Repair of facades of residential buildings. Repair of the facade of a private house: current, capital, decorative Our prices for facade repair

Rushing rhythm modern life does not tolerate delay. Using new materials and technologies that have appeared on the construction market, it has become quite feasible to carry out facade work and in winter time.

Do not consider the cold season as some kind of obstacle. Facing the facade of the house in winter will save you time and finish construction earlier. The procedure is as follows:

1) Mounting scaffolding. It is performed in the same way as in the summer, without any differences.

2) Installation of moisture-proof film around the perimeter. It is needed to maintain a stable temperature directly on the outer walls.

3) Installation heating appliances. For this, devices powered by electricity or gasoline can be used. Heaters that form soot are absolutely unacceptable so as not to spoil appearance building.

After installing the film, thanks to the heating, the necessary microclimate will be formed and it will be possible to carry out repairs at a temperature under the tent of about 5-8 degrees Celsius. In the language of workers, such a simple structure is called a "teplyak". It provides comfortable conditions for decoration in winter and protects from snow and gusts of wind.

The surface of the walls of the house must be dry, without snow or ice. Work in winter is carried out with the help of special masonry mortars designed for use in conditions low temperatures. Under no circumstances should the solution be prepared with hot water.

Contact our team right now, and experienced specialists will help you calculate the amount of work required, their approximate cost and lead time.

Facade - the face of any house or building. Facades are finished with natural and artificial materials: plaster, brick, finishing stone, aluminum panels, porcelain tiles. Like all material objects, building materials have a shelf life, at the end of which the facade or part of it deteriorates and becomes unusable: the finish is destroyed, the attractiveness of the exterior is lost, falling off pieces of the facade layer create a danger to people's life and health. The state of the facade is affected by the human factor: incorrect calculation of the bearing capacity of the walls, the use of low-quality materials, saving mortar or lack of experience among installers will lead to a deterioration in the quality of the facade coating.

The repair of building facades is understood as a set of measures for assessing damage, preparing the surface, restoring the facade coating and engineering structures (drainage gutters). Repair happens:

  1. decorative or current;
  2. capital.

The first option is intended for partial restoration of the facade without interfering with the heat and waterproofing layers: the facade surfaces of houses that overlook the carriageway of the street darken from the soot of vehicle exhaust gases; gusts of wind break off decorative plates of ventilated facades, the surface of painted panels burns out. The restoration of such minor defects and are engaged in current repair.

Overhaul is carried out when the facade is destroyed by more than a third, when working on the redevelopment of buildings, the construction of extensions, or after a complete change in the profile of the purpose of the building. During a major overhaul, the used coating is completely removed, and a full range of repair, preparatory and installation work is carried out.

According to the current SNiP 3.04.01-87 ( sanitary standards and the rules) the current restoration is carried out at least once every 5 years, capital - at least 1 time in 10 years.

Ceramic tiles

Porcelain tiles are a high-quality facing material with zero hygroscopicity, which is made from several types of clay with the addition of a dye and several natural minerals: quartz and spar. The tile is attached to the wall of the building in two ways: by gluing with a special adhesive composition or installed on a system of steel or aluminum profiles. The large weight of the material requires an accurate calculation of the bearing capacity of the walls and a reliable foundation. The high-quality adhesive used in the first case will serve the coating for a long time and prevent individual tiles from falling out. If one or more plates are nevertheless peeled off, the entire facade is examined. If porcelain stoneware was glued with violations of technology or using low-quality glue, then a cosmetic or general repair of the entire facade is carried out, depending on the area of ​​the identified damage: the wall surface is cleaned of adhesive solution, cracks are repaired, the tiles are glued again using a high-quality adhesive mixture.

Repair of a ventilation facade made of ceramic granite tiles is carried out by:

  1. in case of damage to the slabs themselves as a result of external factors: vandalism, from falling trees, as a result of an accident;
  2. improper installation of the facade, due to which it does not fulfill its main function - providing an air gap between the tile and the insulating layer.

In the first case, new plates are installed to replace the damaged ones, in the second case, the facade is dismantled to identify installation violations and eliminate them, followed by the installation of the cladding.


Plaster - inexpensive universal material, which is most often used for finishing the facades of houses. Its main positive qualities are small overall weight, large selection color solutions, ease of operation and application to the surface of any building material.

Current repairs are carried out when the first signs of destruction of the coating appear: cracks, tar and bituminous stains, delamination of the material. Destruction sites are examined by removing a layer of plaster around the damaged areas to a firmly fixed layer using construction tool. After that, sections of the walls are cleaned, cracks and other defects are repaired, a notch is applied, then a primer, plaster mix. Important points to consider when cosmetically restoring plaster:

  • gypsum mortar cannot be applied to concrete;
  • thickness of one layer of plaster mix - no more than 3 cm;
  • grouting is done 4-5 hours after applying the mixture.

In the event that the total area of ​​destruction of the plaster lining exceeds 30% of the wall surface, a major overhaul is carried out. It includes the complete removal of the old coating, repair, preparation and manufacture of new house cladding.

Repair of the facade surface of the fiber cement board

Fiber cement is environmentally friendly, lightweight, durable and flexible material, which is made in the form of slabs of light grade cement with the addition of reinforcing cellulose fibers and fillers from natural minerals. Fiber cement boards have the ability to exchange steam, i.e. allow the walls of the building to "breathe", such material does not rot, is not destroyed by fungus or mold. Fiber cement boards are used for arranging ventilation facades and cladding houses with siding. Repair of facade surfaces made of fiber cement boards is needed to restore aesthetics: washing and painting boards, replacing damaged fragments. Fiber cement boards are used in the decoration of houses, therefore, for replacement or repair at height, one cannot do without special equipment or climbers.

A natural stone

Finishing the exterior walls with natural stone gives the building an original, memorable look. Natural stone has a significant weight and a relatively high price. Lime tufa, granite or marble are used for wall cladding. The first option is the easiest, easy to handle and trim. Repair method facade cladding depends on the type of installation: the stone is fixed in a “dry” or “wet” way. Dry - arrangement of a ventilation facade from slabs of natural polished stone, granite or marble. wet way- gluing stone fragments to the primed wall surface. For the successful installation of the stone with glue, you need to follow a few important rules:

  • air temperature - up to -3 degrees Celsius;
  • no direct sunlight;
  • sticking to produce from the bottom up;
  • use glue to work with external surfaces;
  • thoroughly prime the wall before starting work.

Failure to comply with the rules leads to the appearance of cracks in the seams of the cladding, delamination of parts of the coating, and loss of fragments of stones. During the repair, damaged areas are identified, part of the cladding is removed, the wall is repaired, prepared for gluing the stone, and the facade is being installed.

Composite panels

Composite panel - a sandwich of two sheets of aluminum with a thickness of 0.4 mm and an insulating layer of non-combustible polymer components. Panels are painted with various paint coatings. The panels have a total thickness of 0.2-0.6 mm and light weight (from 5.5 to 7.8 kg per square meter), so they are often used for facing high-rise buildings. The material of such a lining does not have heat-insulating properties, and if thermal break gaskets were not used during installation, heat loss in the cold months from the apartments of the house is guaranteed. For thermal insulation carry out:
  1. dismantling of plates;
  2. repair and preparation of walls;
  3. laying an insulating layer;
  4. cover installation.

At the same time, additional painting of the panels is carried out to improve the exterior of the building.

General renovation of the walls of a house made of natural stone

Overhaul with the use of stone finishes begins with the study of construction documentation and analysis of the walls: the ability of the foundation and walls to withstand the heavy weight of the material is being studied. Then you need to choose the finishing material itself: breed and structure. You need to decide on the method of fastening, because. the exterior of the building depends on this after the cladding is completed: gluing the stone on the wall will give the house original look buildings made of natural material, ventilated facade - impressiveness and severity of the outlines of the building. The old coating is completely removed, during the adhesive application of the material, great importance is attached to the preparation working surface. Ventilated facade allows you to save time on leveling walls and removing minor defects: the vertical plane of the cladding is regulated by the height of the brackets for attaching the metal profile to the wall.

Repair of a residential building from metal cassettes

Metal cassettes are slabs of metal sheets with a convex surface and edges for mounting. They are used to create ventilation facades for buildings of all types. Metal cassettes are coated with polymer dyes with a wide range of colors. The coating also serves to protect the cassettes from corrosion. Renovation of facades from metal cassettes consists in restoring aesthetic appearance elements located on the lower levels of buildings near sidewalks and the carriageway of streets: the panels become dirty, on polymer coating leaving scratches and dents. To eliminate the shortcomings, the cassettes are dismantled, brought into proper form: they are cleaned of soot and dirt deposits, leveled, painted and installed in their places.

The building with exterior glass finish looks harmonious and modern. Glass is a durable, wear-resistant material that helps conserve heat and save on lighting costs. interior spaces. Like any building material, glass needs repair. After several years of operation, water leaks, cold air from the connecting grooves, cracks, and glass chips appear. Common causes are the wear of polymer seals, deformation of the metal parts of the frame, frequent changes in temperature, and the impact of other natural factors. During repair work damaged glazing elements, gaskets are replaced, additional insulation of joints and seams is made, the facade is washed and polished. At the request of the customer, it is possible to completely replace the glazing with better panels that retain heat inside the room, allowing you to save on heating during cold periods.

Stages of repair work

The whole complex of measures to restore or replace the exterior cladding of buildings can be divided into several stages:

  1. Study and assessment of damage to the facade surface;
  2. Identification of the bearing capacity of walls;
  3. Preparatory stage;
  4. The choice of material and technology for the construction of the cladding;
  5. Installation of a facade covering.

At the first stage, specialists go to the building and make an external inspection of the walls. Special devices are used to detect fungus, mold, and other contaminants that affect the appearance and development of defects. In some cases, the facade surface is opened in several places for sampling. This is done to determine the qualitative composition of the finishing coating. A document is drawn up, which sets out the area and nature of the damage, indicating other information that is important for a preliminary assessment of the restoration work.

During the preliminary study, the design and estimate documentation is also studied to determine the bearing capacity of the walls: certain types finishes require increased strength of walls and foundations due to the large total weight. Measuring devices reveal wall deviations from the vertical, bulging of individual sections. Cracks in the walls are measured and examined: some defects can significantly affect bearing capacity. The greatest danger is the developing cracks and defects in the walls and lintels. AT panel houses the most common defects are panel displacements, corrosion of fittings and fasteners, destruction of insulating gaskets and seams.

At the stage of preparing surfaces for the construction of cladding, the following types of work are performed:

  • removal of the original coating;
  • sealing and repair of cracks, chips, destroyed wall elements;
  • removal of dirt and dust;
  • applying a primer in one or more layers.

All preparatory work carried out during the overhaul of the cladding, the current repair of facade coatings using plaster or painted walls. Cosmetic restoration ventilation facades does not affect the walls themselves and the insulating layer.

After studying the condition of the walls and foundation, you can proceed to the choice of material and technology for exterior finish. If the strength of the building allows, then the choice of materials is almost unlimited: porcelain stoneware, artificial and natural stone, panels from various materials - almost everything that fits into the budget. If a technical condition at home does not allow the use of "heavy" stone and tiles, you should choose a finish using inexpensive, but spectacular metal cassettes or composite panels: low cost combined with low weight will allow you to decorate the building in modern style. For small budgets fit finish plaster: high-quality cladding will make the appearance of the building neat and attractive for a long time.

Installation of the facade is the most critical part of the repair. Compliance with all technical norms and requirements is an indispensable condition in order to exterior finish turned out beautiful and durable. To install the ventilation facade, a metal profile is used - aluminum or galvanized steel. To increase strength, the profile is attached horizontally and vertically. To work on high-rise buildings, special equipment (suspension systems) or installers with special skills are used. The presence of experienced personnel in the contractor's staff is an important condition that guarantees the high quality of the work performed.


No. p / p Name of work and costs, materials incl. U measurement Price of materials (equipment), incl. VAT, rub.
1 Preparatory work

1.1 Garbage collection, preparation of the site for the installation of scaffolding (width 2.5 m), incl. garbage removal m2 1 370
1.2 Installation of collar scaffolding with side railing, banner frame, incl. delivery m2 240
1.3 Rent of clamp scaffolding m2 220
1.4 Device of a banner grid on scaffolding m2 90
1.5 The device of a canopy around the perimeter of the building to protect against precipitation m2 2 900
2 Finishing of facades and architectural stucco decoration

2.1 Dismantling of stucco decoration on the building building, including garbage disposal m2 720
2.2 Dismantling of plaster on the building building including garbage disposal m2 842
2.3 Repair brickwork with the replacement of destroyed bricks (depth up to 250mm (in brick) (approximately 10% of the area) taking into account garbage collection m2 4 740
2.4 Antibiological and antifungal and antisalt surface treatment (approximately 30% of the area) m2 2 720
2.5 Wall reinforcement with galvanized metal mesh to recreate the plaster layer m2 1 315
2.6 Reinforcement of slopes with galvanized metal mesh to recreate the plaster layer mp 1 415
2.7 Wall plaster m2 1 100
2.8 Slope plaster mp 1 250
2.9 Device cement-sand screeds protruding parts for the device of ebbs m2 920
2.10 Finishing walls and slopes (primer, putty, primer, painting for 2-3 times) m2 1400
2.11 Architectural decor finishing m2 2 440
3 Granite plinth, platforms and steps

3.1 Dismantling and removal of basement cladding, floor covering and steps of entrances, porches and descents to the basement of the building m2 1 320
3.2 Dismantling (dismantling) of the old base with loading and garbage disposal m3 1120
3.3 device concrete base(without waterproofing measures) m3 7 140
3.4 Facing the plinth of the main entrance with granite slabs m2 9 200
3.5 Granite main entrance plinth cover device mp 9 600
3.6 Facing the porches of the main entrance with granite slabs m2 9 600
3.7 Facing the steps of the porches and the descent to the basement of the main entrance with granite slabs mp 10 300
3.8 Facing the plinth of the yard and end walls granite slabs m2 10 300
3.9 The device of the cover of the socle of the yard and end walls with slabs of granite "Pokostovsky" 30mm mp 11 200
3.10 Facing the yard porches and end walls with 30mm Pokostovsky granite slabs m2 11 200
3.11 Facing the steps of the porches of the yard and end walls with slabs of granite "Pokostovsky" 30mm mp 220
4 Window and door fillings

4.1 Dismantling window (double-framed) and door fillings along the outer walls of the building with loading and removal PCS. 280
5 Roofing and drainage system, ebbs, peaks, awnings

5.1 Dismantling of downpipes with loading and removal m.p. 150
5.2 Dismantling of ebbs on protruding parts with loading and removal m.p. 270
5.3 Dismantling of the roof covering, with loading and removal m2 1 450
5.4 dismantling of porch covers 1,2,3; pits, entrance to the basement, balcony with loading and removal m2 1 850
5.5 Part repair load-bearing structures(Mauerlat and rafters) roofs (preliminary) with loading and garbage disposal mp 3 700
5.6 Fire and antiseptic surface treatment wooden structures roofs with the conclusion of the laboratory m2 2 820
5.7 Roof sheathing repair with loading and garbage disposal m2 1 300
5.8 Manufacture and installation of covers (sills) of parapets, protruding parts (cornices) from galvanized steel m.p. 470
5.9 Device for opening porches 1,2,3, pits, basement entrances, balconies made of galvanized steel m2 290
5.10 Device eaves overhangs made of galvanized steel mp 620
5.11 Installation of a gutter above the wall made of galvanized steel mp 620
5.12 Device roofing and dormer windows from galvanized steel in a double standing seam, taking into account valleys, ridges and abutments m2 470
5.13 Cover device made of galvanized steel for air duct hood structures, ventilation shafts PCS. 620
5.14 Roof fencing with snow retention galvanized 3x0.75m mp 490
5.15 Drain pipes made of galvanized steel m.p. 1 215
6 Completion of work

6.1 Dismantling of a temporary canopy made of galvanized steel along the perimeter of the building with loading and removal m2 1 900
6.2 Dismantling, loading and removal of the banner m2 600
6.3 Dismantling, loading and removal of scaffolding with side railings, banner frames m2 750

From this article you will learn:

  • Why repair the facade of a private house
  • How does a facade overhaul differ from a cosmetic one?
  • What materials are used to decorate the facades of private houses
  • How to insulate the facade of a private house yourself
  • Is it possible to repair the facade of the house yourself

What do you pay attention to first of all when looking at a cottage or a private house? That's right, on the facade. Over time, any building materials, even the most durable, wear out, and the building may look unpresentable. It is necessary to regularly repair the facade of a private house during its operation to maintain an attractive appearance. At the same time, the building can be insulated to reduce heat loss.

When the facade of a private house needs repair

The main reasons for which there is a need to repair the facade:

Types of repair of facades of a private house

What does the technology of repair work depend on? The material from which the walls are made has a great influence on this, and the complexity of the construction work also matters. Such repairs are divided into cosmetic and major.

What is this repair of the facade of a private house? Often the facade cladding itself does not change, but simply refreshes, acquiring the lost attractiveness.

There are different ways to do this. decorative finishes, it all depends on the wishes of the owners.

Cosmetic repairs of the facade of a private house are recommended to be carried out regularly, approximately 1 time in 5 years.

  • Overhaul

Such renovation of the facade must be balanced. It is necessary to make a balanced decision on the need to replace some elements of the facade.

It all depends on the condition of the facade. Major repairs should be carried out every 15-25 years.

The need for a major overhaul of the facade of a private house depends on the following reasons:

  1. The building should be restored.
  2. The residential building needs to be converted into a public or commercial building.
  3. At least 1/3 of the entire area of ​​the facade was damaged.
  4. Requires redevelopment or need to demolish a wall, make an extension.
  5. It is necessary to equip or redo the ventilation.

Types of materials for repairing the facade of a private house

What should be kept in mind when choosing a finishing material? It matters what material the house is built from, this is a key moment in creating the exterior design.

If the building is made of wood, experts recommend arranging ventilation between the wall and the facade cladding.

Finishing the facades of private houses can be carried out in two ways:

  • dry, in this case, the facing material is attached to the walls with self-tapping screws, nails and other fasteners. It is very convenient, you will not depend on weather conditions. Minus - the design will not turn out to be monolithic;
  • wet- the surface is finished with special mixtures.

between lining and outer wall there may be a gap. According to this principle, facades are classified as follows:

  1. non-ventilated;
  2. ventilated.

A non-ventilated facade of a private house is obtained when the finishing material is attached directly to the outer surfaces of the walls. Often facades are called wet and ventilated, this is not quite the correct designation.

When arranging a ventilated facade of a private house, a gap is left between the wall and decorative coating. This contributes to the removal of condensate to the outside, while the walls breathe. Such a facade protects the building from all kinds of atmospheric influences.

There is so much variety on the market today. building materials that it is difficult for buyers to make a choice when they want to update the facade of their home. There are the following main differences between finishing materials:

  • appearance;
  • properties;
  • life time;
  • how they correspond to our climate.

Consider the main types of materials for repairing the facades of private houses.


Such a mixture will hide all surface defects during plastering, the facade of a private house after repair will be smooth and beautiful. There are two types of plaster mixtures on the market:

  • gypsum plaster (expensive);
  • ordinary cement.

This coating can be applied to any substrate:

  1. concrete;
  2. from wood;
  3. brick.

Plus, plaster is a budget option.

Minus - plastering the surface is not easy, you need to have a special skill. If you want to do it yourself, keep in mind that you will need a lot of time to finish.


This material is suitable for repairing any facade of a private house:

  1. brick;
  2. from concrete;
  3. wood.

The installation of siding sheets starts from the top, moving down. The building lined with this decorative material, will look neat and personable.

If you want to use siding to effectively repair the brick facade of your private house, it is advisable to pre-plaster the walls. The solution will level the surface and serve as additional insulation.

Decorative tiles

Not really practical material, the tile hardly transfers negative temperature does not like bright sun. It will last for a maximum of 1-2 seasons, after which it looks unpresentable.

To install it, it is desirable that the weather be without rain, but the heat is also not needed.

When repairing the facade of a private house using tiles, consider this nuance - it will take a long time for the masonry to dry completely.

Porcelain stoneware

it beautiful material but not very durable. With temperature fluctuations, porcelain stoneware becomes brittle and prone to destruction.

Such material is suitable for repairing the facade of a private house only if the surface is protected from atmospheric influences.

It makes sense to use porcelain stoneware when decorating terraces and gazebos, they will look very stylish.

How else can you decorate the facade of a private house

Natural stone or its artificial counterpart

No finishing material can compete with natural stone. It is extremely strong and durable, its decorative effect is also beyond doubt.

But this natural stone very expensive, so more often it is used in small quantities for decoration. The owners of a private house during the renovation of the facade prefer to combine this material with a different finish. Often they replace natural stone with an artificial counterpart. The cost of such decorative stone much lower, and the characteristics are almost the same as those of natural material.

The disadvantages of a stone facade are the high price and significant weight. Price artificial material is also quite large, although it is much cheaper than natural.

wood siding

The material for the manufacture of such panels is dried in a special way and processed using antiseptics. As a rule, it is a board or a bar made of wood.

Wood siding has a lot of disadvantages - it is expensive and short-lived. Such a coating needs protection from decay, and it is also a fire hazard. But this one is incredibly beautiful. natural material still continues to be popular with owners of private houses when repairing facades. Recently, siding made from a mixture of wood with cellulose has appeared on the market, with improved characteristics. But it's also not very durable.

Finishing facades with cassettes

Previously, metal cassette cladding was used for finishing public buildings, in recent times it is increasingly used in the repair of facades of private houses. What is a facade cassette? It's metal decorative panel rectangular or square shape, with a special polymer-based coating.

Metal cassettes are used not only for finishing old houses, but also for new buildings. They are fixed on the frame during the construction of the building. But the price of such coverage is considerable.

Repairing the facade of a private house is not an easy, slow, but incredibly exciting procedure. Use modern high quality materials for finishing, follow the installation rules and in this case success is guaranteed!

Cosmetic repair of the facade of a private house

How often is it necessary to do cosmetic repairs to the facade of a private house? It is desirable to hold such an event every 5 years. It is necessary not only to replace the cladding of the building, but also to eliminate surface defects - cracks and chips - as a preventive measure. Then you will not have to carry out major repairs in the near future. The new decorative facade cladding will reliably protect it.

Operating procedure:

  • first inspect the facade to determine the extent of the destruction and the scope of the work;
  • elimination of identified surface imperfections - potholes, cracks and spots;
  • surface treatment with anti-wetting agents;
  • cleaned walls are primed;
  • facade cladding with decorative material.

1. Repair of the facade, which is finished with plaster

Plaster. This material is often used to repair the facades of private houses. Such a universal finish is available to everyone. It is not difficult to perform it technologically, although the process requires effort. The plaster is lightweight and has a rich color palette.

Minus - such a lining will have to be updated often, the plaster quickly becomes unusable under the influence of weather conditions.

What you need to consider when repairing the facade of a private house from plaster:

  • do not apply too thick a layer of material to the wall, allowable thickness- no more than 3 centimeters;
  • gypsum-based mixture is not suitable for concrete wall;
  • after 4-5 hours after plastering, grouting should be carried out.

When the plaster coating is destroyed by more than a third, a major overhaul of the entire cladding should be carried out. The old finish is completely removed and replaced with a new one.

2. Repair of facades covered with porcelain stoneware tiles

Porcelain stoneware is a very hygroscopic finishing material. Such tiles are made from a mixture of several types of clay with natural minerals. In what cases is the facade of a private house made of porcelain stoneware repaired:

  • there was a destruction of the coating under the influence of atmospheric influences;
  • The façade was done incorrectly.

In the first case, it is enough to replace the parts that have become unusable. In the second, you will have to dismantle the cladding and install a new one according to the technology.

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3. Restoration of fiber cement boards

What is fiber cement? it modern material in construction, which is made from slabs based on cement, cellulose and mineral components. This eco-friendly material is durable, ductile and light in weight.

Fiber cement boards have special properties They allow the walls to breathe. Fungi, mold or rot are not afraid of such material.

Repair of the facade of a private house made of fiber cement boards includes the restoration of the external appearance of the building - the change of parts that have become unusable, washing the cladding or painting it.

4. Facade repair from siding

With siding, the sequence of actions is slightly different. Inspect the façade for damage. If none are found, thoroughly wash the surface plain water. You can use mild detergents. In case of detection of defects that can lead to the destruction of the cladding, it is better to replace such a panel when repairing the facade of a private house.

The only nuance- It is important to choose the right shade of the material. Color may fade in sunlight. Take this matter seriously. The main thing is that the difference in color between the siding panels is not striking.

To replace a part with damage, you will have to disassemble the entire structure to this area. Look at the state of the insulation, it may also need to be changed. Then install new decorative element and assemble the facing from the siding again.

5. Cosmetic repair of the tiled facade

Tiled flooring is cleaned in the same way as siding detergent or water. The difference is that here the seams can collapse. In this case, they are sealed with sealant, even a small gap in the facade cladding can lead to significant heat leakage.

How does this happen? Moisture gets into the hole and, freezing in the cold, it expands, increasing the gap. This happens with every temperature jump, as a result, the integrity of the coating is broken and it breaks.

Overhaul of the facade of a private house: stages of work

The facade has fallen into disrepair and the building looks dilapidated and unsightly? Needs an overhaul! How to repair the facade of a private house with your own hands cheaply and beautifully? A variety of photos presented in the article will help you with this. You can organize your work as follows:

  • Start of repair

Take a close look at the façade. The task is to detect possible damage to the cladding, faults, cracks and destruction. Defects are not always visually determined, sometimes they can be detected only by tapping the surface with a hammer.

Why do cracks appear on the facade of a private house? The reason may be the uneven shrinkage of the building. It is necessary to study the condition of the soil, you may first have to do a major overhaul of the foundation. And only then begin the restoration of the facade. In general, get ready for global work.

Precipitation, wind and sun are your main enemies. Moisture can seriously destroy the cladding if it gets into microcracks and begins to freeze and thaw alternately there, expanding and narrowing. This will eventually lead to a violation of the integrity of the coating.

A hurricane can blow hinged structure, which is not securely fixed. Individual bricks may fall out of the brick cladding if the seams are depressurized in it. Or you want to insulate the walls of the house.

After inspecting the facade of a private house and assessing the repairs to be carried out, draw up detailed plan actions. This is necessary for the high-quality reconstruction of the building, so as not to miss anything in the repair process.

  • Stages of overhaul of the facade

What does the overhaul of the facade of a private house consist of? There are three stages - preparatory work, restoration procedures and facade cladding again.

First. The first step is to prepare the surfaces for repair. The previous lining is removed and major defects are eliminated.

Next stage. The surface must be restored - with the help of plaster or primer, all irregularities are masked and leveled.

Third stage has its own subtleties. What is it expressed in?

Often, during the repair of the facade, the owners of private houses wish, along with the decorative finish, to make the building more insulated. Then the facing work will include the installation of insulation, which should be correctly selected.

In the event that a ventilated facade is being equipped, its installation is carried out in the following order:

  1. a metal frame is attached to the wall of the house, using anchors;
  2. the surface is insulated with thermal insulation;
  3. a sheathing is installed on top for decoration and protection of the structure. It is necessary to leave a gap between it and the thermal insulation of about 20–50 millimeters for ventilation.

What will you end up with? This decorative cladding with an air gap will also protect the building from adverse external factors. Many choose such a ventilated system for a major overhaul of the facade of their private house. This beautiful protective shell will allow you to save on building heating.

Especially popular today are such ventilated systems for facades - "Marmorok" and "Scanrock". By installing them, you will forget about the repair of the facade almost forever - they will serve you for at least 50 years! But they are only suitable for new buildings. If your house is not like this, it is better to stay on the wet version. Technological process its mounting is slightly different:

  1. insulation is glued to the facade - mineral wool or polystyrene;
  2. a reinforcement grid is installed;
  3. the surface is plastered, puttied and primed;
  4. then everything is faced with brick, tile or stone. It is possible to paint the coating on top with facade paint or other water-repellent agent.

Overhaul of the facade of a private house is not an easy process, it is better to entrust it to competent professionals. Such a reconstruction will restore the cladding of the building and return it to an attractive appearance. And maybe even completely change it, if the owners want it.

The main types of work during the overhaul:

  • it is necessary to calculate the bearing characteristics of the foundation and the basement - whether they can bear the main load;
  • the laying of walls is restored or strengthened;
  • the surface of the house is insulated, if this has not been done before;
  • after installation decorative cladding seams are rubbed to give the facade a neat look;
  • final cleaning of surfaces from contamination.

Insulation of a private house with polystyrene foam

Currently, there is no better material for home insulation than expanded polystyrene. This is obvious after analyzing the building materials market. Such a heater has an ideal price-quality ratio.

The combustibility of extruded polystyrene foam is weak, it consists of such components that are prone to self-extinguishing a couple of seconds after arson.

  1. Preparation for work
  2. The facade of a private house is cleaned with a brush or broom from dirt and dust. Stains on the surface can be removed with thinner or benzene.

    All surface defects are repaired with a mortar based on cement and sand or puttied.

  3. Wall priming and suspension installation
  4. The walls are covered with several layers of primer with deep penetration. This can be done with a roller, not just with a brush. As suspensions, an ordinary fishing line or nylon thread is used. Hangers are hung every 60–70 cm in height.

    These elements will show where you need to cut the insulation, and where to add glue. After installation, the surface will be perfectly flat, suitable for plastering. You can easily install any decorative coating on it.

  5. Styrofoam laying during renovation
  6. Dilute the adhesive according to the manufacturer's instructions. Then apply the adhesive solution with a spatula on reverse side polystyrene panels. Then, with force, press it against the surface of the wall.

    Start the installation from the top section of the wall, moving downwards. The panels must be tightly connected to each other in order to form a monolithic coating. The quality of the insulation of the house will depend on this. All gaps formed should be sealed immediately. mounting foam or polyurethane.

    Fix the polystyrene foam with dowels. Attachment points - each corner of the panel and the center.

    If the facades of wooden private houses are insulated with polystyrene foam, it is recommended to lay a layer of vapor barrier between the insulation and the wooden surface, securing it with a stapler.

  7. Plastering and finishing work
  8. Plaster work for houses with insulation is preferably carried out using fiberglass reinforcing mesh. For walls, a material with a density of 150 g / m 2 is needed, and for decorative details on the facade, 80–90 g / m 2 will be enough.

    Required thickness plasters based on polymer components for leveling the surface - about 0.5 cm.

    For decorative finishing of the facade of a private house, you can choose any material you wish.

How to repair the facade of a private house yourself

What is the best thing to do if the facade of your private house needs a simple repair, no fuss? Suppose you need to add a cladding or apply another layer finishing material? You may well be able to do this yourself.

But first, draw up a work plan that you will need to create an estimate and purchase materials for repairs. You can do such a project yourself or turn to specialists so that they choose the right the right materials for coverage.

You will repair the facade of a private house with your own hands. It will cost you cheap, but it will turn out beautifully, as in the photo. You will need the most common building materials for this:

When there are traces of mold or cracks on the facade of a private house, choose plaster as a finish without hesitation. This material is different, not only based on cement, there are also gypsum varieties of it.

The order of plastering the building:
  1. Release the facade from the previous coating, using a metal brush or sandpaper. Remove all dust, dirt and prime the wall for the installation of a new coating. Recommended in humid climates additional processing surfaces with antibacterial agents.
  2. It is desirable to carry out plastering using a reinforcing mesh. Before this, thermal insulation should be installed to insulate the facade. The mesh is laid directly on the plaster. This method is suitable for any surface - brick, aerated concrete, etc.
  3. Finishing coat - decorative plaster. It comes in different colors and textures - matte and glossy, smooth and abrasive, white and colored, etc.

Often a private house after the repair of the facade needs to be painted. If desired, you can choose any color for the renovated building - white, brown, beige, brick, etc.

The most common, affordable and simple way to repair the facade of a building is to cover it with siding. Plastering is a very time-consuming process that requires certain skills. A perfectly flat surface is not as easy to achieve as it seems. Even beginners can handle the installation of siding sheets.

  • First, you need to install a siding frame on the wall. It consists of metal or wooden profiles, which are fixed to the surface in increments of 40–80 centimeters.
  • Then thermal insulation is laid - polystyrene foam or mineral wool. A vapor barrier is laid on top, plastic dowels are used for its fastening.
  • Start installing siding from the bottom, from the base, gradually moving to the roof. If your design provides for ventilation, consider how water will flow from the roof.

The main advantage of such a repair of the facade of a private house is the ease of installation. You will need few tools, only a hacksaw for trimming siding, a level, a screwdriver and a hammer drill.

Facade decoration: 20 interesting options

If you decide to build a house, think about its facade. It has great value what the building will look like. Take it seriously, the cladding of a building is needed not only for decoration. It also performs a protective function.

Facade panels

Decorative panels are a very popular material for repairing the facade of a private house. Its cost is low, and the building immediately acquires a respectable appearance. Usually aluminum panels, composites or trendy siding are used for this.

All these types of finishing panels have the same scheme of fastening to the facade. Meet different types such a coating, with a variety of textures that can imitate any natural material.

Facade plastering

Today, the repair of the facade of a private house decorative plaster does not lose relevance. What are the features of this finishing material:

  • low price;
  • a variety of colors, you can choose any shade of plaster for coating, painting it in the desired color;
  • the help of professional craftsmen is not needed, you can easily do this work with your own hands.

Beautiful and modern finishing of facades. A photo

Today construction markets offer customers a variety of materials for the repair of facades of private houses. The range of prices is significant - from budget options to very expensive ones, from classical style and ending with modern. Choice for every taste and budget.

Cooperate with the company "My Repair" - it is reliable and prestigious. The people who work here are professionals. the highest level. The company "My Repair" operates throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.