Heating radiators for home. How to choose heating radiators: types and characteristics

An important link in any heating system is a radiator, which is installed in each of the heated rooms. It is this device that is responsible for how comfortable living conditions will be created in your apartment or private house.

Unfortunately, not every sales assistant will provide you with adequate assistance in choosing, so let's figure it out sequentially: how to choose the right heating battery so that it warms well, looks beautiful and does not "bite" at the price? It is not easy to answer this question right away - it is necessary to take into account many nuances. We will tell you how to avoid basic mistakes.

Comparative characteristics of heating radiators

On the market of heating equipment, heating radiators are represented by products that differ from each other both structurally and materials of manufacture. When choosing them, you can use the table of comparative characteristics of the most popular heating devices. The manufacturer indicates data for a specific model in the technical passport.

Comparative table of modern heating radiators

Very often, when choosing, the main criterion is the price and appearance. Undoubtedly, these points are very important. And yet, they shouldn't be decisive. First of all, attention should be paid to compatibility with the heating system in terms of such parameters as the type of heat carrier. The corrosion resistance and durability of the radiator is equally important. Ultimately, the right choice will save you money, time and hassle. Next, we will consider the features of each type.

Aluminum radiators stand out for their stylish, interesting design, and do not require special maintenance during operation.

High heat dissipation is combined with low weight, convenient sectional design and excellent performance. Considering that these factors are complemented by ease of installation and elegant design, it is not difficult to understand the reasons for the popularity of aluminum alloy products when arranging individual heating systems.

Comparative table of aluminum heating radiators of the most popular brands

When choosing an aluminum radiator, one should not forget that such equipment puts forward higher requirements for the quality of the coolant (water). Water with a high alkali content causes corrosion of the metal, and chemical reactions occurring during this process lead to gas formation. As a result, the service life of radiators is reduced and the risk of intersectional ones increases. For this reason, one should abandon cheap Chinese-made products in favor of products from well-known European manufacturers.

The likelihood of intersectional leaks is practically reduced to zero in the design of aluminum radiators from the STOUT brand. The equipment is manufactured at the Italian GLOBAL plant, the heating devices are adapted for the operating conditions in Russia. The working pressure of each radiator is 16 atmospheres, they are suitable for work with antifreeze and have a 10-year manufacturer's warranty. Modern design in Italian tradition will fit into any interior, and the increased area of ​​heat radiation will increase the comfort in the room.

According to statistics, aluminum radiators have practically the same service life as steel ones - no more than 25 years, while bimetallic batteries can be used for 30-35 years, and cast iron products easily survive half a century.

The destruction of aluminum radiators most often occurs due to poor water quality and exceeding the permissible pressure in the system

Steel radiators

Like other heating equipment with open welded seams, they require a stable coolant pressure. For this reason, they are most often used for installation in private houses and other buildings with autonomous heating. In this case, the closed heating circuit slows down the oxidative processes, moreover, it does not suffer from constant contamination of the coolant with alkali and other aggressive impurities. When using purified water and regular monitoring of the pressure, steel radiators do not need to be replaced for 20 years or more.

Technical characteristics of steel radiators from well-known European manufacturers

When installing steel radiators in buildings with central heating, one should be aware of the danger of water hammer and poor quality of the coolant. Sudden pressure drops and water with salt and alkali impurities reduce the battery life by more than half. In this case, you should not expect the equipment to last more than 10 years.

Such deposits in the central heating pipe indicate a strong contamination of the coolant with impurities - in this case, it is better not to use steel radiators.

There are two types of steel radiators on sale:

  • tubular,
  • panel.

The advantages of the former stem from a simple and reliable design that resembles a ladder of parallel vertical tubes.

Tubular radiators are experiencing a second youth, being the object of attention of designers and lovers of modern trends in the interior.

Tubular radiators are more resistant to water hammer than panel radiators. Their design allows you to implement any eyeliner scheme and arbitrary placement in space. In the assortment of tubular batteries, there are both monolithic and sectional models, from which you can easily assemble a battery of the required power. The simple manufacturing technology is reflected in the affordable cost, and the appearance of the radiator from many vertical elements gives a wide field for design research. At first glance, unassuming tubular radiators are not so bad in business, if you write your opinion about this in the comments, we will discuss it with pleasure?

Flat, level surfaces of panel radiators make maintenance much easier. That is why housewives love them so much.

For the manufacture of panel radiators, steel zigzag plates are used, which are spot welded to each other. The cavities formed in this case serve as channels through which the coolant circulates. To increase heat transfer, manufacturers complicate the design by assembling a radiator from three panels. The downside of this improvement is the heavier structure - the weight of multilayer steel heat exchangers approaches that of cast iron.

For the manufacture of a panel radiator, profile steel plates are used, the space between which acts as a water circuit of the heat exchanger

As you yourself can see, the advantages of panel radiators, such as low price and attractive appearance, overshadow the disadvantages in the form of low performance. Most often, these heating devices are chosen for undemanding budget heating systems.

The appearance of copper radiators is suitable only for fans of industrial design, so manufacturers complete heating devices with decorative screens made of wood and other materials.

The pipe with a diameter of up to 28 mm is supplemented with copper or aluminum fins and decorative protection made of solid wood, thermoplastics or composite materials. This option provides efficient heating of the room due to the unique heat transfer of non-ferrous metals. By the way, in terms of thermal conductivity, copper is more than 2 times ahead of aluminum, and steel and cast iron - 5-6 times. Possessing low inertia, the copper battery provides quick warming up of the room and allows the use of temperature control equipment.

In terms of its thermal conductivity, copper is second only to silver, by a significant margin ahead of other metals

The inherent plasticity of copper, corrosion resistance and the ability to contact with contaminated coolant without harm allows the use of copper batteries in apartments of high-rise buildings. It is noteworthy that after 90 hours of operation, the inner surface of the copper radiator is covered with an oxide film, which further protects the heater from interaction with aggressive substances. There is only one drawback of copper radiators - too high a cost.

Comparative table of technical characteristics of copper and copper-aluminum radiators

Plastic radiators

At the moment, heating radiators are made entirely of plastic, a kind of know-how. Russian engineers in Skolkovo are also working on this type of heater. Contrary to popular belief, in terms of reliability, plastic radiators are close to metal products, and in terms of corrosion resistance, they have no equal at all. Thermoplastic products have high mechanical strength, good thermal conductivity and wear resistance. Plastic radiators are not very heavy, so they are easy to transport and install.

For those who have doubts about the thermophysical properties of plastic, we recommend that you recall the contours of water-heated floors made of cross-linked polypropylene. Its thermal conductivity is lower than that of rigid thermoplastics, and, nevertheless, this does not prevent the use of plastic pipes for building reliable and efficient floor heating systems.

Ease of manufacture and, as a result, low cost make thermoplastic batteries an excellent offer for those who set themselves the task of saving money. A significant disadvantage of plastic heat exchangers is that they can only be used in systems with a stable pressure of up to 3 atm and a coolant temperature of no higher than 80 ° C. For this reason, the promotion of plastic batteries in our market is difficult.

Electric radiators

In addition to the heating devices discussed above, there are others - those that do not require connection to the heating system. You probably already guessed what we are talking about.

Modern electric radiators combine high efficiency, reliability and safety.

Depending on the design, there are several types of heat exchangers operating from the electrical network:

  • oil radiators;
  • convectors;
  • infrared devices.

The design of the oil cooler most closely resembles a traditional heating battery. Mineral oil is used as a heat carrier, and heating is carried out by a tubular electric heater (TEN). The closed design contributes to fire safety and mobility of the device, in addition, the oil heater does not burn oxygen and dust. The disadvantages include bulkiness, low efficiency and the possibility of getting burned when touching a metal surface.

Oil radiators differ from traditional heating radiators in mobility - if necessary, they can be easily carried from place to place

Electric convectors also use heating due to ohmic losses, only their design uses not liquid, but air heating elements. Thanks to their closed design, this type of heater has the same advantages as oil radiators. As for the design, it is optimized so that the device uses convection as efficiently as possible. The disadvantages of the convector include only low mobility - most often such devices are intended for stationary use.

Simple design and heat transfer by convection contribute to the reliability and efficiency of electric convectors

Infrared radiators are the most modern type of heating equipment. Unlike any other equipment, their design is based on the principle of heat transfer by radiation.

The principle of operation of infra-frame radiators is borrowed from the Sun - it is not the air in the room that heats up, but the reflecting objects

By heating not the air, but the surrounding objects, IR heaters are highly efficient and at the same time have the highest efficiency. The disadvantages of devices that work similarly to the Sun can be attributed only to the relatively high cost.

Unlike other radiators, infrared devices work most efficiently on the ceiling - in this case, the radiation penetrates into the most distant corners of the room.

How to determine the optimal radiator size

The dimensions of the radiator affect not only whether the heating device can heat the room to a comfortable temperature, but also the efficiency of the heating system.

When determining the size of the radiator, among other factors, one should take into account the width of the window opening and the height of the window sill

The dimensions of the battery are in direct proportion to its thermal power, so the first step is to calculate the heat losses of the room. To do this, the volume in cubic meters is multiplied by 41 W - the amount of heat required to heat 1 cubic meter. m of a building located in middle latitudes. Add 20% to the desired value - this margin will not be superfluous when extremely low temperatures come. Knowing the cost of heat, which will be needed to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room, you can choose a monolithic battery of the required size or count the number of sections of a modular radiator. In the latter case, the resulting figure should be divided by the capacity of one section.

When determining the number of sections of heating radiators, you can use a special table.

For rooms with non-standard ceilings, an oversized heating battery is required. In this case, a table that takes into account the height of the ceilings will help to determine the number of radiator sections.

The table grows on click.

It must be remembered that the radiator installed under the window must cover ¾ of the length of the window opening. In this case, cold air will not accumulate near the glasses, and they will not fog up.

For those who do not want to deal with the calculation of power, there is a convenient one on our website. All that is needed in this case is to enter the parameters of the room and the heat transfer of one section of the selected radiator. The program will do all the necessary calculations for you.

Summing up the comparative characteristics of various types of heating devices, the following main points can be distinguished:

  1. For a centralized open heating network, present in high-rise buildings, like many years ago, a cast-iron radiator remains the best option. It is resistant to the poor quality water circulating in our pipelines and will last for many years. "Accordion" will withstand pressure drops and water shocks, while effectively heating the air in the room. The low price of this type of heating device makes it quite affordable for everyone. However, the high inertness of cast iron will not allow combining such a radiator with a thermostat.
  2. A good alternative to a cast iron battery in apartment buildings is a bimetallic one based on steel with aluminum or copper. Steel has enough rigidity and corrosion resistance to withstand water hammer and unfavorable water chemistry in the central system, while aluminum or copper compensates for the less than outstanding heat dissipation of steel. However, the high cost does not allow us to say that this will be the best option.
  3. For closed heating systems present in private houses, it is usually easier to choose batteries - there is no overpressure in the heating system, and the water is treated before entering the pipeline. Therefore, the best type of heating device for a home is aluminum. Its price is affordable, the design is good, and the heat dissipation is high. The low inertness of this will allow it to be used in conjunction with a thermoregulation system.
  4. A good alternative to aluminum batteries in conditions of autonomous heating is steel radiators. Having a lower heat transfer than aluminum, steel heating devices have many advantages - low weight, low inertia, nice design, attractive price.
  5. Steel and aluminum batteries are produced primed along the inner plane of the heating element to prevent corrosion from an aggressive coolant environment. Scale and rust particles present in the coolant of open heating systems lead to mechanical destruction of the primer layer inside the devices, therefore, manufacturers recommend using them in closed heating systems of private houses. A copper radiator can be a good option for open centralized systems, but not everyone will be pleased with its cost.

Many of us, when planning the construction of our own home or its large-scale reconstruction, are interested in which heating radiators are best for a private house. And although an unambiguous answer to this question, of course, cannot be given - too much depends on both financial capabilities and personal preferences - we will nevertheless give some recommendations on the selection of batteries.

Features of heating networks in a private house

Houses, unlike apartments, in the overwhelming majority of cases are equipped with autonomous heating systems. Accordingly, trying to choose the best heating radiators for a private house, we should first of all take into account the parameters of these systems.

We will try to analyze the key features in the table:

Key factor Influence on the selection of radiators
Low pressure As a rule, in a private house, the coolant in the pipes is under relatively low pressure. On the one hand, this necessitates the use of circulation pumps, but on the other hand, it reduces the load on the pipes and radiator tanks, extending their service life.
Lack of water hammer Since water hammer is excluded in the system, there is no need with a huge margin of safety. It is quite possible to restrict oneself to light thin-walled structures, which are characterized by high heat transfer.
Small length of communications Compared to an apartment building, in a private home, the distance from the boiler or stove to the radiator will be minimal. Accordingly, heat loss will also decrease, so it is worth buying batteries designed to work with a high-temperature coolant.
Using a small volume of coolant The volume of water injected into the system is quite small. This means that we can not only provide a decent cleaning, protecting the radiators from damage by abrasive particles, but also replace part of the liquid with antifreeze or ethyl alcohol.

Despite the fact that the cost of such additives is very significant, their use protects pipes and radiators from freezing during prolonged shutdown of the boiler, and also allows you to increase heat transfer.

Significant heating area The area of ​​the house is usually larger than the area of ​​the apartment, so we have to heat very large spaces. Accordingly, when deciding which heating radiators are best for the home, we should give preference to those models that provide the most efficient heating at the lowest cost.

As you can see from the table, we will have to analyze the assortment of the market quite seriously. That is why below we will try to provide information on the most commonly used types of batteries, which can make it easier for you to choose radiators for a private house.

Radiator material

Cast iron

The key parameter that determines the functionality of a radiator is the material of its manufacture. In addition to the actual heat transfer, the type of material used imposes restrictions on the design of the product, so that certain technological solutions can be implemented only when using a certain metal.

Previously, both for installation in apartment buildings, and for heating private homes, mainly cast-iron batteries were used. They were made by injection molding and were rather bulky structures.

Cast iron products are characterized by the following features:

  • The material has good resistance to corrosion and pressure, but it does not tolerate shock impacts. This disadvantage is especially relevant for products of the mid-late 20th century: at that time, low-grade cast iron, which often cracked upon impact, began to be used for casting radiator sections.
  • Heat transfer from cast iron is relatively low, which makes its use not very effective. At the same time, such a battery will give off the accumulated heat for a long time, therefore, the heating kennel can be turned off at night or during a long absence.
  • Another disadvantage is the significant weight. Cast iron radiators can be mounted on either floor mountings or solid wall hooks. At the same time, the bearing surface must be very strong: neither frame houses, nor buildings made of foam concrete can withstand such a load.

  • The advantages include product design. Today, many manufacturers focus on the production of cast iron batteries in the premium segment, and these models compensate for the lack of heating efficiency with an attractive "antique" appearance.

The cost of vintage cast-iron radiators is rarely less than 10 thousand rubles, so such a purchase cannot be called a budget one.


When choosing which radiators are best for a private house, many specialists stop at panel steel products.

They have their advantages:

  • First, in terms of heat transfer, they surpass cast iron, and quite significantly.
  • Secondly, they weigh much less.
  • Thirdly, the design of such batteries does not imply the use of thick-walled pipes, because the surface heats up very quickly.

If we talk about the shortcomings of steel, then they are as follows:

  • The material not only heats up quickly, but also cools down quickly, so the boiler will have to be fired constantly.

This is typical for all other models of radiators, ranging from aluminum to bimetallic.

  • Upon contact with water, steel rusts, therefore radiators must be cleaned regularly, and if signs of weakening of the strength of the walls appear, they must be changed immediately.


According to a number of heating engineers, the best radiators for heating a private house (meaning the price / quality ratio) are made of aluminum.

There is a reason for this:

  • Aluminum conducts heat very well, therefore the heat transfer of the battery will be higher than that of products made of other metal.
  • The material does not rust, which allows it to be used for a long time.
  • Externally, aluminum radiators look quite attractive, although they do not always fit into the interior of a private house.

  • As for the relatively low resistance to pressure drops, this characteristic is not a disadvantage here: as we noted above, water hammer in the network is practically excluded.
  • The main difficulty when using aluminum radiators is water treatment: before pouring the coolant into the circuits, you need to reduce its alkalinity. Otherwise, plaque will accumulate on the walls of the batteries, and the radiators themselves will begin to undergo electrochemical corrosion.


When considering which heating radiators for a wooden house are better in terms of not only functionality, but also design, you should not lose sight of the copper models:

  • Of course, copper is very expensive, but at the same time it provides excellent heat dissipation, so that the house will always be warm.
  • Reservoirs of copper batteries are not subject to corrosion, therefore they will serve for a long time.

To avoid the accumulation of deposits, it is worth integrating a particulate filter into the pipes.
If this is not done, the abrasive slurry will scratch the pipe walls, making them rough.

  • Finally, the copper radiators look just fine, and the polished (or patinated) metal look matches the wood wall cladding.

Bimetallic models

If we talk purely about functionality, then the best heating radiators for a home are still bimetallic:

  • These products combine the considerable strength and reliability of steel or copper pipes with the good heat transfer of aluminum panels.
  • At the same time, aluminum does not come into contact with water, which protects it from alkaline corrosion.

  • On the other hand, the cost of such products is quite high, so not every owner of a private house can afford the installation of bimetallic radiators.

Selection by performance

Calculation of the total thermal power of the batteries

When looking for answers to the question of which radiators are better to choose for a private house, you should not limit yourself only to analyzing the material and comparing the appearance of models. Batteries must heat the room as efficiently as possible, and therefore it is necessary to purchase products with sufficient heat output.

As a rule, the instruction for the equipment contains information about its heat transfer, so to calculate the volume of the purchase, we need to determine the need for heating in our house.

For sectional radiators, heat transfer is indicated per section, for panel models - for the entire product as a whole.

This value is quite simple to calculate with your own hands:

  • You can use the simplest proportion: for 1 m2 of area you need 100 W of heat from batteries... Of course, this calculation is very approximate, but it gives a fairly complete idea of ​​the order of the numbers.
  • There is also a more accurate method.... To determine the heat consumption, we multiply the volume of the room in cubic meters by 41 W (the standard coefficient for central Russia).

  • We divide the resulting value by the heat transfer of the battery, and we get the number of radiators we need for the selected room. It is better to round the number up, as the power reserve will not hurt!

If the room has windows facing the street, or other objects that are a source of heat loss, it is worth adjusting the power consumption:

  • For rooms with a window and two outer walls, add 20%.
  • For rooms with two windows and two outer walls - 30%.
  • If the windows are facing north or northeast - 10%.
  • If radiators are planned to be installed in wall niches - 5%.
  • If you plan to use protective screens for batteries - from 15 to 20%.

Choosing batteries for heating in your own home is not at all the same as buying batteries for use in an apartment, where the central heating system always functions. Heating a private house implies the organization of its own heating system, which, as a rule, is based on a gas boiler. This and other nuances impose certain requirements on radiators.

To help you navigate the issue, Santechbomb has prepared an article with recommendations. After reading it, you will find out which heating batteries are best for a private house, what you should pay attention to when choosing them, and also get an idea of ​​the main characteristics of the currently most popular batteries suitable for operation in gas heating systems.

Features of the gas heating system

First of all, it is worth identifying several features inherent in gas heating systems.

  • Low working pressure.
  • Absence of pressure surges and water hammer due to the closed circuit.
  • The ability to use a good quality coolant, change its type or properties.

Based on this, such common types of heating batteries as cast-iron and bimetallic ones should be immediately "discarded" from the selection. Yes, they are wonderful in their own way, but there is no point in using them in a closed system. With all their advantages, bimetallic ones cost a lot - they are more expensive than aluminum and often even cast iron counterparts, which will make their purchase completely impractical. Cast iron ones are simply not suitable for autonomous gas heating. It's all about their high thermal inertia - because of it, the room cannot be quickly heated, and the efficiency of cast iron is such that it would be too costly to use it in your home. It will also prevent the automatic temperature control system, if any, from working. At the same time, the main advantages of cast iron come to naught - there will be no water hammer in such a system, as already mentioned, and it will not be difficult to ensure a good quality of the coolant.

If you are looking for radiators, which are best for a private home, only aluminum radiators remain of the options. But they should also be chosen based on their needs. To do this, we will take a closer look at exactly how they interact with the gas heating system, what are their main advantages, and what characteristics you should pay attention to before buying.

A radiator is a necessary link in the heating system of a private house. This device is responsible for the warmth and comfort in the room. Homeowners often have a question about which heating radiators are best for a private house. Here, one should take into account not only the cost and appearance, but also the technical indicators of the product. If the properties declared by the manufacturer do not correspond to the characteristics of a certain heating system, then rapid wear of the radiator and even its failure is inevitable.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of radiators

Time-tested cast iron batteries

The first cast iron radiators were used in heating systems even before the October Revolution. Their reliability, durability, corrosion resistance are due to the significant wall thickness and the inertness of cast iron to aggressive media. Batteries are not afraid of water hammer, hard water with impurities, critical pressure drops.

Each section of the radiator is manufactured separately by casting. The finished elements are connected to each other using threaded nipples, as a result of which the familiar cast-iron battery is obtained. Such "accordions" go on sale unpainted.

Interesting! External unpresentability has always been considered the main disadvantage of cast iron products. But some enterprises began to master the production of refined cast iron radiators in the retro style - decorated with monograms, with a patina of bronze and copper. These batteries are ideal for classic interiors.

Cast iron retro miracle

The disadvantages include the considerable weight of the products - one section weighs an average of 6 kg. However, heavy cast iron will thoroughly warm the room, and in the event of an accident, it will give off heat for a long time. The service life of cast iron products is 50 years and more, and their prices remain within reasonable limits.

Pros and cons of aluminum radiators

To be precise, the batteries are made from silumin - an alloy of aluminum with silicon. Structures are divided into two types - extruded and cast. The latter consist of separate sections, like cast iron. If desired, the battery can be repaired, reconstructed.

Austerity and simplicity of aluminum forms

Extrusion involves the production of individual vertical blocks that are connected by pressing. This method is more economical, but it is impossible to add or remove sections from the radiator.

Important! Non-freezing liquid must not be poured into aluminum batteries - the probability is too high that the metal will react with it.

Advantages of aluminum heaters:

  • High heat transfer inherent in aluminum and its alloys. Rapid warming up of the batteries and, as a result, the room.
  • The ability to adjust the parameters of heat transfer.
  • Lightweight and compact.
  • Modern design.

Attention! During operation, hydrogen accumulates in aluminum radiators, which is regularly vented through special air vents. Failure to do so could rupture the battery.


  • The active reaction of the metal to an acidic and alkaline environment.
  • Rapid corrosion of a radiator connected to pipes of a different metal.
  • Possible leaks at the joints of the sections.
  • Uneven heating: most of the heat is concentrated on the fins of the battery.
  • Manufacturers of aluminum radiators usually provide a 10-20 year warranty. This does not mean that after the expiration of this period it is necessary to dismantle the devices and carry them to the landfill. It is only necessary to periodically inspect the batteries for suspicious defects.

Practical steel batteries

There are two types of steel batteries - panel and tubular. The best heating radiators for home are panel ones. The basis of the product is made up of two sheets of steel, welded together. Channels for the circulation of the coolant are mounted inside. U-shaped metal plates are attached to them, transferring heat to the room. Steel thickness reaches 2 mm. This whole structure is enclosed in a decorative metal box.

Important! You cannot leave the system without a coolant for more than 10-12 days. Oxidation processes begin inside the battery, causing severe corrosion on unprotected steel.

Elegant steel radiator profile

A large radiator area (from 300x400 mm to 900x3000 mm) promotes efficient heat transfer, which makes the devices highly profitable. To increase their service life, the pressure in the system should not exceed 8 atmospheres, and the acidity of the water should be 8-9 pH.

Reliable bimetallic radiators

This type of battery is specially designed for district heating systems. In fact, they are steel radiators cast in an aluminum shell. The steel is in contact with the coolant, and the aluminum layer ensures fast heat transfer to the room.

Attention! When buying, you should choose heating devices with a pressure margin if the house is connected to central heating. For an autonomous system, 15 atmospheres is enough, for a centralized one - 30 atmospheres.

Resistant bimetallic radiators

The bimetallic radiator successfully withstands hydraulic and mechanical shocks, pressure of 40 atmospheres, undemanding to the chemical composition of water. The use of bimetal in a private house with autonomous heating is impractical, since such radiators were originally created to work in the unfavorable conditions of domestic heating networks.

Water and copper pipes

The structures are made of 28 mm diameter solid-drawn copper pipe, which is cut through copper fins. No other metals are used. The main advantage of the product is the rapid heating of the room. The thermal conductivity of copper is two times higher than aluminum, and 5-6 times higher than cast iron and steel.

Elite copper radiator

A small amount of water is poured into batteries of this type, which also speeds up the heating process. It is possible to use a thermostat. A small volume of coolant is an important indicator for the efficiency of autonomous heating systems, since there is no need to heat and drive a large mass of water through the pipeline.

Interesting! After 4 days of continuous operation, an oxide layer appears on the inner surface of the radiator, which protects copper from the mechanical and chemical effects of low-quality water.

The copper battery is resistant to corrosion, therefore, it has a huge service life - tens of times higher than radiators made of other metals. In the absence of external influences, copper will last up to 100 years. Other product advantages:

  • Due to the plasticity of the metal, the pipe is not afraid of freezing the system. Ice will not be able to break the copper pipeline.
  • If a water hammer or pressure drop occurs in a centralized heating system, threaded joints and welds usually become the weak point. The copper piping is connected by brazing, which can withstand the critical pressure of water and steam.
  • The inner surface of the radiator is not overgrown with deposits. copper prevents the reproduction of organic matter.
  • The main disadvantage of copper batteries is their high cost.


When choosing heating devices for a private house, first of all, they take into account the type of the existing heating system. For centralized, cast iron, bimetallic or copper radiators are usually chosen. They successfully withstand high pressure of the coolant, including during pressure testing, are inert to chemically active substances, and have a significant service life.

For an individual heating system, aluminum and steel batteries are suitable. In an autonomous pipeline, treated water is used, there is no overpressure and critical temperatures. Light weight, attractive design and reasonable price of the devices are important factors.

A private house is good in that it provides the owner with more opportunities for arrangement than an apartment in a high-rise building. However, you will have to spend a lot of effort to ensure yourself a comfortable stay. This also applies to the issues of choosing the right heating system. Batteries must be functional, durable, and not create a budget hole after service. Let's figure out which heating radiators are best installed in a private house.

What you need to know about batteries

Today, a wide range of heating devices is offered in hardware stores, so it is very easy to get confused in all the variety of types and models.

Before purchasing batteries, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic parameters that will help you make the best choice:

  • Temperature regime;
  • Heat loss of the building. Here it is worth considering the height of the ceilings, the thickness of the glass, how many doors and windows there are in the rooms, the degree of decomposition of the material (for wooden houses), etc.;
  • The battery is usually installed under a window, therefore, to determine the dimensions of the device, use the following parameters (in cm): to the window sill - 10-15, from the wall to the back wall of the device - 3-5, from the floor - 7-12;
  • Thermal power of the radiator, which can be calculated by the formula: S * h * 41: 42 (S is the area of ​​the room, h is the ceiling height, 41 is the minimum power (indicated at 1m3), 42 is the nominal thermal conductivity rating).

Additional indicators that must be taken into account in order to choose a suitable heating device:

  • Value for money (a key purchase factor);
  • Appearance (you should pay attention if you plan to design a room for a specific interior design);
  • Weight (affects the complexity of installation).

Now we will consider what types of heating radiators exist for a private house, we will get acquainted with the technical characteristics of each of them.

Cast iron

Such radiators began to be installed in houses more than a century ago, during the time of tsarist Russia. For 100 years, these batteries continue to be in demand, providing high-quality heating of premises. Even today, in houses built during the Soviet period, cast iron batteries with more than 50 years of service life are quite common.

The following positive qualities brought them popularity:

  • Long period of work (radiators can function for tens of years);
  • High level of heat transfer (degree of heating - up to 130 ° C, can stay hot for 5-6 hours);
  • Good durability (batteries are able to withstand internal high pressure, are immune to mechanical stress);
  • Work with any quality of the heat carrier (no need to install a filter on the heating system);
  • Anti-corrosion resistance (under the influence of condensation and temperature extremes, which is confirmed by uninterrupted operation in old houses).

However, cast-iron radiators have their drawbacks, due to which they are gradually replaced by more modern types of devices:

  • Large dimensions. Due to their size, it is difficult to transport, install and maintain.
  • Low thermal conductivity due to the massiveness of the metal and its porous surface. To achieve a high level of heat transfer, the temperature of the heating medium must be 70-80 ° C.
  • Systematic care is required. Batteries need to be cleaned and painted regularly.
  • It takes a lot of space to accommodate.
  • Good fittings are needed for a secure fit.

Advice! To increase the heat transfer of cast iron batteries, they should be washed about once every two years from accumulated rust and particles of small debris.

Cast iron radiator Konner "Legend"

In addition, cast-iron radiators are not distinguished by the most attractive appearance, which is why the interior looks inharmonious. If the design of the room is important to you, then you will have to purchase decorative elements in the form of partitions or fences, but not every owner will want to put additional decorations. Then how to choose the right cast iron heating radiators for a private house in order to create a harmonious environment? Take a look at the dedicated lines of some German or French manufacturers developing original design pieces for themed interior styles. Such radiators will become a real decoration of the environment, but not everyone can afford them due to the high cost.

Cast iron radiator MS - 140

Among the popular manufacturers of cast iron batteries, it is worth highlighting the Chinese firms Tokio or KONNER, as well as the Russian version - MS-140.


By design and functional features, these devices are of three types. Then what steel radiators are better to choose for a private house? Let's take a look at the characteristics of each species.


Also called convectors because heat is supplied by convection (75%). They have a rectangular shape and are two welded panels. The coolant circulates through special dining channels. The battery is lightweight and compact, which allows it to quickly gain and maintain the required temperature.

Among the significant disadvantages are susceptibility to mechanical damage and low operating pressure. Also, steel panel radiators are destroyed by corrosion.

Manufacturers produce models with a lower type of liner, which allows you to hide pipes under the floor covering. This option is ideal for rooms with an original interior design, in which inlet / outlet communications will look out of place. Among the well-known manufacturers, we will single out Corado, Lidea and Buderus.


In terms of characteristics, such devices are similar to cast iron radiators, but they have a number of significant differences:

  • Internal pressure - 16 atm;
  • Increased strength due to welded joints;
  • Long period of operation (can work up to 50 years).

Unlike cast iron batteries, these devices are not as widespread due to their higher price.


In terms of functionality, they generally correspond to panel and sectional radiators, but they are much more expensive. The extra charge comes at the expense of a more attractive appearance, which allows them to be placed in rooms with themed interior design. In addition, it is very convenient to dry things on tubular batteries, which is especially important for families with small children.

Produced by well-known foreign manufacturers: Zehnder, Arbonia and Delonghi.


Aluminum conducts heat very well, therefore such radiators provide full heating of the room.


Among the advantages, we highlight:

  • High heat transfer rates;
  • Small dimensions;
  • Quite good working pressure, which is 12-18 atmospheres;
  • A light weight.

We also note good heat transfer due to the rapid circulation of the coolant, which is provided by free intercollector tubes. On the market, aluminum radiators are presented in a wide range of models with various sizes, so you can easily choose a heating device for any room.

Attractive appearance allows using aluminum radiators not only as a heating device, but also as an element of interior design. Due to its neat shape, the device can fit into almost any environment.


However, aluminum radiators also have their drawbacks:

  • Sensitivity to the quality of the heating agent (regular filtration is required, otherwise the system will become unusable in a matter of years);
  • Susceptibility to sudden changes in pressure (when filling, control of the pressure level is necessary);
  • Weak resistance to corrosion (when buying, be sure to check that there is a protective polymer coating on the surface of the radiator);
  • Fragility (service life is 10-15 years).

The increased heat transfer of aluminum radiators affects not only the positive side. The powerful operation of the device quickly lifts warm air upward, which is trapped between the battery and the ceiling. As a result, temperature differences may occur. Before buying a device, it is necessary to calculate the heat that is required for the room. Otherwise, the floor may not warm up.


Aluminum batteries are classified into three types by design. They differ in structure and service capabilities.

Consider these types and try to understand which heating batteries are best for a private house:

  1. Solid - stand out for their ductility and durable construction;
  2. Assembled sectional - when servicing, you can replace the plates that are out of order;
  3. Combined - combine the qualities of the two previous types, but have a higher cost. In terms of functional advantages, they are recognized as the best aluminum radiators for heating a private house. Produced by Global, Ferroli and RIFAR.

The demand for these devices was ensured by an affordable price, increased heat output and an attractive design. This is one of the best options for high-quality heating of your own home. If you follow all the rules of operation, such batteries will last more than ten years, delighting residents with good heating on cold winter evenings.


The name bimetal means the combination of two or more metals in one product. The interior of the batteries is made of steel or copper material, which increases their safety and ensures reliable operation. The outer side is equipped with aluminum ribs. These devices can be called an evolutionary pinnacle in the development of radiators. The manufacturers claim that such devices can last 40 years.

Despite the high cost, bimetallic radiators have occupied a leading position in the heating appliance market in recent years. It is advisable to purchase such batteries if the issue of price is not in the first place for you. Then they will fully recoup the financial costs and will serve for many years.

Manufacturing companies are constantly improving their devices. What bimetallic heating batteries to choose for home? Among the well-known manufacturers, the following companies are worth highlighting: Polywarm, Sira, Teplopribor. The German Kermi is deservedly recognized as one of the leaders in this industry.

Aluminum and bimetallic radiators: which is better?

As you can see from the description, you can place both types of batteries in your own homes. Recently, they have gained wide popularity among consumers due to their high heating rates. Now let's compare them in terms of technical indicators in order to find out which radiators for heating are better suited for a private house.

Heat volume

The aluminum battery section produces 200 watts of power. Part of the generated power is converted, and the rest of the heat is released through radiation. These batteries are able to warm up a room for 10 minutes, which has a positive effect on savings.

Heat transfer on bimetallic radiators is built on a different principle: the steel core slows down its production somewhat. Each model diffuses heat differently, but they all heat up the room longer than aluminum appliances. For the rest of the characteristics, there are no serious differences.

Heat carrier temperature

Aluminum batteries maintain temperatures up to 110 ° C, while bimetallic batteries operate at 130 ° C.


Both varieties have steel fasteners that fit onto screws or plastic dowels. Due to their light weight, installation of these devices is not difficult. Installation and maintenance is carried out using shaped tools and a set of keys.

Life time

Bimetallic radiators are made of two metals, and, accordingly, are more durable. They can work efficiently for 15-20 years, while aluminum ones, on average, function for about 10 years. If the duration of the heater's operation is important to you, then it is better to give preference to the first option.

In the domestic heating system, the water contains a large amount of chemical components. All these impurities have a destructive effect on aluminum, which reacts with them. As a result, rust forms on the walls, which can eventually damage the device. For stable operation, the pH value should be no more than 8 units.

On bimetallic devices, a special coating is used that protects it from the effects of chemical impurities, which makes the material less susceptible to rust. However, in some cases, hydrogen can enter the liquid, which will lead to rapid decay of the components.


A cozy atmosphere in a private house is impossible without high-quality operation of heating devices. The first step is to determine the number of batteries that you plan to install and the technical characteristics of the room. We got acquainted with the types of heating devices. So what kind of heating radiators are better to install in a private house? First of all, the decision to buy a particular device should be based on its goals. They can be either a simple heating device or a sophisticated piece of furniture. Also, the desired service life and cost of the product play an important role.