Do-it-yourself visor over the porch. Polycarbonate canopies: a variety of shapes and designs Ready-made canopy over the porch with monolithic polycarbonate

In almost every residential building above the porch there is a useful and necessary addition - a visor. The polycarbonate porch canopy becomes especially noticeable during bad weather. It protects the owners from rain and snow while they look for the keys to the door.

The polycarbonate canopy extends the life of the porch itself. The material from which the porch is built will be protected from the destructive force of moisture.

Polycarbonate visor above the entrance door

Before grabbing your head and saying that you will never do this work, you just need to thoroughly understand everything. First of all, you need to consider all possible options a visor made of polycarbonate, make a drawing of the most acceptable for your home, put down its dimensions.

A frame of a certain size can be made independently or ordered. If you do the structure yourself, then you need to protect the seams after welding as much as possible from corrosion.

This building material is used everywhere today primarily because which has an affordable price.

Comparing polymer to others building materials, such as glass, Ondulin, wood or glass, the polymer is much less likely to require maintenance... And this is also very important in our life.

You can add to the advantages of the material:

If the material has to be cut with a hacksaw or grinder, then a lot of effort is needed for this. Polycarbonate does not crumble or crack in the process, but you still need to do this work carefully.

Since the sheets are flexible and elastic, they can be easily bent to the desired radius and placed in the grooves prepared in advance.

The structure of the canopy is found not only rectangular, but also arched. The second option is more common and looks very attractive.

Choice of design

The shape and size of the visor will depend on the shape of the porch and the preferences of the owners. If you take the issue seriously, then you need to read a lot of information, get acquainted with detailed master classes... This is the only way to choose the right shape of the canopy and make the right calculations.

After reviewing the above information, you can define the installation method. It can be supported or suspended.

If we talk about the frame, then it can be made from both metal and wood. A wooden base will cost less, but it will not last long either. Steel structure must do experienced master on special equipment. Such a structure will have a lot of weight, and to make it smaller, aluminum is used.

Making your choice even in favor of the simplest design, you protect yourself and your loved ones from rain and snow for a while. But it is also important that you protect your yard, house and porch from atmospheric precipitation, which will harm any building material.

Project preparation and canopy calculation

A canopy is made depending on the size of the porch. It is desirable to make it slightly larger than the size of the porch itself. This is necessary in order, in order to prevent moisture from entering, and subsequently - the formation of ice on the steps.

If the distance from the house to the gate is small, then you can make a canopy along the entire length of the path. This is a great idea, because in bad weather the path will remain dry, and you can easily get into the house without an umbrella. Despite the bad weather, it will be convenient to just walk on such a path.

A polycarbonate canopy above the porch should perform the following functions:

To make a canopy with your own hands, you need to make the right measurements. A tape measure is used for this. Given the width and shape of the visor, you need to calculate the required polycarbonate.

For a purchase, it is advisable to contact any construction supermarket, where you can choose not only the color of the future coating, but also its density and appearance. If we talk about the types of products, then there is cellular and monolithic polycarbonate. Cellular polycarbonate , if you look at it in section, it has hollow cells, so it will be cheaper than a monolithic one, the name of which fully corresponds to its appearance.

Monolithic view is a one-piece polymer sheet with high light transmittance. The material is versatile, for the poet it is often used instead of glass.

The visor for the front door can be bought both in finished form, and in the form of a set of materials intended for its construction.

We make a visor with our own hands

If you decide to make a canopy for your front door with my own hands, then you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

To fix the polycarbonate, you will need special self-tapping screws with thermal washers, which provide reliable fastening.


The final stage of all work is the removal of the protective polycarbonate film.

Decorative properties of polycarbonate

This material, in comparison with the profiled sheet, has unique decorative properties. Sheets can have any color and shade, their transparent or translucent structure allows the sun's rays to pass through. Despite the fact that the canopy is separate construction, it should harmoniously match in color not only with the walls, but also with the roofing.

The frame structure can be made unique. To do this, you can use several options:

The most interesting design projects can be realized with the help of polycarbonate. The material is durable, but plastic, so you can make not only an arch from it, but also a dome, an awning. The porch can be made completely closed with this material. That this important decorative element to make buildings more attractive, you can use any suitable color.

Working with polycarbonate is easy. Even the most inexperienced master can figure it out. Installing and choosing a mount - that's all the tricks.

If you assemble the canopy correctly, then it will last for more than a dozen years. This is a very profitable and practical solution.

To make the structure as strong as possible, experts recommend buying a ready-made frame. Thanks to this, the work on arranging the visor will be carried out much faster.

Among the attributes of the design of the facades of residential buildings Special attention is given to the porch, which is located at the entrance to the house and primarily characterizes the taste of its owner. According to the generally accepted opinion, a porch devoid of a visor gives the impression of unfinished work on the design of the facade. Besides, not many people will like the prospect of opening doors in bad weather in the pouring rain, for example.

In addition to the above arguments, the need for a visor over the front door is also explained by the reasons for the aesthetic plan. To this it should be added that anyone (if they have experience in the relevant work, as well as the ability to handle the simplest tool) can easily build a visor over the porch with their own hands.

Varieties of visors

In practice, there are several types of protective visors, which differ not only in the material used, but also in their shape. In this case, the most common are the following options:

  • single-slope canopy with a frame fixed to the facade wall;
  • a gable canopy, both slopes of which cover the porch on each side;
  • a canopy in the form of a tent, completely covering the area in front of front door;
  • arched structure, bordering the porch from above and from the sides.

According to the method of fastening, all known canopies are divided into structures mounted on special supports and on suspended structures, fixed directly to the wall using special brackets.

Material selection and sketch preparation

Before starting work, you first need to choose the material for the future visor, and also prepare its sketch, taking into account the already selected material and the climate in your region. Moreover, most often in conditions middle lane In Russia, for the manufacture of these protective devices, wood is chosen, which is easily amenable to decorative processing, which makes it possible to decorate the gables of the visor with elegant carvings.

As roofing for it, other materials of similar properties are most often used. If you plan to make a protective canopy in the form of an arch or a tent, it is most convenient to use shingles to close them or make it from polycarbonate.

Work on arranging the visor begins with preparatory operations, consisting in marking the place of its installation and removing all necessary measurements... It should be borne in mind that the visor should completely overlap the porch over the entire area and even protrude slightly beyond its borders. Such a margin will allow you to almost completely protect your porch from rain in strong winds.

When the measurements are completed, a sketch of the future product is prepared on a sheet of paper, indicating all its dimensions. This sketch will help you determine the amount of materials needed to make a visor and which will need to be purchased. In these calculations, the angle of inclination of the slopes and their total length... Before starting work, in addition to the boards and beams necessary for arranging the lathing and rafters, special triangular brackets are prepared, and roofing material is purchased.

The procedure for making a wooden structure

Work on the construction of a canopy made of wood begins with the manufacture of several rafter squares formed by two beams fastened together at an angle of 45 ° or 60 ° (depending on the width of the covered area).

After that, the roofing is assembled from the squares. gable construction, fastened with two longitudinal beams, a ridge and a system of struts. The resulting structure must be securely fixed in the marked place on the wall on pre-assembled metal brackets that repeat the shape of the squares.

As additional supports, two vertical beams with jibs are used, which are rigidly fixed on the facade wall on the sides of the porch. Note that before the final fixing of the structure, it is necessary to check the horizontal position of its position, as well as the verticality of the installation of additional support beams. It is clear that everything that has been said applies to the installation of a suspended type canopy.

If you have chosen the option of a weather protection with separate supports, there is no need to use special metal brackets.

In this case, as support elements there are special pillars made of wood or metal and installed in pre-prepared pits. Before their installation, a mixture of crushed stone with sand is poured onto the bottom of the pits, after which the base of the pillars is concreted to the entire depth of the pit. Attached to the top of the support pillars load-bearing beams with a rafter system mounted on them (that is, the entire previously prepared structure). For a wooden porch, two pairs are enough rafter legs, which are additionally connected with crossbars to increase the rigidity of the structure.

Installation ends supporting frame installation and subsequent fixing of the ridge bar.

After that, a crate is laid on the already mounted rafters (thin bars, sheets of thick waterproof plywood or boards can be used for its manufacture).

Roofing material is laid on top of the lathing, the installation of which is carried out in the order prescribed for the type of coating you have chosen.

At final finishing visor, you should worry about special hooks for attaching gutters, as well as wind bars. At the final stage of the work, drainage elements and a protective cornice strip are mounted.

In the second part of this article, we will consider the features of making a protective visor from such a common material as polycarbonate. Its appearance made a small revolution in the design of most types of lightweight and light-transparent structures. And, indeed, relatively inexpensive, fairly durable and lightweight honeycomb material immediately began to be in high demand among the consumer and is widely used not only in the manufacture of awnings, but also in the arrangement of greenhouses, skylights, decorative fences, etc.

Anyone who is familiar with the openwork shapes of the polycarbonate visor over the front door has certainly appreciated its aesthetics and will not refuse to have a similar design in his home. That is why we decided to help home craftsmen and familiarize them with the specifics of choosing a frame material, as well as with the basics of design and practical manufacturing similar designs.

The choice of materials for the frame

When choosing a material, the best way combined with polycarbonate and providing the visor with the maximum possible strength, in addition to the special requirements of SNiP, the attractiveness of its appearance should also be taken into account.

That is why, first of all, we will try to investigate different kinds material for the frame for their compatibility with polycarbonate, and we will also try to assess the disadvantages and advantages of each of them.


The frame made of wood is distinguished by ease of assembly and relatively low cost, but it is significantly inferior to the same metal base in terms of reliability and maximum service life. To eliminate this disadvantage, it is recommended to use only hard wood species for such a frame.

Before making such a frame, the wood should be treated several times with Oksol linseed oil or a similar impregnation that reliably protects it from decay. From an aesthetic point of view, a polycarbonate canopy with such a frame fits perfectly into the facade of a wooden house, the frame of which is made of timber.

Polycarbonate sheets are attached to the frame made of these types of wood using standard self-tapping screws using special thermal washers, which ensure the tightness of the fastening area and are colored to match the color of the sheet itself.


The frame based on an aluminum profile is also quite lightweight and easy to install, since corners or tubes are used for its manufacture, which can be easily cut and formed. One of the advantages of a visor on aluminum frame- optional primer and protective paint. A relative disadvantage of this material is its significant cost.

But if you are not too worried about the cost of material, and primarily attracted by the design of the structure itself, this option is the most preferable. A visor with a frame based on an aluminum profile will look perfect against the background of any modern facade.

Steel profile

The steel profile structure is distinguished by high strength indicators, but at the same time it has a significant weight and must be fastened with special care (preferably using anchor bolts). In addition, the reliability of fastening such a canopy over the entrance door can be ensured by using threaded connections(bolted or screwed).

To increase the aesthetics of the perception of the entire structure as a whole, all joints are best done by electric welding, and then carefully grind them with a grinder.

Upon completion of the sanding work, the frame must be carefully primed and painted over with high-quality paint (preferably in two layers). Fastening of blanks of cellular polycarbonate to a steel profile is carried out by means of self-tapping screws with the use of special gaskets and plugs that block the access of moisture to the frame.

Features of arranging a canopy

We will consider some of the nuances of making a visor with a polycarbonate coating using an example. simplest design, during the assembly of which the material is laid without deforming (bending) and with a slight slope, which ensures the drain of rainwater. All necessary operations are performed in this case, taking into account the following installation features:

  1. Since polycarbonate is produced and sold in sheets of 6 × 2.1 meters, you need to prepare a tool in advance for cutting it (a hacksaw, electric jigsaw or an ordinary clerical knife).
  2. The frame of the hinged canopy can be fixed to the wall using special sighting dowels.
  3. For the convenience of conducting installation works it is best to start fixing polycarbonate sheets after fixing the frame to the wall.
  4. The number of points of attachment of the sheet must be at least four.

In conclusion, we note once again that to fix the polycarbonate blanks on the frame, roofing screws of the required length with an elastic gasket and a special washer must be used.


If you have equipment, you can do it yourself forged visor with polycarbonate, as in this video. Visual instructions for making here:

You can make a single-slope canopy with vertical supports:


Traditional use roofing materials during the construction of canopies, canopies are replaced by the use innovative material polycarbonate. Possession unique properties allowed to significantly expand the forms and significantly reduce technical requirements to the structures.

Polycarbonate is a polymer plastic widely used in many construction sites. Has established itself as a high-strength material with a low specific weight. Became today alternative replacement PVC panels... Production of sheets is carried out by processing, extrusion of polycarbonate granules.


The purpose of the canopies and canopies is to protect confined spaces from the elements external environment: rain, snow, wind and intense sunlight. The structure is erected with the help of supports, the forms embody all the fantasies of the equipping owner from simple to exclusive design solutions.

The basis of the popularity of polycarbonate consists of the features of the qualities and characteristics of this material:

  • plasticity and ability to transmit light expands the options for use;
  • light weight allows the use of lightweight bearing supports;
  • the ability to tolerate large temperature changes;
  • heat insulating properties, heat is retained throughout the structure;

  • a variety of ready-made colors of polycarbonate sheets, so you can choose what is most suitable for a particular case;
  • ease and pleasantness of work during installation, you can cut the sheet using an ordinary clerical knife, does not require special devices and tools;
  • despite its light transmittance, polycarbonate filters and protects against ultraviolet radiation;
  • fastening to the frame is possible using ordinary self-tapping screws;
  • the main technical characteristic of the material is its strength, achieved due to its toughness;

Polycarbonate canopies are most often placed over a door or welded staircase. Such a kind of roof can be suspended and have various nodes. It is desirable to be present beautiful finish... You can sheathe the product yourself.


Given the features and advantages of polycarbonate visor structures, it is permissible to divide them by type.

Simple single slope

An easy-to-implement option that requires minimum investment... Designed for structures with one slope of the slope; they do not require additional efforts during manufacture and installation. Installation work is accessible even to a non-professional.

The single-slope design does not require bending the profile during installation work. Therefore, there are no restrictions when choosing the thickness of the starting material.

When erecting a structure from this kind of coating, you will not need to use scaffolding, only longitudinal and transverse beams are used.

Most often this type is used for an extension to standing house or any other building.

Of the shortcomings, a small slope angle of the resulting roof stands out, as a result of which in winter snow deposits will accumulate on it and cleaning will be required.

Arched awnings and canopies

Affordable, similarly unpretentious in installation, they have an arched appearance. The main difference from the first option is completeness and aesthetics. finished structure... Making a curved frame and increasing the coverage area require additional financial investments.

This type is especially popular today. They can be seen in private yards and in cities when arranging covered parking lots, bus stops and gallery passages between buildings.

The shape of a semicircle allows the snow to slide freely under its own weight, but in the rain, water flows down on both sides of the shelter. A pleasant feature is that the probability of damage to such a roof is very small, since the lowered sidewalls protect against strong wind gusts. This type is suitable for small canopies, and for installing a roof over large structures.

At self-fulfillment bending the profile becomes difficult.

Multi-slope structures

It is a structure that combines several types of slopes: both straight and curved. This combination leads to an increase in the cost of the finished product.

When building, the main difficulty is the choice correct angle connections of rays, however, grow significantly performance characteristics finished construction.

Lowered ends give better protection surfaces:

  • from the elements of nature - wind and precipitation;
  • slope angles prevent the accumulation of snow deposits;
  • the frame of the structure is made more rigid, which increases the strength of the structure as a whole.

It is used for parking lots, arranging a barbecue area, roofing pavilions and gazebos.

Complex or cascading awnings

They combine all types of structures. Require the development of projects and drawings, large financial investments. Installation work must be carried out by highly qualified personnel. The client receives an exclusive design building according to his individual wishes.

The scope of this type of roof is installation above summer gardens, staircases, gazebos and other structures.

This method of manufacturing the roof is especially important from the aesthetic point of view of the finished structure, and due to the arrangement of the vaults in a cascade, the precipitation is diverted to the side.

Projects and drawings

The durability of the structure can only be guaranteed when correct selection frame dimensions and technical characteristics polycarbonate, its thickness and quality.

Before the start of construction, a construction project is drawn up using the following parameters:

  1. the purpose of the visor design;
  2. when choosing, take into account the climatic conditions of the area;
  3. technical characteristics of the building.

  • wickets and gates;
  • outlets;
  • open summer grounds and terraces of cafes and restaurants;
  • greenhouses;
  • arch;
  • canopy;
  • visor.

The calculation of component racks, polycarbonate sheets and guides is made.

When self-construction of light buildings in the form of awnings or canopies, it is possible to resort to the calculation using an online calculator. For designing more complex structures you should seek the help of specialists.

Using the example of a visor in the form, we will clearly consider the drawing up of a drawing and a project.

Before making a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands, you will need to draw up detailed construction drawings. But this is possible only after determining the location of its location, since the point of support of the frame depends on this.

The location distinguishes three types of completed structures.

  1. Free-standing, self-contained. Depending on the size, it requires the arrangement of the foundation. All points of support are made in the form of pillars along its perimeter.
  2. Annex building. The frame for such a structure is made as a beam-supporting one. One of the sides of the ramp has points of support for free-standing racks. The second side rests on a beam fixed to the wall of the building. When used for connecting an extension with an organic structure, metal embedded in a load-bearing wall, the method of fastening is called cantilever-supporting.
  3. Traditional visors. As a rule, they are fixed by the cantilever method to the mortgages in the wall of the room.

DIY frame

The initial task and the first stage is to create a project, calculation raw materials and creating a drawing:

  1. we plan the size of the building, taking into account its location;
  2. when choosing a roof option, the loads from precipitation and wind are taken into account;
  3. design solutions for the design of the frame and the color of the sheets are chosen from the general concept of the surrounding structures.

Having collected all the information, you can start calculating the source materials and drawings of the frame. When drawing up the drawing, the exact dimensions and shape of the roof are used, technical specifications and the material of the supports and the frame itself, the number of fasteners and their characteristics.

Particular attention should be paid to standard size all types of polycarbonate sheets. Therefore, the joints between them must necessarily fall on the crate.

The width of the profile girders is taken into account based on the parameters of the roofing material itself.

The height of the future structure directly depends on the wishes of the user, however, it is recommended that the lowest point of the roof is located at a level of about 180 cm from the floor.

To create the frame, the support posts are calculated according to the following standards:

  • the minimum allowable section is forty by forty millimeters;
  • if the supports will be made of metal, the thickness is chosen from one millimeter;
  • thickness foundation pillars lay with a value greater than ten millimeters from the taken section of the support posts;
  • the depth of the foundation is at least half a meter;
  • for the rafters, a profile with a cross section of at least twenty millimeters is used, for the lathing, the thickness is used from fifteen millimeters.

For correct manufacture do-it-yourself frame drawings must be drawn up very accurately and in detail.

If the plans include the construction of a structure with an area of ​​eight square meters or more, it is better to entrust the creation of a project, drawings and calculation of materials to specialists. The roof area above such a building is quite large, and only a specialist can calculate the load level. Errors in calculations lead to deformation of the frame or complete collapse of the entire building.

The choice of material for the frame in the construction markets is quite wide and varied.

For polycarbonate structures, the following materials are commonly used.

  1. Metal profile. Possesses durability during operation. It is unpretentious and requires minimal maintenance in the form of treatment with anti-corrosion agents. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the large weight of the frame and its high price.
  2. Rolled metal pipes, for example, aluminum profile... The advantages are the same as for the metal profile. Of the minuses - the round section is not so convenient for welding works or other mounting methods.
  3. Wooden beams, rounded or shaped. Environmentally friendly, living material, if the frame of the building is styled like specific design... When doing work with your own hands, carpentry skill is required, the tree requires some care, and performance its not that durable.

Installation and finishing works

Polycarbonate sheets are presented in the construction markets in two classic versions execution.


They are impact-resistant panels with a matte or transparent surface. Inside the shell are located Balloons with stiffeners oriented along the entire length of the panel. This type has increased heat saving, increased strength and low weight. A feature is the ability to change the shape, bend sheets in their cold state. Their use in structures with complex geometry is relevant.

The thickness offered by manufacturers has a range of product options from four to twelve millimeters inclusive.


Are optically absolutely transparent appearance... There are no voids inside. The sheets are less flexible, which does not affect the impact resistance of the material.

On this moment there are already new innovations on sale in monolithic polycarbonate with anti-abrasive coating and a wave-shaped version. The latter option looks like a metal tile, and is already quite often used for roof repairs.

The standard sheet size is 210 centimeters wide and six, twelve meters long.

For a simple polycarbonate visor, a sheet thickness of four, eight millimeters is suitable. In regions where precipitation in the form of snow is increased, or rather strong gusts of wind are observed, the thickness is chosen from ten millimeters.

Optional construction markets offer a service for cutting blanks. Typically, to minimize waste, the length is made in multiples of the width of the sheet.

For installation work, you will need the following set of materials and tools:

  1. polycarbonate sheets - the color is chosen in accordance with colors building;
  2. visor frame;
  3. welding machine;
  4. a set of self-tapping screws;
  5. electric drill and screwdriver;
  6. roulette and level;
  7. indelible pencil.

Before starting the installation process of the visor or canopy over entrance group it is necessary to make an accurate marking of the places where the frame is attached to the building.

It is difficult to imagine that the porch of the house was not protected by anything from rain, snow and sun. Usually, a canopy or visor is erected above it, which allows you to open the door without standing on the porch in the pouring rain, eliminates the need to clean off the snow and decorates the entrance to private house... Such visors are made from a wide variety of materials, including polycarbonate, known for its wide range of applications. How to make a polycarbonate canopy over a porch?

Which polycarbonate to choose

Polycarbonate is widely used to create roofs, awnings, greenhouses, and translucent structures. The advantages of this material include:

  • ease,
  • strength,
  • ease of installation, processing, care,
  • the ability to bend quite easily, you can build from this material arched structures,
  • resistance to corrosion, attack by fungi and mold,
  • good thermal insulation properties,
  • variety of colors and color fastness.

Both cellular and monolithic polycarbonate are suitable for the visor. Honeycomb is best used for bent, arched structures, monolithic - for straight lines. Cellular polycarbonate must be at least 0.6 cm thick.

Monolithic polycarbonate resembles glass in appearance, but is stronger than it, the light transmittance of a transparent monolithic material is higher than that of plexiglass and plexiglass. It is lighter than glass, but heavier than cellular polycarbonate. It can be used for a variety of purposes.

Cellular polycarbonate looks like two or more polymer sheet, which are connected by ribs, due to which voids are formed inside the material. This species bends more easily, retains heat well, differs in the shape of the cells. Cellular polycarbonate diffuses light, especially matte options.

Important! If you want an arch-shaped canopy, keep in mind that polycarbonate has a minimum bend radius. Do not bend the sheets harder.

Both types of material are produced different colors and with UV protection. The tinted material, as in the photo, will protect not only from precipitation, but also from the hot sun. There are also versions with anti-abrasion protection that are difficult to scratch. This is important as conventional polycarbonate often breaks the UV protection coating, for example when clearing snow.

Types of awnings

The canopy and canopy are similar designs. Traditionally, a canopy is called a variety that is attached to the wall and does not have additional supports, and a canopy is one that is located on two or four supports. Sometimes these words are used interchangeably, so the canopy can be suspended, as in the photo.

You can also make a canopy with supports attached to the wall. There may also be a canopy over the porch of a private house in the form of a separate extension resting on columns or pillars - this is already a capital structure.

There may be a canopy with more than two supports, it is a solid and reliable structure.

Polycarbonate awnings over the porch for private houses can be:

  • lean-to,
  • gable,
  • single-slope with a valance,
  • arched,
  • domed,
  • straight,
  • concave,
  • in the form of an awning.

The most simple form- this is a shed or gable canopy. A semicircular canopy for a porch made of polycarbonate on two supports, which is attached to the wall with two brackets, is also simple in execution. Next you will see a photo with awnings. different forms.


Certain requirements are imposed on a canopy or visor: it must withstand its own weight, as well as the weight of precipitation accumulating on it. Therefore, such a structure cannot be done "by eye", it is necessary to calculate the permissible load on the basis of SNiPs and other standards. Only in this way the canopy made of polycarbonate will be safe.

If you have no experience in calculating hinged structures, you can use finished project or contact a specialist. You can find calculators on the internet for calculating awnings.

Important! Take materials with a 15% margin. So will you cover possible mistakes in calculations.

The entire porch should fit under a canopy or canopy. To do this, they are made protruding beyond the boundaries of the porch by 30 cm on each side. The polycarbonate sheet should protrude from the frame by 10-20 cm from the sides and 20 cm from the free edge. At the same time, take into account the dimensions of the sheet, they are standard - 2.1 by 6, 3 or 2 m.The canopy guides are located at a distance of no more than 70 cm, and the supports are no more than 200 cm.

It is also necessary to consider a water drainage system, for example, install gutters and pipes through which precipitation will enter storage capacity or sewers.


In addition to the practical function of protecting against rain, snow, wind, the porch canopy also performs an aesthetic one. The porch is the first thing that a person sees when approaching a private house, so its framing should be beautiful. Polycarbonate allows you to create complex shapes as in the photo.

To do this, a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands must be made in such a way that it does not knock out of general style at home. Polycarbonate is available in a variety of shades, so you can choose both close to the color of the walls and contrasting. Both options are good. In the second case, it is better that the color matches other parts of the house, for example, the roof.

In order for the canopy to become an organic part of the house, you should also choose the right frame material. Looks good on a house made of logs or beams wooden frame, on brick - metal.

You can take ideas for a shed over the porch of a private house from the photo gallery on the video.

The choice of material for the frame

The frame of the outbuilding can be built from metal or wood. For this, aluminum or steel profiles are used, as well as forged parts. Forged frame of roads, but such a canopy will look very beautiful and original - see the photo.

The base of a steel profile, angle or pipe is strong and durable, but subject to corrosion protection. To do this, it is necessary to treat the frame with a primer and paint. Parts are connected, as a rule, by welding. Steel is good because it can be used to make structures of complex shapes.

The aluminum base is good because this lightweight material, durable, flexible, and also does not require painting or other coatings.

How to make a canopy

To make a polycarbonate canopy over the porch with your own hands, you will need:

  • metal corner or pipes for the frame,
  • polycarbonate,
  • end strips or special foil,
  • welding machine,
  • drill,
  • jigsaw,
  • Bulgarian,
  • fastening materials (screws, brackets, anchor bolts),
  • roulette,
  • level,
  • stepladder for work at height,
  • construction drawing,
  • paint, primer and degreaser for metal parts,
  • if the canopy is on supports, you will additionally need cement mortar to fix them in the ground.

Important! Self-tapping screws must be special for fastening polycarbonate, have sealing thermo washers.

Polycarbonate is easy to install with your own hands. What is important to know about canopies, or canopies, made of polycarbonate?

For fixing polycarbonate sheets, it is necessary to use only special self-tapping screws, screw them at right angles to the sheet and in no case tighten them too much, otherwise the sheet may crack. First, holes are drilled in the sheet, and they should be larger than the diameter of the fastener, and then the screws are tightened.

The sheets are mounted at a distance of 3-5 mm from each other so that they do not deform during thermal expansion. Make the step between the screws no more than 30 cm, and the distance between the guides - no more than 70 cm.

Cellular polycarbonate bends easily, which makes it possible to make arched structures from it. At the same time, it is desirable to bend it in such a direction that the generatrix of the fold is parallel to the stiffeners. It is best to bend the polycarbonate together with the frame part to which it is attached.

An example of a simple shed made of polycarbonate is shown below.

Supported canopy

The canopy on two poles, shown in the photo, is more reliable than suspended, while its installation is not particularly difficult.

First, two pits are dug for supports about a meter deep and 40 * 50 cm in size. Sand and crushed stone are poured into them, tamped.

Advice! As supports you can use screw piles... Then they must be screwed into the ground by at least 1.2 m.

On the wall, mark the place where the visor will be attached. This is done using a tape measure and a level in accordance with the drawing.

Then they are welded, the main part of the frame (the crate is installed after the concrete has hardened.), The welding places are polished, painted and installed. Then install it support pillars into the pits. Then they are poured with concrete (cement) and the solution is allowed to harden. The part adjacent to the wall is attached to it with anchors. Their type depends on the wall material:

  • metal - for concrete;
  • plastic - for blocks;
  • chemical - for foam concrete.

After the concrete hardens, the crate is mounted, and polycarbonate is placed on it. If the canopy is arched, then the metal profile must be bent for it.

To mount polycarbonate in a metal profile, holes are drilled with a diameter slightly larger than the thickness of the self-tapping screw and the sheets are attached with self-tapping screws with thermal washers. You can close the attachment points with plugs for tightness. The ends of the sheets are closed with special tapes or plugs.

The video shows how to install a polycarbonate canopy over the porch of the house with your own hands.


Either without or constructing a canopy.

Here's how to make a canopy over the porch, and we'll talk later.

For the manufacture of a canopy use different materials but we will talk about polycarbonate.

When planning a structure, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. Dimensions and individual details frame;
  2. The types of materials you will be using;
  3. Types of sheets;
  4. Fastening the structure to the house;
  5. Fasteners and hardware for connecting parts;
  6. Drawings from different sides.

Materials and tools

To make a polycarbonate canopy, you need the following materials:

  1. For the manufacture of the frame, metal corners and steel profiles are used.
  2. Polycarbonate sheet;
  3. End connecting profile;
  4. Details for fasteners;
  5. Press washers;
  6. Galvanized self-tapping screws;
  7. for metal and primer.

If, according to the plan, the structure is supposed with supports, then for their installation it is supposed to prepare sand, cement, crushed stone, well, the presence of the supports themselves is necessary.

These supports are made from metal pipes or steel profiles, wooden supports are not suitable for this.

In order to concrete the supports, the following tools are required:

  1. Two shovels (bayonet and shovel);
  2. Buckets;
  3. Container for mixing concrete;
  4. Master OK;
  5. Rammer;

To work, you still need:

Stages of construction of a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands.

The frame parts are connected by welding and bolts. Large canopies are best welded on, which will make the structure more durable and reliable in use. To make the crate use a profile small size(20 × 20 mm).

Polycarbonate cutting is done circular saw or a hacksaw.

The material is released protected special film It is best not to remove this film when cutting to avoid cracking.

In the event that you connect the materials with bolts, then the degree of their charging should be periodically checked, because with cyclones or gusty winds, these zones can relax, this can lead to a distortion of the structure.

You can build a canopy over the porch made of polycarbonate with your own hands, but if you do not have the time or skills, it is best to use the services of professionals. Or if it is possible to install ready-made awnings over the porch, install.

We hope this article was helpful to you. We wish you good luck!