The use of alabaster in home repairs. Alabaster: What is it? How to breed? Where to apply

Soft white, sometimes with a grayish tint, building plaster- alabaster - used in various areas of construction. How to breed alabaster correctly so that the resulting consistency is as useful as possible?

First, let's take a closer look at the material itself. Alabaster is based on a natural mineral, which gives confidence in environmental cleanliness and safety of use. In addition, alabaster has unique waterproof and soundproof qualities.

Before purchasing this material, make sure that it is of good quality and free from dirt. This is especially true if it is needed for walls as an equalizer for various depressions. We advise you to take with a mark on the package "Purified mixture". This means that the mixture will be easy to knead, perfectly seal cracks and hold on for a long time.

Process Nuances

It is best to breed alabaster in a soft rubber container. A small ball cut in half would work well. From such a container, alabaster will be easily removed without leaving dried marks on the walls. There is a possibility that, having spread the alabaster in a hard, for example, plastic dish, it will deteriorate and become unsuitable for anything. If it is not possible to get the ball, prepare a pot or bucket. Before diluting the alabaster, put a plastic bag into this bucket, which can be thrown away after use, and the container will remain clean. It is better to fix this package to the edges of the bucket with clerical clips or a tight hose.

Note! Construction alabaster sets quickly. It cannot be re-diluted with water.


The process of kneading alabaster is similar to the procedure for making putty, paste and other mixtures. For effective work with this building material, you need to choose the right proportions. Building codes spelled out a rule indicating that 0.5–0.65 liters of water is required for 1 kg of dry alabaster. Lime mortar can be used instead of water.

After kneading, you need to wait half a minute for the components to react. Then get to work right away. Basically, on the finished site where the work was done, the alabaster dries out in 3 hours. But much depends on the thickness of the layer, as well as the humidity and temperature of the room.

The building mixture must be added to the container with water, and not pour water into the container with the mixture. It is best to stir with a drill with a mixer nozzle. If the container is small, a small spatula will do. Lumps are not allowed!


Below you can see how to breed alabaster in order to "freeze" the box:

Or for making small sculptures. The technology for preparing the solution is quite simple. The main thing is to know in what ratio the components are mixed. It is worth noting that gypsum is the main material for making crafts.

What is gypsum

Before answering the question of how to properly dilute gypsum for crafts, it is worthwhile to figure out what kind of material it is. First of all, it is very flexible. Gypsum can be applied to almost any kind of surface. The material is easy to process and quickly hardens. Gypsum is used in many industries: as a fertilizer, as one of the components of paper and pulp production, as a component of enamels and paints. The material is also used for the manufacture of internal decorative elements. Gypsum is often used as a binder in construction.

Material disadvantages

Since diluting gypsum for crafts is a simple process, it is worth considering certain drawbacks of the material. This will make it much easier to work with him. First of all, gypsum has low hygroscopicity and strength. Therefore, use decorative elements made from this material in rooms with high humidity Not recommended. In such situations, it is required additional processing. For reliability, finished crafts should be covered with a coating layer that protects against moisture.

Before starting work, the hygroscopicity of gypsum products should be taken into account. They are well absorbed by any coating. Therefore, it is recommended to apply a primer coat on the surface of the product. Only then can a coating that protects against moisture be used.

How to dilute plaster for crafts: proportions

There are several basic ways to make gypsum mortar for making crafts. The easiest method is to dilute the powder with water. In this case, it is important to observe all proportions. For 7 parts of gypsum, at least 10 parts of water are required. It is worth noting that it is worth preparing the solution with extreme caution so that there are no lumps. It is recommended to add gypsum to water, and not vice versa. This method also eliminates the formation of dust.

This solution is easy to use. From it you can make products of almost any shape. However, it is worth considering that crafts are not very strong. They break and crumble easily. So how to breed plaster for crafts?

Method two

So, how to breed gypsum for crafts. This method of preparing the solution is a little more complicated than the previous one. However, the mixture allows you to make stronger and more reliable products that retain their appearance for many years.

To prepare the solution you need: 6 parts of gypsum, 10 parts of water, 1 part The components are gently mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Production of colored plaster

How to breed plaster for crafts different colors? This will require:

  1. Gypsum.
  2. Gouache.
  3. Water is ordinary.
  4. Bank with a lid.
  5. Dishes for preparing the solution.
  6. Spoon, spatula or stick.

kneading process

So, how to dilute gypsum for crafts from a multi-colored solution? In fact, the process is quite simple. To begin with, it is worth pouring gouache into the jar and the amount of water necessary to prepare the solution. In order for the paint to dissolve completely, it is recommended to close the jar with a lid and shake it a little.

The colored water should be poured into the dishes where the solution will be prepared. Here, observing all proportions, it is necessary to gradually add gypsum. Pour the powder into the liquid in a thin stream, constantly mixing the components. This will achieve a uniform consistency of the solution. The mixture should resemble thick sour cream. Stir the solution thoroughly during preparation so that there are no lumps and air bubbles. Otherwise, in finished product holes are formed.

How long do crafts dry

Now you know how to dilute gypsum for crafts. How long do products dry? The gypsum solution sets and gradually hardens 4 minutes after its manufacture. So work with finished material should be done quickly and accurately. Complete hardening of gypsum occurs within half an hour. To make the setting of the solution slower, it is worth adding a little water-soluble animal-based glue to the solution.

What can replace gypsum

On the this moment There are many creative kits for sale. How to dilute gypsum for crafts Lori, and the material from other kits for creating figurines, as a rule, is always indicated in the instructions. It should be studied before starting work, as the solution dries quickly. It should be noted that in some kits for creativity, gypsum analogues are used. The most common of them is alabaster.

This powder has a grayish tint and has a fine structure. The material is obtained as a result of heat treatment of two-water gypsum. Thereby ready solution received completely different characteristics. It is worth noting that outwardly alabaster and gypsum are very similar.

What is the difference between alabaster and gypsum

Among the main differences between these substances, it is worth highlighting:

How long does alabaster crafts dry?

You can determine the solidification time of the material by examining specifications mixtures. In general, the setting of the alabaster solution is observed 6 minutes after the dilution of the substance. Partial hardening occurs after 30 minutes. It is worth noting that a strengthened and dried solution is able to withstand a load of 5 MPa. Alabaster dries completely within 1-2 days. Despite the fact that products made from this material are stronger, it is not recommended to use the solution for activities with children, as it is not entirely safe for health. Gypsum in this case is preferable.

Alabaster is a soft to the touch, white-colored building gypsum. It is applied on different stages construction. But how should alabaster be bred so that the consistency is as effective as possible? Let's answer this question in order.

First you need to learn more about the material. Alabaster is an environmentally friendly building material that contains natural minerals. Also, this material has the best soundproof and waterproof qualities.

When buying alabaster, make sure that it is completely free of foreign dirt, this is especially true when plastering walls and leveling depressions. You can check the building material for quality by searching for the inscription "Purified mixture". If it is available, then the material has the highest quality and can be used even for the most jewelry work.

Breeding process

To dilute the material, use a cut rubber ball, this is necessary so that the mixture does not remain on the walls of the dishes and is used to the maximum during construction work. If there is no ball, then take a bucket or pan and insert a plastic bag into it. After carrying out the work, the package can simply be thrown away, and the used bucket will remain clean. Note, diluted alabaster quickly hardens and can no longer be re-diluted.

The proportions of the composition when breeding

Alabaster is kneaded, just like putty. That the solution was the most useful, you need to choose the right proportions of the composition. For 1 kilogram of material there are 0.5 liters of water or lime mortar.

After kneading, you need to wait a few minutes, then proceed to construction work. The mixture dries out in about 3-4 hours, so you should not leave for lunch without completing the work.

It is worth knowing that the alabaster should be added to the water, and not vice versa, for stirring, you can use a drill with a mixer attachment, or in extreme cases, a spatula. You need to stir without leaving even small lumps.

That's all! Proper mixing is the key to the effectiveness and durability of the mixture.

If you ask many people, including those who are involved in repairs, what alabaster is, then many will say that this is the same gypsum. In fact, they are both right and wrong at the same time, since alabaster is one of the types of gypsum, but still differs from the standard gypsum material in a number of features that determine the scope of use and the nuances of the work. Technical characteristics and application of alabaster - that's what we will consider in this article.

Alabaster has been known to mankind since ancient times. But if then its basis was calcite, now it is calcium diquasulfate (gypsum). The powder is obtained by grinding gypsum stone and firing it at a temperature of 150 to 180 degrees Celsius. The result is a dry fine-grained mixture, which is diluted with water to the required consistency before work.

What is the difference between alabaster and gypsum

  • Alabaster powder is based on the same gypsum, but its strength, thanks to additives, is much higher. If ordinary gypsum can even be scratched with a finger, then for alabaster you will need to use metal tools;
  • Unlike gypsum, alabaster dries faster, which makes its application more difficult, since the composition has to be applied quickly, and this requires skills;
  • Gypsum is completely safe for health, so it is also used in medicine, as well as in other areas. The scope of alabaster is limited mainly to finishing work.


In most cases, alabaster is used for quick (fast drying time) elimination of wall irregularities. The strength of dry alabaster allows you not to worry about reliability wall structure capable of withstanding many types further finishing. Grouting of seams, cracks and crevices, installation of switches and sockets, coating of strobes and other electrical work, fixing on surfaces of various decorative items- that's far from full list ways to use alabaster.

The material is also used in crafts or for artistic purposes. Dishes, countertops and other elements in the case of alabaster will be more durable than those created from ordinary gypsum.

Material Specifications

  • Beginning of setting - 6 minutes or more;
  • End setting - 30 minutes (Full curing takes approximately 2 hours);
  • Water consumption - 0.6 liters per kilogram;
  • Compressive strength - 5-7 MPa (depending on the characteristics of one of the 12 grades);
  • White colour.


  • High speed. The quick drying of alabaster allows it to be successfully used in finishing activities without slowing down the pace of work. After plastering the wall, after 15-30 minutes you can proceed to further finishing;
  • Environmental friendliness. Alabaster, like gypsum, does not contain harmful chemical compounds. At the same time, regardless of external conditions, the release of materials unsafe for health is excluded;
  • Flammability. Like gypsum, alabaster can withstand high temperatures and open flames without emitting smoke or sustaining combustion;
  • Strong binding characteristics. According to this indicator, alabaster surpasses gypsum, which gives him the opportunity to participate not only in plastering works, but also play the role of a bonding composition;
  • High vapor permeability. The material is able to regulate the humidity in the room, absorbing vapors when their concentration in the air increases, or releasing them when the microclimate is too dry;
  • Attractive appearance. Correctly applied alabaster coatings look even and attractive, as well as various options stucco;
  • High sound absorption. The alabaster-lined rooms become quieter.


Compared to gypsum, alabaster has no drawbacks, except for higher requirements for the qualifications of the worker. However, no special professionalism is still required here, and it is quite possible to do the work yourself.

Another disadvantage is the inability to use in wet areas. When decorating a room, it must be taken into account that the humidity level in it does not rise above 60 percent. Gypsum has a similar problem. For this reason, decorating a room with high humidity, such as a kitchen or a bathroom, should be carried out using plaster mixes cement based. However, by coating the alabaster with a paint and varnish composition, you can increase its resistance to moisture.

Correctly breed alabaster

  • As mentioned above, two parts of alabaster account for approximately one part of water. However, in some cases, the amount of liquid in the solution should be reduced in order to make the consistency thicker. A similar approach may be relevant when embedding the same gates;
  • In the process of dilution, the powder is gradually poured into a clean container filled with water, while continuously mixing until the desired consistency is obtained. Try to keep the mixture homogeneous;
  • Remember that alabaster hardens very quickly. For this reason, it is better to mix as much mortar as is enough for about 10 minutes of work. It is not recommended to dilute an already solidified composition with water, since in this case the technical characteristics will be significantly reduced.

Important! There is a way to extend the use of diluted alabaster. To do this, a small amount of wallpaper glue is added to the mixture, after which the unused composition is covered with a film. But do not leave the composition for too long, as it will soon become unusable anyway.

Material application rules

Since alabaster dries quickly, you should practice beforehand to ensure a certain dexterity. Work with a wide spatula will help ensure faster coverage of the wall. In turn, the composition is applied to it with a narrower spatula. The composition in consistency, in most cases, resembles thick sour cream - this is how it is best applied.

In general, work carried out with the help of alabaster, as with gypsum, is carried out from the bottom up, and there are no special differences here. However, as experienced people say, it is necessary to rinse the tool after this composition as quickly as possible, since after solidification it will be almost impossible to do this.


Alabaster instead of gypsum, as a rule, is chosen by those who need a fast setting speed, or increased strength of the plaster composition. There should be no problems with the purchase, since the material is distributed in all specialized stores and is affordable.

Alabaster is a building gypsum, a material without the use of which today it is impossible to imagine Finishing work or renovation of premises. The word alabaster is of ancient Egyptian origin. Already in those days it was used in construction and architecture. In the Egyptian pyramids and other places of worship, many objects made of alabaster are found.

Alabaster features:

If alabaster is cut into thin sheets, then at a certain temperature it is transparent. In the Middle Ages, in this form, it was used for windows, instead of glass. Even in our days large sheets alabaster is used for church windows. So, in 2002, the Los Angeles Cathedral was consecrated, with large thin sheets of alabaster inserted into the windows. To make it transparent, the windows of the cathedral are equipped with a special cooling system.

Usually alabaster is white, but there is a unique deposit of green alabaster in Mexico. In addition to green alabaster, three deposits of black alabaster have been found in nature in Italy, China and the USA.

Artificial building alabaster is obtained from natural gypsum in special apparatus when heated. A coarser powder with impurities is alabaster, also known as building gypsum. The pure powder of fine grinding is called medical gypsum.

Building alabaster is used as a binder for plastering walls and ceilings, making cloisonne panels, as well as gypsum boards and gypsum fiber boards. As finishing material alabaster is unparalleled among the many analogues that have filled today construction market. With the help of alabaster, any problem areas on the walls and ceiling.

Made from building alabaster ventilation ducts and dry sheets of plaster. Lightweight, fireproof ventilation ducts and dropped ceilings from alabaster make up an important, indispensable in quality, technical stuffing of multi-storey buildings.

A solution of alabaster in water hardens very quickly. Alabaster is indispensable for electrical work, they overwrite the strobes and fix the socket boxes in the electrical boxes.

For interior decor in the form of stucco, alabaster is indispensable. Various details and elements of rather heavy weight are made from it; nothing can fix them better than alabaster. Alabaster is used to make beautiful cornices that adorn any interior. Moldings are made from this material. This is the name of stucco molding in the form of a convex plank. Moldings are used in expensive, unusual interiors. Pilasters and columns are made of alabaster - details of an exquisite interior.

The role of alabaster in restoration work is great. Refurbish vintage interiors qualitatively possible only when using natural materials. Therefore, in the restoration of architectural structures, temples, palaces with precious stucco, a huge amount of alabaster is used.

Alabaster is indispensable in art, since Ancient Greece sculptures are made of alabaster. During the restoration of sculptures, alabaster solution is used, prepared according to ancient methods. It is easy to apply patterns to polished alabaster, it is enough to drop water on it.

Alabaster is a fire-resistant building material, it prevents fire. Alabaster is an ideal ecological building material. Since alabaster has no chemical additives, it is not capable of harming health. Alabaster has an amazing ability to breathe. It absorbs water from humid air and releases it back when the room gets very dry.

The disadvantage of alabaster is its demanding storage conditions, it easily dampens. It must be stored in dry rooms high above the floor. The shelf life is short.

A solution of alabaster is made by adding water to alabaster, its amount depends on the construction task, for example, for electrical work you need to make a thick solution. Since the solution of alabaster hardens very quickly, it is always made in small quantities. The old masters of decoration have a construction trick that prolongs liquid state alabaster solution. They add to the solution wallpaper glue and tightly close the vessel with polyethylene.

Plasterboard is made from alabaster, which goes to suspended ceilings and prefabricated structures. Drywall is a layer of gypsum between cardboard surfaces. Such material was built in ancient Rome.

Drywall replaces many Construction Materials and easy to mount. Well decorates various pipes and electrical wiring. Arches are built from drywall. The main disadvantage of drywall is its fragility.

Alabaster is quite widely used in construction as part of dry mixes. In our time, self-leveling floors are fashionable, they are also made using alabaster.

The range of application of alabaster in construction, interior decoration, interior decoration is unusually wide. Methods of application are unchanged since ancient times. All artificial building materials invented during this time cannot replace natural alabaster.

Alabaster Application Video: