approved public holidays of the year.

The first month of the year, as usual, is out of general scheme weekends and working days. New Year's holidays make their own adjustments. Let's see how long they will last by analyzing the production calendar for this month.

Holiday calendar in January 2019

It helps to find out which working days and which are weekends in January 2019. Thanks to him, you can easily navigate this issue and figure out what holidays are in January 2019. Saturdays and Sundays, as well as January holidays, are highlighted in blue. Carefully study the information to avoid errors in the calculation of wages, vacation or sick leave.

Weekends and public holidays in January 2019

Non-working days in the first month of 2019 on the production calendar are marked, as already mentioned, in blue.

What are the holidays in January? Holidays in January 2019 in Russia begin on the first day and continuously last until the eighth inclusive. Of these, according to the law, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 are New Year holidays, and 7 are Christmas.

Since two holidays (5 and 6) fall on a traditional weekend, they must be rescheduled. About what numbers - read in the next subsection. In addition to the above holidays, the following dates fall on Saturday and Sunday: 12, 13, 19, 20, 26 and 27.

Now, knowing everything about the January holidays, you can easily come up with an interesting plan for the New Year holidays.


Having dealt with the question of how many holidays there are in January 2019, let's move on to transfers. According to Part 1 of Art. 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, 01/05/2019 and 01/06/2019 are public holidays. General rule: A day off that coincides with a non-working holiday is transferred to the weekday following the holiday. However, this rule has an exception, which concerns just the period of the New Year holidays: there is no automatic transfer here.

Part 5 Art. 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows the Government to transfer such days to others. Thus, according to the draft Government Decree Russian Federation“On the transfer of holidays in 2019”, from Saturday and Sunday, the 5th and 6th, the transfer will be carried out on Thursday and Friday, May 2 and 3, respectively.

How many working days in January 2019

Working days in January 2019 begin on the ninth day, that is, from Wednesday. 12 and 13 fall on Saturday and Sunday, and then no special features - the usual series of five weekdays and two non-working days.

The first winter month has 17 working days. A little later we will talk about the norm of time in this half-work month.

Non-working days in January 2019 in Russia

The beginning of 2019 will give Russians as many as 14 non-working days, of which six fall on regular Saturdays and Sundays, and eight were donated by the state for full-fledged New Year's festivities (including festive Saturdays and Sundays).

How do we relax at Christmas

For part of the country's population, the big question is why are religious holidays officially celebrated in a secular state? Some see this as an infringement on the rights of non-Orthodox believers, others as the imposition of a particular religion. Disputes continue, and at the same time, Russia officially celebrates Christmas on the 7th.

In 2019, Christmas falls on Monday, this is the penultimate day of the New Year holidays.

Working hours

The norm of working time can be calculated by yourself, for this, the number of hours of the working week must be divided by 5, and then multiplied by working days according to the calendar of the five-day week of the current month. If there are reductions in working hours on pre-holiday days in a month, then from the number of hours received (calculated according to the formula described above), it is necessary to subtract the number of “reduced” ones.

It is unlikely that someone will want to independently calculate the norm of working hours using the formula, so we offer specific norms for this month:

  • 136 hours - with a 40-hour work week;
  • 122.4 - at 36 hours;
  • 81.6 - at 24-hour.

The weekend schedule for the New Year holidays of 2018 is not very different from previous years. As usual, workers are given a whole week of vacation.
Project No. 1250 on the transfer of weekends and holidays in Russia has already been published:

10/14/17 Dmitry Medvedev approved

The January weekend, which has already become a long-term tradition, will allow Russians to fully enjoy new year holidays. After that, from January 9, the usual working week will begin:
December 30, 2017(Saturday) - calendar day off;
Dec. 31(Sunday) - calendar day off;
January 1st(Monday) - New Year;
January 2(Tuesday) - public holiday;
January 3(Wednesday) - public holiday;
4 January(Thursday) - public holiday;
5 January(Friday) - public holiday;
January 6(Saturday) - day off (with a five-day working week);
January 7(Sunday) - Christmas;
January 8(Monday) is a public holiday.

Calendar of weekends and holidays in January 2018

Anticipation of the holiday will help not to be sad in the first working week of the new year. The Old New Year is respected in many families and not only Russian ones. Moreover, in 2018 it is celebrated on the night from Saturday to Sunday, so the fact that this holiday is not a nationwide day off does not hurt to celebrate it well.
According to tradition, on a generous evening (this is what this holiday is called in Ukraine and Belarus), it is customary to cook porridge from whole grains of wheat, bake pancakes and pies, and cook pork dishes, as St. Basil the Great, whose memory is honored on January 14, was the patron saint of pig breeders. Gardeners this night shake off the snow from the apple branches. This ritual is said to ensure a good harvest.

Holidays in January 2018 are not limited to Christmas and New Year holidays, this month is enough interesting dates and memorable days, but none of them is a day off.
January 12– Prosecutor's Day
13th of January– Russian Press Day
The 25th of January- Students' Day or Tatiana's Day
- Navigator's Day
January 27- Day of lifting the blockade

The moon makes its usual circle, regardless of weekends and weekdays, vacations and holidays. In January, she will be especially supportive of us on 4, 17 and 25. And, of course, at this time you especially want to change something in your life. You can, for example, have a wedding this month, the most suitable days for this will be January 1, 21, 26.
Who is not ready for such a drastic change, you can change less dramatically and make a new haircut. The moon will help in this matter on January 8, 18, 27. In extreme cases, you can think about next spring and open the sowing season on the windowsill. The moon also welcomes this business, especially January 2, 25 and 30 - these are the most suitable days for planting and transplanting plants.

The first month of winter differs from the rest by the presence of a long rest associated with holidays. The calendar for January 2018 includes the four most beloved and brightest holidays of millions of Russians - New Year, Christmas, Old New Year and Epiphany. Long weekends allow not only to enjoy the opportunity to meet friends, relatives and acquaintances, but also to organize a trip around the country, visit interesting places, go on an exotic or romantic trip.

The time allotted for the winter holidays allows you to plan new activities for each day: entertainment for children, going to a bathhouse or spa, passive recreation, doing household chores, a trip out of town, a walk around the city, leisure in cultural institutions and much more. But for this, you need to know when you can relax, and what days to devote to work. Therefore, you should always have a monthly calendar with holidays and weekends at hand, thanks to which you can calculate your free time in advance.

How to relax in January 2018

Traditionally, on December 31, employees of state enterprises expect a shortened day by one hour. From January 1 to January 8, citizens will be able to take a break from everyday work, devoting time to themselves and their loved ones. Among the official holidays, it is worth highlighting:

  • New Year - January 1, 2018;
  • Christmas - January 7, 2018.

There are 31 calendar days in January. Weekends and holidays are 14 days in total. Saturday, January 6 has been moved to March 9, and Sunday, January 7 to May 2. New Year holidays will last 8 days. Private enterprises can increase this period up to 10 - 14 days. The schedule set by the government will not affect people working in shifts, including healthcare workers, banks, postal organizations, etc.

How do we work?

January 2018 is the leader in terms of the number of working days. With a five-day working week, there are 17 of them. And here is what the labor norm looks like:

We offer to download a calendar with holidays and weekends. Special sizes allow you to print A4 on a printer or in wall version on printing devices.


Orthodox calendar

The first month of winter included three major church holidays:

  • Christmas- January 7 (Sunday). One of the most solemn Christian holidays with beautiful folk traditions.
  • Circumcision of the Lord- January 14 (Sunday). On this great day, the Savior got rid of ghostly flesh, becoming a true Man according to the laws of docetism.
  • Epiphany or Epiphany - January 19 (Friday). A holiday from the category of the main ones in honor of the baptism of Jesus in the waters of the Jordan River.

For believers, we offer to download orthodox calendar Twelfth and Great Feasts:


Auspicious days in January

In order to ideally plan a weekend, it is necessary to take into account the phases of the moon, which have a direct impact on human life and health. To protect yourself from failures during various periods of activity of the night luminary, or to direct all your efforts towards achieving success during auspicious days, we recommend downloading to your computer Moon calendar and print on the printer:


To plan the festive New Year holidays, to decide how long the non-working holidays stipulated by law will last and how to spend this time colorfully and brightly, knowledge about holidays and weekends in January 2018 in Russia will help. As in previous years, the Government of the Russian Federation has already prepared a draft resolution regarding the postponement of holidays in the next 2018. Thanks to which, all Russian workers will have short breaks in the work process in order to recharge positive emotions and go to work in a good mood.

How to relax in January 2018

It should be noted that all the dates indicated in the current article are preliminary, despite the fact that they will most likely not be changed. But if, nevertheless, any changes are made to and off dates for January 2018, then we will definitely inform you about this in future materials.

On the this moment It is expected that the New Year holidays will start a little earlier than usual. Due to the fact that the New Year 2018 holiday itself falls on a Monday, then, according to the project, Saturday (December 30) and Sunday (December 31) will be days off. Thus, starting from Saturday, December 30, every Russian can begin to prepare for the New Year's holiday.

Public holidays in January 2018: forecast

According to Russian law, if a holiday falls on a calendar day off, then it is postponed to the following Monday or any other suitable date. According to tradition, on January 7, the entire Orthodox world celebrates Christmas. This is a non-working day that falls on a Sunday. For this reason, it is postponed to the following Monday - January 8th. Summing up all of the above, it can be argued that the New Year holidays of 2018 - will start on December 30, 2017 and will continue until January 8, 2018. inclusive, which is exactly 10 days (see for 2018). This period will be a great time not to stay at home, but go on a visit, visit everyone you haven’t seen for a long time, and maybe even go on a trip to your native Russia or anywhere else in the world.

Weekend calendar for January 2018

In addition to holidays, in January there are legal holidays on Saturdays and Sundays: January 13, 14, 20, 21, 27 and 28. A pleasant surprise will be the fact that such a favorite folk holiday as the old New Year falls in 2018 - on Sunday. Therefore, even the onset of the following Monday will not hurt to celebrate it. Traditionally, the old New Year is celebrated in the countries of the former Soviet Union, although in other regions it is often called a Generous Evening and all kinds of delicious rich dishes are prepared: buns, pies, pancakes, as well as porridge in butter and with dried fruits, because during this period there is no longer any church fast and you can treat yourself to more varied food.

What is the holiday calendar for January 2018? How many days off are there in 2018? Are the church holidays on New Year's Eve? Let's talk about it and give a convenient table of holidays and weekends.

January holidays

January 2018 is a long-awaited time for Russians. This month, the Russian Federation celebrates not only state holidays, the New Year, but also church holidays - Christmas. Therefore, in January there are quite long non-working days off. There are 31 calendar days in January. The holiday calendar for January 2018 looks like this:

  • January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 - New Year holidays;
  • January 7 - Christmas.

As a result, there are only 14 holidays and weekends in January 2018:

Let's decipher each day from non-working holidays in January 2018 (from December 30 to January 8):

How the holidays were moved in 2018

Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that the postponement of days off is carried out in order to rationally plan working time in organizations and take into account the interests of various categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in creating conditions for a good rest. For these purposes, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2017 No. 1250 “On the postponement of days off in 2018” provides for the following shift of days off:

As a result, in January 2018, the following transfers of days off are provided:

  • Saturday 6 January to Friday 9 March
  • from Sunday 7 January to Wednesday 2 May.

Work on weekends and non-working holidays in January

According to the legislation, work on weekends and non-working holidays is prohibited (Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, there are exceptions to this rule.

So, for example, it is allowed to involve an employee to work on a weekend / non-working holiday, if there is a need to perform unforeseen work, on the urgent implementation of which the further normal functioning of the organization depends. In this case, the employee can be involved only with his written consent.

Note that sometimes engaging an employee on weekends/non-working holidays (including in January 2018) is possible without obtaining his/her consent. For example, such situations include the involvement of an employee to prevent a catastrophe / industrial accident or eliminate the consequences of a catastrophe / industrial accident / natural disaster (Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How is work paid during the January holidays

Work on weekends, as well as non-working holidays, is payable at least twice the amount (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Exact dimensions wages for work on weekends / non-working holidays (including January 2018) can be specified in the collective agreement, local normative act or employment contract.

An employee who worked on a weekend/non-working holiday may be granted another day of rest. In this case, work on a weekend / non-working holiday is paid in single size, and the day of rest chosen by the employee is not paid (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, the initiative to replace double pay with another rest day should come from the employee, not from the employer.

Working hours in 2018

According to the production calendar of Russia, in January 2018 there are 17 working days and 14 days off and holidays in the country.

Working hours norms:

  • with a 40-hour work week - 136 hours (17 x 8, where 17 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift);
  • at 36 hours - 122.4 hours (17 x 7.2);
  • at 24-hour - 81.6 hours (17 x 4.8).

Production calendar for January 2018