What overlap is suitable from a monolithic wood concrete. VI

One of promising directions is the use of wood concrete in combined load-bearing structures slabs of coatings and ceilings, since in existing projects an even greater share is occupied by wooden structures (coverings and ceilings, roofing, vestibules, flights of stairs), which are short-lived and not fire resistant. In our country and abroad, there is experience in residential and industrial construction with the use of wood concrete in combined coatings as load-bearing slabs.

In the production association Dneproenergostroyindustry, the production of load-bearing structures from wood concrete in the form of volume-block elements for the construction of residential buildings was organized. Oktyabrsky DSK of the Ministry of Forestry of the USSR produced three-layer arbolite slabs of coating and ceiling, the upper and lower layers of which were made of heavy reinforced concrete.

Slabs measuring 360x120x18 cm were used for the construction of a three-story 8-apartment building for roofing and flooring according to the experimental project of Giprolesprom (Oktyabrsky settlement, Arkhangelsk region).

Arbolite structures in coatings and ceilings have small spans. Bent load-bearing elements with a span of more than 4.8 m are not mass-produced. This is due to insufficient knowledge of the use of wood concrete in bending elements and poor experience in their application. Due to the low strength characteristics of wood concrete, its use in bending load-bearing elements of coatings and ceilings can be carried out mainly in the form of combined structures of a composite section in combination with heavy concrete M100-300.

Abroad, for covering industrial buildings and residential buildings with a combined roof, durisol slabs reinforced in the stretched zone with steel are successfully used. Depending on the span and load, the slabs are made with a thickness of 10 and 12 cm, a length of 350 cm, reinforcement is carried out using reinforcing bars, concreted with heavy concrete.

NIIZHB together with Soyuznauchplitprom developed floor slabs from wood concrete for residential and public buildings 115th series. The design of the panel is designed for spans of 3.6 and 4.8 m with a thickness of 18 cm. The panel has a layered section: the lower layer is 3.5 cm thick, the upper layer is 2.5 cm of heavy concrete M200, the middle layer is 14.5 cm of wood concrete M25 or M35. Working reinforcement, made of steel of class A-II or A-III, is laid in the form of welded meshes (from rods with a diameter of 10-12 mm). In the lower layer of the panel, the middle layer of wood concrete M25 and M35 with an average density of 700-800 kg / m 3 performs heat and sound insulating functions. The mass of 1 m 2 of such an arbolite panel is 253 kg. The economic effect of the use of wood concrete floor panels is as follows: the cost of the floor material is reduced by half compared to the cost of industrial wood; the complexity of work on construction site decreases by 30-40%, the durability and fire resistance of floor structures increases.

Based on the results of the research, the "Guidelines for the design and manufacture of wood concrete products" were developed, which gives a method for calculating wood concrete elements and provides standard and design characteristics of wood concrete. However, their scope is limited. They cannot meet the needs of industrial and agricultural construction, where the use of 6 m long roofing slabs is most effective. The manufacture and use of slabs for a span of 6 m would make it possible to completely unify the supporting and enclosing structures.

The design team of the Perm Regional Consumer Union developed working drawings "Large-panel arbolitic slabs for covering CAP" with a size of 1.5x6.0 m. Constructive decisions large-sized arbolite coating slabs with a span of 6 m were developed by eng. Baidin with the participation of TsNIIEPselstroy.

The experience of experimental construction of buildings in which wood concrete is used in coatings and ceilings as load-bearing elements with a span of 4 and 6 m is available in the Perm Region. For example, in the villages of Verkhnie Gorodoki, a garage was built and two-storey house, in the village of Komarihinskaya - a bookstore. When examining the garage and other buildings after two years of operation, it was found that the arbolite slabs with a span of 4 and 6 m in the combined coating do not have excess deformations. Compared with reinforced concrete, such coatings have a number of advantages, in particular, they do not require thermal insulation.

As Perm experience has shown, when insulating roofs with mineral wool slabs 10 cm thick for every 100 m 2, 23 man-days are required for laying insulation and 7.35 man-days for vapor barrier, screed and bituminous primer. The total labor costs are 42.13 man-days. When using arbolite coating slabs that do not require insulation, labor costs for roofing are reduced by more than 3.4 times. In non-attic combined roofs made of arbolite slabs, immediately after their laying, sealing and leveling of the joint surfaces, a waterproofing carpet can be glued or slate can be sewn directly to the slabs. The introduction of arbolite load-bearing coatings into construction will reduce the mass of buildings, reduce the consumption of materials, labor intensity of construction, and the cost of erecting objects.

New, and in this case, forgotten old, wood concrete returns to the building materials market. As practice has shown, building a house from wood concrete blocks with your own hands is a good prospect to build a strong, warm and reliable private house.

Disadvantages of brick and concrete walls known to all wooden houses not everyone can afford. An alternative to the above is wood concrete. With 80-90% wood chips, combined with a cement binder and modified with chemical additives, wood concrete eliminates the shortcomings and enhances the advantages of wood and concrete.

Wood concrete was created and tested back in the middle of the last century, and its production is regulated by GOST 19222-84.

Technologies for the construction of private houses from wood concrete

A house can be built in two ways:

  1. Construction from wood concrete blocks. In this case, industrially manufactured ready blocks from wood concrete;
  2. Often a decision is made to make wood concrete with your own hands. Before starting work, it is important to make sure that the blocks have gained the strength and hardness necessary for work.

  3. Monolithic construction from wood concrete. The use of this technology provides for the formation of a non-removable formwork, followed by pouring arbolite mortar into it.
  4. To build a house from a monolithic wood concrete, you need to study the technology of building monolithic walls. The remaining stages will be identical to block construction.

In this article, we will focus on detailed description first option.

How to build a house from wood concrete blocks with your own hands

The main stages of work in the form of successive steps from A to Z.

Stage 1. Designing houses from wood concrete

The development of the project precedes the start of work due to the need for its coordination and approval by the licensing authorities. In addition to the house plan itself, the cottage project contains information about the materials used, places and methods of connecting to communications, electrical and gas supplies, the type of foundation, etc. The project makes it possible to further calculate the amount of material and the load it creates.

For your information, the project of a house made of wood concrete is no different from the project of a house made of foam concrete, and therefore a typical project can be used, taking into account the absence of reinforcing belts necessary for foam blocks.

Stage 2. The choice of material for construction

Before proceeding to construction work, you need to make sure that the choice of wall material is correct.

Arbolite, of course, has a number of advantages. But! Only if it is of high quality and used for its intended purpose.

You should know that wood concrete is used in the construction of buildings with a height not exceeding 7 meters. (height of a self-supporting wall). This makes it attractive when building a 2-3-storey private house or a cottage with an attic. In combination with columns or other structural elements ( supporting pillars), taking on part of the load, more storey construction is also allowed.

Which wood concrete is suitable for building a house

What to buy quality block professionals advise to pay attention to the determining factors:

  • price. Handicraft wood concrete is much cheaper;
  • fullness and uniformity of the block. Chips should be more or less the same fraction, tightly packed. The looseness of the block indicates its low compressive and bending strength;

Note: the use of sawdust increases the thermal conductivity of the block. Large chips are not completely saturated. As a result, the adhesion of wood to cement is broken and the block loses its strength.

  • block geometry. GOST allowed deviation from the specified size not exceeding 5-7 mm. The use of a special weight in the manufacturing process allows you to reduce deviations to zero.

Note: the unevenness of the blocks is fraught with an increase in the consumption of masonry mortar by 40%, makes it impractical to use special adhesive mixtures, increases the consumption of plaster when finishing, increases the complexity and duration of the work.

  • color and impurities. Inclusions of impurities or color differences within the block indicate a violation of the manufacturing and drying processes.

Stage 3. The device of the foundation for the house of wood concrete

A distinctive feature of arbolite is good indicator bending strength, regardless of the purpose of the block. This gives the block the ability to recover from stress. In practice, this removes restrictions when choosing the type of foundation, which is an integral part of any structure. To a large extent, it is the quality of the foundation that determines the life of the house.

What is the best foundation for a wood concrete house?

In practice, any can be used. Most often it is tape or combined.

Foundation technology for an arbolite house:

  1. marking under the foundation;
  2. removal of the soil layer to the required depth;
  3. arrangement of sand and gravel cushion;
  4. tamping (recommended with watering to achieve greater density);
  5. formwork installation;
  6. reinforcement;
  7. foundation pouring.
  8. foundation tape waterproofing;
  9. backfilling of sand inside the squares formed by the foundation tape, followed by tamping;
  10. complete waterproofing of the foundation.

Note: in the process of pouring, the channels provided for by the project are left for further laying communications.

Before starting work, you need to determine the size of the foundation.

  • laying depth. Depends on soil type, distance to ground water, number of storeys of the building. The dependence of parameters on the type of soil is shown in the table;

  • foundation thickness. Depends on the total (static and dynamic) load on it.

When calculating the static load, you need to take into account:

  • materials used in construction (their weight and quantity);
  • the presence of a base;
  • wall material;
  • material and number of floors;
  • used roofing material;
  • the presence of insulation and its type;
  • number of windows and doors. The total weight of the elements warm circuit. When calculating the weight of doors, you need to remember that entrance doors usually made of metal, which affects the load they create;
  • facade cladding material;
  • materials for interior decoration;
  • floor covering and type of flooring.
  • estimated furniture weight (195 kg/sq. m. according to SNiP 2.01.07-85).

In addition, the dynamic load is taken into account:

  • snow load in the region (see map). For example: the annual snow load for Moscow is 180 kg/sq.m. (according to SNiP 2.01.07-85). By multiplying this number by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof, we get the total load. The calculations take into account the configuration of the roof and the result must be multiplied by the coefficient M (0.94).

  • wind load is calculated by the formula = House area * (15 x House height + 40);
  • soil resistance to pressure exerted on it (according to SNiP 2.02.01-83). According to this standard, the resistance must exceed the pressure on it by 30%. The pressure of a building is calculated by dividing the weight of the building by the area of ​​the base of the foundation (sole).

Note: if the type of soil is not defined, the minimum resistance value is used for calculations.

Stage 4. The construction of the basement of the house from wood concrete

The plinth will allow more protect the wood concrete block from the influence of water. The recommended height of the plinth is 500-600 mm (depending on the level of precipitation in the region and the availability drainage system around the house). The plinth is made of brick or concrete.

Stage 5 Construction of walls from wood concrete

We note right away that the construction of wood concrete walls is remarkable in that it is advisable to use a cement-sand mortar. The choice is due to the uneven geometry of the block, which makes it economically unprofitable to use special adhesive solutions used for masonry cellular concrete such as Ceresit CT 21. Increased consumption adhesive mixture increase the budget for building a house.

Consumption cement-sand mortar 1 m3 for 8-10 m3 of wood concrete blocks. The value is approximate, because the geometry of the blocks is not constant, the discrepancy can be from 5 mm to 1.5 cm in width-height.

What to put wood concrete blocks on?

An alternative to the classic solution can be:

  1. Perlite mortar for laying wood concrete. Its feature is the ability to increase the thermal insulation of the masonry. How to make a perlite mortar: perlite is added to the classic mortar (cement, sand, water). The ratio is 1 part cement = 3 parts perlite.
  2. Note. Perlite is volatile, which means you need to work with it in the absence of wind.

  3. Sawdust concrete mortar. Recipe: 3 parts of sawdust are filled with a solution of aluminum sulfate (15-25.00 rubles / kg.) Or calcium chloride (28-30 rubles / kg.). When stirring, the sugars contained in the sawdust are neutralized. Then 1 part of cement is added.

Good reviews has a heat-insulating masonry mortar with perlite LM 21-P. A mixture of Quick Mix (Quick-mix) has water holding capacity, so the blocks do not need to be moistened separately. Supplied in bags of 17.5 kg, as a dry powder. The solution is easily mixed with water (mix for at least 5 minutes) manually or with a mixer (mixer). Ready solution use in 1-2 hours.

Masonry walls from wood concrete blocks

The technology of laying wood concrete is identical to laying a brick or foam concrete wall, except that wood concrete strongly absorbs moisture from the solution, which means that the blocks need to be moistened before starting work.

1. Laying the first row of wood concrete blocks

The masonry starts from the corner and is laid out in rows, periodically checking the degree of deviation with a level. The blocks are easy to process, so there will be no difficulty in adjusting the size.

The width of the seam depends on the geometry of the block and is 10-30 mm.

The solution is applied to the block of the previous row along the edges of the block. Thus, an air thermal break is obtained, which compensates for the high thermal conductivity of the masonry mortar.

On the construction forum, according to reviews, many users use additional way masonry insulation, using a gasket in the seams of polystyrene foam tape, wooden lath etc. The gasket creates a gap in the mortar joint and thereby eliminates the appearance of cold bridges. As far as it is expedient, everyone decides for himself.

The material was prepared for the site www.site

The optimal thickness of wood concrete walls is 30 cm, for houses from two floors - 40 cm. A simple rule applies - the thicker the wall, the warmer. A arbolite wall thickness of 20 cm is possible if brick cladding or additional insulation is provided from the inside and outside. How thick the wall should be depends on which region the house is in, how it will be heated and what is the budget for construction.

2. Reinforcement of walls from wood concrete

Masters are advised to stiffen the wall of wood concrete by reinforcing it. To reinforce the wood concrete, a polymer (plastic) mesh or metal rods treated with anti-corrosion compounds (for example, UR-108 enamel) are used. Thus, the corners of the building, the junction of walls, window and door openings are strengthened. Unlike aerated concrete and foam concrete, no mandatory requirement in masonry reinforcement, but many users reinforce every 3-4 rows of masonry.

3. Laying wood concrete (dressing)

Arbolite blocks are stacked in a checkerboard pattern (masonry with dressing). This is necessary for reliable adhesion. No more than 3 rows are laid out along the perimeter. Then there is a break for a day. During this time, the solution will dry and you can continue to work. That is why often external walls are being built along with the internal ones.

Advice. Adding additives to the mortar that increase the rate of curing of cement will increase the speed of work.

Well proven accelerator "Shuttle" provides a set of strength in 12 hours (consumption of 3 liters per 100 kg of cement, price 75 rubles / 100 g) and "Virtuoso Start", which also contains an anti-shrink agent. Provides a set of strength of 50% in 3 hours (consumption 1 liter per 100 kg of cement, price 80 rubles / 100 g).

4. Lintels over window and door openings

The photo shows step by step how to make a jumper over a window and over a door in a wood concrete house. Two options for overlapping openings.

Installation of jumpers from a metal corner

(the edges of the corner are immured into the walls, blocks are installed inside)

Installation of a jumper from a channel

(a groove was cut in the arbolite blocks for inserting a channel)

5. The device of the armo-belt under the ceiling in the house of wood concrete

After erecting the wall, before laying the floor (interfloor or attic) on the wall of wood concrete, a concrete (monolithic) reinforcing belt must be poured. Its arrangement will give the wall strength, allow you to more evenly distribute the load and securely fix the Mauerlat.

How to make an armored belt on wood concrete:

  • one outer row is laid out in half a block (you can purchase a narrow block or cut a wall block). This will be the outer part of the formwork;
  • With inside formwork is installed edged board, plywood or a narrow wood concrete block is also used;
  • processed reinforcement is placed in the resulting recess (diameter 10 mm, in 6 rows) and poured with concrete (the brand of concrete is the same as that used for the foundation).

For the manufacture of an armored belt, it is convenient to use a special U-shaped block (tray U-arboblock).

6. Installation of the floor of the house from wood concrete

A monolithic reinforced concrete slab, wooden or metal beams can be used as a flooring material.

Advice. Manufacturers of wood concrete blocks recommend producing. For this, it is not necessary to pour a concrete belt. After all, the ability of wood concrete to "pull" moisture from concrete is not in the best way affects the quality of the filling. Additional additives will be required. It is also advisable to use wooden floors for the installation of door and window openings. Masters fully agree with them and recommend using wooden beam as a strapping of the perimeter of the wall under the ceiling.

Fastening the Mauerlat to the wood concrete is carried out with the obligatory laying of a waterproofing layer.

7. Line of communications in the house from wood concrete

Laying communication systems does not create difficulties. Any holes are easily made in wood concrete blocks, so there is no need to immediately lay additional channels for sewerage, pipes, heating, etc.

Some use a hollow block, placing it on edge.

Stage 6 Building a roof for a house from wood concrete

Can be installed on wood concrete walls truss system any configuration. The choice of roofing material is also not regulated.

Masters are advised to use shingles for roofing works. They explain their choice by saying that shingles can perceive slight vibrations of walls from wood concrete without the appearance of significant defects.

An important nuance in the construction of the roof will be the observance of the rule - the removal of the roof by 300-500 from the wall, which will protect it from direct rain and melt water.

What types of floors are used in the construction of wood concrete? How are they supported on a wall of wood concrete blocks?

In houses made of wood concrete blocks with a low number of storeys, it is allowed to use various options interfloor floors. This:

  • floors on wooden, reinforced concrete or steel beams;
  • monolithic reinforced concrete floor;
  • prefabricated reinforced concrete floor slabs;
  • prefabricated monolithic ceilings.

How to support floors on wood concrete blocks?

Floor structures are based on a distribution belt, which serves to uniform distribution load on the wall and prevent local chipping of wall arbolite blocks. Armopoyas is recommended to be made of monolithic reinforced concrete.

If it is not required to reduce the effect of deformation of the bases, then for the arrangement of the distribution belt it is allowed to use brick belts- that is, three rows solid brick reinforced with masonry meshes.

In domestic load-bearing walls, the armored belt should be equipped over the entire width of the wall.

Floor ends with outer side buildings should be thermally insulated with a 10-15 cm layer of wood concrete. At the same time, it is necessary to leave a gap of -1-2 cm between the end of the plate and the block and fill it mounting foam or mineral wool (or any other easily deformable insulation).

Wooden beams for wood concrete

Using wooden structures, the ends of the beams wrap around roll waterproofing. Beams are attached to a monolithic armo-belt using studs or anchor bolts mounted before concreting, or galvanized metal corners.

Wooden beams rest on wood concrete blocks with a depth of at least 15 cm.

Prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs

When using precast concrete slabs, it is necessary to anchor the outer walls to the ceilings. Bent reinforcing bars Ø8A240 are used - one side of the bar is laid along wood concrete block, the other is attached to the mounting loop of the floor slab. On the surface of the ceiling, the reinforcement is additionally protected by a layer of DSP. In addition, it is recommended that the plates be anchored to each other with metal brackets (reinforcing steel Ø8A240).

Monolithic reinforced concrete belt

The distribution belt must be made in one of the following ways:

  • in formwork made of special arbolite;
  • with external formwork made of wood concrete with a thickness of 10-15 cm;
  • belt for the entire width of the wall in removable formwork(in this case, insulation of the armored belt is required to eliminate cold bridges).

The most creative method of erecting buildings, which makes it possible to obtain a structure of any shape and configuration, is the construction of monolithic walls that do not have connecting seams, and therefore provide the greatest tightness. By modeling the casting mold with the desired profile, you can get any futuristic contours country house, by sequential pouring and rearrangement of the formwork.

The main disadvantage of this method is its high cost and laboriousness, since sand-cement screed heavy and expensive material. Alternative way The budget construction of a building using a similar technology is the construction of the walls of the house from monolithic wood concrete, which is much lighter, which means that the work can be done by hand.

Preparation of arbolite mixture

The term arbolite combines a wide range of mixtures of crushed plant fibers with cement, which makes it possible to obtain a light construction material 80–90% consisting of shavings or crushed pieces of various plants. The composition of such a structural material makes it possible to minimize the cost of its manufacture, since crushed plant fibers can be obtained from any waste of the woodworking industry intended for disposal.

The recipe for mixing the components for the preparation of wood concrete will depend on the class and brand of material that should be obtained as a result, based on the purpose:

  • for external walls, the most dense and durable composition of the mixture is needed;
  • internal walls and floors can have a lower density, but higher heat and sound insulation.
Table of the composition of the mixture (cement / filler / water) for running wood concrete grades, depending on the filler
Filler The content of components, kg / m 3
B0.35(M5) B0.75(M10) B1.0(M15) B2.0(M20) B2.5(M25)
Softwood shavings and sawdust 260/160/280 280/180/300 300/200/330 330/220/360 360/240/400
Chips and crushed softwood 280/170/300 300/190/330 320/210/360 350/230/400 380/250/440
Mixed sawdust and shavings 290/180/330 310/200/360 330/220/390 360/240/430 390/250/460
Mixed rock crushing products 310/160/330 330/180/360 350/200/390 380/220/430 410/240/460
Crushed rice straw 300/180/350 370/220/400 400/250/450
Crushed hemp and flax stalks 220/200/400 310/190/470 360/180/450 450/170/420
Crushed cotton stalks 260/200/400 290/210/460 320/220/480 360/230/510

When accepting the composition of the mixture presented in the table, a number of assumptions should be taken into account and the data adjusted based on the actual parameters of the components:

  1. The proportion is given for cement grade M400, that is, when using other grades, the coefficient of change in strength should be entered: M300 - 1.05; M500 - 0.96; M600 - 0.93.
  2. Aggregate consumption is given for absolutely dry material, which is rare for real construction conditions, therefore, its mass should be increased by multiplying by a factor exceeding one by the proportion of water in the filler composition (moisture in% divided by 100%).
  3. Quantity pure water should be reduced by the amount of its content in the composition of the chemical additive, which is injected as part of a mixture of a certain concentration.

Types of formwork and their construction

For the construction of any monolith of walls and floors, formwork is required, which is a structure of various material designs that limits the space filled with liquid building mix, which after solidification forms structural elements home or other building. Depending on the geometric shapes, which are planned to be reproduced in the architecture of the house, for example, concave or convex walls, may be required special shapes manufactured in the factory. Although in most cases the construction of walls from monolithic wood concrete implies straight lines and shapes that can be reproduced using wooden formwork, assembled by hand from boards and bars.

Given the hygroscopicity of wood concrete, a reasonable decision would be fixed formwork from polystyrene boards, creating a double-sided vapor and heat-impermeable layer. The assembly of the enclosing form from expanded polystyrene consists in connecting standard elements with the help of special locks, molded during the manufacture of the formwork elements and being an integral part of them. A device of this design will require additional costs, since a fixed polystyrene foam structure cannot be made by hand from improvised materials.

By choosing wood concrete as a structural material for the house to pour monolithic walls and the floor of the house, the use of factory molded products or fixed formwork would be illogical. It would be more reasonable to make shields from boards or chipboard, by connecting them together and setting a distance equal to the thickness of the walls, you can get a reusable device that can be rearranged in horizontal and vertical planes.

The surface of the boards facing inward must be well processed, since all the irregularities and defects of the wood will be transferred to the walls, which means that an additional finishing layer will be required to eliminate them. So that after the wood concrete has solidified in the form, the bounding structure can be easily dismantled, the surface of the boards or chipboard should be pre-treated using any oily composition, for example, used engine oil.

Technology of monolithic construction

Arbolite is the lightest structural material, therefore, for the construction of walls, a monolithic reinforced concrete floor is not required, it will be enough to confine yourself to a do-it-yourself strip foundation, the width of which should be equal to the thickness of the walls. Reinforced concrete or brick should be used as a material for the device of the supporting structure of the house, capable of withstanding the weight of a building of three floors, since a large number of storeys for monolithic structures from wood concrete is not allowed. Subsequently between strip foundations it is necessary to perform the device of floors, which can also be made of wood concrete.

Monolithic construction can be performed in several ways:

  • continuous floor pouring, in which a fixed formwork is mounted on the floor or foundation, and the mixture is supplied from an automixer or a local concrete-mortar unit;
  • pouring belts, when a formwork of a certain width is formed immediately for the entire perimeter of the building and sequentially moves from bottom to top;
  • segmental pouring, when a section of a wall of a fixed height and length is poured in one go, having restrictions on the sides.

Formwork for a monolithic floor and a slab of wood concrete Manual tamping of the floor of the first floor Compacted floor and prepared formwork for pouring walls Rearranged formwork for pouring the next layer of wood concrete Repositioning the formwork Filled and compacted wood concrete in the formwork for walls Formwork for the facade side Walls made of monolithic wood concrete

If building a house is done by hand, then the first two options are frankly utopian, but the last one is the most realistic and practically feasible, even in the absence of a concrete mixer.

The sequence of operations in this case will be as follows:

  1. The formwork prepared by one's own hands is exposed on a certain section of the foundation, into which it is necessary to immure reinforcing rods in advance, reaching a height of up to the mark where the floor of the next floor will be. The diameter and pitch of the rods when reinforcing the walls is selected based on the planned number of storeys of the building, the higher it is, the smaller the distance and the greater the thickness of the embedded parts.
  2. The lower edge of the protective shields is overlapped with the foundation of the house, and the upper cut is fixed in two or three points along the thickness of the wall. For a snug fit, the panels are pulled together with metal studs with a diameter of 3–5 mm, which, after removing the formwork, must be cut flush so that there are no holes left in the wall. The gaps on the sides of the formwork are closed with pieces of boards.
  3. Wood concrete is poured into the prepared segment, the composition of which is determined by the fact that it is an external wall or partition, not adding 3-5 cm to the upper cut of the formwork. After pouring, it is imperative to compact the solution by manually tamping with a specially prepared pin along the entire length of the fill, thereby removing air bubbles from the arbolite layer in order to achieve the desired density and strength.
  4. After the wall section has hardened, the formwork can be removed, protected, oiled and installed on the next segment, after which all previous manipulations must be repeated. The rearrangement is carried out sequentially: first, in the same plane in height, and after the perimeter is closed, an ascent to a higher level is made.
  5. After reaching the mark of the next floor, it is necessary to perform a floor device, filling it with wood concrete over a specially prepared formwork or laying standard reinforced concrete slabs overlap. After the floor is arranged, all operations are repeated until the design height of the building is reached.

If the construction of the house is carried out from aerated concrete, the best overlap for him is wooden. This is the most economical option that can be made by hand.

Only two people are required to install it. Another advantage of wood is its low weight, which is very important for aerated concrete.

Wooden floors in a house made of aerated concrete are interfloor, basement and attic. The fundamental difference between them is small, but there are some features of their arrangement.

Floor materials

  • Wooden beams. Material - solid wood or glued beams. Their dimensions should not be less than 50x150 mm. They should not have weak areas or large knots that could affect their bearing capacity. The wood must be dry at the time of installation. The specific dimensions of the beams depend on the length of the overlapped span and the spacing of their laying. This provides a design load of 400 kg per square of overlap.
  • Boards for ceiling and floor.
  • Wooden logs.
  • Wooden bars 5x5 cm.
  • Roll and coating waterproofing to prevent contact between wood and aerated concrete. If there is direct contact between these materials, the difference in thermal characteristics will lead to the formation of condensate, as a result of which the wood will rot.
  • Mineral wool insulation.
  • Material for the inner lining of the floor. OSB, plywood, clapboard, drywall, etc. can be used.
  • Antiseptic and heat-resistant impregnations. They are necessary for the impregnation of beams and boards. Impregnations prevent wood decay, damage by pests, and fire.
  • Cement and sand to create an armored belt.

Production of armored belt

Since gas blocks have a relatively fragile structure, it is necessary to form a reinforcing belt of reinforced concrete before arranging the ceiling on the walls. It will evenly distribute pressure loads over the entire area of ​​​​the walls, and also additionally strengthen the walls of the house.

To create an armored belt, U-shaped gas blocks are used, which are stacked as the top row. In the absence of such blocks, they can be made independently by cutting out recesses in ordinary aerated concrete. After laying the U-shaped blocks, a power frame of reinforcement is formed in the recesses. It consists of four longitudinal rods interconnected into a single structure. Under bottom reinforcement pieces of wood are placed to create a monolithic layer of concrete under the metal.

After that, concrete is poured into blocks. The surface for laying the floor is ready. The armored belt can also be made without U-shaped blocks, simply by pouring concrete into the formwork fixed on top of the walls, but this method is too time-consuming.

The device of interfloor overlapping

We list the procedure for performing work on the creation of an interfloor ceiling made of wood.

Approximate scheme of a wooden floor. Designations: 1 - floor; 2 - waterproofing; 3 - insulation; 4 - counter rail; 5 - beam; 6 - draft ceiling; 7 - vapor barrier; 8 - interior finishing.

Laying beams

The formation of the overlap begins with the laying of power beams on the walls. They are laid perpendicular to the long walls of the house. The laying step usually does not exceed 1 m. B Alkas should go on the walls at least 15 cm. First, the extreme beams are installed, which are displayed in level, by means of a long and even board, placed on the end. There should not be a tight abutment of the extreme beams to the walls. A gap of about 3–4 cm should be left between them. Subsequently, this gap will be filled with insulation.

Installed wooden beams

The outer beams are mounted on the wall, after which the remaining beams are installed. Not only their level is controlled, but also the horizontal position. If the length of the support beams turned out to be insufficient, they can be built up with the same material. To do this, two beams are overlapped from 0.5 m to 1 m, after which they are bolted. Such a connection is considered quite reliable.

The beam is fastened to the armored belt by means of anchor plates in the following order:

  • The ends of the beams are cut at an angle of about 70 degrees to ensure the removal of moisture.
  • The tree from all sides and from the ends is covered with antiseptic and heat-resistant impregnations.

Tip: the ends of the beams must not be coated with oily impregnations or paint. In this case, the evaporation of moisture from the wood will be disturbed.

  • Parts of the beams entering the wall are coated with a layer bituminous mastic, and wrapped with several layers of roofing material.
  • The beams are fastened with anchor plates to the armored belt.
  • The outer ends of the beams on the outside of the walls are insulated with expanded polystyrene.

Beam insulation

The voids between the laid beams are filled. This can be done with bricks, but preferably with gas blocks. Between the blocks and the tree, it is necessary to leave gaps of 2–3 cm. These voids are tightly clogged with mineral wool. This prevents the formation of condensate and dampness of the wood from contact with the walls.

Roof laying and floor insulation

To insulate the ceiling, it is necessary to make a roll. Along the bottom of the laid beams, 5x5 cm bars are attached. They can be fixed with long self-tapping screws. Boards of boards are laid on them, but separate cut-out pieces of boards can also be used. Insulation is tightly laid on the boards ( mineral wool or styrofoam). The recommended thickness of the insulation is from 10 cm.

Log laying and flooring

On top of the created structure, perpendicular to the beams, logs are laid, which are also pre-treated with special impregnations. Logs usually have a smaller section than beams. The step of laying the log is 50–70 cm. The logs are attached to the beams. Floor boards are laid over the fixed logs. The bottom cover is sheathed OSB boards, chipboard, drywall or plywood.

Ground floor covering device

If the ceiling is made over a heated basement, its design is no different from the interfloor ceiling device. If ground floor cold, like basement, there are some features of its arrangement.

Since water vapor tends to circulate from a warm room to a cold basement, the heat insulator will absorb a lot of moisture. To prevent this, a layer of vapor barrier is laid on top of it. It is also recommended to increase the thickness of the insulation layer to 20 cm. All beams, as well as others wooden elements floors must be protected from decay with special compounds.

Attic floor device

difference attic floor from the interfloor consists in the absence of a floor, as well as in the use of a thicker layer of thermal insulation. If the attic is arranged on top, then the floor is also made. A wooden floor for walls made of aerated concrete blocks, with correct installation, will ensure the reliability and durability of the built house. At the same time, the cost of work and materials will be much lower than when using reinforced concrete floors.