Small house with an attic and a garage. Roofs of houses with an attic and a garage: photos of original ideas

A cottage with an attic, complemented by a built-in garage, is a synthesis of the maximum functionality of a dwelling with the economy of its construction and further living. "Domamo" will offer you the development of buildings of this type - in the catalog of projects of houses with an attic and a garage, there are dozens of options with photos, the ability to preview characteristics and layout drawings.

Advantages and disadvantages of attic houses with a garage

Projects of attic houses with a garage are extremely popular in the suburban area of ​​Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia. They are appreciated due to the location of a spacious cottage on a small plot of land, as well as the advantageous proximity of a car protected from the weather. This gives the owner of the estate the mobility that a modern person needs. Such housing is also characterized by the following important qualities:

  • Insulation of upper rooms from cold and wind by roof slopes, under which bedrooms and children's rooms are often arranged,
  • Saving on the construction of additional walls and ceilings required in a full-fledged two-story house and a detached garage,
  • The possibility of arranging a single heating system for the living area and a warm room for the car,
  • The use of various materials, many options for planning and exterior finishes.

However, when choosing such housing, it should be remembered that the attic above one-story buildings has a slightly smaller area than a full-fledged second floor. When building a garage into a house, also pay attention to which rooms have common partitions with it. Such a neighborhood will negatively affect the microclimate of bedrooms and guest rooms, where extraneous sounds and gases can penetrate.

Designing a house with an attic and a garage

A mansard-type cottage with a garage complex is a rather complex structure that requires the obligatory participation of specialists at the design stage. The Domamo catalog contains ready-made works, the results of which can be seen in drawings and photographs. You can find the project you need using the advanced filter by setting yourself in the search:

  • Number of storeys of future buildings,
  • Materials of walls, ceilings, roofs, external cladding, etc.,
  • Area and composition of premises,
  • Dimensions and functionality of the technical area (garage for one or more cars, etc.),
  • The presence of balconies, terraces, additional equipment and much more.

Particularly popular are projects of houses with an attic and a garage, photo-visualizations and layouts of such projects are presented in this section. Agree, is it really convenient to have everything under one roof: both the garage and the house? In addition, this solution allows you to more efficiently use the usable area of ​​the site. This is especially true for regions where a lot of snow falls in winter and there are prolonged frosts. However, in addition to comfort, one should not forget about the rationality of the layouts. If you choose a similar house project, pay attention that the exit from the garage to the living quarters is thoughtful, for example, through the hallway of the main entrance. An important role is played by the vestibule, which cuts off exhaust gases and other unpleasant odors from the garage. Choose the project that best suits you, and do not forget that you can always make changes if something does not suit you. Redevelop, replace wall material, etc.

If the need arises to expand the house, then developers, as a rule, consider two options.

The first one is annexes of additional premises. But, taken out beyond the perimeter of the bearing walls, they can only serve as utility or auxiliary ones.

The second option is more acceptable. We are talking about additional square meters due to the reconstruction of the second floor. In this case, the project of a house with an attic is the best option. By insulating the roof, you can get additional full-fledged living and utility rooms.

How functional and economically justified is it? Let's try to impartially consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

Projects of houses with an attic: "for"

  • Such housing will save on building space. That is, it is logical to build a house with an attic on a small plot of land.
  • In terms of the rational use of the total area of ​​the building, projects of houses with an attic room outperforms one-story and even two-story buildings in which the attic space is not used rationally.
  • The second floor of the house and the attic differ in terms of financial costs. In the classic version, the attic is a more economical option. If for arranging a full-fledged second floor you need brick, concrete, timber, insulation, materials for exterior decoration, then the attic equipment is limited to rafters, insulation and roofing material. And if the developer plans a warm attic, then the cost of insulation is added. Only in this case, you can get both a residential floor and a roof. Therefore, we conclude that the cost of 1 m2 of usable area of ​​a house with an attic is significantly lower in comparison with other projects.
  • In addition, warm air from the lower rooms rises, which makes heating the attic floor less costly. We can confidently talk about a decrease in fuel and electricity consumption, and, consequently, about savings in the operation of an already finished building.

Projects of houses with an attic: "against"

  • Some experts argue that the main drawback of projects of houses with an attic is their poor lighting. We are sure that this minus is conditional. The problem can be solved very simply by means of dormers. In addition, much more light enters the room through them than through vertical windows. Of course, attic double-glazed windows are not a cheap pleasure. But with the money saved during construction, you can afford a comfortable organization of everyday life. In addition, it is always possible to design windows and even balconies in the gables.
  • The second drawback of projects of houses with an attic can also be considered as conditional. Sloped ceilings are believed to cause depression among the residents of the house. But competent organization and decoration of the premises can easily eliminate this contradiction.

We draw conclusions from the above

A stylish and modern house with a garage and an attic is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also very practical. It is this option that is the most rational, because you can use the area of ​​the land plot as efficiently as possible. People practically do not use the attic, however, if you improve it, you can get a full-fledged living space.

Benefits of having an attic

Recently, houses with an attic have become more and more popular in the construction of private buildings. Such a compact living space is designed to save space on the land, which will allow you to equip a cozy courtyard. Such a cozy house can become a reflection of a home owner, express his individuality.

A one-story house with an attic is not the most profitable solution, since you will have to attract professionals to develop the project. The fact is that condensation can form on the attic floor, and this negatively affects the atmosphere at the top of the building. To avoid such problems, you will have to equip high-quality heat, hydro and vapor barrier, and this will entail the infusion of additional funds. Despite this drawback, it is worth noting that this solution is worth it, since the complete construction of the second floor will be even more expensive.

If the project of a house with an attic and a garage has already been chosen, then it remains to think over the insulation of the roof so that the stay on the attic floor is as comfortable as possible. To insulate the attic, it is best to use foam, which is very cheap, and its installation will take only a few hours. The only drawback of the material is low fire safety, so you can use an alternative option - fiberboard or glass wool. For residential buildings, it is best to use the latter option, since it is the most popular, it is enough to take care only of dust protection and you can insulate the attic.

Two-storey buildings with a garage

Options for ready-made projects of two-story houses with a garage and an attic can be found on the Internet, their number is simply amazing. You can also contact any construction company that can offer several ready-made options at once, it remains to choose the best project and you can start construction. If you want to express your individuality, then you can order the development of a project for yourself, but this option will cost much more.

If the land plot is large, then no difficulties will arise; it is easy to build a large house with a garage and an attic here. It is a completely different matter when the site is limited in free space, but even here there is a way out, because good construction companies are ready for this difficulty and will be able to offer an option that takes this factor into account.

Features of houses for small land plots:

  • One of the walls must be "blank" (there are no windows on this wall). It is on this side that the house is placed as close as possible to the neighboring site, thereby freeing up a little space in front of itself.
  • A shed or other utility-type structures are best placed along the longitudinal walls of the building, and living rooms in the house will need to be located at the ends.
  • The entrance must be equipped from the end or the front, and the garage must be built closer to the road in such a way that the exit is minimal, and the garage itself does not take up much space.
  • It is necessary to think over the project of the house and all the buildings located on the territory of the site with the highest quality, so that later there are no problems and you do not have to spend money on modifications that will be difficult to carry out.

For maximum comfort and coziness, it is recommended to equip a private yard with plantings, arches and trees. They must organize the space, divide it into zones. At the same time, it is important that these zones are not isolated with each other, otherwise it will harm the overall design, make the site cramped.

One-storey houses with a garage

How many floors there will be in a house is most influenced by the size of the land plot. One-story houses are more in demand, since it is much more convenient to move around them, this is especially true if there are elderly people or children at home. A two-storey house presupposes the presence of a staircase; to save space, a spiral staircase is often used, and climbing it to the second floor is a real obstacle for pensioners. Therefore, if the land allows, then the construction of a large one-story house will be the ideal solution.

If a large one-story house is combined with a garage, then this will make the most efficient use of the space on the land. The garage can be used both for storing the car and for seasonal items that can be hidden there.

Advantages of a garage combined with a house under one roof:

  • There is no need to go outside in order to move from one building to another. This option is especially good in bad weather.
  • Moral peace of mind, since the car is located nearby, and not on the street or in the parking lot.
  • In winter, the car does not need to be warmed up for a long time, since the garage can be a warm enough room and such an action will not be necessary.

If a one-story mansion is large, then it will turn out to be an economically viable option, although you will have to spend money on a huge roof. Despite this, inside the house, comfort will delight the residents of the house around the clock, because here you can equip functional corridors, while isolating each of the rooms or bedrooms.

Living rooms and bedrooms on the attic floor are a great solution for young people who prefer to wake up from the sun's rays. By equipping a comfortable attic with special windows, you can create a cozy living room with a special interior. Here you can create not only a bedroom for yourself or your children, but also equip an office for doing business or a gym for playing sports.

Advantages of living space on the attic floor:

  • Aesthetic appeal, because it will affect the exterior of the house and its visual perception.
  • A variety of building materials, the use of which does not limit the desires or ideas of the homeowner.
  • Roof insulation will be much more expensive, but this way you can protect not only the attic floor, but the whole house as a whole.
  • The creation of a heavy-duty foundation is not required, since the attic does not create a large load on the base of the house.
  • The uniqueness of the house, because each building with an attic and a garage has something special, exclusive and unique.

It's good when the house is not just a fortress, but a comfortable and beautiful home

Often, especially when the land plot is located within the city, the construction of private houses is carried out in rather cramped conditions. In order for at least some free space to remain on the territory of the courtyard, the owners try to carry out the building as compactly as possible.

Both individual and free projects with an attic and a garage help to solve this problem. In this article, we will consider what architectural and design solutions are offered by designers today, we will analyze the merits of certain options, and we will offer you to watch a video on this topic.

Is the garage in the house good or bad?

The garage is, after all, a specific room. There are unpleasant odors, exhaust gas that can enter the living quarters. Although, of course, with the proper approach to the organization of ventilation and the production of finishing work, such troubles can be avoided. Still, what are the options?

Garage location options

Speaking of a garage, it should be noted that there are three ways to place it in a home.

Built in

In this case, the garage space is located on the ground floor, and is enclosed in its inner perimeter. This is the most compact option, the most optimal in the event of a severe shortage of building areas, as well as in cases where, for some reason, it is impossible to provide for a basement.

Basement garage

This option makes it possible not only to compact the building of the site, but also allows you not to occupy the useful area of ​​the house for the garage (see). If the hydrogeological conditions of the soil make it possible to provide for a strip foundation, or even better - a buried monolithic slab, then the choice of a project with a basement floor, or, as in the photo below, with a basement in which a garage can also be placed, is the most optimal.

Such projects are most in demand among those customers who have at their disposal a site with difficult terrain. With a competent approach to design, the apparent imperfections of the landscape can be turned into advantages.

Note! To build up a site with a rugged relief "with your own hands" - that is, without the involvement of specialists, it will not work - there are too many technically complex tasks. Even if you download a free project, this will not solve the problem, since it may be simply impossible to tie it to the area.

When building such a house, the presence of differences in the planning level of the soil will allow you to get significant savings on earthworks. The first picture in this gallery shows an option with a recessed entrance to the garage, and in the next two photos we see that the entrance is simply provided from the lowest side. Hence the savings.


If the built-in version is located on the first floor of the house, occupying its usable area, then in the case of the extension, everything looks somewhat different. Such a garage is located in a separate wing of a building, which usually does not have floors above it. This is the main difference.

The house with an extension takes up more space on the plot than the option with a built-in garage, but it has its advantages.


  • The possibility of building a garage not simultaneously with the house, but its extension to an already operated building.
  • The possibility of arranging an exploited roof, on which you can arrange a terrace or a covered veranda, which can be accessed from the same attic.
  • Such a garage does not occupy the usable area of ​​the ground floor, and exhaust and other odors do not enter the rooms located above.

Whatever the garage is, its location in the house is convenient because:

  • It can be made heated without incurring high costs for piping;
  • Even if it is not heated, it will still be warmer in it than in a free-standing garage. Thanks to this, the car does not have to be warmed up for a long time in winter;
  • From the house you can quickly get into the garage, as well as provide for an emergency exit through it.

Which of the options presented to choose - it already depends on the nuances that determine any construction: climatic conditions, the size of the building spot, the hydrogeological situation on the site, the number of storeys and configuration of the building - and, of course, its budget.

Architectural features of the attic

We figured out the location of the garage in the house - now it's the turn to the attic. This term refers to the premises in the inner space of the roof, formed by its structures and gables (or tongs).

  • The difference between a gable and a gable is that the gable is not only limited by the roof slopes, but is also separated from the building wall by a cornice.
  • The pediment can have a semicircular or trapezoidal shape.
  • The gable is a natural continuation of the wall, which, having reached a certain height, begins to narrow, forming a triangle. In this case, the roof is usually made gable.
  • Typically, the gable is on the end wall and the pediment is on the façade side.
  • There is another architectural option - a mezzanine. This is the name of the superstructure in the middle of the roof, which is a semi-tier.
  • It can be a purely decorative element, but it can form a room from which there is an exit to the balcony. This roof looks very nice!

All the options mentioned are presented below:

It is clear that the triangle, which is the gable, has a smaller area than the trapezoidal pediment. Therefore, the attic under such a roof will be more modest in volume. But this already depends on the size and architectural appearance of the building as a whole.

If it is a rather modest country house in size, like the one shown in the second picture in this gallery, then a small, comfortably equipped attic, which will accommodate only one room, is sufficient. But what it can be, you will see further.

The functionality of the attic

In a house intended for permanent residence, a spacious attic can solve many issues - from placing a living room in it with a fireplace, to arranging bathrooms or a boiler room.

With what benefit you can use the attic premises, you can see in the gallery below:

As you can see, in the attic floor, you can arrange rooms with completely different functional purposes, except, of course, the hallway. You can even install a fireplace in the attic, which will make it possible to reduce the length of the chimney, and, accordingly, save on this.

After all, it is not at all necessary to build a pompous brick structure, but you can give preference to a modern metal furnace, which we see below.

Advantages and disadvantages of the attic

Along with the buried premises, the attic floor also requires a careful study of its arrangement and decoration. The only difference is that the basement and basement structures are in contact with the ground, subject to its pressure, and soil moisture acts on them, and the roof is exposed to significant wind loads and is abundantly moistened by rain and snow.

  • In the second case, there is one circumstance that must be taken into account. Steam is generated inside the house due to heating, water use, cooking. It always rises upward, and due to the temperature difference from the inner and outer sides of the walls and roof, it condenses.
  • This can negatively affect both the state of the finish and the structural material in general. Therefore, the issue of insulation in relation to the attic is no less acute than in relation to the basement.
  • The need to install multi-layer pies on the walls and ceiling of the attic increases, of course, the cost of construction - but not enough to exceed the cost of a full second floor.

Note! Considering that for a lesser amount you get an increase in the living area of ​​the house, you should pay close attention to the attic when choosing a project. And simply, competently designed, proportional in size, the attic is the main decoration of the house from an architectural point of view.

To prevent drafts in the attic and the air temperature to be comfortable both in winter and in summer, its walls and ceiling, which is also a roof, are made multi-layered. It looks something like the one shown in the photo below.

Here we see an option with single-layer insulation, when thermal insulation boards are laid in the cells between the rafters. On both sides, the insulation is protected by membranes, pressed against the rafter beams with a crate, along which the roofing material is mounted on the outside, and sheathing with sheet or lengthy material is made from the inside.

But more often than not, one layer of insulation is not enough, therefore, both under the roof covering and under the inner cladding (or better both there and there), an additional layer of thermal insulation can be laid. If you do not try to save on this, the attic will be warm in winter and cool in summer.

The schemes may be different, since it all depends on the configuration of the rafter system. One of the options for double insulation is shown in the picture above.

Nuances of choosing a project

Today, not only design institutes and bureaus carry out standard and individual design, but many contracting firms provide services of this kind. This is quite convenient for the customer, who can contact the company, where he will be offered a working project to choose from, build a house, and, if necessary, even carry out a design project and turnkey finishing.

Among the typical projects, you will surely find a house with a garage and an attic, which can be “squeezed” into the most modest plot of land. For such cases, for example, options are provided without windows on one side, which will allow the house to be located almost on the border with a neighboring plot. The entrance to them, as well as the entrance to the garage, can be located from the end, which saves space on the site.

In general, it is very important to correctly tie the object to the terrain. In this case, it is necessary to think over many nuances.

For example:

  • Arrangement of windows, which is very important for natural lighting of rooms.
  • How to protect your home from noise if the property is located near a busy highway.
  • Before starting the construction of a house, you need to decide on the options for laying utilities so that the construction site is provided with electricity and water. That is, if the water supply of the house is autonomous, the water intake is first set up, and then you can start the main construction. This will save you from additional costs for water supply.
  • It is important to correctly place outbuildings on the site.... They must not interfere with the vehicle's entry into the garage.
  • You should also think about where to lay the tracks. how to arrange small architectural forms (gazebo, playground, benches, flowerpots).
  • And, of course, you need to determine a place for green spaces., without which the site simply cannot be comfortable.

We bring to your attention a few more options for projects of houses with an attic and a garage:

If we summarize all the advantages of houses of this type, then we can emphasize that:

  • With built-in or attached garage saves space on the site and increases the comfort of using the car;
  • At the expense of the attic the living area is increased and the aesthetics of the building as a whole is improved;
  • Due to the well-insulated and heated attic, it will be much warmer in the house itself;
  • Turnkey construction and finishing of a house with an attic and a built-in garage, costs much less than houses with a full second floor and a detached garage;
  • Due to the compact arrangement of the premises, the length of communications decreases - and this is a direct economy.

Construction materials

The choice of material for construction and decoration is influenced not only by the financial capabilities of the customer, but also by the climatic conditions of the area. Each region has traditional materials from which the vast majority of houses are built.

  • For example, in the southern regions, brick and stone are used more. This is due to the high probability of fire in the summer heat, and wood, whatever one may say, is a fire hazardous material.
  • And then, building timber, having traveled thousands of kilometers, significantly increases in price. For northerners, on the contrary, wood is a priority, since houses from it are built quickly, they turn out to be warm, and practically do not require finishing.
  • The products of nearby enterprises have a great influence on the choice of material. Few people would think of using expensive imported bricks at a construction site if a local enterprise produces, for example, excellent autoclaved aerated concrete. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about which of the materials is better.

Designers simply offer their customers all possible options. Moreover, due to the decoration, the appearance of a frame house may not differ in any way from a block or brick one. The only exception is calibrated wood, which does not need to be covered with ventilated or plaster facades.

As can be seen from the abundance of examples we have presented, the consumer is offered many options in terms of constructiveness and architectural personality. Choosing projects of houses with an attic and a garage for free, you must first of all focus on the compliance of the building dimensions with the size of the plot, as well as the climatic and geological conditions in which the house will have to be built and operated.