Production of doors in an arched aperture. What is interesting about the room door in the form of an arch? How arched doors were made in the past

In an effort to move away from generally accepted standards and give elegance to the interior, the owners of apartments and country houses change the usual doors to arches. This is no longer a new, but to this day a popular design highlight. The arch in the doorway is bought ready-made or made by hand. It comes in a variety of configurations, so it allows you to realize any idea.

Forms of arched openings

Interroom door arches are selected not only on the basis of taste preferences, but also depending on certain parameters: ceiling height and . The structures are made of drywall, wood, MDF, PVC. Drywall is the easiest to work with as it is the most flexible material.

Currently there are a large number of different types arches that vary in shape. The most common are:

Arched openings also have various designs and on the basis of this are divided into several varieties:

After looking closely at your interior and choosing the right arch model, you can start phased implementation work.

Step-by-step instructions for self-production

In order not to spend extra money on finished products, you can do the decoration of the arched opening yourself. To do this, you need to follow a well-established scheme.

Making the necessary measurements

Any building process requires accuracy, which is achieved by preliminary measurements. You need to start from the opening itself, so first measure its width and height. The size of the span between the walls of the opening is equal to the width of the arch. In order to make a semicircle as accurately as possible, this indicator must be divided by two.

Before making the arch, you need to decide on its future configuration. If you are going to do it in classical style, then pre-align the walls. Otherwise, the design will look ugly. You can remove all defects from a vertical surface with putty or plaster using beacons.

Creating a Structural Frame

To make the installation of the frame, you must perform a series of sequential steps:

  1. A contour of a metal profile is screwed along the lines of the opening with dowels. Vertical guides are set indented from the surface of the interior wall. The size of the indent is equal to the thickness of the drywall sheet and the plaster layer (about 0.2 cm).
  2. We install two such profiles parallel to each other on each side.

    For the frame device, two profiles are installed in parallel

  3. Having finished working with the profiles, we take up the installation of the first sheet of drywall. If its thickness is 1.25 cm, then it is recommended to fasten it with 3.5x35 self-tapping screws. If the GKL thickness is not more than 0.95 cm, use smaller screws.

    Drywall fixed with self-tapping screws

  4. Sheathe the second side of the frame with drywall.

  5. Make a metal profile in the shape of an arc. To do this, cut the side walls of the profile with special scissors every 7 centimeters. As a result of these actions, it is easier for him to give the required shape. For an arched structure, two such blanks are required.

    An arched arc is made from the profile

  6. Install and fasten the arcuate profiles to the main part of the frame.

    The arcuate profile is attached to the main part of the frame

  7. In order for the arcs to be securely fixed, they are attached with suspensions to a straight guide located on top. The number of hangers depends on the width of the opening. Usually three pairs are enough.

  8. In increments of 0.4-0.6 m, attach reinforcing crossbars along the perimeter of the frame, fixing them on the guides of the two contours.
  9. As a result of the above actions, a reliable metal structure in the form of an arch from the profile. In the future, it will be covered with plasterboard or plywood.

If it is assumed that the columns of the arches will not be too large in thickness, then it is permissible to change 2 arcs to a wide profile. Cutting and bending is done in exactly the same way. Only in this case, the installation of crossbars is not required.

Sometimes instead of a metal profile they use wooden slats. The technology of mounting the frame does not change significantly.

Bending drywall sheet

After installing the frame, they are accepted for bending the GKL. Experts recommend using drywall, designed specifically for arched structures. He easily accepts desired shape if the material is washed in the longitudinal direction.

If you decide to use ordinary drywall, then you will have to tinker with it. Mounting element cut out right size in the form of a rectangle. Bend it in two ways: wet and dry.

Scheme for manufacturing a bend

The wet method takes a lot of time and is not rushed. So that the material does not crack when bent, it is moistened with water and punctures are made. In this form, the drywall sheet is left to lie for some time, and then it is bent on a template of the desired configuration.

The dry method refers to the application of cuts parallel to each other on the wrong side of the GKL. The cut goes deep into the sheet, affecting the outer cardboard layer and gypsum. The cardboard layer on the front side remains intact.

With the dry method, the bend of the installation element takes the correct shape. At the same time, it is important to know that sawing GKL is best done with a jigsaw, and not with a hacksaw. Then the edges will not be torn.

Rough frame trim

If the bend was wet method, then first of all it is necessary to wait until the drywall sheet is completely dry. The material is fixed first with adhesive tape, and then with self-tapping screws. The minimum step between them should be from 5 to 6 centimeters.

Perforated corner prevents edge chipping

After fixing the edge trim drywall sheet are cleared. And in order to prevent chipping of the curved edge, a perforated plastic corner is installed on it.

Leveling with putty

To make the surface even, you need to finish the arched structure. To begin with, a primer is applied, and after it dries, putty. Fiberglass mesh is used to reinforce the second layer and strengthen the corners..

Fiberglass mesh reinforces the corners of the arch

The last third layer of putty is applied to the grid. After about 10 hours, it dries up, after which you can start cleaning up the bumps with sandpaper. With a quality work done, the surface will be without roughness, irregularities, and the caps of the self-tapping screws will not be visible in it.

Ways to finish arches

Those who wish to finish the arches on their own will have to work hard, cutting out each detail separately. However, many do not look for difficulties and choose a simple path - they acquire factory structures from prefabricated elements.

Ready-made and prefabricated linings

There are two types of factory-made overlay: wooden and foam.

Styrofoam elements

Foam arches are often preferred as an alternative to plaster products. The advantages of such structures are as follows:

  1. Fast installation. The installation speed is much higher than arched structures made of plywood or plasterboard.
  2. Low price.
  3. Easy transportation. Styrofoam is enough lightweight material, so you do not need to hire movers to deliver the product to your home.
  4. Light weight. Arches of this type can be installed even on very weak structures.
  5. Various forms.

Foam arches are assembled from prefabricated elements and cut in place to fit the size of the opening

Negative sides arched foam structures are: brittleness, toxicity, rapid flammability.

Wood elements

Wooden arched structures do not require advertising. They look rich and rarely do not fit any interior style. However, it should be understood that the word "wooden" does not mean that all components are made of pine, oak or other solid wood.

The arch can be made from natural wood, MDF, chipboard or plywood

Arched elements are also made from inexpensive MDF, laminated chipboard, plywood, veneered. Desired option is selected in individually based on the taste and thickness of the wallet.

wooden elements ordered from a catalog and then cut to length before installation

Mounting wooden structures simple to do. In hardware stores, arches are sold both assembled and disassembled. The first option is considered more reliable, since the work was performed by a specialist.

Decorating with finishing materials

Currently, there are many ways to beautifully and neatly. The decor is selected so that it is in harmony in color, texture, material with the home environment. The most popular options are:

  1. Simple staining. The arch will look elegant and complete if it is simply painted white, Brown color or to match the walls. This finish is often complemented decorative elements, backlit.

    Monochrome painting looks advantageous in combination with backlighting

  2. Wallpapering. This is the fastest, most affordable and easy process. For these purposes, vinyl or non-woven options are best suited.

    Slopes highlighted with wallpaper - a very stylish design move

  3. Finishing with wooden, plastic clapboard. The method guarantees not only excellent aesthetic appearance, but also ensures the durability of the structure, its protection from moisture and mechanical damage.

    The clapboard option is great for interiors with wall decoration from the same material.

  4. Decorative plaster. The surface of the arch is beautiful, embossed and durable. True, such a finish needs to be restored sometimes, and it requires some care.

    This method looks especially advantageous in deep arches.

  5. A rock. Arch in a house made of natural or artificial stone installed only with the help of a professional. Finishing fascinates the eye, makes the interior unusual.

    The ragged edges of the arch can be the highlight of any interior.

  6. Cork- it is quite expensive, but environmentally friendly material. He lends himself easily mechanical damage, therefore, to prolong its service life, it is recommended to cover the cork with wax.

    Cork finish brings a sense of environmental friendliness and comfort to the interior

  7. Clinker tiles. This finish will last for years. It does not attract dirt and does not require special care.

    Finishing with clinker tiles - unlimited space for interesting solutions

The topic of this article is the manufacture of arched doors, their installation and the subtleties of these processes. We will talk about the types of doors with arches, note their varieties and features of each type. We will also provide advice on self-manufacturing entrance door in the form of an arch made of solid wood.

To date, arched openings various forms and styles are used in the construction and decoration of most premises. They are used as entrance and interior doors.

Types of arched openings

From all the variety doorways in the form of arches, the following classification can be made:

  • semicircular arches. They are the most common and are also divided into subspecies:
    • Classic (semicircular) - they have an even radial shape.
    • Ellipsoidal - performed in the form of an elongated oval.
    • Modern - have intricate shapes with various protrusions.
    • Romantic - in shape they are more like a rectangle, in which the upper edges are slightly rounded.
  • Horseshoe arches. They are horseshoe shaped. They can have not only a smooth semicircle, but also an elongated pointed top. Most often, openings of this type are used to decorate rooms in national styles.
  • Gothic (lancet) arches. These structures have an elongated pointed shape, without smooth transitions.

What are arched doors

arched doors have many varieties and are classified according to various factors: installation site, material of manufacture, design features

Types of arched doors at the installation site

There are two main categories here:

  1. Interroom doors arched - are located inside residential and other types of premises. Most often they are made of wood and have glazing. Stained glass compositions are often used for glazing such structures.
  2. Entrance doors in the form of arches - are used mainly in entrance groups ah establishments: shops, organizations, shopping and entertainment centers. Made from plastic profile.

What are arched doors made of?

In view of the complexity of manufacturing this type of door leaf, the variety of material for their production is not very plentiful:

  1. Plastic. This material is used for the production of a profile from which not only entrance doors but also windows.
  2. An array of wood. Wooden door leafs in the form of arches are used for entrance groups in the private sector, as well as inside any type of premises.

Structural features of arched doors

Based on the features of operation, complexity of installation and cost finished product the following arched door structures:

  • Cloths that repeat one to one the contours of the opening. A feature of such doors is that their production takes a lot of time. They stand high enough. Such models are made of wood, as arched plastic doors made with a different technology.
  • Standard canvases with an arched part fixed above them. Such doors are somewhat cheaper, since the arcuate part of them is mounted separately and does not open together with the leaf. It also becomes possible to use not only swing, but also sliding options canvases.

Important! The height of the opening for such doors should be large enough. It is calculated by the formula: Vpr \u003d 210 cm + half the width of the opening.

  • Single leaf doors. They are usually used as interior, as well as input options for private houses and public places.
  • Double doors. For wide openings it is advisable to use two sashes. One of them can be fixed in the opening with a latch. Actual for entrance groups. In this case, more often the “working” part of the door is 2 times wider than the fixed one.

We make an arched door ourselves

Despite the complexity of manufacturing such canvases, it is possible to do this. Now you will see for yourself. We will learn how to make wooden arched entrance doors.

It is better to order the box part according to your size, and we will make the canvas with our own hands.

We prepare everything you need

First you need to prepare a tool, boards and improvised materials. We will need:

  • Electric jigsaw with wood saws.
  • Electric milling cutter with two types of cutters: disk (for grooves) and cylindrical.
  • Sander with sandpaper of different grain sizes. Best of all - tape.
  • Boards, 5 centimeters thick.
  • Wedges made of wood.
  • Two small bars and 4 wood screws. The length of the screws should be 30mm more than the thickness of the bars.
  • Joiner's waterproof glue. Possibly PVA.

We make a blank for the arched part of the canvas

For the manufacture of the arched part door leaf we need to first measure the final width of the opening. That is, from overall width subtract the thickness of the "box" part and the gap of 2mm between the door and the opening (box).

After that, we perform the following work:

Important! Before you make an arched door, you need to choose well-dried boards. Since if they are raw, then the canvas will warp over time.

  • Now, using an electric mill, we make grooves for a tighter connection. To do this, we take a disk-groove cutter. We make grooves in such a way that the protruding part is about half the thickness of the board. That is - 2.5 millimeters. Likewise with the internal groove.
  • Next, we clean the entire surface of the grooves from dust and apply carpentry glue to them. After that, we connect all the boards and leave them to dry.

Important! In order for gluing to happen better, you need to take a board and attach pre-prepared bars to it with screws. The distance between the bars should be 10–20 mm greater than the width of the glued workpiece. Place the workpiece between the bars and open it with wedges.

Cut out a semicircle

For this operation, we recall the experience of installing plasterboard arches. We use one of two options to outline the arched shape:

  1. If the arch has an even semicircle. We mark the middle of the blank at the bottom. Then we take a pencil and tie a non-sticky thread to it. Cut the thread exactly to the length of the radius of the arch. We attach one end of the thread to the mark and draw a semicircle with a pencil.
  2. If the shape of the arch (as in the photo) has an elongated semicircular or pointed shape, then we use a different method. It is very convenient to use a long metal ruler to delineate the boundaries of the bend contour. We also make a mark of the middle and draw a line from it strictly vertically to the length of the radius of the arch. Next, we put the ruler on the edge and bend it so that with one edge it touches the radius mark, and the other coincides with the edge of the workpiece. After that, draw a line with a pencil. On the other side, we do the same steps.

Important! Make sure you get symmetrical figure arched cutout.

Next, take a jigsaw and carefully cut the workpiece according to the markup. After that we take grinder with the largest skin and process the surface of our arched part of the door on both sides. After that, we repeat the grinding with a finer abrasive.

Now the most beautiful part of our door is ready. Interior doors arch type can be decorated with the same elements. However, it should be noted that for interior spaces glazed arches will be more elegant. And their manufacture requires carpentry skills.

Finishing the door panel

Now we have to make the rest of the door. It will be assembled according to the same principle as the previous part. The only difference will be that the boards will not be located horizontally, but vertically.

You should also provide a horizontal part at the very bottom of the canvas. This will help extend the life of the door.

As a result, our door leaf will consist of 3 parts:

  1. Horizontal bottom bar.
  2. Shield from vertical boards.
  3. Upper crossbar. She is the arched part.

After all 3 parts of the door are ready, we connect them using the spike method. To do this, we perform the appropriate operations with a milling cutter and put all 3 parts on glue. Do not forget to support the canvas with wedges.

The final stage is the processing of the entire surface of the door protective agent and top coat. For this, "Pinotex" or any other protection for the tree is suitable.

If the door is constantly on the sunny side, then it is not recommended to cover it with laminating coatings. In this case, it is better to use an ordinary colorless varnish for outdoor use.

Finishing the door panel

The topic of this article is the manufacture of arched doors, their installation and the subtleties of these processes. We will talk about the types of doors with arches, note their varieties and features of each type. We will also give recommendations on the independent production of an entrance door in the form of an arch made of solid wood.

To date, arched openings of various shapes and styles are used in the construction and decoration of most premises. They are used as entrance and interior doors.

Types of arched openings

From the whole variety of doorways in the form of arches (see Arches in the interior), the following classification can be made:

  • semicircular arches. They are the most common and are also divided into subspecies:
  • Classic(semicircular) - they have an even radial shape.
  • Ellipsoid- performed in the form of an elongated oval.
  • Modern- have intricate shapes with various protrusions.
  • romantic- the shape is more reminiscent of a rectangle, in which the upper edges are slightly rounded.
  • Horseshoes arches. They are horseshoe shaped. They can have not only a smooth semicircle, but also an elongated pointed top. Most often, openings of this type are used to decorate rooms in national styles.
  • Gothic(lancet) arches. These structures have an elongated pointed shape, without smooth transitions.
  • What are arched doors

    Arched doors have many varieties and are classified according to various factors: installation site, material of manufacture, design features

    Types of arched doors at the installation site

    There are two main categories here:

    1. Interroom doors arched - are located inside residential and other types of premises. Most often they are made of wood and have glazing. Stained glass compositions are often used for glazing such structures.
    2. Entrance doors in the form of arches are used mainly in the entrance groups of establishments: shops, organizations, shopping and entertainment centers. Made from plastic profile.

    What are arched doors made of?

    In view of the complexity of manufacturing this type of door leaf, the variety of material for their production is not very plentiful:

    1. Plastic. This material is used for the production of a profile from which not only entrance doors are made, but also windows.
    2. An array of wood. Wooden door leafs in the form of arches are used for entrance groups in the private sector, as well as inside any type of premises.

    Structural features of arched doors

    Based on the characteristics of operation, the complexity of installation and the cost of the finished product, the following arched door structures can be distinguished:

    • Cloths that repeat one to one the contours of the opening. A feature of such doors is that their production takes a lot of time. They stand high enough. Such models are made of wood, as arched plastic doors are made using a different technology.
    • Standard canvases with an arched part fixed above them. Such doors are somewhat cheaper, since the arcuate part of them is mounted separately and does not open together with the leaf. It also becomes possible to use not only hinged, but also sliding options for canvases.

    Important! The height of the opening for such doors should be large enough. It is calculated by the formula: Vpr \u003d 210 cm + half the width of the opening.

    • Single leaf doors. They are usually used as interroom, as well as input options for private houses and public buildings.
    • Double doors. For wide openings, it is advisable to use two doors. One of them can be fixed in the opening with a latch. Actual for entrance groups. In this case, more often the “working” part of the door is 2 times wider than the fixed one.

    We make an arched door ourselves

    Despite the complexity of manufacturing such canvases, it is possible to do this. Now you will see for yourself. We will learn how to make wooden arched entrance doors.

    It is better to order the box part according to your size, and we will make the canvas with our own hands (see Size of entrance doors).

    We prepare everything you need

    First you need to prepare a tool, boards and improvised materials. We will need:

    • Electric jigsaw with wood saws.
    • Electric milling cutter with two types of cutters: disk (for grooves) and cylindrical.
    • Sander with sandpaper of different grain sizes. Best of all - tape.
    • Boards, 5 centimeters thick.
    • Wedges made of wood.
    • Two small bars and 4 wood screws. The length of the screws should be 30mm more than the thickness of the bars.
    • Joiner's waterproof glue. Possibly PVA.

    We make a blank for the arched part of the canvas

    To make the arched part of the door leaf, we first need to measure the final width of the opening. That is, from the total width we subtract the thickness of the “box” part and the gap in 2mm between the door and the opening (box).

    After that, we perform the following work:

    Important! Before you make an arched door, you need to choose well-dried boards. Since if they are raw, then the canvas will warp over time.

    • Now, using an electric mill, we make grooves for a tighter connection. To do this, we take a disk-groove cutter. We make grooves in such a way that the protruding part is about half the thickness of the board. That is - 2.5 millimeters. Likewise with the internal groove.
    • Next, we clean the entire surface of the grooves from dust and apply carpentry glue to them. After that, we connect all the boards and leave them to dry.

    Important! In order for gluing to happen better, you need to take a board and attach pre-prepared bars to it with screws. The distance between the bars should be 10–20 mm greater than the width of the glued workpiece. Place the workpiece between the bars and open it with wedges.

    Cut out a semicircle

    For this operation, we recall the experience of installing plasterboard arches.
    We use one of two options to outline the arched shape:

    1. If the arch has an even semicircle. We mark the middle of the blank at the bottom. Then we take a pencil and tie a non-sticky thread to it. Cut the thread exactly to the length of the radius of the arch. We attach one end of the thread to the mark and draw a semicircle with a pencil.
    2. If the shape of the arch (as in the photo) has an elongated semicircular or pointed shape, then we use a different method. It is very convenient to use a long metal ruler to delineate the boundaries of the bend contour. We also mark the middle and draw a line from it strictly vertically to the length of the radius of the arch. Next, put the ruler on the edge and bend it so that with one edge it touches the radius mark, and the other coincides with the edge of the workpiece. After that, draw a line with a pencil. On the other side, we do the same steps.

    Important! Make sure that you get a symmetrical shape of the arched cutout.

    Next, take a jigsaw and carefully cut the workpiece according to the markup. After that, we take a grinder with the largest sandpaper and process the surface of our arched part of the door on both sides. After that, we repeat the grinding with a finer abrasive.

    Now the most beautiful part of our door is ready. Arched-type interior doors can be decorated with the same elements. However, it is worth considering that glazed arches will be more elegant for interior spaces. And their manufacture requires carpentry skills.

    Finishing the door panel

    Now we have to make the rest of the door. It will be assembled according to the same principle as the previous part. The only difference will be that the boards will not be located horizontally, but vertically.

    You should also provide a horizontal part at the very bottom of the canvas. This will help extend the life of the door.

    As a result, our door leaf will consist of 3 parts:

    1. Horizontal bottom bar.
    2. Shield from vertical boards.
    3. Upper crossbar. She is the arched part.

    After all 3 parts of the door are ready, we connect them using the spike method. To do this, we perform the appropriate operations with a milling cutter and put all 3 parts on glue. Do not forget to support the canvas with wedges.

    The final stage is the treatment of the entire surface of the door with a protective agent and a finishing coating. For this, "Pinotex" or any other protection for the tree is suitable.

    If the door is constantly on the sunny side, then it is not recommended to cover it with laminating coatings. In this case, it is better to use an ordinary colorless varnish for outdoor use.

    I don't think it makes sense to build carpenter's workbench for the manufacture of 2-3 doors. Therefore, we will make a wyma from four boards intersected at an angle of 90 °. Wooden lugs are sewn onto the ends of the boards. The door frame is wedged to them. The wedges provide sufficient clamping force when gluing.
    We will make the preparation, marking, trimming of bars for doors on the same door that was used for glazing.
    Standard dimensions of a box bar: 80 mm - width, 50-40 mm - thickness. It is necessary to prepare bars of the desired length, and transverse dimensions the bars should be slightly larger than necessary. Having cut off the bars, you will achieve the desired size. Now you need to remove a quarter from the bar to provide a door porch.
    A quarter of even bars is removed using a manual circular saw(Fig. 32).

    First, a quarter is marked with a pencil. Then adjust the saw to the desired depth of cut and cut along the lines, not reaching it 1-2 mm with inside.
    After making both cuts, a quarter is removed. And the resulting groove is planed with a zenzubel planer to the line.
    At worst, a quarter can be completely cut with a piece of iron taken out of a planer, or simply with an ax. The ax is a universal tool. You just need to know how to use it, as our ancestors knew how.
    Well, everything is clear with straight bars, but what about the arched part? The arch is made of two or three elements, depending on the curvature. The easiest way to prepare it is to draw the required curve on some flat sheet (chipboard, fiberboard, plywood). Then, along this curve, lay out three bars (or two) with an overlap of 4-5 cm each (per spike). And repeat the curve already along the bars. And now process with an ax and jointer. A quarter is chosen with a chisel.
    All connections in the box are made on a simple single spike (Fig. 33).

    When cutting a spiked joint, you need to remember that the hacksaw also has its own thickness. If you cut exactly along the line, the connection will turn out with a gap. Therefore, when making a spike, you need to cut along the dashes with outer side. And when cutting a groove for a spike - along the dashes on the inside. The sawn groove is chosen with a chisel.
    When making a spike, do not chip off excess wood. Only a very experienced carpenter can chip, who sees in the direction of the wood fibers how the chip will occur.
    You need to mark the spike connection with a meter and a square. A spiked joint is assembled by lightly tapping with a mallet on wood glue. Then a hole is drilled and a wooden dowel is also hammered in with glue. When making a box made of soft wood (spruce, pine), the dowel must be made of hard wood (birch, oak, etc.). And vice versa.
    Joiner's glue is prepared as follows: glue tiles are poured cold water(so that the water covers the glue) and left to soak for a day. Then the glue is boiled in a water bath. On an open fire it is impossible - it burns.
    If it is difficult to draw a curve - put a sheet of cardboard or fiberboard to the finished opening (for which you are preparing the door) and draw on it.
    When the box is ready, you need to place it in the rim, measure the diagonals (and, if necessary, correct) and wedge.
    For interior doors the bottom bar is not installed. In this case, the frame from top to bottom is simply temporarily stitched with anything.
    Now let's prepare the canvas. It is easier to make it the way it is done at woodworking plants. We prepare the second exactly the same frame only without quarters and smaller in size. Such that it enters the box with a gap of 2 mm. The gap is needed XI so that the door does not catch on the box when opening. On this frame we make two shields from fiberboard or thin plywood and stick it on the frame on both sides. The middle can be filled with anything: rolled up newspapers, cardboard or wooden blocks required thickness. You can place the bars as you like: along, across, at least obliquely. If a lock crashes into the door, then one of the extreme bars of the frame must be of the appropriate width. You also need to put a bar in the place of the future fastening of the door handle.
    At woodworking factories, the door leaf after sticking the fiberboard is placed under a press. At home, the press can be replaced with clamps (Fig. 34) or simply, in addition to gluing, nail the sheets to the frame with nails. Drown the hats, and subsequently putty. The thickness of 3 mm plywood is enough to slightly drown the nail.

    If you want, you can imitate a paneled door by sewing or sticking on the appropriate strips, or create your own unique pattern.
    What is good about a smooth door? It can be painted. There was a girl who studied with me at the institute. She painted all the doors in the apartment with biblical themes. And how well she did it. You can't draw? I will help you. Take the picture you like (preferably not very complicated), draw a grid on it with a pencil and a ruler, for example, with 1x1 cm cells. Now the same grid, but on a scale (for example, 1:10, i.e. a grid of 10x10 cm), on the door or wherever you want. And gradually transfer the drawing square by square. First in pencil, then, erasing the excess, in paint.
    If you decide to draw, then try to maintain the style. So that some original witch of your choice is combined with the rest of the interior.
    When used as plywood sheathing, the frame of the door leaf does not have to be knitted into a spike, it can be in half a tree. Plywood is a pretty tough material.

    Arched openings make standard apartment interiors stylish and elegant. The arched shape of the doorway visually expands the space, changes the interior beyond recognition. In city apartments, arched openings are not always left open, since it is necessary to ensure the possibility of a full separation private rooms. But the curved upper lintel creates difficulties in choosing and installing the door in an arched opening. There are several options for how to close such an opening with a door, they differ both in the complexity of execution and in the principles of approach to solving such a problem.

    Options for closing the arched opening

    There are two types of situations when the owner installs a door in an arched opening. The first - when the question of installing the door is decided after the manufacture of the arch. In this case, the matter is complicated by the fact that the opening is already ready, and you have to start from ready-made conditions.

    The second is when the owner thought in advance about the options for installing the door in the arch, and when making the opening, he prepared the elements necessary for this (niches for a cassette sliding door). From the options below, you can choose the best one, depending on the specific situation.

    When creating arches, the opening did not increase, but roundings were made

    An important factor in choosing the type of door and the method of installation in the arch is the method of making the opening with the arch. If the radius is inside a rectangular opening, then its actual height will remain the same, but visually it will appear lower.

    Closing the opening on one side with a full-height sliding door

    Sliding doors are installed from the outside, while the leaves slide along the wall. The size of the canvas is made according to the height of the opening at the top of the arch. Thus, the sash will overlap the arch on one side of the opening. With reverse side passage will remain open.

    Important! In such a combination of a rectangular canvas and an arched passage, the sash should have a symmetrical pattern, either in the form of radius panels, or be made using arched glazing. At the same time, all segments in the web design should have a vertical orientation, preferably without horizontal jumpers. So it will be possible to visually raise the opening.

    Cassette door installation

    This best option, which is planned at the stage of creating the arch. Arch with sliding door-coupe cassette type is also a budget option compared to the cost of manufacturing a door leaf with arched shapes. A rectangular canvas with the same type of pattern is used. This approach will allow you to close a non-standard opening with any shape.

    Making a wooden door

    If the door is installed in an already finished opening, and sliding structures for some reason, the owner is not suitable, it remains to go to the carpentry workshop and order an arched door.

    Can be installed in wide openings double door, each leaf of which is a folding door book.

    The opening increased in height

    Making an arched portal by cutting out the upper part above the opening in the partition - correct option in terms of aesthetics. Such an arch will look proportionate in the room. A high arch will give more room for imagination, and there are much more opportunities for installing a door into it. The main principle of closing a high arched passage with doors is the use of structures with transoms. With this approach, you can install in the opening standard doors any type.

    An expensive and at the same time luxurious option is to order a solid wooden canvas with a solid wood box in the workshop. This method is used to close narrow arches designed for a single-leaf door. Cheap option would be ordinary door with a transom.

    by the most accessible way to close the arch with a door is the manufacture of a rectangular box without a threshold with the installation of an accordion-type folding door into it. These systems are sold in kits. varied design they are easy to install. After installing a folding door, you can evaluate how it looks in the interior, and, in accordance with the impressions received, make an upper arched transom and complete the design of the opening.

    In addition, folding systems are not designed for intensive use. It is this mode that is usually assumed when installed in an arch, because only in the open state does it look spectacular.

    What are folding doors made of?

    The bulk of folding systems in stores are made of MDF or plastic. Lightweight plastic and practical, but it lacks soundproofing properties, and the design itself is noisy and gives the impression of laxity.

    Important! Plastic panels have stiffening ribs, therefore, with external fragility, they are rigid and durable.

    The plastic assembly assembly is lightweight, so the master does not need to install outside help. The plastic itself is easy to cut, and modern movable interlocking panels allow you to handle the assembly and installation of the structure in a few hours yourself. In addition, guide profiles in plastic structures fastened with clips, which simplify the installation process.

    Systems with MDF lamellas look solid, but they are more difficult to install. They look organic archway. Due to the mass of the structure, the guides are attached to the opening with self-tapping screws.

    The standard folding kit includes the following items:

    • Narrow panels. In addition to several identical panels from which the canvas is assembled, there are two half-panels that are installed along the edges, the starting and locking strips.
    • Guides. All kits have a top and two side rails. In systems for wide openings or with flexible slats, there is also a lower guide.
    • Rollers, stoppers. In some designs, ordinary hinges can be used to connect sections.

    Dobory and platbands for the box, locking mechanisms are not included in the package and they are purchased separately.

    How to install a folding structure

    First, a box is made and installed. It is assembled from extensions in which there is no usual quarter for the door leaf. The box is made according to the height of the straight part of the sides of the arched opening.

    After installing the box, it is necessary to measure the height and width of the resulting opening, and only after that go for the purchase of a folding system. So you can accurately calculate the number of sections and pick them up in width.

    Important! Having bought a folding door, it is necessary to carefully read the installation manual. Each manufacturer supplies products with detailed instructions.

    • AT budget models PVC lamellas are interconnected through special grooves or with the help of gaskets. The connection process looks like this: the panels are shifted, one lamella is inserted into the groove of the other lamella and pulled to the end.
    • MDF sections have special lugs that fit together and a long pin (axle) is threaded through them.

    • It is better to install the lock and handle in the lock panel before assembling the leaf.
      • The slats are cut to the required height. In a suspended state, they should be raised above the floor by 1.5-2 cm.
      • After connecting the lamellas and semi-lamellas, a locking panel is attached on one side, and a deaf (fixing) panel on the other.
      • The rollers are attached to the upper end of the sections through one, starting from the lock lamella. Before installation, it is desirable to treat them with technical petroleum jelly.
      • The upper profile is cut exactly to the width of the opening, and the side profiles are substituted against it from below.
      • The procedure for installing the profile depends on the intended method of fastening to the opening. If the profile is attached to the clips, you need to mark up and fasten the clips around the perimeter of the box. To do this, a line is drawn in the center of the upper jumper, and with the help of a level it is continued already on the racks. Clips for castle vertical profile less than the rest. On the upper jumper, the clips are attached in increments of 5-7 cm, and on the sides it is enough to install 4 pcs. After trimming the guides, all that remains is to insert them into the fixed clips. If they go tight, you can use a rubber mallet.
      • If the profile is attached to self-tapping screws, then they are first engaged in installing the upper guide. It is screwed on with one screw in the middle. After that, the guide is unfolded so that the sash rollers can be inserted into it. Having inserted the sash, it is assembled in the center, the profile is turned back, finally aligned and the rest of the self-tapping screws are tightened. Only after that, the side parts are screwed in level.
      • At the end, the blind panel is snapped into the side profile, the mechanism is checked for smooth running. In the lock profile, a striker for a lock or latch is installed.

      Finishing the opening with platbands is carried out after the installation of the arched transom.

    Installation video of the accordion type folding system:

    AT small apartments doors to an opening with an arch must be planned before work begins on its creation. And to close an existing opening without prejudice to the surrounding space, you can use a folding structure.

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