How to make a greenhouse for a summer residence with your own hands - step by step instructions, tips and photos. Do-it-yourself greenhouses: the best projects and materials for construction Proper greenhouse arrangement

home greenhouse- This is a small structure for growing seedlings and protecting it from temperature extremes and adverse weather events. The compact size and the enclosed space of a home greenhouse for seedlings provide a quick warm-up of the air inside the building, while the greenhouse plants are reliably protected from spring frosts.

In addition to seedlings, low-growing early vegetable crops are grown in greenhouses: radishes, cucumbers, eggplants, watermelons, melons and others.

Some don't see the difference between the concepts of "greenhouse" and "greenhouse" giving them the same meaning. However, these two designs have certain differences, which manifest themselves both in appearance and in functional purpose.

The main features of the greenhouse:

  • application for growing seedlings and undersized crops;
  • small height of the structure (usually up to 150 cm);
  • greenhouses, as a rule, are not heated. The heat in them accumulates due to sunlight and organic fertilizers (humus or manure) located inside the structure;
  • the ability to easily move the structure on the site;
  • the greenhouse usually does not have doors due to its small size. Therefore, to access the plants, it is necessary to completely or partially remove the coating;
  • greenhouse construction is used mainly only in the spring.

In addition to the so-called "street" greenhouse structures, there are also indoor options for greenhouses and mini-greenhouses, which are also an effective tool for growing seedlings.

Finished greenhouses– the ability to save time and effort

Manufacturers of country equipment offer various models of finished greenhouses, differing in type of construction, material of manufacture and price. Here are some examples:

  1. arched greenhouse- is a structure made of aluminum profile. Equipped with a strong frame, it is distinguished by an affordable price, ease of installation and ease of transportation.
  2. "Snowdrop"- the most common type of finished greenhouses. It has an arched structure, agrofibre is used as a coating - a special material that has many positive properties, such as: water resistance, the ability to retain heat and create an optimal microclimate for plants.
  3. This also includes compact structures in the form of metal racks equipped with a polyethylene cover, as well as smaller analogues of ordinary garden greenhouses, which can be made of plexiglass or transparent plastic.

Automation of modern structures

In order for plants not to get sick during the growth process, they need to provide favorable conditions.

In the past, there was only one way out for lovers of country farming, and this was to ventilate, water and fertilize seedlings on their own, as well as provide them with additional lighting.

Today, greenhouse structures are equipped with various types of accessories. Some models are equipped with phytolamps that turn on at a certain time, automatic watering and ventilation.

Here it is worth highlighting the Growbox and Thermobox mini-greenhouses, which are automated closed structures equipped with a full range of devices that ensure the formation of a favorable microclimate.

This video shows you how to make your own grow box.

Main advantage of these models lies in the fact that the internal climate in them does not depend on the external temperature, which can even be negative.

We make with our own hands

How to make a homemade greenhouse with your own hands? Making a greenhouse at home does not take much time. Here is one of the options for a mini-greenhouse for the house.

First you need to draw future building. After that, a rack should be put together from the boards, consisting of several shelves (depending on the number of seedlings).

Each shelf of the rack must be equipped with a fluorescent lamp, attaching it from above.

The seeds are planted in pre-prepared special boxes for planting seeds, on the bottom of which a layer of sand, drainage and soil is laid.

To prevent the formation of mold, a little wood ash should be poured onto the sand.

Upon completion of all these procedures, the boxes are installed on the shelves. You can grow any crops in such a greenhouse - the main thing is to water the plants on time.

Front shelving can be closed with a film or glass to create the required temperature inside the structure. If the heat from the lamps is sufficient to provide the required climate, the front of the greenhouse can be left open.

On the windowsill

And how to make a greenhouse on the windowsill with your own hands? In this case, everything is quite simple. Can be used as a window greenhouse in an apartment or house clear plastic container with lid.

Soil is poured into it and seeds are sown, which must be watered as the soil dries. This type of greenhouse is suitable for growing any vegetable seedlings.

Such a greenhouse on the window has one drawback - water does not leave it after watering.

So holes must be made in the bottom of the container through which moisture will drain onto the pre-installed drip tray.

And this video shows how to make a simple mini-greenhouse.

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For a serious gardener, the presence of a greenhouse pavilion on the site is mandatory. But for the construction of a stationary structure, not everyone has the place or resources, so a mini-greenhouse is an ideal way out - a simple and effective shelter for plants that can be easily assembled from available materials.

For all their simplicity, these structures provide an optimal microclimate for the plants planted in them and allow not only growing seedlings, but also getting an early harvest.

If you ask a layman who is not privy to the secrets of building greenhouse structures, how greenhouse shelters differ from greenhouses, then most likely you will hear in response - small in size. But this is not entirely true. Among them, there are indeed mini-greenhouses suitable only for growing seedlings, but this is only one small group.

A small shelter in the country can be built independently

The main difference between these two species lies in the way the microclimate is formed under the shelter.

If in the greenhouse the microclimate and biorhythms of plants are close to natural, then a humid warm climate is formed in the greenhouse, saturated with oxygen during the day and carbon dioxide at night. The soil serves as the main source of nutrition, therefore it is quickly depleted and needs regular fertilization. Plants in greenhouse conditions grow intensively due to the rapid accumulation of plastic reserves.

A polycarbonate greenhouse can be compared to a small greenhouse.

  • for thawing and warming the beds in early spring;
  • growing seedlings;
  • distillation of early greens and radishes;
  • early planting of crops with a long vegetative period;
  • protection of plants in the garden from late frosts;
  • acceleration of fruiting;
  • getting several harvests per season;
  • creating an optimal microclimate for heat-loving crops.

Types of greenhouses for beds

Mini-greenhouses for beds are very easy to build yourself. To do this, it is enough to choose a covering material - a film, agrofibre, polycarbonate or glass, prepare supports and correctly orient the entire structure.

Ground covers for insulation

Beds under agrofibre warm up faster

One of the annoying problems of the gardener is the discrepancy between the timing of warming up the soil and the timing of sowing crops. This can be easily corrected with the help of soil shelters. This is done as follows: after the snow melts on the site, the beds are covered with a greenhouse film or agrofibre.

The soil under the shelter warms up 10-14 days earlier, and the temperature under the film is 10 ° C higher than the ambient temperature, which allows you to plant seedlings earlier, sow greens or vegetable seeds when the weather has not yet settled.

The simplest tunnel shelter on arches

Tunnel shelter on arches

This small greenhouse of the "Snowdrop" type is easy to build from improvised means - agrofiber, PVC film or polyisopropylene. Suitable for growing seedlings, forcing greenery and for early planting in the ground. Arches are used as supports, which can be made of thick steel wire, galvanized profile, metal-plastic pipe or long rods.

How to make a homemade mini-greenhouse with your own hands:

  1. Prepare a site for construction. If necessary, lay compost or manure under the bed, pour 30-40 cm of fertile soil on top. It is better to make the width of the beds 0.6-1 m, length - 2.5-3 m, orientation - from north to south. Along the perimeter, you can protect the bed with boards so that the earth does not slip.
  2. Depending on the length of the ridge, prepare 6 or 7 pieces of pipes about 2 m long and 12-14 pegs (50 cm) for hammering into the ground and fastening the arches. If there are no pegs, then it is better to take pipes half a meter longer in order to securely fix them in the ground.
  3. Bend pipes into arcs up to a meter high. You can make a special template on the board or use a large iron barrel of a suitable diameter.
  4. On the long sides of the future twinkling greenhouse, drive in pegs every 50 cm. Fix arches on them (or stick arcs into the ground 25-30 cm below the soil level).
  5. Install a connecting bar on the arches or simply tie the arches together with a cord or wire.
  6. Fix the film or agrofibre. You can use clips or just tie.
  7. On the north side, collect the hanging end of the covering material, pull it and fasten it, on the south you can leave it free.
  8. Fix the film on the soil around the perimeter. It is better to take stones for this, and not to sprinkle with earth, since from time to time you will need to lift the film to access the plants.

Approximate installation scheme for an arched tunnel-type greenhouse

Box with transparent lid

Cassette mini-greenhouse is ideal for growing seedlings and early radishes. A box with a height of 40-50 cm is made for it from boards, the width and height of the frame are chosen according to the size of the upper shelter. For early sowing of seeds into the soil, it is recommended to choose soil in the box to a depth of 40 cm and fill the hole with biofuel. The fertile layer is 20 cm of ordinary soil. For pallets with peat tablets, it is better to make the frame small - 0.5 m * 1 m.

Cassette greenhouse with peat tablets

For the cover, you can take old window frames or tighten the top with a film (or better, with agrofibre). You can also use thick glass or triplex, but in this case you need to ensure that the edge is sealed or carefully sanded. After seedlings under cover, you can grow young greens - onions on a feather, herbs, watercress.

It is better to orient such a structure from south to north.

Modification of a cassette greenhouse - a box with a transparent lid. Its difference is that the upper frame is set at an angle with respect to the soil surface. They are arranged along the length from east to west, the southern side of the frame is usually twice as low as the northern one. The dimensions of the box are arbitrary, and for better illumination of plants, it can be made of polycarbonate roof.

Drawing of a wooden greenhouse under glass

Butterfly house - a convenient portable shelter

A mini-greenhouse like a "house" or "butterfly" is suitable not only for growing seedlings. Depending on the height, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cabbages, cucumbers and other vegetables can be planted in it for early harvests. You can assemble such shelters from improvised materials - boards, slats, films, agrofiber, polycarbonate.

Butterfly greenhouse scheme

The easiest way to make such a design is to mount a frame of slats and cover it with a film or sheathe it with polycarbonate. Under polycarbonate, the frame can be assembled from a galvanized profile.

A distinctive detail of this type of greenhouses - the gable "roof" is made movable on both sides. This makes it easier to ventilate and care for the plants.

Cucumbers in the greenhouse "house" under the film

To grow cucumbers, you need a mini-greenhouse of a slightly different design:

  1. At the chosen place, prepare a bed for two rows of plants and make a wooden harness. Such a "house" can be arranged on the south side of the house, but the seeds in it must be sown in one row.
  2. Fasten the racks for the side walls on the harness. The height of the central pillar is 1.5 meters.
  3. Connect the central racks with a longitudinal bar. Twine for gartering cucumbers will also be attached to it, so you need to make it strong.
  4. Sew up the sides with film, glass or polycarbonate.
  5. A removable roof can be made in the form of a frame with sheathing, or a film, which, if necessary, is simply rolled up and tied up.

Original solutions for country beds

Home greenhouses are not only a significant help for the gardener, but also a way to realize their creative ambitions. These designs once again prove that a thrifty owner will find use even for a piece of straw or the remnants of a film.

Straw-protected crops

Greenhouse made of straw and window frames

In horticulture, straw is often used for mulching beds and as a material for warming perennials in winter. In this design, straw bales act as building material for the box. Due to the properties of straw, it is good to retain heat and moisture.

The air under the glass warms up quickly, and the plants get a head start in two to three weeks. Window frames or polycarbonate are used as a cover.

Straw bales and frame with film - efficient design

Film protective umbrellas

Late frosts are a serious threat to the crop. Sometimes you have to literally save the beds from death - to spud all the plants or urgently cover especially valuable specimens with straw. But the problem can be solved in another way.

Individual "umbrellas" of two arcs and a piece of film or agrofiber are able to protect against frost. The arches are fastened with construction tape, the film is fastened with clips.

The same devices can be used for glasses with seedlings during the hardening period - during the day the plants are hardened, and at night they are securely hidden from hypothermia.

Two arcs and agrofibre will save you from frost

Old plastic barrel - in business

If the farm has an old plastic barrel of 200 liters, then in half an hour you can build a roomy greenhouse mini-greenhouse. You can grow seedlings, herbs, even mushrooms in it. The design retains heat and moisture well. In addition to the barrel, you will need construction scissors, film and construction tape. See the video for detailed instructions.

Grids and pallets - an excellent frame

The framework for the simplest tunnel shelter can be assembled in an hour from waste materials. Grids, pallets, regular slats or thin boards will come in handy. The finished sections are fastened with adhesive tape and covered with agrofiber. The soil in the beds warms up quickly, and seeds can be sown.

Sections are held together with adhesive tape.

Under such a roof, the soil warms up quickly

Using a tree helps to avoid any negative - it does not rust, does not emit chemicals, does not react with fertilizers and herbicides.

Second life for old refrigerators

Good mini-greenhouses are obtained from old refrigerators, which are easy to get in landfills or from neighbors.

The engine, cooling system and door are removed from the body. The lid is made of glass or polycarbonate. Refrigerators keep temperature and humidity well, so an ideal microclimate is created inside. The only other thing you need to worry about is the drainage holes under the ground, because without them, excess moisture will lead to rotting of the roots and death of crops.

Greenhouses from old refrigerators in the country

Polycarbonate for mini structures

Small polycarbonate greenhouses are light, durable and comfortable. From this material it is easy to build almost any model of a mini-shelter. The only drawback is that such construction can be expensive. But it is not necessary to buy specially whole sheets. You can use the pieces left after the large-scale construction of a gazebo or greenhouse.

In addition to polycarbonate, you will need material for the frame (rails or galvanized profile), screws and a suitable scheme.

Scheme of a simple polycarbonate greenhouse

Polycarbonate box

Small greenhouses for the apartment

For a keen summer resident, the garden season begins in February. And it does not matter that the entire area is covered with snow - seedlings can also be grown on the windowsill. And small homemade greenhouses made from improvised materials will help in this.

Trays for peat tablets

Popular peat pellet trays can be bought, but it's cheaper to make your own from an egg tray and plastic containers (bottles or cake boxes). Water the seedlings in tablets through the pan.

Operating procedure:

  1. Drill a hole for drainage in each recess of the tray.
  2. Choose a suitable plastic packaging (tray and cap). If there is no large container, then the egg tray can be cut. You need to drill several holes in the cap for air exchange.
  3. Put a peat tablet in each cell and water it.
  4. After 10 minutes, the tablets will swell and seeds can be sown in them.
  5. Place the seed trays in trays and close.

The egg tray will replace the peat tablet tray

If there is no suitable container, then the cap for a mini-greenhouse can be made from plastic plastic bottles:

  • Carefully cut transparent bottles.
  • From the panels cut out 5 rectangles for the box (do not forget the allowances for gluing). Choose the size so that the tablet tray fits freely inside.
  • Glue the box cap with tape.
  • Use a tray as a pallet.

plastic box

Cake or cookie containers can also be used to grow seedlings. Holes are drilled in the walls for drainage and ventilation, the soil is filled up - and the mini-greenhouse is ready for sowing.

Mini greenhouse made of plastic containers

Plastic bottles as greenhouses

Waste material - plastic bottles, in the skillful hands of a gardener, often turn into useful devices. In addition to irrigation devices, mini-format greenhouses are often made from plastic containers.

Method 1. Greenhouse-glass for seedlings:

  1. Cut two bottles in half
  2. Put the upper part into the lower glass of the first bottle and fill with soil.
  3. Sow the seeds and close the bottle with the second top.
  4. Don't forget the drainage holes.

Growing in a bottle

Method 2. Seedlings in bottles:

  1. Cut a bottle of 6-10 liters lengthwise, leaving the thread intact.
  2. Drill holes in both halves
  3. Fill the bottom with soil and sow the seeds.
  4. Close and seal the cut with tape.

Plastic bottle greenhouse

Home mini-greenhouses are a good alternative to industrial polycarbonate and tunnel structures. It is easy to build them, and you can use them both in the apartment and in the beds, so show your imagination and be creative, then your harvest will always be rich.

The easiest and most effective way to warm up the soil and grow an early crop is to build a greenhouse. What design is better to choose? How to make greenhouses with your own hands from improvised materials? You will find answers to these questions in the review of five practical greenhouses. A step-by-step guide, drawings and photos will provide invaluable assistance in construction.

Greenhouse dimensions and building materials

In order to find out what land owners dream of, it is not necessary to guess on coffee grounds. The desire to start the summer season as early as possible, for sure, visits every grower. Early sowing of seedlings means early harvests, and provides the family with “own production” vitamins as early as May-June.

If the construction of a greenhouse is not yet planned, a greenhouse will help out. The main thing is that it is easy to install, efficient and easy to use. And materials for the construction of a greenhouse can be found on each site. Anything can be used here: timber, boards, PVC pipes, old frames, vines, and even a refrigerator. You can cover the structure with a film, non-woven covering material, polycarbonate.

The optimal size for a comfortable greenhouse: width - 1m, height - 60-70 cm, length 2-3 m.

Arched greenhouse. Most popular model

As soon as these greenhouses are not called! Arched, arched, tunnel. Their design is so simple and natural that it turns out, as if by itself. Anything is suitable for mounting an arched greenhouse: plastic or metal-plastic pipes, metal profiles, steel wire, garden rubber or reinforced hoses, tree branches. As a support for arches - pegs or reinforcement.

To build a foundation for this greenhouse, or not, depends on the purpose of its use. If only for seedlings in the southern regions - not necessarily. If for use throughout the season - better done, the base will increase strength. Let's look at the general scheme of construction from improvised materials. For example, from plastic pipes, fittings and dense film.

Step-by-step instructions for building a greenhouse from pipes

Before starting construction, you need to complete 3 tasks:

  • choose a sunny, flat area for a greenhouse;
  • prepare a drawing with the exact dimensions of all components;
  • decide on building materials.

If all these issues are resolved, you can proceed.

Advice. At the preparatory stage, you should consider how the greenhouse will open. The film can be weighted with wooden slats nailed down from the front and back sides. Then for airing it is enough to lift it by the slats. In addition, the film pressed with bricks can simply be rolled up and lifted to the highest point of the arch. In this case, special clips or a rope for fastening are suitable.

  1. Clear a building site. From a wooden beam, assemble the base of the structure using self-tapping screws or nails. The dimensions must match the drawing. To enhance strength, joints can be fastened with corners, or pegs driven into the ground from the inside of the corners.
  2. Dig pieces of reinforcement into the ground around the perimeter of the box. The minimum distance between them should be 70 cm, the maximum - 1 m. If you make it wider, then the film will sag.
  3. Cut the pipes so that they form arches of the desired size when bent. Alternately put the pipes on the fittings on one and the other side of the greenhouse.
  4. Lay the prepared film on the arches. The film should cover the greenhouse and spread along the ground. At the bottom, it should be covered with soil or fixed with bricks and stones.

A greenhouse for seedlings or picking seedlings is ready.

Arched greenhouse with bottle insulation

Delicate seedlings require warmth and care, especially in spring in the middle lane and Northern regions of Russia. Simple devices invented by practitioners will help save seedlings in the event of a sudden cold snap.

Advice. Cold-resistant crops can be planted in any type of greenhouse as soon as the temperature in it overcomes the mark of 10 °C.

  1. You need to find a platform that is illuminated by the sun throughout the day. Nearby there should be no buildings that give shade.
  2. On the selected place you need to spread a black plastic wrap. It will protect against weeds and frozen soil.
  3. Install arcs along the perimeter of the greenhouse, putting them on pegs driven into the ground. The distance between them is from 60 cm to 1 m.
  4. Pour soil under the arcs for seedlings.
  5. The role of the main heat accumulators is played by two-liter plastic bottles of dark color. They need to be filled with water and spread out along the edge of the greenhouse or in its center. During the day, the bottles will accumulate solar heat, and at night they will give it to the soil.
  6. It is better to cover the greenhouse with one of the types of non-woven covering materials, because. the film does not like frost. It is better to strengthen the coating with something heavy, for example, bricks.

Construction of a greenhouse from window frames

A greenhouse from window frames can be made in the form of a house or in the form of a box, one side of which is higher than the other. This will provide optimal illumination of vegetables or flowers.

Attention! For this type of greenhouse, a refrigerator is perfect as a base. His empty old case can be a box. And you can cover it from above with two frames.

The size of a greenhouse with a wooden base will depend on the size of the window frames. So, let's begin:

  1. After appropriate preparation of the site (levelling, grass removal), it is necessary to prepare all wooden elements for installation. They need to be covered with means for fire and bioprotection.
  2. The main stage is the construction of a high greenhouse box. One side should be higher than the other with an angle of 30°.
  3. Hinges should be attached to the higher side of the box. If you are using two frames, then two sets of hinges. Please note that both frames should lie on one wooden partition in the center of the structure.
  4. If desired, the structure can be painted with a special facade paint.

How to mount a greenhouse from a hose and a vine

As a temporary structure for seedlings, an arched greenhouse of lightweight construction is suitable. For its installation you will need:

  • pre-harvested thick vine, about 1 cm in diameter;
  • pieces of thin rubber hose or tube, one for each arch. The length of the segment is 20 cm.
  • coating film.

Installation steps:

  1. Preparation of the vine, removal of bark and bumps. For a film 3 m wide, the vine should be cut into pieces 1.5 m long.
  2. The thicker side of the vine needs to be sharpened. It will go into the ground.
  3. Arcs are made of two half-arches. The element that fastens two vines at the top point is a rubber tube (hose). It should be of such a diameter that the stem hardly enters there and holds tightly.
  4. The arcs are attached around the perimeter of the greenhouse with sharp ends into the ground. You can fix the structure with twine.
  5. The structure should be covered with a film and strengthened at the bottom with any heavy objects. If desired, the greenhouse should be insulated with cardboard laid out along the walls of the greenhouse, or with plastic water bottles.

Greenhouse thermos

Biological heating of plants gives them not only heat, but also the necessary trace elements and minerals. In fact, this heating system can be equipped with almost any greenhouse from various improvised materials.

The essence of the system is that before assembling the desired frame, a wooden box 50-60 cm high is built. Several layers of biofuel are placed in this base. There are many options for layers, their thickness and alternation, there are no strict recommendations here. Under the ground you can put:

  • horse manure, which, when decomposed, heats up to 60-70 ° C.
  • straw;
  • bark;
  • sawdust;
  • cow, pig manure mixed with straw;
  • natural household waste: paper, fabric, sunflower seed husks;
  • compost, for which weeds, tops, leaves of trees are suitable.

Attention! If you do not have wood to build a box, you should dig a hole according to the size of the future greenhouse. Then strengthen it with any material at hand and fill it with manure or compost.

The thermos greenhouse is covered with materials, depending on the structure of the frame: film, glass frames, polycarbonate.

A greenhouse built according to any of the above schemes can function from early spring to late autumn. This will significantly extend the season for growing vegetables, flowers and berries in any part of Russia.

DIY greenhouse - video

Greenhouse from improvised materials - photo

In order to build a greenhouse or a greenhouse with your own hands, you first determine the installation site. At the first stage, the foundation is formed. Wooden beams, boards, PVC pipes or metal corners are suitable as a frame.

Shelter is carried out with polyethylene film, polycarbonate or glass. A method of heating is being considered. If this is a mini-greenhouse for seedlings, then daylight is enough. For larger greenhouses, special equipment is installed.

    Show all

    Location selection

    The construction site is selected depending on the size of the structure. A mini greenhouse does not require a lot of space. If the design is large, then the territory is needed more. The best place is where the required temperature is constantly maintained for cucumbers, tomatoes or plant seedlings.

    To build a greenhouse for a summer residence, they are guided by the following requirements:

    1. 1. Shaded areas are not allowed. There should be no closely growing trees. The greenhouse should be fully lit by the sun and this will provide warmth.
    2. 2. If the size of the territory allows, then the cardinal points are taken into account. The location of the greenhouse is in the south direction. Then the light rays will be used more efficiently.
    3. 3. The presence of high-lying groundwater will require a drainage system.
    4. 4. The greenhouse is located on a flat surface. If it is a slope, then there is a risk of the structure slipping.
    5. 5. Attention is drawn to the looseness of the soil. On soft ground, subsidence of the frame is possible.
    6. 6. The location of the tracks is being thought out for the convenience of approaching the greenhouse.


    Depending on the size of the greenhouse, different types of heating are used:

    1. 1. solar energy. The most convenient and easiest option. The rays penetrating the greenhouse heat the soil, which accumulates energy. At night, she gives back. However, this method is unstable, because there is not enough heat for the whole night and the greenhouse cools down.
    2. 2. With an electrical cable. Gravel is poured, and sand is on top. A cable is laid on it. Another layer of sand is poured on top. In conclusion, a metal mesh and sheets of iron are placed. The design is reliable, but expensive to manufacture.
    3. 3. With the help of biofuels. To do this, organic matter in the form of manure or straw is laid at the bottom of the box. The earth is falling asleep from above. In the process of decomposition, heat is released. The disadvantage of this option is the inability to control the temperature. From time to time the greenhouse needs airing.


    Before starting construction for a greenhouse, you need to make a foundation, the material of which is selected based on the size and location of the greenhouse. They are:

    1. 1. From timber or railway sleepers. To do this, a trench is dug in the ground, where the bars are laid. Above is the installation of the frame.
    2. 2. Columnar. Suitable for places with strong winds. Pipes with a diameter of 90 cm are buried to a depth of more than 100 cm. A greenhouse is being installed from above.
    3. 3. Block. Concrete blocks are laid in the dug trench. Topped with cement mortar.
    4. 4. Tape. Rarely used for greenhouses. Mainly for large greenhouses. Concrete is poured into the dug trench.


    The construction of a greenhouse begins with the preparation of drawings. The best projects for freestanding greenhouses have a semicircular shape or a gable roof. The economy option looks like an extension of the structure to the house:

    Viewgreenhouse Drawing
    Gable greenhouse made of wooden beams
    Semicircular greenhouse made of plastic arcs
    Greenhouse attached to the house


    You can build a greenhouse with your own hands from improvised materials. The main issue is shelter. For this, apply:

    1. 1. Polyethylene film. Its disadvantage is a short service life, which is 1-2 years. Reinforced polyethylene lasts a little longer.
    2. 2. Nonwoven fabric. Holds up well to sunlight. It is made in different densities and serves several seasons.
    3. 3. If the frame is stationary, then use coverings made of polycarbonate, glass or plexiglass. These options are more expensive, but last a long time.

    For the manufacture of greenhouses in the dacha, they usually try to use the cheapest materials.

    Types and manufacture

    Using improvised means, the best greenhouses are made. They are based on frames made of wood, window frames or PVC pipes:

    Viewgreenhouse Description and manufacture Image
    ArcThe frame is made of plastic pipes, which are bent in a semicircle. Externally, the structure is a tunnel. It does not contain complex compounds. The arches are attached to the ground with wooden pegs. They can be put on pieces of reinforcement driven into the ground. Plastic is being replaced by metal bars. If a rubber hose is put on it, the surface is protected from corrosion. Pipes are tied along the entire length to tighten. From above the greenhouse is covered with a film. The use of non-woven fabric is allowed. The bottom of the shelter is pressed with bricks or boards
    Wooden lattice greenhouseExternally, the greenhouse is also a tunnel. The walls are assembled from wooden slats. It is allowed to manufacture from separate sections, which are fastened with bolts. This design is easily disassembled for winter storage. A greenhouse made of slats is much tougher than a greenhouse made of plastic pipes. It does not respond to gusts of wind. It is covered not only with a film, but also with polycarbonate or glass. True, in this case, difficulties arise in access to plants. It is required to supplement the greenhouse with opening transoms
    From timber and boardsSuch a greenhouse belongs to stationary structures that do not require annual disassembly. The shape is a small greenhouse. At the base, a foundation is formed, consisting of blocks or concrete. The walls are made of wooden beams with a section of 50x50 cm. The roof consists of opening transoms. The greenhouse can be covered with a film, but it is better with polycarbonate. The best option is glazing. Although wood is an affordable material, it has disadvantages. Insects start up in it and it is prone to decay. Therefore, structural elements are treated with an antiseptic
    With metal frameThis type also applies to stationary. The frame is made from metal corners, rods or fittings. Due to the complexity of manufacturing connecting joints, they are often replaced by welds. Such a greenhouse turns out to be non-separable and heavy. The coating for it is applied film or polycarbonate. In some cases, glazing is done. If a non-woven fabric is used, then fasteners are made in the cover - to provide access to plants
    Using window framesIf window frames remain after repair, then do not throw them away. They make an inexpensive greenhouse. The structure is heavy, so a foundation is required. It is made in a standard way, using concrete blocks or installing free-standing bases. The greenhouse is located separately or is built close to the building. In the second case, there is no need for a fourth wall. A box is installed on the foundation. One side wall is built higher so that the window frames lie at an angle. The slope is necessary for rainwater to drain. Jumpers are placed across, on which the frames are lowered. They open from the side of a smaller wall - for better access to seedlings
    Greenhouse in the groundSuch a greenhouse is formed directly in the ground. The principle of its application is based on the use of the heat of the earth. To do this, a sunny area is selected and a trench is dug. A layer of slag or expanded clay is poured to the bottom. The side walls are sheathed with boards in the form of a box. The rest is black soil. From the surface comes shelter with any material. From the ground part, the greenhouse looks like an inclined ledge. If it is planned to lay organic matter in the pit, then its depth is made greater

    The installation of the greenhouse cover should begin from the roof. In this case, the risk of damage to the side walls is eliminated.

    In order to make a greenhouse with your own hands, you do not need to rush to purchase building materials. In the country there will always be boards, bars or metal bars lying without use. They can always be used as structural elements. You should consider for what purpose the greenhouse is being built. If for seedlings, then it should be a mini-structure. If for growing cucumbers or tomatoes, then a larger design. Having chosen a place, made a project and calculated the required amount of materials, you can start construction.

Ecology of consumption. Manor: With the onset of spring, every summer resident faces the task of planting seedlings and their further planting in open ground. A simple and cheap design of a greenhouse made of plastic pipes will suit all summer residents and owners of country houses without exception.

Many summer residents strive to provide themselves with self-grown vegetables for the whole year. But due to climatic features, it is not always possible to achieve this goal in those areas that are located in the northern regions of our country. An excellent solution to this problem is the construction of a greenhouse on the garden plot.

True, not all gardeners have the financial ability to buy a ready-made factory greenhouse. For such people, the way out of the situation can be the construction of greenhouses from plastic pipes with their own hands.

You can design and build a greenhouse from plastic pipes on your own, without resorting to outside help. And such a greenhouse made of plastic pipes will serve throughout the year, several seasons in a row. The obvious advantage in the construction of greenhouses from plastic pipes is the prevalence, long service life and low cost of polypropylene products.


When choosing a future place for building a greenhouse from plastic pipes, a number of factors should be taken into account that affect the quality and quantity of the future crop.

There are the following options for placing a future greenhouse made of plastic pipes in a garden plot:

  1. You need to place a greenhouse made of plastic pipes, created by yourself, in an open space, away from other buildings on the site and large garden trees. This placement option can be combined with the location around the greenhouse of small shrubs and plants. This will add aesthetic appeal to the building.
  2. If, due to the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, it is not possible to use an open space of sufficient area, it is possible to provide for the location of a greenhouse with one side adjacent to the wall of an already erected building, house or barn. With this option, an important condition will be the location of the other sides of the greenhouse on the south side in order to receive the maximum amount of sunlight.


The most common form in the construction of a greenhouse made of plastic pipes is an arched structure. This is due primarily to ease of construction and relative cheapness.

When choosing a form for the construction of a future greenhouse from plastic pipes, it is necessary to take into account the features of the garden plot and the place that is chosen for the installation of the structure.

If a greenhouse made of plastic pipes will be located in an open area, then it is better to stop at a gable model. In the case when the greenhouse will be adjacent to the wall of an existing building on one side, it is more expedient to opt for a shed model.

The base of the greenhouse can be made in different geometric shapes, whether it be a square, rectangle, circle, oval or trapezoid. Recently, greenhouses in the form of a tent are gaining popularity.

Attention! Greenhouses of this design have greater light transmission than the classic options.


Building a greenhouse from plastic pipes has several advantages over structures made from other materials:

The main and, apparently, the only drawback in the construction of a greenhouse from plastic pipes is its lightness. This can cause the entire structure to sway in strong winds. At the same time, this problem can be solved if additional metal rods are driven into the ground to strengthen the structure.


Before you make a greenhouse out of plastic pipes, you should calculate the necessary materials and tools. This is recommended to be done immediately after determining the location on the site for the future structure. Such measures will help to avoid additional costs already at the construction stage of the structure.

So, for work you will need:

  1. Timber or boards for forming the base of the greenhouse. It is recommended to treat wooden elements with special protective substances before starting construction, which will protect the wood from decay.

    Advice! To save money, it is recommended to use not branded professional woodworking tools, but improvised ones. For example, impregnate wooden beams with resin, smear several times with drying oil, treat with a blowtorch.

  2. Polypropylene pipes. It is necessary to calculate how many linear meters will be needed to build a greenhouse. For a more accurate calculation when building a greenhouse from plastic pipes with your own hands, it is recommended to make a drawing of the future design. After receiving a certain footage of plastic, you can add 10% of the total length for the stock.
  3. A polyethylene film is used to cover the polypropylene structure. It must be strong enough. High strength will protect it from tearing and allow you to use several seasons.
  4. Several metal rods. The reinforcement must be at least 1 m long.
  5. Nails and screws.
  6. Handles with locks and hinges for arranging doors and windows in the greenhouse.
  7. Additional metal loops for attaching individual plastic structural elements.


If at the stage of calculating the materials used, a detailed drawing of the future structure was drawn up, then you can immediately proceed directly to the construction of the greenhouse. Otherwise, it is recommended to draw up a detailed construction scheme - this will greatly simplify and speed up construction work.


Before you make a greenhouse out of plastic pipes yourself, you need to create a foundation. Under the future foundation of the greenhouse, a flat, flat area with a small depression is needed. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to level the ground and make a small depression of a few centimeters. As a material for the foundation, you can use either boards or a wooden beam.

Attention! Before proceeding with the installation of the foundation, wooden boards must be cleaned with a planer or sandpaper, and also treated with protective substances.

To strengthen the foundation of the future structure, it is recommended to use additional metal brackets or corners. A metal corner is attached to each internal junction of wooden boards. If timber is used as the material for the base of the greenhouse, it is more advisable to use staples that are driven in at each external junction of structural elements.

The finished foundation should lie tightly on the ground prepared for it. If gaps remain between the foundation and the ground, they must be sprinkled with earth.


After the construction of the foundation, along its outer perimeter, metal reinforcement should be driven into the ground in increments of no more than 100 cm. Pre-prepared and cut pieces of plastic pipe of the required length are mounted on these metal rods.

To fix plastic pipes, self-tapping screws are used, with the help of which the base of the pipe must be pulled to a wooden foundation. As connecting elements in the horizontal plane of the structure, plastic couplings, corners and crosses are used, which must first be drilled inside. This will allow the pipes to pass through the fittings.


When choosing a material for building a greenhouse roof, you should consider the features of some of the most common options:

  1. The optimal and common material for covering the greenhouse is polyethylene film. If financial possibilities allow, you can use a special reinforced PVC film as a cover. This material has good thermal insulation, which will allow you to maintain the desired temperature in the greenhouse even at night. At the same time, this material has high transparency and transmits up to 95% of sunlight during the daytime.
  2. A polycarbonate roof has the longest lifespan, but is more expensive and can be difficult to build. In addition, such a roof cannot be quickly dismantled, unlike a polyethylene one.
  3. Textile material for covering type "agrotex" has a low thermal insulation. True, the lightness and simplicity of this material make it possible to carry out installation and dismantling work in the shortest possible time.


Summing up, we can say that the option of self-construction in the garden plot of a greenhouse made of plastic pipes seems to be the most acceptable option. Such designs have a number of undeniable advantages. These include lightness and strength of the structure, its durability, ease of installation and dismantling. In addition, such greenhouses are ultimately the cheapest option, and from an aesthetic point of view, they are in no way inferior to expensive factory counterparts.

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