Summer kitchen made of wood step by step. How to build a summer kitchen in the country with your own hands: we will tell you everything

With the onset of summer, life in the country seethes. Many move here not only for the weekend, but for the whole summer. In the heat, you don’t feel like cooking in the house and there is a temptation to take cooking outside the stationary house. And then the summer kitchen comes to the rescue. It can be with or without barbecue, with a stove, a barbecue oven and numerous kitchen equipment. Its construction is not difficult, and the project can be developed with your own hands.

Summer kitchen summer kitchen is different. It can be an almost capital building, which differs from a stationary house in the absence of heating, a separate outbuilding or a gazebo with a barbecue and an equipped place for dishes.

Summer kitchen may include:

  • hozblok;
  • a separate room with a dining area and a kitchen room.

The simplest summer kitchen consists of one room, in which there is a place for cooking, a refrigerator and dinner table. In some cases, such a utility block may not even have capital walls, as such. Instead, beams-columns are used to support the roof. Such summer kitchens are more like gazebos with barbecue facilities.

Production material

The simplest summer kitchens can be made with your own hands from wooden beam and boards. In principle, their construction is practically no different from the construction of a barn on the territory garden plot. And their design is quite simple.

More capital buildings can be built from:

  • bricks;
  • stone;
  • foam blocks;
  • cinder blocks.

Such buildings are already proudly called outbuildings and are built in the same style as the main house. They can be a real decoration of the site and be used as a guest house with a hozblok.

Above the cooking zone, taken out into the street - a brazier - you can equip a polycarbonate roof. Then the sudden rain will not interfere with the cooking process and rest.

Location selection

If you plan a summer kitchen made of wood or brick with a utility block, then you need to choose a place on the site where it would not violate the general landscape design and did not wedge into the beds. It is optimal when the summer kitchen is located near the house. This is especially important if the summer kitchen is a gazebo with a barbecue and a place to relax. In this case, the refrigerator is located in the house and, therefore, you will have to go there for groceries.

The most optimal project for a summer kitchen is a building with two solid walls made of wood or brick, along which shelves, a countertop, and an oven are placed. The other two walls are open, like on a veranda. Such a structure is practical, functional and aesthetic. And it doesn't take much to build it. It will also be much easier to build it with your own hands than a capital structure.

Foundation construction

Having started building with your own hands, you must remember that in any case you can’t do without building a foundation. Otherwise, after the first winter, the structure will squint and sag. The type of foundation depends on the construction project.

Under the foundation it is necessary to dig a hole around the entire perimeter of the kitchen. Its depth is 35-50 cm. It is best to fill strip foundation. The edges of the pit are reinforced with formwork. Then a cushion of gravel 5-10 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the formwork. The gravel is well compacted. After that, the formwork is poured with concrete. In order for the foundation to be strong, you can pre-reinforce it. For this purpose, metal bars are inserted into the foundation and only then concrete is poured.

Important: the construction of the summer kitchen can only be continued after the foundation has completely dried. This will take 2-4 weeks. Better take your time. Do the first stage correctly and then in the future you will not have to decide what to do with the rickety building.

The foundation of the summer kitchen (video)

Wall construction

Only after that do-it-yourself wall construction begin. If they are built of brick, then laying them starts from the corner. Each layer is laid with a level so that the walls are even. The second row is laid with a shift - the edges of the bricks of the previous row should fall in the middle of the bricks of the stacked row. This ensures the strength of the building. Excess mortar is removed during installation.

Two walls can be made of bricks. Instead of the other two walls, wooden beams are placed vertically in the corners and in the form of columns. They will simultaneously support the roof.

Countertop, oven, hob

A countertop is made along the main walls. You can mount a stove in it. In the same way, it is possible to use a brick wall as supports under the countertop, which is laid out according to the same rules. For the slab, steel rods are laid between the supports. A countertop is laid on top, which should be made of heat-resistant materials.

The barbecue oven, as a rule, is purchased ready-made. It can be an electric or gas design, depending on what the project involves and how much the wallet allows.

In the summer kitchen, you can lay out the oven. It can be a brazier made of bricks. Or more complex structure resembling tyndyr. The stove is made of heat-resistant bricks. It is far from always possible to make an oven with your own hands. This requires certain knowledge. This operation can be entrusted to specialists.


The floor can be wooden or do-it-yourself porcelain stoneware. In any case, you first need to lay the logs. And only then flooring from floorboards is laid on top of them. The floor can be painted, tiled - here the taste of the owners decides.


The easiest thing to do is do it yourself flat roof. The roof frame consists of beams laid on the walls. Since there are no two walls in this summer kitchen, the walls are columns made of timber. A beam is laid and fixed along their upper edge. Beams are already laid on it and the roof is attached.

As a roofing material, you can use corrugated board, flexible tiles, metal tile.

Construction of a summer kitchen (video)


There are actually a lot of options to build a summer kitchen in the country with your own hands. Can choose finished project, but you can do otherwise and develop it yourself. Make it from columns with a roof - you will get an elegant gazebo with a stove, make it with solid walls - you will get a multifunctional outbuilding that can be used even for summer living. The principles of construction are about the same. If you do everything neatly and soundly, then the country summer kitchen with your own hands will delight the eye and decorate the site.

Do-it-yourself summer kitchen (photo)

A dacha without a summer kitchen is like a resort without a sea. But how to build a summer kitchen if hiring professionals is expensive and there is no self-confidence?

The main thing to remember is that it is not the gods who burn the pots, but we will help you understand the methods and features of the process.

Decide on the type of cuisine

The construction of summer kitchens involves at least two types of building:

  1. Closed;
  2. Open.

Closed kitchen

As you can see in the photo, a closed-type summer kitchen is a full-fledged house with four walls, windows, a door and a roof.

Advantages of a closed building:

  • The room is protected from dust, wind, precipitation and insects;
  • With appropriate heating, the building can be used in the cold season;
  • In a closed kitchen, you can leave food supplies, appliances and other valuables;
  • The room can be used as a guest house;
  • In such a kitchen, you can place additional rooms: a bathhouse, a cellar, a workshop, a garage.


  • The construction of a closed-type summer kitchen will require more building materials;
  • Building a summer kitchen with your own hands will be more difficult and will not do without labor-intensive work, attracting assistants and equipment;
  • You will need a project and calculation of the foundation, truss system and other components of the building;
  • The construction of such a kitchen will cost much more and last longer.

Open kitchen

Choosing the location of the summer kitchen

Put it in the right place. It is not difficult to determine such a place, just follow our instructions:

  • The kitchen is a place for eating, so we place it as far as possible from toilets, compost pits, garbage cans and enclosures with animals.
  • For the convenience of supplying communications, the kitchen is best located near the house. This is especially important if you plan to do the eyeliner with your own hands.
  • Adding a summer kitchen to the house is not a bad solution, but you will have to take care of it. fire safety especially carefully.
  • summer kitchen open type it is better to place it in the depths of the site, away from road dust and the eyes of passers-by;
  • If there is a cellar on the site, then placing the kitchen above it is simple perfect solution. This will save you from unnecessary running around, especially during summer harvesting and conservation.
  • An open kitchen is best placed in the shade of trees, this will create additional comfort and protect from direct sunlight.

Summer kitchen construction

open type

It is easiest to build a summer kitchen with your own hands in the form of an open gazebo or terrace.

  • To do this, it will be enough for you to dig a shallow pit - no more than 15 cm, which will need to be filled with rubble and sand.
  • We install sewerage and water supply pipes, if any.
  • After tamping around the perimeter of the pit, we make a low formwork, insert reinforcing mesh and pour concrete.

Do cooking in the kitchen small size- Not a pleasant job. Hot air, tightness, constant absence free space make the cooking process difficult and sometimes unbearable. There is only one way out - to build a separate spacious summer kitchen in the country house, where there is enough space not only to accommodate the working, but also the dining area, with a large and comfortable dining table. About which summer kitchen is most in demand today, and whether it is possible to build it yourself using standard projects and regular photo, later in our article.

What is a summer kitchen

The summer kitchen in the country is an attached to the house or a separate building designed for cooking and relaxing. Depending on the choice of materials and the method of insulation, it can be used both during the warm season and constantly.

The type of construction of the summer kitchen can be open and closed. In the first case, the walls of the building are completely or partially absent. They can be replaced by light curtains or. The closed type has solid walls and windows that reliably cover the kitchen from rain and wind.

For an experienced carpenter, it will not be difficult to build a canopy from the rain over the summer kitchen

A summer kitchen with a simple project can be safely built in just one summer. This will require basic skills. construction works, necessary material and tool. Well, for safety net, it is desirable to have one or two assistants, since some types of work will be carried out at height.

Important! Before you start building an object, you should select for it appropriate place. Not only aesthetic, but also practical side question.

We select a place for construction

When choosing a suitable place, first of all, you need to consider that the kitchen should not be too remote at home. And the point is not even that it will be easier and cheaper to bring communications, but that it should be within walking distance from the main building. After all, you must admit that every day it is not very convenient to go to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner on the opposite side of the site.

In addition, next to the summer kitchen, there should not be sources that have bad smell. These include sheds and animal cages, fertilizer pits, compost heaps, sewer wells, septic tanks, etc.

Have your own kitchen fresh air- the dream of any housewife

If there is a tree on the site, it is advisable to plan a summer kitchen in the immediate vicinity of it. On hot days, a table and chairs can be placed under its dense crown. It's no secret that breakfast in the fresh air is doubly pleasant.

However, carried away by the planning of the future building, do not forget about the fire safety rules, the neglect of which can lead to not the best consequences.

The presence of an open flame in the summer kitchen is allowed if it is at least 8-10 meters away from flammable buildings.

We decide on the kitchen project (photo)

To ensure that the cooking extension is practical, functional and comfortable, and also has an attractive appearance- it is important to choose the right project for it, in which all the nuances and design features will be painted to the smallest detail.

In addition, it is important that the kitchen organically fit into the overall building and does not disturb the surrounding landscape, so it is advisable to choose the same materials for its construction as for the house itself. So you will achieve perfect harmony between the two buildings.

As you may have noticed, many summer kitchen projects whose photos are posted in the article have an original and non-standard design. This suggests that today the aesthetic component is no less important than the functional one.

Building a building on your own

When the place and project for the summer kitchen are chosen, you can safely proceed to its construction. Like any building, the construction of a summer kitchen is carried out in four stages:

  1. Marking the site and pouring the foundation.
  2. The erection of walls (if provided for by the project) or supporting pillars.
  3. Roof construction.
  4. Internal and external finishing.


Since this building is relatively light, there is no need to pour a capital foundation. It is quite possible to get by or, most importantly, to be carried out in compliance with the technology.

Important! For those who subsequently do not want to mess with the floor device, it is perfect, the upper base of which will be the floor.

For the construction of a summer kitchen made of glass - the foundation may not be required at all

  • Strip foundation. First, a markup is made on the site, which is marked on the plane with fixed pegs with a rope stretched between them. Next, a foundation pit is dug (depth 40-60 cm), along the perimeter of which formwork from boards or moisture-resistant plywood is installed on both sides. Then, in order to avoid heaving of the soil, a backfill is made of compacted seeded sand and crushed stone. Before concrete is poured, reinforcement is lowered into the trench and tied with wire using a special hook. The foundation must stand for at least 30 days. If you are lucky with the weather, you can start construction in 2 weeks.
  • monolithic foundation. Having previously marked the site, a foundation pit is dug to a depth of 15-20 cm. To strengthen the soil and protect the slab from groundwater, geotextiles are settled at the bottom of the pit, on top of which a sand cushion is made. Further, the sand is well leveled and tightly compacted by a tamping machine. It remains to put the formwork, tie reinforcing cage pour concrete solution. After complete drying, a reliable and high-quality base for the summer kitchen is ready.

Important! If you plan to use an open type of summer kitchen, a stove made of monolithic foundation it is recommended to do it with a slight slope of 1.5º-2º, so that along it rainwater could slide down on its own.

Walls and roof

If the walls of the summer kitchen are wooden, their construction begins with the construction of a frame, which is made of metal or wooden bars.

  1. Large (support) racks are installed in the corners - 200 × 200 mm in size, and additional ones between them - 150 × 150 mm in size.
  2. The upper strapping beams are placed on the support bars, which will also serve as the basis for installing the rafters.
  3. After the rafters are installed, from bars measuring 50 × 50 mm. a crate and a counter-lattice are made.
  4. Further, the entire structure is processed special composition from fungus and mold, after which installation is carried out.

Often, rounded logs, bricks or stone are used as wall material, which is ideal for this type of building. With such walls, the building can be used year-round, the main thing is to produce them of high quality.

An indisputable advantage is also that facade of the summer kitchen from a log facing brick or decorative stone does not require additional finishing. Extra costs come down only to the fact that wood is needed and, and stone and brick.

We decide on the design of the facade

When choosing a summer kitchen project from photos that you like, you need to pay attention not only to its shape, size, and functional component, but also to the design of the building. For a summer residence, it is very important that the style of the outbuildings correspond to the general layout of the entire site as a whole.

This does not mean at all that the building should be a kind of clone of the main structure. Rather, on the contrary, they should not replace, but complement each other, creating common stylistic touches.

Particular attention in the summer kitchen should also be given to the working and dining area, where everything should be as rational and convenient as possible. Properly organize the space will help you placed below photo of summer kitchens, where it is clearly demonstrated how beautifully and correctly design various zones.

Work zone - important element in the interior. Try to keep it comfortable and practical

  • Furniture. Use upholstered furniture in the open summer kitchen best idea. In most cases, it is made of foam rubber, which absorbs moisture well. Therefore, it is better to use wooden or plastic benches and chairs with removable cushions. Also, various types of wicker furniture will fit well into the interior, which goes well with any finishing materials. For example, a rattan chair or a wicker chair will look very nice. If used closed type kitchens, then the flight of fancy should not be limited by anything. In this case, you can use any furniture, including upholstered.
  • Lighting. Proper lighting summer kitchen in the country, regardless of its size - milestone repair work. A chandelier suspended in the center or a single lamp cannot always cope with the task assigned to it. To illuminate all zones, it is desirable to use more than one type of lighting. It is appropriate to place above the working area Spotlights in tandem with, and hang a large chandelier over the table.

We hope that this article will help you to competently approach the issue of choosing the right project for your summer kitchen. As you can see sources for inspiration and fresh ideas enough to implement the plan. Good luck with your construction.

The most favorite pastime during the holidays is a trip to the country, where you can feel comfortable and forget all the city's problems. For such purposes, a recreation area is created on a suburban area, in which the main object is a summer kitchen. This is a place where barbecues are held, kebabs are fried, and evenings are spent with friends at the dinner table. A summer kitchen built in the country with their own hands becomes a favorite pastime.

All buildings of this purpose are divided into two groups - open and closed, distinguished by the presence of walls. In the first case, the kitchen is well ventilated and it is not hot in it. In the second, the working area is closed on all sides, so it will be comfortable in it during the cold season.

Open areas resemble a veranda or gazebo. They have no walls and often no roof, so the effect of unity with nature is created. Often they are needed to expand the cooking area, if the house itself does not have such an opportunity. The simplest option is a canopy to the wall of the room from the side of the kitchen. The main structural element is a platform with an awning, on which a stove, sink, table with chairs, etc. are placed.

The closed kitchen is more like a detached house. To increase the service life, it is built of brick and stone. One of the building options is a summer kitchen with a veranda, in which all the walls are glass. In winter, it is used as a pantry, so as not to be empty. If you insulate the walls and ceiling and put a stove, you can even live in such a room in winter.

When building a summer kitchen, you can combine various materials, experiment with design, install a barbecue, barbecue. Often a platform is made nearby in the form of a terrace, veranda, gazebo, which allows not only to cook food in the open air, but also to have a meal. This creates a transition to the garden plot.

When developing a summer kitchen project, it is necessary to take into account its type, on which the construction technology depends. Pay attention to such features:
  • Summer kitchen with terrace. Conditionally divided into two parts. The eating area is sometimes equipped without walls and a roof. Often placed in the garden, under trees to hide from the sun.
  • Summer kitchen with veranda. This is a kind of closed building, which is distinguished by large windows. Vacationers enjoy a beautiful view of the surroundings. It can use sliding walls or opening windows.
  • Summer kitchen with room. This combination is created to save money - different rooms united under one roof. Often a bath or sauna is attached to the kitchen.
  • Summer kitchen with barbecue and barbecue. A hot device is placed in the middle of the room, and tables are set around, creating a cozy atmosphere for good company.

Advantages and disadvantages of the summer kitchen

Unlike traditional cuisine in the summer there are two functional zones. In the first, meals are prepared, in the second, everyone has a meal.

The building is very popular due to the following qualities:

  1. The room does not require cooling in the heat, so there is no need for expensive air conditioners and ventilation systems. The hostess will not languish in the heat at the red-hot stove.
  2. Lunch and dinner outdoors are much tastier, and you can easily feed small children.
  3. In the evening, dinner turns out to be romantic and even strengthens feelings.
  4. Dishes can be quickly brought to the table. The proximity to the barbecue or barbecue tables is especially appreciated.
  5. During cooking, the hostess does not leave the premises and has the opportunity to communicate with the company.
  6. The summer kitchen with a terrace is an ideal working place. In the summer, during conservation, there is nothing to be afraid of littering and getting dirty flooring, because it just doesn't exist. Vapors are quickly carried away from working area.
  7. In the summer kitchen, it is convenient to receive a large number of guests and treat them to shish kebab and barbecue, which are prepared nearby.
Such a structure has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages:
  • The work requires significant financial costs. However, you can save money if you do everything yourself.
  • The kitchen is intended for use in warm time of the year. To eat in the winter, it is necessary to build a closed, well-insulated room, which will take a lot of money.

How to build a summer kitchen

Before you make a summer kitchen, consider what duties it should perform. Depending on the decision of the owner, materials and design are selected. Below are recommendations and instructions for its arrangement.

Material selection

Summer kitchens are built of brick, wood or metal. Each option has its own characteristics. brick walls heavy, so they need a foundation. Made from this material closed kitchens that can be exploited all year round. Such structures are fireproof; stationary barbecues and barbecues are often installed in them. They are durable and do not require constant maintenance.

It is much easier, cheaper, faster to build a wooden kitchen than a stone one. Buildings create a comfortable environment for recreation. Timber walls do not require a foundation. If necessary, you can do columnar. The disadvantage of the design of the boards is one - the tree burns well. Therefore, before use, impregnate the workpieces with fire retardants, and cover the places near the stove or barbecue with bricks or tiles.

Metal summer kitchens are found only in the form of buildings with walls made of forged gratings with decor. They go well with brick or stone walls which makes the building exquisite and rich.

Choosing a place for a summer kitchen

When choosing a place for a recreation area, we recommend using our tips:
  • by the most good option is considered a site near a residential building, to which electricity and sewerage can be easily connected. Often the summer kitchen is a continuation of the main one, so utensils can be stored in the house. You can attach it to the wall, which has a kitchen window.
  • The building should not block any passage so that you do not have to bypass it. Also, do not place it in a place where it looks like an eyesore. Find unused area.
  • It must be at least 10 m away from any flammable object.
  • The building should organically fit into the surrounding landscape and blend well with other buildings in terms of color and wall material.
  • Turn it open side to the north to protect yourself from direct sunlight.
  • A summer kitchen in a country house without a roof is best placed under tall trees that create shade.
  • To allow rainwater to drain by gravity, place it on a slight slope.
  • Locate the kitchen away from barns where cows and other pets are kept, and away from toilets and compost heaps.
  • It is convenient to build it above the cellar, in which case all products will be at hand.

Choose a place for a summer kitchen with barbecue according to the following criteria:
  1. The seating area is not striking, but the playground is visible from the tables.
  2. Please note that a kitchen with barbecue requires large territory. This is due to the fact that the oven must be at a safe distance from the tables with the company. Leave a place for a cutting table and a sink nearby.
  3. Be sure to fill the floor with concrete, regardless of the material from which the walls are made.
  4. Determine the location of the furnace at the stage of pouring the concrete floor.

Instructions for the construction of a closed summer kitchen

The construction of a summer kitchen resembles the construction of an ordinary unheated building. The main steps for its construction are given below.

A closed summer kitchen must be built on a foundation. If the walls are made of brick, fill in the strip foundation, if made of wood, lay out the column foundation.

Perform the following operations to create the base:

  • Dig a trench 50 cm deep around the perimeter. Its width should be 10 cm wider than the wall.
  • Fill the bottom with a layer of sand 15 cm thick and compact it.
  • Install water and sewer pipes and lead them to the places where the sink is to be installed.
  • Fill the trench with mortar and wait for it to harden. It usually takes 2 weeks for the concrete to gain sufficient strength.
Walls can be made from any material. Often, after the construction of a dwelling, boards and bricks remain that can be used for these purposes. To keep the room cool in summer, it is recommended to use bricks and not plaster the walls. Masonry can be half a brick or brick thick. It is allowed to build walls from planks and then overlay them with stone to keep them cool in summer and warm in winter.

To bring down wooden wall summer kitchen, first assemble the frame from the beams, and then upholster it on the outside with boards, and on the inside with clapboard. Make at least two windows measuring 1x1 m. To keep warm, install them on silicone gaskets. Often openings are left from floor to ceiling, which allows more light to pass through. Thus, you can visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. While creating combined option kitchens, when the openings are closed with shutters, make the windows wide.

To create a floor, dig a hole 15 cm deep indoors and fill it with sand. From above, you can lay boards, lay paving slabs or pour concrete on the floor. If a summer kitchen with a barbecue with a wooden floor is being built, be sure to pave the area under the stove with bricks. Provide openings in the roof and wall to remove smoke from the working area.

The roof of the summer kitchen can be made single or gable. Shed roofing is simpler and cheaper. The second option looks more harmonious and solid, but you will need more blanks. gable roof looks good on large buildings. You can cover the top with slate, polycarbonate, roofing paper or any other roofing material. For winter use, insulate the roof with mineral wool.

At the last stage of construction, make a furnace or other similar device. It is the main element around which others are placed. Then place a table, chairs and other items in the room.

Construction of a summer open kitchen

Such a structure can be erected in just a few days. To make a summer kitchen with your own hands, use our recommendations:
  1. Construction begins with drawing the contours of the site on the ground. Hammer in the corners of the selected area the pegs, stretch the cord between them. If the kitchen does not exceed 2x3 m, dig holes near the pegs at least 50 cm deep and 20x20 cm in size. You can use a large diameter drill. If the floor is larger than the indicated area, dig another hole between them, resulting in two rows of holes, 3 in each. Pour sand into the bottom of the hole with a layer of 10-15 cm.
  2. Fold a brick column in each pit, while inside the masonry there should be room for a metal pipe installed vertically.
  3. The pillars must protrude above the ground to a height predetermined by the owner. Install pipes in the middle of the masonry and hammer into the ground. Check that they are located vertically, and the upper ends are in the same plane. Fill the free space inside the masonry with concrete.
  4. After the mortar has hardened, proceed to the assembly of the roof. For this you will need metal pipes or profiles. Weld them to the top of the posts. To prevent the fabric from sagging, place the beams in 1 m increments. To protect against moisture, paint the frame.
  5. by the most simple option roof for an open summer kitchen is to use an awning. Throw the fabric over the beams, stretch it and tie it to the crossbars.
  6. Another equally common flooring material is polycarbonate sheets, corrugated glass or roofing felt. When calculating the amount of material, keep in mind that the roof should protrude 50 cm beyond the perimeter of the kitchen. Fasten to the frame beams wooden slats, which will ensure this condition. The sheets are fixed to the rails after the breadboard assembly with self-tapping screws.
  7. Cover the kitchen with an awning and secure it to the frame.
  8. Delete inside selection upper layer soil to a depth of 15 cm. Fill the recess with sand and carefully tamp.
  9. Build on the foundation wood flooring. The site can also be paved with bricks or paving slabs. It should be at a height of 50 cm above the ground so that it does not flood after rain.
  10. In the places where the oven and barbecue are located, lay the floor with bricks or paving slabs.
The choice of stove for the kitchen depends on the preferences of the owner. More practical to use gas appliances, however, an open summer kitchen with a barbecue looks more original.

How to make a summer kitchen - look at the video:

Long-standing traditions to have summer kitchens in the country in separate houses gradually disappear into existence. Today modern design is becoming bolder and they are beginning to be placed next to terraces, outdoor cinemas, swimming pools, etc., creating a unique courtyard design with the help of such a structure. You can build a summer kitchen on your own quite quickly, especially if there is a ready-made site near the house, but if it is not, then depending on the type of building, you can make it open or closed.

  • summer kitchen with gazebo;
  • summer kitchen with sauna;

  • summer kitchen with veranda;

  • summer kitchen with barbecue, etc.

A closed summer kitchen involves the use of a little more building materials during construction, while it perfectly protects against dust, wind, etc. If desired, it can be used all year round.

The open type can be without walls and represent a small area with curtains, a canopy or without it. At the same time, buildings are considered open, which are erected as a kind of pavilion - a roof and three walls.

You can also create a summer kitchen on the site in the form of a team wooden structure, which is sheathed with plywood, wood or drywall. A more durable type is built from foam blocks, natural stone, bricks and other similar building materials.

How to make a summer kitchen with your own hands

Choosing a plot for the kitchen

When deciding on a place for a summer kitchen, make sure that it is conveniently located for supply different kind communications: plumbing, spillway, electrical wiring etc. Also important nuance is the location of the kitchen away from the barnyard, toilet and compost pits. Otherwise, eating here will not be very comfortable.

If you want to build a summer kitchen from non-flammable building materials, then it is better to place it away from flammable structures.

Often the kitchen is attached above the cellar - this perfect solution because everything necessary products will always be at hand, and even after summer conservation, you can quickly place seams.

Also, experts recommend placing a summer kitchen under the trees so that the sun and the heat of the hearth do not cause you any inconvenience. As a last resort, orient the windows to the east or north - thus, the ingress of scorching rays into them will be minimized.

Site device

When preparing a land plot, it must first be leveled and a slope for water flow to be provided. If it is planned to supply communications, then they are created at this stage.

When building a summer kitchen without walls, the foundation can not be laid, but limited to an ordinary site.

Working process:

  • first, a pit is dug with a depth of 100-150 mm;
  • then it is covered with sand;
  • then a pillow of sand is rammed, and they spread on it wooden planks, paving slabs or bricks that will serve as a foundation.

If you are planning to create a stationary type of kitchen made of stone, brick, etc., then you need to provide a real foundation here. A strip foundation is laid under stone and brick structures, and a column foundation is laid under wooden frame structures, which will stand on stone or brick columns.

Working process:

  • first, along the marked perimeter (it should be 100 mm more than the planned area), soil is removed to a depth of 500 mm;
  • fits on the bottom and is well rammed sand cushion(150 mm);
  • on the remaining 300 mm, a foundation of a certain type is being erected.

After the foundation is ready, you should think about arranging the floor.

Working process:

  • a pillow of sand (100-150 mm) is laid between the walls of the foundation;
  • ram it;
  • then they fall asleep with rubble, which is also compacted;
  • then everything is poured with a solution of cement.

wall construction

Building a brick summer kitchen requires knowledge and skills brickwork, while it is practically no different from the construction of walls. Basically, laying in one brick or half-brick is used.

However, it is much faster to build a summer kitchen from wooden frame, which is sheathed with boards. In this case, the load-bearing elements will not be walls, but a frame consisting of solid wood or beams. All frame elements are fixed to each other with screws. At the same time, close attention is paid to connecting the beam structures with the foundation with metal corners.

After the frame is exposed, it is sheathed with outside boards up to 2 cm thick, and with inner lining, drywall, etc.

Summer kitchen roof

Today, when building summer kitchens, a gable roof is very popular; it can also be made single-pitched or flat. If you want to use the premises all year round, it is recommended to provide in the design thermal insulation layer. The roof is finished with tiles or slate.

For an open type of kitchen that looks like a platform, it is advisable to create a canopy. So, a crate is mounted on metal or wooden racks, which is covered with roofing building materials - polycarbonate, corrugated colored plastic, etc.

window installation

When building a closed summer kitchen, you should take care of window frames. The window frame should be installed tightly enough in the opening, if necessary, using special silicone gaskets. If the design of the building allows, then you can use big windows, which will be located from ceiling to floor.

What to cook

A country summer kitchen is completely unthinkable without ovens, which come in several types:

  • for barbecue;
  • for daily cooking.

For everyday cooking, it is easiest to use electric or gas stoves. Some prefer a more exotic option - Russian wood stove, which is lined with refractory bricks. This option provides significant savings, however, and increases the risk of fire. Therefore, be sure to provide a high-quality ventilation system.

A summer kitchen with a barbecue is a type of stove that looks like a fireplace with a furnace compartment for roasting vegetables, meat and other food on charcoal. When installing a barbecue, pay due attention to the construction of the exhaust pipe.

Interior decoration of the kitchen

The flooring in the summer kitchen can be made from boards 2-3 cm thick. Such a floor, opened with varnish, will be a wonderful alternative to parquet. If this building material does not suit you, then put linoleum on top of it. You can also use ceramic tiles or natural stone.

Depending on the design of the summer kitchen, the ceilings are sheathed with plasterboard or boards 2 cm thick. wood flooring it is recommended to cover with drying oil, and putty plasterboard and paint water-based paint or just whitewash.

Speaking about the walls, it is worth noting that the cladding made of wood or drywall looks great, which is subsequently painted in any color.

Summer kitchen design

As mentioned above, the stove is considered the main decoration of the summer kitchen. However, in order to use it comfortably, and then eat food with appetite, a sink, countertop, dining table and chairs should be provided in the room.

The interior can be transformed by flowerpots, forged elements, carved wood, porcelain, decorative earthenware, as well as original textile items.

How to build an open summer kitchen

Purchase first necessary tools, building materials and equipment, as well as decide what will be included in the design. It can be a bar counter, a bio or gas fireplace, a stove or an oven, a mini refrigerator, cabinets with shelves, a sink, hob or grill. Immediately resolve the issue of communications or organize additional space for a gas cylinder. Take care of the light placement and determine the size of the kitchen island.

To build a kitchen island on a wooden frame, we need the following materials:

  • artificial stone made of lightweight concrete;
  • metal legs;
  • sealant intended for outdoor use;
  • plaster mortar for external works;
  • plaster mesh;
  • building felt;
  • plywood 3/4 inch thick;
  • timber 20x40 mm.

This frame design allows the grill to be placed low enough so that its grate is located at the level of the main concrete countertop. The material for the countertop does not really matter, the main thing is that its surface must be moisture resistant and does not deteriorate with temperature changes. For example, you can use:

  • mosaic;
  • artificial or natural stone;
  • porcelain tile, etc.

The construction of a summer kitchen includes a number of stages:

1. Wooden base construction:

  • according to a pre-drawn plan, a beam is sawn and a frame is mounted, which is fixed with 2.5-inch screws;
  • cutouts 1.5 inches deep are created at the joints of the bars;
  • to fix the structure, from the bottom of the middle frame, an additional beam is attached and legs are mounted;
  • then plywood is covered;
  • sealant is applied at the joints of the timber frame and plywood;
  • then plywood is attached to it with two 1 inch screws;
  • internal shelves, doors are cut out and the necessary adjustments are created;
  • after that, all removable elements are dismantled and finishing work begins.

2. Preparatory work for plastering:

  • a wooden frame is pasted over with building felt, which should overlap at the joints by about 50 mm;
  • then a shingle is made for plaster;
  • best to apply plaster mesh, fixing it horizontally at a distance of 300-350 mm and 150 mm vertically with nails;
  • observe the direction of the pattern and overlap the joints by 50 mm;
  • then, the mesh protruding beyond the frame is cut off;
  • at the end of the work, check that the shingle does not sag.

3. Plastering:

  • initially, you should place the kitchen island in the right place, since the cladding can make it heavier;
  • dilute the plaster composition according to the instructions and apply it on the grid, controlling the filling of each cell;
  • the first layer should not be made too thick (the shingle pattern should be visible);
  • let the first layer dry (60 minutes);
  • the second layer is applied with a notched trowel (0.5 inch);
  • move smoothly horizontally, holding it at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • the second layer remains to dry for at least a day.
  • if you plan to tile, then the corrugated surface will provide good adhesion to the base;
  • if you do not want to line the kitchen island with stone or tiles, then the second plaster layer must be leveled, grouted and then puttyed.

4. Facing with artificial stone

After the plaster has dried, the internal shelves are mounted. Next, the doors are applied to the body and the boundaries are outlined. For facing, it is best to use concrete stones, which perfectly imitate a natural sample, weigh much less and are easier to process. Make sure that the vertical seams of the adjacent row overlap, and the color of the stone alternates.

Working process:

  • cladding should begin with corner elements, laying out rows in a circle;
  • solution is covered back side stone 25 mm thick;
  • further pits are created with a trowel;
  • excesses building mix are removed;
  • the stone is fixed on the side of the kitchen island, carefully pressing it to the base;
  • then you should knock on the stone and make sure there is no air gap;
  • at the end of the work, after the daily drying of the facing layer, the countertop, sink, grill and doors are mounted.

Other options for arranging a summer kitchen:

  • if desired, you can abandon the cladding and make the countertop and kitchen island of stainless steel;
  • you can also use a metal frame instead of a wooden frame;
  • create L-shaped and U-shaped structures;
  • combine with the kitchen bar counter;
  • create a brick kitchen and finish it with brick faux siding;
  • veneer with mosaic or ceramic tiles;
  • make lining with clapboard, porcelain stoneware or composite building materials.

DIY summer kitchen video: