Profile tube rolling machine. Do-it-yourself rolls for a profile pipe

In what ways can you give a square or rectangular section the shape of the correct arc? How can homemade rollers be arranged for shaped pipe? What solutions does modern industry offer? Let's try to answer these questions.

Why is it needed

Here are some examples.

  • The arched canopy is not only beautiful, but also practical: it will never accumulate snow.
  • The curved porch canopy looks a lot better than a simple one-ramp design.
  • The arched greenhouse is extremely robust and withstands snow and wind loads perfectly.

By the way: assembling greenhouses from shaped pipes is a good business, requiring only the notorious pipe bender rollers and a welding machine.

Types of rollers

What are they actually like?


The simplest design is mechanical three-roll rollers. It is these machines that can be most often found on sale; their price starts from about 15 - 20 thousand rubles. How do they work?

In full accordance with the name, the design is based on broaching the professional pipe with three rolls. One of them can be displaced relative to the other two in a direction perpendicular to the plane that unites them; a screw mechanism is used for displacement, which allows even a person with quite ordinary physical abilities to develop a significant effort.

One of the rolls is equipped with a handle that allows it to rotate and thereby pull the bent pipe.

Several modifications are possible to slightly improve performance pipe bender:

  • Combining the rolls with a common chain will ensure their synchronized rotation thus preventing slippage of the pipe.
  • A gear train can be used instead of a chain.
  • The use of hardened rolls increases their resource several times..
  • In addition, the rolls can be interchangeable, which will allow you to bend both profiled and round pipes without jams.


In this case, the part self made transferred to the electric motor.

On sale you can find two versions of electric pipe benders:

  • In simpler solutions, the electric motor is only responsible for pulling the pipe. The positioning of the bending roll is done manually.

  • Advanced roller models use electricity both to feed and to move the roller (of course, through a gearbox that multiplies the force).


Both powerful industrial machines weighing tens of tons and relatively compact devices fall into this category. Their common feature- the use of a hydraulic cylinder: by pumping oil pressure in it, you can develop a huge force on the deforming roll.

Bending radius

Regardless of the pipe bender device, general pattern: the thicker the pipe (its section parallel to the bend radius), the larger the minimum bend radius. Here are the values ​​stated for our machines by one of domestic producers- they are pretty typical.

Without pipe bender

This is technically possible, but the result is likely to be unsatisfactory.

Bending instructions are not so much complicated as they require a lot of preparatory work.

  1. A template is made of wood or plywood with a surface shape that matches the arc you need.
  2. A loop is attached to the template, into which one of the ends of the pipe is inserted.
  3. Further work, in fact, comes down to the application of brute force at its second end. A variety of levers can be used to increase the force.

crazy hands

A variety of diagrams and drawings of rollers for a profile pipe with your own hands in last years literally flooded the internet.

We will immediately disappoint the most economical readers: some of the parts will have to be ordered.

Which ones?

  • The rolls themselves. They can be cylindrical, or with grooves for bending round pipes.
  • Cages for bearings.
  • When using a chain drive - sprockets.

Of course, giving advice on roller assembly without reference to a specific design is a thankless task.

  • The drive handle must have a rotating handle. Otherwise, the first calluses on the hands will appear after a few meters of the extended pipe.
  • It is better to take self-aligning bearings. To mount both bearings of each roll exactly on the same axis at home is an unrealistic task; the slightest misalignment will lead to an increase in the pulling force.

When carrying out repair and construction works in the private sector, it is often necessary to manufacture curved metal structures. They are used to create a frame for canopies, awnings, roofs of houses and gazebos. Rolls for profile pipes will help to solve this problem. These are devices that can be purchased at specialized stores or made by hand. Let's consider the purpose of these devices, their types and specifications.

Only rolling rolling on a special machine is a way to achieve such a result. Rollers are a mechanism consisting of several metal shafts and a source of energy that drives them.

Types of rollers

To give the rental the required shape, devices with the same mechanical part and different drives are used.

The choice of an energy source depends on several factors:

  • how much load is required to bend the metal;
  • how often the equipment will be used;
  • in what conditions the pipe bender is planned to be used;
  • own knowledge, experience in the field of design and work with iron.

Let's briefly consider the features of each type of drive.


Structures of this type are the most powerful and productive. As a rule, they are used by factories and factories engaged in the mass production of curved profiles. Hydraulics are difficult for self-assembly, but it creates a force sufficient to bend several large pipes at once.

At home, the design of a hydraulic profile bending machine is economically justified if it is planned to manufacture tens or hundreds of thick arched profiles.

Mechanical / lever

The products are portable and lightweight. They are easy to carry from place to place and transport in the back. The increase in pressure on the drive device is achieved by increasing the length of the lever. But, you can bend manually only profiles with a cross section of no more than 40 × 20 mm. These parts are suitable for the construction of the roof of the house and yard buildings. Greenhouses covered with honeycomb polycarbonate are made from arched profiles.


The use of an electric motor to pass the workpieces through the shafts not only speeds up the process of bending pipes, but also relieves the home craftsman from hard physical labor. Performance electrical devices high with insignificant financial costs.

Assembling a machine in-house requires knowledge of mechanics, electrical engineering and kinematics. Attention should be paid to safety issues.

How the rollers work

Rolling a profile pipe is the process of giving it a bend of a certain radius. To achieve this, it is necessary to place the workpiece between the rollers, which are located below and above. The workpiece is fed into the device and pressed down from above. After that, the shafts begin to rotate, pushing the pipe forward and deforming it in the direction of the upper shaft.

If the degree of bending is not sufficient for the project, then the degree of pressure increases. The product is rolled through the rollers until the desired shape is reached.

How to use the rollers

This fixture consists of several static and moving parts:

  1. The basis is a strong, heavy and stable bed, to which all other units and mechanisms are attached.
  2. On the frame there are rollers that act as a receiving and feeding device. The rollers are connected to the transmission to the power plant.
  3. A clamping device is attached to the base, which regulates the bending parameters. Typically, manufacturers use a threaded clamp.
  4. A guide made of metal sheet, reinforcement or steel profile is fixed to the frame. This part is necessary so that the workpiece does not bend in the horizontal direction.

Regardless of the power source supplied to the idler rollers, all devices work the same way. After turning on the equipment, the end of the profile is inserted into the hole between the rollers and fed forward. The gripped workpiece passes along the shafts, where it is deformed. To reduce the radius, the clamp is tightened and the arch is run again.

Is it better to buy or do it yourself?

The products manufactured at the plant have one thing in common - a high price. It far exceeds the cost of purchasing ready-made arches or ordering this service from professionals. With a competent approach to business homemade pipe benders superior in quality to factory counterparts.

The decision on whether to make an expensive purchase or make a machine with your own hands should be after studying the market conditions and assessing your capabilities.

What are on the market

The business market provides a wide selection, differing in different parameters... The machines can have multiple rollers and even directions for bending multiple workpieces at the same time. The working area is equipped with a folding or adjustable shaft.

The drive is brought out to the upper and lower shafts or just one level. Electrical and hydraulic devices provide for the possibility of manual rotation with an indication of how much force is required for this.

Modern models of pipe benders are classified according to the following criteria:

  • actuator;
  • dimensions;
  • type of metal being processed;
  • profile wall thickness;
  • diameter (mm) of rollers;
  • maximum length of workpieces.

Almost all machines have the option of reversing the rotation of the rolling mechanism.

DIY assembly

The pipe bending roll is a simple device. You can even make it from scrap materials left over after repair and construction. In most cases, when deciding how to make rolls, novice craftsmen tend to choose a mechanical type design. It is easy to design and assemble using welding, which is found in every home.

The small-sized machine is easy to move around the site, there is no need to build a separate room for it.


Before making a solid and functional profile bending machine, detailed drawings must be made, the dimensions of all parts must be applied with high accuracy.

Roll diagrams can be made on graph paper or on a computer. The choice depends on your design skills. Based on the drawn up drawings, the need for building materials and tools. An estimate is made, equipment is selected and the missing property is purchased.

Materials and tools

To assemble homemade rollers, you will need the following tools and consumables:

  • welding machine;
  • grinder or milling cutter with discs for metal;
  • roulette;
  • electric drill;
  • a set of screwdrivers and wrenches;
  • square;
  • core;
  • oil level;
  • hardware (corners, bolts, nuts, rivets);
  • channel or I-beam;
  • blanks for shafts;
  • shaped pipes.

When choosing a material for construction, it should be remembered that metals and alloys for rollers must be much stronger than steel of profile pipes.

What is included in the design

The frame is made of thick and heavy rolled products.

The strength and mass of the base should correspond to the applied force when rolling the profiles. The assembled frame must be stable and strong so as not to sway during operation.

The clamping system is assembled in the shape of the letter "P". A threaded hole is made on the top bar to create the downforce. Another option is to weld the nut over the round hole. Subsequently, a bolt is inserted into it to adjust the clearance between the rollers.

The rollers themselves are equipped with rolling bearings that are mounted on solid axles. The rolls are milled on lathe, go through a quenching cycle in oil.

The drive is made up of bicycle sprockets and a chain. The sprockets are welded to the driven and driven shafts and then connected by a chain. The gate is welded onto the drive sprocket with sufficient leverage.

Filling with sand or water?

When the workpieces are strongly bent, they are flattened and the geometry of the section is violated. In order to prevent this, the hollow profiles are filled with a dense material that does not change the volume under pressure.

The most simple solution is filling the blanks with sand. It is spilled with water, rammed, and then the plugs are welded to the ends.

It is more difficult with water, since the plugs must be airtight. If the assembly takes place in winter, then the best solution the pipes will be filled with water, closed with plastic plugs and frozen. This method is used in the manufacture of wind musical instruments.

Spring selection

Springs are used to reduce the effects of vibration from the electric motor on the rolling system. With strong vibration, the workpieces can move along the horizontal axis. The springs must be firm to prevent the motor from swinging and at the same time to reduce shaking. It is recommended to use at least 4 springs to secure the motor base.

Chop and cook

The process of making rollers is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Measurements and markings in accordance with the diagrams.
  2. Cutting rolled products into blanks, cleaning the field for welding.
  3. Turning and hardening of shafts, installing bearings in them, attaching sprockets, fixing on an axis.
  4. Welding of the frame with the rolling and clamping mechanism.
  5. Installation of the drive. It can be permanent or removable.
  6. Checking the performance of the machine.

In conclusion, the metal is cleaned from rust, primed and painted. Moving parts are lubricated.

Process video

Viewing video of work on self-production rollers will help novice craftsmen to easily cope with this work.

Make rollers for a profile pipe with your own hands, using drawings and knowledge of the principle of operation of this useful tool, is quite real. Using such a device with high versatility, you can independently make bent structures of any degree of complexity from professional pipes.

The main working bodies of the rollers that have a mechanical effect on the processed profile pipe are rotating rollers, the number of which can vary from 3 to 5 pieces. It is in the gap between the rolls that the plastic deformation of the pipe takes place.

Types of devices with rotating rolls

Rolling of a profile pipe, as a result of which a change in its initial configuration is carried out, can be performed on equipment of various designs... Such devices may differ for the type of drive used and for the main technical specifications... So, rolling rollers can have:

  • manual drive (the use of such devices for rolling shaped pipes requires significant physical effort);
  • electric drive;
  • the drive mechanism is hydraulic.

The simplest (and, accordingly, inexpensive) devices, with the help of which the profile pipe is rolled, are manual profile bending machines. Along with their reliability and ease of use, they also have a number of significant advantages. The structure consists of the following elements:

  • massive bed, which serves as a reliable foundation for the entire structure;
  • rollers that perform the feeding and receiving functions (data structural elements, with the help of which the rolling is performed, are interconnected by means of a chain transmission);
  • a set of clamping mechanisms (clamps) designed for fixing pipes of various sizes.

Such a different the simplest design, also equipped with a special tube that acts as a guide for the bending workpiece. It should be borne in mind that the use of such a machine requires significant physical efforts from the performer. Moreover, this device does not allow rolling with high productivity and is most often used for simple work at home. That is why the structural diagram of this machine is used to make a do-it-yourself profile bending machine. Such a simple design profile bending machine allows rolling profile pipes efficiently and with high efficiency.

The electric tube rolling machine, even made by yourself, provides a higher productivity of the technological operation. This is explained by the fact that an electric drive is responsible for the main operation - pulling the profiled pipe through the rollers, the power of which can be quite large. That is why electric rollers for a profile pipe, which can be made with your own hands, using drawings, are used by both small organizations or home craftsmen and manufacturing enterprises.

However, of course, the highest power is the hydraulic roll forming machine, which is quite difficult to make with your own hands. Devices of this type, designed for rolling shaped pipes, are mainly used on industrial enterprises, where it is necessary to carry out such a technological operation with high productivity.

Homemade pipe rolling attachments

It is practically impossible to do without such a device as a device for rolling a professional pipe in those situations when you decide to do the repair yourself, during which you will have to deal with. To do this, you can purchase a serial device for a similar purpose or use a homemade profile bender, the design of which is not very complex. It makes sense to ask the question of how to make a profile bending also for the reason that serial models are quite expensive, therefore their purchase (especially if they are required only for performing home renovation) is not always advisable.

In order to make high-quality home-made rollers, you can study theoretical information, watch a video on this topic, but the main thing is to adhere to the recommendations of those who have already achieved good results in solving this issue. Of course, to make your own roller, you must have not only the relevant knowledge, but also certain skills in the manufacture and use of various technical devices.

Homemade rollers can even be made from scrap materials, which are almost always found in any garage or home workshop. At the same time, the efficiency of such rollers, if they are made taking into account all the recommendations, will not be much lower than that of models produced in series.

Machine shafts drawings:

Pressure shaft Lower shafts Support for 307th bearing

How to make a profile bending machine yourself

To make a roll forming machine with your own hands, you must adhere to the following sequence of actions.

  1. First of all, the base or bed is made, for which you can use large diameter pipes or steel channels.
  2. Serious attention should be paid to the manufacture of the vertical support of the machine, the material for which can serve as a U-shaped profile. It is at the top of such a support that should be different high reliability, a unit deforming the pipe is installed - a roller mechanism. For mounting a vertical support, Bottom part clamps securely under the bed, you need an appropriately sized clamp. With this method of fastening the vertical support, the deformation force exerted on the bent profile pipe will be evenly distributed over the two feed rollers.
  3. To drive the feed rollers, use a chain drive that can be assembled using chain and sprockets from an old bike. Sprockets, which, in terms of their geometric parameters, must strictly correspond to the characteristics of the chain used, are fixed on the supply and driven shafts. When installing the chain feeder for your homemade machine ensure a good tension of the chain and only then proceed to fixing the handle of the feeder. Naturally, the drive mechanism of your pipe rolling machine should provide easy rotation of the feed and driven shafts.
  4. The self-made rolls themselves, which will exert pressure on the bent profile pipe and thereby take up the main load during the operation of the machine, are best made of steel that has undergone a hardening procedure.
The whole process of making a manual profile bender is shown in detail in the photos below.

We select sprockets and grind the shafts We weld the carriage and fasten the crescents for the bearings We mark and cut out the walls of the case
We weld on the bearing supports and guide carriages This is how the carriage should "run" Trying to assemble the housing
We select a screw with a tool thread. We attach the screw on top of the carriage. This is how this unit looks from below.
We weld the amplifiers We fix the ears to assemble the case We use the cotter pins for quick disassembly
We collect the chain transmission We make their handle spanner key We paint the finished profile bending machine

Often in household during all sorts of renovation works it is necessary to bend a piece of pipe in a special way, and in this case you need to think about how to make rollers for a profile pipe with your own hands. Naturally, the easiest way is to buy professional rollers at a hardware store, but not everyone has the extra money for this device.

Make the pipe material accept the desired shape you can also use a conventional burner. This method is often practiced, but the master faces some difficulties:

  • it is almost impossible to get a product even, this is due to the incorrect distribution of efforts and inaccuracy of movements;
  • emphasis is needed and, as a result, a lot of physical strength;
  • there is a need for a large lever to change the shape.

To get a good result, you need to use rollers. With the help of them, the profile pipe can be easily transformed with your own hands.

Conventional rollers are a structure that has a special lever that drives several steel shafts, passing through which the metal pipe receives the necessary curved shape... To make rollers with your own hands at home, you need to have the necessary drawings on hand and thoroughly know the principle of the device. Homemade rollers for bending shaped pipes will have good performance and decent quality if the assembly technique is followed exactly.

Types of rollers and features of work

The most popular are the manually driven rolls. This universal device most often it has a relatively low weight and compact size. The master should not have any questions with their placement in the home workshop.

Hand rollers are used to bend various shaped blanks, they do not have an electric drive, and accordingly, they can work in almost any conditions. As a rule, it is hand device made of a sturdy metal frame and feed rollers in the form of small cylinders.

The rollers are connected to each other by a chain drive, which sets them in motion. In addition, there are small clamps on the rollers. In order for the rollers to produce the required profile deformation, they are additionally equipped with a special transfer tube.

To do necessary work on this machine, the master needs to make some physical effort, because they are not used in large enterprises. It is most convenient to work on drums equipped with an electric drive. The metal pipe to be bent is pulled through working area using a powerful electric motor. By outward appearance machines are vaguely similar to hand models, the only difference is that in a special compartment installed electric motor... Typically, electric rolls are used in industrial production.

Hydraulic driven rollers

The next type of rolls for bending pipes, which is installed on manufacturing enterprises, equipped with a special hydraulic drive. These machines are quite large in size and have sufficient power, which makes it possible to work with almost any kind of metal. The hydraulically driven rollers do a lot of work in a relatively short amount of time.

The difference between homemade rollers

By by and large, the DIYer does not need to have at hand professional equipment equipped with an electric motor or hydraulic drive. These devices have a very complex structure and also require for self installation the presence of expensive components.

Typically in Everyday life are faced with the need to perform deformation of different shaped products very rarely. Therefore, at home, it is enough to have manual machine, which at the same time can be very easy to make with your own hands. All that is needed is the appropriate tool, workplace and a certain set of components.

In order for a home-made structure to easily cope with the task at hand, and serve the owner for many years, you need during assembly follow some rules.

  • All components for the device must be chosen as strong and high quality as possible, without any flaws. Often all the necessary components can be found on your farm.
  • Before starting work on the manufacture, you need to carefully study the drawings, which will create a complete understanding of the principle of operation of manual rollers.

If you strictly follow all stages of work, and choose only high-quality elements, then the bending device will turn out to be durable and reliable.

You need to start making a roller with your own hands from the frame. He must turn out as much as possible tough and durable... For its assembly, it is desirable to use tubular metal, but a channel of the required section is also suitable.

The deforming element of the frame must be assembled in a U-shape, and a nut must be fixed to its upper part by welding. By producing this work, you need to use a clamp, it must be threaded. Then you need to screw the nut into the corresponding stud, the section of which must fit in its diameter.

The end of the nut must be secured by welding round steel heel... For convenience, a hydraulic jack can be installed. It must be fixed in the lower part of the bed base, that is, so the deformation will occur under the action of the incoming force on the feed rollers located in the upper part.

Then you need to make functional and reliable mechanism filing. For this, a metal chain must be used. You can take a bicycle chain. One of the sprockets must be fixed to the deforming shaft, and the other to the driven one. Then it is imperative to carefully tighten the bicycle chain and only after that you can try to rotate the corresponding handle.

To grind the rolls yourself the right sizes, ordinary alloy steel can be used. Prepared rollers must be hardened. Do not forget that the rollers obtained in this way, in terms of strength, must significantly exceed the material with which you will work on the machine in the future.

The rollers are fixed on the machine with rolling bearings... They need to be fixed as firmly as possible so that they do not bend and do not jump off during operation bending machine.

To make a device yourself, with which it will be quite easy to make deformation metal pipe, you do not need to have any special knowledge. Any home master, having even a little experience in construction, can do this in a short period of time.

The most important thing in this case is to have all the right tool and material. If the device is made of high-quality components, in compliance with all the rules, then it will be possible to solve absolutely any problems, even very complex ones.

During the assembly of this equipment, it is imperative that install radial adjustment... This will make it possible, if necessary, to quickly change the size of the gap between the working parts of the device. You also need to think about the possibility of adjusting the angular gap, which will greatly facilitate the work on the drum.

When working on the drum, you need to observe safety precautions... In addition, the machine itself should not pose any danger. When assembling the device with your own hands, you need to protect all working parts as much as possible, thus preventing all possible risks of injury. In some cases homemade drum in its characteristics it can even surpass factory machines.

One of the most widely used machines in metallurgical production is a rolling machine (rollers). Using a rolling machine, you can gently bend a metal sheet or pipe, give an oval shape to other metal products. In addition, such machines received wide use in the jewelry industry, as well as the food and chemical industries. Crushing rolling mechanisms are used to obtain flour, and in the chemical industry, refining and sheet bending mechanisms are used. Do-it-yourself rolls for a profile pipe can be made at home according to pre-drawn drawings. Moreover, such a machine will practically not be inferior in its technical characteristics to products manufactured at the factory.

The working parts of the rolling machine are cylinders. The shaping of the metal is carried out by rotating cylinders and the passage of metal between them. As a rule, rolling machines have from 2 to 5 shafts, but the most popular and practical are models with 3 or 4 shafts.

Shaft 3 is responsible for shaping the metal, and the distance between the rear and upper shafts provides the rounding radius of the workpiece. The product stretches and shrinks in cross section due to the passage between the shafts. This is provided enough high temperature heating, as well as the pressure that is generated by the shafts. To obtain from a billet in the form of a cylinder, the rear and front shafts are adjusted in parallel, if a product in the form of a cone is required, then the rear shaft is positioned at a certain angle to the front one.

According to the methods of bending, the following types are distinguished:

  • Crossbow. They specialize in the processing of pipes of a certain diameter;
  • Spring loaded. They are characterized by the presence of a spring that allows the plastic to bend without deformation and additional damage;
  • Segmental. Deformation of pipes occurs under the action of a certain segment;
  • Dornovye. They are mainly used for processing thin-walled pipes.

There are also stationary rolling mechanisms. Processing can be done at home. The main disadvantage of such mechanisms is extreme discomfort during operation, since such machines do not have fasteners and during operation they must be held with a free hand.

Before creating a homemade rolling machine, you need to understand that the dimensions of the mechanism significantly determine its final cost. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the parts in advance, which will most often have to be processed. The machines that are used on an industrial scale have shafts that can bend pipes of various diameters at an angle of 180 degrees.

Areas of use

Most of the parts processed on rolling machines are cylindrical in shape. Therefore, their application is very diverse: downpipes, chimneys and ventilation systems... Therefore, homemade stationary rollers small size it is very convenient to apply directly on the construction site. Plus, hand-made rolls are not damaging. polymer coating sheet metal.

Rolling mechanisms

The most common orders for a rolling machine operator are the manufacture of gutters and ventilation systems. For such orders, as a rule, a thick layer is not required. Therefore, in this case, it is recommended to use rotary mechanisms, which have a wide range of processed thickness. metal products: 0.1 to 120 millimeters. Plastics, plastic types of metals and rubber compounds are also processed on such devices.

Differences between common models

Machines that have 3 and 4 shafts each differ in the following parameters:

  • For three-roll models sheet feed speed should not exceed 5 meters per minute. They are also unable to handle metal sheets thinner than 6 millimeters. Three-roll models do not have exact coordinates for the clamping point of the workpiece, which makes it much more difficult to control the workpiece. But the advantages of such models include low cost.
  • Four-roll machines are distinguished by high reliability, due to the good adhesion between the shafts, such machines provide increased safety during work (due to the impossibility of slipping metal surface). The metal feed rate is over 6 meters per minute. The four-roll mills are characterized by workstation automation. Due to the complexity of the machines and the safety in the workplace, such devices are quite expensive.

Variety of rolling machines

Manual machines. The stationarity and practicality of using this type of machine cannot but win over. Ease of use and independence from power sources make such devices truly irreplaceable. On the machine bed there is a clamp and several shafts, which are driven by a chain drive. Of course, it must be understood that such rollers are not intended for large-scale or industrial use, otherwise the service life of such devices will be quite short. At correct use manual rolling machines can be distinguished whole line advantages:

  • Low cost;
  • The possibility of dismantling the upper shaft;
  • Available adjustment of the lower and rear shafts;
  • Small size;
  • Reliability of the device due to the simplicity of the design.

Such mechanisms are widely used by jewelry workshops. The rotating cylinders are made of carbon alloy steel for extra strength.

Hydraulic models... They have a hydraulic drive, which is characterized by high power. It has high performance and heavy weight.

Electrical aggregates... They are distinguished by high performance due to the use of high-power electric drives. The principle of operation is identical to manual rolling machines, the only difference is the presence of an electric motor.

Requirements for homemade drums

Rolling machines at home must meet the following requirements:

  • Mobility. The machine should not be bulky and heavy to ensure its mobility;
  • Profitability. You should not use a high-power machine unless absolutely necessary, because a power of 20-25 kW can damage the wiring. 1.5 kW is the best option, with a good throughput and low energy consumption.

Assembling the machine on your own

When assembling the machine with your own hands, you need to prepare everything necessary tools, pre-prepared drawings of the machine and materials. It is advisable to have experience in the mechanization of devices and apparatus, as well as to take into account a certain sequence of actions:

  • Manufacturing starts from the bottom. That is, from the bed. As a bed, you can use a small frame assembled from pipes;
  • Deformation elements are usually installed in the upper part of the profile. To securely fix it, use a threaded clamp. The support is made in the form of the letter P, with the subsequent fixing of the lower part in the bed;
  • To implement the rotation of the device, the use of a transmission chain is necessary;
  • After mounting the chain on the sprockets, it is necessary to tighten it and carry out work on assembling the feed handle;
  • For the production of rollers the best material is steel;
  • A prerequisite for such a mechanism is the ability to adjust the gap between the shafts;
  • To fix the rollers to the bed, experts recommend the use of rolling bearings.

It is worth, or not, to make a rolling machine with your own hands - you decide! It should be noted that the cost of finished aggregates ranges from 500 to 1000 USD. Then, in the calculation of the profitability of the application, take the cost of the planned structure, which may turn out to be several times cheaper than a new unit.