How load-bearing walls are indicated on the floor plan. Is it possible to find out where the load-bearing walls are in a monolithic house, in brick or concrete without a building plan

How to determine the load-bearing wall or not?

The coordination of the redevelopment of an apartment or non-residential premises, and the redevelopment itself as a whole, should begin with the definition of load-bearing walls, because their involvement can lead to disastrous consequences, including the collapse of the building. Redevelopment of load-bearing walls (partial dismantling, opening, etc.) in accordance with Article 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation should be carried out on the basis of an appropriate redevelopment project. coordinating it with the author of the house, etc. Despite this, examples of redevelopment are spreading more and more every day on the Internet (for example, where designers effortlessly demolish bearing walls, not paying attention to the fact that this is not legal and, moreover, can lead to a violation of the strength of the building. In this article, we will try to answer the questions in detail How to find out if the wall is load-bearing or not?" and " How to find out which walls in the apartment are bearing? "

Definition of load-bearing walls. How to find out if the wall is load-bearing or not?

1. Bearing walls in a panel house.

In most cases, panel and block houses have a typical series, that is, the code of the project according to which they were built. To begin with, use the already voiced site to determine the series of your house at its address. Then find a description of your typical series on the Internet, on our website, on the developer's website, etc. The descriptions usually give the thickness of the load-bearing walls in panel house this series.

So, how to determine the load-bearing wall in a panel house? To get started, you can use our database of load-bearing walls of typical series of houses. There are layouts of apartments of each series with highlighting the color of the load-bearing walls.

The second way to find out which walls are load-bearing in a panel house is to measure their thickness. In general, in panel buildings, the thickness of the partitions varies from 80 to 100 mm. thickness of load-bearing walls - from 140 to 200 mm. At 90% panel houses internal partitions are gypsum concrete panels 80mm thick. internal walls - reinforced concrete load-bearing panels 140,180 or 200mm thick. In some old series of panel houses, load-bearing panels with a thickness of 120mm are found. Thus, if the thickness of the measured wall is less than 120mm. then this means that it is a partition, and if more, then it is a carrier. It should be noted that the finishing layers of the walls (plaster, wallpaper) can make adjustments to its thickness, but in panel houses they usually do not exceed 50mm. and do not have a significant effect. True, if possible, it is better to remove the plaster layer for the purity of measurements.

If you cannot measure the thickness of the wall directly (let's say between rooms), then you can measure it through the "third dimension":

Wall thickness: s= c-a-b;

It should be noted that the demolition of a load-bearing wall in a panel house is unacceptable. This is guaranteed to lead to deflection or collapse of the floor.

2. How to understand the load-bearing wall or not in a brick house?

The thickness of the brick wall is a multiple of the size of the brick (120mm): 120mm + 10mm (thickness of the vertical mortar joint) + 120mm. etc. In this way, brick walls can have the following thicknesses: 120, 250, 380, 510, 640mm. etc. + finishing layers. The thickness of the bearing wall made of bricks starts from 380 millimeters and above. In 90% of brick residential buildings, internal interior partitions are made of brick or gypsum concrete panels 120 and 80 mm thick. respectively, inter-apartment - 250mm. brick and 200mm. made of double panels air gap. Bearing wall in brick house can have thicknesses of 380, 510 and 640 mm. Thus, if the thickness of the measured wall in the apartment turned out to be less than 380mm. then it is a partition, and vice versa.

There are much fewer brick houses built in series than panel houses, and therefore it is much more difficult to find their description. However, most brick houses the capitals are Khrushchev and Stalinka buildings with very similar design solutions. Let's consider them in more detail.

Bearing walls in Khrushchev and Stalin.

So, what are the bearing walls in Khrushchev? All types of residential Khrushchev houses are a structural scheme with three longitudinal load-bearing walls (highlighted in green) and transverse stiffening diaphragm walls (highlighted in blue), which ensure the stability of the longitudinal load-bearing walls (prevent them from tipping over). The transverse walls of the staircase (highlighted in blue) not only ensure the stability of the longitudinal load-bearing walls, but also serve as a support for flights of stairs, i.e. are also carriers.

Interfloor floor slabs rest either directly on the longitudinal load-bearing walls:

Or on reinforced concrete transverse walls and beams rectangular section(usually 200x600 (h) mm.), which in turn are supported by longitudinal load-bearing walls:

In the latter version, and it is more common than the first, the transverse walls act not only as stiffening diaphragms, but also as load-bearing ones, since the interfloor ceilings rely on them. The direction of laying the slabs can be seen from the rustication (joints of the slabs). Usually, under reinforced concrete beams, so that they do not catch the eye, inter-apartment and interior partitions are installed.

Apartment layouts, number of rooms, beam spacing, etc. may be very different, but the design scheme itself does not change.

Everything that was said above about the Khrushchevs applies to the Stalinists. The same constructive scheme with three longitudinal load-bearing walls prevails in stalinkas, however, they have greater architectural expressiveness and, as a result, more complex structural schemes of stair and elevator units, wall turns.

Below are the plans for apartments in Khrushchev and Stalinka buildings, indicating load-bearing walls and structures:

As can be seen from the materials presented in stalinkas and Khrushchevs, quite often all internal walls are non-load-bearing partitions, which is very convenient for redevelopment and the flight of design ideas.

3. Bearing walls in monolithic houses.

How to determine the load-bearing wall in an apartment in monolithic house? Monolithic houses the most diverse in their architectural and constructive design. In residential monolithic houses, monolithic load-bearing walls, columns, and pylons (columns of rectangular section) are usually combined. and beams, etc. Often the pylons are "recessed" in the outer walls and inner partitions. The thickness of the bearing walls in a monolithic house is usually 200,250 and 300mm. The dimensions of the columns are even larger. Thus, if you measured the thickness of the wall and it turned out to be less than 200mm. then it's a barrier. The reverse is unfortunately not true. If you measured the wall and its thickness was, for example, 200mm. this does not mean that it is load-bearing, because in monolithic houses partitions can reach a thickness of 200mm. and more (for example, from foam blocks).

If you have a monolithic new building, then the easiest way to find out comprehensive information about the bearing walls of your apartment is to ask management company or sales department plan of your floor from the architectural section of the building project (“work”):

Usually this is not difficult, but on the plan itself, internal load-bearing walls, partitions, and dimensions are clearly visible. Load-bearing walls are usually highlighted with separate hatching.

If the apartment is located in a new building and its decoration has not yet been completed, then which walls are load-bearing can be determined by visual inspection. Bearing walls in such buildings are made of monolithic reinforced concrete, which is outwardly easily distinguishable from brick, foam blocks and other materials from which partitions and non-bearing walls are made. Also, on the load-bearing walls in such houses, holes caulked with mortar are clearly visible, which remained from the formwork screeds during the construction of the wall.

4. How are load-bearing walls indicated on the plan?

Many people ask us the question: "How to determine the load-bearing walls on the plan?". Unfortunately, there is no special designation of load-bearing walls in the drawings. If this is an architectural and construction plan from a working project for a building (an example is shown in the figure above), then the load-bearing walls are highlighted with the same hatching. Bearing walls on the BTI plan or on ordinary plans from the Internet are usually shown to be thicker than partitions, but not always. The wall in such plans can be drawn thin, but in fact be a carrier. Therefore, we do not advise you to rely on dubious plans in this matter. According to the plan of the apartment, only an experienced specialist can determine the load-bearing walls. who has already seen no such apartment and knows them design features.

Of course, there are other signs of determining load-bearing structures, but they require already certain knowledge, experience and skills in construction, and therefore are not given here. I hope this article was useful to you. Let me remind you that you can always ask us your question in the appropriate section.

5. Is it possible to touch load-bearing walls?

Below we will briefly consider those works that can and cannot be carried out with load-bearing walls during redevelopment.

5.1. Is it possible to demolish a load-bearing wall in an apartment?

It is absolutely impossible to dismantle an entire load-bearing wall in a house of any type in accordance with clause 11.3 of Appendix No. 1 of Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 508. Firstly, such dismantling will lead to a significant violation of the strength, stability and safety of use of the entire building. Secondly, such a redevelopment cannot be agreed upon, and if it is discovered, a lot of money will have to be spent on the development of project documentation for restoration. bearing capacity such a wall.

5.2. Can a load bearing wall be moved?

Carrying out the transfer of a load-bearing wall is prohibited for the same reasons as described in the previous paragraph.

5.3. Is it possible to make a passage in a load-bearing wall?

An opening in a load-bearing wall is possible in many cases. However, many requirements must be met. The possibility of such a redevelopment and the requirements for it, we examined in detail in a separate article.

5.4. Chasing of a load-bearing wall.

It is prohibited to make horizontal or vertical grooves in load-bearing walls for electrical wiring or water supply pipes in accordance with paragraph 11.1 of Appendix 1 to Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 508.

5.5. Drilling a load-bearing wall.

Drilling load-bearing walls for the installation of dowels or other fasteners is allowed. Even the device of small through holes for wiring through the ventilation wall, sewer pipes and water pipes.

We hope that our article answered the question: "How to recognize the load-bearing walls in an apartment?". We also recommend that you read the article on how to agree on the redevelopment of an apartment or non-residential premises.

The walls of houses and apartments perform different functions and experience different loads. Bearing walls take on the load not only of their own weight, but also the weight of ceilings. Having conceived overhaul associated with redevelopment, you just need to know how to determine the load-bearing wall.

The load-bearing wall is installed perpendicular to the slab that rests on it. That is, the plate lies with its short side on the wall, giving it a significant part of its mass. In buildings, load-bearing walls are not always used. Sometimes columns or beams are placed instead. But basically, load-bearing walls are installed in residential premises during construction, which in some cases is easy to determine, in others it is difficult.

We note in advance that operations carried out with load-bearing walls, including internal installation wiring, arrangement of niches and different holes, you should not carry out on your own without professional skills. About the arches doorways, extended sections or partial demolition and out of the question.

How to determine which wall is load-bearing

Most easy way find a load-bearing wall - familiarize yourself with the plan of the house. On it, this wall is marked quite clearly. The plan can be found at the local executive committee in the capital construction department. You can also use detailed plan apartments, located in the house book or registration certificate. But in this case, the owner must have some building experience and skills in reading drawings.

You can also look at such a plan together with the neighbors living on the floor above. Their design should specify which wall their floor structure rests on. If the apartment is on the top floor, you can climb into the attic and pay attention to how the slabs lie.

Note! If there is even the slightest drop of uncertainty, in no case do not touch the wall, as this can be very expensive.

If the plan cannot be obtained, we will determine the bearing wall by characteristics. The location of a wall can say a lot about its purpose. The walls facing the staircase hall, as well as the internal walls bordering the neighbors' apartment, are load-bearing. In addition, some of the outer walls bordering environment, can also be carriers. They can make up the box of the building, and take on the entire load.

The next way to determine such a wall is to pay attention to its thickness. If thickness brickwork is 38 centimeters or more, and if the reinforced concrete panel has a thickness of more than 14 cm, then these walls are load-bearing. Now more about this.

brick houses

The width of the brick is 12 cm. The cement joint between the bricks takes an average of 1 cm. Simple mathematics tells us that 38 cm is a three-brick masonry in which there are two joints (12+1+12+1+12=38). 51 cm - 4-brick masonry; 64 cm - 5-brick, etc. Interior walls are usually no thicker than 18 cm. The thickness of the walls is determined without plaster. Therefore, before measuring, it is better to clean the walls of the old finish.

In brick houses built in the 90s and later, the situation is a little more complicated. They were most likely built individual project, and the author of the layout will help determine the load-bearing wall.

Panel houses

In a panel or block house it is very difficult to realize your own building ideas, since most of the walls in it are load-bearing. These include inter-apartment, and external and perpendicular to the external walls. The walls of the sanitary rooms are also load-bearing.

Partitions between rooms are only 80-100 mm. But there are exceptional cases when in such houses the thickness of the walls is 12 centimeters wide. Should it be considered a carrier, or is it just a thickened partition? In this case, it is necessary to turn for help to competent people who will draw a conclusion based on architectural project building. They will decide whether it is possible to carry out further work in the house or not.

Monolithic houses

How to recognize a load-bearing wall in a monolithic house? In houses, the foundation of which smoothly passes into the frame of the building, any wall with a thickness of more than 20 cm is considered to be load-bearing. However, in such houses, which are often built not according to the standard, but according to the design decision of the customer, it is not enough to be guided by the same dimensions to determine the load-bearing wall. simple partition in a monolithic house it can be thicker than 20 cm. And there are houses where there are no load-bearing walls at all. Instead, reliable columns are used. Therefore, a building plan and a drawing can serve as a help. If for some reason they are not available, then the verdict of authorized persons cannot be dispensed with.

Permission from the relevant authorities.

Many do not want to be associated with officials and prefer to decide important questions on one's own. But this is fraught with gross errors. Do not be afraid to call specialists to your home for advice and permission. Moreover, if you find on the wall, even if it is not bearing, the slightest cracks, a damp or crumbling area, invite an inspector who will assess the degree of damage and give advice.

Note! Any redevelopment, regardless of the type of apartment, whether it is Khrushchev or a cottage house, requires the consent and written permission of the BTI or other relevant government services. Works on load-bearing walls, even if performed by a professional, also require a permit.

If you still have to carry out some dismantling of the bearing walls, they should be carried out by a competent specialist who knows how to install temporary columns that take on the weight of the slab instead of the wall. Representatives of authorized organizations, engineers licensed for this construction activity should monitor the process and carry out calculations of such columns.

Note! It is impossible to sell an apartment with an illegal redevelopment, and it will be very difficult and problematic to get a project for an already converted apartment.

It is not necessary to think that the planned work is insignificant, and it is not worth it to call the brigade. The slightest mistake can cost the lives of many people, because an imperceptible microcrack in the load-bearing wall can eventually lead to the collapse of the building.

Work carried out on load-bearing walls

If you decide to carry out work on load-bearing walls, for example, ditching ditches, do it with the utmost care. If there are sockets or switches on the wall, remember that wiring is hidden inside the wall, which, if the room is not de-energized, can disable the power supply system and cause injury to the worker. If the house is old, there may even be a gas pipe in the wall. Work carefully and, if possible, use a project where all these nuances are noted.

Note! Never forget that you can not demolish a load-bearing wall, leaving the floor without support.

If professional skills allow you to take on the partial removal of the wall, do not forget to place a support in the resulting opening, which can be hidden with false beams over time.


Additional tips can be found below:

Bearing wall (Fig. 1)- the main carrier-enclosing vertical design building, which rests and transfers to the foundation the load from the ceilings and the self-weight of the wall, separating adjacent rooms in the building and protecting them from impact external environment.

Self-supporting wall (Fig. 2)- external enclosing vertical structure that protects interior spaces buildings from the influence of the external environment, based on and transferring the load from its own weight to the foundation.

Fig.2. Self-supporting wall
(outer wall rests on the foundation, and the ceiling adjoins the wall)

Curtain wall (Fig. 3)- an external wall resting on a ceiling within one floor with a floor height of not more than 6 m. (with a higher floor height, these walls are self-supporting) and protecting the building from the outside from the effects of the external environment.

Partition- an internal vertical enclosing non-bearing wall, based on the floor, and separating adjacent rooms in the building.

In buildings with self-supporting and non-load-bearing external walls, loads from coatings, ceilings, etc. are transferred to the frame or transverse structures of buildings.

In the house, the walls that stand on the foundation and on which the ceilings rest will be carriers.

And the walls standing on the foundation without resting the ceiling on them will be self-supporting.

Fig.3. Non-bearing wall (outer wall rests on the floor slab)

Walls of various design purposes are different load. To ensure the necessary bearing capacity for different walls, a certain wall thickness and the strength of the materials used are selected.

For example, internal and external load-bearing walls of buildings made of aerated concrete blocks up to 3 floors inclusive are recommended to be made from blocks of classes in compressive strength not lower than B2.5, with glue or mortar of grade not lower than M75; at a height of up to 2 floors inclusive - not lower than B2 on glue or on a solution of grade not lower than M50.

For self-supporting walls of buildings up to 3 floors high, the block class must be at least B2.

Residential area. In this case, the question arises: how to determine the load-bearing wall that cannot be touched? And in order not to be mistaken, we suggest that you consider several ways to find out. Also, this article will be of interest to those who plan to perform repair work, namely to lay communications by a hidden method.

Under bearing wall means the structure on which the floor of the next floor rests. Also, such walls can be replaced by columns or beams that support the entire structure.

If during the repair process it is incorrect to determine the load-bearing wall, then if it is violated, cracks may appear in the building, in the worst case, the ceiling may collapse.

There are several ways to determine whether a load-bearing wall is in front of you or not. For example, by location. All external walls are always load-bearing, as well as those that are on the side of the staircase. These can be walls that border your neighbors. In addition, you can determine by its thickness and what it is made of. If brick is used, then the supporting structure in this case will be more than 380 mm. As for the reinforced concrete structure, this is 140–200 mm, and in the case of monolithic walls the bearing wall will be 200–300 mm or more. You can also find the supporting structure by the location of the floor slabs. All walls that are perpendicular to the slabs are load-bearing. Although there are houses where there are exceptions to the rules, for example, Czech buildings.

These are the basic provisions that will help you determine which of the walls are load-bearing and which are not. Now let's take a closer look at where and what walls are in a panel house, Khrushchev, brick and in a monolithic house.

Partitions in a panel house usually have a thickness in the range of 80–100 mm. It can be made of gypsum concrete. As for the bearing wall, it can be 140, 180, 200 mm thick. If, after measuring the wall, its thickness is less than 120 mm, then it is definitely a partition. But note the fact that in some panel houses the walls are plastered. So be sure to take this into account when measuring. Although in most cases the plaster layer does not exceed 50 mm, which means that this will not have a significant effect. But it is best to take as a basis only the thickness of the wall at the measurement site.

The thickness of the walls in brick buildings is formed during laying. For example, a standard brick has a width of 120 mm. If the laying is carried out in two rows, then there is a seam of about 10 mm between them. Accordingly, the thickness of such a wall will be equal to 250 mm. If the wall is laid out in three rows, then its thickness will be 380 mm and so on.

The simplest method for determining a load-bearing wall is measurement. Walls 80, 120 or 250 mm are partitions. Accordingly, a wall thickness of 380, 520 mm and more is always a carrier. Also, be sure to take into account the layer of plaster and other finishing materials when measuring.

Some brick houses may have wooden floors. Therefore, load-bearing walls may be of less importance.

Bearing walls in such buildings are a diagram of their three bearing ( green color) and transverse ( blue color) walls, in the diagram they look like this:

At the same time, the partitions marked in blue are also bearing for the flight of stairs.

As you can see, standards apply here. The design scheme in Khrushchev or Stalinka buildings does not change, although the layout of the apartment may differ.

As for monolithic buildings, the layout in them can be very different. The thickness of the walls here can also be different, this is 200, 250, 300 mm and more. If the wall you measured is 200mm thick, then it is most likely a partition wall. If more than 200 mm, then this is not a guarantee that you have a load-bearing wall in front of you. The very method of determining it is to find project documentation or consult an engineer from the builder's company. In monolithic houses, foam blocks are used for partitions different thickness, that explains everything.

So, when redeveloping an apartment, questions may arise regarding whether it is possible to remove load-bearing walls. It should be said right away that its complete dismantling is unacceptable, as this can lead to the destruction of the structure. If you do such a redevelopment arbitrarily, then you will have to spend a large amount plus there is a risk of fines. This rule also applies to the transfer of a load-bearing wall.

If there is no talk of complete demolition or transfer, but you want to make an opening, then such work is possible. However, each case should be considered individually and it is best to contact the design organization. In the event that you want to carry out certain communications by a hidden method in such a wall, then it is forbidden to make horizontal or vertical strobes, according to the decree of the Government of Moscow. However, drilling is possible. Especially when we are talking on the installation of fasteners, such as dowels or laying sewer pipes, ventilation or water pipes through the walls.

As you can see, there are a number of restrictions that apply to load-bearing walls. We hope that from this article, you have received an answer to the question of how to find out the location of load-bearing walls.



Today, very often, when creating interior design, they resort to redevelopment of the premises. For redevelopment, it is necessary to determine the bearing walls and additional partitions located in the apartment. In some rooms, the definition of such walls does not involve much effort, in others it can be difficult. Today, in almost all apartments, load-bearing walls are used in the construction, although in some buildings they can be replaced by beams and columns. One of the most affordable and easy ways to determine the bearing walls is the initial inspection of the apartment plan, which can be found in the data sheet. On the plan, such walls are clearly marked, often they have a certain shading, and their thickness is much greater than the thickness of other partitions. Bearing walls have certain characteristics.

How to determine the load-bearing wall or not?

To determine the load-bearing walls, it is imperative to use the plan. When redevelopment, it is necessary to contact the specialists for permission to dismantle the partitions.

Even if you plan to move the doorway, you need to have certain documents that must be provided by employees of the BTI or other relevant government agencies. In the event that an illegal redevelopment has been made in the apartment, it becomes impossible to sell it, and obtaining permission for redevelopment after its implementation is quite problematic.

Any work with the walls should be treated with full responsibility, because even the slightest crack in the load-bearing wall can be fraught with an impact on the entire structure of the building. Carrying out work with load-bearing walls It is possible to carry out some work with load-bearing walls, however, any actions must be carried out exclusively by competent specialists.

Is it possible to determine the load-bearing wall from the BTI documents or not?


A constructive plan will help to detect not only the load-bearing walls in the house, but also the columns and beams of the post-and-beam system, as well as the floor slabs that rest on them. If for some reason you were unable to obtain a constructive plan of the building, then we will determine the walls according to their characteristic features.

Again, you can use the detailed plan of the apartment, which is drawn in the data sheet or in the house book. But in this case, you will be able to determine the bearing walls only on the condition that you are not new to construction and planning.

How to identify a load bearing wall? Which walls are load-bearing can be recognized by: 1. By location. outdoor self-supporting walls. Walls facing the stairwell. Internal walls facing neighboring apartments.

2. According to the thickness and materials used.

Symbols on the plans bti

The wall can be indicated by a thin line and at the same time be a carrier. Determination of load-bearing walls by thickness The second way to find out which wall is load-bearing is by its location and thickness.

Bearing walls in a brick house The thickness of the walls in brick houses is a multiple of the brick size (120 mm), plus the thickness of the mortar joint (10 mm), if there is more than one masonry. Accordingly, brick walls can be 120, 250, 380, 520, 640 mm thick, etc.

Mainly in brick residential buildings internal partitions are made of brick or gypsum concrete panels 80 or 120 mm thick. Inter-apartment partitions 250 mm thick brick or 200 mm double panels with air gap.


Bearing walls in a brick house have a thickness of 380 mm. Most of the brick houses built standard series- these are the so-called "Stalinka" and "Khrushchev".

How to identify a load bearing wall

Representatives of authorized organizations, engineers licensed for this construction activity should monitor the process and carry out calculations of such columns. Note! It is impossible to sell an apartment with an illegal redevelopment, and it will be very difficult and problematic to get a project for an already converted apartment.

It is not necessary to think that the planned work is insignificant, and it is not worth it to call the brigade. The slightest mistake can cost the lives of many people, because an imperceptible microcrack in the load-bearing wall can eventually lead to the collapse of the building.
Work carried out on load-bearing walls Installation of support during the demolition of a load-bearing wall Having decided to carry out work on load-bearing walls, for example, chasing ditches, do it with the utmost care.

Bearing wall in the house - how to determine which walls are load-bearing?

The thickness of the load-bearing wall can be: Brick load-bearing walls, the thickness of which is more than 38 centimeters. Reinforced concrete panels in panel houses, the thickness of which is not less than 14-20 centimeters. If the house is monolithic, then any wall with a thickness of 20-30 centimeters or more will be considered a carrier.

By supporting floor slabs and beams. All load-bearing walls must be located strictly perpendicular to the location of the floor slabs. That is, the plates should rest on the walls with the short side.

Openings in load-bearing walls Once you determine which walls are load-bearing, you are aware of all the limitations associated with future redevelopment. Such a wall will not allow even an ordinary nail to be driven into itself under the picture.
And there is no need to talk about the arrangement of openings, niches, arches and partial demolition.

How to find out if the wall is load-bearing or not

Both of these types have similar Constructive decisions and are made in the form of three longitudinal load-bearing and transverse walls, which support the longitudinal and, in general, are also load-bearing. Also, the walls are load-bearing, on which interfloor floor slabs are supported (short side). Usually these are longitudinal load-bearing walls. There is an option when the floor slab rests on reinforced concrete beam rectangular section. Which, in turn, rests on load-bearing walls or brick pillars. Under the beams, as a rule, interroom or interroom partitions are installed. Bearing walls in a panel house In panel houses, the thickness of internal partitions ranges from 80 mm to 120 mm, made of gypsum concrete panels.

And, internal load-bearing walls are reinforced concrete panels with a thickness of 140, 180 or 200 mm. External load-bearing walls in a panel house have a thickness of 200 mm or more.

How to determine the load-bearing walls in the room

Bearing wall in the house - how to determine which walls are load-bearing? People who are going to redevelop an apartment or house must definitely find out which walls in their home are load-bearing. It is quite simple to determine this on your own, the main thing is to know exactly how to do it.

And in this article, I will definitely teach you this. I note that every professional interior designer must know the design features of a house or apartment. If he cannot even recognize which walls in the apartment are load-bearing, then this is no longer an interior designer, but an ordinary decorator.

Before we begin to consider our issue, I want to introduce you to the concept of "bearing wall". So, the carrier is called the wall that takes on the load of the elements located above it, including beams, floor slabs and walls. Load-bearing walls are not always used in the interior.

How to find out which walls in the apartment are bearing?

If there are sockets or switches on the wall, remember that there is wiring hidden inside the wall, which, if the room is not de-energized, can disable the power supply system and cause injury to the worker. If the house is old, it may even be in the wall gas pipe.

Work carefully and, if possible, use a project where all these nuances are noted. Note! Never forget that you can not demolish a load-bearing wall, leaving the floor without support.

If professional skills allow you to take on the partial removal of the wall, do not forget to place a support in the resulting opening, which can be hidden with false beams over time.
Most often, these are single-layer panels made of expanded clay concrete with a thickness of 300-350 mm or multi-layer consisting of two reinforced concrete panels thickness from 60 mm (external) and 80-100 mm (internal), separated by a heater. As a result, the load-bearing walls in a panel house have a thickness of 120 mm or more.

Bearing walls in a monolithic house With load-bearing walls in a monolithic house, not everything is clear. It is not always possible to identify them. In addition, they may not exist (for example, in monolithic-frame buildings).

In residential monolithic houses there are various designs. Such as, monolithic load-bearing walls, columns, pylons, beams, etc..

The standard thickness of walls and pylons is 200, 250, 300 mm. The diameter of the bearing columns can be more than 300 mm. Thickness internal walls, usually made of aerated concrete blocks, ranges from 200 mm.

Thus, the thickness of non-bearing partitions is less than 200 mm.

How are load-bearing walls indicated on the bti plan

How can you tell if a wall is load bearing? It is customary to call load-bearing walls walls that take on the load from the floors and roof of the building and transfer it to the foundation. The thickness of the wall depends on the material from which it is made and what load it carries. Bearing walls can be internal and external. Internal load-bearing walls are usually thinner than external ones due to the absence of the need for heat-insulating layers. Designation of load-bearing walls on the plan The first way to determine which walls are load-bearing is to refer to the building plan. This may be an architectural and construction plan of a working project for a building or a floor plan from the BTI passport. Unfortunately, there is no standard for the designation of load-bearing walls on the plan. For example, in the architectural and construction plan, load-bearing walls are highlighted with separate hatching, and on the BTI plan, with thicker lines, but not always.