DIY home wiring. Electrical wiring in a two-story house - diagram

Recently, capital and suburban construction has become very popular. Many homeowners choose to create their dream home with their own hands, without resorting to the services of firms.

Without electricity, the life of a modern person is unthinkable. Therefore, the electrical supply of the home is the first priority of the homeowner.

People who decide to build a house with their own hands are faced with the need to electrify it. It also happens that electrical wiring in existing housing is in very poor condition and must be replaced.

We will consider all the nuances of connecting a home to the electrical network, installing various types of electrical wiring, and study in detail common mistakes in order to avoid them in practice. Also in the article there will be instructions for putting the wiring into operation and recommendations on popular issues.

General rules for connecting to the mains

Regardless of whether you want to connect a new house to the network, or restore the electrical supply in the old one (for example, with a complete change of wiring), you will have to undergo a lot of bureaucratic procedures. To obtain a permit you need:

  • Registration of technical specifications (technical conditions)... To do this, you should contact the power supply of your locality and the resource supplying organization in charge of the power grids of your region). Preliminarily specify what package of documents each of the organizations will require together with the application. You will also need to write a statement in the prescribed form.
  • Project creation... It is carried out either by the resource-using organization or by a licensed commercial firm. Subsequently, you will need to coordinate the project with the organizations where you applied for connecting the house.
  • Object connection... The installation work itself is usually carried out by the power supply organization. If they did not connect the house, you will need to provide there a copy of the license (permission to perform certain work) of the company that carried out the installation and a complete list of the work performed.
  • Acceptance tests... The elements of the electrical installation need testing, which is carried out by a special laboratory. Upon completion of the procedure, the laboratory issues a protocol containing data on the parameters of the equipment and a conclusion on its suitability for use.
  • Verification and sealing... The electricity meter must be verified and sealed by the power supply company. There is also issued a permit for the further operation of the meter.
  • Conclusion of a contract... At the conclusion of all these procedures, it is necessary to submit a package of documents to the resource supplying organization, obtain permission to use its services and conclude an agreement under which the facility will be supplied with electricity and payment for the consumed resource will be made.

It is best to start installing wiring in a private house with your own hands with a schematic electrical diagram. This will greatly facilitate further calculations of consumables and the determination of the installation locations of the power elements.

The following elements should be included in the wiring diagram:

  • Supply from the nearest support to the electrical switchboard
  • Electricity meter
  • Introductory RCD / switch
  • Internal electrical panel with consumer groups:
    • Socket group
    • Lighting
    • Power group (current household appliances (boiler, washing machine, machine tools)
    • Hozblok (garage, basement)

Diagram of how to properly conduct and make electrical wiring in a private house with your own hands:

Separate RCDs / automatic devices are installed for each of these groups.

Also, when drawing up a diagram, you need to have a general plan of the house, on which to mark the direction of laying the cables and the location of the sockets and switches.

It is good if the wiring has two separate circuits. Then it will be possible to disconnect one for repairs, and power the necessary lighting or soldering equipment from the second.

Based on these data, a schematic diagram is built, the total cable length is calculated, the required cross-section in each case, the placement of power elements, metering devices, and the place of entry of supply cables.

What is required

Let's try to figure out how to make and conduct electrical wiring in a private house yourself. In order to carry out high-quality electrical wiring in the house that meets all SNIPs and safety standards, the following materials and tools will be required.

Expendable materials

  • Electricity meter
  • RCD, automatic machine or difavtomat
  • Cable of various cross-sections (power, low-current, lighting)
  • Junction boxes
  • Terminal blocks (better to take screwless)
  • Switches
  • Sockets
  • Alabaster mortar for fixing the cable in the groove
  • Socket boxes
  • Self-tapping screws, screws
  • Boxes for open wiring
  • Skirting boards, if the wire will be laid under them
  • Electrical board
  • Tin straps or plastic fasteners

Required tools

  • Wall cutter (grinder with diamond discs)
  • Chisel assembly
  • Hammer
  • Cable cutter
  • Putty knife
  • Emery float
  • Pliers
  • Roulette
  • Screwdriver

The cable is selected based on the total load. On average, this is 0.5-0.9 square millimeters per 1 kW of power. It is best to use copper stranded wire. He is better twisting, elastic, stable to short-term loads.

The number of sockets, switches and other elements is calculated when drawing up a schematic diagram. It is better to take boxes and boxes from self-extinguishing or non-combustible materials.

Concealed wiring is best done under the skirting board, and not in the strobe. This position of the cable excludes getting into it with a drill or a nail during repair work, there is access to it and it is possible to check or reconnect.

How to correctly make and conduct electrical wiring in a private house with your own hands:

Step-by-step installation instructions

A different type of wiring is recommended in different houses. In wooden buildings, open-type wiring is most often done, and in concrete structures with many technological voids, hidden. Consider the nuances of installing and conducting electrical wiring in a private house with your own hands.

Open (outdoor)

It is often used in suburban wooden houses. It can be made both in special boxes, under skirting boards, and in "retro-style", from a special cable and on porcelain insulators, fixing vertical elements.

To conduct open electrical wiring in the house, you need:

  • Calculate the length and cross-section of each type of cable: power, lighting and low-current
  • Create electrical circuit diagram
  • Use flat wire brands APRV, APR, APPV
  • Make a marking of the cable route and fastening of the installation elements. Remember that the distance from doors and windows must be at least 10 cm, from the ceiling - at least 20 cm. The mounting height of switches and sockets is about 80 cm, but no more than 150 from the floor.
  • Secure the cable to the walls with tin strips or plastic fasteners, eliminating sagging.
  • Fasten junction and installation boxes
  • Switch the connections according to the scheme: put the wires in the boxes with a margin of 70-100 mm and connect them
  • Install in the locations indicated on the diagram for sockets and switches
  • Connect wires to them


Mounting is somewhat more difficult. To hide cables in walls, you need to:

  • Mark the walls with a marking cord
  • Using a grinder, cut grooves 2x2 cm in the walls
  • Use a wall chaser to cut out places for the installation of junction boxes, switches and sockets
  • Install boxes and sockets. Fix them with asbestos or screws and dowels
  • Prime grooves
  • Lay the cable in them. First, it must be cut into pieces of the desired length.
  • Fix it in the groove with plaster. Fixing step - about 40 cm
  • After 20-25 hours, when the plaster is completely dry, clean it
  • Install switches and sockets

These are all the simple steps required to electrify your home with your own hands.

A step-by-step video instruction on how to do electrical wiring in a private house with your own hands:

Fittings installation

In the now fashionable retro wiring of the open type, fittings can be very diverse. In addition to switches and sockets, porcelain rollers-insulators are used there. Fasten each of the accessories at a distance:

  • Insulator rollers: 10-12 centimeters apart
  • Single-core twisted wire - 1 centimeter from the wall
  • Sockets: not lower than 35-40 centimeters from the floor and not lower than 15 cm from the kitchen table
  • Switches - 50 to 150 centimeters from the floor

Do not install switches and sockets on the same level. This rule also applies to hidden wiring.

Safety rules, mistakes and ways to avoid them

Sometimes homeowners neglect certain nuances or make inattentive mistakes that can seriously affect fire safety. We will look at the most common of these mistakes and how to avoid them.

  • Aluminum wires... They should never be used. They are fragile and can break off when you replace the outlet or switch. Better to pay more, but take copper ones.
  • It is forbidden to use stranded wires in hidden wiring.... The terminal does not hold such a cable very well, therefore a constant heating point is created. Doing so can damage the outlet / switch and cause a fire.
  • Do not connect wires of different metals directly to each other... To avoid oxides, do this only through the terminal to eliminate possible metal contact.
  • Waterproofing... It cannot be neglected in rooms with high humidity: bathrooms, kitchens, storerooms, terraces. Failure to do so may result in electric shock.
  • Mark the length of the wire with maximum precision. Putting twists on straight sections, especially if 10-15 centimeters are missing, is strictly prohibited!
  • Groove groove... Its depth should be 2-2.5 centimeters. There is no point in running the cable deeper, and it is difficult to plaster the shallower groove.
  • Junction boxes... They should be located close to the ceiling. This is done for ease of maintenance of the wiring and to avoid confusion of cables for various purposes.
  • Cuts for wire... They must be strictly vertical or horizontal. Possible savings in the cable during diagonal routing can lead to getting into it with a drill or a nail during repair or finishing work in the house.
  • Wire cross section... It shouldn't be too thin. Thin wires cannot withstand increased stress and burn out. For the socket group, the optimal section is 2-2.5 mm, for the lighting group - 1.3-1.5 mm.

And a little about safety. Work with a home electrician only with the traffic jams turned off. Electric shock can lead to the most sad consequences.

Checking and commissioning

After complete installation of electrical wiring, you need to install all planned machines, RCDs and electrical appliances... After that, feel free to invite a specialist from the energy supervision to check and commission the electrical equipment of your home.

Acceptance tests of your facility must end with the issuance of a positive conclusion on the safety of the performed electrical installation, the possibility of further use of the equipment. With the "Act of admission for connection" you must contact the power supply organization. On this basis, she must connect your object to the support and draw up a service agreement.

You should not save on consumables and tools - because in the future, well-done work will be the key to your peace of mind and comfort.

Make electrical wiring in the house on your own - simple business, but requiring care and scrupulousness... If you approach this business responsibly, the wiring will serve you for many years and will be guaranteed safe.

Source: //

How to wire the house?

Installing wiring in a private house is a laborious process, but nevertheless, even a novice electrician can do it! If you are determined to independently perform all the calculation work and have all the necessary tools at hand, or you just want to control a working electrician, then we will consider the whole process from A to Z. To make the technology understandable even for beginners (so to speak, dummies), we will take a step-by-step look at how the electrical wiring in the house should be done with your own hands.

The process consists of several main stages:

  • choice of laying method (open, hidden);
  • creating a schema;
  • marking work;
  • selection of constituent elements;
  • main process;
  • obtaining permission to connect to the local power grid

Using the example of a new house, we will consider how to independently conduct electrical wiring.

Choosing the type of electrical installation

The first thing to start with is to decide on the method of line installation. Today, open and hidden wiring is used. Open wiring is the fastening of all constituent elements on top of finished walls (routes are laid in special cable ducts).

Open-cut line routing Use of special ducts Fixing with clamps Wall-mounted junction box

The advantage is as follows:

  • the damaged area can be repaired without any problems (no need to cut the wallpaper, destroy the plastered walls, etc.);
  • simpler installation and preparatory work (no need to groove the walls along the electrical wiring in the house);
  • it is convenient to add new branch points.

Disadvantages of this installation method:

  • very often does not fit into the general interior of rooms (cable channels are not very attractive);
  • open wiring is more susceptible to mechanical damage and, as a rule, has a shorter service life.

Hidden electrical wiring in the house is more popular. This option involves installing the wire in specially created grooves in the walls and ceiling (grooves), as well as in the suspended ceiling, under plastic, in a special plinth.


  • does not spoil the interior of the rooms with its appearance;
  • is fireproof (except for a wooden house);
  • cheaper (in comparison with the open method of laying electrical wiring);
  • the likelihood of damage is much less;
  • high durability of all elements.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • the complexity of repair and maintenance (in order to replace the electrical wiring in the house or connect a new point, it is necessary to damage the finishing material);
  • in the event of a failure, it is very difficult to find the exact location of the breakdown, if you do not use special devices, for example, a homemade metal detector;
  • more complex electrical work.

We recommend that you nevertheless stop your choice on the last method, since it is more durable and the whole line is not striking! With the choice of quality components and the correct installation of electrical wiring in the house, the likelihood of breakdown is extremely small.

Create a schema

In order to draw a wiring diagram, you must first provide for the location of the following elements in a private house:

  • the place where the route enters the room;
  • automation (RCD and circuit breaker);
  • powerful household appliances (for example, a washing machine, an electric boiler, a stove), since it needs a separate power line;
  • ceiling lamps;
  • sockets, switches, junction boxes.

The following requirements and recommendations should be noted when creating an electrical wiring diagram in a house:

  • The wires should run along the walls and ceiling only strictly vertically and horizontally. The rotation must be at right angles. You can also run electrical wiring across the floor if you use a special electrotechnical skirting board.
  • The place where the wiring is laid on the wall should be at a distance of 20 cm from the ceiling, while the lines go straight down to the places where the sockets and switches are installed.
  • The network should run at a distance of 10 cm from door and window openings.
  • Switches must be made at a distance of 80 cm (or 150 cm) from the floor, from the side of the door handle.
  • Installation of sockets is carried out at a distance of 30 cm from the floor, while above the kitchen countertop, the sockets must be installed at a height of 10 cm.
  • It is not recommended to place switches and sockets in rooms with high humidity (only at a safe distance according to GOST); it is best to remove all the necessary elements outside the room.

You can use one of the following wiring diagrams in a residential building as an example:

It is best to use a photocopy of the plan of your house for such purposes, since this documentation complies with the exact dimensions of the rooms and the location of windows, doors, walls.

After the design scheme is made, we proceed to the marking work.

Layout work

Layout work is the drawing on the walls with chalk or coal of the cable route, as well as the places where its elements are installed. To quickly and evenly make the wiring route, it is recommended to use a rope previously painted in chalk (or coal). Such a rope is correctly called a marking cord, you can see how to use it in the photo below:

All that is needed to create one of the sections is to secure one end of the rope in its original position and carefully stretch it to the end point (so that the painted rope does not touch the wall). After that, the rope must be pulled and released sharply so that the trail remains on the wall. You can learn more about how to make wall markings for wiring from our separate article.

Selection of constituent elements

At this stage, it is necessary to select all the planned electrical products for wiring. We draw your attention to the fact that when choosing materials, you do not need to save money, since low-quality Chinese products very often cause accidents (up to a short circuit), and are also subject to breakdowns.

Two-gang switch Power socket Installation box
Copper wire Cable duct

  • junction boxes and ducts made of non-combustible or self-extinguishing materials;
  • open-type sockets and switches (they are easier to fix, while the cost of products is an order of magnitude lower than that of hidden ones);
  • copper cable (its service life is much longer than that of an aluminum product). In addition, copper conductors are able to withstand higher loads. We recommend giving preference to such brands as PVS, VVGng or NYM;
  • the cross-section of the cores per socket group is not less than 2.5 mm. sq. (withstands a current of up to 25 A, which is enough for home conditions, although it is better to calculate the cable cross-section for individual conditions of use). For the installation of lighting, you can choose a cable with a cross section of 1.5 mm2, but to connect powerful household appliances, you will have to purchase a thicker conductor - 4 mm2.

Calculation of materials

Be sure to purchase the length with a margin, otherwise, in the process of work, a nuisance may arise when literally 10-15 cm is not enough for you to the end point.

  • for installation boxes, add 5 cm + box depth to the length;
  • for mounting lamps, add 10 cm to the length (if an incandescent lamp is used) and 15 cm (if a fluorescent lamp is used);
  • add 10-15 cm to the length of each segment to connect the wires to each other.

Main process

So, the diagram is there, the constituent elements are acquired, the walls are prepared. Now you can safely proceed to the installation of electrical wiring in the house with your own hands.

For work we need the following tools:

    Small grinder with a diamond blade

    Rotary hammer with a crown for brick or concrete


  1. Sharp knife

    Master OK

  2. Foam grater

To make the information better perceived, we will provide the entire process of wiring in a private house in the form of step-by-step instructions.

Step 1 - chipping the walls

With the help of a grinder, we cut out special grooves in the walls marked from the meter for the installation of new wiring in the house. The dimensions of the grooves should be as follows: depth 2 cm, width 2 cm). In places for the installation of junction boxes, switches and sockets, we chase the walls using a puncher with a nozzle (we select the depth and diameter of the groove in accordance with the dimensions of the products).

You can see how to make strobes for electrical wiring in the house in the video below:

Work with a hammer drill and grinder

Step 2 - Attaching the Junction Boxes

Boxes and socket boxes are installed in round grooves. For their installation, it is recommended to use screws with dowels or a layer of asbestos (about 2 mm). After securely fixing the boxes, move on.

Fixing the installation box

You can clearly see the installation process of the socket box in the following video example:

Master class on mounting a socket box

Step 3 - bookmark the line

The groove for the wire is primed, after which it is necessary to lay the cable inside, having previously cut it into pieces. It is recommended to use plaster for fixing the electrical wiring.

It can immediately grab the track and level the walls. The tacking step is about 40 cm.

We talked about the rest of the ways of attaching the cable to the wall in the corresponding article, which we strongly recommend to read!

Laying the track and fixing with alabaster

Step 4 - Connect Outlets and Switches

As soon as the plaster hardens completely (after about a day), it must be carefully trowelled with a float. After that, you can proceed to the installation of sockets and switches.

DIY socket installation

That's all the instructions for installing electrical wiring in a private house from scratch. We also recommend that you watch a visual video lesson, which reveals this event in more detail using the example of a brick building:

A clear example of all the work

Obtaining permission to connect to the local power grid

When all electrical appliances, automatic devices and RCDs are installed, it is necessary to coordinate the finished wiring with "Gosenergonadzor", which must give a positive answer to the Owner of the power grid.

First, you need to pass acceptance tests (technical inspection of the facility where the electrical installation was carried out). If the result turns out to be positive, you will be given a "Certificate of admission for connection", on the basis of which the Owner of the electrical network must connect your residential facility.

So we examined how the electrical wiring in the house should be done with our own hands. We hope the provided instructions were clear and useful!

Also read:

Source: //

How to make electrical wiring in a private house or apartment

Are you familiar with the basics of electrical engineering firsthand and have repeatedly encountered electricity in practice? Then the new wiring in a house or apartment of a small area will not become an insurmountable obstacle - you will calmly mount it with your own hands. To do everything right, you need to understand the nuances of electrical installation and determine the order of work. This material is focused on covering these issues in an accessible form.

Drawing up a wiring diagram

Let's make a reservation right away: we are talking about a single-phase network with a voltage of 220 volts, which has already been connected to a private house with an area of ​​100-150 m² or an apartment.

Specialized organizations are engaged in the design and installation of 380 V three-phase power grids for large country cottages.

In this case, it makes no sense to independently undertake electrical wiring, since without a power supply project and agreed executive documentation, the management company will not allow connection to its communications.

So, the typical wiring diagram for a residential building depicted above includes the following elements (starting from the cable entry):

  • introductory circuit breaker rated 25 amperes;
  • electric meter (preferably multi-tariff);
  • residual current device - RCD, designed for a tripping current of 300 mA;
  • differential circuit breaker for 20 A, triggered at a leakage current of 30 mA, - to protect the outlet network;
  • automatic switches with a rating of 10 A for lighting (the number depends on the number of lines to the lamps);
  • electrical cabinet equipped with a zero and grounding bus, as well as DIN rails for mounting automatic machines and RCDs:
  • cable lines with junction boxes leading to sockets for connecting household appliances and lighting fixtures.

Note. According to the PUE, the power supply of the bathroom, bath, sauna and other rooms with high humidity must be carried out in a separate line protected by an RCD or a difavtomat with a response threshold of 10 mA.

The functional purpose of the listed elements is as follows. Circuit breakers protect branches or the system as a whole from a short circuit, an RCD protects you from electric shock, and a differential circuit breaker combines these 2 functions.

The latter must be installed on each power line.

To protect home electrical appliances from voltage surges, you can supplement the circuit with a protective relay installed after the main RCD, as the master tells about this in the video:

To make a complete electrification scheme, you need to draw a house plan by hand and place lighting fixtures with sockets on it. Indicate the location of the electrical panel and spread the wiring from it along the walls, marking each pair (phase and zero) with one line, as electricians do (called a single-line diagram). An example of such a sketch is shown in the picture.

Reference. In private houses and summer cottages, the switchboard is usually placed in a technical room, for example, in a garage, sometimes in a corridor. The same picture is observed in multi-storey new buildings. In Soviet-era houses - "Khrushchevs" and "Czech women", apartment shields were massively installed in the entrances, but then the owners began to transfer them to their hallways in order to protect themselves from theft of meters.

Preparation of materials

To purchase the necessary installation materials and determine their quantity, take the compiled wiring diagram as a basis. The control, protection and metering elements located in the dashboard are already indicated on it, it remains to select cable products and socket boxes (switches and sockets themselves can be purchased later). In this regard, the recommendations are:

  1. Use a copper cable of the VVG brand for 3 solid cores and its varieties for electrical wiring. Do not take aluminum and stranded wires (for example, PVA) intended for other purposes.
  2. Copper wiring in an apartment or private house that supplies lighting devices must have a minimum cross-section of 1.5 mm². The outlet network must be made with a 2.5 mm² cable, and the connection of the grounding loop must be made with a cross section of 6 mm².
  3. If it is necessary to draw an outer line from the post to the building, use a self-supporting SIP wire of 16 mm² and special suspension brackets.
  4. For hidden cable routing, use a metal hose or a corrugated plastic pipe of the appropriate diameter (wires should occupy no more than 40% of the protective sleeve cavity), fixed with latches or clamps.
  5. Do not provide many single room outlets in different places, it is better to put a couple of blocks for 4-5 plugs. One group of 5 outlets is enough for a kitchen.
  6. The calculation of the number of junction boxes is carried out according to the diagram below, which shows the correct wiring. A box is placed on each branch from the main line.

Advice. For power lines loaded with installations with a power of more than 3.5 kW, the cable cross-section should be selected according to the calculation. We recommend that you resolve this issue with specialists, since the input machine and the rest of the equipment will also have to be selected individually and you cannot do without a power supply project.

Before calculating the amount of cable products, consider the method of wiring. The best option is to separate the conductors behind the ceiling and wall cladding made of plasterboard, in the floor or under the skirting board. This approach will protect communications from damage during subsequent repairs and is easily implemented in one-room and two-room apartments of panel houses.

In wooden houses, built from a bar or using frame technology, internal open-type wiring is practiced - on insulators or in plastic channels, as shown in the photo. In this case, it is more convenient to lay a network from a flat cable variety - VVG-P. Do not forget about low-current lines - twisted pair for the Internet, signaling and so on, they also need to be wired into rooms.

It is also worth mentioning the retro-style electrical wiring, which harmoniously fits into the interior of any wooden dwelling, including a log one. But keep in mind that the price of components is three times higher than conventional materials, and the installation method shown in the video requires some skills.

Minimum set of tools

To device or replace electrical wiring with your own hands, you will need the following set of tools:

  • grinder with circles on concrete for making furrows in brick or plastered walls;
  • a hammer and a chisel to cut the socket outlets;
  • nippers, pliers;
  • tape measure and building level;
  • narrow metal spatula;
  • screwdrivers with various slots;
  • knife for cutting cables.

Advice. Instead of an ordinary knife, it is better to use a special tool, whose sample is shown in the photo. It is equipped with a small heel at the end, which allows you to strip the insulation from the wires without damaging the copper strands and is safe for the hands.

Installation of an electrical panel

As a rule, this crucial stage of work is performed by a specialist - electrician. But in a small residential or country house with several rooms, you can solve the problem yourself if you follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Mount the box on the wall next to the cable entry. Installation height - 1.5 m above the floor. If necessary, cut a recess in the wall.
  2. Supply DIN rails for mounting the machines and 2 busbars for connecting the neutral (N) and grounding (PE) wires. Insert the external cable through the hole, cut it and connect the "zero" to the bus. Repeat the action with the grounding conductor.
  3. Secure the RCD, meter and all machines. Connect the neutral and phase from the supply cable to the contacts of the input bag.
  4. Carry out the internal wiring according to the diagram, using insulated 6 mm² solid wire. For reliable contact with the clamps of the circuit breakers, put special lugs in the form of a plug on the bare conductors.

Advice. When installing conductors, observe the color markings indicating their accessory. The zero line is indicated in blue, the ground is yellow-green, and the phase is most often brown, black or red.

When purchasing and installing a cabinet for an electrical panel, you also need to take care of the placement of backup machines, which may come in handy later. Therefore, there should be 3-4 free slots on the rail. All the nuances of the assembly of this important organ are described in the video:

How the wiring is mounted

In the past, power grids were laid along the walls before the plastering layer was applied and were fixed with alabaster mortar. Now other methods are used for installation, namely, laying in gates 2 cm deep, cut into plaster or aerated concrete. The technology is as follows:

  1. Using a level and a chopping line, mark the route of each line, starting from the electrical panel. Remember that hidden electrical wiring in the house must run strictly vertically and horizontally, and turn at right angles. Mark the installation points of the sockets and switches.
  2. Follow the groove markings, observing the width of the groove for the single wire - 2 cm. Cut the grooves for the socket and junction boxes.
  3. Install the sockets and boxes on dowels or alabaster mortar. Try to keep it horizontal so that the sockets are level. Do not forget to cut the technological openings on the sides for cable entry.
  4. Primer the gates and place the pre-measured pieces of cable in them and lead the ends inside all boxes. The fixation of the conductors in the groove is carried out with a solution or special spacers with an interval of 40 cm.
  5. Strip the ends of the wires in the junction boxes and make color splice with WAGO terminal blocks or other available method.
  6. Strip the wires in the socket outlets, put on the lugs on them and connect to the sockets and switches.
  7. Check the operability of each line with a multimeter, then connect it to the shield and seal the furrows.

An important point. The lighting wiring is connected as follows: the blue wire (N) - to the zero bus, the yellow-green (PE) - to the ground bus, the remaining conductor to the machine. Phase and neutral from the outlet network are connected to contacts 1 and 2 of the differential machine, grounding to its own bus.

Competent wiring installation implies its laying according to the rules - with indents from the floor, ceiling and doorways indicated in the drawing. In the junction boxes of the socket group, the conductors are switched by color, lighting - in this order:

  • zero passes the switch and is immediately fed to the luminaire (to the contact adjacent to the lamp base);
  • the phase wire goes through the switch, and then to the lighting device;
  • the ground is connected directly to the corresponding terminal on the luminaire.

A pair or three pass-through switches are connected to each other and to the supply cable according to a different scheme. This is described in detail in the corresponding publication. Watch the tutorial video


Electrical wiring design in a private house, it involves taking into account a number of factors related both to the features of the arrangement of internal living spaces, and to the method of connecting the power cable. Unlike typical multi-apartment housing, where non-combustible materials predominate, in this situation, elements of building structures are most often made on the basis of wood and other flammable structures. That is why, before carrying out installation work in suburban buildings, special attention is paid to safe laying methods for electrical wiring and fully meeting the main provisions of the current PUE.

Possible wiring options

Stages of work on the installation of electrical wiring

- this is the final stage of a whole range of works, which includes not only the design of the system, but also such important stages as:

  1. The choice of the method of laying the electric cable for a given type of power supply (220 or 380 volts).
  2. Determination of the total power for which the wiring should be calculated, as well as drawing up a diagram of the distribution of loads for individual consumer groups.
  3. Before starting the installation work, it is important to decide on the method of entering the power cable into the house, after which it is necessary to draw a detailed wiring diagram on the plan of the residential building.

Each of these points needs more detailed consideration. However, you should first familiarize yourself with the basic provisions of the PUE concerning the installation of electrical wiring in houses located outside the city.

Installation rules according to PUE

Requirements PUE-7, chapter 2.1. "Wiring" the following provisions are negotiated and regulated regarding the wiring of electrical wiring in a private house:

Electrical Code (seventh edition)
  • The method of input (via an overhead line or via an underground cable), as well as parameters that determine the distance from the post outlet to the house and the height of the self-supporting insulated wire cable (read more below).
  • The rules also stipulate the choice of the type of wire used for wiring power lines in all rooms and a standard set of electrical installation products (junction boxes, switches, sockets, etc.).
  • In addition, they contain instructions on the procedure for choosing power switching, protective and accounting equipment (switchboard, electric meter and AV machines).

The rules of the PUE also stipulate such important issues as compliance with safety measures when wiring wiring.

These and other basic rules for wiring will be discussed in detail in this article.

Which way of laying to choose

It is known that according to the method of laying electrical wiring inside the premises, it is divided into two types: hidden and open. The first of them is organized in the thickness of the walls, for which special grooves, called grooves, are prepared in them.

Selection of cable cross-section for power and current

On these grounds, each of the listed varieties should be considered separately. The characteristics of the proposed types of wires and cables are as follows.

Typical VVG wire

When arranging wiring, the wiring diagram of which involves the installation of junction boxes, it is most reasonable to choose a VVG cable that works normally at voltages up to 1000 Volts. The number of cores in products of this class varies from one to five, which is quite enough for laying three-phase electrical wiring in a private house (if chosen).

VVG wired products are available in one of the following options:

  • in the form of versions with flat or round conductors;
  • the same, but with a triangular or square section.

The advantages of this class of cable traditionally include a wide operating temperature range (from -50 ° C to +50 ° C). In addition, the wire is characterized by high strength and moisture resistance. One of the following icons is usually added to the main designation of this product:

  • "NS" indicating that the cable is flat;
  • "Z", indicating that a reinforcing rubber compound is poured between the insulating shell and the outer braid;
  • "NG"- a symbol that the insulation of the product is flame retardant.

Additional information: In all VVG cables, with the exception of those marked "З", the space between the outer sheath and the insulation is not filled with anything.

Four-core cable VVG

The color of the wires in the cable is distributed as follows. The outer shell of the VVG product is traditionally black, and the color marking of the insulation of the conductive cores is selected in accordance with the current regulations (see the photo on the left). For the installation of the lighting part, a cable with a core cross-section of 1.5 mm2 is used, and when arranging the power supply in private houses, this figure increases to 6 mm2.

When choosing a specific sample of cable products, it is customary to take into account a number of technical considerations, which are as follows. According to the main provisions of the current regulatory documents (PUE, in particular), the selected cable type must meet the following requirements:

  • Eliminate the possibility of fire in the wiring.
  • Prevent injury to netizens.
  • Prevent damage to household appliances connected to it.

To fulfill each of the listed provisions, careful selection of cable products will be required. It differentiates depending on where in the chain it is supposed to lay this or that sample. According to this principle, three types of cable products are distinguished:

  • wires of brands VVG-2 or VVG-5, having a conductor cross-section of up to 6 mm2 and used to connect a home input to a switchboard;
  • cable products called VVG-3 with a conductor cross-section of 2.5 mm2, necessary for laying the main supply lines to power outlets;
  • wired products under the designation VVG-3 with a cross-section of 1.5 mm2, used for connecting supply buses to switches and corresponding lighting fixtures.

Taking into account the need to lay all the listed circuits in preparation for installation work, you will have to stock up on the required volumes of each of the cable products.

Before choosing a cable suitable for a private house, you should remember about another product under the well-known marking NYM.

This wire with copper conductors is intended exclusively for laying power and lighting lines.

NYM three-core cable

with operating voltage up to 660 Volts. The number of tires that differ in color for this product is quite suitable for the stated purposes (it varies from one to five). Their cross-section ranges from 1.5 mm2 to 16 mm2.

Please note: A significant drawback of this wire for a home electrical network is that it is not protected from ultraviolet radiation, which excludes the possibility of its use in areas open to sunlight.

In a situation where there is a choice between the two options considered, preference is usually given to the second, as having the best performance. Since the cost of this cable is somewhat higher than that of VVG, it is wiser to use it only in particularly critical areas of the installation, and to do with a cheaper version on the rest.


For those who want to save money on the installation of electrical wiring with their own hands, a budget version of the wire called PUNP is suitable. Products of this type contain two or three copper wires with a cross section of 1.5 to 6 mm2 in double insulation. PUNP, as a rule, is used to connect stationary illuminators and standard sockets.

Three-core cable PUNP

In terms of quality, this is not the best choice, especially when wiring is required for many years. Its insulation breaks down easily over time and crumbles when exposed to strong heat.

In addition, it is not suitable in terms of the number of cores for arranging modern three-phase networks with a grounded wire.

Drawing up a conditional diagram and plan

Wiring diagrams in a private house, which include switchboards, are developed individually for each specific building even at the design stage. The specificity of various connection schemes consists in the set of equipment connected to the mains and the lighting system used in the building. Nevertheless, a number of requirements are taken as a basis, which are binding on all designers and users.

According to these provisions and the wiring project, the house network is built according to the following standard scheme:

  1. The first position, starting from the input, is occupied by an introductory machine, through which it is possible to de-energize the entire power grid at the right time.
  2. Immediately after it, a typical electric meter is installed.
  3. Then a circuit breaker common to all lines is mounted.
  4. And only after that branching into groups of dedicated consumers is organized, in the circuit of each of which a linear AB and a separate RCD are installed.

Simplified (conditional) power supply scheme for a private house

Additional information: All listed devices are mounted in the inner spaces of the control cabinet (panel).

A bus wiring is also organized here, allowing you to separate the "ground" (PE) and "zero" (N) lines. These conductors should not intersect at any point and be reliably isolated from one another.

Single-line diagram of the main switchboard

On the Internet, there are a large number of various examples of wiring design programs in the house, with the help of which it is possible to quickly draw up a wiring plan for the entire building. However, you should be very careful when using such helpers. Potential errors in the home wiring design utility can lead to serious trouble.

Necessary indents when installing electrical wiring from the floor, ceiling, doors and windows

It also shows the routing paths selected based on the online costing. As an example, consider a wiring diagram in a brick house that connects all of the available “arsenal” of household appliances.
Examples of drawing up diagrams and their varieties

First of all, let's pay attention to the fact that there are 5 types of wiring diagrams for any object:

  1. Basic electrical.
  2. Mounting.
  3. Structural.
  4. Functional.
  5. United.

All of these varieties are to some extent related to one another. They complement each other, are made according to similar standards and differ only in their purpose. That is why each of these types of circuit solutions needs separate consideration.

Electrical (schematic) diagrams

Principle electrical images are intended to represent the functionality and interaction of the constituent elements of the system, depicted in the sequence of their operation. They visually convey the logic of the electrical circuit in accordance with the features of the diagram drawn on a sheet of paper.

Two simple electrical circuits for the power supply of a private house with a supply voltage of 220V

Important! To prepare such images, special graphic icons are used, which in most cases differ from the symbols used in drawing up other schemes.

A sample wiring diagram for a private house with a 380V supply voltage is shown in the photo below.

Electrical schematic diagram of the supply and distribution network

This view shows the connection diagram of the power cable to the power supply system. It shows that the house uses a three-phase 5-wire system containing a separate grounding conductor. In addition, such mandatory elements of electrical wiring are shown in it in the legend, such as:

  • Introductory machine.
  • Typical electric meter.
  • Linear machines for each load group (garage, kitchen, lighting, etc.).

Wiring diagrams are prepared in the form of drawings or sketches of individual elements of electrical equipment. According to them, the installation of the entire power supply system of the house is organized. In them, in the form of conventional icons, the location of individual elements is taken into account, and all electrical connections between them are displayed. It is important to know that wiring diagrams are created on the basis of schematic diagrams and contain all the necessary information on the design of the system, including how to make electrical connections. An example of its implementation with reference to the layout of the house is given below.

Wiring diagram of electrical wiring with reference to the layout of the house

The diagram clearly shows not only the connections between the electrical elements of the system. Here you can see the places where individual pieces of equipment are installed. In addition, according to this scheme, it is possible to obtain information on the breakdown of consumers into separate groups.

Structural and functional

This type of drawing document allows you to get a general idea of ​​how the electrical network works with the equipment connected to it and what is included in it. The graphic representation of the elements of the electrical circuit conveys an overall picture of what operations will be required to proceed to the next stages of work (connection and configuration). The order of reading the structural document is supplemented with special pointers (arrows) and explanatory inscriptions, which guarantee an understanding of the essence of the work of the circuit. Thanks to the detailed structuring of the order of operation of electrical circuits, any novice master will be able to understand it.

A functional electrical circuit is inherently not too different from its structural counterpart. The only difference between the two documents is that the second provides a more detailed description of the individual chain nodes associated with their functionality.

Combined schema

The last of the electrical documents used in distribution and household networks is a combined diagram that includes several types of drawings at once. It is in demand in a situation where it is necessary, without complicating the graphic images, to designate all the important details of the circuit, emphasizing their specificity. The type of circuits under consideration is most often drawn up when arranging branched electrical networks in large residential buildings such as multi-storey mansions. An ordinary home craftsman may be interested in such documents only from the point of view of broadening one's horizons. Their approximate form is shown in the figure below:

Combined power supply scheme

Also known are schematic representations of cable routes, which are reduced to transferring to the drawing a simplified procedure for wiring a line from distribution boards to each individual consumer. In essence, they are similar to an electrical wiring diagram, since with its help it is easier for workers to figure out how to organize the wiring between two points.

The procedure for installing electrical wiring step by step

This chapter will consider the question of how to properly lay the wires when carrying out the entire range of electrical work. As a rule, the installation of electrical wiring begins with the preparation of the premises available in the house for its laying.

Installation of hidden wiring in the video

Please note: When drawing up step-by-step instructions for installation work, the chosen method of installation must be taken into account: in the thickness of the walls or on their surface.

When choosing, one should be guided by the main provisions of the PUE, which stipulate the possibilities of applying one or another option. So, clause 7.1.39 of this document imposes restrictions on the use of open cable laying in places where food is prepared (in the kitchen, in particular). For these purposes, a harness with conductors hidden in the thickness of the walls must be mounted in this part of the room.

In all other areas of the kitchen space, it is allowed to use the same wiring method as in all other living quarters. The exception is special rooms with high air humidity (baths, showers and the like).

Additional information: If there is an RCD protective device in the power circuit, the PUE rules allow the use of a cable with an appropriate degree of protection against climatic factors.

The general installation procedure is described by the following sequence of actions:

  1. First, according to the prepared wiring diagram, the marking of the cable or bundle route is made on the walls of the rooms (depending on the chosen installation method).
  2. With the hidden method, grooving of grooves is carried out in the marked areas, for which either a grinder or a special tool - a groove cutter is used.
  3. Then, sections of a wire harness or a VVG cable, previously measured along the length, are placed in the grooves, the ends of which are cut at the end sections and brought out.
  4. When sealing the joints of wires with terminals of wiring accessories, special insulating means (electrical tape, for example) are traditionally used.
  5. After the conductors are fixed in the grooves with special brackets or alabaster, you can proceed to sealing the strobes for electrical wiring.
  6. For this, a previously prepared finishing plaster is used.

All owners of private houses at least once in their lives faced the need to repair or replace electrical wiring. When repairing, I want to spend as little as possible, so everyone tries to do some of the repair work on their own, without resorting to the help of professionals. As for electricity, without having basic skills and experience in this area, it is better not to take risks and not try to fix it yourself.

Do-it-yourself wiring in the house is, of course, possible, but you need to understand the principles of the electrical network and know the safety rules when working. So, let's figure out how to properly conduct the wiring.

Basic rules when working with electricity

To carry out self-repair of electrical wiring, the following conditions must be observed:

  • Have access to metering equipment, junction boxes without restrictions.
  • Installation of these elements is carried out at a height of 0.6 to 1.5 m.
  • Interior doors should not obstruct access to sockets, switches and boxes.
  • The cable is led to these elements from above.
  • The sockets can be installed at 0.5 - 0.8 meters from the floor covering. In accordance with safety regulations, sockets are installed at a distance of more than 0.5 meters from heating devices (stoves, radiators).
  • Sockets are installed at the rate of 1 pc. 6 sq. m. As for the kitchen, here the number of outlets depends on the number of electrical appliances
  • The wire is laid in grooves or cable channels strictly vertically or horizontally. Kinks and bends are not allowed.
  • The cable should not touch metal elements and structures.
  • All connections must be carefully insulated and placed in special boxes.

Wiring diagram

Any electrical installation work should begin with a detailed plan or diagram.

The most important thing in drawing up a plan is to note the location of switches, sockets, lighting and household appliances and the line of the cable.

Installation types

  • Open installation. The wire is mounted directly to the wall and, if necessary, laid in cable channels.
  • Closed installation. The cable is laid in prepared grooves, which are filled with plaster after installation.

Instructions on how to make electrical wiring

After drawing up a competent diagram and determining the location of electrical appliances, wiring should not cause any difficulties. The main thing is to strictly follow the precautions and follow the recommendations.

The first step is to transfer the markup from your schematic to the walls. That is, note the location of the sockets and switches and the location of the cable. Further, with the help of a puncher, we make grooves if it is planned to lay the cable inside, or lay it in an open version.

Holes for sockets and other equipment are drilled with a special drill bit - a crown. The groove is approximately 2 centimeters deep. If it is necessary to mount the cable on the ceiling, it is attached to the ceiling and hidden under a stretch or false ceiling.

After laying the cable, proceed to the installation of electrical wiring. First, you need to install a distribution board, to which a residual current device is connected, which is necessary in case of malfunctions.

Attention! Only a qualified specialist with high voltage skills may connect the cable to the switchboard!

Electrical wiring in a wooden house

When installing wiring, you should strictly follow safety precautions and precautions, especially if the house is wooden.

Installation of electrical wiring in such a house is carried out in accordance with the following requirements:

  • In a wooden house, it is allowed to use a self-extinguishing cable with high-quality insulation.
  • Junction boxes must be made of metal.
  • All wire connections must be tight.
  • If the installation is carried out in an open way, then a porcelain insulator is laid under the cable.
  • In the case of installation of wiring in a closed way, a metal pipe or box (made of copper or steel) with a mandatory grounding is laid in the grooves. If plastic corrugation is used, then it is installed in the plaster. This method is more reliable and aesthetic.

To ensure greater safety, it is recommended to install a residual current device in a wooden house that stops the machine in case of a short circuit or current leak.

If you look at the photo of the finished electrical wiring in the house, you can conclude that the work is not easy, but this task is quite feasible. With careful preparation and study of the relevant materials, work on the installation of electrical wiring will not cause you any difficulties.

Do-it-yourself photo of electrical wiring in the house

Every house today has electricity. It's hard to imagine modern life without him. Therefore, during the construction of a new building, it is necessary to pay close attention to the wiring in it. A similar requirement applies to the acquired private house, which was built many years ago. In most cases, professionals are hired to carry out such work. But in some buildings, the owners decide to do them on their own, so they need to know how to wire the house correctly. Also, this information will be useful in exercising control over the processes performed by specialists.

Development of projects for different types of buildings

This stage is the initial one, and all wiring in the house depends on its correct implementation. Designers are involved in the development of circuits. In the future, projects are approved in special instances. Blueprints are required for newly built houses. In addition, diagrams and specifications are required for buildings in which redevelopment is planned, as a result of which the existing electrical wiring will be almost completely changed. Also, during the implementation of the extension of the additional floor, it is necessary to develop new energy supply drawings. If it is planned to simply replace the existing electrical wiring, then there is no need to develop a project for this. You can use the one that already exists and was used to create the structure.

Cable Installation Methods

To know how to conduct wiring in a house, it is necessary to study two main options for today; it is laid in an open or closed way. In the first case, the wire is laid along the surface of the main supporting structures. These include ceilings and walls. In the second version, grooves are used, which are recesses made with a special tool in supporting structures. In the future, these elements are sealed with plaster. Pipes are also used for wiring. They can be plastic or steel. Their use allows you to protect the cable from possible mechanical damage. Today it is believed that the most correct wiring in the house, which is the safest, is the one made using a hidden installation option.

Completing the object with the necessary material

In order to answer the question: "How to make wiring in the house?" - it is necessary to choose the right electrical cable with a certain section, as well as to know its length. Building power supplies also include switches and sockets, junction boxes and lights, and meters. It is necessary not to forget about cable channels, or you can use a corrugated pipe. In addition, you will need plaster of Paris and electrical tape.

Installer's kit

When answering the question: "How to conduct wiring in the house?" - you must always remember to equip the person who will perform the tool. First of all, he will need to purchase a screwdriver, pliers, indicator and nippers. Also, for successful work, you will need a drill or perforator, which must have special attachments. They are necessary for drilling the sockets used during the installation of switches and sockets.

If it was decided to perform the electrical wiring in a hidden way, then for such a process you will need a wall chaser. It is necessary to make a furrow that will be used to lay the cable in the wall of the building. Such a tool has two special discs capable of cutting a flat indentation in hard materials such as brick or concrete. It also allows you to speed up the installation process. When performing such work, you can do with an ordinary grinder, but in this case there will be more dust, since the tool does not have a special assembly casing for it. In addition, the process will take a long time.

Wire selection

Mandatory when studying the question: "How to conduct wiring in the house?" - you need to pay close attention to the selection of the cable cross-section. The main value for its determination is the total power of absolutely all electrical appliances in the building. In this case, it is imperative to provide for a power reserve. This will prevent the cable from overheating, even if all electrical appliances are turned on at the same time.

Currently, the following wires are selected for wiring in the house:

When a cable is selected and wired in a house, the execution scheme of which can be open or closed, it must be borne in mind that for each unit that consumes a lot of electrical energy, it is imperative to create a separate line. It is also necessary for computer technology to reduce or completely avoid electromagnetic interference.

The length of all wires in the house depends not only on the overall dimensions of the building, but also on the materials that are used to create the electrical network. That is, these include the above switches, boxes, sockets, and so on. In addition, it should be taken into account that in the places where the cables are connected, it is necessary to leave a margin of about 10 cm.

Start of installation work

The wiring in the house largely depends on the correct marking of the route. In order to carry out this process, it is necessary to take a cord of small thickness or twine, which will be rubbed with chalk. With their help, the cable trunk is marked. It is the main wire that runs from the farthest and last outlet. The trunk cable should only be laid horizontally at a height of approximately 150-250 mm from the ceiling level. In addition, the main wire can be placed at exactly the same distance from the floor. Branches that go from the trunk cable to sockets, lamps and switches must be carried out with strict observance of their verticality.

If the wire is laid at a slope, then in this case, when performing any work, it can be very easily damaged. For example, this becomes relevant when the owner of the premises is going to hang cabinets from a kitchen unit or a picture in the living room on the wall.

Selecting the number of sockets and switches

The main indicator that affects the number of devices designed to supply electricity or turn it off is the presence of electrical appliances in the house. So, for each luminaire, usually one switch is installed. The number of outlets is selected based on the conditions for human convenience. They can be counted according to the number of intended and used devices. So, for example, there should be at least three of them for kitchen areas.

Placement of sockets and switches for lighting fixtures

Each fixture for supplying electricity or disconnecting it is usually located on the wall. The points for their placement are at different heights from the floor. So, switches, when the correct laying of cables in the house is performed, as a rule, are located about one meter from the lower surface of the room. For this, the meaning of clear rules has not been established, so each owner chooses it for himself individually. In addition, they should be located 100 mm from the door frame and always on the side where the handle is located. As for the sockets, there is also no exact height for their installation today. Typically, such fixtures are located 300 to 800 mm from the floor. It all depends on the location of the electrical appliances.

Grooving grooves for cable and electrical panel

Most often, work of this nature is performed when wiring is carried out in a panel house or in a building built of brick. During this stage of installation, there is always a lot of noise and dust. For this reason, it is imperative to have earphones, goggles and a respirator handy. After selecting all the installation locations of the switches, sockets, transfer boxes and the electrical panel, which are marked with a pencil, the slitting is performed. This process is carried out in two steps. If a grinder is used, then 2 strips are made side by side, the distance between which can vary from 1 to 5 cm, and the depth should be 20 mm. Basically, these values ​​depend directly on the number of wires laid down in the future. After that, using a perforator and a special nozzle, brick or concrete is removed between the two cut strips. To carry out use an open way of laying the cable.

To create a niche for the shield, you need to walk along the marked contour with a grinder, and then remove the wall material with a puncher. If the depth is insufficient on the first attempt, then you need to repeat the whole process and repeat it until there is enough space for installation.

Work on the installation of installation boxes

You cannot do without such a stage of work during the installation of an electrical network. House wiring, the scheme of which was chosen at the preparatory stage, always implies the installation of transfer cases. For this, dowels or gypsum are most often used. A device is inserted into a hole of the required depth prepared in advance with the help of a crown, which is fixed with the above consumables. If initially it is not possible to fix the box using a dowel, then a plaster solution is used. A base is created from it, to which an element of the electrical network of the house is subsequently attached. It is necessary to use plaster of paris, which has a setting time of up to three minutes. After applying it to the hole, you must immediately insert the installation box and immediately adjust it to the desired position.

Laying and securing wires

Cables must always be fixed in the building. This does not depend on how the wiring is done in the house. For strobes, two options are used: wet or dry. At the very beginning, one end of the cable is fixed in the installation box, while leaving about ten centimeters of stock. If there are several wires, then they are connected every 300 mm to each other using plastic fasteners. Using electrical tape or a separate piece of cable, a dowel is attached to them. A faster way is to use gypsum, only before that it is necessary to remove all dust from the groove, and then prime it. First, in the recess for the wire, smears are applied every 300-400 mm, and only then the cable is recessed into them.

Electricity in the house is wired in an open way using cable channels, which are made of non-combustible materials. This fixation option takes away the minimum amount of energy from the performer.


Many people are interested in how to wire the house. To be sure of the correctness of all the processes, it is always necessary to contact the specialists if the property owner does not have the necessary skills and knowledge. In no case should a person perform such a responsible job in the absence of the required qualifications, because this can entail irreversible consequences.

Modern life is unthinkable without electricity, so sooner or later you have to face problems. Replacing electrical wiring or laying a new one is a serious test for a person ignorant of electrics. However, if you have basic knowledge in the field of electrical engineering, armed with the recommendations outlined below, you can easily do this work yourself.

How to do the wiring correctly?

Installation of electrical wiring

Installation of electrical wiring in the house should not be spontaneous. All activities are planned and subject to the general rules for electrical installations. Such an organization of work will not only simplify their implementation, but also ensure safety.

Basic requirements governing the wiring device:

  • easy access to all devices and wiring elements must be provided;
  • switches are located at a level of 0.6-1.5 m relative to the floor. They are placed so that the open door is not an obstacle to access to them. The wiring supplying the device is routed from the top;
  • the height of the sockets should be within 0.5-0.8 m. This is due to safety in case of flooding. The distance from stoves, regardless of the energy carrier, heating devices and other grounded devices, must be at least 0.5 m. Wiring is from the bottom;
  • with the exception of the kitchen, one socket should be for 6 sq. m. It is forbidden to place sockets in the toilet room;
  • internal and external routing is carried out exclusively in vertical and horizontal directions. The general diagram should reflect their direction;
  • the wiring should be carried out at a distance from pipelines, ceilings and other elements of the room;
  • contact of wiring with metal structures of the house is not allowed;
  • parallel wires are located at a distance of at least 3 mm, or boxes or corrugated pipes are used to place them;
  • wiring and connections of conductors are placed in boxes. The joints are necessarily insulated. Wires made of different materials, copper and aluminum, cannot be connected;
  • bolted connection is used to fix ground and zero.

Drawing up a diagram

The installation of electrical wiring requires the creation of a project and the development of a wiring diagram. The lack of a clearly formulated plan will make installation extremely difficult.

With general concepts in the field of electrical engineering and knowledge of the safe conduct of electrical work, there will be no difficulties when doing the wiring yourself. Using generally accepted conventions, a drawing of the apartment is drawn up, indicating the place of installation of electrical appliances. In this case, it is necessary to determine the type and quantity of household appliances and other consumers of electricity.


Further on the diagram indicate the wiring of the supply wires. At this stage, the type of connection of electrical appliances is determined: parallel, serial or mixed. From the point of view of material consumption, the latter is preferable. It is recommended to group all devices according to their location, which will simplify the process of wiring and reduce the need for them.

Wiring for sockets can be done under the floor, and for lighting in floor slabs. Such options do not provide for wall chasing.

The project can be confirmed by calculations, during which the maximum value of the current in the circuit is determined. Practical data say that this value in houses or apartments does not reach 25 A. In accordance with this circumstance, materials are selected, in particular the cross-section of the conductors.

To find out the need for cable and wiring products, it is necessary to make measurements directly on the spot. To the resulting length, add a margin of 3-4 m.

In the switchboard, all wires are connected through circuit breakers. The location of the shield is at the entrance. In the presence of an electric stove, an additional individual automatic machine is required.

The next step is to count the number of outlets and determine the need for junction boxes. The previously drawn up diagram will help with this, since everything is indicated on it. When installing electrical wiring, you can not do without electrical tape and PPE caps necessary to connect the wiring. You may also need pipes, boxes and socket outlets.

The diagram shows all the nuances

Installation of electrical wiring: step by step instructions

It is also possible for one person to arrange electrical wiring in the house, while it is important to follow the rules for the safe conduct of electrical work. Choosing the right tool will make it easier to accomplish the task at hand. In addition to a set of screwdrivers, pliers and a tester, you will need a puncher and a level.

When replacing old hidden-type wiring in a room, it is necessary to use a special sensor that will determine its location. Having found this out, the old wires are eliminated.

Wall markings

After completing all the preparatory activities, they proceed to the marking. With a marker or pencil, markings are applied on the walls along which the wiring will be located. In this case, you should follow the rules described earlier.

After that, the locations of the sockets, lighting devices, switches and panel are marked. In houses of old buildings, the shield is mounted on the wall, modern projects provide for a niche.

Wall slitting

Hidden wiring is done by laying wires in grooves, and electrical appliances are mounted in special holes. To create such holes, a perforator equipped with a corresponding nozzle is used.

Wall slitting

Slitting is performed with a grinder or a hammer drill. Prepare for the generation of dust and debris during this work. The dimensions of the strobe are: width - about 20 mm, width should allow free placement of wires.

There are various ways to arrange ceiling wiring. One of them involves the construction of a stretch or false ceiling. In this case, an overlap is used to fix the wires. When using another method, a shallow groove is performed. The wiring is completely hidden in the floor when using the third option. To lay it, you should use the internal voids, which are provided for in the production of floor slabs. And then all that remains is to make two holes and bring the wire inside.

After completing the creation of the strobes, they begin to lay the wires into it. In order to be able to bring the wires into the room, through holes are punched with a puncher. It is advisable to do them in the corners of the rooms. It is required to arrange holes for routing wires from the distribution board to the light board. After completing these works, everything is ready for wire installation.

Route laying

Open wiring

Installation of the lighting panel is carried out in a niche, if provided, or by hanging it on the wall. An RCD is installed in it in an amount corresponding to the number of consumer groups. When assembled, the structure has zero terminals at the top, grounding terminals at the bottom, and automatic switches are located between them.

Wires of the selected section are brought inside. When connecting them, you must take into account the color coding of each core. The blue core is connected to the zero phase; white - to the upper contact of the RCD; yellow with a green stripe - to ground. The machines are connected in series.

Route laying

Open wiring begins with fixing the boxes along the marking lines. When constructing such a wiring, electrical boxes are often shifted to the area of ​​the baseboard or placed at the maximum height under the ceiling. They are fastened with self-tapping screws, the spacing between which is 500 mm. The distance from the edges of the holes is 50-100 mm. After they have been drilled with a perforator, the dowels are hammered in and self-tapping screws are screwed in, which fix the channel.

The open type of wiring implies the hanging of all electrical appliances. Therefore, after laying the route, their installation follows, for which the places in which the fastening holes are made are outlined.
First, do the wiring of the main trunk line. Further, it is conducted from the sockets to the lighting panel. Experts recommend moving from the connection point to the shield and at the same time leaving a mark or label indicating the purpose of the wires. Then they lead the wiring from the switches and lamps to the junction boxes, in which the electrical conductors are connected using PPE or insulating tape.

The connection in the dashboard is as follows: the brown or red core is connected to the phase terminal, which is located at the top of the RCD, the blue one to zero, and the yellow one with a green stripe to ground. In order to avoid a mistake, the tester is called by the wire connections. Only after making sure that the electrical circuit is installed correctly, it is allowed to connect to the switchboard.

Concealed wiring

Installation of hidden wiring does not differ significantly from the open device. The main difference is the removal of wires from the field of view. Wiring begins with the installation of a light shield and circuit breakers. Then the lead-in cable is put in, but not connected. Installation of boxes and socket boxes takes place in previously prepared recesses.

Concealed wiring

The routing starts from the main line. If provided by the project, then the wires are laid in the floor. For this, pipes or corrugations are used in which the wire will be located. They lead to the places where the sockets are located. Next, the wire to the socket is laid in the strobe.


Then they move on to conducting electrical wires from switches and lighting fixtures to junction boxes, in which they are connected to the main line. Insulation of connections is carried out using PPE or electrical tape.

The final step in wiring your home is to ring the circuit. If the circuit test is positive, then the connection is made to the light shield.
Plaster putty is used to seal the grooves. The electrical connection in a house with a switchboard is carried out by a certified specialist.

Do-it-yourself wiring in case of neglect of the basic rules for the safe conduct of electrical work often leads to electric shock.

Before starting work, it is imperative to disconnect the voltage supply. It is also necessary to take measures to exclude spontaneous or erroneous supply of electricity.

When dismantling elements of old wiring, you should be extremely careful. This measure is explained by the likelihood of the presence of third-party wiring, which is not de-energized.

Before energizing it is necessary to warn people in the house.

It is not allowed to wear metal jewelry and other metal objects while working with electrical wiring.