Fixing the ceiling plinth: the secrets of correct angles without using a miter box. Cutting the ceiling plinth: how the professionals do it How to make an obtuse angle from the ceiling plinth

Skirting boards for ceilings are cut in different ways, but professionals use a miter box. This is a joinery, which is a tray with slots on the sides. A hacksaw is inserted into them, and a board, lining, plinth and other materials that need to be cut at a certain angle are placed on the bottom of the tray.

How to trim the skirting board?

When finishing finishing work in the house, many homeowners are faced with the problem of cutting ceiling plinths, especially their corners. After all, the attractiveness of the interior depends on them. Without these decorative elements, the rooms look unfinished. It is not difficult to guess how to cut the ceiling plinth using a square, a metal ruler or a flat strip, since here you only need to maintain a right angle.

But in finishing work, trimming of the baseboards is also required at other angles, for example, 40 degrees. Therefore, the installation of these plastic elements is fraught with certain difficulties. To get the appropriate angle, you need to be extremely careful. One of the problems is cutting the ceiling plinth in the corners with further joining.

The following materials are used in the production of skirting boards:

  • Wood. Wood is considered the most labor-intensive material for processing. Wooden skirting boards are sawn with a joiner's hacksaw.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam. High density finishing material. Does not absorb moisture. When burning, it does not emit toxic substances. It is quite difficult to process it, but it is easy to cut it. All you need is a carpenter's knife.
  • Styrofoam. It is fragile, the cheapest and most easily processed material. Its fragility is not a drawback, since the skirting boards are located under the very ceiling and they are not afraid of mechanical influences. You can cut the ceiling plinth from the foam without any effort.
  • Polyurethane. Differs in plasticity and flexibility. Due to these qualities, it is used on uneven surfaces. It is water-repellent and resistant to temperature extremes.
  • PVC. Difficult to fit material due to increased rigidity. Manufacturers offer different types of finishes from it: imitation of stone, metal, wood and uniform color. It becomes brittle in the cold.

Decorative elements made of aluminum look no less attractive under the ceiling. True, it is much more difficult to process and cut metal than materials from the proposed list. The increased demand for aluminum skirting boards is due to the fact that they are cable ducts, in which it is convenient to hide wiring and cables. Of no small importance is aesthetics, not responding to an aggressive environment and detergents.

Cut the aluminum skirting board with a metal hacksaw. In order not to break the blade, the reciprocating movements must be smooth and uniform.

Regardless of the material of manufacture, skirting boards can be considered the best solution for creating a unique interior. They are mounted on the most difficult section, which is the junction of the wall and ceiling. Anyone who knows how to properly cut a corner on a skirting board will quickly complete the interior of the room, which will make it more attractive. With the help of these elements, you can partially hide minor defects.

The cutting tool is chosen depending on the material and the required angles. In rooms of standard shapes with perfectly flat walls and ceilings, a miter box is used to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth. The wood is cut with an ordinary carpenter's hacksaw, and a jigsaw should be purchased for other materials. You can also use a hacksaw for metal. To adjust the corners manually, you will need additional tools: a ruler, square, protractor, pencil.

Cutting the skirting board with a miter box

Work with this device is carried out as follows:

  • We fix the miter box on the workbench, put a decorative element in the tray and press it to the bottom and to one of the walls. This is the only way to properly cut the corner on the skirting board.
  • The wood is cut with an ordinary hacksaw. Insert it into the slots that will give you the desired angle. Hold the cutting tool perpendicular to the element to be cut. The inner as well as the outer corner of the ceiling plinth is also cut out using a miter box.
  • It is better to use a carpenter's knife or jigsaw to cut the expanded polystyrene planks.
  • It is not recommended to use force during cutting. The blade must move smoothly, otherwise you can damage the decor or completely deform the product. Styrofoam skirting boards are cut with a jigsaw with the finest teeth. A knife will not work for this job, as the material will wrinkle and crumble.

Cutting off the ceiling plinth correctly, where non-standard angles are required, is quite difficult. After all, the miter box is not designed for this. If there is no skill, then dents may remain on the products. They are sealed with a finishing putty, and then painted in the desired color.

The main difficulty is that when cutting it is necessary to maintain the required angle, otherwise when two skirting boards are closed, a clear gap will be visible between them. Many owners do not even pay any attention to it and are not upset at all. They just putty and paint over all the cracks. And since it is difficult to choose the exact shade of paint, the whole atmosphere in the room will be overshadowed by the not aesthetics of the appearance of the decorative elements.

We suggest watching a video on how to cut corners on ceiling skirting boards. Cutting using a template allows you to make a clear end without the slightest deviation. Processing decorative elements without a miter box is also possible, but provided that a person has a certain skill and knows how to use other auxiliary tools: a square and a protractor. Using them, it will not be difficult to trim the ceiling plinth with non-standard angles.

By the way, You can make a miter box yourself at home. To do this, you need three identical planks, 15 cm wide, approximately 50 cm long and 1-2 cm wide. The last two parameters do not have a special meaning, so you can choose them arbitrarily. We make a tray from these parts. It resembles a box without ends and a lid. Then, using a protractor on the side boards, mark the required angles with a pencil. Further, using these marks, we make cuts with a hacksaw to the very base. Two planks should be cut at the same time.

You should know at what angle to cut the ceiling plinth, so make exactly these corners in the planks of the miter box.

If you cannot make such a device, then use another method. In this case need hard cardboard from which you can cut the template with the required angles. You will also need a protractor for this job. If angles of 45 and 90 degrees are required, then you can use a regular square. It is much easier and faster than constructing a miter box. Take cardboard, mark and cut out a template of the desired shape. Now all that remains is to attach it to the plinth, leave a strip of pencil on it and cut the ceiling plinth at 45 degrees.

Professional craftsmen begin the installation of decorative elements from the corners, and then proceed with the installation of skirting boards in straight sections. Here is a video on how to cut ceiling plinths in the corners, as well as how to install them.

These products are the final finishing elements. They are used for facing the joints of ceilings and walls. In addition to masking a crude pairing, they are in perfect harmony with any style. The wider the skirting board, the more streamlined the interior looks. For stretch ceilings, such decorative elements are required. They perfectly hide the installation gap between the wall and the frame.

Perhaps from this article you figured out how to properly join the ceiling plinth in the corners and how to fix it on straight segments. When choosing such products, they are guided by a simple rule: the higher the walls, the wider the skirting board should be... However, the wider, more heterogeneous and harder it is, the more difficult it is to cut it. Therefore, for such work, it is necessary to prepare absolutely sharp cutting tools. You can try them on trimmings of decorative elements. This will be a kind of training, which will allow you to avoid unnecessary pressure at work. As you know, this leaves dents in polyurethane and PVC, chips peel off from wood, and foam crumbles.

Colors and decor depend on the style of the room. A huge variety of widths, textures and colors, makes it possible to select the best option for a country house or apartment. When installing these elements, the main thing is to cut them correctly. See the photo on how to cut a corner on the ceiling plinth and you will cope with this work yourself.

The product is cut and fixed in the corners in the event that a fragment of the fastener strip cut at the desired angle has already been prepared, as well as a decorative element that is joined to it. If, when cutting the plinth, the inner angle turned out to be inaccurate, then you can ignore this. The main thing that the front side was clearly docked... It is not recommended to fix the joints for painting. For this, rough plaster is better suited.

Summing up, it can be noted that cutting the ceiling plinths is possible without the involvement of specialists. The main thing is to be attentive and to do the work deliberately and without fuss.

The miter box usually looks like a tray with vertical holes for a hacksaw. It can be made of wood, metal or plastic. This tool is the oldest and simplest carpenter's tool for cutting wood pieces at 90 ° and 45 °. There are types of such a device for professional work, with a rotary mechanism, in which the cutting tool can be rotated and fixed in any position.

How to cut a ceiling plinth correctly

Ceiling corners are divided into internal and external, the method of joining on them is slightly different.

If necessary, you can make a miter box with your own hands. To do this, you need three trims from plywood or boards of the same size. First, they are applied in the form of an inverted letter "P" and the corners are marked. Then, according to the marking, slots are cut out for a hacksaw almost to the very bottom, and the boards are twisted.

Inner corner

    • We make the correct measurements.
    • We install the plinth strip in the miter box so that this position exactly coincides with the placement on the ceiling.
    • The plinth should be firmly pressed against the opposite wall of the miter box. Hold and press with your free hand.
    • We put a hacksaw at an angle of 45 ° in a special hole and cut off the part.

  • The adjacent part must be cut in the same way, only in a mirror image, as shown in the photo.

When cutting soft materials (PVC, expanded polystyrene), use a hacksaw for metal or an ordinary construction knife. Then the work will be neat and with smooth edges.

Outside corner

  • Measure the length of the plinth from the nearest wall to the outer corner, leave a line on the wrong side with a pencil, indicating the desired length. It should be noted that the edge (its upper part) should protrude slightly outward.
  • The plinth is moved to the miter box and cut off.
  • The adjacent strip must also be measured with a margin and cut off in a mirror image to the first part.

Trying on the ceiling plinth: the joining of the parts should be perfectly even. If the result is not achieved and there are irregularities at the joints, you can trim the edges with a regular knife to a perfect fit.

Checking the smooth docking

All the nuances are well described in the video:

Method two - no additional tools

For the inner corner, you can use the simplest way of perfect joining - by marking on the ceiling. Another example of how to cut a nice and even corner.

    1. A fillet is applied to the ceiling, tightly pressing its even edge into a corner.
    2. Draw a line along the long side of the baseboard on the ceiling.

    1. The same action is done with the adjacent part on the other side.

    1. Mark the point of intersection of the lines.

The end result is an even 45 ° angle when you draw a line from the point of intersection to the edge of the part. Note that the above marking method works only with perfectly flat corners.

other methods

With a good eye and accuracy of hand action, you can use a homemade template that resembles an imitation of a miter box. To do this, take a thin board or thick plywood and draw a layout in the form of a horizontal rectangle. Using a protractor, mark 45 ° on the right and left sides of the rectangle. Draw lines connecting opposite edges.

You can now cut off the ceiling plinth using this layout. The actions are simple and similar to the description above in the first option. Only the ceiling parts should not be inserted, but applied to the drawing and the hacksaw should be combined with the layout of the layout.

Special accessories for docking

By installing ceiling skirting boards, you can get around the question of how to cut a corner with a side. In a situation where you don't want to cut anything, if you are a woman and love beauty, and not carpentry, you can go the other way. We advise you to choose a plinth for your decoration, to which in the store you will find a part that matches the pattern that covers the joint. This method will save time and effort.

During the renovation at home, we try to improve the premises and make it as attractive as possible. When installing the plinth on the gap between the ceiling and the wall, the question arises of how to cut a corner on the ceiling plinth so that it acquires an attractive appearance - sharp changes in space do not look very pleasant to the eye. Let's look at this issue in detail. Before making the outer corner of the skirting board, you need to decide on the type of molding you have chosen. They differ in the materials from which they are made.


Ceiling decorative elements are made of various materials:

  • Styrofoam.
  • Polyurethane.
  • Polystyrene.
  • Polyvinyl chloride.
  • Gypsum.
  • Wood.

You should buy the types of baguettes that suit you best. It all depends on what kind of loads the decorative element will have to endure during installation and operation - temperatures, chemical exposure, humidity, shocks. Many people pay attention to the price, but this should not be done, saving money will certainly save your budget, but will not help create an attractive appearance.

The most budgetary is a foam plinth, but the quality of this material leaves much to be desired. It is capable of crumbling when trying to bend and even while slicing. Styrofoam easily burns and breaks down due to exposure to solvents found in some types of building adhesives. For that, its installation is simple and in itself it is easy.

Polystyrene is also a durable material. It has a matte finish and a crisp texture when compared to Styrofoam. It is difficult to deform with a careless movement, and it practically does not burn. A skirting board made of polystyrene is cut simply with a clerical knife. But it is also capable of breaking if bent too much.

Polyurethane baguettes are the most durable. Due to the fact that it contains rubber, this material has high plasticity rates and with its help it is easy to create curving decoration details. It does not absorb water like polystyrene and is recommended for use in kitchens, bathrooms and even car washes.

PVC baguettes are also popular, and all due to the low price and wide range of colors. Gluing a PVC baguette is simple, lightweight and quite durable.

Ceiling plastic skirting boards are easy to cut, so the corners are even and easier to align with each other on the walls near the ceiling, but wood is considered the strongest and most durable material for skirting boards.

Although the tree does not bend as easily as the previous types of baguettes. Installation of wooden moldings is difficult, as it requires jewelry calculations. Wood also requires a certain treatment with antiseptics and paint. Wood cannot be glued like plastic; you need dowels and self-tapping screws to install it. The outer corner of the skirting board will be difficult to cut from wood trim.

Miter box

Let's figure out how to properly cut the ceiling plinth. In any case, for more convenience in cutting all types of baguettes, you need a miter box. It allows you to make precise cuts and cut corners correctly.

Miter box Is a special carpentry tool that allows you to cut skirting boards and other elements at an angle of 45 and 90 degrees. The miter box can be aluminum, plastic or wood. In advanced models of the miter box, there is the possibility of cutting at an angle of 60 degrees, or the possibility of an adjustable swivel mechanism. This is useful if you need to trim the skirting board to bypass an unusual angle.

You can cut the plinth for the ceiling without a miter box, if the accuracy of the eye allows. But once it comes to corners, it becomes a big challenge. At first, it seems like you can cut a 45-degree angle yourself, but after a couple of tries you will find it difficult. Before you cut the ceiling plinth in the corners of the room, you need to make accurate measurements and markings.

Note! If you do not know how to properly cut a corner on the ceiling plinth and are afraid for the result of the work, then you should contact a specialist for help.

Cutting corners on the skirting board

Let's figure out how to properly cut the ceiling plinth using a miter box:

1. We apply the baguette to the ceiling to measure the required length, make marks before cutting off the corner of the skirting board.

2. Insert the baguette inside the miter box, in a position that coincides with the position on the ceiling. The baguette should be pressed against the far wall of the miter box, in relation to you, for easy cutting and accurate measurements. We choose a position on the miter box at 45 degrees, insert a hacksaw or a knife, depending on the tool used.

Advice! We cut the workpiece, do not make strong pressure on the tool

3. We proceed to cutting the second part of the corner, insert the second piece of the plinth into the miter box to the far wall. Cut off a mirror-like corner along the miter box with a knife or hacksaw.

4. Fix the corner of the plinth to the wall.

In fact, cutting the plinth at 45 degree angles using a miter box is easy. In the role of a miter box, you can use improvised means, and which ones are already a matter of your imagination. With the help of a miter box, it is easy to make both the inner corner of the ceiling plinth and the outer one.

Special corner pieces

In hardware stores, you can find special skirting boards for corners, which are already cut in the desired shape and configuration. Of course, you should measure the angle of the ceiling in advance and select decorative elements according to the markings on paper, so it will be more convenient and there will be no chance of a mistake.

Often times, corner skirting boards are larger in size and volume than the skirting boards you will be installing, so they will stand out noticeably against the background of the overall decoration of the gap between the ceiling and the wall. If the design of the room allows you to use such elements for corners, then feel free to purchase them - installation will become many times more convenient and easier.

Installation and painting

  • Before starting the installation, you should take all the necessary measurements and apply the markings in accordance with the planned work plan. Marking should be done with a pencil on the walls and plinth, take measurements using a tape measure and a square.
  • After the markings on the skirting boards are made, start cutting. It is best to cut the baguettes with a miter box, hacksaw or knife. The knife is suitable for both a shoe and a stationery. Cut carefully, do not press hard on the cutting tool, so as not to damage the baguette. Before making a corner on the skirting board, it is necessary to cut the main structural elements. When all the elements are cut and ready, assemble the structure on the floor to check the presence and accuracy of all parts of the decoration.
  • After all the skirting boards and elements are ready for installation, you can proceed with the installation. You can use any adhesives, but we recommend liquid nails, they not only fit all types of skirting boards, but also adhere perfectly and hold for as long as possible. After that, the skirting boards should be processed and painted, if planned.

Advice! You need to glue the baguettes to the wall, if you do not want to damage the ceiling and its design does not provide for such installation work. When the whole process is over, all the shortcomings can be easily eliminated with a putty.

- this is the corner design. It is necessary to dock the planks in such places very carefully, otherwise the appearance of the decor will be hopelessly spoiled. Of course, quite aesthetic special corner pieces can be used.

However, naturally joined planks tend to look more harmonious. And in this case, you will not have to spend money on additional parts. Therefore, later in the article, we will consider how to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth correctly and how to process the seam.

Trim ceiling plinth

Ceiling skirting boards are made from a wide variety of materials - foam, polyurethane foam, plastic, wood. To trim them, the tools available in every home can be used. Styrofoam strips are cut with scissors or a knife. The wooden plinth is cut with a hacksaw for wood. How to cut a plastic skirting board is also not a question. You can saw it with an ordinary hacksaw for metal.

Trim the wooden skirting board with a regular hacksaw

What is a miter box?

A special tool, a miter box, is usually used to cut the ceiling plinths accurately and as accurately as possible. It is a tray made of three boards. In its walls there are slots located at a certain angle to the axis (45, 60 and 90g, etc.). They are designed to guide the saw blade when cutting. You can purchase a miter box for a ceiling plinth at a hardware store.

Cutting planks at an angle of 45g is done in a miter box

Cutting the skirting board in the miter box

Trimming in a miter box is done as follows:

  1. The right strip is placed in the tray from left to right with the wrong side to the bottom (with the part that will subsequently adjoin the ceiling). The part of the abutment to the wall, on the other hand, should be leaning against the side board of the tray (closest to you);
  2. The bar is pressed tightly against the tool and is cut through the slot.

How to make a corner of a ceiling plinth

Important: When trimming, remember that when decorating the inner corner, the edge of the skirting board adjacent to the wall should be longer than the edge adjacent to the ceiling. When decorating the outside, the opposite is true.
  1. A second ceiling strip is inserted into the tray from right to left and cut off;
  2. The finished planks are attached to the corner and the joint is adjusted with a knife;

Planks are attached to the corner and an adjustment is made

  1. How to join the corners of the skirting board? You can do this from a stepladder right on the wall. But this is not very convenient, therefore, experts advise to combine and glue polyurethane and foam elements with each other on the floor with special glue for joints.

The corner is best glued before installing the skirting board on the walls.

How to cut a skirting board:

What if there is no miter box?

Thus, we figured out how to cut down the ceiling plinth (the video above may help someone figure it out better) using a miter box. But what if this tool is not at hand? In fact, you can adjust the slats exactly without using it. There are two main ways to solve this problem: marking directly on the wall and making an imitation of a miter box.

In the first case, the procedure is as follows:

  1. The left strip is tightly pressed against the ceiling;
  2. With a pencil, line 1 is drawn directly on the ceiling along its upper edge;

How to properly cut a ceiling plinth without a miter box. We draw the first line

  1. Next, the right ceiling element is attached to the ceiling and line 2 is drawn;
  2. A mark is placed at the intersection of the edge of the right plank with line 1;

The second line is drawn and a mark is put on the plinth

  1. Next, the left element is again attached to the ceiling;
  2. A mark is also placed at the intersection of its upper edge with line 2;
  3. Now on each strip you need to connect the marks with the end of the lower edge of the plinth;

Then, along the resulting line, the actual cutting of the plinth at an angle is performed.

Without the use of a tray, mounting the planks in the corner can be quite neat

In order to cut an even corner, you can also use an imitation of a miter box:

  1. Draw two strictly parallel lines on a smooth plywood sheet;
  2. We put a point on one of them and, using a protractor, we connect it to the second line at an angle of exactly 45g (draw to the left);
  3. At a distance of 10 centimeters to the left of the first point, we put the second;
  4. We connect it to the second line at an angle of 45g (draw to the right).

How to cut the corner of a ceiling plinth using an imitation miter box

The impromptu miter box is ready. Now it remains to attach the right ceiling element (wrong side) to the right with the lower edge to the line closest to you and cut it off. The same is with the left bar (only you need to apply it on the left).

Advice: You can cut the polystyrene strips with a knife. However, sharpen it properly. Otherwise, the material at the ends will simply crumble.

How to cut a ceiling plinth (video) without a miter box:

How to connect the planks if the corner is uneven

In city apartments, and especially in old ones, the walls are rarely even. Therefore, the angles between them are often not right at all. How to properly saw down the ceiling plinth in this case?

In fact, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You just need to measure the angle. To do this, you can use a special tool malku, or just make a template out of paper and use a protractor.

An uneven angle can be measured using a small goniometer.

Divide the resulting angle by two, draw the corresponding "miter box" on the plywood and cut the strips. Next, you just need to connect them with glue.

How to finish finishing the corners

We have figured out how to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth. Now let's see how to finish the joints. How to cover the joint in the corner? In the event that a small gap remains here, the filling can be done with ordinary putty to match the color of the plinth. The joints can also be sealed with silicone sealant.

The gap between the planks in the inner corner can be filled with putty

Important: Only the inner corner can be sealed with putty or sealant. The outer should be fitted as closely as possible. It will be simply impossible to remove even a small gap in the future imperceptibly here. Especially when the skirting board is wide.

Corner pieces for skirting boards

Cutting ceiling strips using corner pieces (special connectors) is also usually done in a miter box. How to cut the planks in this case? It's very simple - the cut is done at right angles. If there is no tray, you can use a regular protractor or square. Corner elements (photo):

When using corner elements, the strips are cut at right angles.

How to properly trim your floor plinth

Floor skirting boards can be made of PVC, polyurethane, wood or MDF. Just as in the case of the ceiling plinth, they need to be cut, depending on the material, with an ordinary hacksaw (wooden) or a hacksaw for metal (plastic).

Now you know how to saw down the ceiling plinth. Next, let's see how the floor trimming and trimming is done. How to use the miter box in this case? When trimming the floor plinth, the procedure is approximately the same as when trimming the ceiling. For the inner corner:

  1. We take the first strip and put it in the tray from right to left so that it lies in it just like on the floor. We lean it against the far wall of the instrument as against a wall;

The strip is inserted into the tray and pressed firmly

  1. We trim the unnecessary piece from the left end at an angle through hole 1 (picture below);
  2. Insert the second strip from left to right in exactly the same position and cut from the right end through hole 2.

How to cut a skirting board in a corner if it is external:

  1. Insert the first strip into the tray in the same way as for the inner corner (from right to left);
  2. We cut it from the left end through hole 2;
  3. Insert the second plank from left to right and cut its right end through slot 1.

How to cut a ceiling plinth for outside and inside corners

Advice: The end at an angle of 45g should be done not only in order to cut the elements in the corners, but also to make joints on the wall itself. In this case, the connections will not be as noticeable.

Thus, we have examined in the most detailed way how to cut a plinth in the corners. This procedure is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. If you start trimming in a miter box or by imitating it, you will see for yourself.

How to make a corner on a skirting board so that it looks neat and beautiful on any profile? This is not an easy task for novice craftsmen, since not every skirting board can be joined the way they would like. Are there any rules and secrets of skill for experienced professionals?

In this article, you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions by newbies:

  • how to join the ceiling plinth;
  • how to make an inner corner of a ceiling plinth;
  • how to join ceiling plinths in outer corners;
  • how to adjust the skirting board if the walls are joined in a non-standard way.

So, first things first.

Methods for joining moldings depend on the material, as well as on its decorative features. For example, it is desirable to mount the array on hardware. The large weight of the profile with an impressive width of the product will require the use of appropriate self-tapping screws. Adhesive solutions in this case will be unreliable. It is a completely different matter when it comes to foam or gypsum profiles. These are fairly lightweight and easily workable planks that adhere well to glue and putty.

When combining two or more planks, the mating angle must be taken into account. On flat areas, docking at 90 and 45 degrees is used. In the first case, the molding is simply trimmed, and in the second, it is trimmed according to a template or using a miter box.

Internal and external corner trimming with a miter box

In the presence of embossed or printed ornamentation, care must be taken to align the image symmetrically. In this case, you will get a harmonious transition from one area to another.

How to fit the ceiling plinth correctly if it has a complex relief or printed ornament? When making a cut, be sure to take into account the features of the relief and print. Use a mirror to find the area that gives the most beautiful alignment of the pattern. To do this, place the mirror on the plank at the desired angle and move it along the plinth to the right and left until you are satisfied with the result.

Remember that in straight sections, the joints are usually not particularly difficult, so start from the corner. In this case, the installation will look neat and professional.

How to connect the ceiling plinth in the corners to make it look beautiful? This can be done in two ways:

  • using a template or miter box to file a fillet;
  • use factory cast elements.

Corners for skirting boards are usually sold with fillets. You can choose any number of straight and corner elements for your project. However, keep in mind that when you are dealing with angles greater or less than 90 degrees, the factory elements will have to be slightly modified and resized.

It is important to have it with you!

  1. Sample. On a piece of cardboard, draw a straight line along which the workpiece will be laid. Use a pencil or marker to mark it with a dot. Then, using a regular school protractor, mark the angles at 90, 45 degrees. Draw straight lines through the marks so that when you work with a saw, you can clearly see them and it is easy for you to navigate;
  2. miter box. It can be purchased at the store, or it can be built from a board and a couple of bars. A hand-made tool is no less convenient than a factory one. However, there are also universal miter boxes, in which it is possible to measure any angle and make a straight cut of the workpiece.

Video instruction for using the miter box

Video instruction for trimming without a miter box

Internal corners

How to join the ceiling plinth in the inner corners with a simple relief? For this, prepare a suitable tool.

To cut the foam profile, you can use a metal hacksaw or hot nichrome wire. The good thing about hot fitting is that the wire thread makes a cut quickly, almost instantly, without leaving any burrs or roughness.

For laminate, plastic, as well as gypsum, a sheet for metal is suitable. Fine teeth will avoid unnecessary chipping on skirting boards.

Inner corner cut

How to properly saw down a profile for an inner corner? These angles have one peculiarity. They are formed by elements in which the bottom edge is longer than the top. That is, when you attach them to the ceiling, the lower one will press against the walls, and the upper one will recede inward. It turns out that the upper perimeter of the plinth will be smaller than the lower one.

Based on this, when cutting down, it is necessary to shorten the ceiling part of the fillet.

The corners for the skirting board make the task much easier. They already have the necessary shape, so it is enough to dock them in a straight section with fillets. For plastic models of corners, an overlap joint is used, while for other materials, the technology allows you to make a snap-on joint.

External slices

How to join ceiling skirting boards at the outer corners? The outer corner is formed by shortening the bottom edge of the profile, since the top perimeter will be larger than the bottom.

The corner for the ceiling plinth is selected in accordance with the size and shape of the fillet. Use items from the same collection and batch.

Non-standard situations

Bay windows are often difficult to install. In them, the walls are joined at obtuse or sharp angles, for which suitable ready-made elements may not be found. Such, from the point of view of renovators, the wrong site can cause a lot of trouble and ruin the whole work. So how do you make the outer corners on the skirting board in this case?


In this case, joining the ceiling plinth in the corners is complicated by the fact that the finished internal elements will protrude from the wall by a few millimeters. This is ugly and ruins the whole look. What can be done?

There are some simple solutions:

  • heat the skirting boards made of polystyrene and plastic with a hairdryer until softened, then give them the necessary shape by expanding their "shoulders";
  • gypsum models cannot be corrected, therefore, the side elements are adjusted through the gash at a given angle, and on the back side the material is slightly shrunk so that the fitted joint looks good.


How do I make the angle of the skirting board less than 90 degrees? You can adjust the corners in plastic models in the same way as described above. That is, using saws and heating. It should be borne in mind that the stiffeners prevent the part from bending during heating. Therefore, they need to be trimmed as needed. For the external pairing, it is enough to simply make an incision, and for the internal one you will need to remove part of the partitions so that they do not interfere with the correct displacement of the "shoulders" of the corner.

Docking an acute angle using the example of a floor plinth


How to join the corners of the ceiling plinth when forming curved shapes? To design rounded corners, you need to split the arc into several sections. Their number depends on the bend radius and arc length. Cut the required number of short fillet pieces and combine them into one structure using the connecting elements supplied in the kit. Or simply cut them at the desired angle if you have a foam or gypsum profile rather than a plastic one.

It is quite possible that the plastic just does not want to connect with each other. We'll have to cut the stiffeners a little at the back.

How can you make your work easier?

Use cardboard layouts. If this is your first experience, then a life-size cardboard layout will not hurt. It is quite simple to make it. But he will clearly show how to make corners for ceiling skirting boards of any size.

Attach a sheet of paper to the ceiling using masking tape. Sketch out the outlines of the corner as they actually look. Remove the sheet, and, based on the measurements taken, make a template from thick, thin (not corrugated) cardboard, plywood or fiberboard. It will help you adjust the corners as accurately as possible.

The very joint of the ceiling plinth may not fit exactly because of the existing irregularities in the wall. Minor flaws are remarkably masked with either a putty mixture or a suitable sealant. At the same time, the joint of the ceiling plinth will look perfect if you use a special tool.

In the case when you need to make repairs on a large area with your own hands, it makes sense to rent or borrow from friends for a while a miter saw with a rotary platform that allows you to set any thread angle in the vertical and horizontal plane. With its help, cutting can be done in a matter of minutes. The main thing is to correctly measure the angle at which the walls and ceiling join. The saw is leveled to the desired position and the cut is made. Fast and convenient. At the same time, there is no rigid framework, like a miter box. And you can set any angle value.

How else can you get the required foam blank? You will need an instrument called a string. It consists of a power supply unit, as well as a nichrome thread stretched over the table at a suitable height. In this case, the workpiece is placed on top of the nichrome according to the markings on the plinth itself or on a flat template under the string. The ceiling plinth is cut like butter, and the question of how to make corners of a non-standard size or shape loses its sharpness.

As you can see, you can make a beautiful transition from walls to ceiling in any situation, using various tools, as well as the knowledge you have gained.