Distribution board Types of switchboards: rules for their selection Power electrical distribution board

An electrical panel is a serious device that distributes electricity throughout the house. It performs many functions for safety, protection of wiring from overload, and distribution of energy to all consumers.

Installation and assembly of the switchboard

The electrical panel includes sophisticated modular equipment. If necessary, you can carry out the installation yourself, but first you need to find out how to properly assemble the shield.

To separate the work with electrical components and the installation of the case, you should purchase a shield on which the frame is removed, and there are DIN rails.

There are several types of electrical panel installation:

  • wall mount;
  • installation in the wall.

Let's consider the second option, since the first is installed simply on holders. Before making a hole in the wall, you need to make sure that it is not "bearing" in the house. According to the rules, installation work cannot be done in it.

The electrical panel must be visible. Doors should not obstruct its access. For safety reasons, do not place the shield near gas pipes and other flammable substances. To place it on the wall, it is necessary to take into account the height from the floor to its lower edge not less than 1.4 m, and the distance of the upper edge from the floor not more than 1.8 m.

The building level will help to mark the future area. To maintain all dimensions, you can attach the case to the wall, and circle it with chalk. Along the outlined lines, a slot is made with a grinder.

A chisel and a hammer drill will help to hollow out the inside. It is necessary to check the depth of the resulting niche by inserting the electrical panel housing into it.

First, the included mount is mounted there. Then the electrical panel. Holes are made for fasteners and dowels are inserted. The remaining cavities are sealed with polyurethane foam.

DIN rails are unscrewed from the electrical panel in order to install modular equipment on them. If the kit does not include special fasteners, then you need to drill holes in the back wall of the shield for future fasteners. This is done carefully, the case may burst from excessive force.

How to insert cables correctly

An electrical panel with a removable cover will help to correctly and conveniently insert the wires inside. Conventional enclosures have cable holes that can be cut or extruded slightly. They are located at the top or bottom of the case. They can also be in its back wall.

In the electrical panels of poor quality, there may not even be a hint of any holes. Then you will have to mark and drill them yourself, not everyone will have the patience for this. Therefore, it is better to buy a case more expensive and it will take less time to install it.

There are plugs in modern buildings for the plant. They are removed after the shield is installed in the wall. Cables are inserted into the holes obtained. Gland plates can be used instead of plugs.

The first step is to start an input conductor. It should be located near the input machine. There are comb-type fasteners on the shield; the lead-in conductor should be attached to it. A plastic clamp is used as a tie. Its excess ends are cut off.

The cable is marked with a marking, which is indicated on the diagram. This is done with all the veins. After their installation, a removable cover is attached and marks are applied to it. Cutouts are made along them, and the lid falls into place.

How to cut cables inside the board

It is necessary to remove the insulation from the introduced conductors. This process is done carefully, the conductive cores cannot be damaged. A second mark is made immediately on it. This is important because a lot of confusion can occur after stripping all the wires.

For labels, paper tape is suitable. Do not forget the main rule: labels must be applied, as indicated on the diagram.

In order for the cable to be enough for the entire length of the wiring, you need to insert it into the electrical panel and run it to its full height. Then measure the same height distance again. The result is a length twice the height of the shield. This stock of cable will allow you to confidently lead it to the desired point according to all the wiring rules, and the excess pieces can always be cut off.

Modern modular protection devices

The quality of electricity in modern networks is not always pleasing. To protect the line from overloads, they began to use modular-type protective devices. The electrical panel with automatic devices will be protected against short circuits. It will immediately react to the appearance of overcurrents. When connecting the machine, you must adhere to the general rule for the power supply - it is connected only from the top.

The insulation is removed from the wires. The machines have clamping terminals, we insert a core into them and tighten with a screw. It is necessary to beware of getting insulating materials into the terminal contact. If this happens, then the apartment may suddenly lose electricity, or the protection device will fail. This may lead to a fire.

There is one more important rule: do not connect conductors of different cross-sections into one AB terminal. A wire with a large cross-section, when tightened, will get good contact, and with a smaller cross-section, poor contact. The insulation on it will melt and cause a fire.

If the connected core is monolithic, then for good contact its end should be bent in the shape of a U. The connection area increases, and the contact is reliable.

Stranded wires in the terminals of the machine must not be tightened without special lugs. The contact will be poor and unreliable. For their switching use:

  • tip NSHVI (2);
  • tip NSHV.

Assembly of modular panel elements

For those who have never come into contact with a similar task, you can give instructions for assembling an electrical panel. We prepare the workplace, nothing should interfere with the assembly of modules. We make good lighting.

You will need the following modules:

  • circuit breaker (load switch);
  • voltage relay;
  • residual current device (RCD);
  • differential automata;
  • automatic switches;
  • cross module.

You can assemble a single-phase shield with your own hands, provided that you have certain knowledge of an electrician.

All modules are mounted on a previously removed DIN rail. Arranged in the same order strictly according to the list. The modules are fastened using special clamps. After checking the correct distribution, proceed to the terminals. You need to loosen the screws on them.

You will need different types of combs. Input clamps (terminals) will help to more conveniently connect the combs to the power wires. They must be placed between the terminal of the module and the comb.

On the input load switch there is a phase output (bottom contact) from it a phase is distributed to RCDs, circuit breakers and other switches. There are zero terminals on the RCD, they receive a working zero, which is taken from the lower output terminal of the input machine.

For further assembly of the electrical panel, one end of the neutral wire must be free. It is connected to the main bus of the working zero. Zero buses and zero outputs of all RCDs are switched with a blue wire.

All unused connections are tightened with a screwdriver. After that, the entire installation is checked. Having applied voltage to the input machine, we press the test button.

The terminals of the circuit breakers are tested for voltage. When they are turned on, the same measurements are taken at the output. To prevent household appliances from burning out from voltage surges, a voltage control relay is installed. The assembly method for a three-phase panel is the same as for a single-phase panel. They differ only in the number of conductive cores.

Final assembly

When all modular devices are adjusted and tested, it remains to transfer them to the electrical panel housing. De-energize for safety. A niche in the wall is being prepared. Assembled devices on a DIN frame are mounted inside the housing.

The main and protective zero buses are mounted. When distributing wires into bundles, it is not recommended to allow their intersections. Protective zero wires are attached to the PE bus. The connection sequence is observed as in the electrical panel diagram. The protective zero before switching with the bus terminal is marked.

When all devices are connected, the check for compliance with the wiring diagram begins. On the Internet, you can see a photo of the assembled switchboard.

To check the assembled electrical panel, it is necessary to install all switches and sockets in the apartment. Connect the load to the sockets on all lines of powerful consumers. After energizing, phases and zeros are checked for consistency.

When the adjustment is over, do not rush to close the electrical panel. It should work for a couple of hours, and then it will become clear whether the assembly was carried out efficiently. Installation and connection of the shield is a laborious process that requires certain knowledge and experience. It should be started after studying the theoretical part, and follow the step-by-step assembly instructions.

Having reached the consumer, it goes through many stages. Among them are such stages as generation and transportation by lines of electrical networks. Before getting to the consumer, electricity comes to electrical panels, in which electricity is distributed, a protection system is installed in case of emergency situations associated with overloads and short circuits.

Such boards are used to organize the infrastructure of industrial buildings, residential buildings, public premises. An electrical panel of a certain type is mounted, depending on the purpose. On sale there is a wide selection of options and models of such devices, which have their own differences in content and form.


In a simple design, electrical panels are used to create a network that supplies lighting devices, household appliances, sockets, etc. The spectrum of electricity consumers is constantly expanding, so a more complex model may be needed, allowing you to create energy division into groups. These are already devices with great energy switching capabilities. They work with different categories of stationary electrical appliances.

To determine the tasks that electrical panels perform, it is necessary to consider in more detail the organization of power supply. One panel can supply electricity both to a separate apartment and to the building as a whole. In this case, the panel manages the electricity that goes to different switchgears covering other local service areas.

Types of electrical panels

There are different classes of electrical panels. They share their designs, first of all, according to their intended purpose. This type of equipment, such as electrical panels, can provide electricity to one apartment, or several different energy consumers.

Also, panels are divided according to the method of installation and material of construction. According to the first factor, conventional suspended and wall structures are the most popular. In operation, electrical panels are very convenient, which are built into the wall niche. But the installation of such a shield is not always suitable for the location conditions.

If we consider the materials from which electrical panels are made, then most often manufacturers combine several materials, for example, metal with plastic. Metal shields have proven to be reliable, time-tested constructions. However, new materials and composites that have appeared recently are no worse than metal in terms of durability and strength, and in some ways even surpass it. There is no significant difference between switchboards made of different materials.

To better understand the purpose of electrical panels in the network, consider their hierarchy by types, types and subspecies.

Main switchboard

This board (MSB) is used to enter power supply lines, distribute electricity to various objects, as well as electricity metering. In emergency cases, it protects against overloads, short circuits in electrical networks. In the hierarchy tree, the main switchboard is located at the very top. The main panel is usually located at the site of the transformer substation, either in the production or in the boiler room.

Input switchgear

This device (ASU) serves to receive the power supply from the power cable, and further distribute electricity along the power lines of the lower-level electrical panels, as well as to account for energy consumption, protect against short circuits, overloads in case of accidents. It includes a system of structures and electrical automation. An introductory electrical panel is usually located in production shops, at the entrance to buildings of public organizations, residential buildings.

Emergency reserve input

Standby input board (ATS) It is equipped with special automatic devices that switch power in the event of an emergency from the main source to the backup source of electricity. After eliminating the causes of the emergency mode, the ATS reconnects the main power source to the line. It is used in many places: communal buildings, cottages, manufacturing.

Floor switchboard

Electrical panels on the floors of buildings (SHE) serve to distribute the electricity supply to apartments on the same floor.

ShchE is usually divided into 3 compartments:
  • Distribution compartment (for consumer groups).
  • Accounting compartment ().
  • Subscriber compartment (, radio, television, telephone).

Apartment board

Most often, such an apartment board (SCC) is located in an apartment near the entrance, usually in the hallway. Its main purpose is to meter the energy of electric current, to distribute electricity along the lines of an apartment for power supply in different rooms and for different household devices. The modules of automatic devices located in the apartment panel protect the network from short circuits and overloads.

Apartment switchboards are divided according to the type of installation:
  • Internal.
  • Overhead.
By material of manufacture:
  • Plastic.
  • Metallic.
Types of apartment electrical panels by purpose:
  • Accounting (SCHKU).
  • Distribution (SCHKR).

Lighting shield

The lighting board is located in almost all existing buildings equipped with lighting devices, for rare switching of lighting equipment using the board automation. The lighting board protects the outgoing lines from short circuits and current overloads.

Electrical lighting boards are divided into:
  • Lighting panel with switch (OSHV).
  • Built-in lighting board (recessed) with a switch (USHCHV).


This type of shield (SCHU) is designed to control automatic devices that are responsible for the drives of mechanisms: heating, signaling, ventilation, etc. Adjustment of property values ​​is done manually.

Automation panel

This type of panel contains software controllers that monitor the functioning of drives of various mechanisms and systems.

Uninterruptible supply board

This board (SHBP) provides electricity to devices and devices of control systems, computers, medical equipment, and other systems that must be provided with a constant power supply, and related to the 1st category of power supply.

We have considered only some of the electrical panels used in power grids, but there are many more types of them.

Assembling the shield

Installation work for the installation of electrical panels usually begins with the assembly operation of the main structure. There are switchboard devices in the form of assembled housings with mounting panels included. However, complete panels are more often used, and for them a project and an assembly diagram are already being developed.

First, the body is prepared for assembly, then the plugs from the body walls are removed. Electrical panels have a different number of cable line sections, depending on their design. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate in advance the location and number of holes for cables and wires, taking into account the possibility of making additional holes.

Further, mounting rails, grounding bars, mounting brackets are mounted. The constituent parts of the shield can be different. It depends on the type of switchboard. But the main thing in the assembly is preparation for the final installation.


The installation method also depends on the type of shield design. The main difficulty is the design of the built-in electrical panel, since it requires hollowing out the space necessary for its installation in the wall.

After hollowing out a niche in the wall, the shield is installed in place and fixed with special brackets. In advance, before choosing the location of the shield, the possibility of access to the wiring is calculated. After the final installation, connect to the power supply and the consuming load.

An input cable with additional wires is installed inside the panel. The wires are aligned in one layer, taking into account the placement of the circuit breakers and their configuration. When the wiring is connected to all panel devices, then the load of consumers and electrical installations is connected. Further, in turn, all the lines are turned on to check the operability of the network.

Access limitation

When operating electrical panels, electrical safety rules must be observed. They must also be performed when installing the shield. When installed in a public space, fences and insulation of live parts are provided. Access to the elements of the switchboard is protected by padlocked fences.

The distribution of electrical energy has always been one of the most important operations. The efficiency of energy consumption, the stability of the supply of power to consumers depends on it. Therefore, manufacturers are interested in producing reliable and functional devices such as electrical panels.

The range of household appliances is constantly growing, so switchboards must also be modernized and expanded functional tasks. The popularity of models is increasing, which are designed for the arrangement of devices inside the switchboard for individual use.

So, using threaded connections, the panel mounting panel can be equipped with almost any devices and modules.

There are several different types of switchboards, each of which has its own design features and field of application. In this article, we will give a brief description and purpose of existing types of switchboards.

Classification of electrical panels according to the method and place of installation

According to the method of installation, switchboards are of three types: overhead, built-in and floor. Overhead shields are mounted directly on a wall, support or other building structure. The main distinguishing feature of this type of shields is that its entire body is located outside.

Recessed panels are mounted in a pre-prepared recess in the wall. Thus, only the cover is visible from the outside, and the entire body is recessed into the wall.

The floor shield is installed directly on the floor surface or mounted on a special stand.

As for the installation site, in this case, the electrical panels are outdoor or indoor. The possibility of installing the shield outdoors is determined by its design features, namely, the presence of appropriate protection for the case.

There are several degrees of enclosure protection which show where the shield can be installed. The most common degrees of protection for electrical panel enclosures:

    IP20, IP30 - shields installed indoors without high humidity, since they do not have protection against moisture, differ in the degree of protection against foreign objects;

    IP44, IP54 - shields have a higher degree of protection against foreign objects, are protected from moisture, are installed in rooms with high humidity, as well as outdoors, but subject to protection against water jets;

    IP55, 65 - shields installed in rooms with aggressive environmental conditions, as well as outdoors. They have sufficient protection against moisture, rain and can be installed outdoors without additional protection. These enclosures of shields have full protection against contact, differ in the degree of protection against dust - the first has partial protection against dust, the second - full dustproofness of the case.

Outside the premises, enclosures of surface-mounted and floor-mounted panels are installed. The shields are mounted on the walls of buildings and structures, on supports, stands or directly on the equipment case.

Electrical panel body material

The body of electrical panels can be made of plastic or metal. Plastic boxes (boxes) are used as small indoor distribution boxes. The entire body of such shields is made of plastic, the cover is made of transparent plastic for the convenience of monitoring the state of protective devices and various devices.

Metal shields can be made entirely of metal, or they can have inserts made of glass or transparent plastic on the front panel for the ability to read meter readings, control the operating mode of various devices, etc.

DIN rails for the installation of electrical devices in all shields, regardless of the body material, are made of metal. The metal enclosures of the boards are equipped with special mounting panels, on which various devices and electrical devices can be mounted, as well as allowing the installation of the necessary modular devices.

To ensure the required degree of protection, the electrical panel housing can have rubber seals, hermetically sealed cable glands, which ensure dust tightness and tightness of the housing. The metal enclosures of the shields, as a rule, have locking devices that prevent unauthorized persons from entering them.

Shield body size

Switchboard enclosures are also classified by size. It depends on the size of the switchboard housing how many electrical devices and other devices can be installed in it, how many cable lines can be brought in and whether there is enough space to connect them.

In this case, the main characteristics are:

    inner volume of the flap;

    the number of modular places on the DIN rail;

    mounting plate size;

    number of cable entries.

Classification of electrical panels by purpose

The types of electrical panels considered above can be equipped with various electrical devices, protective devices and have different purposes. Let's consider the main types of switchboards according to their purpose.

VRU is an introductory switchgear. Cabinets of this type are installed to receive electricity from a source - power transformers or from the supply lines of the electrical network.

In this panel, switching and protective devices are mounted, and various protection and automation devices, metering devices can also be additionally mounted. This panel distributes electricity to other panels located in the building.

Main switchboard - main switchboard, in fact, is the same ASU and performs the same functions - reception and distribution of electricity to supply power to switchboards for other purposes, which are discussed in the following paragraphs.

In large switchboards of enterprises, various electrical installations, measuring instruments and metering devices are installed to control the operating mode of the switchboard equipment, as well as metering the consumed electricity, both in general and on separate outgoing lines supplying switchboards for other purposes.

ABP shield- automatic transfer switchboard. This switchboard is completed with automation devices that monitor the parameters of the electrical network and switch the power supply of consumers from the backup power source in the event of a loss of power at one of the sources. One of the supply lines, a generator or a storage battery can act as a backup power source.

SCHO - lighting or heating shield... In these cabinets, electrical devices and other elements are installed that are designed to control lighting equipment or heating a room, equipment that requires heating.

ShchS - power shield, is designed to supply power consumers at the facility where there is a separation of circuits and power consumers for their intended purpose. Also, this marking may mean that this is a communication shield.

Various telecommunication equipment, means of communication, collection of information from various equipment and objects at the enterprise are mounted in the communication board housing.

SHE - floor shield... Installed on the floors of apartment buildings in a special niche or directly on the wall of apartment buildings, they are used to receive electricity from the main switchboard (ASU) and distribute it to several apartment panels.

SCHK - apartment board... Installed on the floor or directly in the apartment. In this dashboard, a metering device for this apartment is installed, as well as protective devices.

Two shields can be installed - one on the floor, introductory protective devices and a metering device are mounted in it, the second shield is installed directly in the apartment, electricity is distributed to several wiring lines and protective devices are installed in it.

ShchZ, ShchU and ShchA- shield of protection, control and automation. These types of boards can be found in electrical installations; a number of devices are mounted in these boards for the implementation of protection and automation of equipment for distribution substations, power plants, industrial enterprises.

These shields are often combined into one panel, in which protection devices, automatics and monitoring and control elements for a separate piece of equipment, a group of equipment or a section of an electrical network are mounted. The abbreviation SHU can also indicate that this is a metering board.

SchSN - auxiliaries board... It is, in fact, the main distribution board, only this board serves exclusively to power the devices located at the facility - the so-called auxiliary needs. Such shields are installed in electrical installations of electrical stations, distribution substations.

Own needs include: heating and cooling systems for equipment, power supply for on-load tap-changers of power transformers, equipment control circuits, lighting, space heating, etc.

Separate switchgears (boards) are installed to power the outgoing lines of consumers. The same elements are mounted in the auxiliary switchboards as in the main switchboard, the ASU, as well as automation devices, in particular, the AVR.

SHPT - DC board... It is used in electrical installations of stations, substations, enterprises for the reception and distribution of DC circuits. Direct current electric power is received from storage batteries, special charging units, rectifier units.

The direct current is distributed to separate lines as an auxiliary current for powering various protection, automation and equipment control devices. In this panel, switching and protective devices are mounted, as well as measuring instruments for monitoring the charging mode of batteries, the magnitude of the load and voltage.

Distribution boards SCHR are used in lighting and power installations of residential, public, administrative, industrial buildings and structures, as well as other similar buildings. The main tasks performed by switchboards SCHR:

  • - reception and distribution of electrical energy with a voltage of 380/220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz;
  • - protection against electric shock in case of accidental contact with live parts;
  • - prevention of fires caused by ignition of wire insulation due to excessively high leakage currents to earth;
  • - protection against infrequent switching on and off of the lines of group circuits, as well as for protection against overloads and short circuits.

SCHR design

Distribution boards SCHR are a metal shell with a degree of protection IP31, welded from sheet steel, in which the installation of automatic switches and residual current devices (RCDs) is provided on the rails. The input of the supply lines and the output of the outgoing lines is carried out from the bottom or from the top. Execution of shields SCHR mounted or recessed. Access to the flap is provided from the front through the door.

Technical characteristics of SCHR

Rated voltage, V 380/220
frequency Hz 50
Rated current of input circuit breakers, A up to 160
Rated current of automatic switches and circuit breakers of differential current of lines of group circuits, A up to 63
Nominal settings of leakage current of input residual current switches, mA 30; 100; 300
Rated settings of the leakage current of the residual current circuit breakers of the lines of group circuits, mA 10; 30
Protection degree according to GOST 14254-80 IP31
Climatic conditions standardized for execution of placement category 4 in accordance with GOST 15150-69 UHL

Familiarize yourself with the basic electrical diagrams of the primary connections of distribution boards SCHR with single-phase and three-phase supply networks.

Operating conditions for SHP

Climatic modification UHL, location category 4 in accordance with GOST 15150 - 69, altitude above sea level 2000 m. Ambient temperature from + 5 ° C to 40 ° C at a relative humidity of no more than 60% at a temperature of + 20 ° C.
The environment is not explosive and does not contain aggressive vapors and gases in concentrations that destroy metals and insulation, not saturated with conductive dust. Place of installation SCHR- protected from the ingress of water and other liquids, direct exposure to radiation, sharp shocks (impacts) and strong shaking. The working position in space is vertical.

The structure of the symbolic designation of distribution boards SCHR


An example of a device recording when ordering it "ShchR-3N UHL4 4": Distribution board SCHR three-phase mounted version for installation.

Completeness of delivery of SCHR

At the request of the customer, the number of passports, instructions and keys can be changed.

Distribution panel SCHR - what is it?

Rising to the landing, the first thing that catches your eye is a new distribution board, which was installed only recently. Gray, shiny, what is behind it?

Switchboard SCHR is a metal structure, divided by a partition into three compartments: metering compartment, distribution compartment and low-current compartment. In each compartment of the switchboard, counters, circuit breakers and disconnection protection devices are respectively installed.

Distribution boards SCHR are actively produced and sold by our company. Produced SCHR are intended for the reception and distribution of electrical energy in three-phase four-wire and five-wire networks with a voltage of 380/220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz with a grounded neutral. Distribution boards SCHR protect the lines of group circuits from overloads and short circuits. You can see all the technical specifications SCHR on the same page above.

Distribution boards SCHR are installed not only in lighting, but also in power plants of residential buildings, public and industrial buildings, as well as administrative and other similar structures. Light and electricity in apartments is not possible without switchboards SCHR... They are used not only to power them, but also to install devices for television, telephone and radio broadcasting networks.

Distribution boards SCHR are made of high-strength steel, they are comfortable and reliable. For more durable use, the following requirements must be met: height above sea level no more than 2000 meters, ambient temperature from +5 to +40 degrees and humidity not more than 60%. The environment is optimal for the operation of the panels, which does not contain aggressive vapors and gases, is not explosive and is not saturated with conductive dust. When installing the panels, one should avoid places with high humidity, direct action of radiation and sharp shocks and shocks. SCHR should be installed strictly vertically.

And again, returning to the landing, you see the already familiar distribution meter with a window for taking readings. Now he no longer seems so mysterious and incomprehensible.

With MEK ELECTRICA, many things become simpler, clearer and more profitable.

Schematic diagrams of distribution boards SCHR

ShchR 1 UHL4

ShchR 3 UHL4

Elements in the diagram

All switchboards are classified according to several criteria. The shields are used to supply power to individual apartments and a group of rooms located on the same floor. For power supply and metering of electricity in apartments, group devices and panels of the metering-group type are used. Power supply of the complex of premises on one floor is carried out with the use of boards of the following classes:

  • Distribution (a power line is connected to them, the device distributes electricity between consumers);
  • Accounting and distribution (in addition to the function of distributing electricity, they keep records of consumed energy);
  • Group type metering and distribution devices (they provide power and energy metering for several objects).

The switchboards of the main switchboard power supply entire objects, therefore they are more often installed on the territory of transformer substations and objects to which powerful power lines are connected. To receive and distribute energy at the facility, input switchgears are used, which are an integral part of the group protective automation.

Switching to an emergency power supply mode using another power line is carried out using ATS, they automatically activate an alternative power supply in the event of an emergency on the power line or a power outage. Installation of such equipment is carried out in cottages, industrial buildings and at communal facilities.

ShchE are used to supply and distribute electricity to several apartments or premises located on the same floor. The classification of distribution boards is also carried out in accordance with the installation option - built-in or by hanging.

You can buy an electrical switchboard assembly of any of the above modifications from our company at low prices - the cost of products can be further reduced depending on the volume of the order.

Switchboard selection parameters

The choice of the switchboard should be made taking into account the following parameters:

  • The main material is plastic or metal (for protection against vandalism, it is recommended to choose equipment in a metal case);
  • Overall dimensions (for built-in devices, the dimensions of the niche for the installation must be determined in advance);
  • Appointments (only power supply of objects or power supply taking into account the consumed energy, power supply of several objects or one large one);
  • IP protection degree (this allows you to guarantee the safety of the equipment when exposed to shocks, water and changes in temperature and humidity; the higher the protection class, the more durable the equipment is);
  • The complete set (the presence in the kit of an apparatus for connecting an input line, a low-current compartment and an apparatus for disconnecting the supply line).

Scope of application

Distribution boards are used to enter power lines and meter the consumed electricity.

The supply line is connected to various objects through distribution boards. The devices simultaneously perform two functions - reception and distribution of electrical energy. Several consumers can be connected to one switchboard, depending on the class of electrical equipment and the characteristics of the facility.

Distribution boards are also used to protect the power grid from overloads and short circuits. Due to the ability of the equipment to operate with three-phase, single-phase or alternating current, it is used to equip residential buildings and industrial buildings. Depending on the class of equipment, it is used for the following purposes:

  • Providing power supply to the entire facility (MSB);
  • Power supply and electrical protection of lighting lines and receivers (group panels);
  • Electricity transmission for the purpose of powering household appliances and lighting apartments (apartment panels);
  • Supply of several apartments or premises located on the same floor;
  • For automatic switching on of emergency power supply and switching to the main power source (ATS).

You can buy a switchboard at a bargain price in our company, the sale includes certified equipment manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST and TU.