How to make a foundation waterproofing coating correctly. Reliable waterproofing of the foundation with your own hands

The foundation is the foundation of the house. The durability of the entire structure as a whole depends on its strength and safety. The foundation is influenced by rain, ground and capillary waters, as a result of which it subsides and deforms. Concrete has the ability to pick up moisture well, which, rising up the capillaries, penetrates the walls and floor, providing ideal conditions for the formation of mold and other fungi. Also important is the problem associated with the operation of concrete foundations in a continental climate, where water freezes and thaws every year. Water penetrating into the pores of concrete, which freezes and thaws inside, leads to the destruction of the integrity of the foundation. To protect your structure from the destructive effects of water, timely waterproofing of the foundation is required. The waterproofing measures carried out at the construction stage will ensure the safety of the house. If you are still tormented by doubts about whether to do or not, keep in mind that in the future, repairing the foundation will cost more than building a box at home, and there is no need to talk about the laboriousness and complexity of the work.

The main load-bearing element of the house requires extremely close attention at all stages of construction, from calculations and installation to work on hydro and thermal insulation. To say that waterproofing a foundation with your own hands is a simple matter, it means being cunning. The technology itself requires certain knowledge and understanding of the processes occurring in the soil and in concrete, as well as in certain waterproofing materials. Experience is also of no small importance, therefore, before waterproofing the foundation, it does not hurt to consult with a specialist and take into account his recommendations.

The first thing to do is to decide on a set of waterproofing measures. For this, a number of starting conditions should be taken into account:

  • Groundwater level;
  • The force of "swelling" of the soil in the post-frost period;
  • Ground heterogeneity;
  • Building operating conditions.

If the maximum groundwater level is more than 1 m below the base of the foundation, then it will be enough to perform a vertical coating and horizontal waterproofing using roofing material.

If the groundwater level is higher than 1 m from the base of the foundation, but does not reach the basement level or reaches extremely rarely, then the complex of measures will have to be expanded for high-quality waterproofing. Perform horizontal waterproofing in two layers with a paste between them with mastic. For vertical insulation, both the coating method and the coating method with roll materials should be used. Depending on the budget that is planned for materials for waterproofing the foundation, it is possible to additionally process all concrete elements of the foundation and basement with penetrating waterproofing, which stops the movement of water through the capillaries.

If the groundwater level is above the base of the foundation and the basement floor level, or the area in which the house is built is famous for frequent and heavy rainfall, which seeps into the ground for a long time and difficult, then in addition to the previous list of measures, it is necessary to equip a drainage system around the entire house.

For foundation waterproofing, the price will depend on the surface area that needs to be processed, on a set of measures, the type and amount of waterproofing materials. In the easiest case, you will have to spend only on bitumen. And in the most difficult - at the same time for materials for coating, roll, penetrating waterproofing and for work on the arrangement of drainage or pressure wall.

For strip and monolithic (solid) foundations, horizontal waterproofing is carried out in two places:

  • At or below 15 - 20 cm of the basement floor level;
  • In the basement and at the junction of the foundation with the wall.

Important! Horizontal waterproofing can only be done during the construction phase of a house, so take care of it on time.

Before starting all work on the arrangement of the foundation and basement, it is necessary to fill in oily clay with a layer of 20-30 cm at the bottom of the pit, and then carefully tamp it. From above, concrete is poured with a layer of 5 - 7 cm. It is necessary in order to equip waterproofing under the foundation. Before laying the waterproofing, the concrete must be dry and firmly set for at least 10 to 15 days. Next, the concrete is carefully coated with bitumen mastic over the entire area, and the first layer of roofing material is laid on it. Then the surface is again coated with mastic and another layer of roofing material is laid. A 5 - 7 cm layer of concrete is poured from above, which must be leveled and ironed.

Important! Ironing also refers to measures that provide waterproofing. It is made according to the following technology: on top of freshly poured concrete, after 2 - 3 hours, cement sifted through a fine sieve is poured with a layer of 1 - 2 cm. Then it is leveled. After a while, the cement should get wet from the moisture in the concrete. Further, they proceed with the surface in the same way as with a conventional concrete screed - from time to time they are moistened with water until the concrete reaches strength and dries.

After the completion of the arrangement of the strip or pile foundation, it must also be waterproofed so that moisture does not rise up into the walls. To do this, the surface is opened with bituminous mastic, and roofing material or other roll material is laid on top. The procedure is performed twice to get two layers. The edges of the roll material hanging from the foundation are not cut off, but are wound down and then pressed down with vertical waterproofing.

Drainage system

Depending on the level of groundwater and the structure of the soil, the foundation waterproofing device may require the presence of a drainage system that will collect and drain excess atmospheric and groundwater into a separate well. Basically, such a need arises with high groundwater and poor soil permeability.

To arrange the drainage system, it is necessary to dig a trench around the perimeter of the object at a distance of at least 0.7 m from it. The depth depends on the level of the water surface. Width - 30 - 40 cm. The trenches should be located with a slight slope towards the collecting well or pit. We lay geotextiles at the bottom, wrapping the edges on the sides of the trench by 80 - 90 cm. We fill in gravel or crushed stone with a layer of 5 cm along the entire length of the trench. Then we lay perforated drainage pipes with a slope of 0.5 cm for each linear meter. We fill up the gravel with a layer of 20 - 30 cm, after washing it so as not to clog the pipes. Then we wrap everything in the remaining edges of the geotextile. We bring the pipes into the collecting well. We fall asleep with soil.

The drainage system can be performed after the completion of the construction of the house or even after some time during operation, if such a need is identified.

Foundation vertical waterproofing

Various materials can be used to waterproof the vertical foundation surface by combining them with each other. Of the options below, you can use one or more at once, depending on the individual conditions of construction.

The cheapest option to this day is the option of coating waterproofing of the foundation using bitumen resin. To do this, we purchase bitumen, most often it is sold in bars.

Pour 30% of used oil and 70% of bitumen into a large container (pot, bucket, vat). The container must be warmed up, for this we make a fire under it or put it on a gas stove. When the bitumen heats up to the state of a liquid mixture, you can begin to apply it to the surface, which must be pre-leveled.

Apply bitumen with a roller or brush to the surface of the foundation, trying to smear everything thoroughly. We begin to coat from the very bottom of the foundation and finish 15 - 20 cm above the ground surface. Apply 2 - 3 layers of bitumen so that the total thickness is 3 - 5 cm.

Important! All this time, the container with bitumen must be hot so that it does not freeze.

Bitumen penetrates and fills all the pores of concrete, preventing moisture from entering it. Will last 5 years - relatively long. Then it will begin to collapse and crack, allowing water to flow into the concrete.

To extend the service life of the coating waterproofing, you can use bitumen-polymer mastics, they are devoid of the disadvantages of pure bitumen and are more durable. The market can offer both hot and cold mastics, as well as polymer solutions that have a hard or liquid consistency. The methods of applying such materials can be different: using a roller, spatula, float or spray.

Gluing waterproofing of the foundation with roll materials

Roll waterproofing materials can be used both separately and in addition to the coating method.

The most common and relatively cheap material for pasting insulation is roofing felt. Before fixing it on the surface of the foundation, it must be treated with a bituminous primer or mastic, as in the previous method.

Then we heat the roofing material sheets with a gas burner and apply them to the vertical surface of the foundation with an overlap of 15 - 20 cm. This method is called fusion. But it is also possible to fix roofing material using special adhesive mastics. We again cover the top with bituminous mastic and glue another layer of roofing material.

Important! Before fusing roofing material, it is necessary to wrap the edges of the horizontal waterproofing down and press down, fusing the roll material from above.

Instead of roofing material, you can use more modern roll materials: TechnoNIKOL, Stekloizol, Rubitex, Gidrostekloizol, Technoelast or others. Their polymer base is polyester, which increases elasticity, wear resistance and improves performance. Despite the higher price compared to roofing felt, these materials are recommended to be used for waterproofing the foundation. But they will not be able to provide sufficient strength of the coating without mastic treatment, since they do not penetrate into the pores.

Instead of gluing waterproofing, you can use liquid rubber, which has good adhesion to the base, is durable and non-flammable. And most importantly, the surface is seamless, which provides better protection. If the foundation waterproofing work is carried out manually, on our own, then a one-component liquid rubber, for example, Elastopaz or Elastomix, will do.

Material consumption per 1 m2 is 3 - 3.5 kg.

Elastopaz it is applied in layers, in two layers; drying will take at least 24 hours at a temperature of +20 ° С. Sold in buckets of 18 kg, cheaper than Elastomix. If the bucket is not completely used up, it can be tightly sealed and used later.

Elastomix applied in one layer, drying will take no more than 2 hours at a temperature of +15 ° C. Sold in buckets of 10 kg, more expensive than Elastopaz. If the bucket with Elastomix is ​​not completely used, the mixture cannot be stored, since the adsorbent-activator, which is added to the mixture before use, will cause the contents of the bucket to turn into rubber within 2 hours.

Which of the materials to choose depends on the preferences of the owner and the time frame for implementation. Before applying liquid rubber, the surface must be dust-free and primed. After an hour, apply liquid rubber using a roller, spatula or brush according to the instructions on the package.

Surfaces treated with liquid rubber may require protection from external influences if the backfill soil contains stones or debris. In this case, the foundation must be covered with geotextiles or equipped with a pressure wall.

Penetrating foundation waterproofing

Penetrating waterproofing refers to materials whose substances are capable of penetrating the concrete structure by 100-200 mm and crystallizing inside. Hydrophobic crystals prevent water from penetrating into the concrete structure and rising through capillaries. Corrosion of concrete is also prevented and its frost resistance is increased.

Such materials as "Penetron", "Aquatron-6" and "Gidroteks" refer to penetrating anti-capillary waterproofing, differ in penetration depth and method of application. Most often, the internal concrete surfaces of the foundation, basement or basement are processed with similar materials.

It is best to apply penetrating waterproofing on wet concrete. To do this, we first clean the surface of dust, and then thoroughly moisten it. We apply the material in several layers. Once it is absorbed, the outer film can be removed.

For leveling and at the same time waterproofing the vertical surface of the foundation, you can use special plaster mixes with the addition of moisture-resistant components: hydro-concrete, polymer concrete or asphalt mastics.

Plastering is done using the same technology as plastering walls on lighthouses. To prevent cracks from appearing for a long time, it is recommended to apply it hot. After drying, the plaster layer must be protected by applying a clay lock and backfilling with clay.

Screen waterproofing of the foundation

In fact, this method is a modern replacement for an earthen castle. To protect the foundation from aggressive pressure water, bentonite mats are used, which are based on clay. By the way, they can be used in addition to other waterproofing methods. Clay mats are fixed to the processed foundation using dowels. They are laid with an overlap of 15 cm. Then a pressure wall made of concrete is installed next to it, which will serve as an obstacle that does not allow the mats to swell.

During operation, the paper component of the mats is destroyed, and the clay is pressed into the surface of the foundation, performing a protective function.

The clay castle is also designed to keep the pressure water from reaching the foundation. To do this, a 0.6 m trench is dug around it. A layer of rubble is poured onto the bottom. Then the bottom and the wall of the trench are tamped with oily clay in several layers with breaks for drying. The remaining space is covered with either gravel or clay, and a blind area is equipped on top.

During spring floods, the clay will not allow water to reach the foundation, and the lower moisture will leave through the rubble layer.

Foundation waterproofing is a responsible business. In this article, we have considered only the most common methods. If you decide to do all the work yourself, remember that the main thing for the success of the business is to choose the right materials and the necessary measures. Then the foundation will last a long time and will not require costly repairs.

Drainage of a land plot is the most important stage in preparing a site for construction. The use of drainage pipes significantly speeds up and simplifies the installation of drainage systems. Drainage pipes are necessary to drain water with high groundwater levels.

Moisture penetrating into the basement and basement creates unfavorable conditions in the living quarters located on these floors. With capillary penetration into the body of the concrete monolith of the strip foundation, moisture in winter, freezing and expanding at the same time, contributes to the destruction of concrete. Moisture in the foundation also leads to corrosion of metal reinforcement, which also does not contribute to the strength and reliability of the building foundation. For the full and long-term functioning of the underground part of the structures, it is necessary, even when laying the foundation, to ensure its reliable protection from the destructive effects of moisture, underground groundwater and the effects of moisture penetrating from the upper layers of the soil.

Correctly performed waterproofing of the strip foundation is designed to protect it from moisture.

Types of foundation waterproofing

Waterproofing methods 2:

  1. Horizontal is used when groundwater is deep enough and there is no direct contact of the foundation with it. Serves to cut off the capillary rise of moisture from the foundation tape to the foundation wall. Horizontal waterproofing also includes various types of water drainage from the building - the construction of a blind area and drainage.
  2. The vertical one ensures the waterproofing of the strip foundation walls. Non-pressure vertical waterproofing protects against seasonal rise of groundwater and atmospheric precipitation; capillary - from moisture ingress into the concrete monolith; anti-pressure is designed to resist the hydrostatic action of groundwater.

Depending on the method of execution, they are divided into:

  • coating (mastic) - performed in the form of coating with hot and cold bitumen or polymer compositions;
  • pasting - insulation with roll materials (geotextile, roofing felt, films);
  • spraying - spray coating;
  • impregnating - used in the processing of blocks and slabs with various compositions that penetrate the porous structure of concrete and give them the necessary waterproofing qualities.

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Waterproofing the strip foundation when laying

When waterproofing under a building, it is performed in several stages.
At the initial level, for the waterproofing layer, it is necessary to make a cushion of sand-gravel mixture or a layer of lean concrete.

  1. At the bottom of the trench dug under the foundation, a mixture of sand and gravel is poured, carefully rammed and leveled. The layer thickness can be up to 20-30 cm.
  2. A concrete screed up to 5-8 cm thick is laid on the sand layer. After the screed has dried (up to 2 weeks), its surface is treated with bitumen mastic or molten bitumen and a layer of roofing material is laid, bitumen is again applied and then another layer of roofing material. After that, make another 5-8 cm of concrete screed.
  3. After that, the foundation is erected, its surfaces are insulated using vertical types of waterproofing.

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Waterproofing the foundation after its construction

Vertical insulation is possible both at the stage of foundation construction and after the completion of construction. The most common method is to completely process the entire foundation strip with molten bitumen or ready-made mastic purchased from a hardware store. Bitumen penetrates into the gaps of the concrete structure and, solidifying, creates a layer that protects the foundation from moisture penetration into the body of the monolith.

Vertical insulation can be done using roll materials or by spraying one- and two-component compounds such as Elastopaz or Elastomix, etc. materials from the category "liquid rubbers".

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Bituminous insulation

In order to make insulation with bitumen, you need:

  1. Break a block of bitumen into smaller pieces and melt them in a refractory container (in a bucket above the fire) to a liquid state. When warming up bitumen, you can add a little used oil (automobile) to it.
  2. Hot bitumen can be easily applied to all surfaces of the foundation in several layers (2-4 is sufficient). Bitumen should not solidify in the container: when reheated, it loses some of its properties.

Among the disadvantages of bitumen can be noted fragility (5-10 years of operation) and low water resistance of bitumen insulation. When backfilling with soil, the insulation can be damaged.

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Roll materials

To protect the foundation of the building from moisture, first of all, it is necessary to make the so-called blind areas. Scheme of the device of the blind areas: 1 - cement mortar; 2 - broken brick, tseben; 3 - clay; 4 - soil; 5 - gutter groove; 6 - foundation.

As a protection of the bituminous layer or as an independent type of waterproofing, you can make a glued insulation with roll materials glued to the surface of the foundation using mastic or bitumen:

  1. Treat foundation surfaces with molten bitumen or mastic. Unlike the coating type of waterproofing, here it is not fundamentally a thorough application of the bitumen layer, since it serves as a layer that ensures the attachment of the roll material to the foundation.
  2. Roofing material is heated by heating with a burner and applied to the hot layer of bitumen coating. The joints are overlapped by 10-15 cm and treated with a torch for joining. Instead of roofing material, modern materials are also used, deposited in several layers on the surface of the foundation. These are polymer films and polyester cloth with bitumen-polymer spraying such as Technoelast, Isoelast, etc.
  3. If it is not possible to use the burner, special mastics with adhesive properties are used.

The durability of such waterproofing reaches 50 years. Waterproofing using roll materials is considered the most reliable today.

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Liquid rubber is a modern material

The composition is a polymer-modified dispersion of bitumen particles in water. Among the advantages of modern material: no smell, non-flammability, non-toxicity. Liquid rubbers can be applied even to damp surfaces and have good adhesion to all substrates. After drying, a waterproofing membrane forms on the treated surface.

The disadvantage of the coating is the same as with bituminous mastic: the surface can be damaged when. Therefore, after applying the composition with a spray gun or manually, it is recommended to additionally fix geotextiles or other material (for example, expanded polystyrene for thermal insulation) on the foundation.

Applying a layer of liquid rubber requires preliminary priming with a special compound or diluted with water (1: 1) liquid rubber. After drying for 1 hour, 1-2 layers of liquid rubber are applied to the soil layer.

The main enemy of building structures is moisture. For foundations, both atmospheric and ground water are dangerous. Do-it-yourself waterproofing of the strip foundation prevents problems during the operation of the building.

Why Isolation Needed?

The concrete surface of the foundation must be protected from liquid exposure. This is necessary to achieve the following results:

  • preventing water from entering the basement or basement of the house;
  • protection of concrete from washing out of particles and aggressive environment;
  • prevention of the harmful effects of cold.

The simultaneous action of water and negative temperatures is dangerous for the material. Capillary moisture penetrates into the foundation and freezes there. Water is a unique substance, only it expands when it freezes. Thus, the pressure inside the underground wall increases, which leads to its destruction.

Types of waterproofing

Waterproofing of the strip foundation prevents the destructive effect of various types of moisture on the structure. A system of three types of insulation is used simultaneously:

  • Horizontal. Prevents capillary rise of moisture. The first layer is provided in the wall of foundation blocks just below the basement floor level. The second layer is performed above, along the edge of the foundation. It is designed to protect materials of different properties (for example, concrete foundations and brick walls).
  • Vertical. It can be external (in most cases) or internal (in the presence of special circumstances).
  • Blind area. It is necessary to drain rain moisture from foundations. It reduces the stress on the vertical insulation. It is made of various materials with respect to the slope. The recommended width is 1 m.

Waterproofing of a monolithic strip foundation implies a vertical protection device along the entire height. In this case, a horizontal layer at the level of the sole is not provided. To protect the base from moisture, use a lean concrete preparation (class B7.5-B12.5).

An additional measure to protect the structure from moisture will be drainage. It plays the role of waterproofing the sole of the strip foundation and is provided 30 cm below the edge of the structure. The horizontal distance from the building is no more than 1 m. For drainage, pipes with a diameter of 110-200 mm (depending on soil moisture) are used, which are laid with a slope of 0.003-0.01.

All of the above methods are suitable for deep groundwater (more than 0.5 m from the bottom). If the groundwater level is high, it is worth considering using a different type of foundations, since measures to protect the structure in this case (dewatering, installation of a caisson) can be very expensive.

Building without a basement

Insulation from moisture must be provided regardless of the presence of a basement. Here it is worth returning to the previous question "why is isolation necessary?" Its purpose is to protect concrete and extend the life of foundations, which is needed for buildings with and without a basement.

Waterproofing a strip foundation without a basement includes the following measures:

  • vertical insulation outside the building;
  • insulation between the edge of the foundation and the wall of the building;
  • waterproofing the floor on the ground, which is connected to the previous one (together they form a closed loop);
  • insulation of the foundation pad (for prefabricated type of construction).

When making a foundation from concrete blocks, the foundation cushion is insulated from moisture using a reinforced concrete seam with a thickness of 50 mm. The use of other materials here will lead to deformation of the foundation.

Waterproofing materials

Different materials are used depending on the location of the insulation. Liquid bituminous compositions are most often used as vertical protection. Such a coating waterproofing is applied in two layers and is used at low soil moisture. Differs in low cost and simplicity of technology. The disadvantages include fragility.

There are also other options for vertical insulation of foundation walls:

  1. Plastering. Simultaneously levels the surface and protects it from moisture. Such insulation can last 10 years; over time, cracks appear on the surface, into which moisture penetrates.
  2. Okalechnaya. Various roll materials are used. The most inexpensive and unreliable option will be roofing material. Also, among the builders, more modern materials are widespread: technoelast, technonikol, linokrom and hydroizol. Effective membranes are used less frequently due to their relatively high prices. For reliability, the gluing of the foundation is made in two layers.
  3. Penetrating. This type of insulation not only increases the resistance of concrete to moisture, but also its strength and durability. The formulations are able to penetrate to great depths and provide protection from water in all directions. This type has become widespread in the repair and restoration of old foundations.
  4. Liquid rubber. It is applied to the surface by spraying. Differs in high elasticity and absence of seams. The disadvantage is the high cost.

At high ground level, the screen method of vertical isolation is used. For this, clay-based bentonite mats are used. Also in this case, an internal protection device is possible.

Horizontal waterproofing along the edge of the foundation is made of roll materials. The most common are roofing material, linokrom, hydroizol, etc. Laying roll materials at the level of the sole is not allowed. Instead, use:

  • reinforced seam 50 mm thick between the foundation pad and blocks in prefabricated technology;
  • preparation (from lean concrete) under the sole of the foundation in monolithic technology.

There are five types of blind area along the perimeter of the building. Depending on the material, a slope is selected in the direction from the foundation:

  • concrete 3%;
  • asphalt concrete 3%;
  • from crushed stone 5%;
  • from paving slabs 5%;
  • membrane (hidden) 3%.

The choice of material for the blind area depends on aesthetic considerations and financial possibilities. The most affordable option is concrete or asphalt concrete.

Competent waterproofing of the foundation protects it from premature destruction. To guarantee reliable protection, all measures are carried out in a complex.

The destructive action of moisture is prevented by waterproofing the strip foundation during the entire service life of the house. The materials used, the methods of their application, the durability of the protection can be different.

The choice is made taking into account the whole complex of conditions of the construction site - geology, climate, building density, neighboring buildings.

Protection from natural factors

The geotechnical study of the site, together with the characteristics of the climatic zone, will set the magnitude of the seasonal fluctuations in the groundwater level (GWL).

The depth is conventionally divided into two values:

  • Above 2 m (high);
  • Below 2 m (low).

During floods, abundant melting of snow, after heavy rains, the water level in the ground can rise up to 2 meters higher. Seasonal fluctuations should be accounted for in the worst possible values.

The influence of water bodies is felt at a distance of over 1 km from the place where the facility is built. The necessary waterproofing of the strip foundation with your own hands is performed already if the distance from its lower boundary to groundwater does not exceed 1 m.

Prospective account of changes

An important step in choosing waterproofing before starting work is to make an amendment for the future, to look a little further after the house is built. The hydraulic component can be influenced by:

  • An increase in the pressure on the support due to the dense construction of the site. The water will rise;
  • Long-term cycle of changes in water saturation of reservoirs;
  • Changing the drainage system of neighboring areas (including the arrangement of water collectors, dams, wells);
  • Violation of the movement of high groundwater (creating a monolithic obstacle in front of the flow in the ground on slopes) due to the new construction of houses with deepened strip foundations.

Types of waterproofing

Moisture comes to the surface of the poured monolith from above (precipitation), from the sides, from below. It is necessary to make a barrier to absorption in two directions:

  1. Horizontal. Rolled materials cut off the capillary rise from the foundation to the walls, from the pillow to the concrete. The blind area must be made to prevent water seepage from the soil surface to the concrete of the outer part of the foundation. For this purpose, a screed with a slope of 2 ÷ 3 ° should protrude beyond the roof cut by at least 0.3 m.Drainage removes incoming water, prevents it from seeping through the bedding of the monolithic base of the house and serves in tandem with the blind area, but at a deepened level ...
  2. Vertical. Prevents groundwater seepage into the foundation structure. Capillary insulation does not allow water to enter the concrete, free-flow insulation protects against seasonal fluctuations in water saturation of layers, anti-pressure insulation prevents the penetration of groundwater.

Doubts about the need for insulation arise at the stage, the subsequent pouring of unburied tapes directly into a trench dug in dry soil. The presence of the cushion ensures a break in front of the rising drops of moisture. If the mortar is placed in a mold covered with foil, the foundation of the built house will stand for a long time.

Horizontal waterproofing should be done in accordance with SNiP 3.04.01-87. The procedure for waterproofing the foundation of the house is established by SNiP 3.04.01-87, SNiP 2.03.11-85, SNiP 3.04.03-85

Separation by application method

Depending on the consistency of the material, the method of application can be:

  • coating;
  • spraying;
  • pasting;
  • impregnation;

Methods performed by certified professionals:

  • injection;
  • shielding.

If capillary rise of moisture on the surface of the house, located underground, prevails, then coating, spraying, bitumen or polymer compounds (liquid rubbers) is made. The mastic is in the hot / cold state - it depends on the composition.

Roll materials (films, geotextiles, roofing felt) are glued with an overlap on the surface prepared before, with heating after a burner, rolling out air bubbles with a roller.

Impregnating compositions penetrate deeply into the structure of monolithic concrete (blocks) and create a water-repellent layer of vertical insulation from water of sufficient thickness.

If a basement, cellar, basement is built in the house, waterproofing of the vertical walls of the tape, after hardening, must be done.

The injection method is used as a repair measure for cracked or hollow bases. The method is expensive, but sometimes the only possible one, if there is no technical access to the surface to be repaired, there is deep damage to the supporting belt of the house after it has been built.

Shielding is an expensive, rarely used method. It consists in the installation of a protective casing made of special mats or plates.

Material selection

The qualities of the polymer material from which the foundation tape is waterproofed:

  • Water repellency (hydrophobicity);
  • Water resistant structure;
  • Elasticity, adhesion after application to a rough surface;
  • Adhesion to concrete;
  • Manufacturability (easy enough to undergo processing, installation under construction conditions, the ability to join into a solid surface after soldering or gluing);
  • Durability in the ground with multiple temperature fluctuations.

The most common brush coating materials are bituminous mastics. Do-it-yourself application allows you to thoroughly fill all the pores of the surface with a fluid composition.

Cover all parts in 3-4 layers, allowing them to dry for a day at each stage. The advantages include the ability to independently perform work, the maintainability of any individual site, and the availability of material.

With a hot method of application, it is necessary to observe safety measures, use personal protective equipment.

The use of dry plaster mixes with hydrophobic additives for coating is possible if the composition is frost-resistant. However, even under favorable conditions, cracking occurs after 10-15 years, requiring repair. The hydraulic resistance is not high.

Mounting material

If you apply roll materials, then you cannot manage it yourself. Assistants are invited to this stage. SNiPs are allowed to use:

  • fiberglass;
  • polyvinyl chloride film;
  • brizol;
  • hydroisol (hydrostekloizol);
  • polyisobutylene.

When spraying liquid rubber, one must not only be able to use a sprayer, but also cover the resulting surface of the lower part of the house with a geo-style to protect the entire area. Can also be applied with a brush.

The materials are glued from top to bottom. The vertical rows must be made with a 0.4 m junction at the seam joints. At the next stage, the corners are armored, after the vertical walls are closed, with the same sheet, with an overlap of 0.2-0.3 m in each direction. Flame burners, bottled propane and protective equipment are used.

Watch a video on how to waterproof a strip base.

Liquid rubber is not stored in the finished state. It is necessary to calculate how much will be used immediately when you open the package or mix the two-component composition. A primer is needed under the rubber.

The service life will be 50-70 years.

Important points

According to GOST 12.3.009, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The maximum moisture content of the poured concrete is not more than 4%;
  2. Waterproofing from sprayed or paint compounds is carried out after the primer has completely dried;
  3. The thickness of the waterproofing layer is between 0.3 cm and 0.6 cm.

If the house is built close to the groundwater level, it is necessary to carry out gumming work (SNiP 3.04.03-85). Protection is made up of rubber sheets and vulcanized at the joints.

How to drain

If there is a high ground level, heaving soil, the horizontal waterproofing of a part of the house includes a drainage system.

Watch the video on how to properly install the drainage of the strip base.

Drainage happens:

  • Annular. Distance 5-8 m from walls in the form of a solid or open circle.
  • Wall mounted. The distance from the walls is equal to the width of the foundation. The depth is no more than its depth.
  • Reservoir. The pipes are laid under the building area.

Branch pipes are laid in a water-permeable filler (coarse gravel, sand) and taken out into a drain tank, which must be built outside the site.

Any type of waterproofing material is designed for use in specific conditions. Waterproofing intended for coating is no exception. This is a special coating special multi-layer coating. Often everyone uses the TechnoNIKOL brand for coating.

Depending on the purpose, it can have a different thickness, the values ​​of which vary from a millimeter to several tens of millimeters. It depends on the purpose of the material, on the conditions of use in which it will show its waterproofing qualities.

Lubricated insulation can be used for internal and external protection of rooms and buildings.

All of them differ in service life, technical characteristics, application methods, composition and features of the device.

Each specific species is used in appropriate climatic conditions. However, we can responsibly state that durable and relatively inexpensive waterproofing coatings are always in high demand.

What is this material? Usually these are plastic liquid formulations designed to reliably protect brick and surfaces.

The applied agent, after curing, forms a strong, seamless film with good resistance to mechanical stress, protecting it from moisture and ultraviolet radiation.

Lubricated waterproofing must meet the following requirements:

  • Guaranteed absolute moisture resistance;
  • Durability, resistance to UV, moisture and aggressive;
  • High elasticity, which prevents the material from cracking in case of shrinkage of some fragments, as well as under the influence of harmful climatic conditions.

Materials and types of coating waterproofing

All the variety of materials of this type is conditionally possible
lonn is subdivided into the following groups:

  • Polymer cement;
  • Polymer rubber.

Bituminous mastic it was originally used as one of the types of rolled roofing material. Its fundamental difference is that it does not need to be heated, and therefore it can be used at any time of the year, including cold weather.

Bituminous and polymeric cover previously cleaned surfaces: the plastic agent evenly fills all pores and surface cracks.

Foundation coating protects it from the harmful effects of groundwater, as well as from waters with a deep bedding horizon. The mastics will work optimally when the burial depth is approximately 2 meters below the base.

Coating waterproofing technology

Application technology and manufacturer's recommendations suggest covering with 2-4 layers of the product, no less.

The exact number of layers depends on how deep the foundation is.

The base depth correlates with the thickness of the waterproofing layer as follows:

  • Depth over 5 meters or concrete piles - from 5 mm thick;
  • Depth from 3 to 5 meters - respectively 2-4 mm;
  • Depth up to 3 meters - 2 mm thick.

The application technology of the material should be carefully followed according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

layers are applied independently of each other, before applying the next one, the previous one must dry well. If the next layer is applied to a damp surface, then after a while it can peel off, then air and moisture gets inside, which act destructively.

How can you tell if the waterproofing layer is dry enough? It is not difficult to do this; it will be enough to hold it over the surface with your palm. If it sticks, sticks to the skin, then it is not dry yet.

The dried mastic is soft and elastic to the touch. The drying speed of each individual layer depends on the manufacturer of the material, its composition, the humidity of the treated surface and the ambient temperature.

The order of work

We note an important condition. Before you start applying waterproofing material, you need to competently prepare the base. Only in this case, the working qualities of the waterproofing layer will work to the full.

The quality of adhesion of the surface of the base and the applied mastic depends on such an indicator as humidity. Even low humidity values ​​can cause deformation of the surface of the protective layer.

The connection between the base and the mastic is broken, it does not hold well, and can flake off and even fall off over time. What moisture values ​​are considered the maximum allowable?

For polymer-bitumen and bitumen insulation, they should not exceed 4 percent, and for water-based insulation, they are slightly higher - 8 percent.

It is strictly forbidden to cover a wet surface with a coating paste.

How do you know if the substrate is dry enough and can you start working on it? There is a very simple way: about a square meter of the base area is covered with a polyethylene film. If condensation does not appear from the inside within 24 hours, you can start working.

What is a primer? Application rules

- This is a special type of bitumen, which contains various mineral components. They help to improve the adhesion of the mastic to the substrate, providing the material with optimal adhesion.

For each type of foundation, primaries are selected individually. The highest cost are primers for rubble and brick structures.

For the manufacture of a primer, bitumen of the BNK 90/30 or BN 70/30 brand is used; nefras or gasoline is taken as a solvent. The heat resistance of this mixture does not exceed 80 degrees.

For each type of mastic, the primer is selected individually: it is applied evenly over the entire surface in one layer. In the event that there are joints between horizontal and vertical concrete slabs in the foundation, it is worth applying two layers.

The composition is applied with a brush or roller, then wait for its final drying.

Coating mastic applied as follows:

After the final hardening of the previous layer, you can proceed to the next one.? In this capacity, fiberglass or fiberglass is usually used, which is characterized by a small outer diameter and remarkable flexibility. It is allowed to use roll materials.

The density of the resulting mesh-reinforcement should have indicators from 100 to 150 grams per square meter.

How is it going? Fiberglass is slightly recessed into the initial layer of mastic, pressed with the help, then fixed with plastic staples. In this case, the adhesion of the reinforced waterproofing to the foundation will be optimal.

A transverse reinforcement is preferable, which thickens the useful waterproofing layer. If there is not enough space for applying the mastic, the joints should be deepened. The inner surface is treated with a primer.

What are the advantages of reinforcement coating waterproofing? It provides uniform distribution of loads over the surface, makes the material much more plastic and reduces its elongation.