How to make a concrete staircase. How to pour concrete stairs

Buildings of two floors and above are not complete without flights of stairs. To create such structures, various materials. One of the most widely used is concrete. Cast stairs from it are built both inside and outside buildings, they have many structural alternatives that meet the highest requirements and refined aesthetic tastes.

Advantages of monolithic stairs

Stair passages cast from concrete have been in operation for decades. They have the highest strength and bearing capacity, flame retardant and do not burn. Such stairs further strengthen the structural frame of buildings. The use of monolithic stairs inside and outside buildings is predetermined by their frost resistance and moisture resistance. The load-bearing reinforcing cage is reliably protected from corrosion.

The concrete base remains monolithic under the influence of the external environment. The resulting defects can simply be filled with a new solution. Interfloor passages are created at facilities under construction, without requiring the involvement of expensive materials, taps.

After the formwork has been removed, the ladder is available for the silent movement of building materials. Any variants of such products stand without props, which makes it possible to rationally use the space under them. Such designs have no restrictions on the implementation of engineering ideas and decoration.


Stairway designs vary depending on the method of formation and location.

According to the manufacturing method

Monolithic stairs from artificial stone subdivided into marching and spiral.


This configuration of the interfloor transition is created inside and outside the buildings. This is a construction that is difficult to implement, the creation of which is relevant due to the need rational use living space. It takes up little space, does not require the installation of a central support post. The ladder is installed with support on the walls and away from them.

Formation of such monolithic stairs complicated by the need to create figured formwork with smooth contours, planes and curved surfaces, the complexity of strengthening an autonomous rigid reinforcing cage, as well as the use of many temporary support elements.


Marching monolithic staircase.

It is used more often than a spiral design. Easier to build, more secure, but takes up a lot of space. Such interfloor transitions are divided into single-march straight or angular (with winder steps), two-march (straight or angular, connected through the platform). There may be more marches. Single-march structures rested in side walls, are the easiest to implement - the formwork and its reinforcement are attached to the wall base.

This option can be based on one side on the wall or only on the supporting base and the floor of the next floor. The latter will require a lot of supports when constructing the formwork. In some cases, two-march transitions are created, articulated at a selected angle by a platform. As a rule, they are placed with support on the wall (walls) on one side.

By installation type

Monolithic concrete interfloor connections according to the type of installation (installation site) are divided into internal and external.


Marching products can be cast on a prepared base (compacted soil, sand,) or "hang" in the air based on two "points". Screw - mounted with support on the facade or only on the upper floor.


A monolithic staircase installed inside a structure can have any implementation option. At the same time, unlike outdoor placement, it is possible to redistribute the load of the march from the foundation to the walls.


Ladder erection work monolithic concrete consist of the following stages: selection of an acceptable type of stairway, design, formwork assembly, mounting of reinforcing steel, and decoration.

Selecting the type of stairs

It is good to install a spiral staircase if there is not enough space.

What to be a staircase, it is already clear when designing a building, what is given by its location. However, there is room for clarifications when the skeleton of the building is ready. If there is not enough living space, the installation of a spiral structure in the middle of the room or supported by a wall (walls in the corner) should be considered. This option will complicate the creation of formwork and the formation of a reliable reinforcement cage.

A marching passage supported by walls on both sides is as light as possible for the foundation. Supporting the march on the wall on one side will increase the load on it. But the most massive option is a marching interfloor connection, based only on the ceiling and foundation ( reinforced concrete beam).

In the last two cases, it will also be necessary to carefully support the formwork. There will be nuances when choosing in favor of a two-flight (angular, arcuate) or stairs with winder steps. Not least will be compliance considerations overall design premises and their uses.

Calculation of elements

At this stage, the slope of the product, the number of marches, the dimensions of the platforms, the number of steps and their parameters, the angles of turn of the winder steps, the width of the stairs are determined, the heights of the screeds and future finishing are taken into account. Calculations affect the usability of the structure, the consumption of materials, the cost and duration of the work. Then a drawing is created showing all dimensions.

Climb angle

The sector in the range of 25 - 37 degrees is considered optimal in terms of the space occupied and safe. It determines the length of the ladder. The flatter the angle, the longer it is. So, for example, with an interfloor height of 3 m, a march with a slope of 35 degrees will create a projection of a span onto the floor with a length of 430 cm, and at 25 degrees, the structure in concrete will occupy 640 cm of the room. Thus, the product will take up more space and require more materials.

Step sizes

Scheme of installation of a monolithic staircase.

Parameters convenient for moving people are height 17 - 21 cm (a), depth 27 - 31 cm (b). Step sizes should be the same. Further, the length of the designed structure is divided by the size of one step so that, by selection, an integer number of steps is obtained (taking into account the equality 2 a b \u003d 60 - 64 cm). For every 12 - 15 steps of the march, it is desirable to provide one platform with a length of 1.5 steps.

Ladder width

The parameters of the room can set the already existing restrictions on the width, but the values ​​\u200b\u200bof 90 - 150 cm are considered optimal. These dimensions allow you to carry furniture and move people comfortably.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Making a durable concrete staircase is best suited for private homes. The purchase of materials does not require significant costs, the work can be carried out on their own. Before starting construction, it is only important to draw up correct drawing, make calculations, conduct correct preparation. A concrete staircase is being erected with your own hands without much difficulty: you only need to take into account the step-by-step instructions and recommendations of specialists.

Formwork assembly

Before starting work, you need to prepare a strobe for pouring the marching platform. The depth of the strobe should be about 10 cm.

After pouring concrete, the thickness of the flight of stairs will be 15 cm.

Structural reinforcement and concrete pouring

The fabrication of the structure will be reliable only if the reinforcement is correct. Therefore, any monolithic concrete staircase must include reinforcement with a diameter of at least 10-12 mm. They should be placed along the shields at a distance of about 10-15 cm.

At the top, the ladder rests on a slab and reinforcement must be driven into it. The reinforcement is connected to each other by wire.

It is important that at the bottom the stairs rest on the slab in the place where the foundation wall passes (this must be taken into account when planning the house). If the support of the march of the concrete stairs is simply on the slab without support from below, then the slab itself may burst, because. the weight of the monolithic staircase is impressive.

Side shields are installed from the board and timber. Boards for the construction of steps are attached to them. Optimal Height steps is approximately 17-20 cm, but it all depends on the angle of inclination of the stairs, the width of the tread. If desired, the performer can make concrete stairs to the second floor with slightly smaller or larger passages. Additionally, the step boards are interconnected to create a solid structure.

After the formwork is installed, concrete is poured according to the following scheme:

  1. The first couple of steps are filled.
  2. A similar pouring of steps is carried out up to the march span. Next, the site itself is filled with a solution.
  3. Further filling of steps is carried out up to the floor slabs of the second floor.
  4. The concrete is compacted with a vibrator (it allows you to remove air bubbles in the concrete).

In work it is recommended to use concrete of the M250-300 brand. Before starting work, auxiliary supports should be installed, which will exclude the displacement of the structure due to excessive heavy solution. It will be difficult to manually prepare the required volume of the mixture, so you should use a concrete mixer and an assistant in your work. When the correct pouring of the concrete stairs is completed, the performer will only need to wait for the time for the solution to completely solidify.

Features of formwork removal

In order for the ongoing production of a concrete staircase to be correctly completed, there is no need to rush to remove the formwork. It is recommended to remove side boards and step boards no earlier than after 7-14 days. It is advisable to wait 1.5 weeks - this period will be enough for a good setting of the solution. After another 1-2 weeks, the vertical supports and the lower formwork are removed. At this stage, the stairs in the concrete house can be fully used for further construction work.

The above instructions with photos and videos will help you understand how to make a concrete staircase yourself. But it is important to take into account the accuracy of the subsequent work. Completely hardened concrete should be sanded, eliminating surface irregularities. If necessary, you can finish with wood, tiles and other wear-resistant materials. But it should be borne in mind that the load on the stairs should not be significant.

Of all the existing structures, poured concrete stairs are perhaps the most durable and reliable. They have a lot of advantages - they are not subject to corrosion and external influences, economical in price, and also easy to calculate and install.

It is possible even for a beginner to make such a system with their own hands, if you follow certain rules and follow the instructions for calculation and installation below, illustrated with photos and videos.

Concrete staircase - design features

The poured concrete stair system has some design features, which you need to know and consider if you decide to build such a structure in your house with your own hands.

  • Firstly, pouring stairs are made on the basis of pre-welded metal frame and fittings - thus, if you decide to make a concrete system yourself, you must, among other things, also have the skills to work with a welding machine.
  • Secondly, you must know how to make a concrete mix in strictly defined proportions - the strength of the structure, its durability and functional characteristics depend on this.
  • Third, think about what exterior finish(sheathing) you will use - it can be a brick, a natural stone, wood and other materials. In addition, take care of the reliable fencing of the poured concrete system.

Calculation of a poured concrete staircase

To get a functional and practical ladder system made of concrete, before proceeding directly to its manufacture with your own hands, you need to calculate it correctly.

The instruction for the calculation of a concrete structure consists of the following main steps:

  • Determine the height of the structure.
  • Choose the angle of inclination.
  • We calculate the length of the flight of stairs.
  • We make calculations of the number of steps.
  • We make a sketch according to measurements and calculations.

Calculate the height of the stairs

The height of the concrete structure is determined empirically: measure with a tape measure the distance from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor (it is also the ceiling of the first level). Record the result.

Tilt angle

The most optimal angle of inclination of the stairs is a generally accepted indicator from 30 to 45 degrees. If elderly people or small children live in the house, then the most comfortable slope will be an angle in the range from 30⁰ to 35⁰. In any case, you should not make the stairs steeper than at an angle of 45 degrees, otherwise it will not be safe to walk on it.

Determine the length of the march

The photo below clearly shows how to determine the length of a flight of stairs (segment AB) using the laws of trigonometry: this segment will be equal to the sum of segments AC and CD squared:

Calculate the number of steps

The number of steps is determined based on the standard generally accepted values ​​for the width and height of the tread:

  • width - from 25 to 39 cm;
  • comfortable height - 18 cm.

The number of steps can be determined very simply: divide the length of the stairs by the height of the steps. For example, the length of the structure is 350 cm, the step height is 18 cm, then:

350: 18 = 19 steps.

Making a drawing

According to the calculations, we can now draw a sketch of the future concrete structure. In this figure, all measurements taken and the main dimensions of the filler ladder should be indicated.

Based on the measurements and calculations made, draw a sketch of your concrete structure.

Installation instructions

Now we can proceed directly to the installation of the concrete pouring system. In order to make a staircase with your own hands correctly and efficiently, you need to follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  • We collect formwork.
  • We install the reinforcement cage.
  • Pour the concrete mixture into the formwork.
  • We are waiting for drying and we carry out finishing work.

Before starting work, determine its main stages and follow them clearly

We assemble the formwork

Do-it-yourself installation of the bottom of the formwork can be done using a plywood sheet. It is better to make this frame from waterproof plywood with a thickness of at least 15 mm.

After the bottom is installed, it is necessary to make the sides of the pallet from the boards and the same plywood, attaching them with self-tapping screws.

We install fittings

When the pallet is ready, it is necessary to install a reinforcing cage in it. For this, a corrugated rod with a diameter of about 12 mm is used, the knitting of which is carried out with a metal wire and a hook.

The frame is made double - 2 crates with a cell of 200 × 200 or 200 × 150 mm are connected to each other on the sides and tacked through 50-60 cm in the center.

Pouring concrete

At this stage of installation, do-it-yourself into the formwork is poured concrete mix, which you can do based on the video below.

It is necessary to start pouring from the lower steps, because. the solution will slide from top to bottom. On the steps, notches should be made with a shovel so that there are no voids in the monolith.

The steps must be smoothed with a trowel so that the surface is even when it hardens.

Finishing work

After the mixture has completely hardened (it will take at least a few days), you can begin work on finishing the stairs. You can overlay it with bricks, decorate it with wood or stone.

Video: how to make a concrete staircase with your own hands

The video below shows the process of making a concrete staircase system with your own hands.

Any staircase, whatever its design, requires not only physical effort, but also your time and nerves. It is much easier and more profitable to purchase a ready-made ladder system made by true professionals in their field.

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In private houses between floors, stairs made of wood or monolithic reinforced concrete are most popular. Comfortable and beautiful staircase wood is expensive. In a private house, it can be cheaper to build a simpler and more durable reinforced concrete staircase with your own hands.

Advantages and other features of a monolithic concrete staircase

Monolithic concrete stairs are quite heavy structures. Therefore, such stairs are made in houses with monolithic, prefabricated or.

Concrete stairs are built in the process of building a house box. They can be used for their intended purpose immediately, before the completion of the construction of the house.

Concrete stairs have high rigidity and strength, do not creak or vibrate.

Reinforced concrete stairs are safer due to their simple design and massive steps.

Finishing, facing of concrete stairs during repair is easy to restore, replace.

It is difficult to make staircases of complex configuration or miniature from concrete.

Design options for concrete stairs in a private house

The design of a concrete staircase should be developed before the start of building a house, since it is necessary to provide for embedded anchors made of reinforcing steel and other elements for fixing flights of stairs and intermediate platforms in the ceilings and masonry walls.

In a cover or carrier beam make releases of reinforcement, which are associated with the reinforcement of the flight of stairs. A monolithic reinforced concrete staircase in a private house consists of flights of stairs and an intermediate landing between marches.

The flight of stairs is reinforced concrete slab on which concrete steps are located.

Reinforcing cages reinforced concrete floors, flights of stairs and platforms are interconnected into a single structure. Thanks to the joint work of reinforcement and monolithic concrete, the staircase has a very high rigidity and strength.

Staircase with stringer made of monolithic reinforced concrete. Kosour is located along the longitudinal axis of the flight of stairs.

The kosour here is a reinforced concrete beam with ledges to support the steps. Cantilever steps are called steps, the ends of which do not have support.

The steps of the stairs on the stringer can be made of wood or cast-in-place concrete. Wooden steps are attached to the stringer with metal embedded elements.

Formwork of a monolithic staircase on a stringer with concrete steps. Reinforcing cage cantilever steps made of concrete connected to the stringer reinforcement.

Reinforced concrete stair stringers, as well as flights of stairs, can be installed either between interfloor ceilings, or between the ceiling and the intermediate landing.

Cantilever steps made of reinforced concrete are pinched in the masonry of the wall.

A staircase is said to be closed if the gaps between the steps are closed by risers. Without risers, this is an open staircase.

Concrete for reinforced concrete stairs

For the manufacture of reinforced concrete stairs, concrete is used that has a compressive strength of at least 20 MPa (class B20). Freshly laid concrete in the formwork must be carefully compacted by vibration.

Stair flights and landings happen it is advantageous to make from architectural (decorative) concrete. The surface of the steps and platforms of such a staircase will not require additional cladding or finishing. It is better to order the production and laying of architectural concrete to specialists.

Where in the house to place a staircase made of concrete

In order for the stairs to be comfortable, safe and "quiet", it is necessary to choose the right place for its location in the house, correctly arrange and determine the dimensions.

The modern architecture of a private house usually does not provide for special isolated stairwells to accommodate stairs. Stairs are installed openly and are part of the interior of the living room, hall or hallway.

It should be borne in mind that the staircase in the living room, as an element of the interior, makes higher demands on the appearance. The staircase in the living room should be more refined, and therefore more expensive, than the stairs in the hallway, hallway or in an isolated stairwell.

Compared to wooden stairs, concrete stairs look heavier, they are simpler in shape and do not in the best way fit into the interior of the living room.

A place near the wall is more suitable for placing a concrete staircase.

Concrete stairs that will emphasize the interior of your house and last a long time, will be made by the Concrete - Boutique company!

How to choose the dimensions of the stairs

Choosing the slope of the stairs

A comfortable and safe staircase should be fairly gentle. Building regulations limit the steepness of the stairs in the house. The slope of the stairs should not be more than 1:1.25 (the ratio of the height of the flight of stairs to its horizontal projection). In the figure below this the maximum slope of about 40 ° has a ladder 1.

Two ladder options: stairs 1- steep with a maximum slope, provides a minimum of comfort and safety, but occupies a minimum area in the house; staircase 2— comfortable and safe staircase with recommended slope.

So that the stairs in the house are comfortable enough and do not take up too much space it is recommended to choose a staircase slope of about 30 o, which corresponds to the ratio of the height of the flight of stairs to its horizontal projection as 1:1.75. Such a slope has staircase 2 in the figure above.

Calculation of the dimensions of the stairs

After determining the slope - the height and horizontal projection of the flight of stairs, at the second stage, perform the calculation of the optimal dimensions of the steps of the stairs.

Optimal dimensions stairs in a private house. For comfortable movement on the steps of the stairs, it is necessary to fulfill the condition indicated in the green frame.

Building regulations require that the height of a stair step be within h=16-19 cm.

For example, let's calculate the dimensions of stairs 2 in the figure. Taking into account the requirements of the rules, for further calculations we accept the height of the steps of our stairs h=17 cm.

Then, we find the number of steps in the flight of stairs. To do this, divide the height of the flight of stairs by the height of the step. Number of steps in the flight of stairs: 272 cm / 17 cm= 16 steps.

Building regulations limit the number of steps in one flight of stairs to no more than 18 steps. If this restriction cannot be met, then it is necessary to make two flights of stairs with an intermediate platform between them.

Knowing the number of steps, we calculate the width of the tread of the flight of stairs. To do this, we divide the value of the horizontal projection of the flight of stairs by the number of steps. For stairs 2 in the figure, the calculated step width will be equal to s = 474 cm / 16 = 29 cm.

On a step 29 wide cm. the human foot will feel confident and comfortable.

In conclusion, we check whether it will be comfortable to move up the stairs. To do this, we do the calculation according to the formula shown in the figure in the green frame: 2h + s = 60-65. For our ladder 2*17 cm+29cm=63 cm— the condition of comfortable movement is met.

What should be the height of the steps without finishing?

A comfortable staircase should have all steps of the same height. The decision on what material to finish it with is best taken before the construction of the stairs begins - this will avoid surprises in the form of a height difference between the individual steps.

If the floor and treads will be finished with the same material or materials with identical thicknesses, all unfinished steps must have the same height.

If the materials are different thickness, the height of the first step when open must be matched to the thickness of the material that will cover the tread and the floor on both floors. The thickness of the ceramic tile (together with the adhesive layer) is approximately 2 cm, roll material- about 0.5 cm, stone cladding -3-4 cm, from wood - 4-5 cm.

Staircase width

The width of the flight of stairs is the width of the passage between the railing of the stairs, and not the length of the step. The length of the step may be different, depending on the method of attaching the railing.

Building regulations require that the width of the passage on the stairs be at least 90 cm. For the sake of comfort and ease of moving furniture, it is recommended to increase the width of the passage to 110 cm.

Step overhang

Steps on stairs are usually performed with an overhang of 2-3 cm as in the picture above. The overhang is necessary so that the vertical surface under the step(s) is less polluted and damaged.

On reinforced concrete stairs, which are lined with wood, the overhang of the steps is arranged by increasing the width of the wooden covering.

On stairs without wood cladding, the surface under the step (riser) is made not vertical, but inclined, so that the surface of the upper step hangs slightly above the lower one.

However, for stairs made of concrete, an overhang is not necessary.

Finishing monolithic concrete stairs

Reinforced concrete stairs look too massive, so they require a creative approach to finishing.

On a reinforced concrete staircase, you need to finish all parts of the step:

  • horizontal planes, that is, treads;
  • vertical - risers;
  • as well as skirting boards - wall sections located directly above the steps.

The treads are covered with a non-slip and abrasion-resistant material, while the risers, which we most often touch with the toes of our shoes, must be resistant to impacts.

How to choose a finishing material?

The choice of material is influenced by the place in which the staircase is located, and the way the floor is finished on both floors. It is also worth asking yourself some other important questions.

What shape does flight of stairs? The steps of straight marches can be covered with almost any finishing material. For winder steps, it is better not to choose materials that will have to be cut in place ( ceramic tiles, stone cladding), - the steps will not look very aesthetically pleasing, and the material consumption will turn out to be excessively large.

Who will use the stairs? In a house where there are small children or the elderly, the stairs must be covered with a material that perfectly absorbs falls. If children often play on the steps, facing material should also be warm (wood, carpet covering).

Should stairs be quiet?

Various Decoration Materials absorb sounds differently, which can affect the comfort of using the stairs.

Carpet and wood absorb sound well, while stone and ceramic tiles sometimes amplify the sound of footsteps.

Will the stairs be damaged?

If the home improvement has not yet been completed, it should be taken into account that when moving furniture, the stairs may be damaged. In this case, for finishing steps, you should not choose soft woods or carpets that are prone to damage.

Staircase with soft material

Another inexpensive and easy way to finish steps is to coat them with soft material. Stairs with elastic lining are easy to keep clean, and carpeting is warm and absorbs sound well.

The finishing material must be carefully glued to the steps: if any fragments peel off, there is a threat to stumble and fall.

The roll material is thin and elastic. It can be laid without cutting, but the riser of a staircase finished in this way must be protected by a special metal or composite profile.

If it is a hard facing, then it will have to be cut, while each step should be laid separately.

Which roll cover is suitable for stairs?

Carpeting should be easy to clean and dry quickly: polypropylene and polyamide carpets meet these conditions. Do not choose coverings with a long pile or thick lining, such as felt.

Woolen coverings are not suitable for stairs as they get dirty easily and are difficult to clean. It is also better not to choose acrylic - they have low strength.

Carpets intended for stairs are additionally reinforced. It is better to choose those that are marked with a special icon.

Elastic coatings must be resistant to abrasion, non-slip and flame-retardant. These requirements meet the rubber coating. At the same time, it is better not to use vinyl coating, as it is not resistant to dents, and shoe polish can leave marks that are difficult to remove.

Wood - for a home with a soul

The wooden staircase evokes associations with the interiors of old houses. Due to its many advantages, it is also appreciated by the owners of modern interiors.

Wood is warm to the touch, and it visually makes the room warmer. It is a springy material that absorbs falls well. Wood is readily used because of its plasticity and ease of processing: it can be adapted to steps of any shape.

Many people choose this material because of its natural color and layer pattern. But a wooden staircase can also be painted or stained, thus giving it a completely different look.

Great opportunities open up the use of exotic wood, characterized by a rich palette of colors: from white - through yellow, red, brown, olive, green - to deep black.

Often only treads are made of wood, and risers are left in plaster painted in White color. Such a staircase is made not only for reasons of economy - it looks light and less monotonous.

But it should be remembered that white risers get dirty very quickly, plaster can fall off, and the surface painted with paint is not so easy to clean. To avoid this, the risers must be plastered with a strong cement mortar.

Other materials can also be used to finish the risers: resin-based plaster, ceramic tiles and even steel sheet.

Risers finished mosaic plaster. Against its background, treads made of light oak stand out expressively

Oak planks are used for treads, and stone or ceramic tiles are used for risers.

Dark wood strips protect the surface of the treads and the top of the riser

Stairs with a straight march can be finished with almost any material. In this case, dark wood is used, contrasting with the color of the walls.

Due to the risers, painted white, the staircase with wooden steps seems easier

Ceramic tiles - for practical

It is so diverse that it allows you to equip the staircase for any interior. Richly decorated southern-style tiles create the atmosphere of a Greek tavern, floor tiles imitating old stones - a country house, and sparkling polished porcelain tiles - a modern residence.

Is it a good material for stairs from a practical point of view? Tiles are cold, hard and do not absorb falls. At the same time, it is easy to keep clean, it is cheaper than stone, and much more durable than wood. It does not burn - in the event of a fire, it does not contribute to the spread of fire between floors.

However, if all elements of the stairs are tiled, it will look too monotonous. Interesting effects are obtained by combining ceramic tiles with other materials, such as wood.

Which tile is suitable for stairs?

Suitable tiles for stairs certain parameters: it must have high class abrasion, best IV or V, hardness minimum 5-6 on the Mohs scale and anti-slip properties.

Such high requirements are imposed only on treads - risers can have lower technical parameters.

The surface of tiles intended for treads must be corrugated (corrugations are convex or concave elements on the surface of the tile) or embossed (relief - bulges on the entire surface of the tile).

The stairs can also be covered with matt tiles with an uneven, rough structure.

For the internal stairs, floor tiles, gres and clinker are used.

Mosaic ceramic tiles are used for steps and risers, as well as for floor covering staircase hall

Ceramic tiles used to finish stairs different colors, reminiscent of a multi-colored carpet.

Finishing a monolithic concrete staircase with porcelain stoneware

Porcelain stoneware stair treads are slabs specially designed for finishing concrete stair treads. Porcelain stoneware slab has dimensions 300 - 350 mm. wide and 1200-1300 mm. in length.

Porcelain stoneware steps can be with or without anti-slip notches.

Porcelain stoneware slabs can be used to cover both treads and risers.

Slabs of porcelain stoneware imitating wood, marble, natural stone, as well as steps of pure colors (monocolors) and many others are produced.

Steps come in a straight shape with a processed frontal edge, as well as with a curved “nose” - in this case, the choice depends on which appearance You want to give a concrete staircase.

Porcelain stoneware steps are very durable, do not let moisture through, are not subject to chemical attack, do not fade from sunlight, are environmentally friendly and do not require replacement for a long time. This is one of the best options in terms of price-quality ratio for finishing stairs made of concrete.

Porcelain stoneware steps as a material for finishing an interfloor staircase are very diverse. Depending on your preference, you can choose matt, lappated, embossed or polished treads for concrete stairs.

You can finish porcelain stoneware in the same style as the concrete staircase itself, as well as the entire space between the stairs.

Modern private houses, with rare exceptions, are built in two or three floors. According to this format private house, equipped with two or three stairs - an entrance staircase and one or two interfloor structures.

The best, simplest, inexpensive and at the same time durable option is a concrete staircase, which you can make on your own without involving expensive hired labor.

Construction stages

In general, the work on the construction of a concrete staircase consists of the following main steps:

  • Determining the type of stairs: single-flight, two-flight, spiral.
  • Calculation of the structure: the number and dimensions of the steps, the width and length of the structure.
  • Manufacture and assembly of formwork.
  • Installation of the reinforcing belt.
  • Pouring concrete.
  • Formwork dismantling.
  • Finishing concrete stairs with wood, artistic forging, ceramic tiles, mosaics or other available materials.

A two-flight and a spiral staircase made of concrete is a rather difficult project to implement with your own hands. Flights of two mid-flight stairs are erected at an angle of 90 degrees, with an intermediate platform, winder steps and other features.

Spiral staircase requires a complex special calculation of the spiral line and subsequent manufacturing and correct installation curved formwork. Therefore, it is better to trust the construction of these types of stairs to experienced professional builders. Within the framework of this article, an option will be considered - a single-flight concrete staircase to the second floor, which you can make with your own hands without experience and special education.

Calculation of the design of a single-flight staircase made of concrete

The angle of inclination of the march and the dimensions of the steps should be determined in each case, depending on the size of the room. Standard, frequently used tilt angles: 25, 35 and 45 degrees. The most preferred option is the angle of inclination of the march - 45 degrees. In this case, the stairs in the house made of concrete are not only safe and easy to climb, but also optimal in terms of the cost of building materials.

Having determined the height and angle of the march, determine the height and width of the steps. The best option: riser height 160-200 mm, tread width 270-300 mm. The width of the march is also taken individually in each case.

If the stairs are located between two walls, the width of the structure is taken to be the distance between the walls. If the march adjoins the wall on one side, and the other side "hangs" in the air, the minimum width of the structure is 800-900 millimeters.

It is highly desirable to create a drawing or sketch of a future staircase for the correct calculation and installation of formwork parts.

Important point! When taking this or that step height, do not forget about possible finishing, the thickness of which can significantly change the given size. For example, wood trim will raise the height of the step by at least 20-25 millimeters.

Formwork for concrete stairs

Assembly and installation is very milestone construction, on which the durability of the stairs depends. Even a small oversight and hope for the Russian "maybe" can lead to the destruction of the formwork during pouring or hardening of concrete, with all the ensuing consequences. In general, to assemble the formwork, you will need the following materials:

  • Waterproof plywood 12-18 mm thick, or edged planed board 25-30 mm thick for boards to form risers, side and bottom parts of the structure.
  • A beam of 100x100 millimeters for supporting the lower panels (bottom) of the formwork and connecting sheets of plywood or boards.
  • Steel corner and wood screws with a diameter of 3.5-4.5 mm for assembling shields.

Formwork surfaces facing concrete must be perfectly smooth. Receive desired result in several ways: grinding, upholstery plastic wrap or using laminated plywood.

In general, formwork assembly technology consists of the following steps:

  • Installation of the lower part, made of panels assembled from plywood sheets or boards. Available combined option: plywood + boards. Bottom part is laid at the calculated angle of inclination on retaining bars. The step and the number of bars coincides with the step and the number of steps. The formwork elements are fastened with self-tapping screws, and not with traditional nails. After the concrete has hardened, it will be much easier to disassemble the formwork assembled on self-tapping screws than the structure assembled on nails.
  • The next step is the installation of the side part (if one side of the stairs is adjacent to the wall) or in two parts, if one side of the stairs is “hanging in the air”. The side parts are assembled from plywood or boards, and with outside reinforced with a belt of timber.
  • Formation of risers. In accordance with the calculated number and dimensions of the risers, they are formed with boards or plywood fixed to the side parts or the wall using steel corners.
  • Testamentary stage of installation. To make it easier to finish the pouring staircase made of concrete with one or another material, all joints facing concrete should be carefully cleaned and smoothed with an angle grinder and putty cement-sand mortar. The formwork is ready for the installation of the reinforcing belt.

Installation and knitting of a reinforcing belt

In order for a concrete staircase in a private house to be strong and durable, its design should be strengthened. In this case, a monolithic durable concrete, which will last as long as the building of the house will stand.

A span of several steps can be reinforced with a mesh of reinforcement with a diameter of 10-12 millimeters laid along the bottom of the formwork at a height of at least 20-30 mm from the surface of the formwork facing the concrete.

To set a gap of 20-30 mm, use pieces of brick or special plastic stands. The pitch of the longitudinal and transverse rods is taken such that cells of 50x50 millimeters are obtained. The fittings are tied together with soft steel or copper "knitting" wire with a diameter of 0.7 to 1 mm.

To reinforce large-scale stairs, several longitudinal and vertical reinforcing meshes are used, which must be attached to the wall in one way or another. For example, using drilled holes into which pins of the appropriate diameter are driven.

Pouring concrete stairs

For pouring the structure, heavy concrete grade M200 is used. Concrete is prepared either independently according to the following recipe - 1 kg of cement CEM I 32.5N PC (M400), 2.8 kg of sifted washed quarry sand, 4.4 kg of crushed granite with a particle fraction of at least 10-20 mm, 10 milliliters liquid soap(plasticizer), water 0.7 liters, or place an order for finished material by contacting the nearest concrete plant. The first option has half the cost, and the second option is better in terms of the composition of the components and more efficient in terms of construction time. Filling steps:

  • Fill the formwork with concrete starting from the lower steps. Initially, 2-3 steps are filled, after which the concrete is rammed with a uniform bayonet piece of reinforcement over the entire area of ​​the filled structure.
  • With the help of a trowel and a spatula, they give the steps a final look - they smooth the plane of the treads, achieving horizontality.
  • The entire structure is poured, after which tamping and smoothing of the treads are carried out as in the previous case.
  • The resulting structure is carefully covered with plastic wrap for 5-7 days. In hot weather, the film is moistened with water several times a day.

Formwork dismantling

This stage of construction should not be rushed. After 5-7 days, side panels and riser formwork are carefully removed. If the concrete is still very wet and “alive”, the dismantling work should be stopped and wait a few more days.

Most the best way- wait from 20 to 28 days (if the ambient air temperature is between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius and above). This billing period time during which concrete gains 70-80% of branded strength.

Concrete staircase finishing

immediately after the formwork is removed, all surfaces of the stairs are carefully cleaned with angle grinders equipped with the appropriate tools: Baumesser Beton diamond cutters, Long concrete grinding diamond discs, diamond disc for concrete grinding BOSCH and other similar tools.

Further, it all depends on the imagination and personal preferences of the developer. To finish the surface of the stairs, you can use: precious wood, porcelain stoneware, ceramic floor tiles, or natural stone. Side surface and the bottom can simply be plastered and covered water-based paint.

Readers of the article may be interested in the question of how entrance staircase in a concrete house. outdoor stairs from concrete is calculated and built , almost similar to the stairs to the second floor inside the house. The difference between the technology lies in the absence of the lower support of the span and the need to build a foundation, the depth corresponding to the depth of the foundation of the house.

Now, knowing how to make a concrete staircase with your own hands, you can calculate it, purchase the necessary Construction Materials and build this facility without involving expensive hired labor of specialists.