The negro throws the bottle on the table. Why empty bottles should not be left on the table. The practical side of the issue.

By folk beliefs, empty bottles and other containers on the table will bring great losses, poverty, hunger to the owners of the house. It is also believed that in narrow vessels can settle devilry. That's why superstitious people at night turn all empty dishes upside down. And just in case, two torches are placed on top of the cross.

According to another sign, an empty bottle can adversely affect nulliparous girls in the house. If they sit at the table where there is an empty bottle, they will never be able to know all the delights of motherhood.

In addition, there is a belief that an empty vessel has the power to draw energy and health out of a person. Therefore, it must be removed. In this case, even under the table, the bottle should be closed with a cork or napkin.

Don't they speak Russian in Ukraine? But for some people it is often either ignorant or just unconsciously confusing Russia and its neighbors from each other. It is twice as interesting to visit countries with completely different views on wine, for example in my tastings in wine tasting in Georgia and Moldova.

But for my time in Russia, it was quite interesting to hear what the Russians had to say and what their neighbors had to say about each other. All in all, you could never get rid of the truth that the region is rich in millennial culture, some shared, some bitter, but generally interesting as foreigners.

During the time of the hussars, the military had their own belief. The soldiers believed that if the empty bottle was not removed from the table, the next time they would not get together with the same company. One of the hussars will die in the next battle.

Historical facts

According to another version, such a tradition appeared at the time Patriotic War 1812-1814. Russian Cossacks, once in France, went to have dinner in a tavern. They put empty wine bottles under the table so as not to interfere. When it was time to pay, the waiter counted them only those bottles that were on the table. As it turned out, in France at that time it was customary in drinking establishments - to issue an invoice judging by the empty dishes on the table of customers. The Cossacks immediately took this into service, and in this way they began to save money - order a drink, and quietly hide the bottles under the table.

And in times Soviet Union It was strictly forbidden to bring alcoholic beverages with you to restaurants or cafes. However, the enterprising working class still found a way to carry a bottle in their bosom. After all, buying wine or vodka in a store was much cheaper than ordering in a public catering. The bottle was placed under the table, imperceptibly poured into glasses and drunk quickly so that the waiters would not notice. Since then, the habit of Soviet people to keep a bottle under the table has taken root.

Never shake your hand through a doorway

Russians are very superstitious, so superstitious in fact that it has to do with getting to know each other. Considered a rough handshake with gloves - so keep your gloves on before any proper interaction occurs. Also, shaking hands at the door is considered good luck. So be sure to remove your gloves and keep your hands shaking indoors. And even then you have to take off your snow boots or you'll bump like a complete ass.

Weddings are very special events, in most cases unique to the two most important people involved. This puts pressure on you when planning. Everything should be special and outstanding, but that doesn't necessarily mean you should use unconventional materials. That's exactly what all these centerpieces are. And they work great not only at weddings, but also at other events.

If you look at the tradition of removing empty bottles from the table from a practical point of view, unnecessary containers only get in the way. And it is removed to make room for new dishes, or so that inadvertently no one touches the battery of the container with an elbow and does not get hurt. And it's just not aesthetically pleasing when festive table full of empty dishes.

Something as simple as wrapping a bottle of wine in twine and adding a few colors and tags can do all you need. This is a design that is easy to make and great for rustic weddings and other events. This is a set of three wine bottle vases and they have a willow wreath around them, these are the details they need to stand out. The flowers add a very nice rustic touch to the whole device.

Perfect for parties, these wine bottle vases are different various types structures, all of them are made using twine. So be creative and come up with your own collection. Another simple thing is a lantern with a bottle of wine. You just need to cut the bottom of the wine bottle, put the candle on the tile and cover it with the bottle.

About why it is not customary to put empty bottles on the table.

Why can't you put an empty bottle on the table?

Probably everyone has heard about this sign. Where did it come from? There are several explanations.


There is an opinion that if you leave an empty bottle on the table, then the house will always be empty, there will be nothing to put on the table. For the same reason on dining table no empty dishes should stand, whether it be cups, salad bowls or plates.

For a more romantic table, you can also make wine bottle candle holders. Cut out the top of the bottle different heights and connect them in different ways. It is also easy to make this bottle vase with a board. You need to spray paint the paint bottle on the board, put some colors in it and write the table numbers on the bottle. It's beautiful and practical at the same time.

Chalkboard paint is very versatile and can be used in many different ways. In this case, in order not to damage the entire bottle, a heart-shaped pattern was created, and this perfect size to record tabular numbers. With a little patience and attention, you can also make amazing mini bottle gardens for tables. The bottle must be cut with a large body and placed horizontally.

It is also believed that in a house where empty bottles are left on the table, there will be no money and prosperity.

People say that evil spirits start up in unclosed empty bottles and putting them on the table means making the whole table “unclean”.

You can often hear that empty bottles on the table are a transparent hint to guests that it is time for them to leave.

Chalkboard wine bottle vases are not only great for writing tabular numbers. Another idea would be to draw wine bottles. you can use colored paint according to the decor of the party or wedding, and then you can decorate the bottle with lace, cloth, burlap, etc. use your imagination and see what remains you can find.

Sometimes it's not even about the bottle or the vase, but about what's in it. This is beautiful table for a fall wedding and the colors are amazing. By painting a bottle of white wine, you emphasize its shape, and you give a very interesting view. it's the same good way redirect attention to the actual flowers that are displayed in the vase.

Historical version

The historical version of the appearance of such a sign says that when, at the beginning of the 19th century, Russian Cossacks came to France during a military campaign, they, of course, could not ignore the local drinking establishments. In those days, it was customary to issue an invoice according to the number of empty bottles that remained on the table after the feast. The Russians, having shown ingenuity, removed some of the bottles from the table and, accordingly, paid less. This version sounds pretty plausible, doesn't it?

If you don't want to waste time customizing every bottle of wine, you can just make burlap for everyone. Wrap the bottle in them and tie good bow. Flowers and everything else normally displayed inside a vase are now tied around the bottle. So you can even use real wine bottles with wine in them.

Why can't you put an empty bottle on the table, where did it come from? Historical version

Another one interesting thing that you can use for a recycled bottle of wine is the menu. Print the menu on a piece of paper and stick it to the bottle or tie it on the back. The sponge of a wine bottle is the perfect measurement to fit tall candles. This means you can easily use the bottle as a candle holder.

Practical Considerations

And finally, based on banal practical considerations, empty bottles on the table just get in the way, take up space and need to be removed. In addition, an empty bottle is less stable than a full one and it can fall on other dishes and break.

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