very decorative lily can become a real decoration of any flower garden;

  • undersized bushy phlox, successfully combined with asters, as well as carnations and other bright perennials;
  • graceful perennial bells are able to delight the grower from early spring to the onset of cold weather;
  • delphinium inflorescences like candles look spectacular in the central part of the flower bed next to lilies and phlox;
  • early, unusually attractive and very fragrant low-growing hyacinths are planted along the edges of the flower bed;
  • The most hardy and resistant to adverse factors is deservedly considered iris, which is perfect for all-season flower beds.

The following combination of ornamental plants is recognized as the most successful:

  • geranium and stonecrop are planted along the edges;
  • the second row is planted with irises of different colors; May June);
  • peonies and roses are planted in the third row.

Creating a flower bed of continuous flowering: examples and schemes

Currently, several schemes of unpretentious flower beds with continuous flowering are used. The simplest option is to plant the following types:

  • Delphinium;
  • Iris bearded;
  • Yarrow;
  • Veronica;
  • Sunflower;
  • Enoster Missouri;
  • Thyme;
  • Stakhis;
  • Badan;
  • The daylily is hybrid.

It is somewhat more difficult to care for flower beds of continuous flowering, represented by stock-rose, rudbeckia, bell, garden geranium, alpine aster, coreopsis, gatsania, fragrant tobacco and penstemon.

We select flowers by height

In the event that a perennial flowering flower bed is located near a house, greenhouse or fence, the principle of the arrangement of plants is quite simple. Low flowers are in the foreground, taller ones in the background. If the flower garden is located in the middle of the plot, the tallest plants should be placed in the center.

The main scheme, which always works flawlessly - there must be lower escorts next to a tall flower. This is how yellow-red helenium looks great with blue sage.

It is important to surround the perennial flowers with groundcover so that the islet looks complete. So Waldsteinia and Aubriet look great when placed on the edge of a flower bed.

We select good conditions for a perennial flower garden

  • The flower bed should be located in an open area that receives the optimal amount of sunlight. Perennials, if not provided with enough light, will feel bad. If the plants have a negative attitude towards frost, it is recommended to plant them in places protected from the wind.
  • If we talk about the soil for perennial plants, it can be anything. But it depends on him which plants you can place in the flower garden. So, on clay soils, peonies, hosts and daylilies will feel great. On the sandy ones, there are erythematosus, yarrows and kermeks. All other flowers like fertilized loamy soils.
  • It is better to plant flowers in flower beds in spring or early autumn. Reproduction of plants occurs mainly by vegetative or seed methods.

Choosing plants and breaking a flower bed

Prepare the soil before planting your plants. It is necessary to loosen it thoroughly, add compost. See how the plants will be positioned. Badan, herbal carnations and primrose are best planted in groups. A daylily can act as a soloist.

It is worth taking into account the need for flowers in relation to the area of ​​the flower bed. A tight planting will not allow plants to develop, which means that strong individuals displace weak ones.

When the flowers are located far from each other, "bald spots" are formed, which will look completely ugly. And remember! Perennials take time to appear in all their glory.

Which plants should you give preference to? You can choose a free composition consisting of:

  • stock-roses;
  • Turkish carnation;
  • foxgloves;
  • Byzantine purist;
  • acanthus.

If you decide to make primrose the center of the flower bed, it is recommended to place the flower garden in partial shade. The presented plant goes well with ferns, irises and cereals.

When combining perennials with annuals, you can give preference to flowers such as:

  • beetroot,
  • lily,
  • small petals,
  • evening primrose,
  • chamomile,
  • verbena,
  • yarrow.

For a flower bed located on the sunny side, a Turkish poppy would be the best option. It blooms in early summer.

If you long for a green carpet of plants to be bright until late autumn, you should stop at the periwinkle and Waldsteinia.

When the flower bed is in the shade, blooming astilba will suit you. In her environment, there may be a funkia and a scutellum.

How to grow perennials in the garden (video)

All-season perennials are beautiful and unpretentious plants, and a "smart" flowerbed decorated with such crops will become a real decoration of any backyard or urban landscape. Caring for perennials is not too difficult and can well be carried out by both beginners and already experienced growers.

Most flowering plants do not please us with their festive appearance for so long. And the dream, probably, of every grower is to make the flower beds bright and elegant from the first days of spring until late autumn, so that the time of flowering in the garden does not stop the whole season. The creation of flower beds of continuous flowering.

Non-obvious nuances

Such a flower bed has a number of significant features that must be taken into account when planning. And the first of the unobvious nuances: the bed of continuous flowering should be extensive... Why?
  • In order for the plants to bloom constantly, replacing each other, their assortment must be quite wide: a small number of species that fit on a small flower bed will not be able to solve the problem.
  • Large color spots give expressiveness to the flower bed; planting plants one by one, you will not achieve the integrity of the composition - it will turn out to be fragmented, the abundance of small accents will distract attention, irritate the eye.

If the site does not allow planning a vast area, it is better to achieve the effect of continuous flowering at the expense of several small seasonal ones, having thought over their mutual arrangement so that the overall picture of the garden always remains attractive.

The second non-obvious nuance: plants with similar flowering times are best grouped instead of spreading flower beds over the entire area. The reason is the same: scattered color spots will crush the composition. As a rule, the plan of a flower bed of continuous flowering includes several seasonal groups, smoothly replacing each other: such a flower garden is always thoughtfully changeable.

Hence follows the third feature: the irregular nature of the flower bed, free planning... It is important to remember this in order not to disturb the general one: for example, if straight lines and strict geometry prevail in the landscape, it is probably still better to break the plantings of several seasonal flower beds, and not try to squeeze a flower bed of continuous flowering into a rigid framework.

General rules for creating a flower bed of continuous flowering

It is worth starting, perhaps, with the "flowering calendar": we select plants, noting the time during which each of them is the most attractive and decorative. At this stage, it is important to decide on the assortment, taking into account, of course, the standard ones:
  • we combine only those plants that are similar or the same requirements to, nutrition, illumination;
  • take into account sizes of each plant, as well as the rate of its growth; do not forget that aggressive, rapidly growing cultures will have to be contained, limited;
  • we select and arrange plants taking into account their colors, combining - depending on your design - complementary or contrasting colors.

Then we start drawing scheme or plan of the future flower bed... It is necessary to very clearly imagine how your flower garden will look like at each of the seasonal time periods - literally by months. At the same time, do not forget: some plants (mostly spring ones, but not only) lose their attractiveness after flowering; so that the flowerbed does not look unkempt, when their foliage begins to wither, it should be covered by other - grown by that time - plants or flowers, possibly annuals.

Flowerbed with decorative deciduous plants, photo from the Internet

Be sure to estimate possible viewpoints: whether your flower bed will be accessible to viewers from all sides or are you planning it to be one-sided. It depends on where and how plants of different heights will be placed so that they do not block each other.

Caring for plants is not an easy question for a vast flower bed, therefore, on a large area, it is worthwhile to provide for special areas or narrow paths, mulched (that is, abundantly sprinkled) with decorative materials: along them you can get to any flower in order to cut, water or tie it up, if would need.

Selection of plants

For a flower bed of continuous flowering, you can use both perennial, and annual, and biennial plants. And the most rational thing is perennial flower bed, which is complemented every year by colorful and long-flowering annuals. And of course, one should not forget about decorative deciduous crops and: they are stably decorative, and depending on the season they can play a variety of roles in your composition.

Spring flowering plants

These are, first of all, a variety of bulbous. Here, preference should be given to crops that do not require annual excavation (we will postpone for other flower beds): they will do , .

From rhizome and tuberous perennials in early spring bloom , liverwort, corydalis,... Of biennials, it is worth noting, or pansies, and: they are attractive not only for the early onset of flowering, but also for its long duration.

Spring-flowering perennials bloom after small-bulbous ones, replacing them. Yellow and doronicums, spring-flowering and, various, phlox subulate- a worthy flower bed decoration.

Spring flowers. Photo

I deliberately do not indicate the specific flowering time - they depend on the region and partly on the conditions created for the plants: how well the flowerbed warms up and illuminates, what kind of soil is on it, and so on. When in the south the primroses are already withering, snow may still lie in the Middle Lane, but the general sequence of flowering remains, regardless of the climatic zone.

It is also reasonable to consider that many plants, along with early ones, have late species and varieties, combining which, you can significantly prolong flowering. So, in the conditions of the Middle zone, they can bloom, replacing each other, from the second half of June to the end of August; - from the end of June to the first frost; garden- from mid-May to September. Some cultures (for example, , badan and others) are capable of blooming again with good care in late summer - early autumn.

You will find a large assortment of perennials for creating continuous flowering beds in our catalog, which combines the offers of various online stores of seeds and planting material. ...

Viola Vittroca Bolero Purple Sunset F1 41 rbl
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Viola Jonise Jumping 15 rbl
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Phlox New hybrids, mix 37 rbl
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Lobularia Fragrant mix 13 rbl
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Phlox Constellation, mix 15 rbl
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Delphinium annual Waltz of flowers (ST) 13 rbl
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Summer flowering plants

Their list is extremely extensive, it would be difficult to bring it completely, therefore, we will note only a part of the crops that will come in handy in a flower bed of continuous flowering.

From perennials to the already mentioned astilbe, phlox, garden geraniums, delphiniums and lupins, it is worth adding , ... Of course, one cannot ignore the various species and (both biennial and perennial). Fans of ground cover plants will appreciate the flowering time of which also occurs in the summer.

And, of course, what a summer flower bed without bright annuals! Will almost always be appropriate , ... Lush flowering will delight

(17 estimates, average: 4,35 out of 5)

Beautiful well-groomed flower bed can become a real decoration of the garden area. The process of its creation resembles creativity, where there are no clear rules, and the result is always unpredictable. A flowerbed of perennials, created once, will decorate the garden for many years. The flowering process will resume on its own every year, and regular maintenance will keep the garden in continuous flowering over time.

Types of flower beds

Continuous flowering flower beds are areas that combine flowering p asthenia with deciduous, herbaceous and shrubby. They can differ in size and proportional ratios of their constituent plants. There are the following types of flower beds:

  1. Modular. Combine plants and small architectural forms (flowerpots, fountains).
  2. Mixborders. They include various flowers in one composition, as a rule, they are located along houses or paths.
  3. Tapeworms. Flowerbeds created according to a single principle.
  4. Rabatki. Narrow plantings of the same color range. The ridges look like long floral stripes. If you wish, you can arrange a rabatka yourself, it is not difficult.
  5. Curbs. Flower beds in the form of stripes.
  6. Rockeries. Stone gardens that combine natural flowers and inanimate elements such as stones.
  7. Rock gardens. Flower beds with alpine plants growing on hills.

Growing conditions

Before making a flower garden with your own hands, you need to consider:

  • Climate. When choosing plants, it is necessary to take those that will grow comfortably in the climatic zone of the site.
  • Terrain relief. When planting plants, you can take advantage of the terrain.
  • Character and soil composition... Many plants require fertile soil. These include lupins, bells. Others prefer loam or sand. This is flax, sage. Asters and yarrow grow well on swampy ground. Phlox and carnations are cultivated on dry soils.
  • Illumination of the site. As a rule, all flowers love sunny places. For darkened places, ferns, lilies of the valley, hosts are suitable.
  • Planting density and flowering season. Do not plant flowers very tightly, they will interfere with each other.

Gallery: continuous flowering perennial beds (25 photos)

Color solutions

It is also necessary to take into account colors when creating a flower bed. Color strongly affects a person's mood and well-being. Correct a color scheme will help to create a harmonious flower garden that will delight many. The main nuances when combining colors:

  • the harmony of color filling will depend on the play of light and shadow; smooth leaves reflect light, matte ones absorb;
  • when choosing a palette, you should give preference to either warm or cold colors;
  • to visually increase the size small flower garden, you need to reduce the number of colors used;
  • also for the visual expansion of the flower garden, it is worth planting flowers of blue shades in the background, and red and yellow in the front;
  • a bright foreground needs a calm background;
  • when decorating flower beds from many flowers, calm shades are taken for the background, and bright flowers are arranged in groups, but they should occupy no more than one-sixth of the entire flower garden;
  • on one site only one bright flower bed, everyone else should complement it and be calmer;
  • when planting flowers, the total area of ​​the plantings should be taken into account, without creating too large bright spots, which will rather annoy than please;
  • the main color scheme of the flower garden is chosen with taking into account the climatic zone.

Flower bed for beginners

To break a perennial flower garden yourself, you need to adhere to the following principles:

  1. In the central part of the flower bed are used tall plants: roses, asters, lilies, peonies, phloxes, lupins, clematis, meadow bells, echinacea, daylilies.
  2. Perennials medium height complemented by tall flowers. Medium-sized plants include tulips, irises, cornflower, catnip, sage, yarrow, lavender, primrose, fern.
  3. The edges of the flower bed and the gaps are formed by ground cover plants. Among them are chastets, periwinkles, Renard's geraniums, cloves, umbilicals, lungwort, and veronica. The cushion aster looks good.

Particular attention should be paid to the flowering time of certain plants. It is necessary that the flower bed retains its beautiful appearance throughout the season. Here are some examples of when the varieties used in flower beds bloom:

  1. Pink panicled phlox. It is better to plant it in early spring or autumn in sandy or drained soil. The plant blooms with mid-summer to autumn.
  2. Astilbe is pink. The flower loves fertile loose soil. Blooms from late June to August.
  3. Violet-silvery daylily. It is planted in the spring in fertilized and drained soil. A loamy soil with an acidity of 6-6.5 pH is suitable for him.
  4. Lavender Heuchera. Blooms from May to July. Loves soil without stagnation.
  5. Geranium. It blooms from July to autumn, it is distinguished by its magnificent shape.

Tall flowers can be planted singly, and small ones are better planted in groups. In this case, you need to look at the flower bed from different sides of the garden, and tall flowers should be visible from everywhere in the center, and undersized ones - at the edges. To avoid bald spots, plants are planted close to each other, but not closely.

Before start creating a flower bed, it is necessary to draw up a suitable plant layout. You can do it yourself, or you can take ready-made flower garden schemes from perennials, developed by specialists.

Flowerbed in the shape of a heart

You can create flower beds of various shapes. One of the options is heart-shaped flower beds. The outer borders are decorated with peonies of pink and burgundy tones, planted in turn. You can plant roses inside.

Flower Garden Sky in the Clouds

Delicate romantic flower bed, consisting of three kinds of colors... The first strip is a combination of Transcarpathian bell and gentian, the second - white phlox. Such a flower bed will make any area warm and welcoming.

Perennials blooming in the first year

This type of flower bed is suitable for those who do not want to wait a whole year before the first flowering. For this, plants are selected that bloom immediately after planting in the ground. Scheme building such a flower bed:

  1. Two-year-old mallows of yellow and white flowers are planted in the background.
  2. The sunflower complements the mallow.
  3. St. John's wort and Irish poppy are arranged in the flower bed and form bright spots.
  4. Cardinal lobelia is planted in the center; this flower has a lush beautiful bush.
  5. At the edges of the flower bed are Poskharsky's bell, Fassen's catnip and Kalanchoe.
  6. Gravilat decorates a flower garden in summer, and readings - in autumn.

A flower bed of continuous flowering depending on the season

To make pollen to continuous flowering, it is necessary to take into account the seasonal characteristics of the plants.

In the spring, after the snow melts, wolf bast bushes begin to bloom. Crocuses, woodlands, irises bloom in the flowerbed. Tulips, daffodils, marigolds, liverwort will bloom later. Then irises, phlox, veronica, daisies, viola bloom. Peonies, sage, euphorbia join in May. The hosts and sedums decorate the flowerbed.

In the summer, the flower bed blooms with new colors. A catnip, a catnip, a soul-mate is in bloom. Geraniums of various types will delight the eye for a long time. Chamomile, bells, bluehead, rudbeckia, alpine aster, hydrangea flaunt. Girlish grapes and hops will look good in the background.

In the fall, sage and catnip will bloom again. Geraniums are still beautiful. Hostas, euphorbia, rudbeckia, aster delight with their splendor. Chrysanthemums, coreopsis, crocus flowers bloom, giving the autumn charm to the flower garden.

A winter flower bed can also be beautiful thanks to evergreen thujas, abandoned cereals, and installed sculptures and flowerpots.

These are the basic rules for decorating a flower bed of continuous flowering, schemes help beginners in creating an attractive flower garden with their own hands.

Preparation and landing

If the design of the flower bed is determined, you need to choose a place and prepare the soil. For this:

  • clean the area from debris, stones;
  • remove beetles and other pests;
  • dig up the soil 50 cm;
  • eliminate all weeds.

The soil prepared in advance is fertilized with humus, organic matter, peat. A drainage layer is made using sand, crushed stone, gravel. The height of the drainage layer is 15 cm. For sandy soils, a drainage layer is not needed, since water is already leaving quickly. But fertilization will also be required.

The prepared and fertilized soil is leveled. The finished soil should rise 10-15 cm above ground level. This is necessary so that the water does not stagnate. Excess moisture is detrimental to many flowering plants, especially bulbous ones.

Perennial flower beds are a decoration for any garden. It is not necessary to invite landscape designers to design them. All work can be done independently. Ready-made projects help gardeners with this. But it is not necessary to follow the ready-made schemes. With a strong desire to embellish the garden, you can create many unsurpassed masterpieces and enjoy the vibrant appeal of perennial flowers for several years.