Kitchen decoration 6 sq m wall decoration. DIY small kitchen repair

White color makes the kitchen space more airy

It is believed that real design masterpieces are created only in rooms with large area... However, you can even make attractive and unique small room... The process of creating an interior for a kitchen 6 sq. m will not confuse any professional designer. A small kitchen should turn out to be cozy and comfortable, as in the photo. Kitchen renovation 6 sq. m requires a creative approach in order to arrange all the necessary furniture in it and leave room for free movement.

Kitchen layout options 6 sq. meters

Preparatory work and repair of communications

Not everyone knows how to make repairs in a kitchen of 6 sq. m as in the photo. The most important rule is to do everything gradually, in stages. Before the beginning construction works follows:

  1. Remove kitchen utensils, empty all surfaces, cabinets and drawers, remove curtains;
  2. Remove all furniture and household appliances from the room so that it does not interfere and does not get dirty;
  3. Remove old wallpaper or tiles, clean walls from paint and plaster;
  4. Remove the floor covering;
  5. Put away construction garbage.

Preparing the kitchen to get started renovation works

The repair begins with the communications system. In this case, it is worth considering in advance and taking into account all the nuances:

  • When replacing plumbing and sewer pipes it is necessary to consider where the sink will be located.
  • When working with electrical wiring, it is necessary to calculate the number of electrical appliances used in order to install the required number of outlets. It is necessary to think over the places for placing the power sources.
  • When repairing heating system it should be borne in mind that a small kitchen heats up quickly during cooking, so it makes no sense to equip it large quantity heating elements.

Kitchen renovation 6 square meters

The initial stage of kitchen renovation 6 sq. m can be seen in the photo.

Replacing communications during kitchen renovation

Finishing horizontal and vertical surfaces

The walls in the room should be leveled with plaster or drywall. The joints between drywall sheets are sealed with putty. After leveling, the walls are finished, for which one of the following materials is used:


Inexpensive and practical material... Showing imagination and Creative skills, you can create a unique wall design. Correctly selected paint can simulate tile or a natural stone... When choosing a paint color, it is worth considering the fact that after drying, the tonality may change.

Selection of paint by color pontoon

Textured plaster

Environmentally friendly material, pleasant to the touch, resistant to moisture and high temperatures, high soundproofing properties. She is able to imitate various natural materials: stone, wood, animal skins, linen fabric... Minus decorative plaster- high price. With its help, you can decorate not the entire room, but only one of the walls.

Types of textured plaster

Washable wallpaper

Vinyl, non-woven or fiberglass. They are not afraid of moisture, grease, easy to clean, hide small irregularities in the walls.

Non-woven wallpaper for the kitchen

Ceramic tile

Practical material that does not require special care... It can be used both for decoration of the entire room, and for decoration only kitchen apron... The tiles can be plain or patterned.

Attention! For laying tiles, a perfectly flat surface is required, otherwise it will begin to crack during use.

Using ceramic tiles as a kitchen backsplash

  1. Hinged, created using drywall;
  2. Stretch.

As flooring it is better to choose a tile for the kitchen. It can be easily cleaned from any kind of contamination. If desired, linoleum or laminate can be laid on the floor in the kitchen.

Photo of kitchen renovation 6 sq. m with do-it-yourself tiles can be seen in the photo below.

Ceramic Mosaic Tile Apron

Kitchen layout

In the process of renovation in a small kitchen of 6 square meters, as in the photo, the layout plays an important role. The arrangement of furniture depends on the shape of the room, the location of windows and doors, the amount of kitchen utensils that need to fit in the headset cabinets, and the personal preferences of the owners. There are such types of planning:

When choosing the type of kitchen layout, one of the most important issues- placement of the refrigerator. Sometimes it is installed outside the kitchen, but it is more convenient for the hostess to stand next to work surface... For the kitchen 6 sq. m it is recommended to choose a narrow and high refrigerator. Such a model will be compact, but at the same time it will accommodate all the products.

Corner kitchen design in pink and yellow tones

Sometimes the owners do not know where to hang the gas water heater so that it does not catch the eye. It can be installed in a niche between the headset cabinets or even hidden in one of the wall cabinets by equipping it ventilation holes... Below in the photo you can see the new designs of 2017 kitchens 6 sq. m with a column.

White kitchen interior with gas water heater


Checkout small kitchen can be in different styles... It all depends on the taste preferences of the owners.


Kitchen interior design 6 sq. m can be done in classic style as in the photo. To do this, you need to: ideally level the ceiling and paint it with pure white paint, lay laminate or tiles with imitation of natural wood or marble on the floor, choose a set made of light wood or veneered MDF. The set should be with glass inserts and threads. Furniture for the dining room should be matched to the tone of the headset.

Kitchen design with classic elements

Advice! In a small classic-style kitchen, it is not recommended to use stucco moldings, curtains made of heavy dense fabric, a massive chandelier and bulky wall lamps... These interior elements will fill the free space and make the room visually even smaller.

Classical corner set in the interior of the kitchen

Contemporary styles

When decorating a kitchen in modern style furniture of a strict form with even smooth and monochromatic surfaces is selected. In the style of minimalism, you can create an interior in black and white. Wherein White color in the interior should prevail over black, so as not to make the kitchen gloomy. Another option is the design in white and beige colors. Such a kitchen will turn out to be warm, light, visually more spacious than it is in reality.

Minimalist corner kitchen

If the owners have chosen a high-tech style, then such a kitchen should have a lot of gloss, shine, chrome and glass. The kitchen set can be chosen in any bright or neutral color, the main thing is that it is monochromatic. A large number of modern technology is required.

Below in the photo you can see the design of the kitchen 6 sq. m in a modern style.

White kitchen design 6 sq. meters in modern style

Blue kitchen with open top shelves

Interior in the style of "Provence" in the kitchen 6 sq. M.

Color solution

The main color in the kitchen is 6 sq. m should be white, beige, peach, pistachio, light green or blue.

Kitchen design 6 sq. meters in white

When choosing colors it is worth paying attention to the location of the windows. If they face the north, then preference is given to warm tones, if to the south, then cold tones can be used.

A combination of brown, white and gray in the interior of a small kitchen


When renovating a kitchen 6 sq. m do it yourself Special attention should be given to the lighting system. And the more elements in the interior dark color, as in the photo below, the more light sources should be.

Lighting in a small kitchen

To make the room brighter, you can use transparent doors that open into the corridor. It is imperative to illuminate the work surface.

Additional lighting above the working area at the sink

6 square meters is a small area, every centimeter of such space must be used as efficiently as possible.

Pull-out table in a small but functional kitchen

  • Dismantling doorway and creating an arch. This technique allows you to expand the space. The arch looks beautiful, but you can do it yourself from drywall. To prevent cooking odors from entering the corridor and other rooms, it is worth installing a powerful hood above the stove.
  • Using the windowsill as additional space for a work surface or dining table.
  • Buying a built-in household appliances... She merges with kitchen wall, takes up little space, looks harmonious.
  • Manufacturing of furniture to order. This way you can make the headset cabinets not so deep, leaving more free space.
  • Dismantling the partition between the kitchen and living room and combining them into one space.
  • Use instead of full size dining area retractable table top and folding chairs.

Below are photos of kitchens 6 sq. m, the repair of which was done by hand.

U-shaped kitchen with wooden facades

Interior of a white kitchen combined with a living room

Blue corner kitchen assembled by hand

Thus, even a small kitchen can be decorated and furnished so that it looks attractive and stylish. To do this, it is worth considering many details: the decoration of the walls, floor and ceiling, the choice of colors, the number and arrangement of furniture. And using some design tricks you can make small room visually larger and more spacious.

Photo gallery (47 photos)

Many families have been huddled in a small apartment for many years, where, moreover, the layout of the kitchens leaves much to be desired. They help to solve the urgent problem of the most efficient use of square meters of kitchen space. fresh ideas modern designers.

The shortage of meter squares inspires the implementation of a 6 square meter kitchen design, in which every free centimeter of space should be used as useful as possible. Especially if you are going to make repairs in a small Khrushchev with your own hands. In this case, the advantage is that to improve the interior of 6 m2 will result in a low cost.

It is important to think carefully about ideas and options in order to compose detailed project renovation, including the arrangement of furniture.

First of all, it is helpful to familiarize yourself with illustrative examples how to do kitchen repairs 6 sq m with your own hands. Projects that are replete with the Internet will dissuade you from the fact that the layout of a small kitchen cannot be convenient and attractive.

Layout options for a small kitchen (video)

Preparatory work

Before the start of the renovation work, furniture and household appliances are taken out of the kitchen. They will not only get in the way, but can also be damaged or stained with building materials. When the space is freed, the work plan is as follows:

  • remove old wallpaper;
  • walls are cleaned of paint and plaster;
  • if necessary, get rid of linoleum and screeds.

Often, the layout of old kitchens provided for storage space or other niches. When taken apart, this space will further expand the space to bring your creative ideas to life.

Repair start

When the surfaces of your 6 m2 room are prepared, you can begin to implement the main idea. The first stage of the renovation is the installation of the floor, walls and ceiling.

  • To perform a screed, on concrete slab floors are first laid with a layer of sand. Extruded polystyrene foam is placed on its leveled surface, covered with a film on top. Only then can the screed be poured. Instead of linoleum or wood, it is better to put on the floor ceramic tiles... This one is easy to clean and easy to clean.
  • Exists different options ceiling decoration. For the kitchen, the most suitable will be made of plasterboard or tension. They easily fit into any interior, are easy to install and have an affordable cost.

  • The walls are leveled with a thin layer of plaster. The wall where the project envisages placing the furniture is made of plasterboard. It is convenient to hide the pipeline in drywall. In those places where it is planned to hang cabinets, horizontal profiles are installed as fasteners. Apron in working area tiling is recommended.

Very functional projects that involve abandoning the door to the kitchen in favor of the arch. It is easy to build it with your own hands on aluminum frame from drywall. And for isolation from strong smell from the kitchen, mount an extractor hood above the stove.

Kitchen renovation 6 sq m (video)

Planning and interior design

The interiors largely depend on the layout of the room you got - where are the windows and doorways, gas water heater and a stove. Based on this, the design of a 6 sq. M kitchen can be very diverse. Consider the main types of conventional small-sized kitchens and suitable types kitchen furniture:

  1. Kitchen set in one line- the classic and most budgetary option. Such an interior ensures maximum use of useful meters in the form of spacious cabinets and a wide workspace. Good idea for such furniture - a built-in hob;
  2. Corner kitchen- saves not only space, but time, as it minimizes the space between the classic kitchen triangle of the hostess "refrigerator-sink-stove". Corner furniture differs from the linear one with an additional wing at a right angle, in which it is convenient to place the sink;
  3. With refrigerator or column at the entrance- so that the column does not spoil general form kitchen, they fit it into the interior, hiding it with their own hands in one of the wall cabinets. This idea applies to the refrigerator as well. However, this loses several centimeters of free space.

Built-in furniture, adjusted to the size of the kitchen, will not only fit into the interior most successfully, but will also save square meters.

The meaning of color and lighting

To create the illusion of a few extra meters will help correct use colors and lighting:

  • keep a balance of light and dark tones, the latter in the interior should be no more than 60%;
  • it is better to make the walls plain, avoid large drawings and ornaments - this makes the space visually appear smaller;
  • it is undesirable to use fluorescent lamps in the kitchen, and it is recommended to additionally equip work areas with spot lighting.

Kitchen interior 6 sq m (video)

Small kitchens with an area of ​​6 sq.m. are found in "Khrushchevkas", "Brezhnevkas" and experimental houses of the Soviet era. In addition to limited space, they are often characterized by the presence of a gas column, as well as a protruding ventilation pipe, and the higher the floor, the greater the width of this protrusion.

All this, together with the age of the houses themselves, leaves its mark on the design and interior design, which means that this must be taken into account when planning a major overhaul in the kitchen. In this case, special attention should be paid to the state

  • electrical wiring;
  • water and gas pipelines;
  • heating batteries;
  • floor coverings and screeds;
  • windows and doors.

At the stage of design and development of design, they take into account

  • the need and ability to change space and geometry, that is;
  • design and location kitchen set;
  • the location of the sink, work surfaces, stove and other important functional areas;
  • the location of lighting and other electrical appliances and, accordingly, sockets.

Then, in accordance with the project, they are determined with the front and the order of work, as well as the type of finishing materials.

The sequence of repairs in the kitchen

In general, repairs in a 6-meter kitchen can be represented in the form of the following stages:

  • removal of old finishing materials;
  • removal of a partition during redevelopment and alteration of an isolated kitchen into one combined with a living room (if this is permissible);
  • removal and removal of garbage;
  • replacement of the window block;
  • replacement of the water and gas pipelines taking into account the future design and location of the kitchen unit;
  • replacement of electrical wiring and creation of wiring, taking into account the location of electrical appliances in the future;
  • creating a floor screed for a new floor covering;
  • alignment of walls and ceilings, if necessary;
  • laying ceramic tiles on the floor and walls in the area of ​​the working apron, if this is planned by the project;
  • wall, ceiling and floor decoration;
  • door installation or opening decoration.

Redevelopment possibility

Only possible option redevelopment in houses with a small kitchen is to combine it with the living room. This allows you to shift the eating area, find a place for installing a refrigerator and even a dishwasher and washing machine, and creatively approach the location of the kitchen set.

An obstacle on the way to achieving what you want can be the presence in the house gas equipment(columns and plates). In this case, the project with the preservation of the same living space when combining the kitchen with the living room will not be approved by the BTI.

The living room will have to be attributed to the kitchen and non-residential area, which means that such a project can only be implemented in apartments with 1-2-3 bedrooms.

It will not be possible to transform a one-room apartment with gas equipment without allocating a separate isolated room for a bedroom or hall into a modern studio by legal means.

It is important! When planning a redevelopment affecting the kitchen, you should first consult with the BTI, make sure that there are no load-bearing walls or columns between rooms, request projects of permitted options, consider them or find together alternative solution Problems.

Illegal actions will entail additional expenses for alteration. Moreover, the current legislation allows the seizure of an apartment with an unauthorized redevelopment from the owner, putting it up for auction and returning the proceeds from it, minus the cost of returning it to its original form.

Replacement of communications

Replacement of electrical wiring - necessary condition safe living in an old house and uninterrupted operation of modern household appliances. Kitchen renovation is a great reason to solve this problem, at least in a limited space.

Before the start of work, you should decide on the location lighting fixtures, household appliances, additional sockets for connecting small kitchen appliances and switches. At the same time, it is important to ensure the convenience and safety of using sockets in order to get rid of unnecessary wires and avoid the use of extension cords.

Replacing the water supply system may be required even if it is in good technical condition... Partially or completely, this may be required by a new configuration of the kitchen set, transferring the sink to a new place, the need to hide pipes, installing a dishwasher and washing machine or simply providing the ability to connect them in the future.

At the same time, it is worth installing a new highly efficient filtration system, as well as taps to stop the water supply. The use of flexible hoses allows you to solve problems with the transfer of gas equipment, for example, lifting oven or a gas water heater.

It is important! Replacing a gas pipeline, as well as connecting gas appliances and installing a meter, requires the presence of specialists who guarantee the safety of work and the subsequent operation of the system. It is not worth saving at this stage!

At the same stage, it is necessary to check the efficiency of the work. ventilation system and hoods from the column, clean the air ducts. Overhaul is an excellent reason to replace the heating batteries, if necessary.

If the apartment has not yet replaced the old wooden windows on new modern double-glazed windows - it's time to do it at least in the kitchen. At the same time, even in advance at the measurement stage, it is worthwhile to provide convenient way sash opening, as well as the level of the window sill and its shape, taking into account the design of the kitchen set. It is usually located on the same level as the table top, while it should not interfere with the opening of the desktop flaps.

Particular attention should be paid to this issue if the renovation of the kitchen is 6 sq.m. involves transferring the sink to the window and replacing the window sill with a full-fledged countertop. This solution is especially important for houses where the so-called "refrigerator" is located under the window.

The niche can be left for the same purposes, or you can insulate and place a sink under the sink or a full-fledged work table with doors or drawers in it.

When placing the sink by the window, it is important to consider the possibility of opening the sash of the window unit, as well as the type of mixer and its location. It is possible that in order to achieve a dream, one of the doors will have to be made deaf.

Another option is to install the crane exactly in the middle between the flaps so that it does not interfere with their movement when plowing.

Preparatory work

Floor screed

Depending on the type of flooring for the kitchen, the screed can be either concrete or wood.

In the first case, it is worth completely removing the old base. Concrete screed especially useful for laying ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware, but can also be used for other types of coverage.

In the second case, the condition of the base is assessed, reconstructed and upholstered with new boards or plywood, so that later you can lay laminate or linoleum.

Aligning walls and ceilings

Aligning the ceiling is important if you plan to paint it, whitewash or wallpaper. The last two options are used extremely rarely in the kitchen due to their impracticality. Much more often, the ceiling is pasted over with special ceiling tiles, which do not require special care, are easy to clean, and do not change their appearance over time.

In this case, the need for alignment is determined in individually depending on the condition of the surface. Minor irregularities may be hidden by the coating itself.

For modern tensioning or suspended structures ceiling alignment is not required. As a preparation, its surface is cleaned and covered with a primer, in some cases it is waterproofed to prevent leakage from neighbors from above.

Modern kitchen renovation 6 sq.m. may not require careful alignment of the walls, despite the fact that it is rare that their entire surface is laid out with ceramic tiles or wall panels.

Minor irregularities can be hidden by properly patterned wallpaper or decorative plaster. But if there are noticeable differences, plastering works cannot be avoided.

Finishing work in the kitchen

Laying ceramic tiles

It is important! If the decoration of the kitchen involves the use of ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware, as well as mosaics, you should sensibly assess your capabilities and experience. This front of work is usually trusted by professionals who are able to guarantee the perfect evenness of the seams.

The work of an amateur can spoil the impression of the most modern design and the use of expensive materials, as well as lead to substantial costs for alteration.

Other finishing works

Difficulty doing the rest finishing works will depend on their choice. If with gluing ceiling tiles, wall cladding with panels, wallpapering and even painting can be done independently, then professionals will have to be involved again to install the stretch ceiling.

It is important! Tension fabrics have many advantages, one of which is the ability to reuse and control leaks from neighbors on top. But it should be understood that every fact of dismantling, drying and installing the canvas is paid.

The involvement of professionals may also be required in cases where it is planned to use decorative plaster using special techniques. This should be taken into account when choosing the optimal and practical finishing material.

With a rational and thoughtful approach, repairs to a 6-meter kitchen can be completed quite quickly. At the last stage, the door is installed, if it is planned or the doorway is finished. Then the kitchen area is prepared for the installation of the kitchen unit and the connection of household appliances.

  • Need to produce turnkey apartment renovation in Moscow or the Moscow region?
  • Do you need a responsible, experienced performer at an affordable cost?

The Rem Proekt company repairs apartments professionally, efficiently, providing long-term guarantees of high quality results.

We are specialists in the construction industry, with vast experience in carrying out a variety of finishing and repair activities. We carry out any type of renovation, ranging from complex major repairs, VIP-renovations and ending with simple cosmetics for apartments.

What does Rem Project offer to its customers?

Our rich and successful experience, high level the qualifications of employees allows us to cope with the most difficult tasks. Whatever home renovation you start, you can always count on our professional help.

  • We repair and install engineering communications.
  • Performs all types of repairs.
  • We work with any decorative finishing materials.

At a bargain price, you can order repairs from us, both in the apartment and in separate rooms.

If you need an apartment renovation in Moscow, and you are looking for specialists to carry it out, take a look at our offer. We have a large selection of craftsmen who are highly qualified and perform a wide range of construction, installation and finishing works. With our help, your home will become stylish and comfortable.

We offer our clients a high level of service and provide turnkey repair services in a new building, using the latest technologies and modern materials... We have the necessary approvals and permits, and the technical base and professionalism of our employees allow us to implement the most complex architectural and design ideas... We transform housing in accordance with a pre-designed project, which can include both minimal changes at low cost and luxury renovation.

Features of turnkey apartment renovation in Moscow

To order an apartment renovation from us, you will need to contact us and leave a request by choosing a convenient method - on the website at special form or by phone.

Then the following actions are performed:

  • The time of arrival of the measurer is agreed. Our employee will visit the apartment at a convenient time for you and perform all the necessary operations for free. Departure of the measurer is carried out to all districts and districts of Moscow and does not require financial investments from clients.
  • Inspection of living quarters. During this stage, our specialist will assess the condition of the apartment and determine, together with its owner, a list of proposed changes. It also conducts required measurements using tools and equipment.
  • Registration of the contract. It indicates the timing of the renovation of an apartment in a new building at each stage and a list of works on the transformation of housing.
  • Project preparation. Terms of reference is drawn up and developed project documentation, on the basis of which the renovation of an apartment in Moscow in a new building will be carried out. In this case, the information collected by the measurer is used.
  • Execution of construction and finishing works stipulated by the project and contract. It is carried out in compliance with the technology and under the supervision of our specialists who have permits and the necessary qualifications.

At the final stage of the repair, construction waste is taken out and cleaning is carried out. You will be able to enjoy a comfortable home with an interesting interior design, without wasting time and effort to remove dirt remaining after the renovation.

Photos of renovation of apartments

Customer benefits

By contacting us and entrusting the execution of work to our specialists, you can count on an impeccable result and additional bonuses.

Why cooperation will be beneficial for you?

Firstly, we create stylish and comfortable housing, embodying all the wishes of our clients and taking into account modern tendencies in the field of apartment design. Other advantages that accompany cooperation with us include:

  • Documenting the services provided and providing guarantees for all types of technological operations performed.
  • High quality ongoing construction, installation and finishing works for the repair of a turnkey apartment. It is provided through the use the latest technologies, the professionalism of the craftsmen and the use of certified materials that are purchased from trusted suppliers.
  • Flexible pricing policy... An individual approach to the formation of the final amount required to pay for the renovation of an apartment in Moscow allows our clients to significantly save money.
  • Transparent pricing. The cost of the upcoming work on changing the interior of your home is determined when drawing up an estimate, is agreed with the client and does not change in the process of rendering services.

We carry out all types of work, observing sanitary and hygienic standards, safety measures and requirements regulated by GOST and other documents.

How we achieve flawless results

Having decided to use our services and conclude an agreement for the repair of apartments in Moscow, you will receive 100% embodiment of your ideas about perfect interior... Your apartment will become functional, comfortable and stylish. To achieve this result, we do the following:

  • We select necessary materials with the utmost care. For the transformation of housing, high-quality products are used that are environmentally friendly and certified in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • We use tools and high-tech equipment. Thanks to our technical equipment and the professionalism of the craftsmen, it is possible to carry out construction and repair work of any complexity.
  • We follow the developed technologies exactly. As part of a turnkey apartment renovation in Moscow, all technical operations are carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the material manufacturers. In addition, our employees apply the latest developments in the field of soundproofing and waterproofing of residential premises, and when laying internal utilities.
  • We provide the customer with the opportunity to control the repair at every stage. You will be able to observe the implementation of construction and finishing work, checking their quality and compliance with the list reflected in the estimate.

When rendering services for the repair of an apartment in a new building, we strictly adhere to the schedule specified in the contract and do not violate the terms. Due to the use of modern equipment and optimal work organization, conditions are created that save time without compromising quality.

How to place an order for the renovation of an apartment in a new building from scratch or a secondary building p44t?

To do this, you will need to call the specified phone number or leave a request on the website. Our employees will respond to your request as soon as possible, and the specialists of the technical department will provide all the information you are interested in and advise for free on the renovation of an apartment in a new building or a secondary building. On the basis of the application, further actions will be carried out, which can be corrected by the customer.

How to get decent quality without huge costs?

When choosing contractors for renovating an apartment in a new building, is it understandable that the client wants to reduce his costs? Is it possible to reduce the amount needed for a home conversion and get a flawless result? Yes, if you use the services of our specialists. We will be able to find the optimal design solution for each client and we will embody your wishes for the transformation and decorative design premises with minimal costs.

Apartment renovation in Moscow from scratch without problems and hassle

In the process of performing construction and finishing work on the transformation of housing, various difficulties may arise. To avoid problems with neighbors and regulatory authorities, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Repair work in Moscow is regulated by law and provides for the performance of particularly noisy operations from Monday to Saturday inclusive from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 19.00. Sunday and at holidays work that is accompanied by an increased level of noise is prohibited.
  • All changes in the apartment, involving redevelopment, must be carried out after approval by the regulatory authorities. In the absence of permits and registration of the relevant documents, it will be difficult to sell or exchange housing.
  • Since repairs take a certain period of time, neighbors should be informed about their implementation, so that misunderstandings and conflicts can be avoided.

Also, our specialists develop competent technical project documents, including original ones, stylish design projects... A professional design project, taking into account all the requirements and wishes of the customer, will greatly facilitate the implementation of a turnkey apartment renovation and will help to give the client the desired result, take into account absolutely all the nuances and details of the interior design of the apartment. Therefore, order the creation of a design project in our company. We:

  • we will choose the interior style that suits you;
  • we will think over in detail the design of the rooms ( color solutions, light, decor, etc.);
  • we will select beautiful and reliable decorative building materials.

We will create a 3D model of the design project and clearly show how your apartment will look after renovation, and you, if necessary, make the necessary additions and changes to the project plan.

We repair (install) engineering systems

  • We install in the toilet and bathroom, in the kitchen modern pipes water supply and sewerage. If the pipeline in your apartment is old and rusted, then we will dismantle the existing system water supply and drainage, we will install new pipes, for example, metal-plastic, plastic, steel or copper. Such communications do not corrode, perfectly muffle the noise of water, and have long operating periods. Each material has certain advantages, which our plumbers will tell you about. The pipeline is installed in special grooves, does not take up unnecessary space and does not affect appearance sanitary facilities and kitchens.
  • We install new copper wiring. Aluminum wires should also be replaced. Old electrical wiring copes poorly with modern powerful electrical appliances. Moreover, over time, aluminum becomes brittle, and this is unsafe. Our electricians will pick up the wires of the required power, divorce the wiring around the apartment, organize high-quality lighting in all rooms.
  • Install efficient systems heating. During the renovation of a turnkey apartment, we can replace heating radiators, Soviet-style risers with a modern heating system.
  • We organize high-quality ventilation... We will make sure that your home has good ventilation, which is especially important for the bathroom and kitchen.

After completing such major repairs, you can proceed to the rough and final repair of the apartment.

We carry out rough and final finishing activities

Rough and final repairs are an important stage in any apartment renovation in a new building or a secondary building. Craftsmen "Rem Project":

  • Eliminate all imperfections (irregularities, cracks, chips, etc.) of surfaces (walls, floors, ceilings). For this, a screed is performed, plastering and puttying works are carried out.
  • If necessary, they will additionally insulate, soundproof the premises, waterproof the floors.
  • If necessary, on stage rough repair we can replace old window constructions.

After carrying out such preparation for a clean renovation, you can decorate the interior of the apartment with finishing decorative building materials. We work with all types modern renovation... You can choose any materials based on your tastes and financial capabilities.

Contact us, order a turnkey apartment renovation in Moscow and very soon you will get an excellent result at an affordable price. We work quickly and at the same time very high quality. We carry out major overhauls, cosmetics, European-quality repairs, VIP-repairs. We develop any projects, create spectacular interiors... We always go to meet the customer. We know how to work within small budgets. We draw up adequate estimates and provide guarantees. All our specialists are very responsible, qualified and professional. Even the most complex reconstruction can always be entrusted to us.

The question of how to make repairs in a 6-meter kitchen sounds very often today. It is strange in general in our age of cosmonautics and computerization to talk about such rooms, but what to do, they are still present in the housing stock of the country. The strangest thing is that our hostesses manage to cook on them, barely turning around. And here you need to fit furniture and Appliances(here is the task).

What can you suggest to change the situation? The first thing that comes to mind is to do a redevelopment. Down with the partition, expanding the space. But, right there, the question arises, but what is the price of this venture - probably not everyone can afford it.

In addition, it must be added that the budgetary repair option should cover all criteria and all processes. Therefore, there is a need to do it yourself. The savings are almost doubled.

But you can make repairs in the kitchen using completely different options that will save both time and money. But at the same time, this room will become comfortable, beautiful and functional.

How to make the best use of space

For the kitchen to be functional and comfortable, it is necessary to use every millimeter of its space correctly. For example, a windowsill. You cannot use it today as a stand for home flowers, this is the last century. Today, a useful surface is made from it in the form of a work plane or a kitchen sink.

And what about flowers, you ask. Small shelves can be made under them, which are suspended above the windowsill on the adjacent wall. Isn't it a way out of the situation? By the way, these shelves can also be used for storing jars of spices and other small things.

The dining table is best made semicircular, enough tapping its corners. Stools or chairs should be foldable. Reduce the width of the wall cabinets, increase their height. That is, there are many options for how to organize the kitchen space, the main thing is to correctly approach the solution of this issue.

Repair materials

The purchase of building and finishing materials requires the need to take into account the fact that the kitchen is a kind of aggressive room. That is, there are large fluctuations in humidity and temperature, an open flame of fire (if installed gas stove), oil and fat vapors, a large amount of liquid (washing), etc., etc., etc.

To deal with all this, it is necessary to acquire materials that could effectively resist all of the above.
Fortunately, the modern market building materials can offer all this to us today.

Ceiling trim

The ceiling is most affected by both temperature and humidity.

What can be offered today for its cladding.

  • Water-based and water-dispersion paints... Not a bad option, budgetary, which does not require large financial investments, the application process is quick without difficulties. It is necessary to pay tribute to the water emulsion, which is a fairly practical material.
    All you need to remove unsightly stains is warm soapy water and a clean sponge.
  • Plastic panels are modern classic for the ceiling in the kitchen... There are a large number of advantages of this type of finish, but we will emphasize only three of them.
    The first is cheapness, the second is practicality, and the third is that this material has excellent physical, technical and operational characteristics.

Nowadays, plastic panels can be matched not only to walls or floors, but also to furniture.
Manufacturers currently offer models that imitate wood, metal, stone, sand, leather, and more.

  • Stretch ceiling... It is probably impossible to say that this finish is often used today to cover the ceiling in kitchens of six square meters.
    Still, it is impossible to attribute it to the budget options, it is too expensive. But, what the hell is not joking, suddenly someone will like the idea of ​​making a stretch ceiling even in such a kitchen.

All other types of ceiling finishes, such as rack, cassette, for example, are expensive counterparts.

Wall decoration

In this case, the variety is wider than with ceiling surfaces.

First of all, we note both paint and washable wallpaper, as the most budget options ongoing repairs.

  • First, they are actually cheap compared to other finishing materials.
  • Secondly, for all operational characteristics will not yield to anyone.
  • Thirdly, it is the ease of application, which will immediately be used by ordinary people who are ready to repair the kitchen on their own.

But there is one place in the kitchen where you can't do without ceramic tiles. This is the apron above the work surface of the headset. True, the designers also offer other cladding in the form of laminated chipboard, MDF, glass, and so on. But note that perfect option- it is, nevertheless, a tile, whatever you say.

Floor finishing

Here you also have to choose not from a small number. First of all, we note the ceramic floor tiles. Excellent material with only one drawback - dropped dishes usually fall into disrepair.

In the second position, you can put linoleum for the kitchen (photo below). This flooring material has long proven that it can cope with any aggressive environment and with any stress. The main thing is to purchase high-quality linoleum, there is no point in sparing money for this.

Laminate in the kitchen can be used, because manufacturers began to offer moisture-resistant and water-repellent models that are impregnated with wax and protected special formulations... So he will cope with water without problems.

Conclusion on the topic

A video is posted on the site page. This is a kind of kitchen renovation school 6 meters, which will help you figure out all the twists and turns this process... Let it be like some kind of instruction in your endeavors in the repair business.