Correct ventilation in the bath: no waste is needed in the steam room. Consider the schemes in the Russian bath and frame walls

Ventilation is needed in all rooms, the rules for its installation are spelled out in SNiP 41-01-2003. But they concern only residential, public and industrial premises, in which conditions favorable for a person are created. At the same time, it is taken into account that people stay in such premises for a long period of time and for all it is necessary to create the same standard indicators of microclimate and air quality.

Baths have completely different tasks, they create a stressful microclimate for the body - high temperatures (in Russian baths up to + 60 ° C, in saunas more than + 100 ° C) and high humidity (up to 90%). Moreover, in one room, the temperature and humidity indicators should vary within wide limits, depending on the wishes of the washable. Changes in microclimate parameters should be made as soon as possible, and the achieved values ​​should be maintained for a relatively long period of time. And another very important difference between a bath and ordinary premises. If, secondly, people have the opportunity to "protect themselves" from temporary inconveniences by clothing, then in the baths it is impossible to do this.

Steam room microclimate illustration - high temperature and hot steam

Based on these features, the ventilation of the baths must fulfill individual tasks, and this affects the principles of its design and the peculiarities of its functioning. Ventilation in the bath can be natural and forced, each type has its own characteristics, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will talk in detail about only one type of ventilation - natural.

We have already found out the tasks of ventilation of the bath and how it differs from the ventilation of other rooms, now it is time to tell how they can be achieved. The methods depend on the architectural features of the room and your preferences.

First you need to remember the physics lessons from school. Ventilation of the premises occurs due to the difference in air density outside and indoors. Heated air has less weight and rises up, cold air is heavier and falls down, so-called convection occurs. Accordingly, in order for the room to be ventilated, hot air must be able to leave, and cold air must come in and out. These can be ordinary cracks in windows and doors or specially made ventilation holes.

On the Internet you can find statements that these holes must necessarily have the same dimensions, otherwise the ventilation does not work or "blows in the wrong direction." Only those who skipped lessons can say this. The ratio of the sizes of the inlet and outlet of air does not affect the performance of ventilation in any way.

Square ventilation window

If the outlet, for example, can release only 1 m3 of warm air per hour, then exactly the same amount will enter the cold room, whatever the dimensions of the inlet, and vice versa. And the effect of reverse thrust is obtained in the case of wind back pressure or in the complete absence of fresh air supply. In the first case, a strong external wind "drives" the air into the room, in the second case, after the air is released in the room, a small vacuum is formed, which draws the air back into the room. This is not to say that ventilation is completely absent, it just becomes cyclical and works according to the "back and forth" principle. Of course, the efficiency of such ventilation approaches zero, the air moves a little only near the holes.

And with these phenomena it is clear, now we will consider specific types of natural ventilation in the bath. Let's start with the easiest ones and end up with the more complex ones.

The simplest, but also the least efficient ventilation method.

In the steam room, a door opens or a door and a window open at the same time - ventilation is fast, but not as we would like. Why?

Steam is removed from the bath, and this has negative consequences.

  1. Firstly, if you open the door, then the steam does not go out into the street, but into other rooms. Humidity rises sharply in them, heated steam immediately condenses on all surfaces. There is no need to explain what may happen next.

  2. Secondly. Lowering the temperature in the steam room is only a subjective phenomenon. There are two concepts of temperature - actual and perceived. The actual temperature is a physical indicator, the perceived one is subjective. We feel the same actual temperature differently depending on the surrounding factors. High humidity "raises" the temperature we feel, strong wind lowers it. So, due to simple ventilation, only excess steam can be removed, and the actual air temperature returns to its previous values ​​within a few minutes.

  3. Thirdly, ventilation will never be able to establish stable indicators of the indoor climate. As soon as the doors are closed, the temperature and humidity rises sharply, as soon as the doors are opened, the humidity and temperature also drop sharply.

The bottom line is that ventilation is not a ventilation method that should be used all the time. This is an extreme method, it is recommended to resort to it only in case of urgent need.

This method can be considered more successful, but it is possible only in one case - the firebox of the sauna stove is located in the steam room. Warm air is removed through the firebox and chimney; it can be supplied through the floor cracks, a slightly open window or door. Sometimes a special hole is made in the lower part of the door leaf; to improve the design, it is closed with a decorative grill.

The advantages of ventilating a bath with a stove.

  1. Ease of execution. There is no need to make special vents in the log house. Any additional hole in a wooden wall does not improve its performance, to say the least. If mistakes were made during the period of blowing and installing decorative grilles, then the risks of moisture getting on the crowns of the log house increase. The moisture will dry out for a very long time, and the prolonged stay of wooden structures in a wet state has an extremely negative effect on their strength and durability of use.

  2. Possibility to regulate the frequency of air exchange in the room. Ventilation is "controlled" by a gate and stove doors. It is necessary to speed it up - the gate and the firebox door open all the way, the temperature has become favorable - the gate closes a little. You can easily find the optimal position of the gate, the microclimate indicators in the steam room are stabilized, the ventilation rate of the room has stable values.

    Gate stove - photo

  3. Versatility of application. It does not matter what materials the bathhouse is built from, what size and architectural features it has. In addition, this system allows easy upgrades. For example, it is worth making an inlet behind the stove and the air entering the bath will be slightly warmed up. The chimney still serves as the hood.

There are, of course, disadvantages, let's name the main ones.

  1. Insufficient performance. You cannot quickly change the temperature or humidity in the steam room.
  2. The presence of "dead" zones. Air mixing throughout the entire volume does not occur, zones with drafts and zones with standing air appear.
  3. Dependence of draft (ventilation) on weather conditions.

Despite some disadvantages, this method of ventilation in combination with ordinary ventilation is very often used in "budget" versions of baths.

For a budget steam room, the best option is oven ventilation and airing

Airing the bath with a stove - diagram

The best ventilation device for most baths.


Important. It is advisable to think over the ventilation device even before starting the construction of the bath. Solve issues with specific hole placement and dimensions. We advise you to make the height of the air vents no more than the height of the timber, and adjust the flattening of the holes with the length.

Bath fan prices

bath fan

Why is it better to provide ventilation during the construction phase?

  1. Firstly, it is much more difficult to make holes in an already finished structure, purely physically.

    Drilling a hole in a log house is a laborious process

  2. Secondly, there are risks that the hole will fall on the dowel, especially for the upper outlet duct. It is located in close proximity to the rafter system's Mauerlat, and they are fixed more often than ordinary crowns and only metal rods or pieces of construction reinforcement are used as dowels.

  3. Thirdly, if you make a hole with a metal crown, then an expensive tool will fail after "meeting" the dowel. And the chisel or chisel will not always be possible to "reanimate" after attempts to cut through the metal.

  4. Fourthly, it is almost impossible to cut a metal nail in this place. You can't get close with a grinder, a hacksaw for metal as well, and you won't want an enemy to cut with a file. We'll have to hammer the air in another place. And who needs an extra hole in the wall of the bath or an increase in its size? Moreover, if you have already made holes in the outer and inner lining for its "planned" dimensions and bought ventilation grilles. A "meeting" with a metal nail is a very unpleasant situation from all points of view.

Variants of placement and sizes of ventilation ducts

There are some general rules for all types of natural ventilation. First, in order to improve the efficiency of the system, the cold air supply holes should be located at the bottom of about 20 centimeters from the floor level. Exit openings should be located at the maximum height - under the ceiling or on the ceiling. Second, the mixing of different layers of air in the volume of the steam room is improved if the inlet and outlet openings are located at the maximum distance from each other, preferably along the diagonal of the room. Where are they recommended to be installed?

It can be done at the bottom of the door leaf of the steam room.

Advantages - there is no need to make an extra hole in the wall of the bath. This saves time and effort, in addition, the likelihood of the lower rims of the log house getting wet is excluded. Disadvantage - in most cases, the doors are located opposite the shelves for taking bath procedures, cold air flows appear, creating a number of inconveniences.

Under the shelf.

Advantages - the inlet is invisible, cold air flows well with warm air throughout the volume. Disadvantage - access to the lattice for opening / closing the damper becomes more difficult. If during washing it is possible to adjust the ventilation intensity only with the help of the upper grill, then after airing the baths, both must be closed. And this means that after a while you will have to visit the steam room specifically to close the air.

Important. Dampers on the ventilation openings must be installed in two for each - outside and inside the steam room. After airing the baths, both should be closed. Choose a grille installation technology that guarantees the complete tightness of the external dampers. It is strictly forbidden to get atmospheric moisture on the crowns of the log house.

Behind the stove.

Inlet behind the stove - diagram

The most optimal option. Cold air from the street will hit the stove, warmed up a little and break into several separate streams with a low speed of movement. Drafts are completely eliminated. Disadvantages - it is not always possible to install decorative grilles in this place. If the stove is close to the wall, the high temperature will negatively affect the plastic or wood materials of the decorative grill. In addition, according to safety regulations, such places behind the stove must be insulated with sheet metal using thermal insulation.

Not a single option for your particular case? No problem, make a hole wherever you want.

As for the outlet, there are fewer problems with its placement. Our only advice is don't do it in the ceiling. Waterlogged air should not be taken out to the attic, it will cause constant moisture to the wooden elements of the truss system, and its premature repair always "costs a pretty penny." To protect the rafters, humid air will have to be removed to the roof. Why make an additional hole in the coating, why do it yourself and for your own money worsen the tightness of the roof covering?

Sizes of openings for natural ventilation

The technology for calculating the size of the ventilation openings is specified in the current regulations. Determining the size of air vents for natural ventilation is much more difficult than for forced ventilation - there are too many factors beyond the control of people. The main parameter of the ventilation system performance is the frequency of air changes. For residential premises, the minimum value of the multiplicity is regulated, while taking into account both the temperature in the rooms and the temperature outside. The temperature in the living quarters fluctuates within insignificant limits, this simplifies the work of designers.

In steam rooms, the situation is much more complicated - the temperature and humidity indicators vary over a very wide range. In addition, the speed of air intake / intake in different situations may differ significantly. These preconditions make it nearly impossible to accurately calculate the optimum air exchange rate for natural ventilation.

Some bath owners are afraid of suffocation during bath procedures due to lack of oxygen. We bring to their attention that one cubic meter of air is enough for one person to breathe for an hour and a half. Calculate the cubic capacity of the steam room and find out how long you can safely bathe, the count goes for tens of hours.

Carbon monoxide can cause problems. If you have closed the stove gate before the wood has completely burned out, then no ventilation will help. She can ventilate the room only if no more carbon monoxide is supplied. Heat the stove correctly and never get burned, do not rely in vain for ventilation.

How to make a ventilation hole in the wall of a bath

For example, we will take the most difficult option - the external and internal cladding of the walls of the bath has already been done. The hole can be round, square or rectangular.

Step 1. Make a marking of the location of the vent on the inner lining of the steam room. Before starting work, you should not only know the location of the hole, but also its dimensions and configuration. It is desirable that air ducts and decorative grilles are available, this will make it possible to accurately control the size of the hole and not do unnecessary work.

Step 2. Prepare a long drill for wood, the working length should exceed the thickness of the bath wall together with the outer and inner cladding. In the center of the drawn vent contour, drill a through hole from the inside of the steam room. The drill exit from the outside of the steam room will be the center of airflow. Draw around it the dimensions of the hole, similar to that made in the steam room.

Step 3. Remove the internal and external cladding in the outline. If your bath is lined with natural clapboard on both sides, then the process is simplified, just carefully cut the boards. If metal sheets were used on the outside, use a grinder.

Step 4. Carefully inspect the supporting structures of the cladding, if they are damaged, repair it. Drill through holes along the contour of the ventilation duct as close to each other as possible, constantly check where they come out from the outside of the wall. The drill must be perpendicular to the plane at all times. Drill the same holes over the entire area of ​​the air vent, the more there are, the easier it is to make a hole in the wall.

Video - How to drill a large diameter hole in wood

Step 5... Next, you need to work with a chisel and a chisel, gradually remove the wooden bridges between the holes. It will not be possible to completely poke a hole on one side of the wall - it is too difficult to reach with a tool. Do half of the work from the inside of the steam room and the other half from the outside. It is not necessary to carefully align the surfaces of the holes, the main thing is that the air duct can easily fit into the channel.

The most difficult physical work has been done, you can start installing the air duct and grilles. Do not be discouraged if it takes a long time to punch holes, even experienced builders can rarely prepare more than two vents per day.

How to install air ducts and grilles

For air ducts, you can take galvanized metal or plastic pipes, the length is determined by the length of the passage. Select the grille according to the size of the opening; to adjust the ventilation efficiency, it must have dampers.

Duct prices


Step 1... Insulate the holes with mineral wool, carefully insert the air duct into place. In order to firmly fix the pipe in the desired position, use polyurethane foam. The excess foam that has emerged should be cut off after hardening.

Step 2. If there is waterproofing between the sheathing and the wall, foam the gap between the wall and the opening in the sheathing with foam, it seals the cut and prevents water from entering the wooden structures.

Step 3. Fasten the gratings, the method of fastening depends on the material of manufacture of the wall cladding and lathing.

We fix the ventilation grilles. In the photo - the lattice on the outside of the bath

Mineral wool prices

mineral wool

Check the ventilation with a smoldering head or other source of smoke. Bring it to the inlet and observe how and at what speed the air flows in the steam room.

In the photo, the air intake valve and its performance check

Experiment with natural ventilation at a variety of damper positions, from maximum to minimum.

Video - Installing the KPV 125 valve

Video - Ventilation in a bath with an air-conditioner Termofor

A high-quality ventilation system is an indispensable element of the steam room. The absence or improper organization of ventilation in the bath is dangerous to human health. A properly equipped system will protect people from carbon monoxide and improve the comfort of staying in the room. We will talk further about the features and technology of installing the ventilation system in the bath.

Characteristics of proper ventilation for the steam room

Correct ventilation in the bath performs several functions at once:

  • provides the room with oxygen;
  • improves the comfort of being in the steam room;
  • removes carbon monoxide;
  • allows you to economically use firewood;
  • evenly distributes air flows;
  • protects the building from the formation of mold or mildew.

The most optimal ventilation option in the bath is supply and exhaust. For these purposes, equip:

  • inlet - through them, the flow of fresh air into the steam room is organized, a fan with a ventilation tube is installed, additional air flow is provided by open vents or through the door;
  • exhaust hole - removal of heated air from the room, through the firebox, blower or devices that improve traction.

Various methods are used to improve the supply and exhaust ventilation system. We offer you to familiarize yourself with one of the most efficient ventilation systems:

1. The inlet openings are located at the bottom of the room, next to the firebox.

2. Exhaust holes strictly on the opposite side from the top. It is possible to arrange two openings at once for better air control.

3. The height of the exhaust outlet determines the draft level. If the ventilation opening is low, reinforce the system additionally with a ventilation pipe.

4. With the help of special dampers, air supply from the room is controlled.

5. Air renewal in the steam room is done every 2-3 hours.

In addition, the individual parameters of the ventilation system are determined by the type of room, the version of the bath. For example, in a Russian bath, periodic ventilation will help to renew the air. In addition, the size and place of installation of the furnace are taken into account; in relation to this parameter, two types of ventilation are organized.

How to make ventilation in a steam room with a separate firebox

We offer the option of organizing ventilation in the steam room, the firebox of which is located in the adjacent room. This scheme is popular in ordinary Russian baths. A combustion tunnel is used to bring the firebox into an adjacent room. Among the advantages of such an arrangement of the furnace, we note:

  • no garbage in the steam room;
  • the door to the room opens only at the entrance;
  • the possibility of installing heat-resistant glass for admiring an open flame.

Two methods are used to mount the supply openings indoors:

1. Arrangement of a ventilation duct in the underground space. Removing it in front of the furnace room, installing ventilation grilles on the channel.

2. Floor ventilation supply.

Install the hood on the opposite wall, diagonally in relation to the inlet.

The main quality of the organization of proper ventilation is that the supply openings must coincide in area with the exhaust openings.

Ventilation scheme in a steam room with a firebox inside the room

If the stove is located directly in the steam room, then the ventilation is organized differently. In this case, the air flow through the blower solves the problem with natural ventilation. This method is appropriate if the fire is constantly in the stove.

If there is no stove in the bath, and the stove is operating in a short-term mode, a more advanced ventilation system is used. Check out the technology for arranging the ventilation system in the steam room:

1. Build a special brick podium on which the stove will be installed. With its help, a ventilation box is brought to the furnace.

2. Lay the ends, build another box of bricks. As a result, the first structure was installed at the top of the stove channel, and the second - to the steam room door.

3. On a wall adjacent to an ordinary room, build doors in the places where the masonry passes. They heat up the next room, if necessary.

4. A stove is installed on the podium, it is possible to mount it on a corner or on steel pictures. Finish the oven with a brick, install a brick screen, with two convection dampers.

5. The exhaust ventilation system operates at the expense of the furnace firebox.

Correct installation of the ventilation system is based on its correct adjustment. General rules for controlling the ventilation system:

  • at the beginning of the furnace, all openings and supply and exhaust openings are closed;
  • wait until the temperature increases, then adjust the ventilation holes with the valves;
  • if it is necessary to increase the volume of oxygen in the room, open the inlet;
  • upon completion of work, open the doors for better ventilation of the steam room.

Steam room ventilation photo:

To determine the temperature and humidity in the room, use special devices. A thermometer of an alcohol or electric type will help to measure the temperature. Please note that the use of the mercury version is strictly prohibited. Use a hygrometer to check the humidity level.

The principle of operation of the ventilation system is based on the following factors:

  • melting the oven, the air gradually heats up and escapes through the convection door;
  • the lower door remains open until the oven is fully warmed up;
  • close the door from the bottom and work with the top hatch;
  • in the process of soaring, only the blower installed on the box opens;
  • after using the steam room for its intended purpose, ventilate the room well.

DIY ventilation device in the steam room

The main functions of the ventilation system in the bath:

  • air supply during bath procedures;
  • high-quality drying of the room.

The ventilation system in the bath should not:

  • violate the temperature of the room, in the process of taking bath procedures;
  • separate temperature streams, that is, cool air is closer to the floor, and warm air is from above;
  • remove unused air from the steam room.

In addition, the lack of ventilation leads to the appearance of unpleasant air in the room, the formation of mold and mildew, which are harmful to human health.

There are three main types of ventilation in the steam room:

  • a natural option is the supply of air flows through the pressure difference;
  • mechanical version - air supply using special mechanisms, when measuring these characteristics with instruments;
  • the combined option is the creation of artificial pressure by fans and hoods.

Indoors, there are two types of air transportation: supply and exhaust. For these purposes, a hole is equipped, located diagonally, in relation to the supply.

It is not recommended to install an exhaust vent in the steam room on the ceiling, this ventilation system increases the heating time of the room. It is rational to install the hood under the ceiling, additionally equipping it with a damper to adjust the draft.

Also, provide a ventilated floor in the bath. This extends the life of the floor covering as it is in constant contact with water. Recommendations for arranging floor ventilation:

1. During the installation of the foundation, provide ventilation of the floors, build vents from the basement part.

2. Install ventilation openings on opposite walls to allow air flow. Install grates on them to avoid rodents.

3. The level of the finished floor should be slightly higher than the blower is located. Thus, it will function as a cooker hood.

4. Install wooden planks with a small gap, at least half a centimeter.

5. After taking bath procedures, ventilate the room well and dry the floors.

Another way of organizing the ventilation system in the bathhouse is “Po Bastu”. In this case, fresh air enters the room from the baking space, and exhaust comes from an opening located near the door. For these purposes, build a wooden exhaust box lined with foil inside.

Install a ventilation duct under the floor, next to the metal sheet to prevent heat from entering it. The size of the structure should not exceed twenty percent. Adjusting the fresh air flow with such a system is quite simple. It is enough to open the ventilation hole and the blower. In addition, it is possible to avoid the accumulation of unpleasant odors in the steam room. This method of organizing ventilation is appropriate if the firebox is located directly in the steam room.

How to organize ventilation in the steam room with your own hands

Place the inlet under the stove 50 cm from the floor and the outlet on the opposite side thirty centimeters from the ceiling. The forced movement of air masses is provided by a fan. Thus, it is possible to ensure uniform heating of the air. The height of the first opening adjusts the draft force of natural ventilation.

Two ventilation holes are located on the same wall, always opposite the stove. The inlet is set at a distance of thirty centimeters from the floor, and the outlet is thirty centimeters from the ceiling. Install a fan in the outlet, cooled air entering the room collides with the stove, heats up and comes out.

Place the inlet behind the stove, about twenty centimeters from the floor. The inlet is installed at the same height, only close to the ceiling of the opposite wall. A hood is installed in the second hole. The principle of operation of the system is based on the ingress of cooled air into the steam room, passing through the oven and pulling it out with the second hole.

This method is relevant for a steam room with a floor that has holes for water drainage. The inlet is installed behind the furnace, and the outlet is a drain pipe through which air is removed to the outside.

Relevant for a bath with a constantly working stove. The inlet is arranged opposite the stove, and the blower with a chimney serves as an outlet

If it is necessary to increase the temperature in the steam room, it is enough to close all the plugs. After taking bath procedures, they are removed. It is quite possible to organize these ventilation schemes on your own, without buying expensive devices and special material investments.

How to vaporize a steam room with your own hands

The vapor barrier in the steam room allows you to maintain the optimal room temperature. Special materials in the form of vapor-proof films, insulation and waterproofing will help to create a high-quality vapor barrier. The film protects the insulation from the penetration of water vapor, while not allowing moisture in the hot air to pass through.

A well-equipped vapor barrier and ventilation system increase the service life of the room itself and its external decoration. Since hot air rises upward, first of all, qualitatively vaporize the ceiling.

For these purposes, use lacquers, boards, about 6 cm thick. From above, they are covered with aluminum-based foil, cardboard with increased density or wax paper impregnated with linseed oil. After fixing one of these materials, the ceiling is finished with clay and insulated.

In addition, an edged board will help to vaporize the ceiling. On the boards, cardboard impregnated with linseed oil is installed, which is then sheathed with wooden clapboard.

Plates made of expanded polystyrene are a modern replacement for soft clay, they are distinguished by good thermal insulation and operational characteristics.

The following are used as vapor barrier materials for the walls of the steam room:

Glassine and roofing felt are rarely used for thermal insulation of a steam room. This is due to the fact that when heated strongly, they emit toxic substances and unpleasant odors. The steam room is vapor-insulated with special foil materials. Combined methods of steam and thermal insulation are distinguished. For example, NPP polypropylene, among its advantages, we note:

  • excellent moisture resistance;
  • resistance to temperature rise;
  • laminated coating prevents the development of mold and mildew;
  • combined heat and vapor insulation.

In addition, it is possible to use roll vapor barrier in the form of roll foil or fiberglass plates. To seal the joints between vapor barrier materials, use foil tape.

The boards are installed on the ceiling with a small expansion gap of 20 mm. Thus, the impact of moisture on these areas is reduced. Please note that the vapor barrier in the steam room must be securely hidden behind the main finishing material, and a high-quality ventilation system is its addition.

Do-it-yourself ventilation in the steam room

Baths, saunas and swimming pools A high-quality ventilation system is an indispensable element of the steam room. The absence or improper organization of ventilation in the bath is dangerous to human health.

Do-it-yourself sauna ventilation: how to do it right

Why do you need to attend to the question of how to properly ventilate the bath? How correctly the ventilation in the bath is arranged depends not only on maintaining a comfortable temperature in the dressing room, washing room, steam room, recreation room, but also safety, as well as the service life of the building and its parts. When designing a bath and starting its construction, it should be remembered that ventilation in the bath with your own hands should be done taking into account certain subtleties and nuances. With your own hands, with the help of instructions, photos and videos, work can be performed at all stages of the installation of ventilation in the bath and steam room.

Correctly arranged ventilation in the bath will ensure a comfortable temperature inside the steam room and extend the life of the wooden elements

The principle of operation of the ventilation system in the bath

The operation of the ventilation system is based on well-known physical laws, and its design is simple and straightforward. For continuous air circulation, two types of openings are required:

Air inlets are needed so that fresh air can enter the room. With the correct ventilation in the bath, they should be located as close to the floor and near the stove. With this arrangement, the incoming air heats up quickly and the high temperature is stably maintained in the bath.

The direction of movement of air masses inside the steam room

Exhaust openings are designed to remove superheated humidified air and carbon monoxide from the steam room. They should be arranged as high as possible, that is, just below the level of the ceiling, and be opposite the supply openings in order to create and maintain a constant air exchange.

Advice! An exhaust vent in the ceiling will lead to a rapid cooling of the room, therefore such an arrangement is undesirable.

There are no difficulties with the fundamental localization of the supply and exhaust openings when arranging ventilation in a bath with your own hands. But the task of maintaining a high temperature in a steam room while effectively removing exhaust air and carbon monoxide from it is not easy.

You also need to pay attention to maintaining the temperature, which is comfortable for both sanitary and hygienic procedures, and for relaxation, in all parts of the bath: the dressing room, washing room, relaxation room. And if you have to create and implement a ventilation scheme in the bath with your own hands, you should think about the correct performance of the work.

Scheme of correct air circulation in the bath

Types of ventilation

There are two types of ventilation:

Which one to choose when installing a ventilation system with your own hands depends on the design of the bath and the volume of its premises.

Ventilation system with electronic control unit

Natural ventilation

This type of ventilation works due to the difference in temperature and pressure inside and outside the room. Its efficiency depends on the placement of the air inlet and outlet openings. The most suitable solution is the supply openings are located at the floor, at a height of 250-350 mm, next to the stove, and the exhaust openings are located on the opposite wall from them, below the ceiling level by 150-200 mm.

The best photos of finishing the bath inside and a description of the stages of work. Steps to follow when renovating a sauna. Recommended materials and installation rules. Waterproofing and wall insulation.

Natural ventilation systems are not suitable for ventilating a steam room or steam room, since cold air in this room is collected near the floor, and hot air - in the upper part. Setting up the movement of air flows is accompanied by difficulties, but with the correct location of the ventilation elements in the steam room of a Russian bath, it is possible to cope with this problem with your own hands.

Natural ventilation is not suitable for a steam room, it is advisable to equip it in a relaxation room

Forced ventilation

For this type of ventilation in the steam room of a Russian bath or sauna, two subspecies can be distinguished:

  1. Ventilation with the help of special electronic systems that control the temperature and humidity of the air, automatically regulating its intake and filtration. These systems are expensive and often over budget.
  2. Combined ventilation system, when, due to the use of fans, the effect of natural ventilation is obtained.

Location of ventilation ducts inside the walls of the bath

Dependence of the bath ventilation system on the type of building

Natural ventilation, provided that the vents are correctly located and their sizes correspond to the volumes of the premises, it functions well in a Russian bath, assembled from a log or bar.

The frame building is a sealed structure. It is advisable to use forced ventilation in frame baths. The inlet in the outer wall of the steam room should be additionally equipped with a blower.

In a building made of bricks or foam blocks, only forced ventilation is possible.

The type of ventilation system is selected depending on the materials from which the bath is built

Bath ventilation system planning: subtleties and nuances

Before proceeding with the choice of the ventilation scheme in the bath and the device of its structure with your own hands, you need to understand the intricacies and nuances of design.

Fact! Even small errors in the layout of the inlet and outlet openings lead to undesirable consequences. In the steam room, either the constant air temperature will drop, or the concentration of carbon monoxide will increase.

When building any bathhouse - bath ventilation and its schematic diagram are laid down during the construction process. The question "how to make ventilation in the bath" should be resolved at the design stage.

The ventilation ducts of the dressing room, washing room, steam room, rest rooms and openings for the flow of fresh air and removal of a mixture of carbon monoxide with waste moist and hot air masses must be laid at the appropriate stages of construction. Gate valves and grilles for adjusting the size of inlet and outlet openings and sections of ventilation ducts are installed already at the stage of finishing the premises.

The planning of the ventilation system must be carried out at the stage of developing the design project of the bath room

Basically, the functioning of the bath ventilation depends on two factors:

  • the dimensions of the ventilation openings - both supply and exhaust - which are determined by the volume of the room, whether it be a dressing room, a washing room, a steam room or a rest room;
  • the relative position of the ventilation holes.

Vent dimensions

The dimensions of the ventilation openings depend on the volume of a particular room: dressing room, steam room, washing or rest room. It is very important both to accurately calculate the size of these openings, and to ensure the ability to change it. To adjust the gaps in the openings, slide doors and grilles are installed.

Vent with slider for adjusting the fresh air intake

Please note that with large ventilation windows, it will be difficult to heat the room to the correct temperature. There will be either a danger of constant excessive consumption of fuel and electricity, or difficulties with adjusting the cross-section of the ventilation ducts, that is, the distance to which each opening will need to be opened with your own hands.

Advice! The area of ​​the ventilation opening is determined at the rate of 24 cm² per 1 m³ of the volume of the ventilated room. For a good draft of fresh air from the outside, the exhaust opening must be larger than the inlet.

If the area of ​​the ventilation holes is insufficient, the temperature, humidity and carbon monoxide concentration in the room can rise to critical values.

The optimal size of the ventilation opening is calculated at the rate of 24 sq. Cm per 1 cubic meter of room volume

The relative position of the ventilation holes

The operation of any ventilation system is based on the replacement of the masses of heated air, which come into motion under the pressure of air coming from outside - colder and heavier. It is important to provide the ability to regulate the direction of the heat flow emanating from the oven installed in the bath. The ventilation in the steam room is often equipped with more than one inlet, but two for this very reason. To localize heat flows, it is enough to create a lumen of a certain width in one of them or in both of them with the help of valves.

Layout of ventilation openings inside the steam room for the inflow of fresh air and removal of contaminated air

Ventilation in the Russian bath

The quality of the sauna ventilation system, designed and assembled by hand, is laid down at the project stage.

The air currents circulating in the rooms will have different temperatures, but the discomfort from this should be felt as little as possible.

Advice! Comfort in the bath depends not only on the absence of sudden temperature changes "horizontally", that is, when moving from one room to another: from the rest room to the dressing room or from the steam room to the washing room. It is necessary to gently move the air masses vertically: the air temperature at the floor should not be much lower than the temperature at the level of average human height.

The microclimate in the bath directly depends on the number of ventilation openings, their size and location

The uniformity of the intake, mixing and removal of air masses depends on the number of supply and exhaust openings, their sizes, location relative to each other and heating devices, as well as the equipment with additional control devices.

Basic diagrams of the ventilation device in the bath

Any ventilation scheme for a bath is designed with one goal in mind - maintaining the temperature, humidity and freshness of the air in the steam room. Bathrooms, and especially the steam room, are exposed to water and steam, and therefore need periodic ventilation and drying. But airing and drying will be ineffective if proper ventilation is not organized in the bath. Correct and constant ventilation of the steam bath significantly reduces the effects of the wood absorbing moisture.

The main task of the ventilation of the bath is to maintain the temperature, humidity and freshness of the air in the steam room.

Bath floor ventilation

Air exchange in the bath rooms is facilitated by the device of a ventilated floor.

A wooden floor with constant contact with water loses its validity after 5 years. Requirements for ventilation through the floor:

  • to create a flow, make small vents in the bath foundation;
  • lay the floor, leaving gaps of up to 1 cm between the boards;
  • lay inlet openings in parallel walls (remembering to protect them from rodents with gratings);
  • for the oven to work with an additional hood, lay the finishing floor above the level of the blower;
  • after using the bath, leave the doors open until the floor in the room is dry.

Scheme of arrangement of a ventilation system in a sauna

Ventilation in the bathhouse dressing room

With your own hands, in the presence of photo and video instructions, ventilation in the relaxation room of the bath and in the dressing room is the easiest to do, since there is no direct contact with water in them. A natural or combined type of ventilation is used, when fresh air enters through the supply channel and is removed with a fan through the exhaust channel of the steam room, vestibule or bathroom. It is also possible to install ventilators, which requires a direct outlet to the street and a power supply connection.

In the dressing room, you can arrange a natural or combined type of ventilation

Ventilation in the washing bath

For air exchange in the washing room, a forced ventilation system is often made, which is driven by an electric motor. Air flows are directed towards the vestibule. The supply and exhaust ducts are made of the same section, the entrance of the first is set above the ground level (by 2 m), and the outlet of the second is above the roof.

Ventilation in the steam room bath

The requirements for the microclimate of the steam room are special. It should warm up quickly, it should maintain an optimal humidity level and be free from drafts. Therefore, for the steam room, the correct position and dimensions of the supply and exhaust channels, which are laid during construction, are relevant. To regulate the inflow and outflow of air, dampers in the vents are sufficient, but with a large volume of the room, an injection or exhaust fan may be needed.

Scheme of arrangement of ventilation in the steam room

The above general principles for designing ventilation in a bath, videos and photos attached to instructions from network or other resources should help those who want to build a bath with their own hands to bring this desire to concrete embodiment.

Do-it-yourself sauna ventilation: how to do it right

Do-it-yourself ventilation in the bath - why do you need ventilation in the bath, how to make ventilation in the bath yourself, the principles of the device, diagrams, instructions, photos, videos.

Ventilation in the bath with your own hands

In the process of arranging a bath, special attention should be paid to the issue of organizing high-quality ventilation. Without proper air exchange, the steam room simply cannot be used normally. If desired, all work on the installation of the necessary systems can be done by hand. It is enough just to understand the procedure for laying and connecting the main units and do everything in accordance with the instructions.

Why do you need ventilation in the bath?

Why ventilation is needed in the bath

Bath ventilation is very important. To avoid lengthy and not very interesting explanations, you can consider everything with a specific example.

The bath visitor stays in a room filled with a lot of hot steam. The person breathes in this vapor. It is known that people breathe oxygen, but they already breathe out carbon dioxide. In the absence of sufficient air exchange, after some time, a person will simply get sick.

That is why ventilation in the bath should be as efficient as possible and made in full accordance with the technology. There are several types of ventilation systems. Explore the specifics of each option and choose the method that best suits your case.

Steam room ventilation

Ventilation systems are installed to solve two main tasks, namely:

  • ensuring the flow of clean air into the bath;
  • removal of exhaust air from the steam room.

Additionally, ventilation provides faster and better drying of the steam room. It is necessary to study the features of existing ventilation systems and understand the order of their installation in order to get the most efficient and high-quality air exchange.

It is important that during the operation of the ventilation system the temperature regime characteristic of the bath is not disturbed. Air exchange must be organized in such a way that there are no violations of the distribution of temperature flows in the bath. Cool air in the steam room can be located only on the floor. And the higher to the ceiling, the higher the air temperature should be.

Ventilation should not remove clean air from the bath. A properly equipped system brings fresh air into the room and removes waste air. Errors in the installation of the system will lead to extremely unfavorable consequences for both the bath and its visitors.

Mold damage to wood

The main types of ventilation systems

There are several types of air exchange systems suitable for use in a bath, namely:

  • natural ventilation. The principle of operation of such a system is based on the use of the pressure difference inside the bath and outside. The simplest and least effective option;

Exhaust fan from the steam room

Exhaust air is removed from the bath through a special ventilation box. The air exchange installation technology requires that the box be installed diagonally to the inlet through which fresh air enters the bath.

Take care of the ventilation device in all rooms of the bath, not just in the steam room. The dressing room, rest room and other bath rooms should also be well ventilated.

What you need to know about floor ventilation?

Quite often, the owners of the baths forget that the floor of the steam room must also be properly ventilated. Such forgetfulness leads to very rapid deterioration of the floor construction elements and, in general, a deterioration in the characteristics of the bath.

The floors are in constant contact with water. Without a well-organized air exchange, the floor will collapse very quickly, and the floor covering will have to be changed in 2-3 years.

You need to think about floor ventilation even at the stage of building a bath, because it will be much more difficult to create a high-quality air exchange in an already finished room.

First step. Make small vents in opposite walls of the plinth. It is best to provide for these vents even at the stage of construction of the concrete base of the bath. Any holes in the finished structure will result in some reduction in the strength of the building.

Steam room ventilation

Second phase. Make one ventilation hole in opposite walls of the serviced room. Through them, clean air will enter the room. The holes must be through. It is recommended to close the finished ducts with special ventilation grilles. Such protection will not allow all kinds of rodents and other pests to enter the bath.

Bath ventilation

Stage three. When building a stove, make sure that its blower is slightly below the level of the finished floor. Thanks to this arrangement, the oven will also start working in the extraction mode.

Stage four. Install floor boards. When laying them, you need to leave gaps with a width of about 7-10 mm. Water can flow down through these slots. If the liquid lingers on the floor every time, the boards will rot very quickly.

Quite often, floor ventilation is set up "according to Bast". With this technology, fresh air comes from under the stove, and exhaust oxygen is removed through a hole in the ceiling.

In accordance with the requirements of fire safety, a metal sheet must lie near the sauna stove. It is near this sheet that an opening is created to supply fresh air to the bath.

A special exhaust box is required for such air exchange. You can buy the box ready-made or assemble it yourself from the boards. The inner surface of the exhaust duct must be covered with foil. The size of the duct should be about 15-20% larger than the diameter of the chimney.

Ventilation "according to Bast" is the best option for those cases when the stove is located directly in the steam room. In such a situation, ventilation ducts can be equipped even directly in a brick podium.

Pay attention to the place where the sauna stove is installed. If the stove is located directly in the steam room, it means that natural air exchange is present initially. Only you do not need to rely solely on it - such ventilation works only when the stove is running.

The most optimal ventilation installation option is the arrangement of air exchange channels on the opposite walls of the bath. They should be at different heights.

It is not recommended to place the ventilation openings too high. Although in most other cases it is recommended to make an exhaust hole directly under the ceiling, in saunas there are slightly different rules. If you place the hood directly under the ceiling, hot air will escape from the room very quickly.

For baths, the optimal height for placing ventilation openings is a level equal to 1-1.5 m.

Bath ventilation installation guide

There are several simple ways to organize effective air exchange in a bath. Explore each of them and choose the best one for your steam room.

The first way. Create a fresh air hole. It should be behind the stove, about half a meter from the floor. Make an opening for the exhaust air outlet on the side opposite to the inlet, at a height of about 30 cm from the floor level. Install the fan into the outlet.

Create a fresh air hole

The lower you place the exhaust ventilation duct, the more intensive the air exchange will be.

However, you don't need to be too zealous either. Try to make holes at the recommended height as these values ​​are the most optimal. It is recommended to cover the openings with ventilation grilles.

Second way. With this air exchange, both vents will be on the same wall. The work will be carried out with a wall parallel to the stove. The suction channel is created at a level of about 30 cm from the floor, the exhaust canal is created at the same distance from the ceiling of the bath. The exhaust outlet is equipped with a fan. Cover open channels with ventilation grilles.

Third way. Make an air intake hole behind the sauna stove. Place the suction channel about 20 cm from the floor surface. The exhaust duct is made at about the same height, but in the opposite wall. The exhaust outlet is equipped with a fan. Cover open channels with ventilation grilles.

The fourth way. This type of air exchange is perfect for baths, the flooring of which is laid with slots for water drainage. Make an inlet behind the oven unit at a distance of about 30 cm from the floor surface. An exhaust opening in the case of such ventilation is not done - the exhaust air will leave the bath through the slots of the floor covering, and then it will be discharged outside through a common ventilation pipe.

Ventilated floors in the bath

Fifth way. Such ventilation is ideal for baths with a constantly operating oven unit. Install the inlet channel opposite the stove, stepping back about 30 cm from the floor. The oven will perform the function of the hood.

Thus, the order of arrangement of ventilation practically does not differ in all the considered methods. Each of them involves the creation of one or two holes, only the place and height of their placement change.

You can also make the holes yourself with your own hands. Brick walls can be easily traversed with a perforator, and log walls with any suitable tool, for example, a wood drill. It is recommended to insert plastic pipes into the finished holes. Do not forget about protective ventilation grilles. In the future, you are unlikely to be delighted with intruders in the form of rodents.

Do-it-yourself sauna ventilation - step-by-step instructions!

Find out in what order do-it-yourself ventilation in the bath is connected. Detailed manual describing all stages of work. Photo + video.

During the construction of a steam room, a serious question arises: "How to make a hood in the bath?", Because we are dealing with furnace equipment, carbon monoxide, high humidity and steam. Ventilation in such rooms is needed no less than sewerage or heating.

In this material, we will tell you about the features of the device and installation of ventilation systems for the bath.

Bath ventilation


As you know, in the process of life, a person converts oxygen into carbon dioxide. Fire does the same, except that in addition to carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide is also emitted. In the bathhouse there is both a person and a fire.

In addition, in the steam room and other rooms, an increased content of water vapor in the air is observed. Such a combination of factors in the absence of ventilation will make it simply impossible to be in the room in half an hour.

Moreover, being in it will not only be physically unpleasant, but also dangerous, because carbon monoxide is odorless and can be poisoned unnoticed.

Hence follows the first and main function of the ventilation system: the supply of fresh, oxygen-enriched air and the removal of the "waste" gas with all harmful and dangerous impurities.
In other words, the hood ensures normal gas exchange between the room and the environment.

The next important point is the constant high humidity in the room. With insufficient air circulation in the rooms, water vapor condenses on the walls, water does not evaporate for a long time and begins to be absorbed into the building structure, in our case, into the tree from which the walls, floor and ceiling are built. Wood is wet and chemical corrosion occurs.

For the timely removal of excess steam and ensuring the normal timely evaporation of condensate, the bath simply needs ventilation. A building with a poor, ineffective ventilation system will not stand for long, since the effects of moisture will be destructive.

That is, we see that an effective exhaust hood in the bath must solve at least two main tasks:

  1. Fresh air supply and exhaust gas discharge to;
  2. Drying of premises during and after procedures, maintaining normal air humidity.


First of all, the classification of any ventilation systems begins with their division into the following classes:

  1. Natural ventilation through weakly ventilated but large enclosing structures... In other words, gas exchange takes place through walls with high permeability, as well as through natural crevices, gaps and openings present in the building.
  2. Such a system can be sufficient for small rooms with normal environmental conditions, as well as for small baths, together with the possibility of a sharp air supply through open windows, vents and doors.;
  3. Natural convection ventilation, which is carried out through holes located in special places due to the difference in temperature and pressure, creating a convection air flow through the room... One of the most common schemes, since it does not require energy consumption and, with the right device, is quite effective. Well suited for small and medium-sized saunas, but insufficient for large and public spaces;
  4. Forced, or mechanical ventilation, which is provided by forced supply or exhaust, or forced supply and exhaust at the same time... Also, often all supply and exhaust openings are combined with air ducts into a single system, and powerful duct fans provide the circulation of air flows in it.
  5. Such systems allow not only to effectively ensure the inflow and outflow of air, but also to control the mode of its circulation, which is especially important for large and public rooms and steam rooms..

The first variety was used in small-sized old Russian baths. The construction of the walls and ceiling, which consisted entirely of wood, made it possible not to worry about the air flow during the procedures, and after them all windows, vents and doors were opened and the room was dried.

If during the bath time there was a lack of fresh air, then there was always the opportunity to slightly open the windows and doors and ventilate the room.

Convection ventilation works according to the following principle: hot air accumulates under the ceiling, the pressure of which is approximately equal to or higher than atmospheric. At the surface of the floor there are masses of cooled air, and the pressure of the column of heated gas above it is lower than the pressure of the column of atmospheric air.

If you open a hole at the bottom of the room, then a stream of air will rush through it, since the pressure outside is higher. As a result, the heated air in the upper layers will be compressed even more, and if we open the valve on the hole at the top of the wall, then the masses of hot exhaust air will begin to come out.

If both openings are opened at the same time, a constant convection flow will arise, which will tend to equalize the pressure inside and outside the room.

The third type of ventilation system, or forced circulation, is relevant for large rooms and rooms with a large flow of people. Fans are installed on both supply and exhaust openings.

Such a system allows you to create the necessary gas exchange in almost any room, but it requires competent calculation, design and installation, and its price is sometimes too high for the consumer.

Since our article is intended for owners of individual baths, we will consider natural convection-type ventilation. This system is easy to set up with your own hands, and the instructions are simple enough to follow.

Installation of convection ventilation in a bath

Before making an extractor hood in a bathhouse for individual use, they think over their ventilation system. The inlets can be positioned in the plinth in the form of underfloor vents.

Then holes are made in the floor in opposite corners of the room, and the area with reduced pressure located near the floor surface sucks in air from the street, at the same time ventilating the underground space, which is very important for building structures of the floor and walls.

Even if you are not going to place the inlet in the basement, then you are still obliged to circulate the gas in the underground space, otherwise you are threatened with rotting of the lower rims of the bath and floor structures.

Let's represent the process in the form of step-by-step instructions:

  1. Behind the stove, at a height of 40-50 cm from the floor, a hole is made in the wall with an area of ​​at least 30 square centimeters, which is closed with a grate. On the inside, it is good to have a door or a plug that will allow you to close this hole if necessary (for example, when the room is too cooled down);

  1. On the opposite wall, a hole is made under the ceiling, which is equipped with a grate and a latch from the inside to be able to adjust the air flow;

  1. The area of ​​the exhaust opening should be twice the area of ​​the supply opening, since the viscosity of hot air is higher than that of cold air;
  2. If it is in it, in order to direct the flow of air from the rooms where people rest to the toilet, and not vice versa;

  1. It is also advised to place one hood in the washing room, and for baths with medium and large sizes, toilet and washing hoods can be equipped with fans, which are guaranteed to create traction and direct the flows in the right direction;

  1. It is not recommended to make an exhaust hole directly above the shelves, as a steamed person will find himself in a stream of draft, which can cause colds, especially in winter;

  1. The exhaust opening from the outside is extended with a pipe, which should raise it above the roof. This will provide more traction and therefore more efficient ventilation.

Faithful signs of improperly constructed ventilation will be an unpleasant musty smell, an abundance of condensation on the walls, traces of mold and mildew, constant high humidity in the bath, even long after the fire.


Ventilation is the most important system for a comfortable and efficient sauna. The extreme temperature and humidity conditions of the steam room and other bath rooms require a constant supply of fresh air, which can be provided by simple convection ventilation, the installation of which we have considered.

The video in this article will be a good help for novice installers.

Baths have always been famous for their healing properties. But to obtain a healing effect, it is necessary not only to listen to the advice of doctors, but also to organize the correct ventilation system in your own bath.

Those who have been in the classic village baths made of wood will hardly remember the presence of such steam exhaust holes. In fact, they are not there. After all, a small amount of fresh air entering the bath from cracks in the floor, window or doorway can meet the needs of 2-3 people.

But a bathhouse designed for a large capacity, and even more so a brick one, must necessarily be equipped with a ventilation system to fulfill the following important points:

  • the supply of fresh air, which prevents the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the steam room and preserves the health of people in the bath;
  • air circulation, which allows you to dry the room after bath procedures. This prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors in the bath, the growth of mold fungi and contributes to an increase in the service life of the building without the need to replace wood elements;
  • uniform distribution of heated air in the steam room of the bath.

Moreover, if the hood is arranged correctly, it should not lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • to a drop in temperature in the steam room during bath procedures;
  • violation of the correct stratification of air by temperature - the coolest layer should be at the bottom;
  • removal of clean air from the steam room, and not saturated with carbon dioxide.

In a well-ventilated steam room, breathing is easy and relaxing.

How sauna ventilation works

The ventilation system of the bathhouse should be properly foreseen even at the construction stage, because it is at this moment that the hood can be made correctly and independently with the lowest labor and material costs. In addition, the process of making holes in the finished structure can lead to a decrease in the strength of the walls.

Air exchange in the bath is provided by means of two openings.

  1. The inlet is located at the bottom and provides fresh air to the bath.
  2. The air outlet is located at the top on the opposite wall to the inlet. The exhaust air is removed from the steam room. However, if the opening is very close to the ceiling, then hot air is quickly removed from the room, which leads to a decrease in the temperature of the steam room.

This design allows you to adjust the direction of the air flow. At the moment when the bath is heated, all three openings are closed. When people are steaming, the supply and bottom exhaust openings are open. After bath procedures, all ventilation is open, which allows the bath to dry well.

Bath ventilation can be mechanical. In it, the air in the steam room circulates thanks to the pressure equipment. In a more complex and expensive version, the air supply process is monitored by special devices that, if necessary, start the ventilation system. The use of a mechanical hood allows you to position holes on any of the walls, as well as correct errors in the organization of natural ventilation.

In any case, to ensure air exchange in the bath, there are several exhaust schemes that differ from each other in the location of the holes.

Video - Ventilation in a bath with a stove - air conditioning

Methods for ventilation in the bath

We will describe several of the most popular and simple ways of arranging ventilation in a steam room. They can be either with the use of fans or carried out in a completely natural way.

Method 1

This is described above scheme of natural ventilation with one inlet and two outlets. An inlet in such a system is made in the wall immediately behind the stove at a distance of 0.3 m from the floor surface.

To connect the outlet openings to each other, a box is used, which is made of wooden boards, a corrugated pipe about one meter long is laid in it. The holes themselves are fitted with plugs to adjust the air flow as described above. In addition to the plugs, you will also need grates to prevent insects and rodents from entering the bath through the ventilation.

This system is applicable for small baths.

Method 2

This is another simple and most common ventilation scheme for the bath space. In it, the inlet is located behind the stove just above the floor (about 0.3 m). The hood is at the same height, but on the opposite wall, and is equipped with a fan that forcibly draws out the exhaust air.

Method 3

Method 3 is somewhat similar to the previous one. Only the air inlet is arranged at a height of half a meter from the heater, and the outlet is just above the floor (about 0.2 m). The hood is equipped with a fan.

Method 4

Method 4 is used for baths in which the steam room has only one wall facing the street. In this system, the air inlet and outlet openings are located on the same wall opposite the stove. Air enters the lower hole, located at a height of 30 cm from the floor, and exits into the upper one, which is located 30 cm below the ceiling and is equipped with a fan.

Clean air enters the room, collides with the oven, heats up, rises and is directed through the outlet to the outside.

Method 5

Method 5 is suitable for baths in which there are small gaps of half a centimeter between the floorboards. The inlet is located behind the stove. The cooled and exhaust air descends to the floor and exits through the slots in the underground, where there is an exhaust hole in the wall of the basement, connected to a ventilation pipe that removes air flows above the roof.

Method 6

If the stove in your steam room is heated for the entire period of operation of the bath, then the blower can itself perform the function of ventilation, or rather, an exhaust hood. In this case, only an air intake hole is needed, which is located near the floor opposite the stove. The blower should be slightly lower than the finished floor.

Step-by-step instructions for installing ventilation

When arranging a bath with ventilation, it is important to observe the following conditions:

  • if the bathhouse is adjacent to a residential building, then the air flow should go in the direction from the residence to the steam room;
  • the exhaust hole is connected to a box or pipe, which must be taken out above the roof of the bath;
  • the hood should not be done above the shelves in order to exclude the action of a draft on steamed people.

Generally, the ventilation installation process can be described as follows.

Step 1

In the selected places, the inlet and outlet openings are provided at the construction stage or they are prepared after construction, the cross-section of which should be 10-20 cm.

Step 2

Prepared holes are equipped with boxes made of metal, plastic or wood.

Step 3

Install, if necessary, a fan on the hood.

Note! For baths, it is necessary to use ventilation equipment made of heat-resistant material and with a protection class of at least IP-44.

Step 4

They are mounted on lattice holes and plugs.

Step 5

The outlet is connected to a pipe that is led out above the roof.

Note! In addition to ventilation of the room, it is necessary to ensure air circulation under the floor. For this, at the construction stage, holes are made in the basement on opposite sides, which are closed with gratings to protect against rodents.

In such simple ways, you can arrange bath ventilation, ensuring a long service life of the steam room and a comfortable stay in it.

Video - Ventilation scheme in the bath

A private bathhouse on the site is an indispensable attribute of suburban home ownership. This is not just a hygiene room. This is a place for family holidays and meetings with close friends. That is why you should think over its design to the smallest detail. And one of the most important aspects is proper ventilation in the bath. It is quite possible to master the installation of an effective ventilation system with your own hands. How to do it simply and quickly - in our material.

Read in the article:

Does the sauna need ventilation and what are its basic principles?

Even the ancient architects knew that without access to fresh air, a house or a bathhouse would quickly collapse under the influence of dampness and mold. It was for air exchange that they left gaps between the upper logs. Now more efficient systems have replaced this simple technology. They take some time to set up and plan. There is a temptation to give up on this question at all, but what does this threaten as a result:

  • after just a couple of years, the materials of the building, especially if it is made using frame technology, will become unusable due to constant dampness;
  • a musty smell will be constantly present in the room. It will be especially noticeable when melting a bath, and this will negate all the pleasure of the process;
  • staying in such a bath will not only become unpleasant, but also hazardous to health. In addition to the accumulation of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, there will be a large number of mold spores in the air, which can cause severe lung and skin diseases.

It is obviously worth the time and expense for your own safety. Before starting work, study the basic principles of arranging ventilation for a bath:

Correct air distributionAccording to the basic laws of physics, hot air rises up, and cold air, accordingly, falls down. It is necessary to distribute the flows so that there is an optimal temperature on the sun loungers, and the legs in the steam room do not freeze.
Keeping the room temperatureThe air exchange should not interfere with the vaping process, that is, the air flows should not cool the steam room.
Using materials resistant to high temperature and humidityFor the organization of forced ventilation in the room, systems with mechanical air supply can be used. All elements of the system are made of materials that are resistant to the high-temperature regime of the steam room and high air humidity.

And now about how to make ventilation in the bath in such a way as not to lose precious steam and at the same time preserve materials and health?

Ventilation in the bath: diagram and device, system features

For a bath room, the use of supply and exhaust ventilation is optimal. The main principle of its work is to organize the inflow of fresh air and extract air in the bath. The scheme of this system is simple:

Fresh air can enter the room through ventilation valves, air vents, ajar vents. Heated air saturated with carbon dioxide is removed through a blower in the oven or an exhaust hood.

For the system to work efficiently, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. The inlet ventilation holes are located at the bottom of the wall, not far from the oven. This will allow the air flow to heat up faster and move naturally.
  2. To regulate the flow, use dampers on the ventilation openings. The optimal regime for renewing the atmosphere in the steam room is three volumes per hour.

These two basic principles must be observed for any location of the firebox in the bath. At the same time, the placement of the stove is also of no small importance when planning ventilation in the bath. The channel layout will be different. Here are two options for example:

In addition to such traditional options, you can use other effective systems that work in a natural way, without the use of mechanisms and devices for forced air supply.

How to properly plan the ventilation of the floor in the bath?

The floors in the bath room are constantly damp. They are the ones who fail in the first place. Particularly susceptible to the destructive influence of damp are wooden coatings, on which it is so pleasant to walk barefoot. If you do not provide for proper ventilation under the floor in the bath, you will have to change the flooring at least once every three to four years.

Think about it at the very beginning of the construction. The easiest way to ensure the safety of floors is to leave air vents in the basement of the building. They are placed opposite each other and covered with bars to prevent rats and mice from entering through the holes.

Boards are stacked on logs so that there are gaps of about half a centimeter between them. Water will not linger on such a surface, and air will freely penetrate to all sides of the flooring.

You can lead the ventilation pipe from under the floor into the riser, which should be higher than the roof. A deflector is mounted at the top of the riser.

Important! Do not use an attic space to remove air flows. In winter, the cold and humid atmosphere of the garret will descend into the sauna.

Free air access to the foundation

If you provide ventilation of the foundation in the bath, you can solve most of the problems in one fell swoop. Good airflow under the floor guarantees protection from rot and mildew.

The most optimal vent size is 11 centimeters. A larger diameter air duct can be used, but in this case it is better to install a damper.

Advice! If the bathhouse is located in a lowland or stands close to other buildings, it is necessary to make not two, but four ventilation holes on each side of the foundation.

Ventilation ducts are installed when the foundation is being poured. For their formation, asbestos-cement or plastic pipes are used. The distance from the ground to the blower is at least 15 centimeters.

The specifics of ventilation in the bath in the steam room

Ventilation in the steam room must work during the bath procedure. At the end of it, the steam room is usually ventilated by opening the doors wide open in order to remove wet steam from the room as soon as possible.

What is needed for high-quality ventilation in a steam room? The scheme of its device is simple: the air should not come from adjacent rooms, but from the street.

In this diagram, it is noted that the air enters the steam room from under the furnace body. Cool air masses will quickly warm up and will not change the temperature regime of the steam room. The exhaust air flow is discharged through a duct located in the far corner of the room. This arrangement is suitable if the firebox is located directly in the steam room.

If the stove is located outside the steam room and is connected to it by a combustion tunnel, the location of the ventilation ducts should be slightly changed. The supply duct is located under the floor or directly above the floor and is brought out at the pre-furnace area, covered with a sheet of metal or ceramic tiles. The inlet is closed with a lattice.

For your information! The supply duct must be of the same diameter as the exhaust duct.

Air exchange in the washroom

This is the wettest room in the bath, and here it is important to think over the movement of air masses in such a way that the floors and walls dry out quickly, but there is no draft. The most common ventilation option in the sink of a bath with wooden floors is under the floor.

Air can enter the space under the floor naturally or with the help of forcibly supplying it from the street.

A little more difficult task if the floors in the sink are concrete, covered with ceramic tiles. In this case, the installation of supply valves in the walls will be required.

Important! For the arrangement of ventilation in the washing bath, only moisture-resistant materials are used. The most practical is plastic.

A little about ventilation in the dressing room

The problem in the dressing room is the same as in the rest of the rooms: high humidity. Requirements for the ventilation of the dressing room:

  • supply and exhaust air ducts must be of the same diameter;
  • the supply air duct should not be connected to the bathroom;
  • exhaust duct height - not less than 2 meters;
  • in the case of forced ventilation, moisture-resistant materials are used.

Expert opinion

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“To increase the rate of air exchange, an axial fan is used, which creates a low pressure area and draws atmospheric currents into the room.”

A few tips for arranging a dressing room:

  1. Do not install blind windows in this room. One or two vents will greatly simplify the ventilation process.
  2. The dressing room should be carefully insulated to prevent temperature drops and condensation.
  3. Ventilation ducts should not connect the dressing rooms of the steam room.

The size of the dressing room is calculated based on the formula 1.5 sq.m. × 1 person.

How to properly make ventilation in the bath with your own hands

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of ready-made kits for ventilation of premises. You can take advantage of these suggestions or make the system yourself. There are three options for organizing air exchange:

NaturalIt works due to the difference in pressure inside and outside the room. The supply channel is located at the floor, the exhaust channel is at the ceiling. Does not require any special equipment, but it can provoke drafts. With such a system, it is important to carefully seal and insulate the room.
CombinedFans are used to speed up the air exchange. Such systems have shown themselves especially well in the steam room. For installation, you will need to buy special equipment and connect it to a power source.
MechanicalHighly productive systems, sensors and controllers are used for control. They need regular maintenance and are more expensive than anyone else.

The choice between these three types of air exchange depends not only on the financial capabilities of the owner of the bath, but also on the type of building. Proper ventilation in the bath takes into account the materials of the walls and floor, the location of the heating devices, the location of the bath relative to the rest of the buildings on the site.

Frame bath

Ventilation in a frame bath should be arranged in such a way as not to disturb the multilayer structure of the walls. Frame structures are completely airtight, therefore it is important to organize a full-fledged air exchange in order to avoid mustiness and dampness. In this case, the installation of combined or mechanical ventilation is justified.

Important! Air duct installation sites should be laid at the design stage.

The location of the ventilation ducts in the frame bath is traditional - at the bottom - the supply flow, in the opposite corner - the exhaust.

Wooden bath

Wood is an environmentally friendly material that "breathes" by itself. The gaps between the logs also contribute to natural ventilation in the log sauna. But it should be borne in mind that a bathhouse is a room with special operating conditions, therefore, one cannot be limited by the natural conditions of air exchange.

Expert opinion

HVAC design engineer (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) ASP North-West LLC

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“The opinion that it is necessary to install windows of non-standard, small size in wooden baths is wrong. Double-glazed windows must be of high quality and heat-saving - this is the only requirement. ”

Natural ventilation in a wooden bath can be slightly improved by using forced air supply to the steam room. The rest of the blockhouse itself will cope well with the task.

Brick and stone bath

Brick and stone buildings are durable. The walls themselves are resistant to moisture, but usually from the inside they are sheathed with natural clapboard, and this material needs protection. If there is no good ventilation in a brick bath, the cladding material will inevitably become moldy and deformed. To avoid this, it is necessary to distribute the air currents in such a way that they penetrate under the sheathing material. For this purpose, the finishing material is fixed on the lathing and holes are left for the flow of air. Small fans are used to get air into the ventilation slots. This technique guarantees the absence of mustiness and dampness.

Important! The tightness of the brickwork forces the use of ventilation ducts of a larger diameter, about 20 centimeters.

What is Bastu and how to use it in a bath

This is a type of natural air exchange that is often used in Swedish. Basta ventilation scheme in the bath:

Installation of this system is extremely simple and does not require any special tools or knowledge. The stainless steel inlet pipe is mounted diagonally from the firebox, twenty centimeters from the floor. The second chimney is installed directly above the stove in the wall. Dampers are installed on both air ducts to regulate the flows.

In a sauna, this system works flawlessly. But using it for a classic Russian bath is worth considering carefully. In a Russian bath, wet steam is always used, but the air temperature is lower than in a sauna. Using Bastu ventilation in a Russian bath can lead to an unjustified loss of precious heat. To avoid losses, valves must be used. During bathing procedures, they are closed, and after them and in the process of kindling, the dampers are opened.

For your information! If the dampers are opened during firing up, the temperature in the steam room will rise much more slowly. In addition, fuel consumption will increase. If not opened, carbon dioxide may accumulate.

It should be noted that Bastu will function for a long time and reliably; it does not require any maintenance or repair. Among the disadvantages of this technique, it should be mentioned that on windy days there will be a strong draft in the steam room. In addition, Bastu does not provide for the use of filters for air purification.

Ventilation device in the bath: complete set of systems

Depending on the principle of ventilation, components are selected for its installation. Consider the individual elements of systems that can be useful for a bath.

Bath window: where to place, how to install

Windows are an important element not only of lighting, but also of ventilation of the sauna building. First of all, is it worth making a window in the steam room? It is believed that a window in a steam room will adversely affect the preservation of steam and temperature. But, on the other hand, without a window it is difficult to properly ventilate the steam room after a bath procedure.

Experienced bath attendants recommend installing two windows in the steam room. One is located above the shelves. If you overdid it and the steam is too hot, or during the procedure someone felt unwell, open the window slightly and the problem will be solved. If the bathhouse works continuously and there is little time between visits, this window is used to quickly change the atmosphere in the room. After such a volley ventilation, the stove is reheated, and the temperature quickly returns to normal.

The second window is located under the shelves. With it, you can quickly dry the beds. It is made very small and opaque.

Important! The windows in the bath must open inward. This is required by safety precautions.

The window in the washroom is also used for ventilation, as well as for emergency evacuation in case of fire. So its size should be such that a person can squeeze into the frame.

Another important question: is it possible to use plastic windows in the bath? In the washing room, of course, you can. But in the steam room, if you "catch up" the temperature to hundreds of degrees, the plastic can begin to release toxic substances and deform. For the frames of the windows in the steam room, non-resinous wood is used.

For your information! For bath windows it is better to use double-glazed windows with reliable sealing.

You can completely master the installation of windows in the bath with your own hands, it is no different from installing windows in the house.

Fans and systems with them

For forced air exchange, the following components are required:

  • lattice;
  • ventilation valve;
  • gate valve;
  • duct box;
  • mosquito net;
  • fan.

The grill and strainer will keep insects and rodents out of the air duct. Taking into account the specifics of the operation of the room, metal nets are used, and the gratings are made of wood or plastic, resistant to high temperatures. For the duct, galvanized pipes or corrugated hoses are often used. It is not recommended to use plastic pipes in a steam room, they are not suitable for high-temperature operation.

Experts recommend installing it in one channel, that is, for example, only in the supply channel. Bath fans must be made of heat-resistant materials, and all parts of its mechanism must be reliably sealed.

Video: how to make a bladeless fan with your own hands

Vent valves

These simple devices are installed in the supply and exhaust ducts. The size, shape and design of the valve can be selected in accordance with the interior of the room. There are two main types of valves on sale - they are designated by the abbreviations KIV (air infiltration valve) and KPV (forced ventilation valve).

The principle of their work is the same, outwardly they are just as little different. The ventilation valve for the bath is easy to install by yourself. Its base can be shortened to suit the wall thickness. The outer part of the valve has inclined louvers to prevent rainfall from entering the ventilation system. The inner part is equipped with a head and membranes for heat and sound insulation. All valves are equipped with mosquito nets.

Wall valve device

A few tips for installing the valve:

  • select a valve for a bath made of heat-resistant materials;
  • valves are usually installed in load-bearing walls;
  • do not install the valve in walls that face an outdoor toilet or trash can.

Air and vents in the bath

Baths are round, square, rectangular. They are installed in the thickness of the foundation and on the roof.

The vent is placed evenly with a distance of 2 meters. If there are some internal partitions in the basement, then air vents are mounted in them. These simple ventilation ducts are also equipped with mice-proof grills.

Some craftsmen advise to close the air vents for the winter, sealing them with rags or sandbags. This approach is fraught with the formation of high humidity in the subfield and rapid decay of wood.

How to make an outlet in the bath in the following video:

Bath hood

If the bathhouse on the site is attached to a residential building, the hood is installed in such a way that the air moves from the home to the bathhouse, and not vice versa. Professionals do not recommend installing the hood directly under the ceiling. With this arrangement of the exhaust hole, a draft will walk in the room.

Diagram of an exhaust hood in a bath with your own hands:

How to properly make a hood in a bath in this video:

Do-it-yourself sauna ventilation: a step-by-step guide with a photo

Installing ventilation in a bath with your own hands is not difficult. In the simplest version, only asbestos-cement pipes and gratings are required, which can be selected in accordance with the channel diameter.

We offer you a master class on how to make ventilation in a bath with your own hands using an inlet valve (if the walls are made using frame technology):

IllustrationWork performed

Disassemble the valve into its component parts.

Trace the circumference of the ventilation duct on the wall using a marker or pencil

Drill several holes in the casing. They must be large in diameter so that a jigsaw knife can fit in the hole.

Use a jigsaw to cut a circle in the skin.

Remove the wood piece.

Remove the insulation and vapor barrier.

Use a long drill to drill the outer casing so that you do not mistake the location of the outer part of the valve.

Make a hole from the outside using the markings on the long drill. Pre-outline the circle with a marker.

Saw off the valve tube to the desired length (wall thickness). This can be done with a metal hacksaw.

Install the duct tube into the finished hole.

Fix the inside of the valve to the wall using self-tapping screws

Secure the outside of the valve.

Such valves can be installed in the washing and dressing room.

Summing up

High-quality air exchange is an important aspect of arranging a bath. Your building won't last long without it. The walls and floor will grow moldy, and the boards will quickly rot. Do-it-yourself ventilation in the bath is not difficult. You can organize a natural flow of air or activate it with fans. It is best to organize the movement of air masses not only directly in the room itself, but also under the floor and behind the wall cladding. So you are guaranteed to save materials and provide a comfortable climate in the bathhouse.