Do-it-yourself wooden gate frame. Wooden gates - created by nature

Wooden crafts in our country they are especially loved by the population. With outward simplicity, wood attracts with warmth, good quality and reliability. Of course, no one will argue that metal is both stronger and more stable, but if metal or profile barriers are found at every step, then a wooden gate is a piece material, practically design work, even if made of unpolished boards. How to make a wooden gate with your own hands, what design to choose, how to avoid major problems when working with wood - all this is in our article.

Design features

With the relative density of the wood, the frame of the gate should still be made of metal. This will keep the shape and geometry of the door unchanged for a long time and will not allow the edges of the wood to dry out, which are usually the first to be damaged by prolonged contact with sediments.

The sashes themselves can be made directly from wood, and already assembled structure fix with transverse lags. If the sash length is less than 150 cm, then there is no sense in the lags, the fixation provided by the holding frame is sufficient.

The length of the gate, excluding the wicket, should be calculated based on the specific features of its operation. If they are designed for small cars, 250-300 cm is enough, for large or several cars it is worth doing from 300 cm.

Wooden gates can also be sliding. In general, this is a relatively simple system that ensures the movement of the gate leaf along the guide. Structurally, the guide is a metal rail welded to the main frame, into which roller carriages are inserted. It is on them that the sash is attached and rigidly holds it. You can control the retractable mechanism manually or set up the automation triggered from the remote control.

What tree is better to make a gate

It is easier and cheaper to make wooden gates from pine

Experts advise using the wood that grows in a specific region, including conifers. Of course, the most common tree in Russia is pine, and it is this that is most often chosen for finishing works, for street and load-bearing structures... There are several reasons for this, but there are two main reasons:

  • low material cost compared to hardwood;
  • pine perfectly tolerates natural precipitation, dries out little due to the high concentration of resins and has an absolutely straight trunk, which is all the more important for large canvases, for example, gate leaves.

Larch is more dense, therefore, it is harder to work and costs more. But such a material has a wider range of textures, which means that the protective structure will look brighter and more original.

Some people choose oak for making wooden gates with their own hands, but it is for such a structure that it is not the most profitable investment. The rich texture, quality of wood attracts, in general it is visually more advantageous, but in terms of quality and durability of street conditions there is no fundamental difference between larch and oak, which means why pay more?

How to treat wood before sinking into the ground

Someone will begin to doubt the advisability of such an event, arguing that it is prone to rotting. But if an authentic gate and a wicket are planned, that is, completely wooden, then the concrete pillars will look like a foreign body. So how to properly handle:

  1. The part that will be immersed in the ground, plus another 15-25 cm (for the gap between the ground and the frame), is burned from all sides with a burner until it is slightly charred.
  2. The melted tar (1.5-2 liters, depending on the number of pillars and the depth of immersion) is used to clean the charred part and, while still hot, is tightly wrapped in roofing material. You can use burlap, but it's better to take roofing material.
  3. After complete cooling, such pillars can be buried in the ground - even after 30 years they will not have the slightest traces of decay.

Manufacturing of wooden gates

In this case it comes hinged structure with a separate section for the wicket. In total, you will need 3 support pillars.

The height of the gate is chosen according to personal preference. Recommended - from 180 to 220 cm. This is enough to hide what is happening in the yard from prying eyes, to provide high-quality protection, but not to recreate the semblance of an impregnable fortress in the yard.

For a gate height of 180 cm, the support pillars are immersed in the ground to a depth of at least 100 cm (taking into account the level of freezing of the soil) and must be concreted. On average, it takes 7 to 15 days for the solution to solidify, depending on the ambient temperature.

So, lumber:

  • picket fence for finishing the gate frame 20 x 40 mm and more;
  • bar 40 x 40 cm for the frame - 4 parts 180, 180, 100, 100 cm;
  • support bar 100 x 100 cm - 3 pcs. 280 cm each.

For supporting pillars, you can use larch, oak or pine - the strongest. Processing by roasting, tar and roofing material is required.

  • handle and lock for the wicket;
  • locking mechanism - lock, beam or latch;
  • stops for fixing the gate;
  • hinges for doors and wickets;
  • cement M300;
  • river sand;
  • crushed stone.


  • jigsaw;
  • to work with unpolished boards, you will need a plane and a rasp;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • drill for preparing pits;
  • plumb line;

Indicative list of tools

Additionally, you will need buckets and other containers where concrete for the pits will be mixed.

How to correctly carry out calculations and draw up a project

Before you start making wooden swing gates do it yourself, you need to decide on their dimensions and make detailed drawing... It takes into account the height, size of the doors, the way of opening, the size and location of the wicket.

For example, we will give several drawings of wooden gates, from which you can choose the most suitable for a specific area.

Drawing of a wooden swing gate - with a right-side wicket

Drawing of a wooden swing gate - with a left-side wicket

Drawing of a wooden swing gate - with a separate standing wicket

Wooden gate drawing - sliding structure

Main factors:

  • height - 180-300 cm;
  • the width of each sash is 150-220 cm;
  • wicket width - 100 cm;
  • the number of transverse bars (lag) - 2-4, depending on the height.

Work order

  1. Site cleaning

Before making a wooden gate, you should clear the area from large stones, stumps and other objects that can interfere with the work and installation of the structure.

  1. Layout of the location of the supports

In order for the entire structure to be rectilinear, drive pegs into the ground along the entire length of the future structure, pull a cord between them and check the horizontal with a building level

  1. For the support pillars, dig 3 holes 100-120 cm deep. Top level above the ground should be absolutely level, so you try to level them in depth, and if it does not work out, then you will have to cut the top off.
  2. Sand mixed with rubble is poured at the bottom of the pit, this will be a conditional pillow, filled with water and tamped with a stick or any other improvised object. Next, a bar is inserted strictly vertically (check by a plumb line) or concrete pillar and is filled with prepared in advance concrete mortar from 2 parts of sand and 1 part of cement.

There is no need for reinforcement, since a meter depth is enough for a solid and reliable fastening of the entire structure of a wooden fence.

  1. 5-10 days after the concrete is completely dry, you can fasten the gate frame or directly hang the shutters on the hinges.

  1. Along the top, the support pillars are fastened with a horizontal crossbar, which will work by analogy with a stiffener, giving stability to the entire structure.

Sash assembly features

It is better to assemble the frame of each sash in a horizontal position. By the size of the frame, boards, saw cut or picket fence are selected, which are convenient to assemble using wooden dowels.

For reference! Wooden nail - a fastener in the form of a large wooden nail. Used to join boards and beams.

After the canvas is assembled, it is finally fixed with self-tapping screws along the edges of the frame. Additionally, a lintel is installed to strengthen the sash as a whole. The jumper, as a rule, is located in the center and looks like the letter "Z", or crosswise.

It is better to supplement large sashes with jibs so that over time the edges do not go beyond the frames and do not loose the entire structure.

The final step will be the installation of the latch, the loop.

Be sure to open the entire structure with varnish to give a noble shine and increase the operational life.

The varnish can be colorless or tinted

VIDEO: How to make a wooden gate with your own hands

Is it possible to make a wooden gate with your own hands if you have no experience with wood at all? In fact, the basic design of any gate is clear and simple - we will tell you all the key points and simple tricks in this interesting business.

To begin with, we use a minimum of materials and make the gate as simple as possible. In this basic version, they can already be used in the country. But it is assumed that in general, you will increase the finishing of the gate, and thus create a more interesting appearance.

Well, let's get started!

How to make a wooden gate with your own hands. Basic design.

For each sash, we need two blanks with an end cut at an angle.

We also need a block of the same size with straight spikes at both ends. In the above blanks, we will make the grooves later.

How to make a thorn

Connection using straight thorn and groove significantly increases the rigidity and strength of the structure. It also allows you to increase the bonding area, which also has a positive effect on the strength of the product. It is not difficult to make this connection, but neatness is needed. Mark the workpiece with a pencil and make cuts at a distance of 5-6 mm from each other.

Then remove the excess wood with a chisel.

Repeat this procedure on the other side and the cleat is ready.

How to cut a groove

Again, accuracy is key here, so start with the markup. Then drill the groove.

If you don't have a machine tool, the same job can be done with a pen drill and a conventional drill.

Remove excess wood with a chisel and check that the groove is the same depth along the entire length. If necessary, trim the depth with a chisel. We need three such grooves on each of the two blanks.

The blank on which we made the spikes will serve as the upper crossbar for the sash. The other two rungs - ordinary boards inserted into the grooves. But we also need to ensure the rigidity of the sash so that it does not warp under its own weight, so we will add a diagonal. But for it you need to make a cut on our workpiece with spikes. For this, we assembled the sash - to mark the workpiece.

Now the work on the blanks is completely finished, and we can finally assemble the sash.

All connections should be glued and fastened with self-tapping screws.

And the joints in the groove can be additionally tightened with bolts.

Drill through holes so that they go through the thorn. This will give the door even more strength and extend its service life.

Repeat the entire process from the beginning for the second sash, and the most difficult part of this project will be over!

We also sawed off the sharp ends of our vertical supports a little - for purely aesthetic reasons.

How to install a wooden swing gate with your own hands.

Since we already have installed concrete posts, we settled on such hinges - they are conveniently attached to any surface.

It remains to make a lock for the gate from a metal plate.

That's all, our gate is ready.

So, we got acquainted with the basic structure of the gate.

Wooden gates - design options.

Knowing how to work with the simplest design, with minimal additions, we can make almost any other options for wooden gates.

Simple sheathing with a netting will make the gate as practical and cheap as possible at the same time. This is a great option when you need to enclose a large area.

Wooden gate for a private house, suburban area should not only fulfill protective functions, but also to be practical, easy to build, aesthetically pleasing. These criteria are fully met by a wooden gate. They can be used to decorate the entrance to private property, industrial buildings.

The popularity of natural wood for the construction of gates is explained by its many advantages:

  • availability. Wood products are raw materials created by nature. It does not need to be made, only further processed (cut, polished), so it costs less than metal products;
  • wide assortment range. Wood happens different varieties differing in color, structure, performance... There is a possibility of cutting raw materials into elements of the required size;
  • ease of processing, installation. The basic finishing of wood, the installation of structures from it can be carried out independently, using a minimum number of tools and equipment;
  • presentable appearance. Wooden canvases have a unique natural beauty, but if desired, they can be supplemented with various decorative elements(carved, chiseled details, openwork inserts made by laser cutting);
  • the ability to combine with other building materials (metal, stone, brick). Wooden gates with forging elements look very original and beautiful.

Wood is considered a short-lived material, but with proper and regular maintenance, it can last for decades. This natural raw material does not rust, like metal, but requires regular treatment with protective special compounds. In addition, if the structure is partially damaged, the worn-out boards can be easily replaced with new ones.

Construction variety of wooden gates

Registration of the entrance to the site from natural raw materials is possible in several ways:

  • two-leaf swing system. Wooden swing gates - two canvases, closing on a common one. When the entrance to private territory located near the roadway, it is more convenient for the structure flaps to open inside the site. So they will not interfere with the movement of cars on the road, provide the driver good overview... If your own driveway leads to the territory, the sections can swing outward. Free space is required to open the sash, therefore such a system is not suitable for installation in a limited area;
  • retractable sections. These are one or two canvases moving along the fence on rollers along guides. Such gates do not require as much opening space as swing gates, but can only be installed on a level fence. The disadvantage of the system is that the guides should be regularly cleaned of accumulated dirt, leaves, snow;
  • lifting mechanism. The basis of such gates is one section of the size corresponding to the width of the entrance opening. Its opening is made by lifting with cords. The canvas is fixed over the opening, securing it to the beam. V closed form its position is fixed with a rail laid along the ground. This design takes up little space, but is rather heavy (a counterweight must be installed to lift the section).

Please note: the choice of the design of wooden gates is carried out taking into account the area of ​​the site, the location of the entrance to it, design features fencing, owner preference. The easiest to manufacture is the swing structure, sliding and lifting are more complex, but they can be automated.

Step-by-step instructions for building a wooden gate

Is it possible to register the entrance to the site on your own? There are basic structures that allow even beginners with no experience in carpentry to build wooden gates with their own hands.

Drawing up a drawing

Before making a wooden gate, you should consider their design and technical aspects. To do this, measure the entrance opening of the site - the gap between the supports - below, above and in the middle. If these indicators differ, choose the smallest value. When installing a double-leaf structure, 25 mm is subtracted from this figure and the resulting number is divided by 2.

According to these parameters, a drawing of the gate is made. Optimal height products - 1.2-1.8 m. With a distance between the posts of 3.50 m, the width of the opening will be: 3.50 m - 25 cm = 3.25 m. The width of each section of the double-leaf structure is calculated as follows: 3.25 m / 2 = 1.625 m. After determining the dimensions of the structure, it is schematically depicted on paper, indicating all dimensions.

Next, they start choosing the design of the product. You can arrange a semi-antique wooden gate or create modern design with elements of forging, inserts of corrugated board, glass. The appearance of the product is selected according to the style of the architectural ensemble of the site, its fencing.

Instrument preparation

Making wooden gates is impossible without the appropriate tools:

  • roulette;
  • winkel (square);
  • meter level;
  • a marking pencil;
  • drills with various drill bits for working with wood;
  • hacksaws;
  • screwdriver;
  • fittings (hinges, latches, screws);
  • shovels.

Installation of supports

Before making the gate on adjoining territory or in the country, you need to install a support for them. She may be:

  • metal;
  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • wooden.

Tip: pillars made from natural raw materials are best suited for timber gates.

Before installation, wooden supports must be protected from insects, the harmful effects of moisture. To do this, they are impregnated with special protective compounds... So that the end of the pillar, which will be buried in the ground, does not absorb moisture from the soil, it must first be tarred. If the gate is light, the supports can be hammered into the ground, if heavy, for example, a wooden gate with forging, it is better to concreted.

Attention: on heaving soil, the concreting of the supports is not performed. In this case, it is better to reinforce the posts with reinforcement.

The optimum depth of the supports is 1-1.5 m (depending on the severity of the wooden sections). Using a shovel, they dig a hole, at the bottom of which a layer of sand is tamped. Then insert the pillar, fall asleep around it with rubble and pour cement-sand mortar(proportionality 1: 2). The evenness of the installation of the supports is checked with a level.

Please note: if the pillars are not located strictly vertically, the installation of the canvases will become more difficult, they will turn out to be curves.

Formation of the door leaf

The sections for decorating the entrance to the site are made according to the selected design. First, the frame of the future product is built - a rectangular frame. It is formed from pieces of timber, connecting them at the ends. Strengthen the structure with diagonal, horizontal, z-shaped jumpers, fixing them with self-tapping screws.

The base of the flaps is assembled on the ground - it is more convenient this way. Then it is sheathed with boards, bars, picket fence. The filling of the frame is carried out vertically, horizontally, in any order - all wooden parts fasten with self-tapping screws. Gate sections are constructed in the form:

  • continuous canvas without gaps;
  • decorative lattice.

Advice: so that the gaps between the boards are the same with lattice sheathing, you can make a template from fiberboard, slats. Its width should be similar to the size of the lumen.

Installation of sections

Hinging of the gate leaves is carried out only after the pillars have completely hardened. Before installation, they are fastened in the upper part with a common beam - this will prevent sagging of the canvases, their distortion. It is most convenient to attach the swing structure to the hinges. In this case, a small gap will remain between the post and the curtain, which is necessary to maintain the functioning of the door in case of their possible displacement over time. After the curtains are curtained, the structure is equipped with a latch.

Recommendation: installation of canvases is hard physical work, which one person cannot cope with. It is better to do it with two or three people. Two people will curtain the structure, and the third will check the evenness of its installation with a level.

Ways to improve the performance of wood

In order for wooden gates to serve for many years and not lose their appearance, they must be treated with special personnel. To protect against insects, to prevent decay, impregnations are used, which are applied in several layers, giving Special attention cuts, end elements, joints. As topcoat varnish is used (colorless or with a certain shade, glossy / matte).

A beautiful wooden gate, built with his own hands - protecting the site and decorating it at the same time. The material is inexpensive, malleable in work, allows you to create an environmentally friendly fence, which will emphasize the architectural ensemble of buildings located on the territory, harmoniously complement the surrounding landscape.

Modern garden plot it is difficult to imagine without a fence - beautiful, durable, protecting from prying eyes. The most important part of the fence is the installation of a gate in the entrance area. Can buy finished goods, make it yourself or order in a workshop according to an individual drawing. Convenient option- wooden gates, which are in no way inferior to metal ones, and even surpass them in some parameters.


Wooden gates look traditional for Russia, they can be combined with other fences adopted in the area. Thus, it will be possible to achieve appearance a fence similar to dozens of others. If you want to stand out and show your status, you can use tinting or wood carving. To achieve harmony, it is enough to make a fence in the same style as wooden house standing on the site.

Many masterpieces of wooden architecture have stood for centuries under snow, rain and various temperatures. If you follow the technology correctly, the gate will last a long time. It should be borne in mind that for a windy area, solid canvases are not the best way... Styling can have many variations, for example, Bottom part solid, and the top is openwork or lattice. This will not only decorate the fence, but also reduce the wind load constantly acting on it. As a result, after a strong storm, you will not have to raise a banked fence.


Wood - traditional construction material used for millennia. It is easy to process and relatively inexpensive.

Wooden gates have the following advantages:

  • Low cost in comparison with metal models.
  • High strength characteristics.
  • Long service life (more than 10 years), if the wood is treated with protective impregnation, it will last even longer.
  • Environmental Safety- the tree does not emit harmful vapors into the atmosphere.
  • Possibility to use different types decor in order to add personality.
  • Allowed self-production using inexpensive building materials.


The design is not devoid of some drawbacks:

  • Rotting susceptibility - the material is destroyed by the action of water.
  • Fire hazard - the tree easily catches fire; in case of fire, the gate can burn out completely.
  • Strength characteristics are lower than those of metal.
  • Large weight - fences sheathed with polycarbonate or corrugated board weigh less.
  • Low level vandal-proof - Traces of marker or spray paint won't be easy to remove from the surface.


For the manufacture of gates, resistant to high humidity wood grades. Pine, larch and oak are mainly used. Nowadays, fences made entirely of wood are rare. Mainly used metal carcass, and the boards are used for sheathing the sashes.

But first of all, the models are distinguished by the type of construction; today there are only 4 varieties widespread.


A universal solution, the sashes are mounted on hinged hinges, if the doors are heavy, bearing fittings are used. One door may be wider than the other. Among the advantages of swing models is the low price for square meter and easy installation. The recommended width for the passage of vehicles is 3.5–4 m, the height is at least 2 m.

Support pillars must be at least 20 cm higher than the sashes. If you plan to install a visor, it should be borne in mind that it will prevent trucks from leaving. To bring building materials, you will have to put the visor on supports about 4 meters high. Since fences are often skewed by the wind, a moving pin will have to be fixed between the two leaves. It will go into the ground or a special cylinder and fix the doors.

To simplify operation, it is convenient to install an automatic system with which opening and closing is carried out. To control you only need a remote control with a few buttons.

There are also disadvantages to swing gates:

  • free space is required to open them;
  • leveling of the ground will be needed, otherwise the doors will cling to every bump;
  • strong supports are needed that can withstand the weight of the structure, otherwise the gate may fall from the wind load;
  • in winter you will have to clear the snow to get to the dacha, otherwise the snowdrifts will not allow the doors to open.


When opening, the door moves to the side, that is, the gate works on the principle of a wardrobe. Exist as mechanical sliding gates and automatic. This option is often chosen for a warehouse or construction base, since it is more convenient to use this model. The maximum span is 11 meters, which makes it easy for large trucks to pass. Even after a snowfall, you don't have to worry about clearing snow.

The disadvantage is that:

  • you cannot plant plants close to the fence. The sash will move to the side, there should be free space on the side near the fence;
  • for mounting the rails, a prepared concrete base is needed, otherwise it will skew, the carriage will not be able to move freely;
  • only experienced master will take up the installation of a recoil model, not everyone will be able to cope on their own;
  • this mechanism with a carriage will cost much more than the usual hinges. The price can reach 30,000 rubles.


Previously, such modifications could only be seen in ancient castles. But now they are being released again, only the lifting of a heavy door is not done at the expense of physical strength, but with the help of an electrical mechanism. Products with elements of wood are rare, more often you can find metal ones. Due to the large mass, these models are used only when connected to the mains.

If you don't have electricity in gardening, you probably won't want to raise and lower a heavy frame by hand. The price of such a structure is high, the installation must be carried out by a specialist.

Gate with a wicket

Any of the modifications described above can be equipped with a wicket door. In this case, an opening is cut out inside the canvas and the door is mounted inside. Another option - the wicket is installed as a separate sash.

To improve this structure, you can make a viewing window in the door, install a visor and an intercom.


You need to start the installation from the foundation, since dynamic and static loads will fall on the gate, the base must be very strong and heavy. The foundation can be a large wooden log, which you need to dig in, and hang the doors on top. But a tree in dampness during temperature changes will rot in one way or another, even if it is soaked in bitumen. It is best to make the base of concrete reinforced with a metal mesh or rod.

The depth of the foundation heaving soils should be no less than the freezing depth. This value can be found in tables, for example, in the North-West of the Russian Federation this parameter is approximately 1.7 meters. For a reliable foundation, you need to dig a rectangular hole of sufficient depth. Roofing material or film is placed on the bottom of the hole, large boulders are placed on top, then poured with concrete.

The pillars on which the gate will be held are laid out of ordinary solid bricks, reinforced concrete are also suitable. Metal supports to strengthen the door leaves, it is also necessary to fill cement mortar to prevent the structure from swinging.

At the factory, hinges or places for their attachment can be welded to metal posts. If used solid brick, it is necessary to fix the hinges even during laying. For wooden modifications, the hinges are screwed onto nuts, it is advisable to pre-cover the wood with an antiseptic. The doors must be installed at a distance of at least 50 mm from the ground, otherwise the gate will not be able to open with any snow or even fallen leaves.

The gate frame can be made of wood or picket fence, connecting its elements to metal corners or without them. In the second case, it is desirable to connect opposite corners with struts. It is possible to join the tree on a thorn or in a "dovetail".

A welded structure is more reliable, a similar product can be made from a metal profile using welding.

How to make a swing gate for a summer residence with your own hands, see the next video.


You can decorate any gate with your own hands, even old ones, and you don't have to spend a lot of money.

The main methods of registration:

  • Dyeing- ordinary wood stain or "Pinotex" can turn ordinary pine wood into oak or ash. Also, the paint layer will protect the surface from weathering and dirt. For the aging effect, in addition to paint, you will need copper sulfate which will give the wood a grayish tint.
  • Antique painting- usually the pattern is placed with inside... But if you need to formalize the entrance to any institution, the decoration can be outside. Most likely, you will need the help of a professional artist; to create an unusual effect, you can use the Khokhloma painting.

  • Finishing with forged elements- attracts attention, creates a sense of respectability. If the upper part of the doors is made of metal lace, the door will better transmit light and be less exposed to wind load.

It should be noted that forged elements resistant to corrosion, but in the country, few dare to use them. Such decorations will be expensive and attract intruders if the homeowner does not live on the country estate year-round.

  • Thread- allows you to turn common product into a work of art. Only an experienced person can handle carving, but he will need a set of chisels - special tools... It is advantageous to order the application of carving in the workshop, where it will be performed on a CNC machine, which will make it possible to bring to life the most complex relief. Handmade will cost more, besides, now few masters own this technique. But in the store you can buy ready-made carved panels and attach them to the canvases with your own hands.
  • Wood paneling- if the gate has a metal frame, and it is planned to close it with a tree from above, there are many decoration options. You can fix the boards horizontally, vertically, diagonally or fancy, alternating between different directions of laying the material.