Do-it-yourself electric jigsaw from a drill. How to make a homemade jigsaw with your own hands from a regular electric jigsaw

An electric jigsaw is a tool, without which it is simply impossible to perform many work on wood processing and the materials in which it is used. Possessing compactness and low weight, the handheld portable jigsaw is capable of cutting out products of very complex geometry from the workpiece.

The jigsaw is very convenient in work and, moreover, it provides a very precise and thin cut... If you don't want to spend money on a purchased jigsaw, you can make it yourself at home.

Lightest product

The jigsaw table itself can be made by hand in a short space of an hour. The advantage of the manufactured structure will be its simplicity. It can be easily mounted on a tabletop or workbench and, if necessary, it is also easy to disassemble. The disadvantage of a homemade design can be considered its small area.

The simplest product consists of the following parts:

  1. Plywood.
  2. Mounting screws.
  3. Clamps.

The working basis of the machine can be laminated plywood, in which it is necessary to drill holes for installing fasteners and for the file itself. The plywood must be at least 10 millimeters thick. However, you may also need to make holes for the mounting screws in the sole of your power tool.

Homemade design can be attached to the workbench using clamps... Please note that the heads of the screws for fastening must be recessed into the surface of the sheet so that they do not interfere with you during operation. Such a machine can easily cope with the processing of small workpieces up to 30 millimeters thick. A drawing of this type of machine can be easily found on the Internet, and then assemble it with your own hands at home.

Another variant

This option consists of the following parts:

  1. Chipboard frame.
  2. Vacuum cleaner tube.
  3. Film faced plywood for the cover of the machine.
  4. Confirms.

There is a second option for a stationary device for working with wood material, which is assembled from a larger number of spare parts, but it will not be difficult to make it. The frame is made of chipboard and consists of a rear wall and two sidewalls. To make it easy to get to the power button, the front wall of the machine is absent.

Do it yourself in the back wall drill holes for vacuum cleaner tube and cord. The cover for the machine can be made of 10 mm thick film faced plywood. The whole structure can be pulled together by confirmation. The jigsaw can be fixed in the same way as described above in the first case.

On a machine made according to this option, it is possible to process more massive workpieces, however, when working with a thick workpiece, the jigsaw saw can go in both directions and be deflected back. In this case, the accuracy of the cut deteriorates. This drawback can be easily eliminated with your own hands by installing a bracket on a homemade machine that will serve as an emphasis.

The jigsaw saw will move. between two 11mm bearings, which must be screwed to the L-shaped strip made of steel. The back of the saw will rest against the wall of the bracket itself. This design will prevent the blade of your jigsaw from deviating from the specified trajectory.

The bracket must be attached to the frame made of 50x50 mm bars. It can be lowered or raised depending on the length and thickness of the wood to be treated. To do this, the frame itself, together with the stop, must not be fixed tightly to the sidewall of the machine, but pressed against it with a hardboard, steel or textolite plate. We install the vertical rack of the frame between the hardboard and the bed.

The machine can be more convenient if you mount an additional limit bar on it, with which you can cut material into workpieces of the same length and thickness.

The limiter is attached to the machine with clamps. His made of wooden beams, aluminum or steel angle. For convenience, you can also install the bar on a slide, which must be fixed to the sides or bottom of the tabletop.

Chipboard jigsaw table

To make this jigsaw table, you must have a certain carpentry skill, since when connecting its tsars with legs, it must be made into a tenon-groove. The spike-groove itself can be changed to a connection using dowels, wood glue and self-tapping screws.

The cover of the machine must be made lifting, to facilitate access to the tool when changing it. In order for the machine to be multifunctional, it is necessary to provide a place for mounting a manual milling machine.

The table is assembled from the following materials:

  • bar 80 by 80 millimeters;
  • bar 40 by 80 millimeters;
  • laminated plywood or chipboard with dimensions of 900 x 900 millimeters.

Measure the distance between the legs, it should be between 60 and 70 centimeters. Bars for proges and tsars will be obtained if the bars are cut longitudinally 80 by 80 millimeters. You can choose the height of the legs themselves at your discretion, it all depends on how comfortable it will be for you to perform work on the machine.

At each end of the prodges and tsars, it is necessary to drill two holes for the dowels. The same holes must be made on the sidewalls of the legs. Coat the dowels with glue half their length and insert into the ends. After that, assemble the entire frame. It will turn out to be non-collapsible. After checking and possible corrections, it shrinks tightly.

All surfaces in the contact points must be grease with glue... Use self-tapping screws for additional structural strength, which must be screwed through the holes prepared in advance for them.

The cover must be attached to one of the side bars with hinges; for this, a slot must be made in it to facilitate the removal and installation of the jigsaw. In the countertop from the back, you need to screw two strips with a pre-selected quarter, into which the sole of the power tool should enter.

Holes must be made in the strips, into which bolts or pressure screws must then be installed. A jigsaw attached under the worktop will be able to cut thicker material if a recess is made in the lid for its sole. The easiest way to perform this indentation is using a milling machine.

As a result, the table will turn out to be very simple and spacious, so the required strength of its lid can be provided by a large thickness of chipboard or plywood. Use sheets 20 millimeters or more thick.

Jigsaw machine using thin saws

Since when cutting difficult patterns in plywood, the jigsaw saw is not very suitable for this, you need to take a thin nail file. It can be attached to a hand-held power tool using the original attachment.

We also attach the jigsaw to the table top, but a thin file must be pulled, since it will not be enough just set on a pendulum... To facilitate the process of stretching the file, it is necessary to make a rocker from a bar.

The tension on your blade is provided by a spring. Put its lower loop on the cross hairpin. The upper hinge must be inserted into the adjusting screw, which changes the tension of the damper. All wooden blanks for a homemade machine tool are made of hardwood.

Since there is no possibility of attaching a thin section blade in a jigsaw machine, you can remake a fragment of an old saw by first drilling a hole in it and completing it with a screw with nut and clamping plate.

A vertical slot must be made in the rocker arm, into which a second steel plate must be inserted. It is attached to the rocker with screws. Attaching the upper part of the file to it must be done in the same way as the lower one. To make it easier for you, you can use an old jigsaw to make a plate.

If you are carving and making figures or parts out of wood, plastic or similar material, you cannot do without a tool whose name recalls the distant Soviet past: a jigsaw.

Jigsaw and jigsaw are different, now on sale there are both "pioneer" elementary hand models, and modern electric tools that only vaguely resemble the usual files.

You can make a jigsaw yourself: in the technical literature and the network, many diagrams and drawings of electric jigsaw machines are offered.

It is not difficult to make such a device, and you will get significant benefits from it. You will be able to independently manufacture the furniture you need and realize the most daring creative ideas for the interior.

An example of making a jigsaw machine.

Homemade jigsaw you professionally make even details of the most bizarre shapes. First, you need to decide on the most suitable design for you.

Technical description and components

The schematic diagram of any jigsaw is the same for different models.

It must include the following parts:

  • file;
  • drive with a power of about 150 W;
  • a rocker for tensioning the file;
  • working surface with graduation;
  • drilling unit, etc.

Consumables are fixed on the working surface. In advanced models, there are special devices for rotary movements of the part, in which the working surface can change the angle of inclination.

The dimensions of the surface will depend on your production and creative plans: the larger the dimensions of the part you are going to cut, the larger your production table should be. Traditional sizes are usually around 30 - 40 cm.

The types of files are very diverse. They depend primarily on the consumable. Sizes of parts for sawing also matter. Conventional saws for working with wood have a length of about 35 - 40 cm. They are able to cut parts made of wood or plastic with a thickness of no more than 100 mm.

With different types of materials, files also change, mainly it concerns their width: from 2 to 10 mm. Saws can differ in the type of their tails - with or without pins. They are fixed in a special device for tensioning them and cutting evenly. For this, they have spring type springs.

Another important one: the crank assembly. Its function can hardly be overestimated: it is he who transfers the movement from the drive to the file, converting the rotary movement into translational movement.

Jigsaw assembly drawing.

Thanks to this, the file begins to oscillate at a high frequency, the speed of such oscillations is on average about 800 - 1000 rpm. It is important to remember about the amplitude of vertical vibrations, it should not exceed 50 mm.

In advanced modern jigsaw models, the speed varies depending on the type of consumable. Most of the desktop models operate in two speed modes. Most often these are 600 and 1000 rpm.

Range of jigsaw machines

Most often, in its power of an electric drive, the range of values ​​is huge: from 90 to 500 watts.

Also, these devices are subdivided into varieties based on their fundamental design:

  • universal;
  • on a suspension;
  • graduated;
  • with a support in the lower position;
  • with a double support.

Jigsaws with lower support

Diagram of the structural elements of the machine.

The most used and popular models are machines with a lower slide. Their feature is the division of the working bed into upper and lower parts.

While the upper section contains only one sawing and cleaning device, the lower section contains many working elements: an electric motor, a switch, a transmission unit and a control unit. This design makes it possible to cut sheets of materials of almost any size.

Double slide machines

A home-made jigsaw with a double support differs from the lower support by the presence in the upper section of a special additional bar and a desktop with the ability to change the angle of inclination and overall height.

These models are designed to work with oversized parts. Such a machine is easier to make than the previous model. There are limitations in the materials with which you can work on it: their thickness should not exceed 80 mm.

Suspended machines

The name speaks for itself: the model is mobile, it works without a bed. The fundamental point in this design is the movement of the cutting file, not the consumable. The module itself is fixed to the ceiling, the file is set in motion by hand.

All this gives serious advantages: in this way you can create the most complex patterns, the size of the surface is not limited by anything.

Devices with graduations

The presence of stops and a degree scale make it possible to work according to technical drawings, without the slightest error.

Universal machines

Such devices are usually called jigsaw. Their feature is the ability to perform several operations such as grinding, polishing, sawing, etc.

How to make a jigsaw with your own hands?

We will not dwell on the manufacture of the simplest machines: you can easily find such manuals with video support on the net. Let's talk about homemade jigsaw machines.

Do-it-yourself machine assembly.

Here is the sequence of works for their manufacture:

  • We make a frame from plywood sheet or plastic.
    The main thing is that the thickness is at least 12 mm. The function of the bed is a foundation, a work surface and a place for fixing mechanisms and an electric motor.
  • We place a special rocking chair with an eccentric on the opposite side.
    We connect them using a metal bar with bearings. All fasteners in the structure are screw.
  • We install the intermediate shaft.
    To do this, you need to prepare two bearings, fit the pulley onto the shaft as tightly as possible, then carefully fasten with screws. Similar actions are performed with an eccentric.
  • At the rocking chair, the range of motion should change.
    To do this, you need to change the location of the screw, for which we drill exactly four threaded holes on the eccentric flange. The holes should be located at different distances from the axis. With the change of the screw attachment point, the swinging amplitude of the rocking arm will change.
  • We make a rocker: these are nothing more than wooden rockers, into whose rear ends the screws that you built in the previous paragraph are inserted, these are tension screws.
    The rocker arms themselves are hinged to the rack. We fix the file on the front ends of the rocker arms. The previous and current steps must be performed with special care and care. The fact is that the fastening of the file is a fundamentally important thing. Rocker arms with plates are subjected to constant stress during movement due to their rigid tightening with screws.
  • You need a rack for a rocking chair.
    It will be better if it is made from a whole piece of material. We make a groove for the first rocker arm on the top of the rack. At the bottom end we place a special rectangular opening for the second rocker arm.

Yours. We wish you cool ideas and their high-quality implementation.

In the life of a home craftsman, from time to time there is a need to produce curly and simply decorative cuts, including those inside the workpiece. Gasoline, circular and ordinary hand saws cannot cope with this task, due to their design features. To solve this problem, a manual jigsaw is used, specially designed for performing such operations. This tool undoubtedly copes with its task, but when working with large volumes or dimensional materials, it definitely loses to its more professional brother - a jigsaw machine.

Getting a brand new, shiny and functional desktop jigsaw is a snap. Shop counters are filled with products from various manufacturers aimed at professional and amateur work. At first glance, the stationary jigsaws on sale seem to be very complex in terms of design, which are assembled only by selected expert technicians. In fact, these are quite simple devices that you can make yourself, with the desire and step-by-step instructions. And if the first point depends only on you, with the second we will definitely help and provide a detailed guide on how to independently assemble a homemade jigsaw machine.

Scope of application

The special design and thin saw blade make the table jigsaw a unique device, indispensable for certain types of tasks. The most popular, this device has won in the woodworking industry. It is often used in delicate works of jewelry, souvenirs, musical instruments and furniture.

One of the main features for which the jigsaw machine for wood is so valued is the ability to carry out internal cuts of the workpiece without damaging its contour. Convenience of use, when both hands of the operator are free and can best control the position of the product on the working surface, plays an important role in the usefulness of this device. To everything else, it is worth adding the accuracy of the resulting cutting line, as well as the ability to work with plastic and metal. All of the above advantages make the desktop jigsaw the best tool for cutting decorative elements.

The principle of operation of the jigsaw machine

To form the clearest possible representation of the device of a desktop jigsaw, you need to understand what it consists of. Further, we will list all the structural elements of an elementary apparatus of this type, without additional functionality (removal of sawdust, speed control, tilt of the working surface and other gadgets). So, a stationary jigsaw consists of the following components:
  1. Stable base
  2. Electric motor
  3. Crank assembly
  4. Desktop
  5. Upper and lower arm
  6. File clamping device
Of course, without explaining the relationship of the above components, they will remain just a set of words. To convey a more specific idea of ​​the structure's work, we will briefly talk about its structure.

The whole process originates from the motor, which transmits rotation to the crank mechanism, which converts the circular motion into reciprocating motion. On the connecting rod, which is part of the mechanism, the movement is transferred to the lower arm, forcing it to move up and down. The entire structure described above is located under the work table. The upper arm is located above the table surface and is connected to the lower spring that serves as the saw blade tensioner. At the ends of both levers opposite from the spring, there is a clamp, where a file is installed that makes a cut of the workpiece.

For greater clarity of the entire process described above, we present the following drawing of a jigsaw with the function of a saw blade tension regulator. Although this feature is one of the main ones, we did not include it in the description of the design of an elementary device, since it is possible to work without it.

Jigsaw from a jigsaw

Not everyone has a need for regular decorative curly cuts. Often, to solve such problems, an ordinary hand-held electric jigsaw is enough for home craftsmen. Not everyone wants to purchase a bulky and rather expensive device for a one-time use and further dust collection. Nevertheless, in everyday life, sometimes a job appears that requires the most accurate and accurate sawing. In this case, you can assemble a fairly simple machine from a jigsaw with your own hands, using a minimum set of materials and a little imagination.

To date, the network contains many different options for the execution of a desktop jigsaw, of varying degrees of complexity and efficiency. After reviewing dozens of products, we settled on the most interesting and at the same time simple assembly that meets the main requirements for cut quality. Even a beginner who has the necessary tools at his disposal will be able to assemble such a jigsaw from a manual jigsaw with his own hands. For assembly you will need:

  1. Chipboard sheet (3 pieces): 600x400x20 (length, width, height)
  2. Spring
  3. Profile tube (1.5 m): 30x30x2 (length, width, thickness)
  4. Jigsaw
  5. Flat washers (4 pcs)
  6. Bolts for washers and joints
  7. Self-tapping screws for assembling tabletops
The above values ​​are given with a margin. When assembling the machine, be guided by your preferences and logic.

Required tools:

  • Welding machine
  • Grinder with a disc for metal
  • Screwdriver
Having collected all the necessary arsenal, you can safely proceed to action.

1. The first step is to assemble the base of the future machine. To do this, take 3 prepared sheets of chipboard or other, thick enough wood material and make a structure out of them, similar to the letter "p". We fix at the edges with self-tapping screws. For greater reliability and stability, you can make a back wall.

2. In the center of the surface of the assembled tabletop, we outline the future holes for the saw and several fasteners for the jigsaw. To do this, remove the sole from the jigsaw, apply it with the opposite (not flat) side to the future attachment point and make several points through the grooves of the sole. At this stage, it is necessary to observe accuracy, since the jigsaw installed from below must have the most accurate, perpendicular position to the side edges of the table, in order to avoid skewing the saw during further work. We drill the marked points with a drill 3-4 mm, and the central one (for a file) by 10 mm. As in the photos below.

3. After fixing the jigsaw under the table top, proceed to assembling the upper arm from a square tube, which serves as a saw blade tensioner. As a fixed base, we cut off a part of the pipe, 300 mm long and weld fixing elements (corners or ears) from one of the ends. The movable part should be slightly longer (about 45 cm). The connection of the two elements is carried out using a bolt with a nut and a U-shaped metal element welded to the end of the rack, as in the photo below.

A washer is welded to the end of the movable arm, which will be located directly on the file, which will serve as the upper attachment element.

4. Before installing the assembled tensioner assembly to the tabletop surface, be sure to position the end of the boom directly over the hole drilled for the file. If the top mount is too far to the side, the file will often break, complicating the cutting process. When the ideal position of the tensioner has been verified, we fasten the structure to the tabletop with bolts.

5. Since the jigsaw is not adapted to work with thin files, we make a simple adapter-fixture for it. To do this, we take an old saw blade, grind the teeth with a grinder, cut them to a length of 3-4 cm and weld a regular nut to the end, into which the machine saw will be clamped using a second nut and bolt.

When making such an adapter, pay special attention to its length. If it is too large, the nut will hit the bottom of the countertop, which could break the tool.

6. When the file is clamped in both fasteners, all that remains is to tension it and start working. The implementation of such a function is straightforward. We fasten the spring to the back of the movable arm using a bolt and nut, and fix the opposite part to the table top to the required length. It is very easy to determine the tension. To do this, just slide your finger along the file, like on a guitar string. A high pitched sound will indicate that the device is suitable for use.

At this stage, the assembly of the elementary device is considered complete. To more clearly understand how to make a machine out of a jigsaw, we recommend watching the following video.

Homemade jigsaw from a drill

The screwdriver and drill are among the most common power tools in any household. These devices are powerful enough, have a wide range of applications and are sometimes even used as drives for various mechanisms. It is as the engine that the author of the following do-it-yourself table jigsaw assembly guide uses the drill.

The process of making a classic machine presented below does not require welding and cutting metal with a grinder, but at the same time it perfectly demonstrates the principle of operation of such an apparatus. The device is based on an elementary crank mechanism, which can be made in a couple of minutes, having at your disposal a piece of plywood and a short steel bar with a diameter of 6 mm. Unfortunately, the author did not provide a detailed drawing of the jigsaw machine, but closed many questions by mounting a visual video instruction.

The whole assembly process includes a lot of small details that are easy to understand and do not require additional comments. For this reason, we decided not to explain elementary things in words, but to touch only the basic details of the design. By tradition, let's start the instructions by listing the required materials.
  1. Wooden lath (2 pcs): 500x40x20 (length, width, thickness)
  2. Chipboard for base: 400x350x20
  3. Chipboard for worktop: 320x320x20
  4. Chipboard strips (2 pcs): 350x50x20
  5. Aluminum sheet: 400x400x1
  6. Drill (screwdriver)
  7. PVC tubes (4 pcs): 300 mm long
  8. Self-tapping screws, bolts, washers and nuts
  9. Wood glue
  10. Steel bar, diameter 6mm (for crank assembly)
  11. Spring
The materials listed are used in the instructions, but do not claim absolute accuracy. You can replace what you have at your disposal. From the sizes, if necessary, you can also move away.

Required tools:

  • Screwdriver or drill
  • Pliers
  • Metal scissors
  • Hammer
Having prepared the required materials, it remains only to collect them into a single working mechanism, following the video tutorial provided below. When connecting wooden parts with self-tapping screws and glue, we advise you to wait completely dry, which will last from 24 hours. Otherwise, the connection will be flimsy.

In place of the presented file tensioning mechanism, you can install a small lanyard with a fixing nut. Thus, the tensioning process will be more convenient and efficient.

As a file, the author uses steel wire to survive in the forest. Of course, a perfectly even cut cannot be obtained with such an element, therefore, a fastener should be made at the ends of the upper and lower arms. You can clamp the file between two washers tightened with a screw and a pair of nuts.

For the strongest and most comfortable fixing of the crank, it is better to use a drill chuck with a key. With this element, you can quickly remove the drill or screwdriver when you need it elsewhere. It can just as easily be tightened back.

We hope that the presented guide was useful and clearly conveyed the principle of operation and manufacture of the device. You can see a more visual instruction on how to make a homemade jigsaw in the video below.

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  1. Device and principle of operation
  2. Assembly instructions
  3. How to remake a hand jigsaw
  4. Sewing machine

Desktop jigsaw - equipment for cutting, cutting shaped parts from various materials. Its feature is the ability to cut while maintaining the integrity of the outer contour of the workpiece. Depending on which saw is installed on the structure, the machine can process natural wood, its derivatives, plastic bases or metal.

The device is indispensable when performing construction and repair work, the production of pieces of furniture, souvenirs. Equipment is often purchased for domestic purposes. Sometimes buying a factory unit is irrational: you can make a jigsaw yourself. The photo shows the construction of the tool.

Device and principle of operation

The stationary factory sample includes a working table for a jigsaw, a unit with a cutting element, an electric drive and a crank mechanism installed under the tabletop are fixed on it. The tension unit is installed at the top or bottom of the machine. Many machine models allow you to cut material at different angles. This is necessary for making an oblique cut. Often, for convenience, markings are applied to the swivel mechanism, stops, guides. The length of the cut depends on the dimensions of the table, in most models it is 30–40 cm.

The power of an electric jigsaw may be small. For domestic purposes, a 150 W unit is sufficient.

An important element is the crooked connecting rod mechanism. It is responsible for the quality of transmission of the engine torque into the forward-and-return movement performed by the cutting element in a vertical position.

The standard jigsaw has a vibration frequency of up to 1000 per minute at an amplitude of 3-5 cm. Some models provide speed control for various materials. In most cases, a saw up to 35 cm long is installed on such a tool, which allows you to cut parts up to 10 cm thick.

In order for the cutting element to serve for a long time without breakages, cracks, it is necessary to provide it with optimal tension along the entire length. For this, helical and spring springs are used. As an additional option, the factory equipment provides an air pump for removing sawdust from the cutting line. A block with a drilling unit is useful, however, you must pay extra for each additional unit.

Assembly instructions

The jigsaw is made from a refrigerator compressor, a conventional drill. The cutting blade can be set in motion using a motor from a washing machine. Another option is to use manual jigsaws, old sewing machines. The figure shows a design drawing.

How to remake a hand jigsaw

First of all, the table is made. For this, a sheet of thick plywood or metal is used. Through holes are cut out in it for the cutting blade, fasteners. Through them, the manual unit placed below is fixed to the support structure. Next, the jigsaw table is fixed to any stable wooden table. Guide rails are added.

If necessary, the machine can be quickly disassembled.

The standard device is equipped with springs that provide the file with the required level of tension. You cannot do without a rocker arm, one edge of it is under the tension of the springs, the second provides attachment to the cutting element of the jigsaw machine. You can also clamp the blade between the two guide rollers.

Before starting work on a homemade jigsaw, be sure to turn off the pendulum motion.

Sewing machine

A jigsaw from a sewing machine contains a saw travel regulator provided with a speed switch on the equipment.

For manufacturing, the thread weaving mechanism is removed. In most designs, it fits underneath. Unscrew the bolts, knock out the cotter pin, remove the drive shaft leading to the thread weaving unit.

Then the upper protective panel opens, the groove along which the needle moved, expands to the parameters of the file width. Jigsaw saws modify a little: they cut according to the size of the longest needle that could be installed on the device. In order not to make an adapter for fixing the cutting element to the seat, grind the upper incisors, make the lower part of the blade sharp. A cutter is installed in the needle holder. After that, they start cutting out the blanks.

Having made a jigsaw with your own hands, it will be possible not only to purchase a practical tool, but also to save money: it will be much cheaper than the factory counterpart, while having a full range of functions. A homemade jigsaw will allow you to create products of complex shapes from wood, plastic and other materials, the production of which with a hand tool under normal conditions would take a lot of time and effort.

A homemade jigsaw allows you to make cuts of complex shapes.

You should consider the structure and sequence of manufacturing a simple desktop electric jigsaw, assembly features and the procedure for working with it.

How does a jigsaw work?

As the name implies, this tool is designed to be positioned on the surface of a desktop or workbench. The compact size allows you to work with a jigsaw both in the workshop or garage, and at home. An electric jigsaw is an indispensable tool for making intricate wood decorations, curly plywood carvings and the like.

Kinematic diagram of the jigsaw drive.

It is necessary to consider in more detail the structure of a factory-made desktop jigsaw. This will allow you to understand the main features of the device and apply them in a homemade model.

The components of an electric jigsaw can be roughly divided into 3 parts:

  • movable frame with a saw;
  • fixed base;
  • Electrical engine.

The principle of operation of the tool is as follows: an electric motor rotates the crank mechanism, which turns rotary movements into reciprocating ones. The movements are transferred to a movable frame on which the saw is stretched.

A homemade device works using the same principle. To simplify the design, the movable frame can be replaced with a conventional hand-held jigsaw.

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Electric Jigsaw Parts

When assembling an electric jigsaw, it is important to find a suitable motor that will drive the working tool - the saw. For this purpose, a motor from a drill, blender, food processor, or other equipment of the same type is perfect.

The frame of the jigsaw is best made of aluminum pipe.

The movable frame is made of metal profiles, wooden planks or sturdy plastic slats. It is most convenient to work with square-section aluminum tubes, as they are easy to process, have a low weight and a significant margin of safety.

To fix the jigsaw in the desired position, a reliable frame of wood or metal should be made for it. The dimensions of the frame do not have much effect on the performance of the jigsaw. They only depend on which version of the tool you need - a compact benchtop or a full-size floor-mounted one.

A jigsaw table is made of a thick sheet of plywood, in which a small diameter hole is made where the file will move (Fig. 2).

Between the body and the table is placed a gasket made of elastic material - rubber or leather, which will damp vibration.

There is also an easier option for how to make a homemade jigsaw. It consists in the fact that a manual electric jigsaw is mounted in a vertical position in a table-stand, while its file is attached tightly to the movable guide strips - levers.

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Assembling a table jigsaw

Designing a homemade jigsaw begins with assembling the body, which can be made of plywood, chipboard or metal. The simplest model of this tool can do without a case, but in this case, strong vibrations occur, which can significantly affect the convenience of work. In this case, two holes are made in the jigsaw - one for attaching the crank to the tool, the second for movably fixing the jigsaw itself to the table. After starting the engine, the jigsaw begins to perform reciprocating movements, contributing to the sawing of the material.

This spring will provide the correct tension on the jigsaw blade.

A more sophisticated model includes two separate strips, in the ends of which wing nuts are installed. From the opposite end, the planks are pulled together by a strong spring, which provides a constant tension on the saw. Such a device works from a separate engine or, for example, from a drill.

Inside the body there is a vertical bar, which is fixedly attached to its bottom or one of the walls. Two holes are made in it, the distance between which should be 2-3 cm less than the length of a standard file. Bolts or pins are threaded into the holes, onto which the strips holding the file are put on.

The engine is built into the housing and is attached to the lower bar by means of a disc with a connecting rod. A table with a hole for a file acts as a cover for the body.

The main disadvantage of a jigsaw with a separate engine lies in its most intricate part - the crank mechanism. The saw with it makes not only vertical, but also oblique movements, which cannot but affect the cutting accuracy. If you need to get an accurate tool, then it is better to replace the engine with an inexpensive factory-made manual jigsaw. It is fixed under the surface of the case and a file is threaded through the table, clamping it with one end in a jigsaw, and with the other in the upper bar of the structure. This design provides sufficient cutting accuracy, bringing this parameter closer to the factory models.

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Benefits of working with an electric jigsaw

The jigsaw allows complex cuts to be made very accurately.

Unlike hand tools, the electric jigsaw has clear advantages, including:

  • higher speed of work;
  • the ability to work with two hands, which increases the accuracy;
  • safety - with the correct organization of work, a stationary tool is much safer, since it cannot escape from the hands.

In addition, making an electric jigsaw on your own will save money, since factory machines of this type are quite expensive.