The meaning of the name Emir. Success in studies and sports

The meaning of the name Amir: the name for a boy means "lord", "chief", "prince", "emir" or "wife of the emir". This affects the character and fate of Amir.

Origin of the name Amir: Muslim, Jewish, Pakistani and Arabic.

Diminutive form of the name: Amirchik, Mira.

What does the name Amir mean? this name is integral part names of some high titles, positions. Since ancient times, it was given to the children of high-ranking officials, the nobility.

Amir's Angel Day: is not celebrated, since the name Amir does not appear in the list of Orthodox and Catholic holidays.


  • Element - Water
  • Colour: Intense Yellow, Intense Yellow Green
  • Metal - Gold
  • Tree – Alder
  • Planet Earth
  • Constellation - Triangle
  • Number - Three
  • Food - Meat and Dairy Products
  • Animals - Pheasant
  • Stones - Turquoise

Characteristics of the name Amir

Positive features: Amir has the following qualities: activity, creativity, practicality, optimism, emotionality, intelligence, independence.

Negative Traits: At the same time, for all their positive qualities Amir is characterized by such shortcomings as pessimism, conflict, secrecy, self-doubt, ambition. A man named Amir often enters into disputes if his point of view differs from the opinion of the interlocutor, and he will defend his position to the last. Due to his excessive temper, he rarely makes friends.

The nature of the name Amir: First, let's analyze the meaning of the name Amir by the letters that make it up. This, of course, does not allow one to obtain an absolutely correct psychological portrait of a person, but it is quite possible to trace the main features of his personality.

Amir and his personal life

Love and marriage: If you can’t stand his aura, next to you, you are simply weeded out, you are not his person. This arrangement of things is very convenient when arranging for workplace- it immediately becomes clear whether you will work together or have to give up a professional. They will never hide their emotions, and if they don’t like something, they sincerely talk about it. You will have to break through the crowd that constantly surrounds him and approach him. For him, a woman should not only be beautiful, elegant, but also be able to adequately behave in society and be a smart, interesting conversationalist. People are drawn to him. It is almost impossible to convince them, even if one is wrong, he will still remain in his opinion. A man named Amir treats money impractically, does not know how to save and save it, often does not know its true value. Reaches for women strong, bright, beautiful and powerful, attracts the fiery temperament of partners, the ability to be in the spotlight, to lead. He likes to see you beautifully dressed, he reacts very easily to music, it gives him a loving mood, he is a calm, stable nature, has a great sense of responsibility. His passions are not immediately visible, but when he clearly intends to conquer you, be careful! It will be difficult for you to get rid of him.

A man named Amir is a slow and sensual person, prefers large groups of acquaintances, is very hospitable, knows how to make money, is calm and prudent. They are very sociable, easily meet new people, are assertive and too impulsive in communication. He wants to be the only one for you. If you put pressure on this person, limiting the freedom of a man named Amir, and independence, he can easily lose his temper and at such moments commit unthinkable, shocking acts. These people are usually very hygienic, cautious, accurate and unselfish towards their beloved. They are very disciplined, so they can abstain from women longer than others. Does not know how to express himself correctly, secretive - tends to keep secrets, keep quiet.

The name Amir performs many actions under the influence of circumstances, without thinking about the consequences. But at the same time, he is very faithful in marriage. If Amir got married, then he will not change his wife for anything. On the contrary, he will give his wife gifts, compliments, patronize and take care of her. At the same time, he himself also needs guardianship and care, and therefore, next to him there should be a woman who can give Amir the feeling of being at home. With a strong woman, the name Amir will gladly build strong family pay maximum attention to the upbringing of children.

Amir Name Compatibility: For marriage with a man named Amir, which means "prince", women named Milena, Karina, Malika, Kira, Alesya, Arina, Yulia, Varvara, Irina, Elina are suitable.

Amir has poor compatibility with girls named Olesya, Natalya, Svetlana, Daria, Elizabeth, Margarita, Diana, Elena, Marina, Victoria, Nadezhda, Christina, Evgenia.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: As for the choice of profession, Amir rarely prefers to work in specialties that would be associated with mental labor. But he will give preference to the profession of an employee of law enforcement agencies, a trader, an engineer. By the way, Amir is not conceited at all. You can even say that he avoids leadership positions.

Business and career: From the point of view of numerology, the meaning of the name Amir is characterized by the number 7, which indicates a person capable of working in the field of science and art, as well as conducting large-scale religious activities. In many ways, Amir's success depends on how much he can plan his future. If the name Amir manages to overcome the above shortcomings, he will be able to become a good leader and leader. If Amir chooses creative activity often needs privacy. He is sometimes attacked by pessimism and despondency, which is characteristic of people with a rich imagination.

It must be said that in an effort to achieve career growth named after Amir, one should learn to focus on a specific task, develop perseverance in oneself. The ability to concentrate will undoubtedly help him in his work.

Health and energy

Health and Talents: Amir usually does not complain about his health. It is also strong because he does not like and does not know how to get sick. Setting "do not get sick!" has a healing effect on him. But excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and addiction to fatty foods can sooner or later lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver problems.

The fate of Amir in history

What does the name Amir mean for male destiny?

  1. Amir Damar Koku - (born 1979) Sudanese football player.
  2. Amir Rashid Muhammad - (born 1939) Iraqi politician
  3. Amir (Emir) Khalil - XV century Persian artist, master classical style Persian miniatures, illustrated manuscripts, "Shahnameh", "Anthology" and other works
  4. Amir ad-Din - (d.1312) Arab architect at the court of the Mongol Khan Kublai. It is this architect who is considered the creator of the city of Khanbalik (modern Beijing). The general plan of the city was completed in 1274, the same year the construction of the Khan's palace began.
  5. Amir Muizzi - (1072-1127) Persian-Tajik poet, lived at the Sultan's court
  6. Amir Kurbanov - (1909-1966) Soviet playwright and theater figure originally from Dagestan, also an actor. Author of over 30 plays.
  7. Amir Khadir - (born 1961) Iranian-born Canadian politician
  8. Emir Najip - (1899-1991) Soviet orientalist, philologist-Turkologist, compiled the Uighur-Russian dictionary
  9. Emir Kusturica - (born 1954) Serbian and Yugoslav film director, twice awarded the Palme d'Or and many other film awards) Amir Mazitov - (born 1968) Russian landscape and portrait painter
  10. Amir Gareev - (1928-2008) Soviet Bashkir writer, translator and journalist, author of essays and stories about his native Bashkortostan
  11. Amiryan Khaydarov - (1911-1996) Hero Soviet Union, machine gunner
  12. Amir Sharifuddin Harahap - (1907-1948) Indonesian politician
  13. Amir Kashiev - (born 1989) Russian footballer
  14. Amirkhan Enikeev - (1909-2000) Tatar writer and publicist
  15. Amirkhan Adaev - (born 1988) Russian Chechen mixed martial arts fighter.

Amir, Emir is an Arabic male name, the meaning of which in translation sounds like “prince”, “prince”, “chief”. Common in Islam (among Muslims) and the Jews of Israel.

Among the Arabs, "emir" is the designation of the title of the ruler, as well as in general the person who bears the title. From this name, the surnames of Amirov and Emir were formed. Also, the name is often given to boys of Tatar nationality.

English version of spelling: Amir.

The name is not Christian (Orthodox), which means that name days are not celebrated.


Common options: Emir, Amirkhan, Emirkhan, Amirkhamza, Amirsaid.

Diminutives: Mirchik, Mirush.

Paired female name Amir.


Amir's character is not easy and somewhat contradictory. He has a pronounced benevolence, is always ready to help, but often keeps to himself. He has a pronounced individuality, so even willingly participating in public affairs, he is unlikely to sacrifice his interests for the sake of a common goal. He always knows the benefits and stands firmly on his feet. If he sees that this business will become profitable, he will begin to act decisively and energetically. At the same time, it is unlikely that Amir will go to deceit and meanness, since he has a highly developed sense of justice, so the representative of the name can be trusted.

The owner of this Muslim name almost always copies the behavior of his father, and if he did not have it, then the older man in the family (grandfather, uncle or brother). He needs a male upbringing, but it often turns out that only his mother brings him up. A father's upbringing is very important for a child. A lot will depend on the character of the father and his role in the life of the boy, since he looks up to the men of his family. And if he is brought up exclusively by women, then it is simply necessary to explain the difference between good and evil.

He loves animals and will be a good owner for a house cat or dog. He tries to slip away from domestic obligations, but having a good heart and a good upbringing, he cannot refuse his parents, helps them, putting his ambitions aside. Knows the meaning of the word "should".

Amir loves being alone. It is very important for him that the boundaries of his personal space are not violated without good reason. That's how he takes important decisions in his life, and sometimes just recuperates and rests from everyone, which his family members and friends should not be offended by.

Success in studies and sports

At school, he studies “well”, without making any special efforts for this, but he does not need a higher result either. Appreciates self-education, because of which he becomes the instigator of many disputes between him and his comrades, and even adults. Enjoys art and different types sports, because he is very good at it. Amir is able to achieve considerable heights in this.

Fate in love, marriage and family

In relations with his other half, he combines directness with courtesy. He is demanding not only to himself, but also to his beloved. He will become a faithful and generous spouse. Moreover, the earlier a man marries, the faster he will stand on the right way. High level responsibility will benefit Amir, make a real man out of him.

He usually has many children, he becomes a wonderful husband and father, if he does not transfer work issues and authoritarian qualities of the boss to the house. When choosing a soulmate, he is as demanding as he is to himself, so he can take a closer look for a long time without taking the first and main steps.

Relationships are built on frankness, directness, although he knows how to be gallant and courteous gentlemen. His woman will not need anything, as he is quite generous. He agrees to take the lion's share of responsibility for his family upon himself, protecting and defending its interests before the whole world, but he also needs the support of his wife. If he does not receive it, then the family may begin serious problems up to and including divorce.

Name Compatibility

Great couple: Antonina, Angelica, Elvira, Eleanor, Karina, Christina, Lydia, Milan, Malika, Sofia.

Bad compatibility: Amina, Nadezhda, Yana.

Characteristics in a career

The characteristic of a calm and balanced person can change dramatically towards activity when Amir finds a business that can interest and captivate him. Then he will perk up, starting to plunge into work, giving most of the time to interesting work. For this, he is often praised and rewarded by his superiors, but his colleagues and employees do not like him too much. However, the dissatisfaction of the latter is rather caused by the fact that this male name carries the features of secrecy and isolation from the team.

Given his strong personality, even when he takes part in a group or social activity, he strives to be the undisputed leader. Amir is respectful, but often quite harsh, towards other people and their opinions, and his tolerance cannot be called best quality. Endowed with courage, energy and strong will, Amir tends to think that everything he can do himself is also within the power of others, so he often perceives the people around him as lazy and mediocre.

The name is ideal for the head and head of large corporations, where serious issues need to be resolved based on knowledge, experience, prudence and sound cold mind. There may be some authoritarian distortions, for which he will not find great love among his subordinates, for which, however, he does not chase. Thanks to the originality and sobriety of the decisions made, even the most difficult situations, therefore, almost any personal business started by him is already doomed to success in advance.

Status is very important for Amir, wealth, wealth, other external symbols of wealth are not an empty phrase for him, he is ready to make a lot of efforts to achieve success, therefore he most often chooses administrative, managerial professions in various fields, he can work in the police , army, be a politician.


Amirs from birth have a very good health, however, this is precisely the main danger for the owners of this name, since in case of illness they usually prefer not to see a doctor, doing this only in exceptional cases.

Which boys are suitable in accordance with the horoscope

  • Zodiac: Virgo, Gemini.
  • Ruler Planet: Mercury.

Mystery of the name

Amir's secret can be called his vulnerability, because it is this trait that he rarely shows even to the closest people. He rather hides this, as it seems to him, unworthy of a man's quality from prying eyes, because others often begin to use it for selfish purposes. If Amir allowed you to know himself from this side, then you are his close person. Appreciate it.


  • Stone, mineral, metal - emerald, agate.
  • Color - mixed colors.
  • Plant - basil, walnut.
  • Totem animal - fox, monkey.

Famous people

  • Amir Damar Koku - Sudanese footballer, defender of the Al-Merreikh club and the Sudanese national team.
  • Amir Muizzi - Persian-Tajik poet of the XI-XII centuries.
  • Amir Rashid Mohammed - Iraqi politician, general.
  • Amir Khosrov Dehlavi is an Indian and Persian poet, scholar, and musician.
  • Amir Khadir is a Quebec politician.
  • Amir Khalil is a Persian artist.
  • Amir ad-Din - Arab architect at the court of Kublai.

Numerology Of The Name Emir

Name number: 1

Units are extremely purposeful individuals who are ready to give all their strength to bring ideas to life. These creative people will never suffer from bad imagination, and leadership qualities will help them reach the top in business.
Units are always in the center of attention of others, they know how to subjugate others. Sometimes aggressiveness is excessive, but perseverance allows you to achieve your goals. These are quite contradictory individuals who may doubt themselves, but will never lose self-respect. Units are good partners if you pay due attention to them.

The meaning of the letters in the name Emir

E- curiosity, insight and sociability. These people love good company. They have great abilities in the field of literature and journalism. Also among them there are a lot of individuals who work in areas where intuition should be well developed, for example: medicine, police, etc.

e. It is very difficult for these people to find their soul mate.

M- if you look at people who have the letter "M" in their names, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality everything is not so. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

AND- fine spiritual organization, romanticism, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. The fair sex pays a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and work with people. Very economic and prudent.

R- people with the letter "R" in their names have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible, you can rely on them in any situation. They have a well-developed intuition, they are extremely negative about lies. Constantly striving for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

Name as a phrase

  • E- (YE \u003d E) Thou
  • M- Think
  • AND- And (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)

Name Emir in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters, and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Emir in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

In such a small word - a name, the real secret of a person's life and destiny is encrypted. It lays the character, the main features and behavior, the potential of the child and his capabilities. The interpretation of what the name Amir means can be an important start both for choosing a boy's name and for a better understanding of a man with that name. There are many options for where this name came from, but its main meaning is “chief”, “prince”.

History and origins

The origin of the name Amir is a mystery that has not yet been fully disclosed. There are many references in different cultures to similar names, but all the individuals who wore them were certainly great and powerful in their time. The most popular version is the Arabic origin of the name. In translation, it means "prince", "prince", "commander", "leader", "leader".

The name Amir also has its own history in Hebrew culture, where it means “top of the tree” or “proclaimed”, which also clearly hints at high positions in society. The Pakistani description of this name stands for "prosperous", and in the Tatar version it means "commanding prince." There are several options not only for interpretation, but also for sounding and writing. So, it is quite possible that the history of Amir began with the name Emir, and in the Arab countries the word "amir" itself is used as part of other words, which mean army ranks and high titles: amir-al-bahr (commander of the fleet).


The character of Amir is distinguished by complexity and a strong male core. He is a difficult, controversial person. Often, is alone most of the time. Does not like noisy companies, parties or happy holidays. Left alone, he can read for a long time, study science, create something, just think. Despite this, he has a bright personality that attracts people to him, but Amir is in no hurry to let them get closer to him, remaining at some distance.

He knows how to make friends, but he gathers such people around a little, believing that there can be no more real and understanding people. Quite good-natured and able to come to the rescue in difficult situations, but if this can somehow affect his interests, he is unlikely to agree to sacrifice them. Because of the good developed sense justice, the guy will not go to a special meanness, will not break the word given to someone.

  • The characteristic of a calm and balanced person can change dramatically towards activity when Amir finds a business that can interest and captivate him. Then he will perk up, starting to plunge into work, giving most of the time to interesting work. For this, he is often praised and rewarded by his superiors, but his colleagues and employees do not like him too much. However, the dissatisfaction of the latter is rather caused by the fact that this male name carries the features of secrecy and isolation from the team.

The name is ideal for the head and head of large corporations, where serious issues need to be resolved based on knowledge, experience, prudence and sound cold mind. There may be some authoritarian distortions, for which he will not find great love among his subordinates, for which, however, he does not chase. Thanks to the originality and sobriety of the decisions made, he can get out of even the most difficult situations, therefore, almost any personal business he starts is already doomed to success in advance.

The characteristics of the personal sexual qualities of a man differ from those of workers and labor. V family life he can be very loving husband and father, if the boss does not transfer work issues and authoritarian qualities to the house. When choosing a soulmate, he is as demanding as he is to himself, therefore, he can take a closer look for a long time without taking the first and main steps. Relationships are built on frankness, directness, although he knows how to be gallant and courteous gentlemen. His woman will not need anything, as he is quite generous and faithful. He agrees to take the lion's share of responsibility for his family upon himself, protecting and defending its interests before the whole world, but he also needs the support of his wife. If he does not receive it, then serious problems may begin in the family, up to a divorce.

Positive qualities: smart, rational, extraordinary, gallant, fair.
Negative qualities: closed, aloof, authoritarian, demanding, prudent.

Significance for the child

Due to the fact that the character of little Amir begins to form very early and he is interested in everything that comes to hand, the boy grows up and becomes independent earlier than usual. His independence may scare his parents a little, but when they see the result, they will be able to relax, as the boy’s hobbies develop him, pushing him to the right decisions and good grades. He can sit out the days good books distracted by art or sports. A little distant from his comrades at school, for which they try to avoid him. He does not have many friends, preferring a good occupation, music, a film.

He loves animals and will be a good owner for a house cat or dog. He tries to slip away from domestic obligations, but having a good heart and a good upbringing, he cannot refuse his parents, helps them, putting his ambitions aside. Knows the meaning of the word "should". A father's upbringing is very important for a child. A lot will depend on the nature of the father and his role in the boy's life, since he looks up to the men of his family. And if he is brought up exclusively by women, then it is simply necessary to explain the difference between good and evil.

At school, he studies “well” without making any special efforts for this, but he does not need a higher result either. Appreciates self-education, because of which he becomes the instigator of many disputes between him and his comrades, and even adults. He enjoys art and various sports, as he is excellent at it. Amir is able to achieve considerable heights in this.

Compatibility with Patronymics and Names

Patronymic can strengthen or weaken certain traits of a person's character. Man's name will go well with the middle name: Alekseevich, Askoldovich, Rustamovich, Sergeevich, Timurovich, Dmitrievich, Vladimirovich.
The secret of family life will be revealed with a girl named: Antonina, Angelica, Elvira, Eleonora, Karina, Christina, Lydia, Milana, Malika, Sofia.

Influence of the season

  • The meaning of the name "summer" Amir is the most cheerful, optimistic and good-natured. He will undertake to help those in need, and pick up a homeless animal from the street, warm and feed. He will find himself in the field of the humanities, a teacher, a scientist.
  • "Autumn" name means great scrupulousness, responsibility, independence, courage. Amirs feel increased responsibility for themselves, their future, as well as for their parents and potential family. It is better to choose a professional field in the field of exact sciences or technology, or in entrepreneurship.
  • The interpretation of the name of the "winter" child reveals his tough and authoritarian character. An ideal candidate for a military career, as well as for big business that requires constant monitoring.
  • Characteristics of the "spring" man: the most windy and fickle. A man can immediately take an unjustified risk, forgetting about the consequences, and at another moment he may turn out to be too serious and pragmatic. Realizes himself in the field of art, in sports and business.