How to make slime without glue new recipes. How to make a slime at home

Slime is a stretching, spreading toy that can take any shape, stretch and flow smoothly from one hand to another. Such a thing is sold in children's toy stores, but you can do it yourself. In this article, we will tell you how to make a slime using PVA glue in combination with other ingredients. The most popular ingredients for slime combined with PVA glue are shampoo, baking soda and toothpaste. Making these funny toys at home is profitable and exciting. You will be able to adjust color, elasticity, transparency and make an exclusive item out of it.

The history of the origin of slimes

The initial interest in this toy appeared in the 1990s, when the animated series Ghostbusters was released on television boxes. The first hero to be a green slime is a ghost.

In general, this toy was made back in 1976 under the leadership of Mattel. The composition included components guar copper, minerals, borax, which make the toy slimy and viscous. But a substitute for all these chemical elements has appeared - PVA glue. This is what we will use.

How to make a slime from PVA glue and shampoo

There are a lot of recipes for cooking this toy. Let's take the most popular one. Based on the recipe, in order to make a slime with your own hands, you only need three components:

  • shampoo;
  • PVA glue;
  • food coloring or gouache;

You need to mix these components in a ratio of 3 to 1. Three parts - glue and one part - shampoo. To make the slime from PVA glue and shampoo saturated, you can add a pinch of bright dye.

What glue to use for slime? It is advisable to choose transparent, and among them Titanium is popular, since it contains all the necessary properties to impart softness and elasticity.

It is worth considering that elasticity depends on the amount of glue, that is, the more glue, the more elastic it is.

How to make a slime from PVA glue and toothpaste

There is also a recipe for slime from PVA glue and toothpaste. It only needs two components:

  1. PVA glue;
  2. Toothpaste.

Stir half a pack of toothpaste with one tablespoon of glue until smooth. Add glue if the toy has not reached the proper consistency. Refrigerate for 15 minutes. The toy is ready for use.

Don't be intimidated by the smell of toothpaste, it will disappear soon.

The toy actually turns out to be 2 in 1, since when cold it can be used as an antistress toy, to cheer up, and at room temperature, as intended, as a slime.

There is another recipe using toothpaste, but without the use of glue. The paste should be placed in the microwave for 2 minutes, then removed, mixed and returned to the microwave. We repeat this procedure three times. After cooling down, apply sunflower or body oil to your hands, knead the mass for 2-3 minutes and you're done.

How to make a slime from PVA glue and soda

There are a wide variety of recipes using two main components, like PVA glue and soda, and we will consider two of the most popular.

First recipe

So, in the first case, you will need:

  1. PVA glue;
  2. baking soda.

Pour the glue into a container, give it color by adding dye. Pour 30 g of soda into another container and fill it with a glass hot water... When the water with soda has cooled, pour this solution into the glue. Then we collect it from this liquid so that it does not stick to our hands, we additionally dip it into the solution. After that, a slime made of soda and PVA glue is ready for use.

Second recipe

For the second recipe you need:

  1. "Miracle clay" (with foam);
  2. PVA glue;
  3. baking soda.

Pour hot water into the "miracle clay", stir, separate the liquid from the foam balls. After that, add glue there, mix.

The glue must be poured along the walls of the container so that there are no bubbles in the slime.

In the second container, combine the soda with hot water, we cool. Then we connect two containers and mix for about 1-2 minutes.

Divide the mass into containers, paint in different colors... Leave the containers open for 15-20 minutes and then enjoy the transparent colored slimes.

How to make a slime - 10 ways to make it at home

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Many children enjoy playing with a slime - simple fun for all ages. Slime toys became popular after the release of the cartoon about the adventures of ghost hunters, one of whose heroes was Slime - a constantly changing shape, spreading and stretching strange creature. Another name for this toy is handgam. How to make a slime at home, we will find out today

Slime is great fun for kids

Slime is not only great fun for children, but also helps relieve stress, has beneficial influence on the nervous system, helps to develop small muscles of the hands and motor skills. The toy has a gel-like consistency, does not melt and can take on the most bizarre shapes. You can buy a slime in any children's toy store, but making it yourself or with the help of a child at home is not difficult. Making a slime does not take much time and does not require the availability or purchase of expensive materials and tools. Consider the available and not very complicated options for creating this interesting toy.

How to make a slime at home

If there are children in the house, there will definitely be plasticine. Use it to craft a popular toy - the result will be impressive!

  • plasticine - 1 pack:
  • food gelatin - 1 pack;
  • a spatula (spoon) for mixing the components;
  • container (bowl, jar) for mixing;
  • iron container for heating gelatin.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour gelatin into an iron container and fill it cold water... Mix thoroughly and leave for an hour. After the specified time has elapsed, heat the soaked gelatin, bring to a boil and quickly remove the dishes from the stove.
  2. We take a mixing container (it is better if it is plastic) and, using a spatula, very well knead soft plasticine (100 g) with water (50 ml).
  3. Gently pour the prepared gelatin into the resulting plasticine mixture, mix with a spatula until a homogeneous, plastic mass is formed.
  4. Place the container with the resulting mass in the refrigerator and wait until it solidifies completely.
  5. We take it out of the refrigerator and use it as directed!

Video on how to make a slime from plasticine

This method is a godsend for those parents who, when choosing toys, first of all put maximum safety, complete environmental friendliness of materials for production in the first place. This option is also ideal for the smallest fans of slime games.

Required materials and tools:

  • warm water;
  • starch (potato or any other);
  • container for mixing components.

Cooking method:

  1. Put warm water and prepared starch in equal proportions in a prepared container.
  2. If we want to get a multi-colored toy, add a small amount of food coloring, brilliant green, a solution of potassium permanganate or other dyes that are safe for children.
  3. Knead the mass thoroughly until it becomes plastic and elastic. It is best to knead with gloves to prevent staining of hands.

Such a slime will adhere perfectly to surfaces of any type, but it also has a drawback - it is not able to bounce and spring. So, before making it, it is better to ask the future user whether his characteristics and the possibilities of an environmentally friendly starch slime will suit him.

Has the house recently been renovated and is there any remnants of building glue? Using the available components, we will turn them into a toy for children!

Required materials and tools:

  • shampoo;
  • construction glue ("Titan", "Ecolux" or other);
  • food coloring;
  • dense plastic bag;
  • mixing container (plastic bowl):
  • spatula or mixing stick.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour a small amount of shampoo into the prepared container.
  2. We pour construction glue into the shampoo - there should be more of it than the shampoo.
  3. Add a drop of food coloring (if necessary saturated color, then more dye will be needed).
  4. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly with a plastic spatula or stick.
  5. Pour the mixture into a plastic bag.
  6. Thoroughly knead the mass in the bag so that it is evenly colored and turns into a plastic substance.
  7. We get the slime out of the bag and we can immediately play with it!

Store a toy prepared in this way in a sealed container in the refrigerator. After playing with the shampoo and glue slime, the child should wash his hands well.

This method will require the purchase of special ingredients. But, believe me, the result is worth it!

Required materials and tools:

  • any food coloring, brilliant green, iodine, gouache paints;
  • PVA glue, always fresh, in an amount - 100 gr.;
  • borax solution (4%) or borax (sodium tetraborate) - these components can be purchased at a pharmacy, specialized stores selling chemical reagents.
  • water;
  • can or glass;
  • polyethylene bag for kneading.

Cooking method:

  1. Take water room temperature(about 1/4 cup).
  2. Slowly pour the PVA glue into a container of water, stirring gently. If a more elastic slime is required, then take a little more glue.
  3. Now it's time to add sodium tetraborate - if using a solution, one vial is enough. Dilute the powder in water at the rate of: a tablespoon of borax per 100 ml (half a glass) of water.
  4. While stirring the mixture, carefully add the color.
  5. We transfer the resulting mass with the dye into a bag and knead it well until it turns into a slime of the proper consistency.

A slime prepared in this way is practically no different from a store toy.

Video on how to make slime from PVA, sodium tetraborate and water

Any housewife has soda in the kitchen, why not use it to make slime? Just a few additional ingredients - and the original toy for your child is ready! the only drawback of such a slime is its fragility; a soda toy will last only a few days.

Required materials and tools:

  • baking soda - heaped tablespoon;
  • PVA glue - 50gr.;
  • warm water - 1/2 cup;
  • food coloring - a few drops;
  • spatula for mixing components;
  • plastic containers - 2 pcs;
  • latex gloves.

Cooking method:

  1. In a plastic container, dissolve PVA glue (50 gr.) In warm water (1/4 cup).
  2. Add a few drops of dye to the water and glue.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix baking soda (tablespoon) with warm water(1/4 cup).
  4. Slowly pour the soda solution into the water-glue solution, stirring constantly, waiting for the mass to compact.
  5. Mix the resulting substance thoroughly - this is the slime!

To prepare such a slime, you will need a liquid washing powder; it is not recommended to replace it with a dry one.

Required materials and tools:

  • washing powder (liquid);
  • PVA glue;
  • dyes;
  • latex gloves;
  • a bowl for preparing a mixture of components.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the glue into a bowl (you need about a quarter cup).
  2. Add a few drops of dye and mix well.
  3. Now pour the liquid laundry powder into the dye glue - about 2 tablespoons, stirring constantly.
  4. Put on gloves and continue kneading the mixture with your hands (like dough). The consistency of the kneaded mass should be similar to soft rubber, stretch well and take various forms.

Was there no starch in the house? No problem! It will be completely replaced by ordinary flour - be sure to sift it before using it so that you do not get lumps that can ruin the slime.

Required materials and tools:

  • water (hot and cold);
  • any food coloring;
  • flour (the variety does not matter) - about 2 full glasses;
  • utensils for preparing a mixture of components;
  • spatula or spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift the flour through a fine sieve into a mixing bowl.
  2. Add cold water (1/4 cup), stir well.
  3. Add 1/4 cup hot water (not boiling water!).
  4. Stir the mixture until it thickens.
  5. Add dye if you wish.
  6. Send the mass to the refrigerator, where it will spend 2 hours.

When the specified time has passed, take it out of the refrigerator and give it to the kids to be torn apart - they will appreciate the quality and functionality of the resulting toy!

A toy prepared according to this recipe will more resemble a jumper than a slime, since its consistency is much denser.

Required materials and tools:

  • hydrogen peroxide (regular pharmacy);
  • water - 100 gr.;
  • PVA glue - 100 gr.;
  • soda or starch - 100 gr.;
  • container for mixing ingredients;
  • spatula.

Cooking method

  1. Mix starch or soda with water in a prepared container.
  2. Pour in PVA glue and mix, after adding the dye.
  3. Add a little hydrogen peroxide - the mass will become light, airy.
  4. Continue kneading until smooth, firm.

To prepare this slime, you will need a special alcohol - polyvinyl. Under no circumstances should you replace it with medical alcohol or vodka! Also in this recipe is sodium tetraborate, already familiar to us.

Required materials and tools:

  • powdered polyvinyl alcohol;
  • water;
  • sodium tetraborate;
  • container for mixing components;
  • scapula.

Cooking method:

  1. Dilute powdered polyvinyl alcohol with water according to the instructions, cook on low heat about 40 minutes. The mixture should be constantly stirred to prevent burning.
  2. Sodium tetraborate (two tablespoons), mix with one glass of water until completely dissolved.
  3. Strain the resulting sodium tetraborate solution and slowly pour it into the polyvinyl alcohol.
  4. If necessary, add dye and knead the resulting mass thoroughly.

Do you want to surprise the children by making them a slime that glows in dark room, and even attracted by a magnet? Get started!
Required materials and tools:

  • iron oxide;
  • sodium tetraborate
  • plain water;
  • phosphoric paint or dye;
  • PVA glue;
  • magnets (neodymium),
  • utensils for preparing the mass.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of sodium tetraborate in a glass of water.
  2. In a prepared container, mix PVA glue (30 gr.) And 1/2 glass of water. Add phosphoric paint to this mixture (it is it that provides a glow in the dark) or a regular dye to add color.
  3. Pour the sodium tetraborate solution into the water-glue mixture in a thin stream, constantly stirring the mixture to the desired consistency. As soon as the required mass density is reached, stop adding the solution.
  4. The slime is already ready, now it is necessary to make it so that it is attracted by a magnet. To do this, level the mass and sprinkle with a small amount of iron oxide powder. Knead well so that the powder is evenly distributed throughout the mass.

The slime is ready!

  1. Try to find the ideal consistency of the mixture being created, focusing on your own feelings. A properly made slime is one continuous clot, a homogeneous mass, moderately viscous and sticky.
  2. If you feel that the mass does not meet expectations, add the component necessary to correct the situation in more... If the mass is liquid, dry components should be added, if, on the contrary, thick, then dilute the mixture with water or glue.
  3. To make the slime more original appearance glitter, pearlescent powder dyes can be added to the prepared mass.
  4. Store the prepared slimes in a tightly sealed container, placing it in the refrigerator.
  5. It is necessary to warn children that you cannot lick the slimes, bite them, no matter how much you want.
  6. Before and after playing with slimes, you must wash your hands well.

Be sure to try making a slime at home with your children. Bright, original handgum - great fun for the whole family! Enjoy your entertainment and have a good time with your children!

The toy slime became popular after the release of the art picture "Ghostbusters". It got its name thanks to one of the heroes of the film, the ghost, whom the hunters called Lizun.

A scene from the 1989 film Ghostbusters. on the left Slime, thanks to which the toy slime became popular among children

The toy quickly gained popularity among children around the world, as a result of which it began to be produced on an industrial scale. It can be purchased in the store, but it will be more interesting for children if parents, together with them, make a Lizuna with their own hands, which can take various forms, spread, stretch.

There are many ways to make your own toy out of various materials... In this article, we will consider several common and available methods, thanks to which you can give a certain color and density to a toy.

Below are the top 9 ways to make a slime at home. And before you start reading, take a look YouTube videos which have the most views. We found them like this:

Video 1.3 slime from two ingredients

Video 2. Slime from toothpaste without glue

And now, let's try to make this funny toy with our own hands. Choose a method convenient for you:

How to make a slime without glue

If you don't want your child to have a toy that contains glue, you can make it out of other materials.

For example, you can use plasticine. In this case, the mass can be given any shape that is preserved. To do this, you need to prepare:

  • Plasticine.
  • Gelatin.

In a metal bowl, dissolve edible gelatin in water, according to the instructions on the package. Set aside for 1-2 hours. After that, the bowl must be put on the stove and, after boiling, the mass must be removed from the heat.

Knead 100 g of plasticine in your hands until it becomes warm, and mix it in a separate bowl with 50 ml of water, stir and add gelatin. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed and send the slime to the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, you can hand the children a toy.

How to make a slime from PVA glue

Most often, slime is made from PVA glue. There are many ways, using different ingredients, we will look at one of them. For this we need:

  • 200 ml of warm water.
  • 1-2 bottles of white PVA glue.
  • Food coloring.
  • 2 bottles of borax (weak boric acid salt).

Before starting work, you need to shake the bottle of glue, then pour it into a deep container. A regular glass jar is suitable for this. Stir the dye in a separate bowl in water and pour it into a jar of glue. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

Then boric acid you need to gradually add to the mass with glue. As a result, the mixture will begin to acquire a viscous and dense consistency. When the required viscosity and density of the mass is achieved, then it must be carefully kneaded in rubber gloves or in a plastic bag. Leave the finished slime on paper for about 30-60 minutes, after which you can give it to the children.

DIY slime from shampoo and soda

Consider another option for making a do-it-yourself slime. In this case, we will be using shampoo, so the child must play in the presence of adults. They need to make sure that he does not lick his hands, and after playing, he thoroughly washed them with soap. We need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Shampoo.
  • Baking soda.
  • Water.
  • Natural or food coloring.

There is no exact dosage, so you need to gradually add all the ingredients in order to achieve the required consistency of the mass. To begin with, in any container you need to mix shampoo with water and dye. Then add baking soda and stir again.

If there is too much soda, then you will need to add a little more water. Therefore, see for yourself what may not be enough for the required density of the future toy.

The slime may not work the first time, but a little practice and you will already be able to determine by eye required amount ingredients.

How to make a slime without sodium tetraborate and without PVA glue

The store toy contains chemical elements that can harm the health of the child. Therefore, it is recommended to make a toy yourself without glue and sodium tetraborate. If you want to make an absolutely safe slime, then you can use flour. To do this, we will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Dye.
  • Cold and hot water.
  • Flour.

You need to sift 2 cups of flour into a small bucket, add about 60-70 ml cold water, after which, in the same amount of hot water, but do not use boiling water, as the toy will not work. Now mix everything thoroughly until smooth. There should be no lumps in the mixture.

In the next step, add a small amount of natural or food coloring. The mixture must be mixed well. After that, it should become sticky. Send the mass to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. After this time, the child can enjoy the new toy.

Toothpaste slime

You can make a slime from regular toothpaste. There are many recipes, but we will look at two ways.

No. 1 on a water bath

  1. Squeeze out the amount of any toothpaste into a bowl.
  2. Put a pan with water on the stove and wait for the liquid to boil.
  3. Put a bowl of pasta in a water bath.
  4. Cook for 15 minutes while toothpaste it is necessary to constantly interfere.
  5. As a result, a dry, non-flowing mass should be obtained. Leave it to cool completely.
  6. Lubricate your hands vegetable oil and knead the slime for a few minutes.
  7. After such procedures, the slime should stretch well, become elastic, but not tear.

The whole process took about 20 minutes.

No. 2 in the microwave

  1. Put the bowl of toothpaste in the microwave for about 2 minutes.
  2. Remove plate, mix thoroughly, and microwave again for 3 minutes.
  3. The result should be a dry and wrinkled mass.
  4. Apply cosmetic oil to the slime and wrinkle thoroughly.

If necessary, glitter can be added to the mass, which the girls will really like.

Simple slime from water

There is a very simple way to make a toy. It does not contain any toxic or chemical substances... In order to make a slime, you need to prepare:

  • 200 ml of water.
  • 200 g starch.

It is necessary to mix the ingredients in equal proportions. For this, it is recommended to use a regular glass. Mix the mass thoroughly, add one or another ingredient if necessary to achieve the required consistency. Mash well and the slime is ready.

Of course, such a toy is significantly different from the store counterpart, but it is absolutely safe. If necessary, you can add a little food coloring to get the desired color.

Shaving foam slime

Let's consider another option. The base of the toy will be regular shaving foam. To make an elastic slime, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Shaving foam.
  • Bura.
  • PVA glue.
  • Dye.
  • Water.

Now we start making:

  1. In a plate, mix warm water (50 ml) with brown (1.5 tsp).
  2. Stir thoroughly to completely dissolve the crystals.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix the glue and the shaving foam well.
  4. Add 2 tsp of the prepared borax solution.
  5. Crush the mass with a spatula. The result should be a sticky lump.
  6. Then add a small amount of borax again.
  7. Stir the mixture until it falls behind the walls of the dish.
  8. Wrinkle a little in your hands, and the slime is ready.

To add color to the toy, you can add a small amount of food coloring.

DIY slime without starch

Now let's try to make a toy in the most popular way. This slime practically does not differ from the store counterpart. To do it, we need:

  • 100 g PVA. It is important to note that the glue must be fresh.
  • Sodium tetraborate. You can use a powder, it is sold at the pharmacy.
  • Dye of the required color.

Stages of creation:

  1. Add 50-60 ml of warm water to the container.
  2. Add PVA glue. The density of the mass will depend on this particular ingredient, therefore, during the process, you can change its amount.
  3. Add 1 vial of sodium tetraborate. And if you decide to use a powder, then it must be dissolved in water.
  4. Then add the selected dye.

Now the whole mixture needs to be poured into a plastic bag and crumpled for a few minutes. The child will be happy with the new toy.

How much does a slime cost in a store?

Modern manufacturers offer to purchase a toy in different versions:

  • Glowing.
  • Solid.
  • Liquid.
  • In the form of animals or insects.
  • In grids.
  • Banks.
  • In packages.
  • Transparent.
  • And others.

The price will depend on this. The minimum price is 15-20 rubles. You can buy a slime in a store or on the Internet. Today you will find a large number of proposals.

In the late 90s of the twentieth century, the cartoon "Ghostbusters" was released. The most interesting character was Lizun, a cute green ghost. It was small, but very voracious.

The viewer liked the slime so much that he became the prototype of an interesting toy, which both children and adults are delighted with. The toy has become very popular, and many craftsmen already know how to make a slime at home.

During fun with a slime, the vestibular apparatus develops well, fine motor skills and physical activity. This will help small toy owners in development, and for adults - in warm-up.

Slime is fun to play with, but remember to throw it on a painted surface. water-based paint, or on any other surface that is not washed, it is impossible. A fat trail remains.

You can not only play with a toy, but also grow it, and even multiply it. Lizuns can "get pregnant". Their "pregnancy" looks like a several millimeter bubble inside. In order for reproduction to be successful, the slime must be removed to a dark place until a descendant appears.

A simple recipe for making slime

One of the simplest and easiest recipes is to make a toy from water and starch. To do this, you need to take the ingredients in the same amount and mix. Color can be given with brilliant green, food coloring or gouache. Before you make a slime out of water and starch, you should think again - the ease of manufacture affects its appearance and jumping ability.

Temporary toy

Before making a slime from soda, you need to pay attention to the fact that it loses its plasticity after 3 days, but it can be made very quickly. Such a toy is good if the child quickly gets bored with everything. The soda slime will not have time to get bored, but if the children do not have time to play enough for them, it can be quickly rebuilt.

How to make slime from soda? First prepared necessary materials and dishes. For manufacturing you will need:

  • capacity (you can use the bottom of a plastic bottle);
  • stirring stick;
  • Cup;
  • soda - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 100 g;
  • glue (better than PVA) - 50 g;
  • dye.

The glue is mixed with half of the water. The mixture should be smooth and thick. It resembles milk or cream in color. In order for the toy to turn out to be colored, a dye is added. It is better to take food colors - so the slime will turn out to be translucent. Dissolve the soda in the rest of the water separately in a glass. Pour the soda solution into the colored glue mixture and mix well. After the substance begins to thicken, remove it from the container and check how soft it is. The toy is ready, and now it can be used for its intended purpose.

Toy made of water and borax

Many people ask the question "How to create a dense toy, what components are needed?" So how to make a slime? You will need a little sodium tetraborate for its manufacture, and you can find it in almost any pharmacy. Making a toy at home with your own hands is not difficult if there are such components:

  • sodium tetraborate or, as it is also called, borax (you can buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription, you will need a powder or a solution of 4%);
  • PVA glue - it is important that it does not dry out;
  • water at room temperature - a little more than a glass;
  • dye - food coloring, brilliant green or gouache;
  • mixing container and stick.

The same amount of PVA glue is poured into a quarter of a glass of water at room temperature. Then you need to add the dye. Stirring gently, sodium tetraborate is introduced. The solution will need half a glass. If you use powder for preparation, then first dissolve 1 tablespoon of the component in water.

Slime without dye

You can make a toy without using a dye. How? Make a shampoo slime. The color will be the same as the shampoo.

For cooking you will need:

  1. Glue "Titan" (300 g) - you can buy it in hardware stores.
  2. Shampoo (200 g) - you can use a cheap shampoo, it is not necessary to take an expensive one.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed until the substance becomes the required consistency.

It is very simple and quick to make a toy in this way, moreover, it has good view and is comfortable while playing. Before making a shampoo slime, select its color. Get creative - add glitter!

Alcohol slime

Beautiful and interesting toy obtained from alcohol and borax. To create it you will need:

  • polyvinyl alcohol (sold in powder form);
  • borax or borax;
  • dye;
  • water.

To begin with, the alcohol powder is mixed with water and put on fire. It takes 45 minutes to cook a solution of polyvinyl alcohol over low heat. While the alcohol is boiling, it should be constantly stirred so that it does not burn.

When the alcohol is ready, you need to put it to cool to room temperature. In the meantime, you can do the rest of the components. Borax is dissolved in water. You will need 1-2 tablespoons of powder for a glass of water. Crystals should dissolve well in water.

Now you can mix the polyvinyl alcohol and borax solution. They are combined in a ratio of 3 to 1 - 1 part of borax solution is taken for 3 parts of alcohol.

Plasticine slime

How to make a slime without glue? One of the solutions will be this way. You will need food gelatin, plasticine and water. You need to mix 1 tablespoon of gelatin with a glass of water. Bring gelatin with water to a boil and cool.

The disadvantage of such a slime is that it is not very elastic and has a specific plasticine smell.

A simple starch option

Before making a slime out of water, starch and glue, prepare all the ingredients and accessories. You will need:

  • water;
  • liquid starch (they use not food, but the one with which things are bleached);
  • glue;
  • dye;
  • sachet.

First, water and glue are mixed. Liquid starch and color dye are added to them. Everything is mixed well and sent to a plastic bag. In the bag, the whole mixture is well mixed. Water may remain during cooking. It's not scary. A well-mixed slime must be taken out of the bag, after which it will flow over and be ready for games. By the way, this recipe is good for someone who is looking for how to make slime without sodium.

Edible slime

For those with a sweet tooth, there is a recipe for edible slime. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • condensed milk - 1 can of 400 grams;
  • corn starch- 1 tablespoon;
  • food coloring.

The cooking process begins with the condensed milk being poured into a saucepan. Cornstarch is added to it. A saucepan with condensed milk and starch is put on fire. The mixture is boiled, stirring constantly.

When the milk with starch thickens, it is removed from the heat. Food coloring is added to the mixture. The amount of dye depends on how saturated the color you want to get (about 10-15 drops).

After this, the slime needs to be cooled. Now you can play with it or eat it. If the slime was prepared for food, you should not decorate it with sparkles or other inedible materials.

How to decorate a slime

Making a slime with your own hands is a great pleasure, and if he is beautiful and not like everyone else's, the child will also be proud of his abilities.

You can decorate it by adding to the mass during cooking glitter of different size, shape and color, small beads and different figures. Will add personality and the use of several colors.

Before making a slime out of water and other materials, think over its appearance and start cooking. Jewelry ideas can come to mind during its creation, embody them!

In addition to its appearance, the toy may have a different smell. To do this, you need to add a few drops of perfume to it or essential oils... Imagine and make these fantasies come true by making a toy. Making slime at home is more than just using template recipes. This is the embodiment of their creative ideas.

How to extend the life of a toy

  1. It is better to store the "ghost" in a box or jar; you can use a regular plastic bag if there is no suitable place.
  2. Protect the slime from sunlight and heat. It is best to store it in a dark and cool place.
  3. Slime does not like to lie around. The more they play with him, the longer he will live.
  4. You cannot wash a homemade slime. It can lose its properties and deteriorate.

Liquid slime and its recovery

Liquid slime, or hand gum, is easily pulled over the entire hand, like a glove. In addition, such a slime can be poured. If you know how to make a slime from water and soda or starch, it won't be difficult. You just need to experiment with the consistency.

The already hardened toy is also renewed with water. To do this, water is introduced gently drop by drop and the slime is kneaded well. To restore a toy in this way, only one that contains water.

Before making a homemade slime, you need to take into account that the toy may not work the first time. But this is not at all a reason to be upset.

Experiment with the components and their quantity and you will definitely succeed! Of course, you can buy a ready-made toy, but playing with your work is much more interesting.

Provide your child positive emotions, having presented him a slime - a toy, the prototype of which is a ghost from the popular film of the end of the last century "Ghostbusters". Like that funny ghost, the slim stretches, spreads and does not have a constant shape.

Although you can buy this toy at any children's store, it is also easy to make yourself. You decide what density and color to make the slime. There are many options, without PVA glue. Below we will consider a few of these.

Making a slime from detergents

How to make a slime from shampoo without It is actually not difficult. To make it, you will need components that can be found in every home:

  • shampoo;
  • shower gel or dishwashing liquid.

First, choose a container where you mix shampoo and (dishwashing liquid) in equal proportions. It is important that the funds do not contain granules, then the slime will turn out transparent. Then stir until you get a homogeneous mass, and then put the container with the mixture in the refrigerator.

The very next day, the toy can be handed over to the child. But it is necessary to ensure that he does not pull the slime into his mouth, and after the game he washed his hands. This slime should be stored in a refrigerator in a closed container. It should also be thrown away when a lot of debris adheres to it. Because because of him, the slime loses its properties. In addition, the maximum storage period is one month.

Flour slime

It is relative safe slime suitable for even small children to play. Moreover, if natural dyes are used instead of food. Although in this case, the toy will not turn out so bright.

Now let's look at how to make a slime without PVA glue and tetraborate. As with the previous recipe, you will need materials that any housewife can find close at hand:

  • flour;
  • hot water;
  • cold water;
  • dyes.

How to make slime without PVA glue? First, take a bowl or any other deep container. Sift two cups of flour into it, so the mass will be homogeneous and easier to cook. Then add cold water, and then hot, but not boiling water, about a quarter cup each. Now you need to stir the mixture until a homogeneous consistency, it is important that there are no lumps in it.

Then you should add a few drops of dye: food or natural - it already depends on your desire. Stir the sticky mixture again. Then place the container in the refrigerator for a few hours. When the slime is completely cool, you can give it to the child for the game.

Slime from the water

How to make slime out of water without PVA glue? Consider another option for creating a toy. It is incredibly easy to make and is considered the most environmentally friendly. To do this, you will need:

  • warm water;
  • starch (corn can be used);
  • dye.

Making a toy

How to make slime without PVA glue? In equal proportions, mix warm water and starch until a homogeneous (lump-free) mass is obtained. Add the dye and mix thoroughly again, then form into balls from the resulting mass. And now - the slime is ready.

It is important to remember that the water temperature should not be room temperature or cold - then it is more difficult to knead the slime. In addition, do not put too much starch, which can cause the slim to become hard.

Plasticine slime

How to make slime without sodium and PVA glue? There are tons of ways. Now let's get acquainted with the next of them. The advantage of plasticine slim is that it does not blur, keeping the look that you gave it. Use the following materials to make it:

  • food gelatin;
  • plasticine.

How to make a slime without PVA? A metal bowl will come in handy first. Fill it with cold water. Dissolve the gelatin there, in the proportion that is indicated on its packaging. Then leave it to infuse for an hour. After the specified time has elapsed, put the bowl on fire - the liquid should begin to boil. As soon as this happens, it must be removed from the fire.

Next, you need to warm up plasticine in your hands (about 100 grams). Then you need to pour water (50 ml) into a plastic container. Then use a spatula to mix it with the clay. Now pour the gelatin into the plasticine and knead until you get a homogeneous mass. And the final stage of manufacturing - put the mixture in the refrigerator until it cools completely.

We figured out how to make a slime without PVA glue and starch, but it does not always turn out right the way it should. Therefore, further we will consider the options and reasons for why and what to do if the slim turned out to be wrong.

Naturally, a lot depends on the quality of the materials used in the manufacture of the slime, and their proportions are also important. In the recipes, they are indicated approximately without accuracy, and therefore you have room here for experiments with the consistency of slime.

What to do if the homogeneity of the slime is disturbed? In this case, it is worth mixing it thoroughly for several minutes. After which it will become viscous and homogeneous.

If it is too sticky - it stretches for the spoon with threads, and sticks to the fingers so that it just does not lag behind - then the mixture needs to be diluted a little. A small amount will help you here or plain water, depending on the method you choose to make a slime.

It can be the other way around, the mass stretches, but it does not stick to the fingers. The reason in this case is an excess of liquid in the slime. If this happens, then you should drain the excess powder solution, starch or water. Alternatively, you can add some binding material such as flour. Then mix the resulting mass again.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to make a slime without PVA. After you have made a toy, you should make sure that your beloved child does not throw a slime at the wall, otherwise it will remain on the wallpaper greasy stains... And from playing slim on fuzzy surfaces, the hairs will stick to the toy.

It is important to know that its shelf life is on average one and a half to two weeks. And in between games, the slime should be stored in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer. At the same time, do not forget to place it in a container and close it with a lid or in a plastic bag. This is done so that it does not dry out due to contact with open air.

Also, in order to prolong the service of the slim, it can be wiped with alcohol, removing adhered debris. Do not wash it in the sink - you risk flushing the slime down the drain. But if it began to lose its properties, just add a little water to it.

And the main thing to remember: always after playing with the slime, it is necessary to wash your hands and those parts of the body with soap and water with which it came into contact. So that the child does not have an allergic reaction.