Modern polymer waterproofing is a reliable barrier to moisture in the bathroom. Polymer waterproofing: a variety of materials and features of choice Polymer-based waterproofing coating

Waterproofing wet rooms is an important factor in a healthy and comfortable microclimate throughout the living space. This is a barrier to the penetration of moisture from bathrooms, showers and bathrooms - the most damp rooms in any apartment. Until recently, the most popular and frequently used were waterproofing materials based on organic components - bitumen and bitumen-polymer mastics. However, modern polymer waterproofing is a much more “advanced” and high-tech material.

What should be high-quality waterproofing, what criteria should it meet? Its main task is to prevent the penetration of moisture from one room to another. Moisture that gets into the thickness of the walls destroys the brickwork and the plaster layer, forms pockets of fungus and mold under the wallpaper and putty, spoils the appearance of the repair and the mood of the owners. Therefore, it must be fought with all available methods, but it is better to use materials specially designed for this.

According to the application method, waterproofing materials have always been divided into roll and coating materials. The first ones are more difficult to install, and the result was not always reliable - this is already “yesterday”. Materials that are applied to the surface with a brush or roller are much more convenient and reliable. These include polymer cement waterproofing.

This group of materials is produced on the basis of inorganic substances and has a number of advantages over traditional bituminous mastics.

The materials are produced by many manufacturers who patent their developments and technologies, but in general, the composition of cement-polymer waterproofing materials includes the same components: Portland cement, finely ground sand, and elastic polymeric substances. One-component and two-component mixtures are on sale. The former have in their composition dispersion polymers in the form of powders (DPP), the latter contain aqueous polyacrylic dispersions as an elasticizer.

Ease of application is one of the advantages of polymer-cement waterproofing.

Advantages of polymer-cement waterproofing materials

  • Waterproofing compositions are completely composed of substances that are safe for health, so they can be used indoors for people.
  • Waterproofing based on inorganic materials has a significantly longer service life compared to bitumen. These materials have excellent adhesion to all materials used in construction - concrete, brick, wood, metal.
  • Ease of application - cement-polymer waterproofing is applied to surfaces with a conventional paint brush. This allows you to qualitatively smear the slightest irregularities, since it is clearly visible where the composition was applied unevenly and there are “bald spots” in the material layer. Cover repair is also very easy.
  • The waterproofing layer completely blocks the path of water, while allowing water vapor to pass through - the wall "breathes". This property eliminates the formation of air bubbles under the membrane. The main feature of this material is the possibility of its application even on a damp wall, moreover, it is recommended to moisten the surface before starting work.
  • The resulting layer has high plasticity and resistance to deformation, which excludes its damage in case of formation of small cracks on the base.

The advantage of polymer-cement compositions is the ability to apply on wet surfaces

A step-by-step guide to waterproofing a bathroom with polymer-cement compounds

Using this type of material, you can get excellent results. To do this, you must carefully follow the manufacturer's recommendations for applying cement-polymer waterproofing. In general, they are approximately the same, the differences can only be in numbers - the drying time of the layer, thickness, and in the way the material is prepared for work. Before starting work, it is necessary to note those “wet” areas that will be subject to increased exposure to moisture - the walls around the bathtub, washbasin, etc. Be sure to apply the coating to the lower part of all walls (25-30 cm) and the entire floor area.

“Wet” areas of the bathroom need especially careful treatment.

  1. The preparation of the base (walls, floor) must be carried out with all care. It is necessary to remove all debris and dirt, dried splashes of mortar. Irregularities are filled with plaster.
  2. Usually the manufacturer indicates the need to wet the surfaces before applying the composition. If there is such a remark, it is necessary to moisten the base with a conventional spray gun.
  3. Material preparation: mixing of all components of the polymer-cement composition in the sequence indicated by the manufacturer. The mixture should become homogeneous.
  4. The composition is applied to all marked surfaces with a hard brush in an even layer. Carefully monitor that there are no "non-paints". In places where walls and floors adjoin, as well as water supply pipes, sewerage pipes or risers, it is necessary to lay a layer of construction mesh made of polypropylene, geotextile, etc. material. It is recessed in a layer of waterproofing material and is well smeared.
  5. The first layer is dried for the time specified in the manufacturer's instructions. It is better not to artificially reduce this period by drying with heat guns or building hair dryers.
  6. Before applying the second layer of material, the surface is slightly wetted again (if recommended by the manufacturer). A second waterproofing layer is applied.
  7. The surface is dried according to the recommendations of the material supplier, after which it is ready for applying a decorative finish.

The joints of the walls and floor of the bathroom must be glued with waterproofing tape

Features of polymer coating waterproofing

This group of materials also belongs to modern one-component coating compositions for "cutting off" moisture. They are composed of acrylic, epoxy or polyurethane resins, which give them very high plasticity. Surfactants increase the adhesive properties of polymer compositions for waterproofing works. The resulting layer has a high vapor permeability, it is very elastic, but durable, similar to rubber. The application of this material is carried out with a brush or roller, and the surface is pre-moistened.

Let the polymeric waterproofing for the bathroom not be exposed to the aggressive influence of chemicals, but, nevertheless, it is very resistant to such influences, so it is most often used for outdoor work - for waterproofing swimming pools, sewerage and treatment facilities, etc. Materials intended for indoor use can be made in a wide range of colors; under the influence of ultraviolet light on the street, they fade very quickly.

Indoors, you can use polymer waterproofing of any color.

General recommendations for the use of polymer waterproofing compounds

  1. When applying any materials, be it wallpaper, paint or waterproofing compounds, the preparation of the base is very important. Mark areas on the walls that will be exposed to increased moisture. Be sure to waterproof the lower part of the walls and the entire floor.
  2. Walls and floors must be well dusted, cleaned of mortar or plaster deposits, large potholes must be leveled. All debris is carefully removed. The surface must be dry.
  3. Concrete, metal surfaces are primed with special primers recommended by the manufacturer.
  4. The composition is applied with the first layer at a temperature above 0 ° C, the exact hardening time is indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer; this is necessary for the polymerization of the applied composition. It is advisable to lay a layer of geotextile or polypropylene building mesh at the interface between the floor and walls, as well as the outlets of risers and pipes. The material is well smeared and recessed into the waterproofing layer.
  5. After the first layer has hardened, the second layer is applied. To make it more convenient to control the uniformity of the application of the second layer, it is better to make it in a contrasting color. In places where the lower layer is translucent, after the second layer has hardened, apply the mastic again.
  6. After the second layer has hardened, the surfaces are ready for decorative finishing.

Polymer waterproofing in the bathroom

In general, the process of applying modern waterproofing compounds is quite simple. However, as in any work, it has a number of subtleties that are familiar only to specialists. To keep your bathroom sparkling clean and the walls of neighboring rooms dry, invite professionals and let everyone do their own thing!

Not a single construction of a residential building or institution, not a single interior design is complete without the use of waterproofing. A wide range of offered waterproofing compositions will allow you to easily choose what you need. One of the widely used compositions is polymeric waterproofing.


Polymer waterproofing mostly consists of a bituminous emulsion, which includes latex particles. The choice of this waterproofing solution on the shelves of hardware stores is huge. The composition may vary. The content of the composition is directly affected by the manufacturer and the purpose of the solution.

Do not forget that a certain air temperature can affect the insulating compositions. This induces polymerization. As a result, a strong and viscous membrane is formed. Its characteristics satisfy all requirements in the process of construction work.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of a polymer base as insulation has many advantages. By choosing the right waterproofing composition and the specifics of its application, you will get a surface that has a water-repellent property.

In addition, there are a number of positive aspects that are worth considering in more detail:

  • To date, up to 400% elasticity can be achieved from a polymer base.
  • The service life of the resulting waterproofing surface can be from 25 to 50 years.
  • The guarantee of possible water ingress excludes the formation of monolithic coatings in which there are no joints.
  • This material makes it possible to use it for any type of structures, including a complex or non-standard configuration, and even in the presence of relief.
  • Polymer waterproofing is one of the most durable compositions, which is unshakable to any kind of mechanical, chemical, ultraviolet and temperature (from -60 to +110 degrees) influences.

  • High wear resistance composition. The polymer base is characterized by the creation of a layer that subsequently does not become thinner, while remaining a reliable and uniform coating, regardless of the conditions and period of operation.
  • Economic consumption of the material is achieved by a slight thickness of the coating of the polymer composition. This is quite enough to create a solid waterproofing.
  • Creation of adhesion with different materials, such as concrete, metal or wood, as well as many different types of finish coating.
  • This waterproofing composition is easy to apply. In this case, it is possible to choose the necessary application technology, depending on the presence or absence of certain skills and knowledge.
  • The time required for the waterproofing composition to harden is minimal, which favorably affects the overall progress of construction work.
  • The absence of toxic evaporation and toxic substances in the composition guarantees the safety and harmlessness of the polymer base.

  • The insulating coating is highly repairable. In other words, if any defect occurs on the surface of the polymer composition, it is quite easy to restore it. To do this, you will need to apply an additional layer to an existing one around the entire perimeter or in the required area.
  • The polymer composition has a vapor barrier, which is one of the fundamental qualities in order to create a comfortable microclimate and protect certain building materials from the adverse effects of water.
  • A huge range of color shades of the polymer composition will allow you to use this composition as a finishing decorative material.

Like any product, the polymer waterproofing composition has disadvantages, of which its high cost can be highlighted. The composition is much more expensive than its counterparts, such as roofing material and bitumen. But it is worth noting that the quality of the resulting coating will fully justify the high cost.

Recognizing the merits and benefits of this option will allow reducing the financial costs of additional repairs and the replacement of a lower quality waterproofing coating.

Types and selection rules

A wide range of waterproofing polymer bases can confuse consumers, and therefore it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the variety of insulating compositions offered by manufacturers in advance.

There are several criteria that will help you choose the right material that meets all your requirements and wishes:

  • Density. The consistency of waterproofing, which is based on a polymer solution, is usually divided into liquid and semi-liquid composition. It is worth noting that there is an alternative in the format of a rolled membrane, which is not inferior to liquid bases, but it is in little demand among consumers.
  • Function. To date, the manufacturer is developing a huge range of models for its proprietary line. Each product is necessarily produced with recommendations for application and an indication of the specific structural element of the structure for which it is intended (roof, floor surface, foundation or metal structures).
  • Included components. The elements used and their combination divide the polymeric waterproofing composition into several types. The most popular today are cement-polymer and bitumen-polymer composition.

  • Application technology. The application technology is influenced by several aspects, including experience with waterproofing work, available deadlines for the work, as well as the presence or absence of the necessary tools. In this connection, it is customary to divide it into the following types of composition: coated polymer waterproofing, liquid, home-made solution (which is based on epoxy resin). Waterproofing polymer compositions produced for self-preparation require strict adherence to the recipe specified by the manufacturer. Also, do not forget that it is necessary to strictly follow the deadlines for working with the polymer composition, otherwise there is a high probability that the composition will harden while still in the cooking container. Such quick-hardening compositions will cost you less if a person with special skills and owning the necessary equipment will work. For independent construction work, it is recommended to purchase a more expensive and ready-made waterproofing composition.

Waterproofing work using a polymer base is not limited to its direct purpose. For example, it is often used for surface and underground structures, hydraulic installations, as well as wet rooms. Elastic polymer cement two-component waterproofing is most often performed in mixtures. Also, sprayed waterproofing has good reviews.

Application specifics

As with other waterproofing compounds, the process of applying polymers is carried out in several stages:

  • decide on the type of polymer composition that meets all your wishes and requirements;
  • make sure that you have purchased the required amount of the mixture;
  • prepare the surface for further finishing work;
  • process all the necessary structural elements with a polymer composition, following the recommendations from the manufacturer;
  • wait until the surface is completely hardened.

Before proceeding with the direct implementation of waterproofing procedures, it is recommended to choose the optimal application technology for yourself. To do this, it is necessary to assess the availability of experience or knowledge, budget, technical equipment and other factors specific to the construction work.

So, there are two ways to apply polymer waterproofing:

  • coloring- for the implementation of this procedure, it is recommended to purchase a paint brush and roller in advance;
  • spraying– This technology will require an airless pumping unit.

The first application option is designed to perform waterproofing work for a spacious room or overall structure.

When deciding to carry out the waterproofing process as soon as possible, spraying technology will suit you. For the correct execution of the process, you must adhere to a simple algorithm:

  1. Carry out the preparation of the pumping airless installation. Make sure the equipment is complete.
  2. Prepare unconcentrated calcium chloride. If you purchased a ready-made solution, fill the container with it.
  3. Connect the container to the airless pumping unit.
  4. Also connect a container with a polymer composition for waterproofing.
  5. Next, spray the composition on the necessary structural elements or surface.
  6. Make sure that two containers work at the same time when spraying, as the compositions must be mixed.
  7. The final result should be an even layer that will be between 2 and 4 millimeters thick (depending on the design configuration), so try to direct the jet in such a way as to achieve this result.

Coating application technology will become a budget option for waterproofing. Using a similar method, you have the opportunity to perform high-quality waterproofing of a small space or individual structural elements, while the consumption of the polymer composition will be minimal.

Let us consider in more detail the stages of waterproofing work:

  1. Acquire and prepare the necessary tools. Depending on what type of construction you are processing, the choice in favor of a fine-haired paint roller or wide brushes will depend.
  2. Blot the bristles of a roller or brush into a waterproofing polymer compound.
  3. Paint all necessary areas, trying to cover the surface in such a way that the coating is two to four millimeters thick.
  4. Wait until the surface is completely dry.
  5. Repeat the procedure with another layer.

If it is important for you to obtain a uniform and smooth surface, the construction level will help to check the quality of the work done. Thanks to him, you will be able to identify all the defects that have arisen.

When using any material and, in particular, a waterproofing composition, it is recommended to prepare the base in advance - the surface. To do this, you will need to mark areas that are more susceptible to moisture. It should be noted that waterproofing is applied to the lower area of ​​the wall surface and floor. They should be cleaned in advance of dust, cracked plaster and large irregularities, which are recommended to be smoothed out before applying the polymer base.

Cement waterproofing provides protection of various structures from moisture. Materials of this group are used frequently due to many advantages. With proper mixing of the components, high reliability is ensured, and the service life of the coating is increased. There are different types of cement-based mixtures. When choosing, their composition and properties are taken into account.


Waterproofing mixtures are used to protect various surfaces from water: floors, walls and ceilings, seams, etc. Cement-based materials have become widespread. This is due to the reasonable price, relatively simple application.

Despite the fact that the cement absorbs some moisture, mixtures containing such a component provide high protection against water. At the same time, there are no contradictions in properties, since special additives are used in the manufacture of cement-based waterproofing, which greatly improve the characteristics of the material.

For waterproofing surfaces, compositions containing tension cement are used. It is distinguished by increased strength, resistance to cracking. Compared to other brands, this cement absorbs moisture minimally. The use of hydrophobic additives, plasticizers helps to increase resistance to water, enhance reliability by increasing the plasticity of the mixture.

Waterproofing is applied in a layer of significant thickness, due to which the treated structure is better protected. The principle of application is similar to the method of using plaster mixes. Thanks to the waterproofing layer, condensation does not form, which gradually destroys the structure and cladding. As a result, the protected surfaces retain their attractiveness longer and also serve for a long time.

Pros and cons

Positive traits:

  • wide range of applications: foundation protection, fencing of one-story and multi-story buildings, waterproofing of pools and reservoirs in contact with water, preparation for lining bathrooms, balconies, application to structures that are exposed to a significant load of water under pressure, when premises are flooded;
  • high degree of protection against moisture, cement-based waterproofing can be used in any conditions, even in the most difficult ones;
  • simple principle of application;
  • the possibility of applying to a moistened surface, which is due to the presence of cement in the composition, the adhesion of which only increases if the humidity of the protected surface is first increased;
  • ensuring protection against corrosion;
  • no chemical reaction upon contact with aggressive media;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • vapor permeability;
  • no harmful ingredients.

There are few disadvantages of such mixtures. They note the possibility of applying only to structures that have already gained strength. In addition, cement-based waterproofing materials provide a high degree of protection, provided that several layers of material are applied to the structure to be protected.

Varieties in composition

When choosing, take into account the type of components, the structure of the mixture. The material is selected taking into account the intended purpose of the protected structure, operating conditions. Waterproofing must correspond to the temperature regime at which it will be applied and serve in the future. Violation of this condition will lead to the gradual destruction of the protective layer.

Cement-sand waterproofing

The composition is produced in the form of a dry mixture. This is the simplest type of waterproofing in terms of properties, which is due to the use of cement as the main component. The mixture is quite hard, during the drying process, the protective coating should be moistened frequently - up to 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

For application, it is recommended to use the method of spraying the composition using special equipment. The main purpose of the cement-sand mixture is to protect the monolithic foundation of objects. If you plan to apply waterproofing with your own hands, special additives must be introduced to increase the density of the composition. Without them, the service life of the waterproofing will be reduced, and the coating will not perform its functions.

The mixture is applied successively several times. When the work is completed, it is recommended to protect the structure to be protected from possible damage during the drying time.

However, the surface of the waterproofing layer can still be deformed. In this case, moisture evaporates unevenly, which leads to a change in volume with different intensity.

With added latex

Due to this composition, the plasticity of the material is ensured. Latex increases the resistance of waterproofing to cracking. The material tolerates the effects of temperature extremes and low values ​​​​of this parameter much better. As a result, the cement mixture resembles liquid rubber in appearance and properties. After applying the material, an impermeable coating is obtained, which reliably protects the structure to be protected from moisture.

You can add latex to the cement mixture yourself, observing the proportions. However, it is much easier to use a ready-made mixture.

Mandatory conditions when working with such material:
  • application of the method of shotcrete or spraying on a surface that has previously been carefully prepared;
  • the mixture should be hot.

The result is a seamless coating that does not allow moisture to pass through, does not crack, is resistant to mechanical stress and lasts a long time, and also withstands high temperatures.

With liquid glass

Such a component is added to the cement mixture, which improves the properties of a hard cement-sand mortar. Most often, the material is used to protect the foundation, basement floors, to form refractory coatings.

Advantages of compositions based on liquid glass:
  • protection against high temperatures;
  • high adhesion;
  • manifestation of antiseptic properties;
  • the absence of toxic components in the composition.
Various uses:
  • liquid glass is applied to seams, joints, cracks, this option is used as an auxiliary measure, after applying this type of waterproofing, roll material is also used;
  • liquid glass is used as the main component of the cement mixture intended for pouring the foundation.


The composition includes Portland cement, sand, plasticizers. Cement-polymer waterproofing has improved properties. The main advantage of this material is considered to be high resistance to tensile and tear loads. This is due to the formation of molecular bonds in the combination of polymer components and cement. As a result, the protected structure tolerates dynamic loads well and is resistant to cracking.

There are different types of polymer cement mixtures:

  • waterproofing adhesive;
  • waterproofing.

There are one- and two-component formulations. Moreover, the second of the options is more common. It consists of acrylic emulsion, microfiber. Such material is used when there is a high risk of exposure to deformation loads (cracks of more than 1 mm are formed). In other cases, dry one-component mixtures can be used.

Types of compositions according to the method of application

Materials differ in structure and method of application. The choice is made taking into account the state of the protected structure. Penetrating compounds are preferred for use on surfaces that are porous. Coating-type cement waterproofing, plaster and elastic coating mixture are applied to the surface. Certain types of materials are intended only for the repair of objects.


This is the most common mixture, it is used to protect various surfaces during construction and at the stage of repair: floors, walls, ceilings, balconies, bathrooms, foundations, water tanks. Coating waterproofing allows you to create an impermeable layer on the protected surface, which carefully protects against water.

It is operated for a long period, fills the smallest cracks. Such a composition can be applied to surfaces made of different materials: drywall, metal, brick, wood, concrete, etc.

Elastic coating

This group includes materials containing plasticizers. These are auxiliary components that are used to increase the elasticity of the cement composition. This type of mixture is recommended to be used to protect surfaces of complex configuration, prone to the formation of small cobweb cracks up to 0.5 mm wide.

The advantages of elastic waterproofing include increased strength. It is permissible to apply it on surfaces: pools, terraces, balconies, water tanks. It differs from the classical waterproofing of the coating type by a high price.


This version of the material is prone to cracking, so it is not recommended to use it under increased dynamic loads. The surface of the protected structure should not be deformed, then a significant duration of the waterproofing service is provided. To improve the properties, it is allowed to add auxiliary components, for example, liquid glass. This type of material has the advantage of being able to level curved surfaces and at the same time provide moisture protection.


Waterproofing of this type can only be used to protect structures made of concrete and reinforced concrete. This is due to the fact that the composition provides efficiency, provided that the protected surface is porous. Waterproofing penetrates into the structure of concrete, upon contact with the moisture contained in such material, it crystallizes, clogging the pores.

This prevents the risk of moisture penetration. Such a composition is used when it is not possible to protect the outer surfaces of the structure with the help of external waterproofing.

Repair compounds

Differ in high speed of drying. This type of material is recommended for filling joints, cracks. It can be used on different surfaces, including when restoring the foundation. The advantages of this mixture include the absence of shrinkage upon drying.

water stopper

The material is used when it is necessary to quickly restore the integrity of concrete pressure structures. It is used to repair objects made of stone, concrete, reinforced concrete. Produced in dry form. Upon contact with water, when a blockage occurs with a mixture of a deformed area in the thickness of a concrete or stone structure, the cement composition instantly hardens, forming an impenetrable barrier to water. The advantage of a water stopper is its high adhesion to the protected surface. It is used even in the presence of a leak.

Application technology


  1. If the base is old, it is repaired: the top layer is removed, cleaned, leveled with special mixtures.
  2. Before applying cement compositions, the surface is moistened.
  3. When the excess moisture evaporates, and the protected structure is slightly moistened, waterproofing is applied.
  4. In the work, a spatula or special equipment is used to spray the mixture.
  5. The material is applied several times. After the formation of the first layer, you need to wait 2-3 days, during this period the surface is moistened.
  6. For 3 days, until the first layer is dry, apply the next, and then another. Cement-based waterproofing must not be allowed to cover a dry surface.


To purchase high-quality certified material, they consider products of common brands. It should be borne in mind that prices vary in Moscow and regions.

Ceresit CR 65

This is cement hard waterproofing. Application area:

  • internal and external surfaces;
  • structures buried in the soil;
  • pool bath and other reservoirs;
  • protection of walls, floors and ceilings in rooms with high humidity;
  • waterproofing of hydrotechnical and treatment facilities;
  • protection of various objects from destruction and exposure to low temperatures.

On deformable objects, an elasticizer is added before applying the mixture.

Bergauf Hydrostop

Waterproofing belongs to the group of materials of coating type. This is a one-component mixture, applied with a thickness of 1-5 mm. It gains strength after 28 days, it is resistant to bending and compression loads. The composition can be used at high and low temperatures: -50…+70°C.

Cement NTs

Stressing cement belongs to a separate group of materials, since it has a high linear expansion rate, does not shrink, does not deform. This is the most durable substance, and also wins in comparison with Portland cement in terms of moisture resistance. The material contains almost no pores, therefore it protects well from moisture.