The face of a woman in 40 years old without makeup. Style lessons! how to dress after forty

Young girls often believe that after 30, life ends, and every woman turns into a decrepit old woman. But time is so fleeting - a moment has passed, and now they themselves are not only thirty, but already over 40. Only at this time do women understand that it is after 40 that perhaps the brightest period of their life begins - many goals have already been achieved, life is quite measured, children are almost grown up and it's time to live for yourself. But no matter how young the soul is, and the body has quite a few traces of past years: wrinkles, extra pounds, beginning gray hair, etc. How to look younger at 40? We have prepared for you a rating of the most effective methods for keeping your body in great shape.

Every woman who wants to have a beautiful appearance, a slim and toned body and young radiant skin should know 7 ingredients to achieve this goal:

  1. Rejection of bad habits.
  2. Proper nutrition system.
  3. Body fitness.
  4. Exercises for the face.
  5. Correct cosmetic skin care.
  6. Nail and hair care.
  7. The right wardrobe.

Each of the items on this list contains many secrets that we are ready to share with you. Let's start!

A healthy lifestyle without harmful passions

About the dangers of smoking, alcohol, and other harmful habits for the liver, kidneys and other organs and systems
only the lazy does not know the body. But at the same time, every lady after forty who wants to look younger should know that these passions are the worst enemies not only to health, but also to a blooming appearance. An earthy complexion, bags and bruises under the eyes, loose, wrinkled skin - this is the lot of a woman who is not able to give up these addictions.

However, giving up cigarettes and drinking will not be enough to keep your face and body young if you want to appear 5-10 years younger. Forget the habit of going to bed late, being nervous about every trifle, spending all the evenings on the couch with a plate of goodies - all this is no longer for you!

If you are interested in how to look younger at 40, but do not want to resort to the services of plastic surgeons, then all you need is a healthy and active lifestyle!

Proper nutrition system

In fact, there are many systems of rational and proper nutrition, these are vegans and vegetarians, and adherents of separate nutrition, and raw foodists. Each of these groups believes that their approach to choosing and eating food is the most correct. To argue about which of them is right is a thankless job, because everyone is right in his own way and in principle, each of the listed food systems has the right to life. But there are the most important principles that must be adhered to in the event that good appearance after 40 is your goal.

The basic principles of a healthy diet to preserve youth:

  1. Moderation. Paul Bregg was firmly convinced that it was with forks and spoons that we dig our own graves, and yet he was a distinguished expert in matters of longevity and knew exactly how to prolong youth. Do not believe in the veracity of this phrase? In vain! Indeed, for the digestion of food entering our digestive tract, the body puts a lot of effort, in fact, accelerating the aging process.
  2. Timeliness. Do you want to stay in great physical shape, and at the same time not blur to the size of a balloon after 40 years? Make it a rule to eat at least 4-5 times a day, while the last meal should be at least three hours before bedtime.
  3. Balance. It doesn't matter whether you eat meat or not, whether you combine proteins and carbohydrates in one meal - the main thing is that your body should receive a complete list of all the compounds, vitamins and trace elements it needs every day, and where it will get them from - from meat or from lentils - a secondary question.
  4. Time-out. Even your stomach sometimes needs a rest, what will it be - a fasting day, a 3-day or 7-day fast is up to you. But sometimes it is very important to unload our digestive tract so that it can get rid of the ballast of unnecessary substances.
  5. If you want to eat, drink some water. It sounds funny, but in fact it is very rational, because the fact that our brain often confuses thirst with hunger has long been proven by scientists. Making it a rule to drink at the first urge to refresh yourself, you will not only be saved from dehydration, but also from overeating, saving the stomach from unnecessary work.

Of course, this list could be continued for a very long time, and only a nutritionist can choose the ideal diet for you according to your energy needs and age, but in our opinion, these 5 rules will really help prolong youth after 40.

Body fitness

The title of this section is rather arbitrary, the main thing is that your body should be tightened. It's not at all about thinness, as many will think. Just in order for the cardiovascular system to work properly, and for all organs to receive oxygen in sufficient volume, and in a timely manner, there should not be an excess of fat mass. After all, every kilogram of excess weight is a kilometer of extra vascular network, which means that your heart will work under conditions of overload.

In addition, the muscular frame helps the spine to stay level, and as a result, your organs will be in place, which will ensure their proper functioning. The metabolic rate directly depends on the level of physical activity - and this is also an indisputable fact. If these arguments convinced you of the need to keep your body in good shape, then all that remains for you is to choose the ideal load for the muscles. Someone likes fitness, someone prefers aerobics, someone Pilates or oriental dances - it doesn't matter, the main thing is to be constantly on the move.

Exercises for the face

No matter how slender the figure is, and how tight the woman looked from the back, the skin of the face and neck - this is what the true age reveals, you cannot hide her under beautiful clothes. This means that getting rid of wrinkles, flabbiness and dryness is our goal! In modern circles, collections of effective exercises are called the buzzword of face building. I can't wait to find out what it is? We are happy to introduce you to the most effective exercises for prolonging the youthfulness of the face after 40 years, reviews of which on beauty blogs beat all records for enthusiasm.

But first, check if you have properly prepared for the complex:

  1. It is necessary to remove impurities, the remains of decorative cosmetics, and then apply a moisturizer to the skin.
  2. The best way to do the exercises is sitting in a high-backed chair in front of a large mirror, so you can control whether you are doing all the movements correctly.
  3. Take your time, do the exercises measured with maximum muscle tension.
  4. If there is a burning sensation and tingling sensation in the muscles after performing the exercise, this means you can move on to the next one - you have already worked this muscle group.
  5. A positive attitude, faith in the result is the key to success!

So, we present to your attention a selection of the most effective exercises for tightening the skin of the face and neck.

The area between the eyebrows

All facelift exercises must be performed from top to bottom, which means that our first exercise is aimed at tightening the skin in the area above the bridge of the nose.

  1. Lock the eyebrows with your fingers at the bridge of the nose and frown 15-20 times for 2-3 seconds each.
  2. Drag 5 times with two fingers (middle and ring) from the middle of the eyebrows to the temples parallel to the hair growth zone.
  3. Place your fingers together (except for the thumb) and tap them with the tips on the bridge of the nose with light movements for 1 minute.


With these exercises, you will not only get rid of forehead wrinkles, but also eliminate drooping eyelids.

  1. With the index fingers we press down on the eyebrows and raise them up, making short thrusts, until a burning sensation is felt. After that, within 30 seconds, pull the eyebrows down three times.
  2. We fix the hair growth zone with the index fingers, the eyes are closed, we make circular movements with them clockwise 3 times, then counterclockwise.
  3. We open our eyes as wide and sharply as possible, raising our eyebrows 10-15 times.
  4. Pull the skin of the forehead down with our hands, and raise the eyebrows up to 5-7 times as much as possible.


By the age of 40, the cheeks lose their elasticity, so it is at this age that it becomes necessary to perform a number of exercises daily to maintain them in excellent shape.

  1. Smile, lifting the corners of your lips, and sharply return them to their starting position. Repeat this exercise at least 30 times, imagine what movements your cheeks are doing at this time.
  2. Raise the corners of the lips to the maximum possible point and hold them in this position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat at least 3 times.
  3. Put your hands in the lock and rest your chin on it. Direct your arms up and face down for 15 seconds, do 3 reps.
  4. Inflate your cheeks and roll the air from left to right for 30 seconds.


Many women do not know, but it turns out with the help of a special exercise you can not only narrow the tip of the nose, but also raise it a little up. To do this, grab the tip of the nose with the index and thumb of one hand, pull it up, and with the index finger of the other hand, fix the skin above the upper lip and pull it down. 5 repetitions per day will be enough.

Lower face area

In this zone are the lips, chin and neck, and a set of exercises will be directed to their rejuvenation.

If you perform the full range of the proposed exercises every day, then in a month your face rejuvenation will become not a dream, but a reality. All those around you will be trying to find out which cosmetologist you are in the habit of going to and what procedures you have decided on, and only you yourself will know, this result is the work of your own hands.

Proper cosmetic skin care

Whatever lifestyle a woman leads, and without regular cleansing, moisturizing and nourishment, the skin of her body by the age of 40 will definitely lose both radiance and elasticity. To prevent this from happening, cosmetologists around the world are developing modern and effective creams, masks and other care products. You can choose the appropriate option from the proposed products in pharmacies, stores, online catalogs, or make it yourself.

When choosing a cream, you need to be aware of the changes that occur in your skin after forty. At this age, the appearance of wrinkles is often associated with the fact that the ability of the body's cells to produce collagen, elastin drops sharply, and the skin is also no longer able to maintain the moisture level without external nourishment. That is why a good cream for the age group 40+ should contain:

Rejuvenation with creams of proven brands containing ingredients from this list can be quite effective. Manufacturers offer a lot of products in this category, but we will list the 10 most popular and well-proven creams according to the reviews of cosmetologists and consumers:

  1. NeutrogenaHealthySkin Anti-Wrinkle Cream 40ml. Rejuvenating cream, the main activity of which is moisturizing.
  2. Coral Club C7 Age Defyind Moisturizer is a moisturizing cream designed to slow down the aging process produced by Coral Club.
  3. VichyLiftactivRetinol HA 30ml - retinol cream for women 40+.
  4. OLAY Cream “Regenerist. MicroSculptor of the face "50 ml.
  5. Clarins Multi-Regenerante Jour lifting cream 40+.
  6. Cream Expert Black Pearl after 46 years 50 ml. A budget option for 45+ skin rejuvenation.
  7. L`Oreal Age Perfect 50 ml. Due to the content of the melanin block, it not only rejuvenates the skin, but also removes age spots.
  8. VichyNeovadiol. For rejuvenation of sensitive skin 40+.
  9. Plazan. Collagen cream promises instant tightening and effective nourishment of the skin.
  10. OlayTotalEffects. Effective fight against the main 7 signs of skin aging.
  11. L`OrealDermaGenesis. Moisturizing cream for 40+ ladies.

Of course, you can independently choose a suitable option for yourself from this list, but it is better to do this in conjunction with a beautician. After all, a specialist will help you choose a product taking into account the age, type, condition and needs of your skin.

Nail and hair care

No matter how beautiful your skin looks and no matter how tightened the figure, with regrown roots
with gray hair and broken, unkempt nails, you will definitely look much older than your age. Therefore, if you want to make a wonderful effect on everyone around you, a trip to a manicure master 2 per month, as well as to a hairdresser, is a must.

Tired of banal shades of light brown? Hair coloring techniques such as blonding and coloring will help you look younger than your age. It is also not superfluous to make a modern haircut that will not take too much time to style. Also, do not forget that there is nothing worse than stale hair, better save time on makeup, but you must wash your hair!

The right wardrobe

Seemingly jeans, short skirts and bold colors - what can make you look younger? In fact, by dressing in these outfits, you will not have the effect of being young, but looking like “youthful” women. Of course, no one says that after reaching 40, every woman is obliged to put on a long shapeless robe - not at all! But picking up a pair of elegant dresses, classic skirts and trousers and fashionable blouses will be very useful. It is quite possible to look young and solid at the same time.

“After 40, life is just beginning - I now know for sure,” - said the heroine of a very famous film, and it's true. If you use our advice, you will look as beautiful and young as at the very beginning of your life. In fact, attractiveness and beauty are available to a woman at any age. The main thing is to have desire and to show perseverance on the way to them. Always be adorable!

Several useful recommendations for ladies who want to look young and attractive even at a respectable age. About how important it is to lead a healthy lifestyle. How to balance your diet. Examples of such a diet are given. About the effectiveness of physical exercises in the formation of a slender figure. Specific facelift exercises are given.

Its implementation is one hundred percent impossible, but maintaining beauty and health gives a person extra decades of youth.
An important role in this matter is played by genetics, on which the rate of human aging depends. No wonder the popular proverb says: if you want to know what the wife will be like in the future, take a look at the mother-in-law. However, one should not rely solely on heredity, because the rate of external aging is influenced by caring for your body and human lifestyle.

IMPORTANT: If you want to look young right down to gray hair, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and get rid of bad habits.

the aging process of beautiful woman

It is a well-known fact that alcohol and smoking strongly affect the condition of the skin and the general health of a person, which affects his appearance. Also

IMPORTANT: to maintain good skin condition, it is recommended to keep approximately one weight, because its fluctuations can lead to the appearance of early wrinkles and sagging skin.

Tips for women who look younger than their age

It will not be superfluous to heed the advice of women who have reached an age that is not voiced. They agree that

It's hard to argue with these tips.

Movement and an active lifestyle stimulate the body, speed up metabolism, and proper nutrition and optimism complement the image of a healthy person.

In addition, optimists will never have “gloomy” wrinkles on their faces, they will be replaced by cheerful “crow's feet”.

You should move daily rather than once a week in the gym or pool. To do this, it is enough to walk at an average pace every day for about an hour and a half to burn calories and keep the body in good shape.

When that terrible line came at forty years old, you should get to know better beautician.

IMPORTANT: Regular grooming will get rid of the quick signs of aging. Care can include not only procedures, but also certain medications that should be taken under the supervision of a single doctor.

To do this, select your specialist whom you will trust so as not to take various drugs that may not be compatible.

Alternative to facelift

Sports activities are ideal for maintaining youthfulness in the body.
But what about the face? The muscles of the face work only selectively while chewing food and certain emotions that are characteristic of each person individually. Due to relaxation and low tone, the muscles sink with age, a double chin appears, the corners of the mouth sink lower and lower. Then

IMPORTANT: many people think about a facelift, forgetting about an effective method - gymnastics. Yes, for the facial muscles, they also came up with a special set of exercises that must be performed regularly. The results will be noticeable after one and a half to two months.

Another alternative to plastic is the famous three day diet... It is based on fatty fish, the content necessary for skin tissue Omega-3 acids.
All foods containing starch are excluded from the diet: potatoes, bananas, pasta, rice. Starch makes the skin looser, and within a few days of the diet, it returns to its previous state, receiving the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Exercises for the muscles of the face

Eyes. Press your fingers to the outer edges of the eye sockets, close the eyelids so that the fingers feel tension in the muscles.

Forehead. Put your index fingers along the hair growth on the forehead, middle fingers along the eyebrow growth. Raising eyebrows, hold them with your fingers until resistance is felt. Use your index fingers to smooth the skin so that wrinkles do not appear.

The chin. Put your hands clenched into fists under it, open your mouth, resisting your hands.

Lips. Firmly squeeze the lips, press the formed folds in their corners with your index fingers.

Cheeks. Put your index fingers in places where mimic wrinkles form when smiling or laughing. Smile by stretching the corners of your lips, preventing them from moving with your fingers.

Neck. With an effort, pull the lower lip until the teeth appear, so that the muscles protrude on the neck.

Video: Exercises for the muscles of the face

Proper nutrition for rejuvenation

A balanced diet is the key to good appearance thanks to maintaining health in the body.
But what does balanced mean?

IMPORTANT: This is a diet that assumes the presence in the diet of all vitamins and microelements necessary for the body.

Among the healthy products, there are those that are worth paying special attention to, and especially for those who look after their beauty and youth. Often cosmetologists claim that beauty should be maintained from the inside with the help of a selected diet. That's why

you should not be surprised when the cosmetologist draws your attention not only to the necessary procedures, but also recommends to include in the weekly diet not only certain dishes and products, but also natural vitamins and trace elements.

What products are good for youth and beautiful appearance?

it oatmeal and buckwheat porridge as well lean meat.
All listed products are source zinc and glandtrace elements required by the body.

IMPORTANT: It is zinc that is responsible for the formation of new cells in the body, which replace the old ones. Thanks to this renewal, a natural rejuvenation of the skin and all organs of the body occurs.

Together with iron zinc working on creation of cells for nails and hair follicles, skin... But it is from these cells that the noticeable aging of our body begins.

Phytoestrogens are those substances that are often called herbal female hormones. With age, a woman's hormonal background changes, which leads to a lack of certain hormones and an overabundance of others. As a result, the natural aging process is triggered, which becomes especially noticeable during menopause.

Vegetable phytoestrogens normalize the balance of hormones, providing the female body with a second youth.

Vegetable oils- another essential product in a woman's diet. They are natural antioxidants whose function is to neutralize free radicals in the body. This effect is especially noticeable on the skin, which is rejuvenated and smoothed.

The elasticity of the skin is maintained with the help of vitamin E, which is found in oils.

Dairy products along with traditional dairy products, they are a true source of calcium. And he, as you know, strengthens the teeth and bones of a person, makes hair and nails stronger and healthier.

Cottage cheese, kefir and other milk-based products and beneficial bacteria contribute to the work gastrointestinal tract (GIT)... And an unhealthy complexion and a painful appearance of the skin are often symptoms of gastrointestinal problems.

Many modern people, even young people, suffer from lazy bowel syndrome. To start its work, beneficial bacteria and ferments, yoghurts are required.

Fish and seafood, especially oily fish contain Omega-3 acids necessary to maintain the beauty of the skin and blood vessels.
In addition, fish contains phosphorus, potassium and fluorine strengthening bones. These irreplaceable substances by other products harmonize the balance of trace elements in the skin layers and the body as a whole, making it healthier.

Vegetables and fruits- the first remedy for firm and smooth skin, because they are rich vitamin C and fiber. With their help, the intestines get rid of toxins, and the skin is nourished and renewed at the cellular level, producing natural collagen... Fruit is a treasure trove of antioxidants that fight aging.
Along with vegetables and fruits antioxidants in large quantities are in dark chocolate, green tea and flax seeds and sunflower.

Thus, in order to maintain beauty and youth on the outside, it is necessary to take care of your body and from the inside.

So start taking natural vitamin complexes, protein protein shake for skin elasticity and polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6.

IMPORTANT: Just do not confuse vitamins and vitamin complexes, natural and artificial. Will help you become healthier and younger not artificial, but natural vitamins.

To assess the quality of vitamins, it is necessary to have information from which raw materials they are made. Most often, consultants of MLM companies can provide you with such information.

The face and neck are the first zones to show age. You should pay attention to them in the beauty parlor after 40 years. By maintaining an active lifestyle and eating right, doing regular, simple exercises can prolong your youth. And optimism and good mood will not allow the wrinkles of anger to appear on your face.

Video: exercise for the muscles of the neck

What do stars look like after 40. Photo

At 40, life is just beginning, which means it is too early to wrap up in a shawl and start saving for old age. Time to create! And it's not about art, but about yourself. Revise your wardrobe, get rid of the trash and try to become a chic woman in a little ... And in this material you will find 15 really working tips that will help you achieve your goal quickly and without mistakes. Impeccable style can be achieved at any age!

1. Do not go to extremes

The most important and important rule that many women break with sad regularity is to go to extremes. This means one is wearing a Mickey Mouse crop top and the other is wearing a gray floor-length grandmother's skirt. Know when to stop: short shiny shorts will not make you look younger, and an old lady's blouse will only aggravate the situation. The right solution is elegant silhouettes, classic cuts and the absence of strange decorative elements.

2. Wear comfortable clothing

After all, it's time to forget about very tight skirts, 15 cm heels and slippery jeans. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in (not a tracksuit!). Clothes should not constrict anything, squeeze or hinder movement. Remember once and for all: the outfit should fit the figure.

3. Clearly define what to show and what to hide

It is natural that your figure is no longer as fit as it was 20 years ago. There is no need to be afraid of this, because of this there is no need to be upset. Just learn to emphasize strengths and hide weaknesses. Do you have beautiful calves or an attractive décolleté area? Wear knee-length skirts and V-neck blouses.

4. Wear pastel colors

First of all, you need to understand which colors suit you. Perhaps you had enough time to figure this out. For example, pale blue instantly makes you younger and more attractive, while yellow is strictly prohibited. From this and make a start. Meanwhile, if you are a little over 40, stylists recommend paying attention to light pastel shades: beige, ivory, brown, white, gray.

5. Say a firm "no" to shapeless clothes

Returning to the question of a beautiful and elegant silhouette. Forget about hoodies, weird stretched sweaters, insanely wide trousers. Only one size fits all and only semi-fitted clothes (but not tight!)

6.Choose prints with care

We are not saying that after 40 years you can not wear bright prints, but it is better to choose them with extreme care. Pay attention to something muffled, uncrowded, unflattering. It can be geometric shapes, flowers, and abstraction, but with the proviso that the print does not look too childish. Moreover, without funny cats and red lips.

7. Don't forget about heels

High-heeled shoes are in the closet and "walk" only on special occasions? This is the wrong approach to business. Just buy at least one pair of really comfortable and stable mid-heeled pumps.

8. Choose skirts and dresses of medium length

The ideal length is mid-knee. It is feminine, beautiful, stylish. A mini dress will look vulgar and vulgar, perhaps only Demi Moore can afford such outfits. In order not to be mistaken, we always choose something restrained and without going overboard.

9. Find a nice fitted coat

Have you bought a cool fitted coat in a delicate shade? Match it with ankle boots and consider that you are ready for spring and autumn. Forget black or gray and don't be afraid to get dirty - a light coat will make your look gorgeous.

10. Add stylish details

If in clothes we advise you to stick to the classics, then when choosing accessories, you can include imagination (in moderation, of course). For example, sometimes wear a beautiful hat or large jewelry, add an unusual brooch or bright shoes to the image. In general, be original, it will benefit your style.

11. Do not get carried away with jewelry

Another extreme that older women sometimes fall into. Wearing many, many expensive jewelry at the same time and turn into a Christmas tree. We understand that jewelry is an indicator of wealth and luxury, but still, for everyday style it is better to stick to modest accessories. At least no 20 carat diamonds.

12. Carry small, neat handbags

Try to avoid large bags that look more like grocery shopping bags. Wear clutches or neat medium-sized handbags - they will never ruin your elegant look.

13. Buy only high quality clothing

We think that the realization has already come to you that it is better to buy a few high-quality and expensive items of the basic wardrobe than to buy up all the lurid blouses with protruding threads on sales. A woman after 40 cannot afford to wear low-quality clothes that will not last more than 1 season. An expensive bag, a good coat, cool shoes - we select the perfect option and enjoy it for several years.

14. Always stick to simplicity and elegance.

Let's leave experimenting with trends to young girls, okay? Eternal classics - that's what a beautiful woman needs after 40. Fitted trousers, a feminine blouse, a stylish jacket will never go out of fashion. Simple and tasteful, as they say.

15. Be well-groomed and tidy

There are no ugly women. There are only those who do not want to take care of their skin, hair, nails, clothes. Of course, you can make excuses for the lack of time, but this excuse will not work with us. We officially declare: women, love yourself, and then everyone around you will love you!

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Even a hundred years ago, 40-year-old women were considered almost grandmothers and were written off. They were only expected to mend stockings, housework and get-togethers with "colleagues in misfortune." But today at this age comes the second youth, and how unfair it is that some ladies preserve their natural beauty, while others have to put in a lot of effort to look fresh.

site decided to figure out why some people age faster than others. And also learn how to deceive nature and preserve youth and activity.

1. Hormonal changes in the body affect every woman, but some manage to deceive nature

The main female hormone, estrogen, is produced in much smaller quantities with age. And he, among other things, is responsible for the elasticity and thickness of the skin. Exactly how you age and lose estrogen depends on many factors, from inheritance to diet. But there is still something that can be done.

  • Add phytoestrogens to your diet: soy tofu, flaxseed, broccoli. Also, do not give up meat - doctors say that animal products help to prolong youth a little.

2. Genes for aging exist, but you can make them work for you

Who said that a woman in her 40s should run to a hairdresser and have a short haircut? Psychologists think differently: long hair makes the fair sex more attractive. And here are the things that definitely add age:

  • Sparse and fine hair. A person with such hair is perceived by those around him as not very healthy. A visit to a trichologist and endocrinologist can help here.
  • "Concreted" laying. Hard laying with varnish will "throw over" for several more years.
  • Platinum blond. According to stylists, this color greatly ages. True, you should not rush to the other extreme either - too dark hair color will emphasize all the wrinkles on the face.
  • Hairstyle and style need to be changed occasionally. Whether we like it or not, as we age, our face undergoes metamorphosis, and the haircut should change with it.

4. Excess fat triggers the aging process

Extra pounds don't just make you look older, they bring old age closer to the speed of a car. Overweight people look (and feel) on average 8.8 years older than their slender companions.

Due to excess weight, collagen production is disrupted: stretch marks, wrinkles appear and, in general, the skin loses its youthful elasticity. But we have good news: from age 55, overweight people start to look younger, because fat deposits hide wrinkles. True, this is still bad for health: joints, blood vessels and the heart wear out faster.

  • You need to lose weight at any age under the supervision of a doctor or nutritionist. Because drastic and unhealthy weight loss can do as much harm as extra pounds.

5. How you age depends on where you were born.

Certain races look younger than their age. Geneticists believe that Hispanics are the most fortunate: Mexican, Spanish, Haitian women look 2 years younger than representatives of other nations of the same age.

Over time, the eyebrows become less thick: hormonal changes and bad experiences with tweezers affect. This part of the face strongly influences the perception of age: the paler and thinner the eyebrows, the older the woman appears. But cosmetologists have figured out how to fix the situation:

  • Eyebrow growth serums and gels work, however, the result will have to wait.
  • Eyebrows drawn too brightly
  • Go through the wardrobe and ruthlessly throw out everything that gives out age, adds kilograms or just doesn't like it.
  • Create a basic wardrobe.
  • Buy at least one pair of nice and stylish shoes and a good bag.
  • Do a manicure once a week.
  • Never buy clothes made of synthetics and cheap fabrics, and throw away the ones that you already have. Never buy a bag and shoes made of leatherette and dermantine.
  • Bijouterie is only very expensive and of high quality, if it is not possible to wear gold and silver with natural stones. No jewelry made of platmass and synthetic materials!
  • The laundry must be functional. Lace "for the soul", and for everyday wear - smooth bras in beige or dark color. A bra should create a seductive shape, not chafe or leave red streaks on the skin, only such a bra is worth buying.

The age of forty for Jennifer Lopez is not a reason to wear shapeless robes.

Basic rules of the style "after 40". What to wear for a woman over 40 Top 10 MANDATORY things for a woman "after 40".

  • 2 perfectly fitting skirts in a neutral color (one for winter and one for summer) in gray, brown or navy blue. (Black is only suitable for dark-haired!) You should not save on them. Often the optimal length is around the knee. Slightly higher or slightly lower - depends on your figure. The mirror will tell you the correct answer.
  • 2 perfectly fitting neutral colored trousers (for winter and summer wardrobe). The colors are the same. Also a prerequisite is a perfect fit. With wide hips and a tummy, the fit of the trousers should be slightly lowered. It is better to choose straight trousers as basic, rather than wide or tapered options. Owners of narrow hips can also add bright skirts and trousers.
  • 2 dresses (summer and autumn-winter). It is more difficult for women with narrow hips and chunky shoulders to find a dress, in which case it can be replaced with either a "jacket-skirt" set or choose options with an elastic top and a rigid bottom. Women with wide hips should opt for dresses with a neckline and an A-shaped skirt.
  • 2-3 bright blouses. Don't be afraid of color! Blouses should be bright, but not flashy acid. Choose the colors of plum, lavender, red wine, cocoa, raspberry, green apple, eggplant. Colors must be natural! But the cost is not as important as in the case of skirts and trousers. But the only thing that is absolutely unacceptable is any obviously cheap material.
  • Coat. The most profitable and stylish purchase is a coat of the color of cherry, dark chocolate, plum, mustard, olives. The style is as simple as possible. ... Such coats are always fashionable and never look pretentious! For owners of wide hips - a trapeze coat or a coat with a high waistline, for owners of narrow hips - a coat with accented vertical elements - a line of buttons, trim.
  • Dress "on the way out". “Outings” always happen unexpectedly - weddings, meetings with friends, special events. And you should be fully armed - a mind blowing dress should live in your closet, waiting for just such cases. Choose the dress you were printing about - the color, cut and trim. The main condition is that you must catch yourself beautiful and desirable with him, catch admiring glances, and the dress must be bright and comfortable. Black and gray dresses are boring as going out dresses. The main trick is that the emphasis in the dress should be on your merits, but remember, sexuality "after 40" should be languidly restrained - just a hint, no overly revealing neckline.

Oprah Winfrey: Imperfect figure is no excuse for lack of style

Hairstyle "after 40 years"

Should be determined with a haircut. Rarely, after 40, long hair is suitable, the maximum length is just above the shoulder line. If you realize that you will not be able to pull through your daily styling, choose options that do not require styling. By the age of 40, you should have the perfect haircut! Long hair can only be worn if it looks gorgeous. And no complicated styling - they add age!

Kylie Minogue looks better at 40 than at 20

Makeup "after 40".

Makeup is a must! It is advisable to take at least one lesson from a makeup artist in order to throw off 5-10 years. Colored mascara, shiny shadows and lipstick are categorically contraindicated, choose matte shades The main condition is that the makeup should look as natural as possible.

Natural hair color and competent makeup make Demi Moore look more stylish than in her youth

Shoes and bags for women after 40 years.

Catherine Deneuve focuses on luxury accessories - stole, bag and shoes

Particular attention should be paid to shoes. Stylish shoes distinguish a well-groomed woman from everyone else. It must be of high quality! If you are after practical shoes, choose brown or gray shades, they are combined with almost all wardrobe, but look more stylish than black shoes.

In your wardrobe, you must have a pair of impractical but chic shoes "on the way out".

High heels are not synonymous with style. They can be worn “on the way out” and for special occasions, for “every day” you can choose stable heels or even do without heels at all.

And, of course, don't forget the bag. A stylish woman should have a basic bag of a laconic style (for a bright coat or dress) and a bright bag (for a dress or coat of gray, brown or dark blue colors).

Fashion and style "after 40"

Fashion magazines and the Internet are your free advisers. Watch magazines, cut out interesting images and ideas, stick them in a notebook. Collect ideas FOR YOURSELF, in the weight and age in which you are now. Don't even look at images for 15 and 20 year olds, they are unlikely to be useful to you.

  • Shapeless robes should be replaced with cardigans
  • Change flaccid and shapeless dresses to dresses that favorably emphasize the figure
  • Belts can only be worn if you have a thin waist
  • Black coats should be replaced with brighter ones.
  • Play with color, but remember, after 40 years, colors should be natural
  • Excessively bright colors or predatory prints, if desired, can be used - in decoration or accessories.

Sexuality after 40 is languid and restrained, not striking. Not too deep neckline (if desired, the neckline area can be covered with translucent fabrics, lace), sleeve length ¾ and 7/8 in combination with elongated gloves, interesting trim on a dress or coat intrigue more than ultramini or excessively bare breasts.

Michelle Pfeiffer: Shallow cleavage is more intriguing than almost completely naked breasts