Which blocks are best for building a house. Concrete from pgs: practical recommendations for manufacturing Which house is better to build for permanent residence: conclusions

I turned to GefestStroy in June and decided to build a house. I came to the guys in the office with a blank sheet of paper, and in September I got such a house! I am very satisfied! Thanks!

Good afternoon. I am very pleased with the work of the guys, they did everything quickly, with high quality, at an affordable price. RECOMMEND!

Last year, I contacted this company, ordered from them bored foundation on piles. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality and fast turnaround time. This year I ordered the construction of a house from them. We agreed on the material, entered into a construction contract and started work. I would like to express my gratitude to the leaders for their responsible approach to work. I am sharing with you the result of their work.

After analyzing many proposals, it was decided to build a grillage foundation on bored piles by GefestStroy. The idea seemed dubious due to the relatively low cost of the proposed work. The fears were in vain))) I was pleased with the result. I would like to note the responsible approach to my work and conscientious observance of technology. All work is carried out clearly in compliance with all agreements and terms specified in the contract. Warranty negotiated. In my case, the main part Money for the construction zero cycle I paid only upon completion of the work. I was surprised by the fact of leveling the site with a level before construction.

Hello! My husband and I bought a plot, this year there was enough money, only for the zero cycle. We ordered a bored foundation from the guys, I really liked the quality of the work, the production time and the price. They did all the work in 2 days. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

To begin with, a small educational program. ASG is a sand and gravel mixture. You don't need to be seven spans in your forehead to guess that its main components are sand and gravel. This mixture is obtained from the sea and river bottom. From the place where the mixture was taken, its quality and bonding properties largely depend.

PGS - the basis of structures

ASG is the main component of many concrete and reinforced concrete structures (foundations of houses, road surfaces, etc.).

ASGs are divided into several types depending on the sand / gravel ratio, gravel grain size and other indicators: strength, frost resistance, the presence of silt and clay particles, etc.

OPGS is an enriched sand and gravel mixture. It differs from ASG by an artificially increased amount of gravel. In OPGS, the share of gravel is approximately 25-75%, while in ASG it is equal to 10-20%.

The main constituents of concrete from these mixtures are cement, ASG or OPGS and water. But to obtain high-quality concrete, certain proportions must be observed.

Concrete preparation from OPGS

The same applies to concrete from ASG: the proportions of the constituent materials will depend on what grade of concrete you need to get at the output, what brand of cement you take, and what is the ratio of sand and gravel in your ASG.

Usually it is indicated when buying, but if you do not have this information, then there are many ways to roughly determine this ratio yourself, at home. For example, sift part of the mixture through a metal mesh.

Sand and proportions

As a rule, it is not necessary to add sand to such concrete, it is already enough in the ASG itself. When using some types of ASG, on the contrary, crushed stone is added.

If you need to prepare concrete for the foundation, then it is best to take a ratio of 1: 8, that is, for 1 part of cement, 8 parts of ASG. This ratio is verified and the most optimal, although it is also recommended to know and. And the video in this article will show in practice how you can use ASG.

Concrete is the main material used in the construction of residential and industrial buildings, laying of highways, construction of bridges, platinum, strengthening of dams and tunnels. The safety and long service life of the erected structures depend on the strength of concrete.

Structural concrete is composed of cement, water and solid aggregates. Increased requirements for the strength and reliability of foundations, monolithic structures, dams, dams, tunnels successfully performs concrete based on sand and gravel mixture (ASG).

The main types of ASG

Sand-gravel mixture is an inorganic free-flowing building material.

According to the percentage of gravel grains in the mixture, they are distinguished:

  • Natural (natural) sand and gravel mixture (ASG) with a gravel content of 10–20%;
  • Enriched (sorted) sand and gravel mixture (OPGS) with a gravel content of 15–75%.

By origin and location, the natural form of the mixture is divided into three types:

  • Mountain-ravine, in which inclusions of rock are present, and gravel grains are characterized by an acute-angled shape.
  • Lake-river with smoother gravel and low clay and shell content.
  • Marine type It has a homogeneous composition, round solid inclusions and a minimum content of impurities.

Mountain-ravine ASG is not used for the production of concrete because of its heterogeneous structure. With this mixture, pits, foundations for transport highways, trenches when laying pipelines are poured, used as a drainage layer in sewer systems.

Concrete for building structures, requiring special strength, are prepared from a river or sea enriched mixture of sand and gravel.

Permissible grain sizes of solid fractions in ASG in accordance with GOST 23735–2014 "Sand and gravel mixtures for construction works"(Entered into force on 1.07. 15) are:

Name Grain size, mm
sand <0,16 0,16–0,315 0,315–0,63 0,63–1,25 1,25–2,5 2,5–5,0
gravel 5–10 10–20 20–40 40–70 70–100 100–150

Which sand and gravel mix is ​​suitable for concrete?

In the construction industry, concrete is used, which is made from a natural mixture by enriching it with a certain amount of gravel. The enrichment of ASM occurs on screens, in drums or on vibrating planes, where fractions are sorted by size and excess sand is removed.

The permissible norms for gravel content in OPGS are defined in GOST 23735–2014 "Sand and gravel mixtures for construction work."

There are five groups of enriched sand and gravel mixture, which differ in the percentage of gravel grains in their composition. They are shown in the table.

OPGS group Gravel content,%
1st 15–25
2nd >25–35
3rd >35–50
4th >50–65
5th >65–75

According to GOST 23735–2014, the size of gravel grains in OPGS should not exceed: 10 mm; 20 mm; 40 mm or 70 mm. In special cases, a maximum gravel size of up to 150 mm is allowed.

The characteristics of gravel included in the OPGS, such as strength, frost resistance, content of impurities, are checked in accordance with GOST 8267-93 "Crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks for construction work".

The quality of sand (composition, grain size, content of dust and clay impurities) in the enriched sand and gravel mixture, which is used to prepare concrete, must comply with GOST 8736-93 "Sand for construction work".

How to prepare concrete from ASG?

Depending on the compressive strength, concrete is divided into classes according to SNiP 2.03.01–84 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures". The class of concrete is designated by the letter "B" and a number corresponding to the load in MPa, which a concrete cube of 15 * 15 * 15 cm can withstand.

More familiar to construction market concrete grades are designated by the letter "M" and the values ​​of the ultimate strength in kg / cm 2. Cement, which is part of concrete, is also marked.

In construction, concrete grades from M100 to M450 are used. The brand and, accordingly, the strength of concrete depends on the amount of cement included in its composition.

For the production of popular grades of concrete, cement M400 and M500 are used in certain proportions with an enriched sand-gravel mixture and water.

OPGS for concrete mix must contain gravel grains of various sizes. The fine gravel will fill the voids between the coarse grains and provide the design strength of the concrete.

The purchase of the fortified mixture should be carried out from large manufacturers, which guarantee that the characteristics of the OPGS meet the norms and standards.

Mixing of concrete mix is ​​carried out manually or mechanically.

Mechanisms and tools for mixing concrete directly on the construction site:

  • concrete mixer;
  • shovel;
  • bucket;
  • container for manual kneading.

Better quality concrete is obtained with the mechanical method of production from ready-made enriched sand and gravel mixtures.

ASG concrete for foundation

Concrete grades are prepared from the enriched mixture of gravel and sand:

  • M150- for foundations for small one-story buildings;
  • M200- for strip, slab foundations;
  • M250- for monolithic and slab foundations;
  • M300- for monolithic foundations;
  • M400- with accelerated setting for particularly strong foundations.

To improve the adhesion of the mixed components, Portland cement with a calcium silicate content of up to 80% is used for the preparation of concrete. This allows you to mix concrete at low temperatures, but not lower than +16 0 С.

Proportions of ASG and cement for concrete

Proportions for the preparation of concrete from cement grades M400, M500 and OPGS of the 4th group with a gravel content of 60–65% (cement / OPGS):

Concrete grade Proportions (kg) Proportions, (l) The amount of concrete per 10l (l)
cement М400 cement М500 cement М400 cement М500 cement М400 cement М500
100 1/11,6 1/13,9 10/102 10/124 78 90
150 1/9,2 1/11,1 10/82 10/98 64 73
200 1/7,6 1/9,1 10/67 10/81 54 62
250 1/6 1/7,1 10/53 10/63 43 50
300 1/5,6 1/6,7 10/49 10/59 41 47
400 1/3,9 1/4,8 10/35 10/42 31 36
500 1/3,6 1/4,3 10/32 10/37 29 32

Depending on humidity source material, the amount of water per fraction of the dry mass of the solution may vary, so the water is added in portions. At the beginning of the batch, 2/3 of the water is taken, gradually adding water during the preparation of concrete until a homogeneous plastic mass is obtained.

Experienced builders advise preparing concrete for the foundation from an enriched sand-gravel mixture in a volume ratio of 1/8 or 1/6.

In this case, concrete grades are obtained, respectively:

  • M150 and M200 from cement M400 and M500;
  • M200 and M300 from cement M400 and M500.

Instructions for mixing concrete M300 from OPGS, mechanically, in a 125l concrete mixer:

  • Include concrete mixer without filling with ingredients.
  • Tilt concrete mixer to the first position and pour 5 liters of water.
  • 6 buckets of OPGS fall asleep 4th group with a grain size of 5–20 mm.
  • Tilt concrete mixer to the second position and pour 1 bucket of M500 cement.
  • Add 3L of water, depending on the moisture content of the OPGS.
  • After 2-3 minutes the color and consistency determine the readiness of the concrete.

With manual kneading concrete:

  • dry components are poured into the container (trough, pallet) mixtures and mix them thoroughly with a shovel;
  • form a slide from cement mix and make a deepening in it;
  • water is gradually poured into the recess, constantly stirring the solution with a shovel;
  • add water until the desired concrete consistency is obtained.

It is possible to determine the proportions for mixing concrete without weighing and complex calculations. The method is based on the observance of the condition under which it is obtained durable concrete... The cementitious binder must fill all the free space between the solid fractions of the mixture.

To do this, take a measuring container and a bucket with a volume of 10 liters. The enriched sand and gravel mixture is poured into the bucket and poured with water, measuring the volume with a measuring cup. When the water rises to the surface of the mixture, record the measured volume of water. This will be the volume of cement that needs to be added to the OPGS.

If it was possible to pour 2 liters of water into a bucket with a filler, then a bucket of OPGS and 2-liter measurements of cement are mixed to obtain concrete. The proportion of the cement-mixture will be 1/5. Water is added to the dry mixture in portions until a plastic mass is formed.

Concrete gains its grade strength 28 days after the foundation is poured.

But you don't have to wait that long to continue construction. In warm weather, after three days, concrete gains 70% strength, which is enough for the construction of walls.

In a cold season, you should wait a week, after which you can continue construction.

Mechanical or by hand prepare small volumes of concrete for strip foundations garages, outbuildings, summer cottages, one-story buildings. The average mixing volume of a concrete mixer is 125-300 liters, and for the foundation for a house with a basement, up to 20 m 3 of concrete may be needed.

Pouring concrete in layers for several days is unacceptable according to the technology, therefore it is better to order ready-made concrete, which will be brought up in a mixer directly to the construction site.

Building a house is always accompanied by a bunch of questions, especially if this house is being built for yourself, with love, because you want it so badly to be warm, comfortable, reliable ... the best. And it turns out to be difficult to make it this way, since a lot of nuances have to be constantly kept in mind, analyzed, even at the earliest stages. What is it worth deciding on one of the very first questions of any individual construction: which house is better to build for permanent residence? - the answer to which even not every professional can give. But we will still try to do this with the help of this article.

In order to be able to answer main question articles, one should decide on what choice will be made from at all. As you know, houses can be small, medium and large, as well as brick, wood, frame, etc., that is, different in size and material of manufacture.

Let's start with the size. First of all, it should be determined by the area of ​​your site, as well as your financial viability, because building a house that you simply will not be able to "heat" is a very stupid idea, so assess your capabilities sensibly and proceed to the choice of material.

Houses for permanent residence can be built from lightweight materials ( wooden beam, SIP panels, insulated wooden and metal frame) or heavy (ceramic, foam and gas blocks, bricks), the use of each of them should be strictly justified by the requirements that you make for your future home. Read on to find out what the requirements are.


One of the main requirements for any home intended for permanent residence is durability. The leaders on it are brick houses, as well as those that were built from gas blocks, their lifespan exceeds 75 years, they live a little less wooden houses- about 50 years, and frame ones - on average 25-50 years, it all depends on what material the frame will be made of, what will be used as insulation, how well ventilation will be thought out in such a house, etc.

Construction speed.

Everything that requires "wet" work (the use of mortar) is being built much slower than houses from light materials: if the latter are actually built in a couple of months, or even several weeks, then it will take minimum, a year and a half (and then if it comes on a small building - up to 150 sq. m. by area - and finishing work is not taken into account).


A heavy house is always more expensive to build (2 times, and sometimes 4 times) than a light one, therefore, in conditions of very limited financial resources, one should give preference to the second option - so at least something else on decent finish will remain.

For orientation, we give approximate cost construction of houses from various materials.

A frame house with not too thick walls will cost you per square meter. at $ 35. The same house, but built with SIP panels - $ 30. Add to these figures the cost of transportation and construction of a lightweight foundation, we get the total cost of sq. M. up to $ 240.

In a heavy house, prices will be higher: 1 sq. M. aerated concrete wall- $ 55, brick (1.5 bricks thick, 38 cm) - $ 65, ceramic - $ 70. Again, we add the foundation, transportation and do not forget to throw about 40 percent on the payment for the work of the builders. Total sq. M. in such houses the cost can reach $ 600.

Possibility of partial financing.

Money can be invested in a construction site at a time, or it can be done in stages, but only if the first option is possible in any construction, then partial financing is acceptable only for the construction of heavy houses: they built as much as there was enough money, suspended the construction for a while until the necessary savings, resumed ... In frame construction, such an option is excluded, materials must be purchased immediately and in full, so if you do not have the required amount, either wait until you have it, or start building a house from blocks or bricks.

Fire safety.

Based on fire regulations for each species building materials assigned its own fire resistance class, the higher it is, the less materials able to withstand fire:

Fire resistance class II is assigned to houses made of foam, gas blocks and bricks;

III class - wooden buildings;

IV class - light timber-framed houses.

Moreover, light houses are not just fire hazardous, they are often toxic even during combustion, therefore, for all those who take care of their health and prefer to be prepared for an emergency in advance, it is better to refuse to build such houses for permanent residence.

Thermal inertness.

Thermal inertness is the ability of a material to accumulate and release heat. Heavy materials (brick and building blocks) have this characteristic, but the lungs do not: they quickly heat up and cool down just as quickly, therefore, according to this criterion frame houses suitable and comfortable for permanent residence only in those areas where there are no severe winters.

Comfort and environmental friendliness.

In terms of comfort, any of the above house options will be good (it will have the required humidity and temperature), the main thing is to follow the construction technology and take a very responsible attitude to ventilation, vapor barrier and interior decoration materials.

Which house is better to build for permanent residence: conclusions.

Of all of the above, and taking into account our climate, we definitely recommend that you abandon frame construction and give your preference to heavy or wooden house... For those who still have doubts, we will briefly outline the main pros and cons of each of the house options.

Brick houses.

  • strong and durable;
  • service life over 100 years;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • fire resistant;
  • allow you to build on or attach something at any time;
  • do not rot or shrink.
  • have a high cost;
  • take a long time to build;
  • require professional masonry skills.

Frame houses.

  • have a high construction speed;
  • cheap;
  • do not shrink;
  • seismic resistant.
  • have poor internal noise insulation and tightness.

Houses from ASG.

  • environmentally friendly;
  • easy to erect;
  • relatively cheap;
  • fireproof;
  • have excellent sound and heat insulation;
  • are characterized by a favorable internal microclimate.
  • subject to shrinkage;
  • require a solid foundation.

Wooden houses (from timber).

  • reliable;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • do not require finishing;
  • can be built independently;
  • possess best properties thermal conductivity;
  • do not require a strong foundation;
  • can be erected at any time of the year;
  • short-lived;
  • unable to withstand fire.


We will build a house of aerated concrete in Moscow and the Moscow region on a turnkey basis from 14,000 rubles per square meter. This cost includes gas silicate block, foundation, walls, roof, screed. Turnkey construction of aerated concrete house - perfect option for people who dream of their own home, who, after construction, do not want to find a hole in their wallet. Building technology from this material allows you to build a reliable structure in a relatively short period of time. The construction company "SVS" has been engaged in the construction of houses from aerated concrete on a turnkey basis in Moscow and the region for over a decade. We have successfully implemented hundreds of projects in life, as evidenced by the positive feedback from our clients.

  • The advantages of building a house from gas silicate

    • Durability and strength of the structure
    • Light weight, less stress on the foundation
    • High degree of fire protection
    • Environmental safety of the material
    • Wide architectural possibilities
    • Immunity to decay and microorganisms
    • Good ones thermal insulation properties
  • Disadvantages of building a house from gas silicate

    • A large number of poor quality material, the risk of getting a marriage
    • The need for exterior decoration facade
    • The tendency to saturation with moisture (hygroscopicity), the need to constantly heat the house

Having decided to build a house from aerated concrete with us, you can be sure of one hundred percent quality. Specialists of "SVS" pay special attention to the observance of technology, snips and guests. We:

  • we thoroughly study the soils in order to correctly calculate the foundation for a house made of aerated concrete;
  • we accurately calculate the load on the base of the house, which allows you to choose optimal technology pouring foundations and construction;
  • we use our own professional formwork for the foundation;
  • be sure to fill the armopoyas in the aerated concrete house;
  • we put the blocks on special glue, which allows to increase the heat capacity and makes it more aesthetically pleasing appearance, regarding the use of a conventional solution;
  • we use autoclaved aerated concrete. Soundproofing properties of the material made using this technology are ten times higher than brick.

It should be noted that in the process of housing construction, the cost of work does not change. Risks associated.

The cost of building houses from aerated concrete - from 15,000 rubles m2

The cost of a house made of aerated concrete - the price in Moscow and the region

The cost of building a house from aerated concrete in Moscow and the region in various construction companies varies greatly. It depends not only on the quality of the work performed, but also on the image of the construction team, the availability of appropriate licenses, approvals, own machinery and equipment. The company "SVS" offers to build a house from aerated concrete "turnkey" inexpensively. We have achieved a decrease in cost relative to competitors thanks to complete rejection from subcontracting and renting.

The cost of individual design is 250 rubles per 1 sq. meter.
When building a house with our company - design is carried out free of charge

In the company "SVS" the price of building a "turnkey" aerated concrete house varies. It starts from 14 thousand rubles, and reaches 23. This indicator is influenced by the complexity of the work and the materials used. Having decided to entrust the construction of a turnkey aerated concrete house in Moscow and the region to the SVS construction company, you will receive unsurpassed quality, an officially signed contract, total control over the construction site up to online monitoring.