How to assemble a corner kitchen set. Do-it-yourself kitchen assembly

After renovating your kitchen, you will surely decide to update your old kitchen set. As a rule, most stores selling kitchens provide an assembly service, and many are not yet manufacturers of this kitchen, but simply order it from the factory and are intermediaries. In any case, we overpay, although the assembly and self-design of the kitchen is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. In this article, I will tell you how to independently make a design with exact dimensions, non-standard elements, and how to assemble a kitchen into a single composition.

Finished kitchen assembly process

All elements of the kitchen set are essentially wooden boxes of different sizes and shapes, and in order to assemble them all, it will be enough to learn how to assemble one and all the rest will be assembled using the same technology. If you have not dealt with assembling furniture before, then before assembling the kitchen, be sure to study the standard instructions. It schematically shows which parts are used for what, and also indicates the order of work.

Standard kitchen table assembly scheme

If you screw the part in the wrong place, you will have to disassemble it, and this will reduce the strength of the connection. This is especially true for cheap chipboard cabinets.

Stages of assembling a kitchen table (cabinet) or cabinet:

  • A cross-shaped mount for doors is attached to the side walls. They are screwed with two self-tapping screws, into pre-prepared holes;
  • The rails for drawer cabinets are also attached to the already prepared holes, if you do not screw it right away, then it will be inconvenient to do it later;
  • Then, wooden chopsticks are inserted into all non-through holes (they are also called dowels or wooden dowels). Chopics help to assemble an even frame and significantly increase the strength of the entire structure.
  • After making sure that the table is level, a furniture screw is screwed in with a hexagon, it will pull the two parts together. A cap is put on top to match the color of the furniture.
  • If legs are provided, screw them into place and set the desired height.
  • After assembling the cabinet, a sheet of fiberboard is nailed to the side wall, usually this is done with small carnations that come with the kit.
  • On wall cabinets, you need to fix the fittings for mounting on the wall. For this, adjustable awnings are used. They are attached inside to the side walls of the cabinet close to the top corners.

Assembly of drawers

  • First, we assemble a frame of three panels according to the same principle as the cabinets themselves. We insert the chopsticks into the holes, press the boards against each other, and then tighten them together with screws.
  • Next, you need to insert a sheet of fiberboard into the grooves, which will serve as the bottom of the box.
  • Now you can fix the facade with special ties. The screws for them are screwed into the front panel, and their opposite ends are inserted into the holes of the side boards. They are fixed with the help of round eccentric bushings, which should be inserted into the seats prepared by the manufacturer and rotated, securely fastening the parts of the box to each other.
  • We fasten guides with rollers to the bottom of the drawers, which must be located at the back.
  • We insert the drawers into the cabinet rails at an angle and check if they move easily.

Kitchen installation sequence

After assembling all the tables, drawers and wall cabinets, you need to put it all in place

  • First of all, a side cabinet is installed, most often it is a sink. All pipes will come to the side cabinet, make holes for pipes in the wall in advance;
  • Installing floor cabinets. Cabinets immediately need to be adjusted in height and, if necessary, cuts are made in them.
  • After installing all the cabinets, you can link them together. For this, 30 mm self-tapping screws or inter-sectional furniture screed are used. A coupler is a more reliable option, it will be enough for 3-4 couplers for floor cabinets and 2 pieces for wall cabinets.

Tabletop fixing

  • Mark the table top by adding 1 mm from the edges, or mount it close to the wall. If there is a gap near the wall, then you will then hide it with a plinth.
  • Using a fine-toothed jigsaw, cut the table top to size.
  • In the corner kitchen, the worktops are joined using a special metal bar that closes the gap between the two tables. It is screwed to the end of the tabletop.
  • Be sure to close the ends of the plate with a final metal bar. In places where there is no effect of heat, you can use a furniture edge for this. It is glued with a hair dryer on a flat and clean cut surface.
  • When fixing the tabletop, set it with an allowance in front of about 3 cm so that the edges are even. Fastening takes place from below with self-tapping screws.

sink mount

To install the sink, we need to make a hole in the countertop, usually the sink comes with a sheet for marking the desired hole.

  • We make markings for the future sink and, according to the markings, we saw off the countertop with a jigsaw;
  • We fasten the sink to the special fasteners that come with the kit;
  • The joint along the edge must be treated with sealant or sanitary silicone;

You definitely need an assistant who can support the countertop while cutting, otherwise the piece will fall off and tear off part of the coating.

Fixing wall cabinets

For this, the height of the kitchen furniture is first determined - as already mentioned, it depends on the dimensions of the drawers and the level of the ceilings. The standard height between the table top and the bottom of the top drawer is 50-60 mm.

Advice! If the growth of the hostess of the kitchen is low or the upper cabinets of the headset open with closers upwards, then it is better to install the upper shelves 45 cm from the level of the countertop (but not less).

There are two ways to hang kitchen drawers with your own hands:

  1. A mounting rail is used - one part of it is attached to the wall cabinet, and the second to the wall. This results in a hook-and-groove system that is easy to use and provides a secure fit. One person can hang a cabinet with such fasteners.
  2. Upper cabinets can be placed on the wall and, by means of standard fastening, on furniture hinges. They are hung so that there are no gaps between the back wall and the wall. To hang the cabinet on the hinges, it is worth working together, because for one the structure will be too heavy. Since modern mounting strips are quite expensive, budget hinges are used in traditional furniture sets.

Mounting rail or rail

Fastening sequence:

  • Step back from the countertop and make a mark on the walls. Step back from it to the height of the cabinets, and draw a line for their fastening;
  • Drill holes and secure the tire. On it you hang adjustable suspensions. Fastening to the wall with anchors is more reliable than with dowel-nails;
  • Hang the cabinet on the rail by hooking it to the hooks. In order for the cabinet to hang evenly and close to the wall, adjust the 2 bolts on the hangers by tightening or loosening;
  • Start installation from a corner. If the wall is uneven or has an angle of less than 90 degrees, then you will need to fix the bezel to hide the gap;
  • After installation, if necessary, fasten the cabinets with ties;

Door fixing

And now, the assembly of the kitchen set is almost completed. It remains to hang the doors:

  • Now you can hang the doors on the cabinets. To do this, fix the hinges with self-tapping screws into the round recesses on the facade.
  • Put the door on the cross plates that you screwed in at the very beginning and tighten the bolts.
  • Then close the door and check its position. Adjust it horizontally and vertically with two bolts on the mechanism

Skirting board installation

We close the gap between the table and the wall by installing a plastic plinth. Its first part is fastened with screws to the wall, and a decorative nozzle is snapped on top. To decorate the corners, special plugs are used. Usually hidden wiring can be placed inside the baseboard.

Skirting board installation

Video - assembly instructions

Well, now you have learned how to assemble a ready-made kitchen set as a designer, it is not so difficult and it does not take much time. The most important thing is not to rush and think through every action in advance. The result of your work will be no worse than the fruits of the work of a team of professionals!

Large companies selling kitchen sets provide their customers with a paid service for installing structures. However, many people prefer to do this work themselves in order to save significant money. In fact, assembling kitchen furniture is not considered too difficult work, if you carefully understand.

Before direct assembly, it is necessary to carry out certain preparatory work. They consist of several actions:

  • tools are being prepared, and it is important to make sure that they are in working order. To work, you will need a screwdriver and an electric jigsaw, a drill, a hex screwdriver, a puncher, a tape measure, a hydraulic level and various small tools that are available to almost every man who prefers to do various housework on his own;
  • a direct kitchen set is selected and purchased. As soon as it is delivered home, it should be checked to make sure that there are no defects or defects here, since, if necessary, some structural details will have to be replaced;
  • the instructions for assembling kitchen furniture, attached to the headset, are carefully studied in order to determine the main stages and features of the planned work;
  • the kitchen is freed from all unnecessary elements so that the kitchen assembly procedure is carried out easily.

During the work process, there is a high probability of causing damage to the existing floor covering, therefore it is recommended to close it in advance with some kind of protective sheet.

Stages of assembling kitchen furniture

How to assemble kitchen furniture? The kitchen installation procedure is implemented in several successive stages. The process begins with the assembly of the box, after which the drawers are assembled and the upper cabinets are mounted. Only then are the lower drawers of the structure installed.

Box assembly

Assembly of furniture begins with the formation of the box. For this, the following steps are performed:

  • the side wall of the box is installed on a solid and even surface with the end face, and the facades should be located at the top;
  • the wall of the cabinet is correctly joined to the bottom, and only at a right angle, after which they are connected to each other, for which confirmations are used, and there are already holes for euro screws in factory-made kitchens;
  • on the other hand, the second side wall is fixed in the same way;
  • two upper strips are mounted on each side of the structure, if the lower boxes are assembled, and a cover is installed for hinged ones;
  • the cabinet is laid with the facade down, after which its diagonal is measured with a ruler, since it is not allowed that the values ​​obtained in different cabinets differ from each other by more than 1.5 mm;
  • the back wall is attached to the cabinets, for which staples or small nails are usually used;
  • for floor cabinets, legs are attached to the bottom, and they can be made of plastic or metal.

When working, it is necessary to check that the ends of all side walls of the boxes are flush with the bottom and the lid, for which measuring equipment is used.

Side wall installation

Installation of the second side wall

The two upper slats of the box

Cabinet laying

Fixing the back wall

Assembly of drawers

The next step in the installation of the kitchen is the correct assembly of the drawers used in this design is mandatory. Without them, any kitchen becomes uncomfortable and unsatisfactory. For this, the following steps are performed:

  • a box is made, for which four planks are fixed to each other at right angles;
  • all such blanks must have the same diagonal;
  • guides are attached to the side walls of each received box;
  • facades are fixed with screws;
  • special reciprocal latches are mounted on the bottom of the box, allowing you to attach the boxes to the rails.

As soon as the drawers are ready, the installation of the upper wall cabinets begins.

Create a box

We fix the guides

We fix facades

We fix the latches

Installation of upper cabinets

They must be securely and of high quality attached to the wall of the room. At the same time, it will not be difficult to use furniture for the kitchen for its intended purpose. This process is divided into successive steps:

  • initially, the attachment points of all cabinets are marked, for which the optimal height is laid off from the floor, which determines the distance from it to the lower shelf of the cabinet;
  • when choosing the optimal height, the height of the person acting as a regular user of the kitchen is taken into account;
  • the height of the countertop is also determined in advance so that a distance of at least 0.6 m remains from it to the upper cabinet;
  • from the marked marks, lines are drawn showing the locations of future fasteners, and the level should make sure that the line is perfectly flat;
  • the method of hanging is chosen, for which standard mounting loops can be used, as well as a rail equipped with special hooks for fixing cabinets;
  • for loops in the walls, holes are made with a perforator, and fasteners are inserted into them;
  • cabinets are hung on the received fasteners, after which they are carefully aligned, which will allow you to correctly determine the location of the second fastener.

If it is planned to lay any pipelines through the upper cabinet, then for them in the back wall the corresponding holes are certainly made in advance with a jigsaw.

Create markup

Creating Holes

We insert fasteners

We hang lockers

Installation of lower pedestals

The lower boxes of the headset are usually installed after fixing the upper ones. Installation of kitchen furniture in this case is divided into stages:

  • installation of the first cabinet starts from the corner of the room;
  • the legs of each cabinet are correctly adjusted so that there are no distortions;
  • all cabinets are lined up;
  • adjacent elements are pulled together with a clamp, and then a furniture screed is used.

The next step involves the installation of a countertop, in which a hole is first made for washing using a jigsaw. The countertop should be properly leveled so that there are no distortions that reduce its service life and negatively affect the process of using the entire kitchen as a whole. For a large kitchen, you have to use two parts of the countertop, and special metal strips are used for their reliable and competent connection. By all means, these connections are processed with a sealant. After the two elements are securely connected, they are attached to the lower cabinets, for which special furniture corners are used.

We pull together lockers

We expose lockers

Adjusting the legs

Final stage

Do-it-yourself furniture is easy to install in the kitchen. After completing the main tasks, the final stages of work are carried out. You should be especially careful, since the appearance of the entire created structure depends on the implemented processes. Installation at this stage is divided into processes:

  • in the place where the countertop adjoins the wall, it is necessary to use a special plinth that closes the existing gap, otherwise dirt and water will constantly penetrate into it, which negatively affects the service life of the entire headset;
  • doors are fastened to all cabinets of the structure, and their adjustment is easily implemented using special new hinges;
  • pre-assembled boxes are inserted into the headset, and various built-in appliances and furniture are installed;
  • the kitchen should be well and efficiently lit, so at this stage, different lights and fixtures in the headset are additionally connected;
  • a plinth is installed;
  • we assemble and mount the sink, after which it is connected to the necessary communication systems;
  • the areas where the sink connects to the countertop must be treated with high-quality sealant.

The installation procedure for a kitchen set is considered quite complicated, therefore, in order to prevent possible errors, it is recommended to pre-view the training video. Thus, the assembly of the most important kitchen furniture represented by the set can be done on your own. To do this, it is imperative to study the correct instructions in advance, watch the training video and use only high-quality materials and tools. This approach guarantees a durable and beautiful result.

Fixing the plinth

Installing the plinth

Door fixing

Washing installation

The nuances of the assembly of the corner structure

The corner kitchen is becoming more and more popular. This is due to the fact that the installation of a corner headset can be carried out even in the smallest and non-standard room. Designs are produced in numerous forms, which makes it possible to choose the best option for any room.

The main difficulty in installing a corner headset is the docking of different elements in the corner. Also, to obtain the correct and attractive result, the recommendations of specialists are taken into account:

  • the assembly of the structure begins without fail from the angle chosen for installation;
  • it is not advisable to assemble all the cabinets at the same time, since you should be guided from one assembled module, after which the subsequent elements are assembled;
  • especially much attention in the corner kitchen is paid to joining two adjacent drawers in the corner of the room;
  • most often there is a sink in the corner, however, if it is not very convenient for the owners of the premises to use it, then it is allowed to leave the corner cabinet either empty or install some small household appliances on it that are not used too often;
  • all joints are necessarily treated with a sealant that protects the most important areas of the headset from high humidity and dirt.

Thus, the kitchen is an important room in any home. It is intended for the cooking process, so numerous interior items are certainly installed in it, making this procedure simple and quick. These primarily include a kitchen set, and it is allowed to install it on your own, if you understand the process well and use high-quality materials and tools. In this case, you can save a significant amount of money paid to professional installers. Particular attention should be paid to the alignment of all structural elements, since various distortions or other problems contribute to the short life of the entire headset.

The rule for assembling and installing a kitchen set is timeliness. It is necessary to start assembling the kitchen only when all the work on finishing surfaces, wall cladding with wallpaper is completed, the process of installing electrical wires and pipes for water supply and drainage is completed, and the design is not in danger of major changes and reconstruction.

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The nuances of assembling a kitchen set

It sometimes takes a lot of time to assemble a kitchen set with your own hands. The process is influenced by such a factor as the conscientiousness of the manufacturer. Sometimes the assembly instructions contain general theses and do not take into account that the general rules may not be suitable for the installation of different parts.

Incorrect location of factory holes is another problem related to how to assemble a kitchen set. Assembly is complicated by the fact that not always each cabinet is packed separately. Some manufacturers wrap each board in a package. There are times when some of the parts from the upper cabinets of the kitchen set end up in the box containing the lower cabinets. For these reasons, the question arises whether the owner of an apartment without experience will be able to assemble furniture on his own, because it is difficult to assemble it himself.

To assemble the kitchen with your own hands, you need to study the instructions that come with the furniture set. There is a step by step assembly diagram. Each model of kitchen furniture is assembled differently, but there are general principles.

First you need to prepare holes for fasteners in the side boards, fasten the fasteners for the doors of the headset. If the cabinets have sliding shelves, then at the next stage of assembly, you need to fix the rails for these structures.

Then the chopsticks are inserted into the holes, for greater reliability, the parts are fixed with glue. After mounting each drawer, they turn to the assembly diagram of the kitchen set in order to compare the result with the image in the picture.

After checking the correct assembly of the parts, you need to return to working with furniture screws again in order to tighten the connections with high quality. Decorative plugs are placed on the screws that are located on the outside of the case (they come in a separate package).

If the model is equipped with legs, then the next step in the assembly will be their installation. A sheet of material (MDF, chipboard) is attached to the back of the cabinet, which will be turned in the wall.

Hanging cabinets should have hinges or hooks (there are different types of such fasteners on the market). In the future, with the help of these parts, the boxes will be fixed to the wall. In any case, the assembly of furniture should take place in accordance with the step-by-step instructions, because not everyone knows how to assemble a kitchen with their own hands. However, the entire process is described in the attached document.

Wall cabinets

The upper modules are assembled on the floor, then they are mounted on the wall with their own hands. The process is similar, the upper and lower parts are attached to the side walls. After installing the shelves, start marking the holes in the wall.

The installation of cabinets of the upper section should not be interfered with by gas pipes, electrical wiring, an exhaust tunnel. Hanging boxes should be at the same level. When the modules have taken their place on the wall, they screw the screws into the facade to fix the doors on the hinges.

Bottom kitchen cabinets

First of all, the frame is assembled, it consists of 4 boards. Connect the side walls to the top, and then to the bottom. For this, self-tapping screws are used, and they are not completely screwed in so that the frame is flexible.

The evenness of the floor cabinets is checked with a building level, the degrees of the corners of the created figure are checked. After that, the screws are screwed in until they stop.

In addition to creating a frame, the process of assembling kitchen furniture involves fixing shelves. Their number depends on the needs of the owner of the apartment. When the shelves are installed, you can hang the doors.

kitchen cabinet

The headset may include a tall cabinet. Its assembly takes longer. The wardrobe consists of a massive base and a glass top. The first part is fastened with self-tapping screws, the side walls are fixed to the top and bottom boards. The process is similar to the assembly of cabinets, which were screwed at the very beginning to a vertical surface or installed on the floor.

When the installation of the frame of the lower part is completed, proceed to the assembly of the base of the upper part. Finished frames can be combined by placing one on top of the other, if it is comfortable to work at such a height. If necessary, this can be done after installing the shelves. A case with shelves and doors is heavier, so it will be more difficult to lift the top.

Manufacturers produce different lockers, the cabinet at the bottom may have drawers or shelves. Use the accessories that come with the kit: furniture corners or an eccentric coupler. Some shelves are fixed by getting euro screws (self-tapping screws) into round recesses. The glass shelves and doors on the top of the cabinet have holes for mounting, so it's easy to install the parts.

After the repair in the kitchen, it is necessary to install furniture. And then the question arises, how to assemble a kitchen set. To perform this work, you can simply invite the master, and he will do everything himself, but keep in mind that the cost of assembling a kitchen set can be up to 10% of its price. If you have elementary work skills, then you can independently decide how to assemble a kitchen set and do everything yourself.

With the tools and assembly diagram available, you can independently assemble and install a kitchen set.

Tools you need to get the job done

In order to assemble a kitchen set, you will need the following tools:

  • screwdriver, in this case there is no need to use powerful and expensive models, you can even take a cheap screwdriver;
  • perforator - the specified tool must have a set of drills for concrete and wood;
  • a jigsaw or a hacksaw for wood, they will be needed if it becomes necessary to saw off the countertop;
  • a key for installation work, often it comes with a kitchen set, there is also an assembly diagram;
  • hammer, level, corner;
  • pliers, tape measure and knife.

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We assemble the cabinet

In order to assemble a kitchen corner set or any other, first you need to carefully study the instructions that come with it.

It has a scheme, according to which it is necessary to assemble a corner kitchen set or any other.

All work must be carried out carefully, since repeated assembly and disassembly significantly reduces the strength of the connection. This is most noticeable on cheap furniture made from chipboard.

First, using self-tapping screws, a door mount is installed in the prepared places on the side boards. Now you need to install a slide for drawers, then it will be difficult and inconvenient to do this.

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Initial fasteners are carried out with the help of dowels (wooden dowels), first the dowel is inserted into one part, then the second is put on top and pressed. They not only help to properly assemble furniture, but also increase its strength.

After that, you need to make sure that all the details are assembled correctly, and you can screw in furniture screws, this is done with a hex key. The head of the screw is covered with a plastic cap.

If you purchased a cheap set, then plastic thrust bearings are used as legs, in more expensive models adjustable legs are installed.

After you have connected all the elements of the cabinet, install a sheet of fiberboard on its back panel. To attach the cabinet to the wall, you need to fix adjustable canopies in the upper corner of the side panel.

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Assembling the drawer

The walls of the drawer are assembled in the same sequence as the kitchen cabinet. After connecting its three walls, the bottom is nailed and the facade is installed. For fixing the facade, eccentric ties are usually used.

The screw is screwed into the facade and inserted with a hat into the holes that are in the side panels. They have a large socket, into which the sleeve is inserted, after which it turns and clamps the head of the screw.

Now you need to install roller guides on the bottom corner of the drawer, while the roller should be at the back, and on the side panel of the cabinet in front. We insert the guides at an angle and slide the drawer.

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The process of assembling and installing a kitchen set

After we have assembled the cabinets, drawers, we proceed to install the headset, the doors do not need to be installed yet, as they will interfere with the installation.

First you need to install a sink, usually it is located in the corner, holes must be made for pipes in the back wall. Now install the rest of the cabinets, carry out their alignment in height. In order for the structure to be durable, all cabinets are interconnected using an intersection screed or self-tapping screws. For floor cabinets, you need 4 ties, and for wall cabinets, 2 are enough.

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In order to install a built-in sink, you will have to make a round hole in the countertop, then saw off the countertop and fix it with the help of special fasteners that are included in the kit.

If you are sawing off the countertop yourself, then you must use masking tape, otherwise a piece of the countertop may fall and damage its finish. If you install a conventional sink, then you just need to screw it to the cabinet.

When installing the tabletop, it is necessary to leave an overlap of about 1 cm or you can mount it close to the wall. If a corner kitchen is installed, then a special metal bar is used to hide the gap between the tables. Where there is exposure to high temperatures nearby, the edges of the countertop are covered with a metal bar. In other places, you can use the furniture edge, for this they make a cut and glue it using a hair dryer.

To protect against moisture, all cracks are treated with a sealant, in front it is necessary to overlap the countertop by 3 cm, and it is fastened with self-tapping screws.

If your kitchen backsplash is made of mosaics, glass or tiles, then you can protect the work surface with wall panels. They are attached to dowels to hide the hats, they must be placed under the furniture. The locker must be fixed no lower than 60 cm from the table surface.

Buying a kitchen set is a responsible and joyful business. A special anticipation is felt after bringing it home - any hostess can imagine what kind of decoration of the kitchen it will become and how convenient it will be to work here now. It remains the case for small - to install a headset. There are two options here - contact the experts or assemble it yourself. Why installing yourself is more profitable and how to do it right.

Of course, if there is no man in the house or working with a tool is not his strong point, then the installation of the kitchen will have to be entrusted to specially trained furniture assemblers, whose services any store selling furniture is happy to provide. But if the hands grow from the right place, then the installation will not cause much trouble and can be done independently.

Assembling a kitchen yourself entails many advantages:

  • there is no need to wait for a specialist - you can assemble the kitchen at any convenient time;
  • you can save a lot of money if the assembly is paid;
  • assemblers do not install furniture in place immediately as they are assembled and do not connect communications, so it will be necessary to do this work with your own hands;
  • assembly independently guarantees the quality of work, which cannot be said about assembly by unauthorized persons, especially when it comes to free assembly.

Important: installation of the kitchen and installation of equipment is ideally carried out on a day off. Then you can have time to install everything in one day.

What tools will be needed

If we assemble the kitchen ourselves, we need a variety of tools. As a rule, in the master's house it is a must. For fidelity, we list what is necessary in order to assemble the cabinets on our own by modules:

  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • perforator;
  • jigsaw;
  • hacksaw;
  • various drills;
  • hex key;
  • level;
  • pliers;
  • roulette.

special instructions

Before you cut the parts and screw them in place, you need to clearly think through everything. All parts of the headset must be disassembled into modules and decomposed into separate parts. Each cabinet has its own fittings. All components of one module should lie together - then the installation and installation of the headset will not cause any special problems and you will not have to waste time looking for the necessary parts and fasteners.

Important: before screwing the parts, you need to make all the markings and work independently exactly on them, without rushing. If the cabinet is assembled incorrectly, then the fasteners will have to be removed and reinstalled. This leads to the fact that the joints become loose and the strength of the cabinets deteriorates.

First steps

Installation of cabinets begins with their assembly. There are subtleties here:

  • It is best to fasten the fasteners for the doors first, while the cabinet is not yet assembled. Then it will be easier to hang the doors later;
  • Retractable rails for cabinets are also attached before the main assembly and installation takes place - this facilitates further work on your own;
  • It is necessary to insert dowels into non-through holes - wooden parts of the dowel. They are designed to increase the strength of the frame, in addition, with the help of dowels it is easier to assemble the cabinets evenly on your own.

Next, the assembly and installation of cabinets begins. First of all, the furniture frame is assembled. After that, the back is nailed. Most often it is a sheet of fiberboard. The back of each module is best nailed with small carnations. Inside the cabinets, fasteners for shelves are inserted into the holes.

The next step is screwing the legs. The legs may be different. Expensive headsets have legs that can be adjusted in height. In inexpensive models, legs, as a rule, do not have such an option. The role of the height regulator in this case is played by thrust bearings - plastic lining. The last step is to hang the doors. By the way, the hitch can be postponed for a while after the modules are fully installed in place and the countertop is installed - it will be easier. By and large, assembling a kitchen with your own hands does not cause trouble if everything is done according to the algorithm.

Important: if there is an assembly instruction, then you must follow it exactly. Then the installation of modules will not cause trouble.

Assembly of boxes

Assembling the boxes should also not be difficult. They are assembled in the same way as the modules themselves and in the same way their frame is tightened with screws for strength.

Lastly, the drawer fronts are attached. Here it is best to use an eccentric screed.

Roller guides are attached at the bottom corners, making sure that the roller is at the back of the guide. The guides are inserted at an angle into each other.

Kitchen installation

After the assembly of the headset is completed, its installation begins.

Mounting the headset is also best done according to a certain algorithm:

  1. First of all, you need to put a side or corner cabinet. Most often, a sink is located in this module.
  2. Before installation, it is necessary to cut holes for communications - pipes.
  3. Then the remaining cabinets are installed, forming a working line. Installation goes in parallel with height adjustment. If necessary, cuts are made so that the modules stand up clearly and evenly and do not sway.
  4. As soon as the modules are installed in a line, it is necessary to tie them together to increase the strength of the structure. For this purpose, an intersectional screed is used. But you can get by with simple self-tapping screws 3 cm in size. Screeds are calculated as follows - 4 screeds are needed for floor cabinets, and 2 for wall cabinets.


In the countertop of the module under the sink, a hole is made under it with a jigsaw. After that, a sink is installed in the hole and the joints are coated with a sealant for sealing. Only after this is the installation of the countertop on the module.

Important: it is more convenient to work together. The installation of embedded equipment is carried out according to the same scheme.

Countertop installation

The worktop is marked out based on the dimensions of the length of the line of floor cabinets plus an overlap on both sides. According to the basting, the desired size of the countertop is sawn off with a jigsaw, after which it is installed.

Ideally, the countertop should cover all the cabinets and go all the way to the wall. If this is not the case and each module has its own countertop, then the joints between them are hidden by a metal bar. This not only gives the design an aesthetic appearance, but also plays a practical function - so water and food debris do not get into the joints and there is no deformation of the countertop material.

All edges must be glued with a special furniture edge. In this case, a furniture hair dryer or a simple iron is used.

Wall cabinets

From the level of the tabletop upwards, you need to measure 60 centimeters. This will be the bottom line of the cabinets. Then, from the basting up, set aside the height of the wall cabinets. Mounting points are marked along this line for each cabinet and holes for fasteners are made.

Wall cabinets are hung from the corner. When all cabinets are suspended, they are also pulled together with ties for strength and reliability of the structure.

After all these steps, we get an almost finished kitchen set, standing at the place where it was planned to be placed according to the project. Now it remains only to hang the doors and all work can be considered completed.

Door fixing

  • The hinges are fixed with screws in special recesses under them on the doors.
  • The doors are put on already attached cruciform plates under them. Fasteners must be well tightened.
  • After that, the doors are closed and see how evenly they hang.

Do-it-yourself kitchen assembly (video)


You can assemble your headset without any problems if you follow the instructions. In addition, independent work will save a lot of money and make the quality high.