Equip a summer cottage with your own hands. How to decorate a garden plot beautifully and not expensive


Design. Do not immediately clear your area of ​​old trees, leave the largest of them intact. This will make your work progress faster and more efficiently. In the project, you should take into account the boundaries of the site, adjoining streets, the contours and location of existing buildings, inputs to your site of water, gas, underground utilities. Leave the green spaces intact. Further, based on this relief and the existing one, distribute all the planned buildings over the territory.

Take care of the drainage system. The simplest and cheapest is drainage. To make it, you need to dig drainage ditches around the entire perimeter of the site with dimensions of 0.5 m - width and 0.6 m - depth. Bevel the sides of the ditch at an angle of about 40 degrees. Water from these ditches is usually discharged into a gutter, which is common for several sections at once. The open drainage system intercepts and also removes surface water during melting snow and rains.

Next comes the preparation for construction. Fence off the construction site first, and then provide a normal access path for transport. By doing this, you will ensure that construction work will not cause significant harm to the natural complex of the site. It is advisable to use an embankment of gravel, slag or crushed stone, poured into a thickness of 15-20 cm and rammed. The size of stones should not exceed 20-25 mm in diameter. The content of smaller fractions in the stones is also desirable.

Take care of the fence. Here you need to look at the house itself and at where the fence will stand. For example, if you want to put an expensive carved picket fence, put it on the front side of the lot, and even a regular wicker fence can be used for the back or garden. Also, do not make a brick fence on a high foundation if you have a small wooden one. If you use a wooden fence, be sure to paint or varnish it. Then the fence will last longer and will be protected from rust, decay, as well as from atmospheric precipitation.

The last step can be considered the decorative arrangement of the garden / vegetable garden. Even a banal support-frame for a curly one can decorate the site. Such frames can be made not only ordinary, but also wicker, twisted or even forged metal. Special garden lighting also plays an important role in the decoration of the garden. Flowerbeds and flower beds, beautiful paths made of concrete or stone, made with mosaics, wooden benches with carved backs and handles, living awnings from the shoots of climbing plants, and much more look great on any summer cottage. The main thing here is to connect your imagination.

It is good if, when buying a plot, there is already a solid house with all the amenities, the necessary outbuildings, a well-groomed garden with flower beds and a luxurious garden. You don't need to remodel such a summer cottage - so, freshen it up a little by making repairs and planting new plants. However, a significant drawback of a well-equipped summer cottage is its price, which bites very much. To date, it is not uncommon to purchase empty areas or with a minimum amount of work done. And then the question arises before the new owners - how to equip a summer cottage? On the one hand, you can fulfill all your fantasies. But, since there is a lot of work, some summer residents find it difficult where to start. In order not to miss anything and make the cottage comfortable, we suggest using our advice.

We draw a project - what and how should be in the country

The first step is to carefully consider what is already on the site, what should be and what you want. Moreover, all buildings and plantings should not only be located as conveniently as possible for the owners, but also in accordance with the standards. This will make them legal. Also, maintain good relations with your neighbors on the site.

So, in order to be able to live at the dacha at least for the duration of the vacation, it is advisable to provide on it:

  1. House. It is immediately worth determining whether it will be summer or all-season. In the latter case, you need to think about how the building will be heated. It can be either a connection to the central gas pipeline, or individual heating (, stove, electric heating). The dwelling must be at least 3 m from the neighbor's house and from the road.
  2. Outbuildings. You will need it for storing things, tools, fuel (firewood, coal, saws). In addition, you can keep a subsidiary farm there if you wish. They need to be located in one place, further from the recreation area. Habitats of birds and animals - at least 4 m from the border with neighbors.
  3. Parking for cars. It is convenient if it will be on the northern side of the site, where there are no plantations, while not far from the entrance.
  4. Recreation area (gazebo, benches, playground). Can be placed in the shade, making good use of an area not suitable for most plants.
  5. Fencing. It should be borne in mind that your fence should not shade the neighboring area or impede its ventilation.
  6. Garden Garden. Break up on the south side.

It should also be remembered that the compost pit should be at least 8 m away, and the outdoor latrine should be 12 m from the neighbor's house. Also, their installation must be coordinated with neighbors.

How to equip a summer cottage: what and where to plant

For horticultural crops, it is necessary to take the sunniest side of the suburban area. Plants will not bear fruit in the shade. Shrubs and trees with a spherical crown are best planted in a checkerboard pattern - this way they will give less shade in total.

It is better to place a garden in the background. Ahead of him, break garden beds so that all the plants have enough light. Ornamental garden trees can be planted around the perimeter of the site for protection from the wind.

Tall trees should not be planted closer than 4 m to the border with neighbors, medium trees - closer than 2 m, and shrubs - closer than 1 m.

If there is little free space on the site, vegetables can be grown in vertical beds or on a trellis. Under low trees, it is also possible to plant garden plants in the near-stem circles, as well as between them.

The space under the walls of the buildings would be nice to take under the flower beds, planting tall perennials in the background, and compact annual flowers in front. And part of the site that is not used for buildings or plantings should be sown with lawn or meadow grass.

Interesting landscape design ideas for a summer cottage - video

My suburban area is my own territory, according to the arrangement of which I can fulfill my any fantasies. This is one of those pleasant things that you want to do immediately. How to equip a summer cottage, what the garden will be like, where there will be a reservoir, it all depends on us and our desire.

Having received a summer cottage in our personal property, we get the opportunity to discover the artist in ourselves, to show our creativity, to make our old dreams come true. How to equip a summer cottage will completely depend on our desire and the skill of our hands.

But first, we need to identify those circumstances that do not suit us. Maybe these are old trees, unnecessary buildings left over from their former owners, large stones. Before you uproot it all and throw it away, I advise you to decide what you actually want to get.

Draw up an action plan, outline a specific goal. It is quite possible that when arranging a summer cottage, stones can be used to create an alpine slide, and a very cute table will turn out from an old stump. When the stage of clearing the site is over, I advise you to start planning future buildings and plantings. Determine where the house will be located, and where the garden will be planted, plan the planting of the lawn, the construction of the gazebo. Or maybe you want to equip a pergola or a cozy green arch for privacy. Everything is in your hands, and all plans can be easily implemented.

Eight Concrete Steps to Planning a Garden

Stage one. Let's all together imagine how and where each of those present sees himself in the country.

At this stage of planning, there is no need to specify the number and varieties of fruit trees in the garden or the presence of corn in the future garden, we determine, so to speak, strategically.

We sketch with simple geometric shapes and sign the future elements of our site.

Immediately I want to warn and remind you of some important points regarding future friendly relations with neighbors in the country:

  • you should not design a house closer than 3 meters from the neighboring territory, this is prohibited by building codes, why constantly feel under attack;
  • placement of a septic tank, containers for compost is best coordinated with a neighbor. This, of course, is possible, but it is still worth warning;
  • well, planting free-growing trees should be limited to a three-meter distance to the neighbor's site.

There are many options that you can imagine, from a factory for breeding "cultured" earthworms to your own forest where you can pick mushrooms.

Imagine we focus on a compromise solution that works for most families.

In general terms, our dacha should have:

  • a residential building, at least 3 meters away from the road, so that the dust from the road does not interfere with us;
  • utility rooms, united in one place away from the places of your rest and rest of your neighbor;
  • a parking lot on the north side of the house;
  • a fruitful vegetable garden and a garden (our pride) with a public garden, while the trees in the garden are small, these elements of the summer cottage can be partially combined. Although such a combination is considered a mistake by many gardeners, in my opinion, on the trunk circles of sufficiently clarified trees, original round beds for greens, onions, and even for cucumbers with beans are obtained. And we must remember that on one hundred square meters of the garden we can grow six, maximum seven free-growing fruit trees;
  • gazebo for barbecue and benches for rest.

Stage two. It's time to get down to specifics.

Make a complete list of the plants that you want your family to see in your country house. Fruit trees, shrubs, grapes, flowers, ornamental plants, please don't miss anything.

I am sure that many points of your plan will change, something will be deleted, and something will be added. The main thing to remember is that replanting trees is always much worse than not planting them.

Excess trees will reach for the light, forgetting about the harvest, and they will still have to be cut down. And during their growth, they will greatly harm nearby growing trees.

Stage three. Think about the "geography" of your site.

For example, if you have wetlands and waterlogged places on your site, and there are moisture-loving plants in the list of desired plants, then this is an ideal case.

And, conversely, if you are a sweet cherry lover, and the water table is high, then it is necessary to drain the cherry planting site with the help of drainage grooves, and possibly to make an embankment.

Stones, pits, bumps, stumps, if you are not going to turn your thoughts into elements of a design flight, with their help you can create beauty with your own hands, then it would be better to remove all this.

Stage four.

Harvest crops should never be planted in the shade. While in the shade, the tree must grow to constant direct sunlight in order to survive.

Therefore, in order for a tree to bear fruit, it must be planted where necessary, and not poked anywhere.

To do this, let's draw the shaded areas of our site:

  • we take a blank sheet of paper, imagine that we are on the site;
  • we designate the cardinal points and the approximate movement of the sun;
  • schematically we draw future buildings, already growing large trees, a fence and everything that can give a shadow;
  • we indicate the height of everything listed in the previous step;
  • We paint over all areas of the shadow. We proceed from the following rule: the width of the shadow is half the height of the object that gives this shadow. Those places where, according to our calculations, there will be more than half a day of shade, should be considered unsuitable for planting fruitful plants.

An area of ​​full shade can be planned only for paths, gazebos, benches for rest, perhaps for a flower garden with interesting design solutions.

Stage five.

Until now, our plan has been dominated by some limitations that prevent us from realizing our ambitious plans.

Do not give up, we can place all the desired plants on our site if we know that:

  • all trees react perfectly to the CROWN SHAPING. Therefore, we can calmly give them any shape with our own hands - from 4 meters of normal height to dwarf sizes, from a "flat wall" to 6 meters wide;
  • Well, the very geometric shape of the tree crown itself can be any - creeping along the ground, in the form of "balls" of different or "walls" of very different heights;
  • Always arrange rows of fruit trees and shrubs from north to south (or vice versa). This arrangement will give less shade in total, so it will be possible to use the aisles;
  • shrubs of gooseberries, currants, as well as trees with a ball-shaped crown are planted in a checkerboard pattern, as if in the corners of a triangle. This will make more efficient use of space and improve the lighting of your plants. fruittree.ru recommends planting red currants, gooseberries in elevated, dry, well-lit places, and black currants, on the contrary, feel good in humid, more low areas. Let the raspberry grow in isolated places of the site, it gives a lot of root suckers, and so it will be easier to control its growth area.

Stage six. We will plan a vegetable garden.

Think about how much vegetables you want to harvest. More precisely how much you need.

If you are not going to feed all your relatives on the fifth knee, then perhaps round beds in the near-trunk circles will be enough for you.

Later, you can create the same round beds scattered around your garden. The optimal width for them is approximately one meter.

It looks very pretty. To make it also practical, you will need to expose decorative borders 30 centimeters high, you can even higher, fill them with humus. Then you can cover with mulch (grass, rags, husks, straw), then you can water and lightly weed no more than once a week.

Install trellises on the beds. For curly vegetables, arrange "vegetable alleys" - connect the trellises just above your height with a roof, a kind of overlap. So with your own hands, create a cucumber or bean alley.

Even on round beds it is great to arrange a pyramid - in the center you install a support, to which you tie a half or two dozen ropes. You can also build an "umbrella" upstairs.

On such structures, vegetables, in addition to looking beautiful, also bear fruit perfectly.

Arrange your beds along the southern or eastern walls of the house, utility rooms. In such places, plants grow several times faster than in a simple garden bed. The main thing is to arrange the waterproofing of the walls, otherwise a beautiful wall decorated with your favorite vegetables will collapse over time.

A garden bed that will be visible from the window of your kitchen would be ideal. Vegetables growing in such a bed, as it were, feel your constant presence, and grow much more fun.

Stage seven. It remains to think about how we will move through the territory of our site.

Think about what, where and where you will have to carry and carry.

There is no need to plan rectangular patterns of movement in the country. Such paths will constantly cling to you at their right angles.

Do not be afraid of triangular, semicircular, oblique sections and, accordingly, paths in your country house.

If this geometry requires simplicity and ease of movement, feel free to arrange such garden paths.

All the territory that did not fall under the beds is your lawn. If you do not want to bother too much about creating an English lawn, remember the main rule, a constant brace completely destroys all weeds. Only meadow grasses will remain, the kneeling is their favorite condition.

We'll have to master the work of a trimmer and consider that you have mastered the most competent ecological method of caring for the land in the country.

Stage eight (final).

A plan like "a dozen trees behind the house and five bushes of berries near the garden" will give absolutely nothing.

You need to plan in the same way as you do home renovations. You know exactly where the TV will stand - there must be an outlet and an antenna plug.

The same with the summer cottage project, everything should be literal: “When I sit on the terrace, I will see the Pepin saffron apple tree, behind it the Red Banner Renet apple tree, to the left of it the Tolstobezhka pear. In the garden I will put a trellis from north to south, from which cucumbers will stretch towards the house. "

Only an accurate representation of what and how we want will make it possible for anyone to avoid unnecessary alterations, uprooting trees and a poor harvest of vegetables in the future. Believe me, it is much easier to think through everything once, and not to suffer every summer to no avail.

Elements of arrangement of a summer cottage

For decorative design of a summer cottage, you can plan a lawn. To do this, you need to level the site, dig up and remove all weeds. Then add earth and sow herbs. And if your plans include the creation of an alpine slide, then you do not need to level anything, on the contrary, it needs irregularities for it.

I would suggest creating a pond. It will be a beautiful arrangement of a summer cottage, decorated with aquatic plants. It is not difficult to do it yourself. First you need to dig a hole, and give the soil time to settle. Then plan the water distribution from the water supply system. This business is not difficult. Lay out the bottom of the pond with a special film, so that it covers the walls, but not tightly. I advise you to take the film in black, so the illusion of depth will be created. Over the edges of the reservoir, it must be taken out half a meter, and sprinkled with sand, and then overlaid with decorative boulders. You can do it even easier - buy a plastic bathtub, or any other form, and dig it in on the site at a level with the ground. Decorate with decorative stones, sprinkle with multi-colored pebbles, and plant water-loving plants and lawn grasses along the coast.

When thinking about how to equip a summer cottage, you need to take care of lighting. This is an important point, especially after dark. After all, in the evening after working in the garden, you will probably want to sit on the terrace with a cup of tea. This is where inexpensive and beautiful solar-powered flashlights come in handy. They will create soft lighting in the gazebo, accentuate the fancy line of the path in the dark. Or you can create such lanterns with your own hands, using unnecessary tin or glass jars, decorating them with different colors, and cutting patterned holes in the tin. Forged lanterns on poles, beautifully and mysteriously illuminating a romantic bench in the garden, will look spectacular.

If you got a small space where you need to save every square meter of area, an excellent solution would be to arrange your summer cottage with vertical beds. So you can make a real strawberry tree from an old wooden barrel by drilling holes 5 cm in diameter over the entire surface and planting bushes in them. Fill the barrel itself completely with earth. published by

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we are changing the world! © econet

On the banks of the river, our friends bought an abandoned piece of land, which is a wasteland covered with hillocks and irregularities, overgrown with bushes and weeds.

Arrangement of the territory

Four years of hard work made it possible to build a country house with all the city amenities and turn the surrounding area into a piece of paradise.

The project of the house, its internal structure and landscape design was carried out by the owner of the summer cottage on her own. Since the summer cottage was created for recreation in the summer, most of the land was allocated for a green lawn and flower beds.

Only a small portion of the land in the far corner behind the house was used to set up a greenhouse and green beds. There were also planted currant bushes and apple-trees with plums.

In order to keep the paths dry and clean in rainy weather, they were paved with paving slabs raised above ground level. As a result, it became possible to walk around the territory of the summer cottage even in indoor slippers.

For the entire length of the suburban area from the gate, a wide path was made, which ends with a canopy without walls, intended for parking a car. The canopy allows not only to protect the car from precipitation and solar radiation, but also to do household chores under it in rainy weather.

A garage canopy of this design is a good design solution, since it does not obstruct the eye and fits well into the overall design of the suburban area.

The owners of the suburban area are very hospitable people. Relatives and friends often come to them. Thanks to the wide path from the gate, up to six cars can be accommodated in the courtyard at once.

Between the fence and the wide path, there is a strip of land on which flowers and spruce forests are planted.

Along the opposite side of the path and a green lawn, there is also a flower bed.

All paths are made of gray and red paving slabs. A narrow path leads to the house from a wide road.

A spacious open veranda with a view of the river was built in front of the entrance door to the country house. It has a table and chairs. After visiting the steam room on the veranda on summer evenings in any weather, it is very pleasant to have dinner with soft drinks and barbecue in the company of friends.

At the summer cottage, before the start of the construction of the house, an outbuilding was built, consisting of three separate rooms with doors. Two entrances are equipped with a small common porch with a canopy. One of the rooms has a window overlooking the river. It has a bed with a bedside table for guests to sleep in. The second room has no windows and serves as a workshop, and the third is used to store inventory and tools.

Next to the utility house, opposite the veranda, there is a platform covered with paving slabs for grilling kebabs on the grill. Nearby there is a place for a mobile garden rocking sofa.

Flower beds and flower beds

Considering the above published photos, you probably noticed that flower beds and flower beds are made on almost all, even on the smallest plots of land between the paths. The owner of the suburban area fantastically loves flowers, and is ready to deal with them tirelessly from morning to evening, which, by the way, does all her free time.

The pride of the hostess of the summer cottage is the spacious green lawn. Although it often has to be cut, there is a place for children to run barefoot, play ball games and badminton.

A low fence with a wicket in the center separates the suburban area from the public area. There is a flowerbed in front of the fence, separated from the path by wooden chocks. In addition to flowers, there are Christmas trees on the flowerbed, each of which is planted in honor of one of the granddaughters and named after them. Children will grow and watch how spruce grows with them. It will be very interesting for children.

Marigold flowers are planted along a low fence on the side of the river. On the left side of it, next to the canopy, there is a box with a tight lid for the disposal of food waste and plant waste.

Almost the entire area not occupied by a green lawn, a greenhouse and a small vegetable garden is planted with spruce forests and flowers.

The corners between the paths are also beautifully decorated with paving slabs. Discreet but tasteful.

A flower garden in the form of an alpine slide decorates the edge of the grassy lawn. The original composition and harmonious combination of different colors in combination with boulders and pebbles is admirable. The photo shows a view from the second floor of the country house.

A flowerbed like an alpine slide is not symmetrical, and when you look at it from different sides, a completely different composition of flowers opens up.

And in this photo, on the site of last year's alpine slide, a new one has been created, which has a larger size and with a different design. For detailed acquaintance, I decided to present photographs of plants and flowers in close-up.

In the photo, a perennial, unpretentious to the soil, sun-loving golden cinquefoil, with beautiful yellow flowers, growing on an alpine hill. The plant is not afraid of frost, and the tea from Cinquefoil has medicinal properties. Golden cinquefoil begins to bloom, usually in the second half of summer.

And this is thyme (creeping thyme), popularly called "Bogorodskaya grass". Thyme is a very beautiful perennial plant with a noble aroma, which numbers about 400 species. Comes in different colors. Thyme is also a medicinal plant. Blooms from early June to late July. Thyme is great for making alpine slides.

This flower is called a stone rose, a relative of cacti, which has nothing to do with ordinary roses, except that the rosettes are similar in shape, and the leaves are pink at the edges. The Latin name is Sempervivum, which means "always alive". Unpretentious, beautiful perennial plant with fleshy leaves, odorless. Ideal for an alpine slide.

Heather is an evergreen low-growing perennial (grows up to 30 years old), shrub plant and blooms in our latitudes from July-August until late autumn. Heather is a light-loving plant, and with enough sun, the flowers are saturated with color and do not fall off for a long time. Excellent honey plant and bees never fly by. The flowers are small, lilac or lilac-pink. The bushes grow up to a height of 60 cm. Heather is the national flower of Norway, as the Heather fields occupy more than half of the country's area.

The Jacobsen dwarf mountain pine has a beautiful decorative shape and surprises with its fluffiness. The needles are not prickly and it is pleasant to touch them with your hands. This coniferous plant is unpretentious to the soil and grows in any conditions, loves the sun, is not afraid of frost. The height of an adult plant does not exceed 40 cm, which makes mountain pine an ideal ephedra for alpine slides.

Due to the unusual red color of the leaves, the perennial Heuchera flower is very popular among gardeners. Garden Heuchera is the fruit of the work of American breeders. Geichera does not like direct sunlight and grows better in the shade of other plants.

The flowering time of Heuchera depends on the ambient temperature and illumination. Due to the bright red color of the leaves and the beautiful flowers, Heuchera is excellent in combination with other plants to create alpine slides. It is better to plant Heuchera in the shade of conifers or other flowers so that the sun's rays fall on it only at sunrise or sunset.

This is another type of conifers. Unfortunately, I do not know the scientific name of this tree.

Gray Canadian spruce Conica is native to Canada. A dwarf variety grows in ten years to a height of only one meter. This is a very beautiful ephedra, excellently, like an ordinary spruce, it grows in our latitudes.

You probably don't need to imagine a lily flower. Lily is the oldest known flower, a flower of purity and purity. There are thousands of legends about Lily. Lily is considered the flower of kings. Everyone knows and loves this beautiful flower. In the photo, Canadian lily.

This photo is also a lily, only bright red.

Roses are perhaps the most popular flowers for expressing the feelings of the giver. Thanks to the variety of shades of rosebuds, they were "taught" to convey attitude without words. A scarlet rose or a bouquet is given when expressing romantic love and passion, a presented red rose bud expresses confusion, a tender attitude will emphasize a pale pink bouquet of roses. It is customary to give a dark pink bouquet as a sign of gratitude.

Astilba is an unpretentious frost-hardy perennial with bright red flowers. There are varieties that bloom with other flowers. Flowers can reach a height of 60 cm and rise beautifully above low-growing grass and other flowers.

Pansies are popularly called tricolor violet. These pretty flowers seem to be looking at us. Pansies are one of the most unpretentious flowers for environmental conditions, blooming from early spring to late autumn.

The color combination of Pansy petals tends to infinity. This is one of the favorite flowers of gardeners.

Cannes is exotic flowers for our latitudes. The flowers are very beautiful, and in one flower the petals can be of different colors. Cannes are great flowers for decorating a summer cottage.

And this Gatsania flower attracted a bee, and she collects nectar. Gatsania, or gazania, is a South African flower that looks like a Russian chamomile. Flowers appear from July and are pleasing to the eye until the end of the season. The flower loves an abundance of sunlight and has an attractive appearance.

The Gatsania flower has a color spectrum of sunlight, and therefore it is difficult to look away from it.

Almost every person has their own summer cottage that they want to improve, and many are wondering how to do this? At first glance, everything seems complicated and inaccessible, but in fact everything is very easy and you can do a lot with your own hands.

So the question remains: how and where to start? And you need to start with drawing up a plan, upcoming measures for the arrangement, a sequence of actions, the necessary material. The material can even be an unnecessary thing in the house, which will easily fit into the decor of the garden, and give it a special atmosphere and comfort.

There are several important tips for the correct arrangement of a summer cottage:

  • Correct distribution of plants when decorating the site. The main principle in the competent planting of plants: first, plants with small foliage are planted, and then with large, bright foliage.

  • It is necessary to create compositions of decor items that harmoniously fit into the design of the garden itself. Decor elements scattered in a chaotic manner around the site are lost.
  • A sawn tree is not a problem, because with the help of imagination, a stump can be turned into a chair, table or stand for potted plants.

  • And from the remnants of wood, you can lay out a path.
  • There is a stone on the site, from which you can build an alpine slide, lay it in the form of a path.

Planning phase

Starting to improve the site, a plan of the site itself is drawn up, where all the necessary decor elements, flower beds, ponds, waterfalls and even paths will be marked. This will help avoid clutter and excesses in site design.

When working directly on the site, you cannot deviate from the planned plan, because even one extra flower bed can disrupt the harmony of the entire garden. It is necessary to remove everything that is not needed and will not be used in decorating the site, that is, throw out all the garbage.

We prepare the basis for an alpine slide, for waterfalls and a pond, for flower beds, and even outline paths. We think over a plan for the water supply, its drainage and the drainage system of the entire site. Let's move on to the second stage.

Fences and arches as an element of decor

The second stage is the arrangement of the garden fence. Many give preference in this matter to a green fence, because it creates the background of the future garden, and such fences, if properly pruned, can create a garden composition.

Fences made of bricks or stones can also easily fit into the composition of the garden. Wooden fences can also take place on the site.

Climbing plants will look luxurious on such fences. Arches, like parts of a fence, look beautiful and noble. The main thing is the correct care of the plant and the solid construction of the arch itself. Now we will decorate the site.

Garden decoration

Decorating is the most enjoyable step in gardening. Recently, ordinary car tires have been used for decoration, from which they cut or construct figures, paint, turn into ponds, and so on.

Planting flowers and just green plants and at the same time installing solar-powered lanterns. Various sculpted gnomes or birds or other figures will help to give the garden a warm atmosphere.

Beautification of a garden is a long and laborious process that requires a lot of effort. But the reward for labor in the form of a green glade with a great variety of colors is worth the effort.

Rest in such a garden will fill you with energy and inspiration for further realizations of your plans.