How to pour concrete steps. Do-it-yourself concrete staircase

Not a single building for residential or industrial purposes is unthinkable without such a structural element as a staircase. A series of steps serves as a communication point between the rooms located on different levels. She experiences a lot of stress every day. Therefore, it is subject to increased requirements for comfort, reliability and safety. The article will discuss how to make a staircase out of concrete with your own hands.

Reinforced monolithic concrete stairs

  • Stair structures can be rectangular, rotary and spiral. But regardless of the type, a concrete architectural element stands out with the following advantages.
  • Resistant to moisture, temperature fluctuations and aggressive environments. Therefore, such structures are erected in the interior arrangement of premises, and in the open air.
  • High strength is achieved through reinforcement concrete mix. The steps can withstand very impressive loads, which makes them incredibly reliable and practically durable.

Monolithic concrete stairs photo

  • Concrete stairs provide ample opportunities regarding decorative finishes. Here you can use porcelain and ceramic tiles, wooden planks (parquet, laminate) and other materials.
  • The steps do not require special care and regular impregnation. If a defect occurs on the surface, it is enough to re-fill the area to be restored with concrete mortar.
  • The construction of the structure is carried out on its own without the use of special or expensive building materials, as well as without the involvement of special equipment and specialists.
  • The filled steps are ready for operation in 7-10 days. That allows you to use them at all stages of construction, carry tools, materials, etc.
  • Since the staircase is erected simultaneously with the construction of the house, in addition to its direct purpose, it performs another role - a constructive one.
  • Among the shortcomings, one can note its impressive weight, massiveness (takes up a lot of space) and solidity - the staircase cannot be dismantled, rearranged or modified.

Concrete grade for stair structures

  • For the manufacture of concrete stairs is usually used ready solution M200 class B15 or M250 class B20. This material is based on crushed stone of a fine fraction, with the addition of binders, modified additives and other fillers.
  • When choosing concrete for the construction of outdoor stairs, it is important to pay attention to frost resistance (F) and water resistance (W).

For mixing concrete mortar Grade 250 on their own, they use the following proportions:

  • 1 part of concrete M400;
  • 2 parts washed sand;
  • 4 parts of crushed stone fraction 10x20 mm;
  • about ½ part of water;
  • 0.7% by weight of cement plasticizing additive C-3.

It is incredibly difficult to knead the mortar in the old fashioned way, using a pallet and a shovel, especially since the pouring of the steps should be done in one go. Therefore, it is recommended to take a compact concrete mixer from neighbors or rent from construction teams.

First, sand and gravel are poured into the device, bulk materials are mixed for at least 2-3 minutes. Then a plasticizer (in dry or concentrated form) and water are added. All components are mixed for at least 5 minutes.

Important! Poor mixing of all components reduces the final strength of concrete by 20%.

How to make a staircase out of concrete with your own hands

Stair design
  • If the work on the construction of the stairs is carried out independently (without the involvement of specialists), then the project on paper is drawn up on its own. The plan calculates the dimensions of the room, the slope of the structure, its length and width, and also takes into account the presence doorways, method and direction of door opening.
  • Concrete stairs require special attention tilt angle. The optimal value of this parameter is in the range of 26-37º. A staircase that is too steep can become life-threatening, and a flatter one will take up a lot of usable space, and it does not differ in particular comfort when climbing / descending.

  • When developing a project, you must act consistently. First, the number of steps is calculated, then their length, width, angle of rotation, platform parameters, etc. Only with the right approach can we talk about the safety and convenience of the design.
Calculation of step parameters
  • In addition to strength characteristics, such a design must meet operational characteristics. The selected parameters should maximally meet the convenience when ascending or descending, while maintaining the evenness of the step.
  • As for the width, it can vary from 0.9 to 1.5 meters. Undoubtedly, the wider the staircase, the more convenient it is, but the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room does not always allow the construction of structures of preferred sizes. Therefore, when designing, they are repelled not only from comfort, but also from free quadrature.

There are average indicators of steps that determine the ease of use:

  • height 190-220 mm;
  • width 250-330 mm.

  • For the correct calculation of parameters is used simple formula 2а+b=640, where: a – step height; b - step width; 640 mm - average length human step.
  • Substituting the average data, we get: 2x190+280=660. As can be seen in the example, the selected dimensions are fully consistent with comfortable performance.
  • Using the Pythagorean theorem, we calculate the length of the march. Here it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the decorative flooring. The result is divided by the height of one step. For example: 3000/190=15.8, which means there are 16 steps for a march 3 meters long.
  • If during calculations the tenth part is small (for example, it turned out to be 14.3 or 16.4), then it is recommended to take only an integer as a basis, and distribute the remainder evenly over the height of all steps (the damage to the comfort of ascent and descent will be insignificant).

Important! When calculating, the height of the tallest member of the family should be taken into account. So that he gets up on the second step, he does not hit his head on the ceiling. Here it is necessary to add 400 mm to the height of a person (the average height of two steps without finishing material!)

Formwork for pouring concrete stairs
  • Formwork assembly is one of the key moments of construction. To make the concrete surface as smooth as possible, use moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of at least 20 mm. For the side walls of steps and the formation of risers, a cut board with a thickness of 30-35 mm is used.

  • For the bottom surface take a solid plate. Its installation at the desired angle is carried out using vertical bars or special telescopic racks, which can be rented from construction teams without any problems.
  • Since the mass of the concrete mixture is quite large, it makes sense to use metal corners and bars to strengthen the formwork. Additional reinforcing elements are recommended to be attached to the bottom of the formwork every 50-80 cm.
  • Next, steps are formed by means of edged boards. During installation, the internal dimensions are taken as the basis, that is, when fixing, the external parameters of each step will be 30-35 mm (exactly the width of the lumber used) more than the design indicators.
  • wooden elements must fit snugly against each other, the formation of gaps and cracks is not allowed. So that the solution is not absorbed into the lumber, it is abundantly moistened before pouring or the walls are protected with plastic wrap, as well as any waterproofing material.

Important! When assembling the structure, self-tapping screws are used. Their location should only be external, so that during the dismantling of the formwork there will be no difficulties that can lead to partial destruction of the concrete surface.

Reinforcement technology for stairs made of concrete
  • To give strength ladder construction and to prevent spilling of the edges of the steps, reinforcement is carried out. For work, you will need steel reinforcement with a diameter of 8 and 14 mm, knitting wire, as well as a tool for bending and cutting rods, pliers.
  • Thicker steel bars are used for longitudinal reinforcement, and smaller diameter rods for transverse reinforcement. At a distance of at least 30 mm from the bottom of the formwork, 14 mm reinforcement is laid out in increments of 150-200 mm. To do this, it is enough to put broken pieces of brick or ceramic tile under it.

  • The transverse rods are also laid out at a distance of 150-200 mm from each other. Fixation of reinforcement in the form of a mesh is provided by means of a knitting wire fastened and tightened with pliers.
  • For reliability, you can lay out the second row of the finished mesh with 150x150mm cells from 4 mm reinforcement. This layer should be located in such a way that the concrete layer covers the metal by 30-40 mm. To ensure such parameters, peculiar high chairs are prepared from metal rods.
  • If the structure will be based on three sides (top, bottom and side), then in the process of building walls, reinforcement is laid in advance. As a result, the most durable fixation of the stairs from the side is provided.
How to pour concrete stairs
  • Concrete mortar begins to be poured from the bottom step. The frame is filled in small portions. After filling, tamping is carried out with an electric vibrator. This tool will help get rid of air voids that adversely affect the strength characteristics. finished construction.
  • In addition to the vibrator, light tapping with a hammer can be carried out on all sides of the formwork. As a rule, the mixture will settle by 2-3 cm from the required level, the disadvantage is compensated by a new portion of the concrete mixture. Next, the tamping process is repeated.

  • If the solution no longer settles, then the surface is finally leveled with a trowel or rule. Between the concreting of each stage, a break of 10-15 minutes should be maintained, during which time the pressure of the solution drops slightly.
  • To move up, you can lean a standard wooden ladder on the frame or use ordinary boards. After completion of the work, the concrete is covered with a plastic film, which prevents it from drying out prematurely.

Important! For the first 2-3 days, the polyethylene is periodically removed and the concrete surface is wetted by spraying, a direct jet of water should be avoided.

  • The frame is dismantled after 3-4 weeks, it is during this period that the concrete mixture will gain at least 80-90% strength.
  • The undoubted advantage of concrete surfaces is the absolute maintainability. Therefore, if any defects were found after drying, they can easily be corrected by partial “patches” or refilling. However, in order to avoid financial and time costs, it is better to do it once according to all the rules, with more effort and effort.

Decoration Materials

  • Leaving a concrete staircase without further finishing is not recommended. After some time, the edges of the steps will begin to crumble. And the appearance of the stairs leaves much to be desired, although many modern styles welcome concrete structures in their original form.
  • Depending on the style direction, the steps are faced with porcelain stoneware, ceramic mosaics, wooden planks. The side walls and bottom surface of the stairs are usually plastered and then painted.

  • For the safety of movement, the staircase structure is equipped with fences. Balusters and railings are made of wood, chrome-plated metal. High decorative qualities are distinguished by forged products, which can be called real works of art.

Pouring steps with concrete

Since ancient times, stairs have been an integral part of architectural element most buildings. In addition to the main purpose, steps can become an accent and a good addition to the interior or exterior. With the development of technology, high-tech and industrial styles have gained particular popularity, the appearance of which also influenced the design of stairs. With their help, you can divide the room into zones, make the interior interesting and dynamic. The layout of low-rise and high-rise buildings will depend directly on the location of the stairs and the porch. Different materials are used for pouring, but most often builders make steps from concrete.


Pouring steps with concrete requires preparation. First of all, it is necessary to determine the number, height and width of the steps, calculate the approximate cash costs. The width of the steps must exceed the width entrance doors at least fifteen centimeters. If the builders plan to make a wide platform near the building, the parameters of the porch can also be increased. It is also important to think about the need to fill the ramp. Each step should be about seventeen centimeters high and about thirty centimeters wide. The slope of the concrete porch should be forty-five degrees, if this figure is higher, then it will be difficult to climb the stairs, especially for the disabled and the elderly. If there are more than three steps, builders should take care to install stable railings. Before starting work, it is important to make drawings with dimensions. Then you can start preparing the base, for the manufacture of which concrete is also used.

Tools and materials

You will need:

  • cement mortar;
  • gravel;
  • screwdriver;
  • Master OK;
  • sand;
  • formwork boards;
  • reinforcing mesh, wire;
  • self-tapping screws, metal corners;
  • wooden grater;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • concrete mixer;
  • vibrorail.
For effective waterproofing, the porch is cut off from the base with roofing material.

Wood lags behind concrete surfaces after they harden, but this material has a significant drawback. Boards warp and deteriorate from variable moisture. If you are going to use the same boards when building several flights of stairs, you will have to protect them from damage. Before laying the reinforcement and pouring the porch, the tree is covered with a special dense material that will protect it from moisture, for example, roofing material. In the event that the necessary building material is not at hand, wooden boards are varnished. To fasten the formwork, self-tapping screws should be used. Experts do not recommend using nails, as the mount will be difficult to disassemble.

pouring steps

Construction work consists of the following stages:

Stair cladding

Concrete can be faced with different materials. This will extend the life of the porch, since the base of the concrete steps will be protected from impacts. environment. In addition, the cladding will allow you to beautifully decorate the stairs. Builders use several options for finishing concrete porches:

  1. Porcelain tiles. This building material is made of white clay, to which minerals are added. Due to firing, it becomes very durable, so this lining is considered one of the most durable. Adding pigments allows you to give the tiles different shades.
  2. Clinker (red clay tiles). This material is recognized as safe for the environment, since the tiles do not contain any harmful additives. The tile has a different shape.


If you will perform construction works By following the instructions, using correctly drawn up drawings and high-quality building materials, you can make a porch with your own hands no worse than professionals.

Concrete Stair Pour Guide

Concrete stairs are the most durable and reliable. This is due to the fact that the reinforcement laid there contributes to the strength of the coating, and concrete is a material that is not subject to destruction under the influence of moisture.

Concrete stairs have always been considered the most reliable and durable.

Installation can be done indoors and outdoors. In order to make them look more aesthetically pleasing, you can make decorations from ceramic tiles or ceramic stone. But the most important process is filling. So how is the pouring of stairs with concrete?

In order to do everything right, you should stock up on the following materials:

Calculation of steps, where: H - step height, a L is the step width.

  • wooden boards or waterproof plywood;
  • metal corners;
  • steel bars;
  • rubble;
  • cement mortar.

Before you get started, you need to choose the appearance and find out how high the steps will be. Here it should be assumed that the steps should be such that it is convenient to walk along them. classic size steps is 17 cm, but their finish should also be taken into account. The steps should be at least 80-90 cm wide, as such steps are very convenient.

It is very important to leave the opening even at the construction stage. In advance, you need to think about how it will be fenced, in order to then make embedded parts.

Main advantages

Concrete stairs are made even at the construction stage, this is their difference from wooden ones, which are installed after all construction and Finishing work. Another advantage of concrete structures is that they can be used at all stages of work, as well as any tools and materials can be freely carried over them.

Varieties of installation

Concrete structures do not loosen during operation, they have a wide range of finishes and the ability to equip original lighting. You can apply other decorative techniques. If you do the pouring with concrete yourself, then the process will not lead to large financial costs. You only have to pay for the purchase necessary materials.

Construction is also popular because they are not afraid of moisture, and the steel reinforcement, which is their basis, reliably protects against corrosion. Also, the construction of a concrete staircase is relevant for the reason that it is the main constituent element, which greatly enhances the structure of the structure.

A staircase is a complex building structure that must be different high reliability, safety, durability, aesthetics and comfort. All of these standards correspond to a staircase made of concrete. It is better to entrust the manufacture of concrete stairs to professionals. When carrying out work, you need to make the right calculations, create a unique project and follow all the steps of the step-by-step instructions.

Such a staircase is often installed in capital or street buildings made of concrete and brick, its service life is more than 50 years, and subsequent cosmetic repairs update the design and extend its service life up to 100 years.

Benefits of concrete stairs

Compared to wooden structure the laying of a concrete staircase is carried out in the process of building a private house. This is one of the details of the object, which enhances the structural strength. Other benefits of the building include:

  • reliability, durability, long service life;
  • resistance to humidity, minimal risk of fire;
  • the possibility of laying together with the building, which ensures savings;
  • use of corrosion-resistant steel reinforcement;
  • the possibility of finishing with any building material;
  • resistance to negative external factors, enhanced operation.

Selecting the type of stairs

Before starting construction work, you should decide on the type of construction, the shape of the stairs, and select the appropriate building materials High Quality. You should not save much on the purchase of raw materials, since its quality can greatly affect the reliability and durability of the finished product. The stairs cannot be used immediately after pouring the steps, as the curing of concrete lasts up to 4 weeks. Only then can the formwork be removed. You also need to decide in advance on the location of the structure, the method of opening the doors.

By design, monolithic stairs are divided into straight (one- and two-flight), spiral (or spiral). At screw options with winder steps aesthetic appearance, they are more in demand among consumers, but require radial formwork, so they are most often made to order.

An elementary option is a direct interfloor staircase with one march, located between two walls. In this case, there will be no end parts of the structure, and the formwork is fastened to the walls. It is more difficult to make a semicircular or monolithic structure based on one wall. To design a free end, you need to add one side part to the structure. You can choose a marching system, where there are no supports on the walls (the lower and upper floors serve as the bearing elements), the formwork is assembled with side elements.

But there is not always enough space to build a one-march version, so preference is given to a two-march version with running steps or platforms between marches.

Also, concrete stairs are monolithic, combined, prefabricated from factory-made marches and type-setting.

The first type is performed on site using the technology of pouring concrete mortar into the formwork, and can be installed anywhere (on the porch, street or basement).

The classic version of a completely monolithic design

The second option is a metal structure of complex shape (framework) with concrete steps. Each step is cast using formwork and reinforcing mesh, and marble chips and crushed granite are used as building materials. The dried surface is polished.

Prefabricated marches of factory production are used mainly in apartment buildings, however, if desired and with a small crane, this option can also take place. The main advantage is the price, the disadvantage is the limited standard sizes.

Type-setting types consist of a concrete beam (kosour) and individual steps, which are rectangular, triangular, corner and with a groove. Reinforced concrete types are factory-made according to specified dimensions and have a standard shape.

Stacked steps on steel stringers

Stair calculation

Before starting construction work, you need to measure the space, make a diagram, drawing or project of the planned structure with a preliminary calculation of all elements and an indication of the required dimensions. The drawing is developed with reflection design parameters, number of steps, height and width. As a rule, the height of the steps is 15-18 cm, and the minimum span is 80-90 cm. You also need to take into account the thickness of the finishing material, know the building codes, perform the work in stages, do not forget about the presence of fences and embedded elements.

Climb angle

The first parameter is the angle of inclination (rise), the value of which affects the length and height of the structure. So, with an equal height, a product with an angle of inclination of 25 ° will be longer than analogues with indicators of 35 ° and 45 °.
For the construction of a staircase with an angle of 45 degrees (projection of a span of 3 meters), 2.35 times less building materials will be spent than for a product with an angle of 25 ° (projection of a span of 6.4 m).

Optimum slope range 24 - 37 degrees

In accordance with the manual, you need to choose the angle of rise based on suitable sizes march, the complexity of the structure and its comfort.

Step sizes

Having decided on the angle of inclination and height, the work of designing concrete stairs includes breaking them down into steps. The optimal step size for calculating the width is 27-30 cm, the height is 16-20 cm. If you make higher steps, then it will be more difficult for both the elderly and people who are used to the standard step to move along them. Very low steps less than 15 cm will also be inconvenient for an adult, but for children this is the best option.

You can select the parameters of the steps using the formula: 2H + L \u003d 60-64 cm, where H is the riser (step height), L is the tread (width). For the calculation, you can take the above indicators: 2 * 18 + 30 \u003d 66 cm.

Ladder width

As a rule, the width of the stairs in a country house depends on the free area or the space between the walls where it will be placed. It should not be narrower than 80 cm, since when climbing to the second floor along a narrow staircase (or descending from it), a person will feel like in a tunnel. It will also be inconvenient to carry any items. Therefore, the optimal size will be 90-120 cm.

It is imperative to build a safe and secure fence, especially when the elderly and children live in the house. If the fence is located on the steps, it will slightly reduce the effective width of the march, keep this in mind when calculating.

Online calculator for calculation

For your convenience, you can make all the calculations using a convenient.

Formwork assembly

After performing the calculations, you need to independently build the formwork. The following materials will be required for construction:

  • moisture-resistant plywood 1.2-1.8 cm thick, edged board with a thickness of 3 cm for the bottom of the formwork, flanging and risers;
  • sheets of moisture-resistant plywood (0.6-0.9 cm each) for the manufacture of curved zones;
  • support bars 10x10 cm or boards 15-17 cm wide, 5 cm thick for props;
  • bars 10x10 cm for mounting boards or plywood sheets;
  • metal corners;
  • fasteners (wood screws) 3.5 mm;
  • concrete, trowel for leveling the mortar, grater, device for smoothing the edges of concrete structures.

In order for the concrete surface to remain smooth after hardening, it is necessary to grind the surfaces in contact with the mortar. wooden parts formwork. When using smooth plywood, no leveling procedures are required.

1 - beam for fixing formwork elements; 2 - tightening bar; 3 - winder formwork; 4 - end formwork.

The formwork must be assembled with the following steps:

  • the lower part of large boards and plywood sheets is exposed. They are tightly fastened together with bars with outside. The bottom of the structure is supported by beams or boards, while the step of the supports must correspond to the step of the steps. Fix the parts with self-tapping screws, which are convenient to unscrew during dismantling;
  • on the sides they put a flanging from an edged board or plywood, reinforcing it from the outside with boards;
  • mount the riser bars to the flanging or wall with metal corners;
  • joints in parts are sealed with a solution of cement and sand or leveled with a planer, grinder.

Layout of the formwork elements

The thicker the bars, the higher the structural strength. The weight of the reinforced concrete structure will be large, which must be taken into account during the construction process. You can add additional rigidity with transverse bars.


For a small staircase in a cottage, reinforcement can be made with a mesh, which is connected from reinforcement measuring 1-1.2 cm at a distance of 15-20 cm (the mesh size will be 15x20 cm). The rods are connected by wire.

Large products must be made from a reinforcing cage, including several meshes mounted by vertical rods or by welding. The distance between the grids is 2-3 cm.

The frame is the skeleton of the structure where the hardened concrete solution will be fixed, so its horizontal rods must be fixed in the wall, in pre-drilled holes. The mesh or frame is laid in the lower area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe formwork 2-3 centimeters from the bottom (you can raise the reinforcement using stands, bricks or stones). In the area where the railing is located, you need to put corks or metal plates.

Pouring concrete

During concreting, a concrete grade of at least M200 (from B15 class) is used. The solution is kneaded in a concrete mixer or ordered from RBU, must contain the following components: 10 parts of cement, 30 parts of crushed stone with a fraction of 10-20 mm, 20 parts of sand and 7 parts of water. If the composition is dense, then you can add 3 parts of water.

Now you need to fill in the composition correctly:

  • the lower steps are performed first;
  • the solution is rammed to give strength and density. To do this, you can use reinforcement, which pierces concrete in several areas. professionals recommend using more reliable way- a construction vibrator that squeezes concrete through the formwork;
  • giving the correct shape to the steps, smoothing with a trowel;
  • pouring the remaining elements and the porch;
  • covering the solution with a film to protect against cracks and early hardening. You can also regularly moisten the outer surface of the flooded area with water.

Formwork removal

Concrete gains strength within 4 weeks. After 7 days, you need to remove the boards from the steps and sides. The released surfaces are leveled with a grinder or grinder with a concrete wheel. After 21 days, the retaining bars with the lower area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure are removed. And only on the 28th day you can completely remove the rest of the formwork.

Finish lining

Do-it-yourself concrete stairs may have different variants finishes: from wood, laminate, tiles, carpet, acrylic stone or porcelain stoneware. Laying of any material must be carried out on a flat surface. After dismantling the formwork, irregularities may remain on the site, which are recommended to be removed by grinding and plastering. The end parts are usually finished with plaster and covered with paint. After that, the steps are covered with one of the materials.

Surface cladding can be done with tiles, artificial or natural stone with a rough surface. The material is laid on a cement mortar or tile adhesive. Using the same technology, a mosaic is laid, made from small elements original compositions.

Photo-instruction for the installation of clinker steps

Finishing can be done with wood panels resistant to abrasion. For this, larch and exotic species that have undergone antiseptic treatment are selected.

Installation of larch wood cladding

An excellent treatment option is laminate, which is resistant to abrasion, easy to install and durable.

If children or elderly people live in the house, then you can choose carpet, available in different colors.

Finishing stage is a carpet

To save the steps, you can simply paint them with high-quality paint for concrete.

Coloring - cheap, but in its own way an interesting option

In any case, the appearance of the stairs is associated with the taste preferences and financial capabilities of the owner.

The ladder has been accompanying mankind for thousands of years. Still: more accessible and at the same time effective way civilization has not yet invented moving up and down.

People, as a rule, spend their whole lives building a career ladder, but we'll talk about a more pragmatic issue - namely, how to pour concrete stairs.

Before embarking on such an important matter as pouring concrete stairs with your own hands, you need to clarify the following fundamental points for yourself:

How to pour a staircase out of concrete: important points Photo
General planning within the concept of a house or plot

Calculation of strength characteristics

Project cost calculation

What tools will be needed in the manufacture

The appearance of the product plays a big role in the overall interior.

Important! Be sure to take into account the fact that the arrangement of concrete stairs, due to technological and design features, is possible only when linking its manufacture with general construction works at the time of construction of the house. In the vast majority of cases, it will not work to make a staircase out of concrete just like that or during ongoing repairs in the house.

If you have no experience in making reinforced concrete stairs, then a great opportunity to practice would be pouring a concrete staircase to the porch. Let's start with her.

We decorate the porch: the first experience

How to fill it with your own strength and reasonable spending?

As a rule, such products have a standing single-flight construct, are not very limited in space, are not critical in terms of calculating the static load on the base, and are easily finished with a full range of decorating materials suitable for outdoor use. The production price is also, perhaps, quite attractive.

Preliminary calculations: learning to draw

And in this case, you will not be limited in the choice of design and technological solutions.

Practice and instructions show that a concrete staircase for a porch has the following average parameters:

  • step height 17-18 cm;
  • the width of the step or as it is also called the step plane is 30 cm;
  • one-piece staircase design with a bunch of steps-risers;
  • base - a foundation slab or tape made according to classical technology.

A working perimeter is marked on the ground, which reflects the boundary dimensions, design features, junctions with other structures of the house, places of reinforcement or ligament of stairs using special technological methods.

Important! At least on the sketch, it is necessary to note the presence and design of fences, canopies, decorative lighting, anti-skid elements and anti-ice systems. Their dimensions, mounting methods, locations of power supply channels and other things. The presence of visual information will be a good help, and will allow you to lay the necessary elements in time. general design still at the drafting stage.

Foundation arrangement: cheap and not very

A rational solution would be to create a base plate on root anchors. On the one hand, this will significantly reduce the thickness of the base plate, on the other hand, save on the amount of reinforcement due to the lack of free or, as the fitters also call them, “empty” lashes.

The root anchor is either a special product or reinforcement vertically buried in the sole of the soil, which in its cross section is 2 times larger than the cross section of the reinforcement of the main knit. Root anchors are installed in corners, junctions and other structural nodes responsible for the load.

The lashes of horizontally knitted reinforcement are fixed as rigidly as possible on the anchors, as a rule, by electric arc welding. Wire knitting is not recommended.

Attention. For those who wish to save on expensive fittings, provided that the parent soil is strong, the stairs are small and there are closely located metallurgical enterprises, it is possible to organize a foundation bearing cushion using slag-water technology.

Be sure to ensure that the waste slag is released from the blast furnace, as electrometallurgical slags are practically devoid of Portland cement. A significant disadvantage of this method should be considered a longer period of time for the maturation of the array, compared with monolithic concrete according to the classical recipe.

Gathering formwork: Lego constructor in an adult way

Perhaps this is the most crucial moment in the whole process. It is on the fact how carefully and accurately you can put together all the elements that not only the aesthetic perception of the future product depends, but also the strength and durability.

And since the house begins with a porch, you should not underestimate the importance of this element.

Modern technologies provide for the use of standard inventory quick-erect formwork when performing concrete work, which simplifies and speeds up the process by several orders of magnitude. But due to their high cost, the use of such elements is justified in the manufacture of a series of similar structures.

In other cases, a commodity edged board "inch" with a thickness of 25 mm is quite enough. Or sheet plastic, if you plan to have radius elements in the staircase design, for example, rounded encircling steps, gates and other things.

Attention. It should be borne in mind that a large number of radius elements will create objective difficulties in the subsequent finishing of the finished staircase. Rectilinear cutting of ceramics, porcelain stoneware, artificial and natural stone much more technologically advanced than curvilinear.

When deciding how to pour a concrete staircase with your own hands, in addition to the edged board, you will need:

  • phosphated self-tapping screw with a large pitch for wood;
  • persistent metal corners for a high-quality bundle of corner elements, which are easy to make on your own;
  • marking square;
  • roulette.

Another question: how to pour a ladder out of concrete not only with high quality, but also quickly? Here it is hardly possible to do without small-scale mechanization.

Of the tools highly desirable:

  • hand circular saw or electric jigsaw with an elongated blade of 150 mm;
  • cordless or cordless screwdriver;
  • vibration grinder for removing irregularities on planes, transitions, tides of an already hardened product.

The board is disassembled into its constituent elements, while in the process of marking, the thickness of the mating overlap, equal to the thickness of the board, should be taken into account. Undoubtedly, it is worth attending to the manufacture of spacers that will ensure that the flat elements remain perpendicular when a load is applied to them when pouring concrete stairs.

Subsequent tiers will fully provide wooden bars of small cross section, easy to install.

Rebar Set: Skeletons in the Closet

The old concrete workers named the two main operations with such unsightly names. With a set of formwork, they “knocked together a coffin or a cabinet”, and by linking the reinforcement they laid the “skeleton” there. And the names are very true in fact.

It is on the strength and quality of the skeleton that the life expectancy of the stairs directly depends. The main methods of knitting reinforcement are widely known and described in an accessible way.

We repeat that it is useful to weld the root nodes by electric arc welding, and the cells of the plane are connected by a loop knot of a knitting steel wire. Under production conditions, it is subjected to medium-temperature annealing, which leads to high ductility and softness of the steel.

When laying the bottom layer of the reinforcing mesh, do not forget to evenly hang it above the "sole" at a distance of at least 30 mm.

Choose the thickness of the reinforcement mesh and the mesh size based on reasonable economic needs and the specific design of the product.

When assembling the frame, be sure to close the future technological channels and nests of embedded elements with stoppers. At the same time, a pre-prepared technological sketch or drawing of a future product will come in handy.

Pouring a concrete mass: from water to stone

The practice-proven recipe for the preparation of a concrete mixture is as follows:

  • portland cement (10 parts);
  • crushed stone fraction 10-20 mm (30 parts);
  • sand mass (20 parts);
  • water (7 parts).

Important. Work on pouring concrete steps must be carried out in a single operation, without breaking it in time. Otherwise, incomplete closing of the array of artificial stone is possible. Professional concrete workers call this phenomenon "layer cake", sometimes adding "grandma's" at the same time.

The pouring operation must be started from the bottom, carefully monitoring the strength of the formwork structure under the load that has arisen, and aligning loose and displaced spacers in time. Filling the frame with mass, make sure that all sinuses and undercuts are well filled, preventing the formation of voids and cavities.

The video in this article shows the key points of manufacturing technology and the procedure.

The use of a vibrator makes it possible to obtain a more dense and high-quality array. In extreme cases, concrete steps can be poured without it. As a budget option, a manual rammer is also suitable.

If the first experience was successful, the miscalculations and technological nuances are taken into account, it is worth moving on to a more complex option, making a concrete staircase to the second floor with your own hands.

Interfloor staircase: higher and higher and higher

How to pour a concrete staircase to the second floor without attracting hired workers, without spending extra money, and having confidence in the quality of the work performed.

Having decided on such a step, you need to know exactly how to properly pour a concrete staircase, and what not to do, since such critical elements do not forgive mistakes.

Based on the layout of the room and other nuances, it is immediately necessary to decide on the type of stairs that will connect the floors:

Type of stairs Design features Application
Monolithic single-flight staircase with riser

  • The angle of inclination of the march span is 30-40 degrees,
  • 18-20 cm,
  • the width of the step platform is 27-32 cm.

The side ends can be open and closed, which implies the use both in the inter-wall space and as a separate independent structure

  • The simplest and most versatile design.
  • Ample opportunities for finishing and design experiments.
  • It does not require complex formwork and additional fastening in the interfloor space.
  • Demanding on space due to the long single span.
  • This type of staircase has a very large mass, especially when faced with an array of porcelain stoneware, natural and artificial marble, etc.
Single-flight staircase with a monolithic stringer and a through-type step without a riser

  • Flight angle up to 42 degrees,
  • step height up to 22 cm,
  • step platform width up to 30 cm
  • Due to the absence of risers, it is possible to make the structure lighter in comparison with the previous type by up to 35-40%.
  • Due to the lack of restrictions for the toe of the foot, it is possible to reduce the width of the step platform.
  • This type of stairs is less demanding on the strength and mass-dimensional characteristics of the support platform.
  • Objectively fewer finishing materials necessary for finishing the finished product.
  • Due to the through design, it is undesirable to place flights of such stairs above the recreation areas in the house.
  • Higher requirements for the strength characteristics of stringers and additional load-bearing structures.
Multi-flight stairs of monolithic and through types, including stairs with intermediate turntables

  • The angle of inclination of mid-flight spans can be of different sizes and ranges from 30-45 degrees.
  • The height of the step platform and the width of the step are within the generally accepted standard values
  • They are used in case of limited space, which does not allow the use of simple single-flight spans.
  • Due to the use of constructive mass separation, the static load on the base is more rationally distributed.
  • Require more ready-mixed concrete to complete the monolith.
  • As a result, the number of finishing materials and related fittings increases.
  • More complex formwork and the use of a combined system of binding a power frame.
, complex multi-radius structures with both closed and open steps

  • A design feature should be considered the presence of a "spinal" axis, around which steps are tied with the almost complete absence of straight sections.
  • The height of the step and the width of the step platform are within the values ​​generally accepted for other types of stairs
  • They are used in the absence of free space for the manufacture and installation of stairs of other types, they are often placed in bay windows and other selected structural elements of the house.
  • They require very accurate calculations of strength of materials and high culture and manufacturing experience.
  • A multi-level system for bandaging the load-bearing frame and flexible formwork are used.
  • Not recommended for self-production by persons who do not have the appropriate knowledge and production practice.

Technical nuances: briefly about the main

In the main aspects of the issue: concrete stairs - how to fill in correctly, we figured it out. Remaining nuances:

  • In general, the manufacture of concrete stairs to the second floor does not differ in technology from the manufacture of stairs for the porch of a house. Of the features, the following should be noted. The brand of finished concrete should not be lower than B-15
  • As an inert filler in the self-preparation of a concrete mixture, it is desirable to use crushed granite fr.5-25 with a minimum content of flaky and pulverized inclusions. As sand, the use of enriched quartz with a modulus of 0.8-1.1 is welcome.
  • How to pour concrete steps with a solution of such a thick consistency? At the initial stage, skill is indispensable, and then the acquired skills will do their job, and the concrete will flow like clockwork.
  • When preparing the base, you can not use the floors of the lower floor, thermally insulated using foam plastics, mineral wool, and similar materials. Otherwise, it is necessary to cut the insulating sandwich and pour a full-bodied reinforced carrier plate.

The location of flights of stairs at angles in excess of critical values ​​is not allowed.

A progressive step in the recruitment of a power frame should be considered the use of not cut, but bent along the profile of the reinforcement structure.

This reduces the occurrence of internal stresses by an order of magnitude and increases the overall stability of the load-bearing frame against rupture, fracture and twisting. It is convenient to bend the reinforcing bar using roller-lever devices.

Do not forget about the “one day” rule - that is, the entire structure must be poured at a time, without a break in time. Well, remember the order from top to bottom. This will avoid the appearance of voids and cavities. Video: pouring a concrete staircase can be viewed several times, focusing on important points.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the manufacture of concrete stairs with your own hands, while observing the basic technological methods, is not some kind of complicated process.

However, it should be remembered that the domestic legislator clearly regulated the conduct of such work by state standards 9818-85 “Reinforced concrete marches and platforms of stairs”, which must be taken into account when carrying out independent work, and then the poured concrete stairs will serve faithfully for many years.

The porch at the entrance to the house is as important a part of the whole structure as the front door, for example. Often, the construction of concrete steps is carried out at a single stage of building a house. But, there are times when there is a need to do this after the house is built.

In such situations, a rational solution would be to fill the stairs from. This process characterized by a series of sequential actions, following which you can cope with the task yourself.

The first step is to make a drawing of the project with drawing details. This will facilitate your work, as you will see in front of you a detailed picture of future concrete steps for.

The classic entrance to the building with steps is located on the front side. Its task is to provide a comfortable passage, as well as in harmony with the general appearance of the building. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right form. It should be not only functional, but also become, to a certain extent, part of the design of the main entrance to the house. Steps in the form of a semicircle or trapezoid look great.

The choice of the shape and size of the structure directly depends on the dimensions of the building. If you have a small compact house, then the porch should be appropriate. A traditional porch in the shape of a square or rectangle is best suited for small houses. Concrete steps and a porch of the same shape and size can be built as an additional entrance to the house from its rear part.

Making concrete stairs


The course of construction of the structure depends on the size of your future steps made of concrete. For structures of this type, there are specially prescribed SNiP standards, according to which the flight of stairs must be reliable, durable and distinguished by ease of use.

To make the correct calculation of concrete steps with your own hands, pay attention to a number of rules:

After detailed plan with the calculation of all the parameters will be compiled, you can proceed to work on the construction of concrete steps to the house.

Tools and building materials

If you plan to purchase ready-mixed concrete, you need to know its volume. To prepare the solution with your own hands, it is necessary to proceed from the parameters of the mixture consumption for the preparation of 1 cubic meter of concrete.

You will need:

  • - 340 kg;
  • sand - 1.02 m 3;
  • crushed stone - 0.86 m 3.

Note. To reinforce the structure of the porch, use rebar to create steps.

Materials for the manufacture of steps from concrete:

  • Sheets and board 2 cm thick and 20 cm wide, to form the formwork.
  • Bars 40 x 40 mm for installing stiffeners.
  • Nails for fixing boards.
  • Metal fittings for strengthening the frame 6.5 - 1 2 mm.
  • material.
  • Concrete mortar or components for its preparation.
  • Decoration Materials.


  • Vibratory machine for increasing the density of concrete.
  • Shovel and bayonet shovels.
  • Concrete mixer.
  • Electric saw.
  • Putty knife.
  • Construction tape measure and level.

Site preparation

If the construction of the porch and the simultaneous installation of concrete steps takes place at the initial stage of building a house, then site preparation will not take much time. It is enough to clear the area of ​​dirt and debris.

If it is necessary to replace an obsolete structure without a foundation with a new one, the following procedure must be followed:

  • Preparing a hole for the base of the porch. The depth of the pit should be 20 - 30 deeper than the freezing point of the soil. These figures vary across regions. The smallest depth for small steps should be at the level of half a meter. The sides of the pit for the foundation should be 25 cm higher than the size of the site for the construction of the porch.
  • Preparation of a recess in the base of the building for mutual strengthening of concrete steps with reinforcement.
  • Formation at the bottom of the pit under the foundation of a "cushion" of sand and gravel. Sand is poured in a layer of 15 cm and moistened. Then the gravel is covered with a layer of 20 cm and compacted. At the end, a ten-centimeter layer of sand is again formed. All layers are abundantly moistened with water. Such a pillow will provide reliable protection of the steps from the destructive effects of groundwater.
  • Laying for waterproofing the structure.
  • Formation of a reinforcing mesh with a mesh size of 10 x 10 cm.
  • Filling the site with concrete. Upon completion of the coating, the solution must be pierced with a metal rod in order to release air bubbles.

Note . In order for the foundation under the porch with steps to get stronger, you need to wait about a week.

Formwork equipment

After completing the work with the sand and gravel cushion, you can begin to create concrete step formwork. It is important to remember that the frame must be strong enough and reliable, given that it must withstand the weight of the concrete solution. The boundaries of the frame must correspond to the dimensions of the planned steps. To create formwork use boards or.

The sequence of steps for creating formwork is as follows:

In order for the formwork to be able to withstand the weight of the concrete solution, reinforce the sides of the frame. The beam is excellent for the role of stiffeners. With the help of boards that repeat the size and shape of the riser, formwork is assembled. Nails act as fasteners. The bottom edge of the boards is formed under a slope to ensure a flat concrete surface.

Formwork for the manufacture of concrete steps is created near the base of the house at a distance of 1 cm. Spacers are used to fasten the structure, and stakes are placed so that it does not move. Fasteners are immersed in the ground by at least 25 cm with an installation step of 45 - 50 cm. The gaps must be covered with earth and carefully compacted.

Note . Plywood formwork is formed at a level of 30 cm above the height of the flight of stairs.

Before you start pouring concrete into the prepared foundation pit, it is necessary to cover it with a vapor barrier material, which is roofing material, after which a sealant is applied. Formwork is treated with a lubricant with a special composition to prevent concrete from sticking to boards and plywood.

Reinforcement of concrete steps will help ensure the strength of the structure and extend its life. Metal rods are cut to certain sizes and fastened with wire. The length of the rods should not exceed the width of the steps, but, on the contrary, be 4–5 cm less. The reinforcement installation step is 15 cm. In order to save concrete consumption, stones and crushed bricks are used, which are laid between the reinforcement.

To make the process of building a porch near the house faster, use the service of ordering a concrete mixer. It is necessary to pour concrete mortar from the bottom step. A very important point is the need to use the solution immediately after preparation. This is done in order to preserve its original properties. Each subsequent poured layer must be tamped in order for air bubbles to come out. Otherwise, the concrete structure will begin to quickly collapse.

Bricks and stones that protrude above the surface are sunk inside with a shovel. The quality of the work on pouring concrete will be checked using building level. The next layer of concrete mortar is poured only after the previous layer has completely hardened.

Upon completion of the work, the formwork is left for a week, until the structure is completely solidified. If the work process takes place in the summer heat, the concrete solution must be moistened with water in order to avoid the formation of cracks. Use a hammer to remove formwork. To do this, gently tapping, disconnect the plywood and boards. If necessary, steps for a concrete porch can be polished.

How to finish steps from concrete on a porch?

Finishing the steps of the porch can begin a month after the formwork is removed. During this period of time, the solution will completely seize and harden.

There are such design options for concrete steps for the porch:

  • Coloring. This is the easiest and surest way to make a flight of stairs attractive.
  • Pebble laying. This option looks very nice. From pebbles, you can lay out any patterns that your imagination is only capable of. You need to do this at the stage of pouring the concrete solution.
  • Porcelain stoneware or clinker tiles. The best solution, experts in this field, consider clinker tiles, which have high strength, resistance to various damages, and also have an anti-slip coating.

Whatever design you choose for the steps of the porch, it is important that it blends harmoniously with the exterior of the house.


Tools and materials

  • cement mortar;
  • gravel;
  • screwdriver;
  • Master OK;
  • sand;
  • formwork boards;
  • reinforcing mesh, wire;
  • self-tapping screws, metal corners;
  • wooden grater;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • concrete mixer;
  • vibrorail.

pouring steps

Stair cladding


How to pour steps with concrete: preparation and cladding

Pouring steps with concrete involves several stages. Initially, they are determined with their number and size. Further, they competently clean the site, construct the formwork and pour the concrete mix wisely.

A porch for a house is simply necessary: ​​it provides a convenient entrance to the building and prevents the door from falling asleep with snow in winter. Most often, an ordinary home porch has 3-5 steps, but with a high height of the basement of the house, other options are possible.

Usually it has a square or rectangular shape, but there are more interesting solutions that have advantageous decorative qualities. Among them are a round and semicircular porch, which can be built from concrete with your own hands.

Features of a semicircular porch and drawing up a drawing

It is a little more difficult to build a porch in a semicircle with your own hands than the usual rectangular version, however, it will also be quite within the power of a home master. The most popular solution for it is concrete: it is inexpensive, fast, in addition, it can be lined with a variety of materials during subsequent finishing in order to obtain not only a durable, but also a beautiful solution.

The semicircular version differs from the usual porch in a more complex design: preliminary calculations and drawing up drawings will be required in order to calculate the volume of concrete and the dimensions of the structure. The design is carried out as follows:

  • To build a semicircular porch, you first need to determine the width of the site before leaving the house: it should be about half a meter wider than the front door, then two people can safely disperse on the steps. This value will be the diameter of the porch, according to which the following parameters are calculated.
  • The middle point of the porch is determined: it is usually marked in the middle of the front door, although there may be other solutions. With the help of a compass, a semicircle is drawn in the drawings from the midpoint, its radius is half the width of the site.
  • In the same way, the semicircles of the steps are drawn: when calculating, it must be taken into account that the width of the treads is 26-30 cm, so that they can be comfortably stepped on. This value is added to the first radius, and then to the radius of the second step.

Other calculations are carried out in the same way as in the construction of a conventional square porch: the height of one step is from 16 to 18 cm, a large riser height is undesirable. Which porch should have a maximum slope of 40-45 degrees, it is better if it is less. Depending on the total height of the porch, the number of steps is calculated, and you can start marking the territory.

You can pour a semicircular porch with your own hands without the involvement of assistants and special equipment. You will need formwork material, reinforcement cage, concrete mortar (it is advisable to use a concrete mixer for its preparation) and in the future - material for cladding and installation of railings.

What formwork can be made from

The first question that arises when building a semicircular porch is how to build a formwork to give the concrete a rounded shape? You can use several options:

  1. If the radius of curvature is small, and the structure itself has a large area, it is possible to prepare bent elements for formwork from boards or plywood. They must be well wetted, and then bent to the desired radius of curvature, after which the material should be dried. The method is quite laborious, so it is rarely used.
  2. A simpler solution is pieces of galvanized sheet metal. They are flexible enough to be shaped and yet strong enough to support the weight of the concrete, keeping it in place. desired shape. Such formwork can be installed in layers on the steps from the bottom up when pouring.
  3. Sometimes a wide plastic lining is used: this is also enough flexible material, able to withstand curvature to the desired radius. But such formwork is expensive, so it is reasonable to use it if after the repair work there are remnants of building materials.

Site preparation and foundation pouring

How to fill a semicircular porch? The first stage is clearing the site and marking the territory. It is necessary to remove construction debris and branches from it, it is desirable to pre-level the area under the porch.

After that, you can proceed to the markup: as you know from the geometry course, the radius of the circle will be the same at any point. From the center of the circle (middle of the door), it is necessary to set aside a distance equal to the radius of the lower step according to the drawing. This must be done to the right and to the left, as well as in a circle to get an even semicircle.

A concrete porch needs a strong base, as it itself has a lot of weight. A pit 70 cm deep should be dug along the contour of the porch, a thick layer of sand is poured onto the bottom, which must be shed with water and compacted. Reinforcement connected by metal wire is laid in the pit, and formwork is installed along its edges.

The foundation of the porch must be connected to the foundation of the building itself. To do this, holes are drilled in the concrete tape, into which the reinforcement of the frame of the new extension is inserted. The concrete solution is poured, it must be carefully leveled. As a result, a strong connection of the buildings is ensured, and when the porch is upset, it will not crack.

The concrete layer is left to dry completely, this usually takes several days. When it gains sufficient strength, it is covered with a waterproofing layer: roofing material can be used for this purpose. The base for the porch is ready, and you can proceed to pouring the steps.

Construction of a semicircular porch

How to make a semicircular concrete porch? The most common method is layer-by-layer installation of formwork and pouring steps one on top of the other. Construction works are carried out in several stages:

  1. A curved formwork is installed along the marked contour, the height of which is equal to the height of the step. It needs to be fixed with wooden spacers: it should stand as firmly as possible in order to support the weight of the solution along the entire contour.
  2. A frame connected from reinforcement is laid in the formwork. These are several rows of metal mesh connected to vertical elements.
  3. The frame is poured with concrete, and you need to try so that there are no voids in the monolithic structure. To do this, the solution is pierced with a stick in several places to remove possible cavities.
  4. The solution must be allowed to dry and gain strength, after which a new row of formwork is installed and the operation is repeated. As a result, all steps are erected from the bottom up, and the whole structure will gain strength. The concrete porch is able to withstand a very large weight, and it will last for decades.

What is porch cladding for?

Although concrete is a strong and durable material, it needs to be protected from external influences. It does not tolerate increased importance, as well as sharp temperature fluctuations, but if you install a strong lining, it can last much longer. There are several options that will help to decorate the semicircular porch in an original way:

  • Ceramic tiles. Although it is made of clay, its strength resembles granite, for which it received its name. Tiled cladding is more often used not in residential buildings, but in office and public buildings. It is advisable to choose a tile with a rough textured surface, otherwise it may be too slippery in winter, and it will have to be covered with rugs.
  • Clinker tiles. This is clay fired at a very high temperature, which allows her to dial maximum strength. It differs from porcelain stoneware in the absence of various mineral additives - this is the most environmentally friendly material. You can purchase tiles of various shapes and colors, which will allow you to lay out an interesting semicircular mosaic.
  • Paving slabs. This is a cheap option, such a tile is made from concrete mortar. It is inexpensive, but not very durable: after a few years it will be necessary to restore the lining. It can have a different color and shape, styling experiments will create an interesting result.

Several useful tips for construction

Knowing how to build a semicircular porch to the house, you can realize very interesting projects: such structures look beautiful if you choose a non-standard version of the cladding and decorate the porch with a complex interesting pattern. It is recommended to pay attention to a few more points.

When laying the reinforcing mesh, it will go beyond the boundaries of the formwork, since the porch has a semicircular shape. In this case, it has to be cut off after pouring: then the steps will be both strong and even. For this work, you can use the grinder.

The second row can be poured only after the first one has completely dried: usually it takes at least 4-5 days - during this time the concrete gains optimal strength. The porch can only be used after the entire structure has been poured and the concrete has dried completely.

On the massive construction upper layer it is necessary to pour water on the first day so that it dries evenly. If this is not done, cracks will appear on the outer surface.

How to pour a concrete staircase for a porch - Step by step

How to pour a concrete staircase for a porch A porch for a house is simply necessary: ​​it provides a convenient entrance to the building and prevents the door from falling asleep with snow in winter. Most often

: how to make formwork and pour concrete?

Today, home improvement is given great importance all over the world, because the porch is an integral part of any cottage, country house and even summer cottage. The holistic design of the entire structure depends on how the steps and the area around them look.

Concrete porch stairs

To build a beautiful and comfortable porch, it is very important to build a comfortable and durable staircase, which can be made from various materials and their combinations. Most often, brick, wood, concrete and reinforced concrete are used to equip stairs.

The choice of suitable material depends on what the construction of the house itself was made of. If the house is stone or brick, then the steps and the porch are best made from the same materials. The same should be done if a tree was used to build a house.

Concrete stairs are considered the most durable, durable and easy to use. If during the construction of the stairs the craftsmen followed the technology and complied with all the requirements, the steps will not let moisture through and will be wear-resistant.

The design can be in the form:

Also, the steps can be decorated in the form of a veranda, or simply be in an open or closed form.

The main distinguishing feature of a concrete staircase is that the metal frame is well protected from precipitation and other weather disasters, which prevents corrosion and destruction of the base.

How to make formwork?

Concrete porch

In order for the area near the house to be transformed with the help of a ladder, first of all you will need to make formwork. The formwork is a kind of “form” into which a concrete solution is poured. For monolithic structures, you can use the usual formwork, for typesetting - a form.

The formwork is installed in the place where you plan to place the stairs. The main task is to fasten all the details with the help of dowels, nails and other materials for fixing. It is very important that the formwork is strong, otherwise it can collapse or deform, which will render the entire structure unusable.

In order for the staircase to turn out to be even, it is worth picking up a planed wooden board for the formwork, which is firmly attached to each other. It would not be bad if you additionally upholster the boards with smooth plywood from the inside. Please note that all bars should not have any cracks or other damage. This is very important, because the solution should not seep through the gaps deep into the wood.

Before pouring concrete, the surface of the boards is moistened with water so that the wood softens a little and becomes more pliable. Also, the solution will be more difficult to absorb, and in the end you will get a more even and smooth surface.

Preparing a solution for pouring steps

Making your own stairs for the porch

To decorate the porch of the house with the help of a ladder, you will need to knead the concrete solution. For this you will need:

I would like to emphasize that if crushed stone or its analogues are excluded from the above list, then you will prepare not concrete, but a simple cement mortar.

The proportional combination of ingredients depends on the brand of cement and the required brand of concrete: the higher the brand of concrete, the best quality you get a mixture.

To prepare a concrete mortar under brand 200, you need cement at number 400 in a ratio of one to two with sand. Most often, the ratio of components is observed in this form:

But, strictly adhere to just such a ratio is not worth it. It all depends on the quality of raw materials. Don't try to save money by buying cheap cement powder! It is better to buy high-grade material, and choose sand without clay inclusions. If you are not an expert, then you can still distinguish between sand and clay: it has a pronounced yellowish tint. But, you need river sand - gray, it is better if it is dried and cleaned.

It does not hurt to use various additives in the form of stabilizers and water repellents for the preparation of concrete mass, which will only improve the properties of the concrete mass.

Concrete can be kneaded both manually and with a concrete mixer. To do this, water is mixed with cement, then sand is added, and at the end crushed stone or its analogues are added. All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous consistency, which will be similar to sour cream.

What do you need to have on hand?

Porch concrete stairs

In order for the porch of the house to acquire a concrete staircase, you will need to purchase certain material, as well as tools. For quality work you will need:

  • concrete mixer;
  • shovel;
  • toes or buckets in which it will be possible to knead the solution well;
  • sand, gravel, water and cement powder;
  • fittings made of iron or steel;
  • fixing materials (nails, dowels, etc.);
  • planed wood beams;
  • plywood;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • plane;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer.

Before pouring concrete, metal bars are installed around the perimeter of the entire formwork, which are firmly connected or welded together. If welding is used, it is necessary to tack the rods with a spot seam in increments of 10-15 cm. Such actions of yours will increase the level of structural strength, save you from the possible appearance of cracks and deformation of the formwork.

To protect the surface of the stairs from possible destruction, cover them with a metal corner. To do this, rods are welded to the corner, which are then immersed in liquid concrete.

It is very important to install a reinforced iron march. This will give strength to the middle flight of stairs, which has no support. If there is a solid base under the march, concrete can not be reinforced. You can install the march, both in the array of stairs, and weld it to metal plates that are embedded in the flight of stairs or in the structure itself.

Solution pouring technique

Ladder do it yourself

At the end of all the preparatory processes for installing the stairs on the porch of the house, you can start directly pouring the steps.

As a rule, the steps are poured in a single monolithic block in one approach. This gives greater adhesion and strength to the steps themselves.

Please note that the width of the porch of the house is 1.5 times larger than the width of the doorway. But, this is just a recommendation, not a strict rule.

After pouring the concrete solution, it is better to moisten it with water, which will give the surface smoothness. At the end of the work on pouring the porch of the house with a spatula or a straight frame, the applied layer of concrete is leveled.

Please note that all steps on the porch near the house must be of the same height in order to prevent bruises or accidents for guests and household members. The recommended step height is up to 25cm.

Since it takes a little time for the concrete to harden, only a few hours, the next day it will already be possible to walk on the steps. But, if you have the opportunity, still let the newly made porch near the house stand for a couple of days.

I would also like to say that the installation of steps can only be carried out in dry weather. Since the concrete should dry out gradually, so if it is too hot or vice versa it is a rainy day, cover it with a film.

We calculate the steps

Concrete staircase

Of course, only the owners of the house can choose the material for the construction of steps. But, despite the chosen material, it is necessary to first carry out all the necessary calculations:

  • calculate the angle of inclination of the steps;
  • determine the length of the march;
  • determine the number of steps.

In order for all calculations to be performed correctly, adhere to the requirements of SNiP, which are given in the table below.

We hope that our article was useful and interesting for you. Happy repair!

I have been looking for an article about building a porch to a house for a long time. Your article is very helpful, thanks!

I made a small porch to the house on two steps. I ran into the problem of destruction along the edges. Most likely, he removed the formwork early, because after studying the article, he realized that he was not mistaken in technology. I'll finish it, thanks!

I was very pleased with the table with the indicators of the slope and the size of the steps. Very relevant information, since the construction process is not difficult, but choosing the right height is very difficult. Thanks!

For those who actively carry out repairs in a private house on their own, and also build a porch with their own hands, I advise you to purchase a concrete mixer, as the author says. Mixing the solution is of better quality and is performed much faster, it is very convenient when there is no other assistant at hand!

Almost a day after the concrete was poured, it was still impossible to walk on the porch. So I think it's different for everyone, be careful! Thanks to the author for the interesting material.

Concrete porch stairs

How to make a staircase for a concrete porch. Formwork preparation. We mix the solution. Tools for work. Filling technique. Degree calculation table.

How to pour a concrete staircase for a porch

How to make a concrete porch with your own hands

A cottage or a country house must have a porch with a canopy that protects from rain, snow and scorching sunlight. Without it, such houses do not look at all. You can finish the exterior of the building in a variety of styles, but without a porch it will be an ordinary building.

You can do it yourself, but for this you need to know the correct sequence for performing such work. So how to make a porch out of concrete with your own hands?

Necessary tools and materials

To make a concrete porch with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

Structural calculation

If a heavily damaged porch adjoins the house, which has an unsightly appearance, then it is necessary to make a new design, which involves the following work:

  • It is necessary to break the old porch completely, and then free the site from debris.
  • To determine the height of the porch, measure the distance from the ground to the threshold. There is to know the height, and having decided on how many steps there will be, they begin to calculate the height of the steps.
  • When calculating the minimum dimensions of the platform at the door, the width of the door opening is taken into account. The width of the site should be equal to the width of the doorway + 15 cm. The site should be at least a meter deep.

Preparing the foundation for the porch with your own hands

To make a foundation for a concrete step porch, first determined by the size of the site for him. It can be made for the entire length of the wall of the house. The form may be:

It all depends on personal preference.

After that, along the perimeter of the future porch pit should be dug. the depth of which is determined by the level of groundwater, but must be at least 50 cm. Then a layer of crushed stone of 20 cm is poured and leveled. Then sand is poured in a layer of 10 cm, it is well tamped and filled with water.

Start waterproofing the foundation, using roofing material or a dense film for this. Then the reinforcement is installed and the concrete solution begins to be prepared. For this, crushed stone, sand and cement are used in a ratio of 3: 3: 1. Then pour the foundation. align the level and let it gain strength for several days.

If reinforcement is used, this will increase the strength of the foundation, and waterproofing helps to avoid structural damage from the action of surface water.

How to make formwork

The quality of the steps of the porch depends on how well the formwork is installed. Add 30 cm to the height of the porch. This will be the height of the plywood formwork. In the absence of plywood sheets, use solid boards or metal sheets .

After that, it is necessary to draw steps and treads on the formwork sheets at an angle of 90 degrees, and then a platform and treads with a slope, counting on a 30 cm depth slope of 5 mm. After that, steps are drawn with a 15 degree slope.

Stiffening ribs are attached to the side parts of the formwork. Then install prepared shields. retreating from the building by 1 cm. So that they do not spread out when laying concrete, spacers are made. To do this, stakes are driven into the ground to a depth of 20 cm at a distance of 45 cm from the recess prepared under the steps. Spacers should be installed between the formwork and stakes.

After that, boards of such a length are installed that will be equal to the width of the steps. The edges at the bottom of the boards should be slanted, this makes the pouring of concrete very even. Fasten the boards to the formwork with wide-head nails. The formwork is ready.

Before pouring concrete on the base laying a layer of vapor barrier. Roofing material is placed on the foundation of the building and a layer of sealant is applied. Inside, the formwork is lubricated with a special lubricant so that the laid concrete solution does not stick to boards or plywood.

How to make concrete steps

To make a concrete porch with your own hands very strong and durable, install fittings. which is cut into pieces. Reinforcement stakes must be connected to each other with a wire.

In addition to reinforcement, put in each layer stones or broken bricks. which allows you to significantly save on the amount of concrete and make the structure even more durable.

A concrete mixer is used to prepare a concrete solution. Concrete is laid on the steps, and work should begin from the bottom step.

In order for concrete to retain its strength characteristics, it is laid after the batch is over. Each filled layer carefully tamp down. removing any resulting voids.

You should be very careful, as such voids can destroy the structure very quickly. The aggregate may protrude above the level of the solution, in which case it is carefully tamped inside with a shovel or trowel. To check the quality of concrete laying use level .

After pouring the first layer, you need to let it dry thoroughly and only then start working on the next one. The work is completed by pouring concrete of the upper step-platform. formwork should stay for a week. On this, the work on the manufacture of a concrete porch with their own hands is considered completed.

Do-it-yourself concrete porch decoration

The easiest option is to leave the concrete porch as it is. However, it is possible to lay out beautiful patterns from pebbles in the process of laying concrete. But you should take into account the fact that the work will last longer.

Basically a concrete porch and steps spread non slip clinker tiles. This will be beneficial in winter or in wet weather. It is very important that the building and the porch be made in the same style. For a small country house, you should not make a large concrete porch, because it will look ridiculous. Porcelain stoneware will perfectly decorate the porch made of concrete.

To make the concrete porch look beautiful, make a railing and a canopy. Railings can be omitted if the stairs are short. The material for the railing can be used differently, the main thing is that it matches with overall design building.

The porch is the most important and beautiful element of the living space. It not only decorates the building, but also protects. making it convenient to use. If you follow all the necessary tips and recommendations, you can easily make a concrete porch with your own hands.

Barsukov Victor Ivanovich

How to fill the porch: technical requirements, installation of the foundation and formwork

The porch is necessary for almost every home, it not only allows you to solve the functional, but also the aesthetic problems of the building. Any person who has at least a remote idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbuilding can build it. Today we will talk about a concrete porch, which can be considered a capital structure, unlike a wooden one. In this regard, such a design will be manufactured much longer and require more physical costs.

How to fill the steps of the porch for a private house


The construction instructions are not very complicated, but this does not mean that they should not be taken seriously. Any stage of construction will require heavy physical costs, so immediately tune in this way, alas, but in this case you will have to sweat.

We recommend starting work with drawing up a general sketch of the structure. At the same time, it is very important that the reinforced concrete structure could organically fit into the architecture of the house. Otherwise, the front of the building will be damaged.

Usually concrete is chosen for permanent structures, therefore, if building rules, norms and requirements are observed, they will serve not only you, but also the next generations for a long time. An important factor in this case is the ability of the material to undergo repair work at any time, including the use of facing material.

How to fill the steps for the porch in a semicircle yourself

The use of concrete will allow the porch to look equally good with a wooden structure, when it can be easily sheathed with wood. You can also veneer it with wood-like siding, as a result of which the structure will look like an integral part of the building.

Technical requirements

Any construction should begin with competent planning. To do this, first of all, you need to draw a detailed drawing, in extreme cases, a sketch will do. According to the device, the concrete porch is simple, however, it is necessary to take into account many different nuances during the process.

How to fill the porch of the house with a concrete mixer

  1. Their number should be odd and depends on the height of the building.
  2. According to GOST, for comfortable movement, the riser should be 120-180 mm high. In this case, the width of the step can be in the range of 250-300 mm.
  3. The angle of inclination of the flight of stairs is 26˚-45˚. Consideration should be given to ease of movement and that precipitation does not linger on it.
  1. Its depth in front of the door should be from 1 m, perfect option- 2 sizes of the front door during its opening.
  2. The dimensions of the smallest width are 150 mm larger than the dimensions of the door latch.
  3. It is recommended to make a platform below the front door by 35-50 mm.

To move along the structure for one person, its minimum width should be about 800 mm, if for two - from 1 m. Install handrails if the flight of stairs will have more than 3 steps.

Below you will learn how to properly pour the porch of a concrete house with your own hands. Expert advice will also be given.

We make the foundation

Proceed directly to the construction should be only after drawing up the drawing. Otherwise, the mistake of many non-professionals, you will have an overrun of materials, as a result, the planned price of the work will increase greatly. You must visualize what kind of porch you will get.

Assemble the frame from the reinforcement and make a wooden formwork to properly fill the porch with concrete with your own hands

The foundation can be poured in several ways:

  1. A common monolithic reinforced slab is created over the entire area of ​​the structure, however, the cost of construction will be high in this case.
  2. Use the technology of the tape contour, which is located around the perimeter of the future porch. At the same time, fill the internal space with gravel or sand. The depth of the foundation for the porch should be the same as that of the main structure.

Tip: It will be very good and correct for the level of the base of the porch to be 150 mm below the freezing point of the soil in the area.

  1. The layout of the reinforced concrete porch is considered ideal before installing the foundation of the house. so that both structures are one. In this case, no frost heaving will be scary.
  2. If the soil freezes quite deep in your area, we recommend stopping at the strip-column foundation. Supporting concrete pillars are installed below the freezing of the soil to a depth of 300 mm, and a tape or slab is placed at a depth of 400 mm.

How to fill the steps on the porch with the help of mechanisms

Tip: do not rest the porch flight of stairs on the foundation of the house if you decide to attach the porch to the finished structure.

Otherwise, in winter, due to the movement of the soil, both structures may collapse. We recommend making both monoliths independent.

  1. The bottom of the pit should be well compacted and covered with geotextile or roofing material. Then, on top, make a pillow from a 100 mm layer of sand and a 50 mm layer of crushed stone and compact everything again tightly.

We mount the formwork

For this, sheet iron, thick plywood, OSB boards and wooden boards are usually used. Price metal formwork high and difficult to work with, so more often they prefer wooden options.

Side sheets should be selected in such a way that they can be immersed in the ground to the blind area. Then they are reinforced with supports and stiffeners. After mounting the reinforcing cage, install and fix the strips that limit the riser.

The photo shows how to fill a semicircular porch with a wooden formwork

We also recommend drawing the design of the reinforcing cage in advance in the sketch. It should be noted that the structure must have 2 or more layers, which must be installed in increments of 100-200 mm. A rod cross section of 12 mm is considered optimal, and it is better to tie them together with wire, and not weld them to each other.

Tip: make holes in the foundation in advance if you plan to lateral join the stairs to it.

It remains only to fill the structure with a solution and wait 21 days until it gains strength.

The concrete version of the porch should be used for stationary objects. Unlike wood, you will have to spend a lot during work. physical strength. Before starting construction, make a drawing or sketch. The video in this article will provide an opportunity to find additional information on the above topic.

Pouring steps with concrete

Since ancient times, stairs have been an integral architectural element of most buildings. In addition to the main purpose, steps can become an accent and a good addition to the interior or exterior. With the development of technology, high-tech and industrial styles have gained particular popularity, the appearance of which also influenced the design of stairs. With their help, you can divide the room into zones, make the interior interesting and dynamic. The layout of low-rise and high-rise buildings will depend directly on the location of the stairs and the porch. Different materials are used for pouring, but most often builders make steps from concrete.


Pouring steps with concrete requires preparation. First of all, it is necessary to determine the number, height and width of the steps, calculate the approximate cash costs. The width of the steps must exceed the width of the entrance doors by at least fifteen centimeters. If the builders plan to make a wide platform near the building, the parameters of the porch can also be increased. It is also important to think about the need to fill the ramp. Each step should be about seventeen centimeters high and about thirty centimeters wide. The slope of the concrete porch should be forty-five degrees, if this figure is higher, then it will be difficult to climb the stairs, especially for the disabled and the elderly. If there are more than three steps, builders should take care to install stable railings. Before starting work, it is important to make drawings with dimensions. Then you can start preparing the base, for the manufacture of which concrete is also used.

Tools and materials

  • cement mortar;
  • gravel;
  • screwdriver;
  • Master OK;
  • sand;
  • formwork boards;
  • reinforcing mesh, wire;
  • self-tapping screws, metal corners;
  • wooden grater;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • concrete mixer;
  • vibrorail.

For effective waterproofing, the porch is cut off from the base with roofing material.

Wood lags behind concrete surfaces after they harden, but this material has a significant drawback. Boards warp and deteriorate from variable moisture. If you are going to use the same boards when building several flights of stairs, you will have to protect them from damage. Before laying the reinforcement and pouring the porch, the tree is covered with a special dense material that will protect it from moisture, for example, roofing material. In the event that the necessary building material is not at hand, wooden boards are varnished. To fasten the formwork, self-tapping screws should be used. Experts do not recommend using nails, as the mount will be difficult to disassemble.

pouring steps

Construction work consists of the following stages:

Reinforcement. The porch should be made so that it is securely attached to the building. The use of reinforcement inserts will help to solve this problem - they will fasten concrete structures. Builders can insert reinforcing mesh into the cement foundation using drilling. To do this, holes are made in the foundation, and then special pins are implanted in them. Reinforcement of the concrete staircase is carried out by strengthening the main nodes, the rest of the space of the future porch is covered with a mesh.

Concreting. The composition of the cement mixture includes sand and Portland cement. In addition, crushed stone is added to the solution - it serves as a filler that increases the volume of concrete and reduces the consumption of building material. Experts advise adding as much water to the cement mixture as needed for a homogeneous solution. However, it is important to take into account: if there is less water in the composition, then the concrete will be stronger. After that, you can start pouring the concrete mixture into the formwork. Sometimes builders add stones to concrete: this will help reduce material consumption. Then, when the form is partially filled, the formwork must be tapped in order to exclude the formation of voids inside. The formwork is removed after the concrete has dried.

  • Dismantling of wooden formwork. The form is recommended to be removed one month after the concrete has been poured. During this period, the solution must dry, otherwise the steps are likely to deform.

Stair cladding

Concrete can be faced with different materials. This will extend the life of the porch, since the base of the concrete steps will be protected from environmental influences. In addition, the cladding will allow you to beautifully decorate the stairs. Builders use several options for finishing concrete porches:

  1. Porcelain tiles. This building material is made of white clay, to which minerals are added. Due to firing, it becomes very durable, so this lining is considered one of the most durable. Adding pigments allows you to give the tiles different shades.
  2. Clinker (red clay tiles). This material is recognized as safe for the environment, since the tiles do not contain any harmful additives. The tile has a different shape.


If you carry out construction work, following the instructions, using correctly drawn up drawings and high-quality building materials, you can make a porch with your own hands no worse than professionals.

How to pour a concrete staircase for a porch - All about stairs

How to pour a concrete staircase for a porch How to make a concrete porch with your own hands A cottage or a country house must have a porch with a canopy that protects from rain, snow and

How to make a concrete porch with your own hands? Walkthrough

Acquaintance with home improvement begins with its appearance and porch. A solid building requires a reliable and solid entrance.

There is no better material than concrete, as it has a balanced price-quality ratio.

A single monolithic structure can be made in different configurations, the lines and curves of which will coincide with the elements of the house decoration.

Watch the video on how to make a concrete porch

Do-it-yourself concrete porch: necessary materials

For work on the equipment of the porch, you will need the following materials:

Dry building mixtures highest quality;

Wooden boards for formwork;

Reinforcing mesh (4-6 mm);

Porcelain stoneware, tiles, stone (natural/artificial) or other cladding.

Preparatory process

Pre-planned actions, dimensions and configuration of the structure will help to carry out the work quickly and efficiently. The list of the following factors must be taken into account when designing a porch:

The shapes and lines of the concrete base must match the architectural style of the house;

The minimum width of the stairs should not be less than 0.8 m, and preferably 1 m for a convenient divergence of two people;

The average height of the railing is 0.8-1 m;

If only one step is provided, the installation of the railing can be abandoned;

when designing the structure, the slope angle of the extension should be observed (no more than 45 ° at average values ​​of 26 ° - 40 °);

An odd number of steps will provide a convenient descent / ascent;

The minimum dimensions of the area in the door area should be calculated based on the dimensions of the doorway plus 0.15-0.25 m;

The depth of the steps for convenient movement should not exceed 0.25 m at a height of 0.12-0.20 m;

If the design provides for overhangs from the surfaces of the steps, a protrusion of up to 3 cm is allowed;

The area in front of the door is designed 5 cm below the doorway.

For convenience, when designing, working drawings should be drawn up: front / side view, railing configuration.

The working platform must be prepared in advance by clearing it of debris and a layer of turf. Under concrete it is necessary to prepare the base. To do this, you need to make a backfill of sand. The thickness of the compacted layer is 10-15 cm. Crushed stone is poured over the sand cushion. A thickness of 3-5 cm will be enough. It should also be compacted by deepening into a soft layer.

If the porch area exceeds 1.5 m2, then a pillow made of bulk materials is indispensable. We'll have to make a columnar foundation. When performing land works, it is worthwhile to provide a drainage system for the removal of sedimentary water. To do this, a trench is dug with a slight slope, a special drainage pipe. Of the additional materials, geotextiles and crushed stone will be useful.

Walkthrough how to make a concrete porch with your own hands

1. Knock down the porch frame from the boards - formwork. Suitable durable material to be able to withstand concrete pouring. You need to connect the formwork elements with nails or self-tapping screws.

2. Weld a structure from a reinforcing mesh, similar in configuration to the frame. For this, reinforcement bars or a finished mesh are used. Dimensions are selected in accordance with the function of the porch and the expected loads. If small dimensions are provided, it is enough just to pour concrete without using an armored belt.

3. On the steps of the boards, fix the textured fabric, which will act as a gasket between the frame and concrete. So it will be much easier to dismantle the formwork.

4. Mix concrete using cement, sand, gravel. For the reliability of the coating, it is recommended to prepare the solution in proportions corresponding to the M200 grade.

5. Install the formwork with the reinforcing structure.

6. Pour concrete using shovel. If, under the action of the solution, the frame begins to deform, strengthen it from above with horizontal struts.

7. After 3 hours, the concrete begins to harden. In order to subsequently make it easier to remove the formwork, you need to tap on the boards with a hammer or vibrator. Level the surface with a trowel if a fragment is deformed somewhere.

8. After another half an hour, you can start shooting a wooden frame. You should not hurry in this matter, because you can damage still fresh concrete.

9. Sand steps. Fine-tune edges and vertical surfaces with a trowel if necessary.

10. For further cladding work, it will take 7 days to allow the structure to stand. Ceramic tiles or stone (natural, artificial) are used as finishing materials.

Completely concrete gains strength 28 days after pouring. Therefore, it is not recommended to give heavy loads during this period.

How to make steps for a porch

Today, the construction of steps, as well as the porch, is not only a necessity, but also part of the original design decoration Houses. With the development of such a trend, craftsmen began to use different materials for their construction. And as a result, the entrance to the house becomes more interesting and memorable. In this article, we suggest that you consider how to make steps for the porch according to different technologies. But first, let's do some calculations and calculations.

There are no rules regarding how many steps there should be. In this matter, a lot depends on the terrain, the height of the porch above ground level, etc. The number of steps rather depends on the angle of inclination of the march and its height. Therefore, the size of the steps plays an important role. They should be comfortable and most importantly safe.

Steps in their design have two key components:

  1. Treads are the horizontal part.
  2. The risers are the vertical part.

The steps are calculated based on the following data:

  • Rise height. This figure ranges from 160 to 210 mm. If you make a large height, then too steep a rise will be inconvenient.
  • Tread depth. The size of this part of the step should be comfortable for stepping on. On average, this figure is in the region of 270–320 mm.
  • The width of the flight of stairs. For one person, the width of the march is sufficient at 900 mm. But it will be extremely inconvenient for the two to disperse. Therefore, if you have a large family, then the recommended width is 1250–1500 mm. It makes no sense to do it wider, it is usually necessary in in public places, with a large flow of people.
  • The angle of the porch. The optimum angle is 27°. In this case, the stairs will be gentle, so that Small child can climb it without much effort. The flight of stairs, in turn, cannot have a slope of more than 45 °. This indicator corresponds to the added steps for attics or attics.

When pouring the porch, it is important to ensure that it is below the doorway. After a while, the newly built house will shrink, so there should be a margin of several centimeters. Based on this, a suitable number of steps is calculated.

Step shape

Most often, the shape for the steps is chosen rectangular. Although individual building designs may provide for a helical or trapezoidal shape. As for the shape of the section, there are such types:

  • Triangular or wedge-shaped. This view is a beveled vertical plane that does not allow sliding of a fold up to 30 mm deep.
  • Slab. In this case, the risers are unlined or the design of the steps does not have risers at all.
  • Block. The upper lining hangs over the lower one by 30 mm. But at the same time, the steps do not lie on top of each other and are separated by a mortar joint.
  • Corner. This type of steps has an angular cross section. They can be standing or hanging.

As can be seen from practice, it is easiest to make steps of a rectangular shape.

What to make

There are several basic building materials, from which you can make comfortable steps, namely:

  • from concrete;
  • from wood;
  • from metal;
  • from brick;
  • combined (for example, a metal frame with wooden steps).

Consider the manufacturing technology of each listed material.

Steps made of concrete have a number of advantages:

If you seriously intend to make steps from this material, then you should prepare such a tool and material:

  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • facing tiles;
  • tile adhesive;
  • crosses for mounting tiles;
  • fittings;
  • formwork material;
  • concrete mixer;
  • comb;
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • level;
  • rubber mallet.

It is good when the porch is included in the project of the house and is an integral part of the foundation. But this rarely happens, so you have to attach it.

If you kicked out the box, but didn’t think about the steps, then mutual reinforcement would be an excellent solution. That is, holes are drilled in the foundation into which reinforcement is inserted. This will be the basis of the future porch and steps.

This approach will completely prevent the appearance of a crack between the porch and the foundation.

As for pouring steps, it all starts with preparatory work. First of all, you should clear the area and dig a foundation pit for a solid foundation for the porch and steps. Considering that the structure will be monolithic with a lot of weight, it is important to make a solid foundation. Therefore, it may be necessary to dig a pit up to 700 mm deep. Without fail, a sand cushion is made, a reinforcing cage is on top, and then a formwork is constructed. Finally, the foundation is poured.

For pouring the foundation for the porch and steps, it is recommended to use a mixture of frost-resistant Portland cement with gravel and sand, in a ratio of 1: 4.

The poured foundation should dry out within 3 days, after which you can proceed to the next stage - the construction of steps.

Formwork and concreting steps

Lay a waterproofing layer on the base of the foundation, for example, roofing material. Next, install the formwork. To do this, you can use ready-made frames made of boards or plywood. It is necessary to install stiffeners to the sides of the formwork. Additionally, they are equipped with vertical supports. The formwork structure is completely built according to the dimensions indicated on the drawings.

When the formwork is completed, the steps are poured in several stages:

  • First of all, it is necessary to install the side parts of the formwork, and then the boards for pouring the steps are attached. Consider the fact that the formwork must be formed in such a way that the slope of the steps is about 5°. Thanks to this, water will quickly drain from the surface, and accordingly, ice will not freeze in winter.
  • The next step is to reinforce the stairs. All fittings should be tied with wire. If you inserted the reinforcement into the foundation, then add it vertically as well. As a result, the steps and porch will be completely tied to the foundation of the house.
  • When the concrete is poured on the porch, you need to let it dry thoroughly. From time to time it can be moistened with water so that it does not dry out. The larger your porch is, the longer it will take to dry.
  • After complete drying, the formwork must be carefully dismantled. And then you can perform work on facing the porch.
  • As for pouring steps, this work should be done slowly. First fill one step. When the concrete is dry, pour the second and so on.
  • During the pouring process, pierce the mixture with rebar or a stick, this will prevent the appearance of voids in the concrete body.

After the concrete is completely dry, remove the formwork from the steps. The next step is to install the railing.

Facing works

Finishing concrete steps is a matter of first necessity. To do this, you can use the following material:

  • Ceramic tiles.
  • Clinker.
  • Paving slabs.
  • A natural stone.

As a rule, facing starts from the porch, then - on the tread and finally on the riser. At the end, the side part of the steps is lined with concrete.

For laying tiles on steps, use frost-resistant tile adhesive.

Another method of making steps is using wood. Wooden steps also have their positive aspects:

  • Material availability.
  • The ability to change the color of the steps, after a while.
  • No professional skills required.

To work, you will need a basic set of carpentry tools and material:

  • roulette;
  • jigsaw / saw;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • edged board with a thickness of 50 mm;
  • nails / screws;
  • bars;
  • stain;
  • tassel;
  • sandpaper;
  • special impregnation for wood.

Material selection

the best budget option will use softwood, such as spruce or pine. Their cost is low. If you have the financial means, then you can buy more reliable wood - cedar, larch, etc. Even at high humidity, such wood does not swell or rot. As a result, such steps will serve you for many years.

If you have lumber natural humidity then it needs to be dried well. It usually takes up to 4 months to dry. The place where the drying process takes place must be warm and dry all this time.

If you can’t wait, you can purchase finished lumber that has been processed. Checking the quality of wood is easy. If the chips break, then the wood has dried out and you can safely buy it. If the chip is bent, then it is not ready for use.

Having bought the material, it must be treated with a special composition against the fungus.

Making stairs

First, prepare a drawing of future steps made of wood. So, the exact shape, dimensions and the required amount of material will be known. The first stage in the construction of this structure is the concreting of the supports.

Depending on the size of the site, there can be 2, 4 or even 6 supports. Often the support is a beam fixed to the wall. If the porch is light, then wooden supports can be used at all.

If the supports are made of wood, then they must be impregnated with an antiseptic. It is also important to correctly position the supports. Mostly they should be in places of greater load, namely on the bowstring or stringers. After making the base, you can begin to build the entire structure:

  1. Site assembly. The platform is based on a wooden frame. Logs are fixed to it and the flooring is mounted. One side of the site is installed on supports dug into the ground, and the other side on a beam attached to the house.
  2. Next, you should make a bowstring and stringers, as well as fasten the steps. The easiest way to make a bowstring is according to a template. To do this, you can use hardboard, attaching it on one side to concrete pad on the ground, and the other to the support platform. The resulting angle will be the basis of the template. Next, cut out two identical bowstrings from the boards. They will need to make holes for mounting steps.
  3. The bowstrings are attached to the support platform with self-tapping screws and placed on a concrete base. The stairs are assembled from top to bottom.
  4. Insert steps and risers into the holes made. For greater reliability, fix them with metal corners. It will also prevent an unpleasant squeak when walking up the stairs.

The whole assembly process will not take you a little time. If, after installing the entire structure, everything is held firmly enough, you can proceed to the manufacture of railings, visors and parapets.

Construction on stringers

Unlike bowstrings, stringers are not installed on the sides, but under the steps. Therefore, they will not be visible to the eye. The installation is basically the same. The kosour is installed on concrete supports on the ground and on the platform above. Next, the riser and steps are fastened.

Given the fact that the steps are mounted on a stringer, it should be given a special saw shape. For fasteners, nails or self-tapping screws are used.

It is important to ensure that all stringers are equal. Otherwise, the steps will be skewed. Therefore, as in the previous case, a template is first made, and then all blanks are cut out according to it.

Steps on stringers to the porch are more popular. This is because they are less bulky and light in weight.

If the porch is large, then the stringer can be made of metal. And put wooden steps. In this case, the ladder will be much stronger. You can find out more about this further.


The most expensive option for making porch feet is to use metal. In addition, these jobs require special qualifications. It is worth highlighting some of the positive aspects of this material:

  • Strength.
  • Durability.
  • Large selection of decorative items from forging.

So, for work you will need the following set of equipment and material:

With all this, you can start making steps. The principle of mounting steps made of metal resembles a designer. First of all, the guides are fixed, then the railing and at the end of the step. All connections are made by welding. Forging elements can be bought ready-made.

When the staircase is assembled, all joints and the structure as a whole must be cleaned with a grinder or a metal brush. The grinder must process each welding joint.

After that, the frame is primed and finally painted. General form steps made of metal completely depends on your imagination.

from brick

You can also make steps out of bricks. To do this job you will need:

The work consists of several successive steps. First of all, it is necessary to build the side walls of the steps. For this you need:

  1. Make markup. Clear the site of debris. Drive the pegs in the places where the walls should be. You also need to make sure that the diagonal has an equal indicator.
  2. Now it is necessary to carry out land work on digging a trench for the foundation. If the prevailing soil is soft, then it will be necessary to dig trenches to a depth of 1.5 m, if the soil is hard, then 1 m. Width - 100 mm.
  3. Place reinforcement Ø10 mm along the edges of the trench. In the place where there will be columns for the porch, the reinforcement should be 100 mm higher than the top platform of the step.
  4. The bottom of the trench must be covered with rubble and then rammed. You can also use broken stones, blocks.
  5. Then you need to pour the rubble that you compacted with a liquid solution.
  6. When the base has hardened, perform waterproofing from the roofing material.
  7. Now you can lay bricks. For a better bond, the next row should start with 3/4 of the brick of the previous row.
  8. For the seam to be beautiful, it should not exceed 1 cm.
  9. On the top of the masonry, make a straight platform, and below lay out a place for mounting the steps.

In the process of work, it is important to use a plumb line. Otherwise, there is a risk of "filling up" the corner.

Upon completion, you will have to do the laying of the masonry. If, in the course of this and previous work, a mortar splashed onto the bricks, then it should be removed and wiped with a dry cloth.

Making steps

The production of steps takes place on the principle of pouring concrete steps. The technology has been described above. Also, steps can be laid out of brick. Pay attention to the importance of reinforcement. This is necessary to link the entire structure. Finished steps must be revetted. To do this, choose a material that is resistant to frost.

If laying tiles will be carried out, then follow the seams. Make sure that they match with each step. The result is a beautiful look.

In conclusion, it remains to fill the ring and install the railing on top. Also, the surface of the ring is tiled. Note that the tiles must have an anti-slip coating. Otherwise, in winter, you can get injured from a fall.


So, steps for the porch can be combined from different materials. For example, the base may be a metal frame, and the steps are made of wood. Such stairs can be painted in any color. It is also possible to carry out another combination. Craft wooden porch and steps, and the railings are made of forging and varnished wooden handles.

Also relevant is the option of a combination of concrete stairs, on top of which wooden steps are laid. Unlike marble or tile, the step will not be slippery, which means it will not be so traumatic.

So, we examined the features of the technology for making steps for the porch with our own hands. Of course, in each case, at least some construction skills are required. Therefore, for greater confidence, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video material in this article, as well as view a lot of drawings and photos. All this in a complex will help you perform the work efficiently, and the result will delight your eyes.

In the provided videos, the methods of manufacturing steps from concrete and metal are shown:

The photographs show different design options for steps for a porch made of different materials:

The provided drawings will help you design your stairs for the stairs:

Do-it-yourself concrete steps for the porch. How is pouring and leveling (installation) of steps made of concrete

Among the variety of materials for the manufacture of stairs, concrete is perhaps the most popular. This is one of the favorite "folk" materials. And all because it is not difficult to pour concrete stairs yourself. We have previously written about concrete formwork and how to repair damaged stairs. And now it's time to reveal the topic in more detail. We will tell you how to competently and correctly pour concrete steps with your own hands and what pitfalls await you during this work.

About the excellent qualities of concrete

Concrete mortar is a wonderful filling for future steps. Stair products from a well-set and hardened mortar, reinforced with steel reinforcement, can stand for decades or more, they do not require major repairs. Concrete and its reinforcement provide each other with invaluable assistance. The mortar protects the metal reinforcement from rust, and the reinforcement cage protects the concrete from cracking and destruction. Of course, from intensive use in places most subject to stress and wear, for example, porch steps, the surface of the steps is worn out and even crumbles. But these minor errors can be easily corrected by cosmetic repairs. We have already written about the manufacture, repair and lining of concrete steps with our own hands in this article.

Concrete staircase structures have many excellent characteristics:

  1. They are quiet. Stair steps do not creak like wood, and not booming like iron. The concrete mass absorbs the loud footsteps.
  2. They do not rot, rust, they do not start grinder beetles.
  3. Fireproof.
  4. These products can be lined with various materials, and no one will guess that the basis of the exquisite wooden stairs is cheap concrete.
  5. Repair of damage will be inexpensive, it can be done with your own hands.
  6. Flights can be given any, the most fantastic shape! There are such concrete stair structures that seem to float in the air by themselves, they are so visually weightless. But in fact, the design is based on a deep and accurate calculation.

Stair steps made of concrete must be mounted together with the construction of the house, because it is a monolithic, not a prefabricated structure. The advantage of a concrete product is that it can be given absolutely any shape. For example, when designing the installation of a compact spiral staircase with your own hands, it is not necessary to install a supporting support pole.

typesetting stair steps porch: DIY

Since it is easy to make a staircase out of concrete with your own hands, you can practice on the simplest staircase - steps for the porch. Two or three steps of concrete lead to it. At the base of the structure is soil compacted with gravel. We start installation. To make a pillow for the porch stairs, you need to dig a hole 15 centimeters deep throughout the entire perimeter and fill it with rubble. A thick layer of sand is poured onto the rubble, which is well spilled with water. This is done so that the sand penetrates between the stones, leaving no air spaces.

Making a porch from concrete with your own hands:

Installation: you will need one or two concrete beams, they will play the role of stringers (or bowstrings), and plank formwork for stacking steps.

First, prepare the supports for the treads of the porch. Stair concrete beams are obliquely mounted into the wall of the house. From the sides, plywood shields are adjusted. Stiffening ribs are nailed to them vertically. When the shields are installed, riser boards are nailed to them a little obliquely. Having completed the installation of the porch formwork, you can pour the solution into the typesetting steps.

The solution must be made not too liquid, but not thick. Its proportions are approximately as follows:

  • cement M400 - 10 parts;
  • sand - 20 parts;
  • crushed stone (fraction 10-20 mm) - 30 parts;
  • water - 7-10 parts.

By adding water, adjust the density of the solution. It should not flow out from under the formwork. Do it right away, otherwise repairs will be required in the future.

Do-it-yourself formwork installation

Put together a rectangular box according to the dimensions of the future steps - the formwork frame. Put a reinforced mesh on the bottom. It will protect the steps from cracking if the soil is not sufficiently reinforced with rubble. Then follows the pouring of concrete into the formwork. To penetrate the liquid into all mesh cells and corners, “pierce” the mass with a trowel or bar. Next, an important operation remains to be done - leveling the concrete steps. Carefully level the top surface of the steps with a shovel. Now we have to wait three days for the concrete to infuse and absorb moisture, and, of course, to harden well. Then the porch formwork is dismantled, and the resulting stacking steps are polished with a grinder.

If, during grinding, individual particles move away, it means that the concrete has not set sufficiently. Stop grinding the steps and leave the mold for another couple of days.

Before you start sanding the face of the tread, practice on the less visible part.

The video illustrates how do-it-yourself concrete steps are made in practice and how to calculate the ratio of individual elements so that the treads and the entire structure are balanced and correct. Let us know what else you would like to know about that remains undisclosed. Are you about to renovate your staircase? We have already written a little about the repair of concrete treads, but in other articles we will more fully reveal this topic. We look forward to your responses, questions and comments.

How to pour concrete steps for a porch

How to make a concrete porch with your own hands? Step-by-step guide Introduction to home improvement begins with its appearance and porch. A solid building needs a reliable and solid entrance ...