Features of curd paste - sweet preparation. Sweet curd mass

Traditional Russian dishes
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Traditional sweet food


Among the sweet dishes of Russian cuisine, a very special place is occupied by curd pastes, bearing the old name - Easter. The largest number of Easter options was developed at the end of the 18th-19th centuries, and it appeared primarily at a rich table. Workers could afford such an expensive dish at that time extremely rarely, almost once a year, coinciding it with a big church holiday, and even by the time when milk appeared.

In fact, curd pastes have nothing to do with religious rituals, and at the present time, when dairy products are publicly available and are made everywhere all year round, they belong to everyday cuisine, especially since such products as sugar and butter, included in them, have long been ceased to be both rare and inaccessible by foam.

There are two types of curd pastes - raw and custard, or heated, there is another intermediate type - the so-called confectionery pastes. All of them are similar in the composition of the main products, but each type is distinguished by its technology.

The main products in pastas are cottage cheese, butter, sour cream, cream, sugar, eggs; additional - nuts, candied fruits, raisins and various spices (most often vanilla and lemon zest).

Cottage cheese and sugar are present in all pastas. Cream, sour cream and butter are not always found at the same time, and eggs are used even less often either as a whole, or one yolk, or separately proteins.

The technology of raw pastes is outwardly simple, it consists in the mechanical mixing of all the products mentioned in the recipe. However, a strict sequence has been established in which the products are mixed and, in addition, mixing or grinding is carried out very carefully and for a long time, in some cases for an hour.

To obtain a custard paste, the products are mixed and then boiled over very low heat for 1 hour, with some of the products sometimes added later in their raw form.

Pastes are called confectionery if only cottage cheese is boiled, and all other products are mixed raw. Confectionery also includes raw pastas, then baked in the oven, like flour products. After manufacturing, confectionery pastes are not pressed, like raw and custard ones.

In general, it must be said that during the pressing of raw pasta, part of the nutrients is lost, therefore, from the point of view of the rational use of products, it is better to do without pressing.

On the contrary, custard pastes must necessarily be pressed (due to the release of whey).


1. When choosing cottage cheese, preference should be given to home-made cottage cheese that does not have graininess, prepared in a cold way, and from purchased ones, fat-free cottage cheese, which has a very weak graininess.

2. Rub all products not together, but in parts - either completely separately from each other, or in a certain sequence.

3. First grind the cottage cheese. Add some powdered sugar to it, then add butter and sour cream. Grind the main part of the sugar with eggs, most often separately with yolks, until white.

4. Add the sugar-egg mixture to the curd-butter mixture and grind together, despite the fact that each of them has already been crushed separately.

5. The third bookmark is powdered spices mixed with a small amount of powdered sugar.

6. Last in the pasta, add whipped cream or whipped egg whites, and sometimes both.

7. The final stage is the introduction of raisins, candied fruits, nuts into the paste. At the same time, the paste is not rubbed, but only slightly mixed so that the raisins and other components are evenly distributed throughout the mass.


cottage cheese - 600 g
whipped cream - 0.25 cup
sugar - 200 g
eggs - 3 yolks
nuts - 100 g + 10 g almonds
zest - 2 teaspoons
vanillin - 1/2 teaspoon

cottage cheese - 600 g
whipped cream - 0.75 cups
sugar - 0.75 cups
eggs - 1 tbsp. foam spoon
vanillin - 1/2 teaspoon

cottage cheese - 800 g
butter - 200 g
whipped cream - 1 cup
sugar - 1 cup
vanillin - 1/2 teaspoon

cottage cheese - 800 g
oil - 2 cups
whipped cream - 2 cups
sugar - 400 g
eggs - 6 yolks
vanillin - 1/2 teaspoon

cottage cheese - 1 kg
butter - 200 g
whipped cream - 1.5 cups
sugar - 400 g
eggs - 50 g proteins
zest - 1 teaspoon
Note - 100 g of raisins, 50 g of candied fruit.

cottage cheese - 1 kg
sour cream - 100 g
eggs - 1 yolk

cottage cheese - 1 kg
sour cream - 1/2 cup
oil - 100 g
whipped cream - 0.75 cups

cottage cheese - 1.2 kg
sour cream - 1 cup
whipped cream - 1.5 cups
nuts - 400 g walnuts

cottage cheese - 1.2 kg
butter - 200 g
whipped cream - 4 cups
sugar - 300 g
eggs - 4 eggs
nuts - 200 g pistachios

cottage cheese - 800 g
butter - 400 g
whipped cream - 1 cup
sugar - 200 g
eggs - 3 hard boiled eggs
nuts - 200 g almonds
zest - 1/2 teaspoon
Note: add 10 g of bitter almonds

cottage cheese - 2 cups
butter - 400 g
whipped cream - 2 cups
sugar - 2 cups
eggs - 3 yolks
zest - 2 teaspoons
vanillin - 1/2 teaspoon
candied fruits - 100 g candied fruits
Note - exposure 2-3 days

cottage cheese - 800 g
butter - 600 g
whipped cream - 1 cup
sugar - 600 g
eggs - 20 hard boiled yolks
vanillin - 1/2 teaspoon
Note: rub 1 tsp.

cottage cheese - 1 kg
butter - 200 g
whipped cream - 1.5 cups
sugar - 1 cup
eggs - 3 yolks
zest - 1 teaspoon
vanillin - 1/2 teaspoon
candied fruits - 200 g candied fruits

cottage cheese - 2 cups
oil - 2 cups
whipped cream - 1.5 cups
sugar - 2 cups
eggs - 2 yolks
vanillin - 1/2 teaspoon


1. Mix all components according to the scheme indicated for raw pastes. Each specific recipe indicates which products are to be mixed (sometimes some of the products - sugar, butter, spices, and even a certain proportion of cottage cheese are added additionally to an almost ready-made pasta at a later stage).

2. Put the resulting mixture in a saucepan over low heat and, stirring constantly, cook for 1 hour.

3. Then add the products indicated in the recipe to the mass, stir again, cool (sometimes put on ice) and wrap in a clean linen napkin, preferably washed several times (i.e., less dense), and put under a press between two wooden planks or in a special wooden form-box and soak from 12 hours to 2 days.


1 kg of cottage cheese, 200 g of butter, 300 g of sour cream, 2 eggs, 1-1.25 cups of sugar, 0.25 teaspoons of vanillin.

Grind cottage cheese, butter, sour cream and eggs in the indicated sequence, without ceasing to stir, cook.
Introduce the remaining components into the prepared mass, cool and place under the press for 1 day.

800 g of cottage cheese, 125 g of butter, 1 cup of sour cream, 5 yolks, 0.75-1 cup of sugar, 0.5 cups of candied fruits, 0.25 teaspoons of vanillin.

Grind cottage cheese, butter, sour cream, egg yolks and heat, stirring.
Remove from heat as soon as it boils, put on ice, continuing to stir until cool.
Add the rest of the products, place under the press for 2 days.

800 g cottage cheese, 100 g sour cream, 100 g butter, 1 egg, 200 g sugar, 0.25 g vanilla.

Combine cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, eggs, sugar, heat, stirring until bubbles appear.
Add vanilla, place under the press for 15 hours.

1.4 kg of cottage cheese, 100 g of butter, 3 eggs, 200 g of sugar, 1.5 cups of cream, zest from 2-3 lemons.

Squeeze cottage cheese (homemade) for 6 hours under pressure, then grind with the rest of the ingredients, put on a very low heat for 1 hour, without ceasing to stir and not letting it boil.
Cool on ice, put under pressure for 16-20 hours.

A wonderful curd pasta with greens is prepared in 5-7 minutes, don't you believe it? Try it! This paste can be spread on sandwiches, which in turn are suitable for breakfast or afternoon tea. I recommend!

Here is a simple recipe for making cottage cheese pasta with herbs. This is just a wonderful healthy snack that will be harmonious on any table. You can use it at any time of the day. Try it! Find the recipe for making curd pasta with herbs below.

Servings: 3-4

A very simple recipe for cottage cheese pasta with greens of Russian cuisine step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 15 minutes. Contains only 281 kilocalories. Author's recipe of Russian cuisine.

  • Preparation time: 12 minutes
  • Cooking time: 15 minutes
  • Amount of calories: 281 kilocalories
  • Servings: 9 servings
  • Reason: For breakfast
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Russian kitchen
  • Dish type: Snacks

Ingredients for three servings

  • cottage cheese - 200 grams (I have 5% fat)
  • Greens - a bunch Pieces (dill, parsley, dried herbs, cilantro)
  • spices - To taste (I have a mixture of spices with salt. If you do not have salt, add it separately, one pinch approximately)
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • yogurt without additives - 1-2 tbsp. spoons (or milk)

Step by step cooking

  1. First of all, we will prepare all the necessary ingredients. Rinse and dry the greens, chop it a little and put it in a bowl. I also added dried basil (large pinch, maybe more). In general, you can use different greens: standard parsley with dill, cilantro, thyme, fresh basil and much more, which is enough for your imagination. Chop the garlic clove and add to the greens.
  2. Next, add 200 grams of cottage cheese. In fact, the percentage of fat content of cottage cheese can be anything, I have, for example, 5%. You may not use yogurt or milk, but I use them for better grinding and a nice consistency. I usually take 1-2 tablespoons. But, again, you better look at what consistency of the future paste suits you best. Add also salt and spices (spices). Thoroughly grind everything with a blender.
  3. Voila! Everything is ready. Serve the finished curd pasta with herbs to the table. Bon Appetit!

Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product obtained by fermenting milk and removing whey. It was known to the ancient inhabitants of Greece and Rome. This unique product can be the basis of both sweet and savory dishes. Due to the high content of calcium in it, it must be present in the children's menu. But small children are not very fond of eating plain cottage cheese. In this case, curd dishes will help, in particular curd paste, which is easy to prepare.

In Russia, curd pastes began to be served at the table in rich houses as early as the 18th century. Now these dishes are available to everyone. Cottage cheese is the basis of this tasty and healthy dish. The taste and quality of pasta largely depends on the choice of cottage cheese. To make it tasty, choose fat, fine-grained cottage cheese, which has a pleasant sour smell and, of course, the freshest. Butter, sour cream, eggs or only egg yolks, cream, sugar can act as additional components. Raisins are used for the pasta filler. Sometimes candied fruits, vanilla, nuts, herbs are used.

The method of preparing the dish is extremely simple: in the case of raw pasta, the curd is thoroughly mixed with all the other ingredients, which are added gradually, in strict sequence in accordance with the recipe. If custard paste is being prepared, then after mixing the mass is boiled for some time on low heat. Sometimes part of the components is introduced into the finished mass in its raw form. There are many recipes for curd pastes, some of them you can find on the site "Plates".

"Curd Paste" - the best recipes

How to cook cottage cheese paste so that it turns out really tasty and fragrant? Learning this culinary skill means daily healthy and high-quality nutrition, especially necessary for children's diets.

Among the various dishes of Russian cuisine, known since the 19th century, cottage cheese dishes occupied a special place. In the old days they were called Easter, served exclusively on rich tables. The poor population allowed themselves to enjoy such dishes only on big church holidays. Today, these delicious products are available to everyone both on Easter days and in everyday cooking.

Conventionally, pastas are divided into three types: custard, cheese and confectionery. The composition of the products included in them, as a rule, is the same. The differences lie in the features of technological processes, which should always be taken into account in practical applications.

Similarities and differences in the methods of making cottage cheese pasta

The basis of any dish is high-quality products: cottage cheese, fresh sour cream, low-fat cream, fresh chicken eggs, regular sugar and, of course, unsalted butter;

Additional components are a variety of spices (vanilla, lemon peel), raisins, and candied fruits;

Raw pastes are prepared by mechanical mixing of the components provided for in the recipe;

The conditions for the quality of the prepared dish are the time and sequence of combining the ingredients. Their mixing must be carried out in strict sequence over a very long, sometimes up to an hour, period of time;

Confectionery pastes differ in the method of heat treatment of cottage cheese. The rest of the products on the recipe list are mixed in their raw state;

Cheesy oven-baked pastes are also a pastry type;

A feature of custard pastes is their mandatory pressing due to the release of whey from them.

When choosing cottage cheese of high quality content, it is necessary to pay special attention to the absence of granular qualities in it;

Homemade cold-cooked cottage cheese has the best properties. If the product is manufactured industrially, it must have a fat-free quality;

First of all, you should grind the cottage cheese. The remaining components are processed individually or in a certain sequence indicated in the recipe;

Butter and low-fat sour cream are laid out in the next step;

You need to grind chicken eggs together with the main amount of fine sugar;

A mixture of eggs and sugar must be combined with a curd-oil composition, rubbing the products into a single mass. This rule also applies if these components have already been pre-processed;

Proteins whipped into foam, processed in the same way to a steep cream state, are introduced last;

Nuts, raisins or candied fruits conclude the cooking process. When adding these products, you should do it carefully, mixing the components into a single composition.

By adhering to the basic tips and recommendations, you can learn how to cook amazing dishes that are distinguished by their undoubted taste and useful qualities. It can be a luxurious festive Easter or fragrant cottage cheese pasta for every day. Delicate sweetness will bring a lot of pleasure!