The technique of implementing the "Artifact" intention from Vadim Zeland is my experience. Simple solutions to complex problems

You can go to your goals in different ways, including acting ahead, monotonously performing memorized actions. It is possible that you will achieve a result, but why are such sacrifices. In reality transfer, there are exercises and techniques that will allow you to achieve your goals, to make your cherished desires come true with the least expenditure of nerves, energy and time. Let's take a look at them:

Guardian angel

Many people believe that the human soul is helped by its Guardian Angel. Well, if you don't believe in him, there is nothing wrong with that either. If you're comfortable enough, then you're fine. In the end, what you believe is what you get. Although I would have believed if I were you. What if he still exists regardless of belief in him, loves you, cares as best he can, but you forgot him and left him. He lacks your love, which means that he is weak, lacks energy and is unable to help his ward. At the same time, you are distributing your energy left and right to destructive pendulums. They can also help you, but only within the framework of their interests. Someone's personal well-being means nothing to them. And your Guardian Angel only cares about you.

Imagine it in any form: as a baby with wings, as a cloud, as a bird, or whatever. It doesn't matter at all. By itself, it looks nothing. It is you who shape it in your imagination. The main thing is to never be offended by him, and even more so do not be angry. He knows better what to protect you from and where to send you, because compared to him you are a blind kitten. You don't have to blame him. You have no idea what kind of troubles he is trying to save you to the best of his ability.

If you are pleased with your own successes, then you praise yourself, be proud of yourself. It's good. It is better to praise yourself than to scold yourself. The only bad thing is that this creates, albeit a small, but excessive potential. So the balancing forces will spoil your soul feast. You will praise yourself, and then you will make a mistake or get an annoying nuisance. So what happens, now you have to be afraid to rejoice for your successes, even in secret?

There is one way to enjoy joy and pride without creating excess potential. Share your joy and pride with the Guardian Angel. After all, he took care of you, helped. He, too, is worthy of praise and gratitude. When you are happy about your successes and are proud of yourself, remember the Angel and rejoice together. Talk to him. Give him your praise and thanks. It is better to praise him than yourself. No need to pretend, give your right to the award sincerely. At the same time, you have nothing to lose, you have already received yours, and now praise and thank the Angel. Think that your success is due to him. What happens then? Your excess potential for pride is being absorbed. And at the same time, you safely leave a place in yourself for the feast of the soul. Enjoy your health. Keep the joy for yourself, and give the pride to the Angel. After all, it is clear that no one will take away your merit. Do not forget only about your Angel. Remind him constantly that you are grateful and love him. He will become stronger and will repay you a hundredfold.

Cleansing and Expanding Central Energy Channels and Protective Sheath

The energy of the Cosmos passes through the human body in two directions. The first upward flow is located 2.5 cm in front of the spine. The second stream goes from top to bottom and is located almost close to the spine. The amount of human free energy depends on the width of the central energy channels. The wider these channels, the higher the energy.

Each person is surrounded by an invisible energy shell. An ordinary person is not able to feel it, but can imagine. Feel the entire surface of your body, as it is when you are immersed in a hot bath. I'm not saying try. Just do it. When you do not try, but do, it turns out right away, and training is not needed. The energy spreads like a slow wave from the center of your body, comes out to the surface and turns into a ball. Imagine a ball around you. This is your energy shell. It doesn't matter that it is not really tangible. With your imagination alone, you take the first step towards managing the shell. Over time, a real feeling will come.

Healthy energetics can be developed and maintained by doing special exercises on a regular basis. It is very simple and takes a little time. Stand up straight as you like without straining. Inhale and imagine that the energy flow comes out of the ground, enters the perineum, moves along the spine (approximately at the distance indicated above), exits the head and goes to the sky. Now exhale and imagine that a stream of energy descends high from the sky, enters the head, moves along the spine and goes into the ground. You don't need to physically feel these currents. It is quite enough to just imagine it. Over time, your sensitivities will be trained so that you learn to feel them.

Then imagine how both streams simultaneously move towards each other, without crossing, each in its own channel. At first, do this while inhaling and exhaling, but over time, try to abandon the binding of flows to breathing. You can use the power of imagination (intention) to speed up the flows, give them power. Now imagine that the updraft comes out and spills overhead as a fountain. Likewise, the downdraft exits and also spills out in the opposite direction, just below your feet. You have two fountains above and below. Mentally combine the splashes of both so that you are inside the energy sphere. Then pay attention to the surface of your body. Just feel the surface of your skin and then stretch that sensation into a sphere, similar to how a balloon expands when inflated. When you mentally inflate the surface of your skin, a sphere of closed energy fountains is fixed. All this is done without stress. You don't have to go out of your way to feel something. By closing the flows to each other in a sphere, you create a protective shell around yourself. By stretching the surface energy of the body into a ball, you anchor this shell in a stable state. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of such gymnastics. First, the shell protects you from defeat. Secondly, by training your energy, you clear the subtle channels. The plugs that impede the movement of energy fly out, and the holes in the shell through which it is consumed are tightened. All this does not happen all at once, gradually. But on the other hand, you do not need to constantly seek help from reflexologists and psychics. You yourself restore the normal circulation of energy.

Do not worry that you do not physically feel the central currents. You are so used to them that you stopped feeling them, like any other healthy internal organ. By regularly focusing on the currents from time to time, you will soon feel a physical sensation.

It will be enough from time to time during the day to turn on the fountains of energy flows and try to mentally strengthen them, but without zeal, without straining. If at the same time you feel some heaviness in your head, it means that the upward flow is stronger than the downward one. In this case, focus on the downdraft and amplify it slightly. The currents must be in balance, so that the center point is somewhere in the middle of the body. From this point, mentally direct the radiation to the entire energy sphere, while the sensation of the subtle body is clearly enhanced. Thus, you should have a complex upward and downward sensation combined with the sensation of your energy body. If you focus on the downward flow, the energy center will move downward. Conversely, if you focus on the upward flow, energy will accumulate in the upper body. In addition, the physical center of gravity will move in the same way as the energy one.

It should be noted that the energy shell cannot protect against vampires and pendulums. When the pendulum tries to hook the victim, it deviates from balance. At this point, in order to fall through the pendulum, you need to wake up and reset your importance. The muscles will relax, the energy will come into balance, and the pendulum will fall into emptiness. After all, if you yourself do not swing, he will not be able to take energy. Mindfulness is necessary in order to constantly monitor those moments when you involuntarily deviate from balance.

Energy of intention

Energy is increased by training the central flows and cleansing the body. But in transurfing there is another great method that will help expand channels - process visualization.

To raise the energy of intention requires intention itself. You can give yourself this setting: my channels expand, and the energy of intention increases. While doing gymnastics, visualize this process. As you remember, the essence of process visualization is to state a fact: today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better than today. Launching energy fountains, repeat in your thoughts the statement that your energy of intention is increasing every day. So the intention itself will support itself and increase the energy incrementally.

Do not forget that the intention to increase the biofield must be cleared of the potentials of desire and importance. Diligence and diligence in an effort to increase energy flows will reverse the blockage effect. Any effort and diligence creates excess potential because you attach excessive importance to achieving the goal. Intention is not diligence, but focus. Only focus on the process matters. If you do the exercises with all your strength, but your mind dreams of an outsider, then you are wasting time and energy. Loosen your grip on diligence and just focus on the action.


To practice transfer, you need to enter a state of relaxation in any setting and in the shortest possible time. No verbal self-suggestion is required, because muscles are controlled not by words, but by intention. Most of the muscles in the body can be relaxed consciously only by paying attention to them. We usually ignore the muscles until we feel pain or discomfort. Therefore, it is enough to walk through the whole body with your mind's eye and release the clamps. However, there are muscle groups that are out of the habit of obeying intention. This is due to the modern sedentary lifestyle. For example, the muscles of the back are difficult to control consciously, which is why the back begins to ache with age. As trite as it may seem, regular gymnastics, especially for the back muscles, is absolutely essential.

So, the whole procedure is as follows. Take your time, but quickly walk your mind's eye over your body and release the clamps. Pay attention at once to the entire surface of your body as a whole. Imagine that your skin is a shell that suddenly heats up quickly from the inside out. Focus your attention on the surface of the body. Imagine anything: the skin heats up, or goosebumps run through it, or energy discharges. The main thing is that you feel like you have skin. Now feel as if the energy pours over the entire surface of the body, like rainbow stains on soap bubble... At this moment, you are part of the Universe and are in equilibrium with it. There is no need to try to achieve any special sensations. Each person feels differently. No need to try at all. Do it casually, but decisively. The integral sensation of the surface of your body with an overflow of energy is the state of relaxation, balance and unity with the outside world. After a few tries, you will start to succeed in it instantly, and soon it will be as easy to enter a state of relaxation as crossing your arms over your chest.

Stress is a consequence of importance. Stress relief can be instantaneous - just reset the importance.

Conclusion: change your attitude, get rid of the importance!

Fighting complexes - replacing negative slides with positive ones

First you need to take inventory and identify your negative slides. Ask yourself: what do you dislike about yourself, what do you want to hide, what to get rid of? A person creates slides unconsciously. Now wake up and mindfully look at your negative slides. In a conscious state, you can easily find them. It is necessary to get rid of such rubbish from the head. How to do it? You can't get rid of them just like that, it's not shaving off a beard. If you fight them, they will appear even brighter.

Attention needs to be shifted from negative to positive. Give up on everything that annoyed you and stop fighting with yourself. Turn away from your shortcomings and turn your attention to the virtues that you have and that you want to acquire.

Is it important for you to hide your flaws? This is the basis for the negative slide. Is it important for you to make a good impression? This will be the basis for a positive slide. Everything remained in its place, only the direction of your attention, your importance, has changed. Draw yourself the way you want to see yourself.

The slide does not have to contain a static picture. It can be an idea of ​​how gracefully and confidently you move, how elegantly you are dressed, what aristocratic manners you have, how you shine with wit, radiate charm, have people to yourself, easily cope with problems. Now insert this slide into your head - and forward. A positive slide, just like a negative slide, will have a direct impact on your actions and behavior. You will involuntarily and even unconsciously adjust to the slide. But the main work will be done by the external intent in accordance with the picture of the slide.

Play the created picture in your mind until the slide dissolves. What does it mean? Over time, the slide will actually become part of your personality, and then it will cease to be a slide. When you get what you want, it will no longer matter to you. The importance will disappear, and the slide will dissolve, but it will fulfill its mission. This will mean that the soul has come into agreement with the mind. And this will definitely happen, because you want it both with your soul and with your mind. While your mind is trying to turn the slide into reality, deep down you still realize that this is just a masked game. But if you consistently and systematically fix the picture of the slide in your thoughts, the soul will get used to it and agree to accept the slide as its integral essence. Keep in mind that outward intent cannot instantly realize this slide, but rather gradually.

Positive slides can be created not only in relation to your personality, but also in relation to the world around you. These slides will skip the positive and discard the negative. The main property of slides is that the external intention slowly but surely translates them into reality.

You need to see yourself in life as you want to be and what you want to have, but as if you already are and you have it.

Please note that you need to say "everything will work out", not "everything will work out." If you formulate the situation in the future tense, the future will never become the present, but will turn into an oasis somewhere ahead. You need to adjust the parameters of your radiation as if you already have what you order.

Frame - Window to options space

This is the illusion of stopping the monologue. The cessation of internal monologue occurs when the mind turns off its control or at least weakens its vigilance. The real stop of the inner monologue occurs only in sleep or in a state of deep meditation.

But is it possible to use the stop of the internal monologue in a conscious state? There is one loophole here, which is narrow window, which opens spontaneously at the moments when the control of the mind weakens and the intuitive feelings of the soul break through to consciousness.

It is known that trouble never comes alone. With such radiation parameters, we move to the worst life lines, where trouble, as they say, is not alone. Sometimes the induced transition drives us into a wide black band, from which long time can't get out. Notice that when this state of oppressed yearning occurs, you immediately get the realization of your worst expectations. Outward intention moves you to unfortunate life lines, where the situation is getting worse right before your eyes.

So, our task is to deliberately evoke intuitive forebodings in ourselves. This is necessary then to direct the sail of the soul in the right direction. How to do it? You have to catch the moment when the mind is distracted. But now the feelings should not be caught, but intentionally induced, that is, insert an instant slide into the window. The slide should contain the feelings that you are experiencing inside the slide. By inserting a slide into the window that opens, you do not receive information from the soul, but, on the contrary, direct it to the target sector of space. If you can do this, your mind will touch the outer intention.

Scrolling a slide in a dream does not contribute to the movement of material realization. The sail of the soul in a dream allows one to fly in virtual space, but has nothing to do with the actual movement of material realization. The only function of the slide in lucid dreaming is to expand your comfort zone. However, this is a lot, so if you practice this, the slide in your dream will be ideal remedy to expand your comfort zone.

The window into the space of options, which opens at the moment of a short-term immersion of the mind into sleep, leaves the focus of perception in the context of the current sector of material realization. The sail of the frigate in the window, unlike the usual dream, remains in the raised state. If at this moment you insert a slide into the window, then a gust of wind of an external intention will move the realization a considerable distance. The effectiveness of the window lies in the fact that the unity of the soul and mind in this state is manifested in the highest degree... The dormant mind lets go of its control and lets the unreal into its pattern of perception, just as it does in a dream. The sail takes on considerable dimensions, and the outer intention acts with the greatest force.

This technique is quite complicated, but you can try. One should start by constantly paying attention to intuitive premonitions, observing oneself. Then you will realize that the window opens quite often during the day. The mind gets tired of its control and chatter from time to time and loses its vigilance for a few moments. At this point, you can intentionally insert feelings about the event you want to induce. Feelings, not verbal formulations.

Frame definition. Imagine how you would feel when your plan was fulfilled? Scroll through the goal achievement slide several times in your head, and then take one integral impression from the entire slide - a frame. For example, you sign a contract and feel satisfied. Or you pass the exam successfully, and the teacher shakes your hand. Or come to the finish line first and break the tape with your chest. This cast will be the formula that you need to insert into the slightly opened window. The frame can be titled with one word, for example: "Victory!", "Yes!", "It worked!" or whatever you like best. This title will serve as the pivot point for the frame.

Catching the window is difficult, because your mind does it, even though it is dormant, which means that it wakes up, and the window immediately slams shut. Skills will come with time. You need to have firm intention and patience. First, you need to develop a frame of feeling the realization of the event with the help of the mind. Let him actively participate in this development. Then, without trying to catch the window, scroll this frame in order to properly understand for yourself what the final feeling is. Create a clue, an integral feel. And then it will be possible to instantly insert a frame into it at the moment of an open window.

You should have it so that the dormant mind suddenly realizes its sleepy state and immediately throws the frame out the window, not yet having time to wake up. This will be the work of the outer intention when stopping the inner monologue.

Repeated, albeit unsuccessful, attempts will gradually form a habit, and your mind will learn to throw a frame out of the window automatically. The meaning of the frame is precisely that the mind must have time to activate it automatically, without having time to awaken.

However, if the technique of frames is given to you with great difficulty, do not be discouraged and leave it alone. This technique is provided here for information only. If it doesn’t work right away, then you don’t need it. Work with regular slides and visualize the process.

In any case, it will be very helpful to get into the habit of paying attention to the windows. As you learn to catch the moment of an open window, intuitive insights will come to you more and more often.


Revision of your desires - to throw out everything with the prefix "not" and I don't want to.


Briefly form your wishes. For example: "My world gives me my favorite job, house, apartment, car."

Rent yourself out.

Whenever you talk to someone, you sleep very soundly. Wake up when you go down to the auditorium and stir up your Overseer. While in the audience, you will continue to play your part, say the right words, perform necessary actions, obey the established rules. But now you will play consciously, which means - detached. You rent yourself out and soberly assess what is happening.

When renting yourself out, act flawlessly. Avoid minor oversights for which you can be accused of elementary negligence. Impeccability is about your responsibilities. Renting yourself out does not at all mean acting lax, irresponsible. This means acting detachedly, without creating excess potential, but at the same time clearly doing what is required of you. Some people, on a subconscious level, may feel that you are renting yourself out, that is, you are not using special efforts but at the same time you are effective. Therefore, it is necessary in any situation where you rent yourself out, to fulfill your duties clearly so that you cannot be reproached. Perfection should be watched over by your inner observer - the Overseer. Otherwise, plunge back into the game with your head. The Inner Overseer has nothing to do with a split personality. You just notice in the background what you are doing and how.

Simple solutions to complex problems

If you are faced with a problem or obstacle, catch yourself thinking about the problem. The problem can give rise to confusion, fear, resentment, despondency, and so on. It is necessary to replace the usual attitude to the problem with the opposite one, and it will either be eliminated by itself, or it will be solved quickly and easily.

Pendulum failure

Imagine how a hefty fellow swings a sledgehammer at you and strikes with all his might. You don’t mind, you don’t defend and you don’t attack. At this moment, you just calmly step aside, and the fellow, along with the sledgehammer, flies into the void. This means that the pendulum cannot catch on to you and falls through. This principle is at the heart of Aikido wrestling. There literally the following happens. The attacker is taken by the arm, walk with him, as if seeing him off, and then easily let go and send him flying in the direction where his energy was directed. The whole secret is that the defender has nothing against the attack. He agrees with the line of the attacker, walks with him for a while, and then lets go. The energy of the attacker falls into the void, because if the defender is "empty" then there is nothing to hook him on. The technique of such a gentle departure is that you agree to the first thrust of the pendulum, and then diplomatically retreat or unobtrusively direct the movement in the direction you want.

If something annoys you, it means that you are caught in a grabbing loop, the pendulum has hooked you, touched the lively "clown jumps", to get rid of him you need to fall into indifference, but this is not always so easy to do. Try to shift your attention from what is annoying to something else (music, film, reading, walking, sports, etc.) no matter what, but it is desirable that it pleases you.

When the pendulum provokes, but you do not give in, the energy of the pendulum, which went to provocation, goes to you, makes you stronger. It is this additional power that will manifest itself as a pleasant sensation. Now you can imagine how the pendulum is spinning, receiving your energy. Don't give him that opportunity. He will pester you over and over again, but don't give in. Let him expend energy on you.

Extinguishing the pendulum

There are times when an oversized pendulum cannot be pulled down. That is, extinguishing the pendulum will help neither ignore nor escape from it.

THE FIRST METHOD is rough. If you find yourself in a situation where you know standard script turn of events, do something - no matter what - that does not fit into this scenario. Those. impudent not familiar behavior for which does not fit into the framework of an ordinary man in the street. Either respond with brute force to a provocation, it does not matter with physical or mental strength, but this must be used carefully when the threat to health and life is minimal. The pendulum will be extinguished. The fact is that while you are acting according to the script, you are playing the game of the pendulum and giving up your energy at its frequency. But if your frequency is very different, you get into dissonance with the pendulum, and thereby knock it out of rhythm.

THE SECOND WAY is loyal. A sense of humor and imagination can help in extinguishing. Turn your frustration into play. Of course, this may seem difficult when you want to rip and throw on the contrary. But if you set yourself the goal of getting into the habit of constantly remembering your inner caretaker, you will eventually develop immunity to the provocations of pendulums.

Reality inversion

The essence of the game was to turn the attitude towards the situation upside down, that is, to do a kind of inversion. If a person feels bad, the rule of the pendulum makes him suffer, worry, bend under the weight of problems, and indulge in all the bad things. And the rules of our game asserted that it was necessary to do quite the opposite. How we did it, judge for yourself.

“I experienced a very happy disappointment! The fact is that an unusually happy misfortune has happened! " "Something irreparable happened, from which my affairs immediately went uphill!" "Some nice gentleman in his car has charmingly doused me with mud!" "All my attempts were in vain, and this was the key to success!" "She does not love me! No, this is too good to be true! The infection is cleverly pretending! " "He broke-up with me! I whinnied like a Budyonnovsk horse! " And so on, in the same style, with all kinds of sophistication. The only thing that got in the way was the hysterical laughter that accompanied all these transformations of failures. At lectures, no one will allow you to cackle, so stifled laughter turned into some kind of rumbling, grunting, snorting, bouts of vomiting, gurgling and other sounds that ungulates and amphibians can make. During the break, the energy accumulated in this way poured out into a completely idiotic howl, quite in the spirit of Castaneda.

What happens in this case from the point of view of transurfing, you yourself understand. First, all importance is immediately discarded and excess potentials disappear. Secondly, the parameters of the radiation of the mental energy of delight, although idiotic, in no way correspond to the sad lines of life, therefore the transition is carried out immediately. The mirror reacts quickly because the soul and mind finally breathed a sigh of relief. As a result, reality is straightened out.

As you can see, reality inversion is very similar to the principle of intent coordination. The only difference is that the inversion is more radical and filled with humor.

Drop weights

Or maybe you have some one tremendous weight, from which you have been secretly thinking of getting rid of it for a long time, but in no way dare? Imagine the lightness that will appear if you drop it. Let yourself go, give yourself more freedom. Make a list of the limitations that weigh you down and shrug them off. Then the reserves of the energy of intention will immediately be released, which will allow you to move on.

Rhyme positive

Any negative situations rhyme into funny positives. When something annoys you to invent funny rhymes with a favorable outcome.


Admire yourself, whatever you do and do everything so that you can admire yourself.

Good morning and good night

It is necessary to control your thoughts, feelings and sensations just before going to sleep (when you are already in bed) and in the morning in a state of “not already woken up yet”, before getting out of bed. This is a feeling of a kind of comfort of the soul, when you savor the upcoming day in all its glory, how much new, good and exciting it will bring, expect a new day with a feeling of celebration in your soul, remember how it was in childhood.

Target search aid

The goal is ultimately determined by the mind. The mind, in its characteristic manner, tries to find the goal in a logical way. This is mistake. The task of the mind is not to look for a goal, but to recognize it in time. The soul will guess it by itself, and you will feel it. But for this it is necessary to give her the opportunity to choose. You need to broaden your horizons: go where you haven’t been, see what you haven’t seen, let in new information, in general, break out of the circle of everyday life. And then - listen more attentively to the voice of the heart. When, faced with some information, you feel that the soul is on fire, and the mind is thinking it over with pleasure and from all sides, then we can assume that you have found the very same thing.

Write any thought form on a piece of paper:

I am a very charming person.
An inner light of charm, love and sex emanates from me.
I am a luminous being.
I attract men to me.
My man finds me.

Write what you want if you already have a couple, you can write: "I have a Nice Appearance, I Look Attractive, and every day everything is Better and Better." You will be very surprised at how quickly reality will react.

Thus, if the desire is associated with health, then write that you have excellent health, you can list what is healthy in the body.

You cannot use the "not" particle. The thought-form must be life-affirming. And no abstract and wordy wishes. Everything should be specific, concise and directed towards one goal.

Place a glass of water on this piece of paper. Rub your palms, move them like an accordion, imagine between your palms a dense clot like hot air balloon... This is your energy. Place your palms on the sides of the glass without touching it. Speak, aloud or to yourself, consciously and with conviction, the given thought-form, imagining its meaning if possible. Then drink some water. Do this in the morning after waking up and in the evening before bed. Your intention will be realized.

For this, only spring or melt water is used. Thawing can be done like this:

Pour water into a container, put it in the freezer, freeze it, then put it to thaw, and when it thaws under the upper crust of ice below, remove and discard the upper ice, and just pour the remaining water into a glass and meditate on it (and then drink.

In one of the episodes of the Battle of Psychics, in which the psychic Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa from Iran took part and eventually won, a fairly simple rite of passage for the fulfillment of a wish sounded from his lips. This ritual is so simple that you can do it yourself at home without any additional preparation.

If you have a positive effect from this method, be sure to share it in the comments to this article. So, below is the full text of the conspiracy without any distortions:

In a quiet room where nothing will disturb you, sit in front of a mirror. The mirror in this rite provides a connection between the desired and the material. Place a glass of water next to the mirror. Water is the store of your energy. Light a candle. A candle is a good neutralizer negative energy, it protects you from unwanted events. Take a glass of water into left hand and say your wish for 10 minutes. Think about it as if it has already come true. Consider all the details, the details of your desire. Drink some water. This ritual must be repeated strictly once a week on the same day of the week and at the same time until the wish comes true. Mehdi advised as a desire to say the following: "I believe, I feel, I see that everything in my life will be fine."

Many people know that water has amazing energy - it is capable of transmitting information, it can be "charged" for success and fulfillment of desires.

There is only one condition - the water must be "purified", not boiled, but ideally distilled or melted water. To enhance the energy of the water, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to it.
With the help of this technique, you can solve some important question for yourself, or apply it to fulfill a desire. And the technique works just perfect for solving relationship issues.
There are two options for working with this technique:

According to the method of Vadim Zeland

  1. Take a glass clean raw water and a blank sheet of paper. Write your desire with a pen on paper (we formulate it in the present tense).
  2. Put a piece of paper with a written wish under a glass of water. Bring your palms to each other, but do not touch them.
  3. Mentally create a powerful ball of energy between your palms. Twirl your "energy ball" as if to seal it. If the first time you fail to feel your clot of energy - do not be discouraged, after repeated execution of the technique you will succeed.
  4. Mentally repeat your wish written on the sheet, or read it.
  5. Place your palms on the sides of a glass of water, but do not touch the sides of the glass. Transfer your desire energy to the water.
  6. Drink some water.

According to the Jose Silva method

  1. Pour a glass of clean water before bed. Take it in your hands at the level of the solar plexus and hold with 4 fingers - the glass needs to be squeezed between the large and index fingers left and right hand, spread the rest of the fingers slightly.
  2. Formulate your question or desire in your mind. For example, if you need to find a solution to a difficult work-related issue for which no thoughts come, phrase something like this: “Now I am looking for a solution to the question, how can I resolve the supply problem”. If this is a desire, then formulate it like this: “Now I am looking for a solution to the question of how to get new car(such and such brands and colors) ".
  3. Close your eyes and slowly sip half a glass of water while saying, "This is all I need to do to resolve this issue."
  4. In the morning, as you wake up, finish the remaining half glass of water and repeat the same thing.

The decision will come quickly and unexpectedly for you. For each desire or question, you need to do the technique separately.
You can try both methods - and according to the Silva method, and according to Zeland - as you like.

So, we take a notebook of 24 sheets, clearly formulate our desire (start with one), and within 21 days we write down the desire on each new piece of paper 21 times.

Desire should be formulated only in a positive context, in no case should there be denial. You also need to write in the present tense: "I want a lot of money" - the wrong wording!

“I’m getting $ 10,000 to renovate my apartment in the near future,” something like this.

If you dream of an apartment: “I move into my own two-room apartment with new renovation and furniture "(add details at your own discretion).

Plus we add visualization - imagine this apartment: walked through the rooms, opened the window, touched the wallpaper, sat on the couch. Also, during the formation of desire, you should experience joy, recovery, only strong positive emotions!

In order for the wish to come true as quickly as possible, let's add numerology.

We calculate our personal number, for this we take the day and month of birth and add the numbers. For example, July 25 = 2 + 5 + 7 = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5

Then we calculate the day when we need to start carrying out this ritual, for this we add the numbers from the date to our personal number.

Then we sum these numbers.

Total 5 + 6 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2

Calculate the date when the above calculation equals 1.

You cannot start recording on days 5, 7 and 9. 1 is the beginning, 9 is the end.

I hope you understand everything and try to carry out this ritual. Of course, the deadline for the fulfillment depends on the magnitude of the desire, but with this ritual you will start the mechanism for its fulfillment.

I wish all your wishes come true! Source Dreams Come True!

Dreams come true and here's the proof

You know, dreams come true, and here's why ...

  • Do you want to get on a plane and fly away from home?
  • Dreaming of traveling around different countries and continents?
  • Do you want to have a prestigious job that brings pleasure and a lot of money?
  • You want to get married successfully, have a child ...
  • Or is your main goal today - slimness and beauty?

Surprisingly, I was convinced in my own life - dreams come true! Moreover, even if at first glance they seem completely fantastic and impossible.

If a person's dreams come true, then this is included in his life plans.

© Juliana Wilson

This is my favorite quote!

It is 100% true. And now, my dear reader, I will tell you how you can make your dreams come true in your life plans)))

Dreams Come True! And I know this for sure, since a lot of my desires have already become reality. This is what my whole blog is about.

And with this article, I want to inspire you to fulfill your most cherished desires! I'll tell you the most exciting stories and share techniques for making your dreams come true)

The mantra for the fulfillment of desires. A very powerful wish-fulfillment mantra

When reciting mantras, there is no need to ponder the text or the meaning of the words. Necessary condition- creating vibration. You need to find the right rhythm of reading that will tune these vibrations within you. Flowing into the general energy flow, your messenger words will soon return with a positive result. The classical number of readings is 108 times. Mantras for desire should be repeated from 20 days to a month. It will be better if you find an audio recording in a good performance at the beginning of the practice. At first, listen and read at the same time. When you get into the right rhythm and feel it, you can read on your own. It should also be borne in mind that there are female, neutral and male mantras in yoga. All of them are suitable for reading by both women and men. It is very important that you can break away from the surrounding reality and immerse yourself in the world of sounds. If you have been practicing reading for a long time, you can read them in your mind. Think about what your cherished dream is. It can be gaining financial well-being, strengthening the health of one's own or loved ones, love and attention of a particular person. Usually, one is enough, the one that you like the most, or it is easier for you to pronounce it. But, in case of fulfillment of desires, it is better to read 2 mantras. Since most intentions require finances, you can combine the recitation of the desire mantra with the spell of attracting wealth. For example, let's say you want to go on a trip. To do this, you need financial well-being. In this case, recite the mantra for desire 108 times. After that, read the money, any number of times, divisible by 3. Tune in to the positive and read.

Wish card. What it is

A do-it-yourself card of desires or a poster of desires is the embodiment of our thoughts and desires, which are transferred to paper. Our Universe hears all our requests and is able to translate them into reality! You can get through to the heavenly office faster with the help of a card, since the recorded thoughts work and are brought to life much faster.

Creation rules

A few of our tips will help you create the right message for your desires:

  1. A do-it-yourself wish card can only consist of pictures, or maybe of pictures and text. The choice is yours here.
  2. All "Wishlist" must be recorded in real time.

Wrong: I want new job... I want a new car.

Correct: I have a favorite job. I own a BMW car.

  1. The more detail the better. For embodiment, try to describe your desire in the smallest detail. If you just ask for a "red car", then you may be driven by an old and battered red Cossack. And you wanted a BMW!

Incorrect: I do a good job.

That's right: I work as an editor of my own program on Channel One and receive 300,000 rubles a month.

  1. Do not use the "not" and "without" particles. The Universe does not perceive them and erases them. When you say, "I don't want to be fat." The Universe removes the “not” particle and interprets it as “I want to be fat”.

Wrong: I don't want to cry about the guys. I don't want a divorce. I do not want to be ill.

Correct: I am happy and loved by my boyfriend / husband. I am healthy, my body is always in good shape, and my mood is in an elevated state.

  1. It is best to use your own photo. There should be no strangers on the map of desires. When you ask for a new car, try to paste your photo next to it. Only in the marriage sector is a joint photo of you and your groom appropriate.
  2. Ask for as many things as you need. If this is yours, it will definitely come to you.
  3. The wish card has no expiration date. It can be done for a year, for two, for five years or even for 10. It all depends on you.
  4. What to do with a wish card when all wishes have come true? Thank you for the work and just dispose of it.
  5. A do-it-yourself wish card is made on a Whatman paper, on an A4 sheet. You can simply write down desires in a notebook or notebook. The wish card can also be electronic. If you own Paint or Photoshop, then feel free to create a new project of your future.
  6. A wish card can be made simply in the Notes of your smartphone or you can download a special application. You can make a wish card on your phone using these applications:

Video Technique of fulfilling desires "Glass of water"

Fulfillment of desires by the power of thought. How to grant a wish with the power of thought

It is real to fulfill desires with the power of thought alone. You just need to know certain rules, and then everything will work out. The power of desire is able to turn any desire into reality.

In fact, the ability to fulfill desires with just the power of thought is a completely feasible task. But, as in any other business, here you need to know certain techniques and constantly practice. Of course, the first time you may not succeed, but do not get upset. The more you work on yourself, the faster you will learn to get what you want just by thinking about it.

Practical rules for fulfilling desires with the power of thought

The most important rule in all practices is your true desire. When you clearly know what exactly you want, then the corresponding signal will already go to the Universe: the action plan is ready. The Higher Forces do not like vague wording and hidden meaning, they just do what you want. Therefore, before making a wish, decide whether you really want it and only then clearly articulate it. Better even to do it on paper - this way it will be easier for you to understand what to strive for and make what you want a goal.

It often happens that as soon as we think about something bad, it immediately comes true. But with positive changes, you have to try much more. Bioenergy specialists know what's the matter - the emotions we experience during our thoughts.

Psychics claim that fear is one of the most powerful emotions. Because of it, our negative thoughts come true more often than what we dream about. Therefore, in order for our desire to come true, we must want it very strongly and imagine how good it will be when all this comes true. Having sorted out your own fears, life becomes easier and much easier.

The next condition is one of the most difficult to fulfill. The fact is that now the Internet is simply replete with information about positive thinking and that your cherished desire should always be on your mind. However, this is not quite true.

By this principle, you must let go of your desire. It is easier to say about it than to do it, because, having made a wish, we begin to wait very much for when it will come true, worry about this, constantly get nervous and count the minutes until it is fulfilled. And then doubts and fears appear. It is they who ultimately block even the most favorable changes in life.

If you think negatively, it will be very, very difficult to achieve your goal. The point is that you have to guess what you want and continue living as if nothing had happened. In such conditions, the Universe itself will make you a gift, pleasantly surprising one day that, it turns out, the dream was not so unrealizable.

The power of thought is everywhere, it is not attached to anything, there are no barriers for it, there is no time or distance. Our thoughts are the greatest instrument for fulfilling desires, the main thing is to learn how to use them. To do this, read affirmations, train your mind, let go of desires, enjoy life and of course do not forget to press the buttons and

Remember how as a child you looked at life with genuine delight? Life was magical and exhilarating, and even the little things that were done on a daily basis felt amazing. Your heart was filled with joy, your imagination knew no bounds, and you believed: life is magical! But the years passed, you grew up. Imperceptibly, the joyful expectation of miracles was replaced by a sense of responsibility, problems and difficulties appeared from somewhere. Growing up shattered childhood illusions, and the magic you once believed in faded and disappeared.

I want to inform you: the magic that you believed in as children still exists today. She is real. But the view of life inherent in disappointed adults is completely fake and even false.

In this article, you will learn that O you need to do in order to return the magic and ease of life.

Reality is ruled by unknown (higher) forces, earthly religions assert. Reality exists independently of us, science tells us. As long as you agree with that, Transurfing adds.

In this article, I tried to collect and summarize the 12 most effective technicians management of reality.

Expansion of energy channels

Difficulty: easy

The energy of the Cosmos passes through the human body in two directions. The first upward flow is located 2.5 cm in front of the spine. The second stream goes from top to bottom and is located almost close to the spine. The amount of human free energy, so necessary for us to implement our intentions and maintain our health in good shape, depends on the width of the central energy channels. The wider these channels, the higher the energy.

Each person is surrounded by an invisible energy shell. An ordinary person is not able to feel it, but can imagine.
Healthy energy can be developed and maintained by regularly performing special exercises.... It is very simple and takes a little time. Stand up straight as you like without straining. Inhale and imagine that the energy flow comes out of the ground, enters the perineum, moves along the spine (approximately at the distance indicated above), exits the head and goes to the sky. Now exhale and imagine that a stream of energy descends high from the sky, enters the head, moves along the spine and goes into the ground. You don't need to physically feel these currents. It is quite enough to just imagine it. Over time, your sensitivities will be trained so that you learn to feel them.

Then imagine how both streams simultaneously move towards each other, without crossing, each in its own channel. At first, do this while inhaling and exhaling, but over time, try to abandon the binding of flows to breathing. You can use the power of imagination (intention) to speed up the flows, give them power. Now imagine that the updraft comes out and spills overhead as a fountain. Likewise, the downdraft exits and also spills out in the opposite direction, just below your feet. You have two fountains above and below. Mentally combine the splashes of both so that you are inside the energy sphere. Then pay attention to the surface of your body. Just feel the surface of your skin and then stretch that sensation into a sphere, similar to how a balloon expands when inflated. When you mentally inflate the surface of your skin, a sphere of closed energy fountains is fixed. All this is done without stress. You don't have to go out of your way to feel something. By closing the flows to each other in a sphere, you create a protective shell around yourself. By stretching the surface energy of the body into a ball, you anchor this shell in a stable state. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of such gymnastics. First, the shell protects you from defeat. Secondly, by training your energy, you clear the subtle channels. The plugs that impede the movement of energy fly out, and the holes in the shell through which it is consumed are tightened.

Guardian angel

Difficulty: easy

Many people believe that the human soul is helped by its Guardian Angel. Well, if you don't believe in him, there is nothing wrong with that either. If you're comfortable enough, then you're fine. In the end, what you believe is what you get.

Although I would have believed if I were you. What if he still exists regardless of belief in him, loves you, cares as best he can, but you forgot him and left him. He lacks your love, which means that he is weak, lacks energy and is unable to help his ward. At the same time, you are distributing your energy left and right to destructive pendulums. They can also help you, but only within the framework of their interests. Someone's personal well-being means nothing to them. And your Guardian Angel only cares about you.

If you are pleased with your own successes, then you praise yourself, be proud of yourself. It's good. It is better to praise yourself than to scold yourself. The only bad thing is that this creates, albeit a small, but excessive potential. So the balancing forces will spoil your soul feast. You will praise yourself, and then you will make a mistake or get an annoying nuisance.

Dedicate your successes to the guardian angel and your excess potential for pride will dissipate. And at the same time, you safely leave a place in yourself for the feast of the soul. Enjoy your health. Keep the joy for yourself, and give the pride to the Angel... After all, it is clear that no one will take away your merit. Do not forget only about your Angel. Remind him constantly that you are grateful and love him. He will become stronger and will repay you a hundredfold.


Difficulty: easy

Affirmations are statements that, describing the desired state, are repeated several times in order to convince the subconscious of something and cause positive results. To be effective, the affirmations are repeated with great attention, confidence, interest, and desire.

Affirmations work like visualizations. Repeated repetition of words focuses your attention on the goal and automatically builds corresponding images in the mind, which, in turn, affects the subconscious. Thus, at first, the statement is perceived consciously, and then the subconscious mind takes on its responsibility. By using this conscious process, you you can influence the subconscious part of the mind, and thereby transform your habits, behavior, attitudes, reactions, and even change your appearance and the attitude of others towards yourself.

Affirmations (statements) should be built in the present tense, in affirmative(no particle is not). Write down in advance what you intend to receive or experience. Say affirmations daily (or several times every day), preferably in front of a mirror, out loud (at first you can read from a piece of paper). Pronounce them expressively, fill yourself at this time with positive pleasant emotions. They should be imprinted in your mind, and then in the subconscious, gradually displacing negative beliefs and introducing positive ones.

The speed at which an affirmation produces results varies widely. Depending on the size of your goal, results may appear immediately, in a few days, weeks, months, or even longer. The speed at which the results appear is influenced by such factors as the frequency of pronouncing affirmations, attention and concentration, the feelings with which you repeat the statements, the strength of your intention, the level of your energy.

Glass of water

Difficulty: easy

"A glass of water" is one of the simplest and at the same time powerful techniques for fulfilling a wish, V. Zeland describes it as follows:

Write a thought form on a piece of paper. For example: “I am a very charming person. An inner light of charm, love and sex emanates from me. I am a luminous being. I attract men to me. My man finds me. " Place a glass of water on this piece of paper. Rub your palms, move them like an accordion, imagine between your palms a dense clot like a balloon. This is your energy. Place the glass between your palms without touching it. Speak consciously and with conviction this thought form, imagining its meaning if possible. Then drink some water. Do this in the morning after waking up and in the evening before bed. Your intention will be realized. "

Try to use THROUGH OR KEY WATER for this technique.


Difficulty: medium

A much more effective technique for managing reality than affirmations is the visualization technique.
"Creative visualization" is one of the tools for achieving success, thanks to which you can get almost everything you can imagine from life. Imagination is of great importance for the visualization of desires, the more vivid and accurate images you can imagine, the more efficiently the process of realizing your desire will take place.

By applying the concentration of thoughts and putting all the feelings into our imaginary pictures, we turn them into great creative energy that can change our reality.

Representing events, situations, cars, houses, furniture and other material goods, we attract all this into our lives. We imagine what we want, and it comes to us in the most amazing way. It looks like dreams, it looks like magic, but there is nothing magical about it. This is a natural process.

Some people use this power on a daily basis, and often just unconsciously. They don't even know they are using this power. They present their goals in a positive way and succeed. Almost all successful people, one way or another, represented what they want to achieve.

Thought contains great power that can affect the material world. Thought has its own energy. Concentrating on something, you direct this energy into one narrow stream, which only becomes stronger from this. This puts pressure on the energy field around us, causing them to move and act. Thoughts change the natural, sometimes chaotic, balance of energy around us, leading to changes in the environment.

By changing our thoughts and imaginary pictures, we change our "reality." You use the power of visualization, even if you do not accept that it works, even if you find it difficult to understand and you think it is complete nonsense, visualization works. So why not change your mind and start making your dreams come true.

The basic rules of effective visualization: imagine what you want as an accomplished fact, look at it in your imagination not from the outside, but from the inside, as if living in this reality. Feel your emotions, feel joy, pleasure and happiness from the fact that your plan has come true (even if only in your imagination so far). Add a lot of different nice details and refinements to your dream. Visualization should bring pleasant emotions of anticipation and joy. If visualization has become routine and boring, perhaps the desire to get what was conceived does not come from within, but is imposed by the outside world or pendulums.

Coordination of intent

Difficulty: medium

Coordination of intent is effective method movement in the space of options. You meet each event as positive and thus always go to a favorable offshoot, more and more often you meet with a wave of luck. But do not hang in the clouds, because you are acting deliberately and deliberately. Thus, you are balancing on the wave of luck. This is the main essence of transsurfing.

By following this principle, you will be able to achieve the same success in the positive that the negativists achieve in their worst expectations. And it sounds like this. If you set out to view the seemingly negative change in the script as positive, then that’s how it will be. It is necessary to change the negative orientation to a positive one.

Each event on the life line also has two branches - in a favorable and in an unfavorable direction. Every time, faced with this or that event, you make a choice how to relate to it. If you view the event as positive, you will find yourself on a favorable offshoot of the life line. However, the tendency towards negativity makes a person express dissatisfaction and choose an unfavorable offshoot.

Reality inversion

Difficulty: medium

Reality inversion is very similar to the principle of intent coordination. The only difference is that the inversion is more radical and filled with humor.

This is a play technique that uses our sense of humor. The essence of the game was to turn the attitude to the situation upside down, that is, to do some kind of inversion. If a person feels bad, the rule of the pendulum makes him suffer, worry, bend under the weight of problems, and indulge in all the bad things. And the rules of our game asserted that it was necessary to do quite the opposite. For example:

“I experienced a very happy disappointment! The fact is that an unusually happy misfortune has happened! " "Something irreparable happened, from which my affairs immediately went uphill!" "Some nice gentleman in his car has charmingly doused me with mud!" "All my attempts were in vain, and this was the key to success!" "She does not love me! No, this is too good to be true! The infection is cleverly pretending! " "He broke-up with me! I whinnied like a Budyonnovsk horse! " And so on, in the same style, with all kinds of sophistication.

What happens in this case from the point of view of transurfing, you yourself understand. First, all importance is immediately discarded and excess potentials disappear. Secondly, the parameters of the radiation of the mental energy of delight, although idiotic, in no way correspond to the sad lines of life, therefore the transition is carried out immediately. The mirror reacts quickly because the soul and mind finally breathed a sigh of relief. As a result, reality is straightened out.

Extinguishing and failure of pendulums

Difficulty: medium

We all live in society, which means that we are surrounded by thousands of pendulums (egregors), both harmless and destructive, which try in every possible way to fix our attention on their wave, transfer us to the negative sectors of the space of options and take our free energy. If something annoys you, it means that you are caught in a grabbing loop, the pendulum has hooked you, touched you, and in order to get rid of it you need to fall into indifference, but this is not always so easy to do. Transurfing offers two universal options for jumping off the hooks of pendulums quite easily:

1) Pendulum failure... Imagine how a hefty fellow swings a sledgehammer at you and strikes with all his might. You don’t mind, you don’t defend and you don’t attack. At this moment, you just calmly step aside, and the fellow, along with the sledgehammer, flies into the void. This means that the pendulum cannot catch on to you and falls through. This principle is at the heart of Aikido wrestling. There literally the following happens. The attacker is taken by the arm, walk with him, as if seeing him off, and then easily let go and send him flying in the direction where his energy was directed. The whole secret is that the defender has nothing against the attack. He agrees with the line of the attacker, walks with him for a while, and then lets go. The energy of the attacker falls into the void, because if the defender is "empty" then there is nothing to hook him on. The technique of such a gentle departure is that you agree to the first thrust of the pendulum, and then diplomatically retreat or unobtrusively direct the movement in the direction you want.

2) Extinguishing the pendulum... There are times when an oversized pendulum cannot be pulled down. That is, extinguishing the pendulum will help neither ignore nor escape from it.

THE FIRST METHOD is rough. If you find yourself in a situation where you know the standard scenario, do something - no matter what - that does not fit into this scenario. Those. impudent not familiar behavior for which does not fit into the framework of an ordinary man in the street. Either respond with brute force to a provocation, it does not matter with physical or mental strength, but this must be used carefully when the threat to health and life is minimal. The pendulum will be extinguished. The fact is that while you are acting according to the script, you are playing the game of the pendulum and giving up your energy at its frequency. But if your frequency is very different, you find yourself in dissonance with the pendulum, and thereby knock it out of rhythm.

THE SECOND WAY is loyal. A sense of humor and imagination can help in extinguishing. Turn your frustration into play... Of course, this may seem difficult when you want to rip and throw on the contrary. But if you set yourself the goal of getting into the habit of constantly remembering your inner caretaker, you will eventually develop immunity to the provocations of pendulums.

Inserting a Frame into a Variant Space Window

Difficulty: very high

Frame definition. Imagine how you would feel when your plan was fulfilled? Scroll through the goal achievement slide several times in your head, and then take one integral impression from the entire slide - a frame. For example, you sign a contract and feel satisfied. Or you pass the exam successfully, and the teacher shakes your hand. Or come to the finish line first and break the tape with your chest. This cast will be the formula that you need to insert into the slightly opened window. The frame can be titled with one word, for example: "Victory!", "Yes!", "It worked!" or whatever you like best. This title will serve as the pivot point for the frame.

According to Transurfing, there are so-called “windows” in the Variant Space that allow you to quickly move from one sector of reality to another. These "windows" open at the moment of a short-term immersion of the mind into sleep (when the internal monologue stops and the mind turns off its control or at least weakens its vigilance). At this moment, the "frigate" of our Soul raises its sail and we get the opportunity to instantly and freely move in the space of options, as soon as the wind of the external intention begins to blow in the right direction. As soon as we insert a slide (frame) into this "window", an impulse of external intention will shift the implementation of the sector by a considerable distance.

The effectiveness of the window lies in the fact that the unity of the soul and mind in this state is manifested to the highest degree. The dormant mind lets go of its control and lets the unreal into its pattern of perception, just as it does in a dream. The sail takes on considerable dimensions, and the outer intention acts with the greatest force.

Complexity this method in the fact that the stop of the internal monologue occurs only in a dream or in a state of deep meditation. There is, however, a loophole that allows you to use the stop of the internal monologue in the conscious state. This happens in a spontaneous way, when the control of the mind weakens and the consciousness breaks through. intuitive feelings of the soul.

This technique is quite complicated, but you can try. One should start by constantly paying attention to intuitive premonitions, observing oneself. Then you will realize that the window opens quite often during the day. The mind gets tired of its control and chatter from time to time and loses its vigilance for a few moments. At this point, you can intentionally insert feelings about the event you want to induce. Feelings, not verbal formulations.

Catching the window is difficult, because your mind does it, even though it is dormant, which means that it wakes up, and the window immediately slams shut. Skills will come with time. You need to have firm intention and patience. First, you need to develop a frame of feeling the realization of the event with the help of the mind. Let him actively participate in this development. Then, without trying to catch the window, scroll this frame in order to properly understand for yourself what the final feeling is. Create a clue, an integral feel. And then it will be possible to instantly insert a frame into it at the moment of an open window.

You should have it so that the dormant mind suddenly realizes its sleepy state and immediately throws the frame out the window, not yet having time to wake up. This will be the work of the outer intention when stopping the inner monologue.


Difficulty: above average

Freiling is a very charming technology for human relations. Freiling proposes to abandon pressure on the outside world in an effort to achieve their goals. The world itself will go to meet you with open arms if:
You give up the intention to receive and replace it with the intention to give. In this case, you will receive what you refused.

What drives people? Inner intention. Use people's inner intentions to achieve your goals. Despite the selfish connotation of the sound of this phrase, you do not use people, but simply do not prevent them from doing what they want. After all, all problems, one way or another, are born as a result of contradictions between the internal intentions of people.

So, at the heart of a person's inner intention lies his sense of self-worth.

In order to attract attention to yourself, you just need to show interest in others. Talk to people not about what interests you, but about what interests them, including about themselves. In this case, your inner intention is transformed into an outer one. By giving up your inner intention and turning your attention to other people, you will effortlessly get the desired result from them. The outer intent will do it for you.

In everyday communication, it is not important how interesting you are, but how much you fit this person for relationships. This is what he appreciates. You will suit a person in all respects if you give the person satisfaction with his significance. If he gets it, he will close his eyes to your obvious shortcomings and forgive your weaknesses.

Do you want to gain recognition and respect from a person? Don't demand respect for yourself. Respect the person yourself, make him feel significant in your eyes. Do you need empathy and gratitude? Don't look for them. Take genuine concern and participation in the person's problems. Striving to win sympathy? You won't get it for beautiful eyes. Show sympathy for the person yourself, then you will be sympathetic to him by definition. Need help and support? Help yourself. Thus, you will increase your importance, and the person will not want to be less significant and will not remain in debt. Finally, do you want to achieve mutual love? Give up ownership and dependency relationships. You will succeed if you just love, not counting on anything. Such love is very rare, and no one can resist it. In all these cases, you will certainly get what you refused.

Avoid like the plague trying to hurt people's sense of worth. Let it become a kind of taboo. Thus, you will save yourself from a lot of problems and troubles, the reasons for which will not be clear due to the hidden nature of a blow to someone else's importance.

The promise of love

Difficulty: above average

One of the most powerful and effective techniques for managing reality is the message of love.

Love is not just a word or a feeling. It is a source of energy and energy itself. You can summon it, store it, store it, send it, and focus it for many uses. She is always available and will never let you down. You are endowed with the ability of co-creation, for you are the conductor of the Divine Energy of Love, which you draw from your Higher Self.

By sending love to other people or objects, you can greatly enhance your co-creation abilities and significantly improve your life. Love has a very strong positive influence on events in your life, on relationships with people with whom you interact.

By sending love to another person, you have a huge impact on his attitude towards you, on the perception of you. With the help of love, you can dissipate the energy of conflict, hatred. By sending love to another, you can, if not fall in love with this person, then certainly make him your own good friend and a companion. By sending the energy of love to a sick person, you contribute to his recovery and spiritual cleansing.

By filling the rooms in which you live and work with love, you will wonderfully remove all the accumulated negative energy and make the room cozy and pleasant to stay in. People will tell you about its special uplifting atmosphere.

By sending love, backed by your intention and desire, to certain events and situations, you contribute to their positive resolution.

When sending love, the most important thing is to focus precisely on your desires and to visualize in as much detail as possible what you want to do with love.

Our body contains energy centers some call them chakras. Imagine that all of your chakras have a valve for opening love, and this is exactly what you need to work with. You can open love in all your chakras and direct the flow of love to certain places, events, people, while putting your desire, intention, goal into this message.

When you begin to radiate love through all your energy centers, you will notice that something special is happening. If you do not know where the energy centers are located, then I advise you to go to any library and read the corresponding literature about the chakras.


Difficulty: medium

Whoever has gratitude will be given and multiply. And whoever does not have gratitude will be taken away from him also what he has.

Gratitude obeys some universal law that governs your entire life: the law of attraction. It says, "Like attracts like." This law affects our entire life. Our thoughts and feelings are the energy that we radiate to the outside world. Therefore, what are your thoughts and feelings, then they attract into your life.

If you think about your life with gratitude and your gratitude is sincere, according to the law of attraction, you will definitely receive more of these life benefits and pleasant sensations. To receive, you must first give. This is the law. When you express gratitude, you give. Forgetting gratitude, you cut yourself off from what you would like to receive in your life.

In order to live in gratitude, in order to feel the magic in your life, the word thank you must become a word, pronounced and felt more often than any other. He needs to become second nature to you. The more consciously you say the word thank you, the more gratitude you will feel. And the more gratitude you feel, the more abundance you receive.

The main thing in the practice of expressing gratitude is to consciously, with the maximum available intensity, to feel it, because the power of magic is directly proportional to the gratitude you feel.


Tatiana Samarina, Founder and Lead Trainer of Transurfing Center:

"I will teach business how to hack reality and get the desired result" November 26, 2013

In the movie "The Matrix", a citizen of harsh reality, Morpheus offered Neo a choice of two pills: the blue one acted according to the principle " the less you know the better you sleep"and the other - red - opened the hero to new knowledge and possibilities. Fantastic to the core. The postulates of transurfing, which implies the possibility of choosing your own reality, also, it would seem, sound not very plausible. However, learning to manage" chances "and achieve goals can each of us, and you don't need pills for that. ”For more details, in a conversation with Tatiana Samarina, the leading coach of the Transurfing Center.

- Tatiana, what is transurfing and who invented it?

- The author of this system is Vadim Zeland. The first publication about transurfing appeared on the Internet in 2002, and two years later the first book was published, which was translated into 20 languages ​​and is still on the bestseller list. Transurfing is a certain technique that allows you to manage events in your life. As a rule, if something does not work out for us, we explain the failure by some external circumstances, accidents. And Zeland's theory proves that every person is able to control reality, you just need to know how. For this, there is transurfing - unique technology, which, by the way, is already successfully used by millions of people.

“But some accidents are inevitable, aren't they? For example, a flood, due to which a person could not get from point A to point B ...

- Well, of course, we are not talking about the fact that a person can learn completely, to control what is happening, this is unrealistic. ( Smiles.) But as for a person's life, his inner peace, then you can build his actions and thoughts in such a way that the events in his life become natural. Transurfing, so to speak, breaks the locks of outdated stereotypes, and this is not psychology, and not an esoteric teaching, but in principle new way think and act so as to get what you want. It is to receive, not to seek.

Supporting the idea of ​​a multivariate world, Vadim Zeland describes the teaching as a technique for moving from one branch of reality to another thanks to the energy of a person's thoughts, aimed at materializing one or another scenario. The point is that a person, having established conscious control over his thoughts and his attitude to the world, can choose the version of reality at will.

- Is it difficult to learn how to control reality?

- Not really, it just takes practice. In general, the experience of working with people suggests that the difficulty is actually the same - the usual laziness. Let's say a person has some problems, and he has no idea how to cope with them. Beats, beats, and no use. Well, we show him that there is a way out, we inspire the person to work, and he seems to start acting. But then it turns out that he is just too lazy to do something. Yes, transurfing is a unique technique, and anyone can use it, but this does not mean that you need to sit idly by waiting for the result.

- Are there any recommendations on how to combat laziness in the transfer concept?

- There is only one way to fight laziness - to do it. ( He laughs.) And practical actions must necessarily be supported by desire and a clear understanding of the goal. If a person has both, he will be ready to change something in his life for this purpose.

- And what are the goals most often voiced by future transfers?

- A few years ago, most often it was necessary to deal with personal issues, for example, "I want to find a loved one"... But in recent times people tend to lean towards financial well-being. This is the trend. I often come across cases when people - usually by the age of forty - no longer get any satisfaction from what they are doing. Even money is not fun. In such cases, it is important to clearly define the goal and find exactly your own implementation. If a person wants his activity to bring both moral and material satisfaction, transurfing orients him in the right direction and, in the end, leads to this goal. In general, this technique is applicable in any area. And the results are impressive. We keep in touch with the participants, and they confirm that they were able to find themselves in this life after our programs.

- And how did this topic interest you personally?

- I have always been interested in solving problems in real time. I am a psychologist by education, but psychology studies the factors of the past, and, starting from this knowledge, we change something in our life. This is an effective way, but ... Will I be able to change something, regardless of the past - that was what interested me. And transurfing gave me the answers to these questions. At the same time, I achieved the goal I spoke about - combining moral and financial satisfaction. I think this is my biggest self-realization to date.

"Transurfing is a method that really works. The only thing that can prevent a person from getting a result from this is laziness. I practiced something like this since childhood, but I didn't know it was called that.".

Ivan Okhlobystin

- Surely there will be skeptical sentiments like "why should I go to some programs for money, if I really want to learn transfer, I'll buy a book and read it" ... What do you say?

- We receive a huge number of letters from people who have read the books of Vadim Zeland, and everyone is interested in the question: how to apply this in practice? The book is great, but theory is given in it. And the task of our center is to translate this theory into a practical plane, to draw up step-by-step instructions.

- Setting up for transfer does not imply any emotional turmoil for the client? Do people not start crying and worrying, as happens in some trainings?

- You are talking about trainings with active use psychological techniques, in transurfing there is no such thing. This technique, although it implies a deep study selected issues, but the approach is completely different - no one will delve into a person's past. A person passes some kind of "wave", but without such serious diving. Actually, this is what transferring is close to a wide audience.

- You said that the transfer technique can be used in any area. How does it work in a business environment?

- For example, in one company there was a problem with attracting lawyers. Well, they just could not find a person who would suit them for all the requirements! We worked directly with this task and literally a month later we found four specialists, one better than the other.

- And what was the catch?

Tatiana Samarina - founder of the "Transurfing Center", leading trainer and author of more than 50 transfer programs, practical psychologist with 18 years of experience, business coach, family consultant, leading women's rituals and practices. In the "Transfer Center" since 2006. For seven years, more than 5000 people have passed her trainings and learned how to manage their reality.

- In the language of transurfing, the problem was in excess potential. Well, it's like the saying " You want a lot - you get little". When a person is fixated on some goal and begins to waste a large amount of energy, an excess potential is formed around this topic, which prevents the achievement of the result. In such cases, we slightly change the person's attitude to this issue, make him more constructive. And when it appears clear tuning, a solution to the problem comes.In fact, in transurfing there are many ways to create the correct tuning for the result.

Now "Transurfing Center" is developing a special program for business people, which will answer the question: how to build a transfer business? We see growing interest in this technique from business representatives. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, many managers already use it, and not only for personal purposes - the technique can be used both for the development of individual business areas and for the entire company. This is a completely different approach to the practical application of technology. Perhaps one of the main values ​​of corporate transfer is that employees begin to treat the instructions of the management differently and do their job not because the boss said so, but because they realize how important their role in this process is. That the result does not depend on the director or some external circumstances, but on himself ... This setting is especially important in activities that are related to sales and attracting new customers.

- And if the manager sent the sales department to the transfer program, and he himself has no idea what they can be taught there, he is interested in the progress in the sales area, and nothing else. Should we hope for some improvement then?

- If such a leader comes, then, of course, we, first of all, will work with him. Find out what is interesting to him, what goals he pursues. So that he does not just send employees for training in the hope that they will return as other people, but he himself tested this methodology. Then the effect will be guaranteed. But it must be borne in mind that this is not a one-time program on which you received instructions and went further yourself - it is assumed step-by-step work, in which we take on certain obligations and work for the result together with the head of the company.

- And if there is no result?

- Well, that hasn't happened before. If there is a desire to solve problems and a clear understanding of the goal, the result will be. As I already said, after trainings and master classes, people are not left alone with the information received, we keep in touch with everyone. A participant can always contact us with questions if he has any difficulties at some stage. We provide maximum support at all stages of training.

A new book by Vadim Zeland "Apocryphal Transurfing" has been published.
Everything that will be discussed in this book will seem to you unusual, uncharacteristic for esotericism, and even unrelated to Transurfing as a technique for controlling reality. But perhaps this is what will allow you to finally wake up in a dream in reality and see who you are, where you are and why you are here. This information, despite its apparent simplicity, is even more closed to the general public than any secret knowledge. Therefore, this direction in Transurfing can be considered esoteric in esotericism itself. If you take the plunge from general order then you will be outside the matrix. You will begin to do many things in a completely different way from everyone else, and you will have something that others do not have. At first, what you do will surprise you. Then you will start to surprise, discourage, and even annoy those around you. And then those around you, looking at what is happening to you, will take an example from you.

I bring to your attention one of the chapters of the book "A Glass of Water", which describes one very interesting and effective technique.

“The latest releases about sex have been VERY surprising. I am addicted to the sensations of sex, life teaches me to reduce the importance, and I have had little sex lately, which bothered me. And I just don’t like sex, I have emptiness after that, I don’t know why, probably because the entities leave, I “wake up”, and I have a question: what next? Therefore, I want to be with the one with whom there is trust, good relations, mutual acceptance, intimacy, but this does not always work out. "

I can offer one powerful technique. Write the thought form on a piece of paper:
"I am a very charming person. I give off an inner light of charm, love and sex. I am a luminous being. I attract men. My man finds me."
Place a glass of water on this piece of paper. Rub your palms, move them like an accordion, imagine between your palms a dense clot like a balloon. This is your energy. Place your palms on the sides of the glass without touching it. Speak, aloud or to yourself, consciously and with conviction, the given thought-form, imagining its meaning if possible. Then drink some water. Do this in the morning after waking up and in the evening before bed. Your intention will be realized.

I have tested this technique many times with various thought forms. Works very hard. Men should rewrite the text in their own way. Like that:
"I am a very charming person. An inner light of charm, love and sex emanates from me. I am a luminous being. Women like me, they want me. I find my soul mate."
And of course, any thought-forms can be applied. Make them yourself about what you are especially striving for. For example, if you already have a couple, replace “I am attracted to me ...” with “people like me” or “I have a nice appearance, I look attractive, and every day I get better and better”. You will be very surprised at how quickly reality will react.
You cannot use the "not" particle. The thought-form must be life-affirming. And no abstract and wordy wishes. Everything should be specific, concise and directed towards one goal. If you have multiple goals, then it is advisable to set only one for each glass of water. For example, today you are working with one goal, tomorrow with another. Or in the morning with one, in the evening with the other.

Why does this technique work? Water is not an amorphous mixture, it has a structure, its molecules combine into clusters - conglomerates of particles that change their shape depending on external influence... That is why it is possible to record information on the water like on a magnetic tape, to “speak” it. Oddly enough, scientists learned about clusters much later than the first ships were launched into space. And the grandmothers were aware of this a long time ago and successfully applied it in practice.
Ordinary city water, including bottled water, cannot be used, it has absorbed a lot of destructive information. Information can be erased only by evaporation or thawing, boiling will not help. Therefore, water should be taken either distilled (prepared not somewhere, but at your home), or thawed. The latter can be easily obtained from ice. (Just melted ice is not quite what you need. The technology for preparing melt water is described in the book "The Maker of Reality." food. And if the thought-form is aimed at healing, then the water becomes healing, it acquires the properties of a medicine for the disease that you intend to cure, and is directed straight to the right address. The origin of holy water is similar.

A piece of paper also has its own function. First, when you write it down, not just pronounce a thought form, it gains additional strength. Secondly, even one single word pasted on a container with water charges water with information inherent in the sense of this word. The clusters that form can be seen under a microscope after freezing. Well-known experiments have shown that words such as "love you", "thank you", "hello" generate snowflakes of divine beauty, and negative words - ugly ice. Why this happens, one can only wonder. It cannot be called otherwise than God's providence. Of course, the main role here is played by the intention of the person who is aware of the word when he writes and sticks it on the container.
Finally, the energy in your hands strengthens and localizes intent so that the water will be charged quickly and efficiently. The information recorded in the water will spread throughout the body and will adjust the morphological biofield to emit a given intention. Do not worry if you are not yet feeling a dense bundle of energy. It doesn't work now - it will work out after a week of training. In addition, a strong effect is not at all necessary for water. It is enough that you simply place the glass between your palms.

So, you own a powerful technique that works no worse than the "intention generator", which will be discussed later, where the morphological field is pumped up by hand passes. The glass of water technique is much simpler and does not require energy skills. I did not give it before, because I wanted to thoroughly test it myself in practice. Now it remains for me to wish you pleasant experiments too!
“Thanks for Transurfing, I finally started to notice that my world cares about me. But I just can't find my door. Is it possible to use the "glass of water" technique for these searches? And what words do you need to write for this? I don’t care about the visualization and the slides, maybe the glass will work out ”.
You probably meant to say that you can't find your goal? The door - it opens when you are already on the way to the goal. Of course, this technique can be used for any thought form. You yourself must compose the thought-form. Listen to your soul, it will tell you. But not only to work with a glass. More needs to be done new information let in, so that the soul can choose.
"Is it possible to charge not water, but fruits, for example, or other food?"
Of course, it is not only possible, but also necessary. However, the best carrier of information is still pure water, the molecules are free in it.

Prayer before meals is also energizing food with positive energy. Only prayer should not be mechanical, but conscious, otherwise everything is meaningless. But it is better, of course, to devote food not to God, but to yourself. God is in your heart. When you pray to God, it is as if you are forcing Him to pray to yourself. Or are you praying to yourself? He probably would have liked the fulfillment of your desires more than the incessant and memorized "thanksgiving" for no reason. So charge the food with your intention.
Here it is necessary to make a reservation that such an attitude towards God is not entirely obvious, and for many it is rather completely unacceptable. Everyone is free to remain with their convictions.
"Is it necessary to write a thought-form every time, or is it better to use the same piece of paper?"
If you are not lazy, you can write every time. But you can also use one sheet. Do as you like, just don't make the ritual a burdensome duty. You must be willing to do this. After all, you thereby equip the layer of your world, realize your intention. It should be fascinating to say the least.
If you really want to achieve something, you should not do with the "glass of water" technique alone. Nobody canceled the work with the target slide. You must constantly carry a goal-setting within you, get used to the role and live in the desired image, even if it is virtually so far. Then the virtual will quickly turn into real.

"Is it possible to use holy water for the process, or is it better to use melted water?"
If you are not going to cast out the devil from yourself, you will not need holy water. It is better to take water, purified from all information - thawed or distilled, prepared at your home.
"On the Internet, almost immediately after your publication of the" glass of water "in different places similar texts appeared, practically word for word. Is this a pendulum? "
No, when someone's texts are published without reference to the source, it is called differently: plagiarism. Although it's nice, of course, when you are quoted so hastily that they forget to indicate where they got it from. This means that the technique is good, I liked it. But I referred to the primary source - that is, grandmothers. Of course, they knew that water can be talked about. But uninitiated people have always taken such things lightly. Because this action looks unauthorized - some kind of superstitious shamanism ...

And in general, in your opinion, is there something new in Transurfing? The answer is obvious: nothing. Then why is it needed? Has it all been said? Thoughts are material, thoughts affect matter, what is in thoughts, so in reality ... The fact is that everything is said, but the question is - how? You can read a mountain of esoteric literature, but still not learn anything. Think how many times it happened when you watched a movie or read a book, and then asked yourself: so what follows from this? Was it necessary to read or watch it? Yes, of course, there is such a phenomenon and such knowledge. But what to do about it? Everything seems to be clear. The milk is white, the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea ... But it’s not clear to the end, something is not realized, is not grasped.
It turns out that a simple truth that lies on the surface is not so easy to formulate and turn into a technique that has practical value. It is not enough to have awareness, one must also realize and feel it. Not to mention the fact that our worldview is filled with stupid cliches and stereotypes that emasculate the whole essence of truth. Look at what I just said: thoughts are material. Yes, they are not material! These are ideas - virtual images floating in the same virtual space. Objectively existing - yes, but not material. Do thoughts affect matter? Again, no. There is hardly enough mental energy to move Matchbox on the table. And, strictly speaking, it is not the “energy of thoughts” that moves it, but the biofield.
When it comes to controlling reality, we mean that thoughts irradiate not matter, but an image, a prototype in the virtual space of variants, just like a frame on a film strip is illuminated and projected onto the screen of reality.
A glass of water is not influenced by the thoughts themselves (ideas, images), but by a kind of radiation that accompanies mental activity and carries information. What kind of radiation it is, we do not yet know and cannot measure it with instruments, so for us it is also immaterial. What is in thoughts is in reality? Yes, but how exactly? This is what Transurfing is all about: there knowledge is explained, comprehended and turned into technology. And when I explained the "glass of water", specified and wrote the instructions, it became a technology that has practical value. Do you understand?