Railings for stairs drawing. Convenient and beautiful stair railings: do it yourself

Relatively recently, new options for fences for summer cottages, made of polycarbonate, have appeared. The well-proven material is now also used in the production of fences. Such a fence is distinguished by a very simple installation and a number of advantageous advantages compared to standard fences.

An example of a polycarbonate fence

Thanks to its excellent operational characteristics the use of such a fence is quite relevant both for urban development conditions and as a summer cottage fence.
There are two types of polycarbonate: cellular and monolithic. Each of them has its own strength characteristics:

  • Cellular is distinguished by its relatively light weight and special structure, which allows the use of polycarbonate for the manufacture of lightweight fences;
  • Monolithic, in turn, has a greater thickness, and therefore has a heavier weight. However, this species resists high wind loads well, which makes it preferable in regions with difficult weather conditions.

Like the construction of any other fencing, the installation of a polycarbonate fence with your own hands begins with the installation of supports.

Installation diagram of fence posts

As a rule, concrete or metal shaped pipes are chosen, which are installed in pre-drilled wells.

  • If manufactured concrete pillar, a special formwork is made for it, or asbestos or plastic pipe, which, after the concrete has set, is carefully removed;
  • Metal supports are necessarily pre-treated with an anti-corrosion solution, and a crushed stone pad is poured into the wells.

The next step is to make the frame, which is indispensable. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the sheets will be driven or simply ripped off by gusts of wind.

The fact is that polycarbonate does not have sufficient rigidity, therefore, additional reinforcement with a metal profile or corner is required.

Polycarbonate fence option

As a rule, the structure is made in the form of three guides, the distance between which should be about 0.5–1.0 m. In some cases, a metal profile is allowed on the sides of each polycarbonate sheet. This not only adds strength to the fence, but also provides a more attractive appearance.

Already on the frame, the polycarbonate itself is mounted, while there are some installation nuances that must be taken into account when carrying out work.

Installation and fastening features

Even a beginner in the construction business can mount a polycarbonate fence with your own hands, however, when installing, it is necessary to take into account some factors due to the characteristics of the material.

The last stage of working with polycarbonate is the removal of the protective film and the design of the material. additional elements... For these purposes, you can use decorative stone elements or install additional lighting. Looks especially advantageous.

Types of polycarbonate fences

Polycarbonate goes well with almost any type of material, with the possible exception of wood. This is due to the peculiarity of the characteristics: both are distinguished by the ability to expand under the influence environment.

Therefore, this combination can lead to kinking of the polycarbonate and loss of appearance the entire fence. However, there are many other poles that are quite suitable for installation.

Which option to choose directly depends on the size of your budget, since the cost of materials varies quite a lot. Most budget options are pillars of metal and concrete, brick and stone will cost a little more.

An example of metal fence posts

Why choose polycarbonate for fencing

It should be noted right away that the polycarbonate fence is not sufficiently resistant to impacts, but the quality is quite acceptable.

If such a fence is installed in compliance with the technology and heavy stones are not purposefully thrown into it, then it will stand for a fairly long time.

Polycarbonate is produced in transparent and translucent versions, which makes this material extremely convenient for use in the country.

  • The material freely transmits sunlight, while filtering out ultraviolet radiation that is harmful to plants;
  • Transparent polycarbonate is used if plants need a lot of light, translucent - to create partial shade;
  • Another option for using transparent material - when required good overview the territory located behind the fence, for example, when fencing car parks;
  • A translucent fence, on the other hand, will hide your site from prying eyes.

The following advantage of polycarbonate is especially important for summer cottages: this material absorbs sound waves due to its cellular structure, providing reliable sound insulation of the area behind the fence. No less effectively, such a fence protects the site from dust.
In accordance with the technology of its manufacture, polycarbonate is produced in various colors and does not require additional processing... In addition, plastic plugs, corners and other elements produced for this fence also have a wide variety of colors.

Such a variety of tinted solutions allows us to make an original fence that will not only carry a functional load, but also become a decorative element of the surrounding landscape. In addition, there are significant savings in both money and time, since the material does not require additional painting.

An example of a polycarbonate fence with forged elements

Polycarbonate is practically unaffected by the environment, the material is not afraid of moisture, does not grow moldy and does not corrode.

It tolerates temperature changes well (at correct installation), excellent resistance to wind loads and long-term exposure to sunlight.

In addition, the material is absolutely not susceptible to the negative effects of insects. Such properties of polycarbonate distinguish it favorably from other types of fences.

Polycarbonate is also quite flexible and able to bend in the right direction, which allows you to install fences of various shapes. For example, if the fence is planned to be made in the form of a semicircle, it is quite easy to make the necessary structure from polycarbonate.

Hello Semyonitch! I really liked your story about how to equip the stairs yourself - very sensibly and even without grammatical errors, which is simply amazing in our time. I am writing in the hope of getting advice experienced master... The bottom line is as follows. We have built a 2-storey annex to old apartment... Due to financial difficulties, they built a primitive wooden stairs(no railings yet). A young family with a 9-month-old child lives upstairs, while we, the old people, live downstairs. The child is very active, and the question arose about the arrangement of the railing in order to avoid trouble. For the same financial reasons, we cannot afford to invite specialists, to make wooden railings ourselves - there is no skill and knowledge. On the family council decided to make a railing in the very simple version: racks - made of \ "square \" metal pipe, spaced 0.5 m from each other, filling between the racks - transparent polycarbonate 6-10 mm thick. The technical characteristics of polycarbonate (strength) seem to allow its use in this quality. The problem is in attaching it to the posts. What advice would you give about this and about the whole project?

Best regards, Vladimir Izmailov, Ulyanovsk.

Hello Vladimir from Ulyanovsk!

The question, as they say, is of course an interesting one. My grandson has exactly the same number of months as your grandson (or granddaughter?). And he climbs wherever possible and where not at all. For such guys the eye, but the eye is constantly needed.

The issue can be fundamentally resolved by changing floors for living. Which, of course, will not save in a couple - three months from the child running up and down the stairs.

Idea using shaped pipe and polycarbonate sheets for ladder installation deserves attention. Nobody will give 100% guarantees that such a ladder will not be broken by a child (meaning polycarbonate). But you can try to foresee all sorts of incidents.

I am interested in the statistics of child injuries in our country. There are many accidents with children who are injured on swings, especially metal ones. Sometimes "smart" designers make a swing in such a way that there is a distance of about 10 centimeters between the swing post and the armature on which the seat is fixed, which is commensurate with the child's head. With all that it implies. Or the mosquito net on the plastic windows of the loggia does not have a secure attachment, as a result of which it may end up on the ground with a child leaning on it. And much more.

Many years ago, my teacher, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Grigory Illarionovich Leskov, said the words engraved in my memory: "Any mechanism or structure must be designed for a fool." I meant, not that all people are fools, but that everything should be like this, or strive for such perfection, so as not to provoke a person to all kinds of trouble.

If you climbed into the switchboard, then when you open the door, the electricity should turn off. If you walk up the stairs concrete stairs, then ceramic tile on them should not be slippery in any weather. If there is a ladder, then the more it has platforms and turns, the less likely it is that, having crashed on the top step, a person is guaranteed not to fly to the bottom step.

This means that for any design of your staircase, it should not be steeper than 45 degrees, but it is better to have an inclination of about 30 degrees. Have steps that are wide and low. And platforms with a width of two or three steps every meter, maximum one and a half, will not allow you to roll far.

I will not bore you with the calculations that need to be made before starting to build a staircase, especially since you do not ask about it. Nevertheless - optimal in an individual housing construction steps are considered to be about 150 millimeters high, and their width is about 300 millimeters. At least of this size in old merchant and noble houses, as well as in monastic cells, or rather staircases leading to them. And everything is made there from boards with a thickness of 50 to 70 millimeters. Baluster racks on such stairs are installed, as a rule, at each step.

That is, if you compare it with your intention to install metal shaped pipes every 0.5 meters, then their distance is slightly less. But since you intend to install a protective fence in the form of polycarbonate sheets between the posts, this is quite acceptable.

Thickness cellular polycarbonate it is better to take a 10 mm one, this is more reliable. There is no dispute about tastes, but of all the colors of polycarbonate I choose yellow, it makes a joyful impression on a person even in cloudy weather and indoors, and a sheet of such (6 / 2.1 meters in size) costs only a couple of hundred rubles more than a transparent one.

For more economical use cutting and reducing material waste, the structure of the cells of polycarbonate sheets can be placed not strictly vertically with respect to the floor surface, but perpendicular to the plane of the ladder bowstring (unless, of course, you have stringers).

It is best to fasten polycarbonate sheets to metal racks from a profile pipe using self-tapping screws with a press washer. The self-tapping screw is taken with a carving for metal, not wood. Such a self-tapping screw has a tip at its end - a kind of drill and can be wrapped in metal without preliminary drilling a hole in this metal. However, first try practicing on a blank that you can then throw away. Otherwise, you run the risk of not measuring your efforts, spoil the polycarbonate sheets and break them in the place of the fastener.

If it does not work out, then first, in the places where the polycarbonate sheets are attached to the metal racks, drill the holes with a drill with a diameter of a couple of hundredths of a millimeter smaller than the outer diameter of the self-tapping screw. And only then wrap the self-tapping screw itself. All this is done with an electric drill or a screwdriver and a bat or a head for a self-tapping screw.

So that the upper edge of the polycarbonate sheets does not spoil the hands when going up and down your homemade stairs, it is covered with a handrail (railing) from above so that the edges do not stick out. And even better - cover this cut from below and from above in the places where it adjoins the bowstrings with a wooden fillet. With the fillets fastened with self-tapping screws with a head in a fold, so as not to tear the palms of the hands.

(By the way, about the handrails. In your version with metal posts, of course, you can also make them from a metal profile pipe and welding with electrodes to the posts. Or from wood, purchased, but then metal racks cut off at an angle of inclination of the railing, fastened with self-tapping screws for wood with preliminary drilling of the racks at a right angle for these screws.

It is better to fix polycarbonate sheets from the side of the flights of stairs. At a height of the pipe-racks of about 0.9 meters, fastening is made with two or three self-tapping screws.

Fences for balconies and terraces are not always provided during their construction. Sometimes, the need for a fence on the terrace arises later.

For example, you have small children, you need to protect open terrace from the wind, or you just decided to change the color of the recreation area and the area near the house or in the country.

Terrace fencing options

First, you need to figure out what kind of fences are for terraces and balconies in general and for wooden terraces in particular:

1. By type

  • closed, designed to protect the veranda from the wind or prying eyes.
  • open - bearing a decorative rather than functional load.

2. By material

The choice of material depends on the overall design of the estate.

Synthetic materials

Valued for their ability to withstand temperature extremes. They have increased durability, and also put forward a minimum of maintenance requirements.

  • Fences for a terrace made of wood-polymer composite (WPC)... This modern composite material visually similar to painted white or Brown color tree. Moreover, it is more durable, not subject to swelling and fading. This means that it requires a minimum of care. Today, WPC terrace fences are gradually winning over their consumers.

  • ... Polyvinyl chloride has also found its application here. The main attractive feature of such fences is their low cost. However, they are quite fragile, which prevents their widespread distribution.

Natural materials

  • ... Such fences must be very elegant in order not to overload the structure and not to increase the load on the foundation. Example in the photo

  • ... Metal / steel is rarely used on its own, more often protrudes part of metal fence. However, such options are also encountered.

  • ... Here the main element is tempered or laminated glass. Suitable for those who want to prevent dust from entering the terrace, protect themselves from the wind, and at the same time do not limit their view.

  • ... This material is not advisable to use for wooden terraces, because it puts a heavy load on the foundation. However, it is quite suitable for balconies.

  • Fences for terraces made of cellular or monolithic polycarbonate... Lightweight and transparent are becoming more common. This is facilitated by low weight, low cost and ease of manufacture.

  • - a stainless steel rope or rope stretched along the perimeter of the terrace acts as a fence.

  • - they look beautiful and unusual.

  • Wooden railing for the terrace... The device of wooden fences has not lost its popularity, despite the complexity of maintenance. This was facilitated by several factors: the availability, the relative cheapness of the material, the ability to make it yourself, the ease of installation and replacement of individual sections, the ability to give the fence any configuration. In addition, no species can match the number of variations with wooden fences for terraces.

3. By type of performance

Each material has its own approach to performance.

A fence made of wood for a terrace can be made in one of three variations:

  • Horizontal (i.e. horizontal arrangement of jumpers, supports, balusters)

  • Vertical (i.e. vertical arrangement of jumpers, supports, balusters)

  • Cross (i.e. cross / overlapping arrangement of jumpers, supports, balusters)

Despite the wide variety of varieties, in the photo of the wooden terrace fences it can be seen that they all fit into these three types.

When choosing the type and materials for the fence, you should consider:

  • material compatibility with overall design plot;
  • weight of the future structure;
  • requirements for operation and maintenance;
  • material availability;
  • material cost;
  • the possibility of replacing damaged structural elements;
  • the ability to do work on the arrangement and replacement of the fence with your own hands.

How to make a fence for a terrace made of wood

For the device, you need the following components:

  1. supports;
  2. balusters;
  3. railing for a wooden deck.

If the supports and railings carry a functional load, then the balusters, among other things, also play the role of decorative decoration.

Balusters for the terrace - photo with varieties

If the terrace is more than 30 cm above the ground surface, it is necessary to provide for the presence of one or more steps.

If more than a meter, you will need a railing for a wooden deck made of wood.

DIY construction of a fence for a wooden terrace

  1. The height of the fence is determined; for a terrace, the optimal size is about one meter.
  2. supports are installed. For horizontally arranged wooden elements, this is the place of their fixation. The distance between the supports should not exceed 120 cm. The gap depends on the type of structure and the weight of the individual elements, as well as on the wind load in the region. Supports can protrude beyond the railing and act as roof support elements.
  3. install balusters. The frequency depends on the size of the baluster. It is generally accepted that the distance between the balusters on the terrace should be no less than their width.
  4. install the railing.

How to make a staircase to a terrace with railings and railing

  • Calculation of the angle of inclination of the stairs and the location of individual elements

If the angle is too large, the ladder will be inconvenient to use. If it is small, it will take up a lot of space in front of the terrace. The optimal angle of inclination of the stairs is 45 °.

  • Production of kosour - bases for fastening steps.

  • Installation of stringers. The stability of the entire structure depends on the reliability of the fastening of the stringer.

  • Installation of steps for the terrace. The installation process is shown in the picture.

  • At the end, the installation of balusters and railings is performed.

Fences for the terrace - photo


We hope that from this article you have learned useful information on the arrangement of railings and railings for wooden terraces.

Country house is a multifunctional and important part staircase construction in general, which should not only ensure safety when going upstairs, reliably protecting against falls, but also be aesthetically attractive, harmoniously and naturally fit into the overall stylistic concept of the room.

A railing is a staircase fencing, which, on the one hand, protects the ascending (descending) person from falling, and on the other hand, serves as a support during the ascent, which is especially important for the elderly. The structure of the fence consists of the following elements:

  • balusters- these are the support posts to which the handrail is attached. They perform both a practical (load-bearing) function and a decorative
  • handrails - an element used when moving up stairs as a support. Can be installed on two or one side flight of stairs, while they can be attached either directly to the wall or on balusters
  • fencing fillers - an element that fills the space between the balusters. Often they perform an exclusively decorative function in some designs, especially in modern styles, placeholders are discarded altogether. However, if there are children in the house, they are mandatory for installation - their presence significantly increases the safety of moving up the stairs.

In accordance with applicable regulations and standards, minimum height The handrail on the stairs must be at least 90 cm. If the width of the stairs is more than 1.25 m, the handrails must be installed on both sides.

Advice! If there is a child in the house, then the distance between the balusters is selected so as to exclude the possibility of sticking your head between them.

Railing for the stairs: select the material

If the design of the stairs is simple in execution and there are no special design requirements for the railings, then they can be made of simple materials... Another thing is a staircase of an exclusive design or which acts as a central part, carrying the main decorative load in the interior - here the railings will have to meet increased requirements. Otherwise, the simplicity and simplicity of the railing design will ruin the whole effect. Therefore, it is important to choose the right material from which the railings for the stairs will be made (photos make it possible to compare different options). At the same time, it is important to observe two rules - compliance with style and unconditional compliance with safety requirements.

Metal railings

A very popular option, in no small part due to the large number of design options - from simple, minimalist, consisting only of posts and railings, united by welding, to very complex structures... They can be made of steel, iron, aluminum, as well as in combination with other materials - glass, PVC, wood. You can use any kind of metal profile - from fittings and simple pipes to profiles with a complex pattern. They are very durable, resistant to dynamic and static loads - even the thinnest handrails can withstand a lot of pressure. They can be used both indoors and outdoors. At the same time, the railings for the stairs made of metal (the photos will serve as proof of this), in addition to the main one - protective, they do an excellent job with a decorative function.

Wrought iron railing

Often they are installed in order to favorably emphasize the chosen style of decorating the room, therefore they are most often used in the style of Rococo, Baroque and traditional classics. Besides elegance and beauty, forged elements look graceful and sophisticated, which is often lacking in wood fragments. Usually such railings are easy to perceive, visually "transparent", thus the staircase does not absorb the space. Forged railing on the stairs will get additional charm if you use the finish in the form of gold, silver or platinum

Stainless steel railings

Perhaps the most reliable and durable, primarily due to the peculiarities of manufacturing. Such railings are usually welded, i.e. they are not collapsible, therefore they are able to withstand very heavy loads. In addition, they are distinguished by their durability - a stainless coating will reliably protect the metal from corrosion, plus periodic touch-up is not required. Stainless steel railings will harmoniously fit into modern (high-tech, minimalism) interiors.

Wooden railing

Wood remains one of the most demanded materials in home construction. First of all, it is environmental friendliness, attractiveness and affordability of the so-called “non-elite” types of wood. It is also important - the wood is tactilely pleasant to the touch, therefore very often, even if the railings and balusters are made of metal, the handrails are installed from wood. Even with minimal processing, the wood looks very attractive.

The natural beauty of wood makes it possible to obtain attractive combinations using various forms frame racks... The possibility of high-tech processing of wooden blanks makes it possible to obtain a railing for a staircase made of wood (the photo below will serve as confirmation) of an unusual shape. At the same time, the attractiveness of the design will in no way affect the fulfillment of safety requirements.

PVC handrails are irreplaceable if country railings installed outside. They are very durable, do not give in to decay, corrosion, fungi or mold, and are easy to clean. Plastic can be selected in almost any color so that the railings fit into the interior / exterior as harmoniously as possible. In addition, they have a non-slip structure - in this case, this is very important.

Glass fences are gaining popularity now. Despite the outward simplicity and fragility, they are very reliable - only tempered glass or triplex is used. If you use absolutely transparent glass, it will help to visually enlarge the room - letting light through itself, it will create a feeling of lightness and weightlessness. Patterned glass, stained glass or tinted glass will add uniqueness to the interior, and the railings themselves will become a bright and attractive accent.