The project is a mansard country house with a garage. Projects of houses with an attic and a garage: maximum convenience and comfort

Today, people are trying with all their might to rationalize free space. Projects of houses with an attic and a garage are a vivid proof of this.

The design of such cottages has a number of features that you should familiarize yourself with before proceeding with construction.


Houses equipped with an attic and a garage are more popular in our country. This is due to the advantages of such structures, which are not only in the financial side of the issue, but also in the convenience of such buildings.

  • Availability attic floor adds a few square meters to the living or total area of ​​the cottage. Although this indicator will be small, it can completely change the house, allowing you to organize any missing room.
  • The attic provides an almost complete replacement of the second floor, providing significant savings Money during construction and procurement of materials.
  • The attic is a fashionable and stylish solution that completely transforms the overall look of the house. Not only functional, but also aesthetic indicators are improved.
  • The attic under the roof performs not only the role of a room. It also insulates roof structure, because before you get into the house, the draft must penetrate into the attic. If it is good to insulate the attic, organizing living space here, then you can completely get rid of drafts.
  • Like an attic, an attached garage will cost much less than a free-standing equivalent.
  • With the help of an attached garage, you can easily achieve significant space savings. This is especially true if the site cannot be called large.


One-story or two-story attic houses can be built using various materials. Not only classic options are popular, but also modern counterparts that are easy to use and also allow you to create a structure in the shortest possible time.

For example, you can order a ready-made standard cottage from sandwich panels, and then simply assemble it in the likeness of a designer when all the details are brought. Although not to everyone's taste simple solutions. Someone prefers a more costly way of building from a bar, which has many subtleties.

In order for the construction to be fast and of high quality in any case, you must first understand the specifics of the materials and the nuances that distinguish them from each other. Only when all factors are taken into account will you be able to do all the work correctly.


Wooden one-story houses have been known for a long time. This material has a number positive characteristics, among which is the ability to provide optimal noise and heat insulation characteristics. Also, timber raw materials are environmentally friendly, therefore wood is perfect for building houses.

On the other hand, wood is flammable, so the risk of a fire increases, which can destroy not only the entire living space, but also the garage with the car located there. Also, the raw material itself is expensive, so option log house not suitable for those with limited finances. However, these shortcomings are compensated by the durability of the building. Average log houses, if built correctly, can last up to 50 years or more.


This option also cannot be called cheap, although brickwork refers to traditional. Like wood, brick perfectly insulates sound and does not allow heat to escape from the house. Brick walls are one of the most stable, so you don’t have to worry that they won’t support the weight of the attic.

It is noteworthy that in this case, the attic can be done after the completion of construction, even if it was not in the project. strengthening bearing walls will not be required, as a result of which the construction process will become much cheaper. It is impossible not to mention the solid, reliable type of construction. Thanks to such material as brick, a house with a garage will look like an impregnable fortress. Few people want to try to rob such a structure, as a result of which the car will be in relative safety.

Gas and foam blocks

Structures built from aerated concrete or gas silicate blocks have all the same advantages as brick buildings.

However, blocks are much lighter than bricks, resulting in several specific nuances:

  • First, due to the ease of the material to conduct construction works you can even do it alone.
  • Secondly, the load on the foundation base is greatly reduced.
  • Thirdly, the ability of the walls to support the weight of the roof with an extension is also greatly reduced. Because of this, it is necessary to plan the attic at the design stage.

A garage made of gas silicate or foam blocks can be attached to the house later, without fear that the new building will not adjoin the existing facade as it should. However, it is important to make all preparatory work, and also use the foundation of the same type as that of the house (usually a lightweight pile or grillage option is chosen).

Frames and sandwich panels

erection frame house It is easy to make, but here it is important to take into account several significant factors. When planning a veranda, it is important to include it in the project at the preparation stage.. This will allow you to correctly calculate the load on the frame. Otherwise, it may not withstand, and the structure will simply fold like a house of cards. There should not be any particular problems with the creation of a garage.

As for the sandwich or SIP panels, they are already supplied as a kit. The buyer only needs to assemble the structure. Sandwich panels are manufactured according to an existing plan, taking into account all the rooms and premises provided for by the project, including the garage and attic.

It is not possible to plan them after making the house, so you need to take care of their availability in advance.


As a rule, in projects with an attic and a garage, a roof is provided that covers both the garage and the main building at once. Sometimes one of the attic rooms can even be equipped above the garage. For these purposes, in theory, any design is suitable, but in practice it turns out that some roofs require too much financial investment or cannot be mounted in a windy climate zone due to excessive height. There are several types of roofs that are ideal for creating an attic under them.

These include:

  • gable;
  • hip;
  • half hip.

The last two options are four-slope.

Attic under gable roof it will turn out small, narrow and uncomfortable However, this option is the easiest to implement. It can even be designed by yourself.

Attic structures under hipped roofs are complete rooms.

When planning an attic and a garage, it is best to use complex structure roof, allowing you to organize an attic over almost the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.


The biggest problem is insulation. On the one hand, it is not necessary to insulate the garage in some special way. It has a wall adjacent to the house, so the temperature in it will always be higher than on the street. It is much more important to take care of ventilation.

It is much more difficult to insulate the attic. It is important to completely prevent the appearance of drafts, the penetration of cold wind. You also need to make sure that the waterproofing is at the proper level. The penetration of precipitation into the premises will by no means contribute to a favorable microclimate.

Used to insulate attics different materials. The choice of one or another option depends on the type of room located below, as well as on whether it is planned to live in the attic permanently, or it will be used only as a room for temporary transmission.


The material is light weight. It is sold in comfortable stoves, due to which it can be transported and stacked without problems. Polyfoam has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. With other advantages, it has low price, thanks to which you will be able to significantly save on insulation.

The disadvantage is that the material tends to crumble over time. It is also highly flammable, which is why it should not be used near flammable objects (stoves, gas stoves etc.).


Wood fiber boards are the best choice in cases where the attic is located on top of the bath room or sauna. Working with fiberboard does not cause any particular difficulties. Even a beginner can handle it here. In addition, the material has excellent thermal insulation properties and almost completely hides extraneous noise. Fiberboard belongs to the category of economy class materials.

However, there is one drawback that negates all other advantages of the material. Over time, fiberboard begins to release toxins into the atmosphere that are harmful to humans and animals.. Therefore, it is impossible to use insulation from fiberboard within residential premises.. They can only handle side rooms, such as a bathroom or kitchen.

glass wool

This cheap material also often used for attic insulation. Glass wool has more cons than pros. It is difficult to work with it, because glass dust hazardous to health is released into the air, the inhalation of which is fraught with damage to the respiratory tract. It requires the use of specialized protective equipment that protects not only the respiratory system, but also the skin.

The advantages of the material are high degree thermal insulation and fire resistance.

Glass wool should not be used to insulate attics in which they will live permanently.

Mineral wool

The modern equivalent of glass wool has all the same advantages, but without the disadvantages of a more traditional material.

In addition, this option has additional advantages:

  • Resistance to vital processes of microorganisms. They just don't show up here.
  • Sustainability in high humidity with excellent vapor permeability. This means that mineral wool contributes to the evaporation of condensate, which for a number of reasons can accumulate in the attic.
  • Reduced thermal conductivity. The material prevents the full circulation of heat between the room and the street. In winter, it keeps the house warm, and in summer it does not allow hot air from the street to enter the room.
  • Environmental friendliness. Unlike glass wool, mineral wool completely safe for humans.

As is clear from the foregoing, there are many options for insulating attics, but there is still no single universal one. Before choosing, you need to decide what material with what qualities you are looking for, and then proceed to the selection of options.


To date, there are many projects of houses with an attic and a garage of different footage and with different content. There are options with one and several floors, with a basement, a sauna or wine storage, and even with a terrace above the garage. Each option deserves separate consideration.

The project also depends on the total footage of the house. For instance, cottages with an area of ​​120-150 sq. m is much easier to equip with an attic or garage. The attic will turn out to be large and roomy, and the garage can be attached from any side (from the facade or from the end). It is important to pay attention to the overall aesthetics of the building. The extension must not be allowed to greatly distort its proportions.

Below are a few project ideas, each of which can help you finally decide how you want to see your house with an attic and a garage.

Little house

Attach a garage to small house area up to 100 m² you need wisely. It is important to pay attention to general form cottage. If the house is narrow and elongated, then it makes sense to continue it, as it were, by placing the garage from the end. If you are a happy owner of a square building, then you have the opportunity to attach a garage the way you want.

To make a veranda, you have to try. The most you can count on is small room approximately 12 sq. m. However, it can be used as a full-fledged bedroom or a nursery, if the finishing work is properly carried out.

Not only a one-story house can be small. Having a compact two-story structure, it is better to refuse an attached garage altogether. It is best to build a free-standing garage structure.

The attic can only be built as a utility room, for example, a closet.

Garage for 2 cars

Happy owners big houses different areas(8 by 10 sq. m, 15 by 15 sq. m, and so on) often think about arranging a garage for two cars. Now many families are faced with the fact that both the wife and husband want to have their own car, so there is a need to equip a large garage. For such cases, design agencies specifically develop suitable plans. You can see some of them in the images below.

Nai in the best way. The built-in technical room has a number of advantages over a separate structure. First, the cost of its construction is much less. Secondly, the garage, which is part of the house, is convenient in terms of everyday use, especially during the cold season. There is no need to go outside to get to the car.

A variety of projects of houses with an attic and a garage are offered by architectural bureaus and other specialized organizations. The main advantage of such housing is the most complete use of the entire internal space of the building. With relatively small external dimensions, houses of this layout have everything you need. There are a lot of options for housing and office space.

Chalet-style house project with a garage and an attic

The garage box can be placed in, located along one of the walls of the cottage under the same roof with it. Another option: the technical room can serve as the basis for the living rooms of the attic floor. Common to all such projects is the distribution of premises by levels in accordance with their functions.

Plan of the first floor of the house with a garage and an attic

On the ground floor there is usually a kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, on the second floor: bedrooms and bathrooms.

Attic floor plan

One-level residential buildings with garage boxes

Finished projects one-story houses with a garage are extremely popular with the population of our country. Their main advantage: ease of implementation and, as a result, relatively low cost. Single-story buildings have less weight, which helps to reduce the load on the foundation and soil. This circumstance makes it possible to manage with foundations lightened to a certain level.

With the location of all rooms on the same level, there is no need for expensive staircases. As a result, the entire useful area of ​​​​the house can be used more rationally. Layout of premises for various purposes designed in such a way that living rooms and a garage housed kitchens and bathrooms. This approach minimizes the negative impact of the proximity to the garage box.

An example of the layout and location of rooms in one-story house with garage

Multi-level houses with a garage: options

The limited size of land plots does not always allow housing to be placed, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich would be sufficient to comfortably accommodate the whole family. Various projects two-storey houses with a garage is a great opportunity to solve this problem. When saving external dimensions buildings, its interior space is at least doubled.

There are different layout schemes for multi-level buildings. For the most part, they relate primarily to the location of the garage box. Logic dictates the need to place technical rooms on the lower floors of houses. Built-in garages can be located both at ground level and below it in the basement. Such projects are extremely popular among the population, and provide an opportunity to build decent housing on a small site.

Two-level houses with a garage in the basement are one of the most popular options.

Boxing and office space: a boiler room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room serve as the basis for the bedrooms, children's rooms and bathrooms located above.

An example of a typical house layout with a garage in the basement

The movement of people between levels is carried out by. There are many options here: from simple straight marches installed in separate rooms to original screw structures.

There are many architectural solutions implemented in. As an option: a covered terrace can be located on the garage box, which is used in warm time of the year. Open architectural element gives the house a certain charm and makes it light and airy. The terrace area is used mainly for relaxing, eating and drinking tea.

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Projects of baths with a gazebo

Project two-story house with a garage and a terrace located above it

Specialized bureaus offer ready-made projects, as well as develop individual projects. Usually, during preliminary negotiations, the client is shown standard developments that are most suitable in terms of characteristics to the requirements of the customer. Serious organizations have dozens and even hundreds of ready-made projects, which for convenience are reduced to catalogs or collections with sonorous names.

In multi-level residential buildings, garage boxes can be placed below ground level in the basement.

The construction of such houses is usually carried out in order to make the most of the allotted area with restrictions on the total height. The project of a separate dwelling with a garage located in basement, fits perfectly into the complex terrain of the site, for example, on a hillside.

The project of a house with a garage in the basement, located on a slope

Particular attention in the process of construction work must be given to waterproofing. The project includes a set of measures aimed at creating drainage system and applying coatings to the walls that prevent the penetration of moisture. In buried garages, it is necessary to provide effective system ventilation. Maintaining optimal temperature and humidity conditions is necessary to ensure the safety of the car.

The specifics of houses equipped with a garage made of different materials

Construction technologies involve the use of materials with different properties and characteristics. One of the most affordable and therefore attractive for the client are wooden houses with a garage made of profiled timber or logs. lumber natural humidity create in indoor areas a special microclimate conducive to the preservation and maintenance of health.

Many companies offer services for the construction of wooden houses. When choosing a contractor, preference is given to those enterprises that have their own modern production. with built-in garage boxes can be both standard and developed in accordance with the wishes of the customer. Building material allows the construction of a single-level or multi-storey comfortable dwelling.

An example of a two-story project wooden house with garage

The original designs of houses with a garage made of solid or glued timber are diverse in terms of architectural solutions. The choice can be made from a number of ready-made developments or an order for design in individually. In this case, the terms of reference are formed based on the wishes of the customer and taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents.

Has a number of features. Manufacturing complete set details is carried out at a woodworking enterprise. Modern high-precision equipment allows us to produce elements with the necessary tolerances. In parallel with the production of the assembly kit, the preparation of the base is carried out: tape or slab. The assembly process on the finished foundation takes a little time.

Another option for using wood in an individual housing construction: . This technology has long been successfully used in developed countries Scandinavia, North America and Europe. Projects in Russia frame houses with a garage are becoming more and more popular. The explanation is simple: in comparison with other construction methods, this is the most inexpensive.

The frame structure is supplied as an industrial assembly kit. The low weight of such buildings allows the use of lightweight, and therefore inexpensive foundations. Columnar and pile-grillage foundations are widely used. load-bearing frames made from rectangular timber different section and reinforced with steel plates at the joints. carried out with mineral fiber mats or foam.

In addition to wood, traditional and innovative materials. We are talking about bricks and blocks produced different ways. One- and two-story houses with a garage made of foam blocks have proven themselves excellently on the territory of our country, especially in the northern latitudes. Energy saving in such buildings is raised to a whole new level.

The project of a two-story house with a garage made of foam blocks

The material has sufficient strength in combination with a relatively low specific gravity. The foam block is used for the construction of load-bearing walls and partitions of both one- and two-level houses. However, the ultimate load on the foundations of such buildings is much lower. There is an opportunity to save materials and a general reduction in financial and labor costs during construction.

Projects brick houses and cottages with a garage can be classified as classic. Due to the peculiarities of the technology and the high cost of manual labor, such structures are quite expensive. Architectural bureaus and other similar organizations offer from this material and develop custom documentation. This process is quite complicated, but the use of special software allows it to be intensified.

Nowadays, every car owner would like to have a garage for his car. But not everyone has it, but also near the house. In case you have your land plot then you have the option to build a garage.

Some advantages of an attic over a garage:

  • attic can be used as a place to relax, arranging it as a room for billiards or for a hookah.
  • in the attic there is a possibility workshop or personal office equipment.
  • a good place for spending time with children.
  • here you can place a guest room where relatives, friends, all those who come to pay a visit can stay.
  • having built a garage with an attic, the issue is resolved with the location of the owners during the construction of the main house.


  1. first minus is that during the winter it will be necessary to constantly clear the road from snow drifts so that the car can drive out of the garage.
  2. often in the garage a certain amount of gasoline, oil, antifreeze, other combustible substances, which can cause a fire hazard.
  3. during entry and exit from the garage or during other repair work, a car with a running engine stays in the garage for a certain period of time and exhaust gases are concentrated indoors, and then there is a high risk of them spreading into the house.
  4. if the land is small enough, owners often make a choice in favor of one-story houses with an attic and a garage for their small size, though in such buildings it will not be possible to fully soundproof the garage.

Determining the main requirements for the project

When choosing a construction company that will build a house, you should remember certain requirements:

  • We need to discuss the exact price in advance. construction, so that later there would be no contradictions.
  • Should be carefully checked and monitored behind the construction process to prevent poor quality work.
  • Keep a close eye on spending building material.
  • Before building the customer must present the design and estimate documentation. Ask all the exciting questions regarding the construction.
  • Documentation must be completed conscientiously and respecting all possible nuances.

If these requirements are met, the building will be built with high quality and on time.

Attic: practical and romantic

The construction of the attic is carried out not only because its construction will cost much less than a private house. The attic helps the owner to calm down after a hard day's work, creates an atmosphere of comfort and coziness, is a place of solitude and silence.

In this regard, the demand for houses with an attic has risen sharply. Often there is a redevelopment of the premises in old typical houses.

Garage: rational use

An indispensable attribute of each house is a garage, the same applies to houses with an attic. This option has many advantages.

To save the total area and the subsequent maintenance of the building (payment for electricity), the garage itself can be attached to the side wall of the main house. This is more cost effective than building a garage from scratch.

You should pay attention to certain details:

  • If you live in the house permanently then it needs to be heated in winter. A two-pipe heating system will make it possible to regulate the temperature both in the house and in the garage. Undoubted advantage This option will be that at a price it will be much cheaper, in contrast to the heating wiring separately.
  • To fully experience the comfort it is worth getting rid of various extraneous sounds from the garage. Therefore, it is worth doing soundproofing work.
  • Also, do not forget about the hood, because otherwise unpleasant odors from the garage can penetrate into the living quarters.

Multi-level parking: advantages and disadvantages

If you have more than two cars, then the need for multi-level parking disappears.
There are several options for underground parking:

  • Parking above ground or underground.
  • Closed or open.

It is necessary to comply with certain requirements when building a parking lot. Carefully study the building plan. Determine the dimensions so that they are similar to the dimensions of the cars.

Now more often used automatic. True, this is one of the disadvantages of parking, since the system can often break down.

Plans and projects

The construction takes place in several stages:

  1. First, pre-project work is carried out.
  2. A design project is being created.
  3. Development and signing of an agreement with a construction company.
  4. A working draft is being drawn up.
  5. The process of building a house.

Projects of brick houses with an attic and a garage

There are many options for brick houses with an attic that look quite interesting and attractive. Let's stop at one of them.

The layout of the house looks like this: the first room a person enters is a hallway or veranda. It is isolated from the common area of ​​the house, followed by a living room with a kitchen. At the request of the customer, the bedrooms will be made on the ground floor or in the attic. Often the bedroom is made on the first floor, and on the second - an office.

Building materials recommended for use:

  • External walls are supposed to be made of ceramic bricks.
  • Internal - also made of ceramic-based bricks, but of a different brand.
  • To finish the exterior walls, you must use a special plaster.

Advantages of a brick house with an attic:

  • Fire resistance.
  • Thermal insulation.
  • Noise isolation.
  • Durability.

Projects of wooden houses with an attic and a garage

A wooden house with an attic and a garage has many advantages:

  • built from high quality, reliable material that will last a long time.
  • the bevel of the ceiling is made to those dimensions, which the customer wishes and due to this, the height of the walls is reduced.
  • the garage will organically fit into this design. If necessary, you can make a canopy for the garage.

The disadvantages include the fact that during a fire wooden house burns out faster than others. Therefore, it is worth carefully considering and foreseeing all adverse situations that may occur.

Projects of one-story houses with an attic and a garage

The project of one-story houses with an attic and a garage looks like this:

  • On the ground floor there is an entrance hall, a kitchen, a living room, a lounge, a children's room.
  • In the attic there is a bedroom and an office.

The design of the room is discussed in advance. Someone prefers that the kitchen and living room are separated by a partition, others see the layout without it. Someone wants a railing to climb up, while the other part does without them. The garage is designed for both one and two cars.

Finished drawing one-story house with a garage.

The project of a two-story house with a garage and an attic

Often this kind of houses are built for big family. In them, you can make the layout of the premises at your discretion, because large space determines the breadth of choice.

On the ground floor there is a hall that leads to the kitchen and then to the living room. Sometimes a rest room is arranged here. On the second floor of a two-storey house there is a bedroom, a bathroom, a wardrobe, a nursery, a balcony.

It is worth noting that basements are made equipped gym and pantry.

Projects of houses with a basement garage attic

It should be said that this layout has no differences from the above. The difference lies in the fact that those who see some kind of technical room there, a pantry, would be more appropriate to refer to the project of a house with a basement.

The basement is different ground floor the fact that the basement should be planted more than half, and the basement is located higher. Therefore, the basement is intended to be used as a storage room.

Before choosing a building site, you should carefully examine it for the presence groundwater. This is a significant barrier during the construction process and subsequent residence.


Polish house projects with an attic and a garage

Projects of Polish houses are quite popular in our time. It is distinguished by such qualities as compactness, as well as a good internal layout.

In particular, a beautiful Polish house with a garage and an attic is especially popular.

This will make it possible to increase the total area and equip the room in the best way. Here the layout has certain differences from the standard.

On the ground floor, the hallway leads to the room, and only then to the kitchen and living room. The attic is usually located bedroom or children's room.

The undoubted advantages of this project are:

  • The relative cheapness of building construction.
  • Use of different building materials.
  • Comfort and compactness.

Projects of frame houses with a garage and an attic

These projects are also very popular because they have their own merits. For the price, this project is considered the simplest, cheapest in comparison with the rest. The complex consists of prefabricated parts. They weigh little.

They are made of timber, reinforced with overlays. The house itself is insulated with foam or mineral fiber mats.

Projects of houses with two garages and an attic

These projects are developed quite carefully. Often the customer asks for one garage, but for two cars, but it also happens otherwise.

Garages can be located side by side in the side wall of the main house, or separately: one on the edge, the other further.

This circumstance will not significantly affect the structure, but close attention must be paid to it.

House designs for narrow lots

If you have purchased a small narrow section land, then it is perfectly suitable for building a house with an attic. A cozy, neat and high-quality house will be built.

From the street it may seem that in a narrow space in the house there may not be enough space, but this is not true.

There is a lot of space here as in an ordinary house. The layout of the rooms is very well done. You feel homely comfort and beauty. No flaws or excesses.

Arrangement of the attic

The process of arrangement should not begin with the interior, but with the resolution of other issues. It's about about waterproofing, vapor barrier, soundproofing.
The next step is to solve the issue with windows. Installation of windows in the attic room is a rather laborious process.

Since they are not located vertically, but at an angle, if such glass breaks, it will crumble into small pieces, not fragments.

Particular attention should be paid to the insulation of the attic. In current practice, it is common that they install in the attic large fireplace, and do not produce insulation by various well-known methods.

After all the preliminary work is completed, you can begin to deal with the actual interior.

In order to avoid various disputes and dishonest work during construction, all of the above can be summarized as follows:

  • Look for a good place to build(check the absence of groundwater).
  • Find a qualified company, which will deal with all issues related to the construction and your home.
  • After the end of the negotiation process sign the necessary documents.
  • Come to the construction site and observe for the progress of the construction process.
  • Carefully monitor what you buy building material thus preventing theft.
  • After construction work is completed, everything should be carefully examined and bypassed, in case of any questions - ask them.

Also in the bay window you can equip a small cozy balcony.

Such a house can be made of any material: brick, wooden, log, frame or aerated concrete, the main thing is to comply with all the requirements and advice of the experts described above, then all adverse consequences during the construction of the building and other troubles will bypass you. Do not rush, do everything in turn and the result will not keep you waiting.

Projects of houses with an attic and a garage are especially popular, photo visualizations and layouts of such projects are presented in this section. Agree, is it really convenient to have everything under one roof: a garage and a house? In addition, this solution allows more rational use of the usable area of ​​the site. This is especially true for regions where there is a lot of snow in winter and prolonged frosts. However, in addition to comfort, do not forget about the rationality of layouts. If you choose a similar project at home, pay attention that the exit from the garage to the living quarters is thought out, for example through the main entrance hallway. Important role a vestibule plays, cutting off exhaust gases and other unpleasant odors from the garage. Choose the project that best suits you, and do not forget that you can always make changes if something does not suit you. Carry out redevelopment, replace wall material, etc.

If there is a need to expand the house, then developers, as a rule, consider two options.

The first is the addition of additional premises. But, taken out of the perimeter of the bearing walls, they can only serve as household or auxiliary.

The second option is more acceptable. It is about additional square meters due to the reconstruction of the second floor. In this case, the project of a house with an attic is the most best option. Having insulated the roof, you can get additional full-fledged residential and utility rooms.

How functional and economically justified is it? Let's try to impartially consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

Projects of houses with an attic: "for"

  • Such housing will save on building space. That is, it is logical to build a house with an attic on a small plot of land.
  • In the question rational use the total area of ​​the building, projects of houses with attic room wins in comparison with one-story and even two-story buildings in which the attic space is not used rationally.
  • The second floor of the house and the attic differ in terms of financial costs. V classic version attic - a more economical option. If for the arrangement of a full-fledged second floor you need brick, concrete, timber, insulation, materials for exterior finish, then the attic equipment is limited to rafters, insulation and roofing material. And if the developer plans warm attic, then the cost of insulation is added. Only in this case, you can get both a residential floor and a roof. Therefore, we conclude that the cost of 1 m2 of usable area of ​​a house with an attic is significantly lower compared to other projects.
  • Moreover, warm air rises from the lower rooms, which makes heating the attic floor less expensive. We can confidently talk about reducing fuel and electricity consumption, and therefore about savings in the operation of an already finished building.

Projects of houses with an attic: "against"

  • Some experts argue that the main drawback of the projects of houses with an attic is their poor lighting. We are sure that this minus is conditional. The problem can be solved very simply by skylights. In addition, much more light enters the room through them than through vertical windows. Of course, attic double-glazed windows are not a cheap pleasure. But with the funds saved during construction, you can afford a comfortable organization Everyday life. In addition, there is always the opportunity to design windows and even balconies in gables.
  • The second drawback of projects of houses with an attic can also be considered as conditional. It is believed that sloping ceilings cause depression in the residents of the house. But competent organization and the design of the premises, easily eliminate this contradiction.

Drawing conclusions from the above